AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Lillian Gonzalez-Pardo, M.D. Women's Health Care: Limited Access Despite Majority Status 3-FALL Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 57 (Fall, 1993) Women, historically, have been health care givers, brokers, and protectors of their families' health. They have also been recipients of health care and subjects of medical research. The 1990 United States Census revealed that women constitute the majority of the population, 51.2%, or 127.9 million. Despite the majority status of women, a gender gap...; Search Snippet: ...Health Care: Monitoring the Pulse of a Nation in Need Women's Health Care: Limited Access Despite Majority Status Lillian Gonzalez-pardo... 1993  
Tracy Thornburg , Diane Trunk A Collage of Voices: a Dialogue with Women in Prison 2 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 155 (Fall, 1992) This article is an attempt to give voices to women who have been affected by the criminal law. Through this attempt, we hope to bring a much needed perspective and missing dynamic to legal scholarship. Traditional legal scholarship historically has excluded the voices of the powerless. In the area of criminal law, this exclusion has led to dramatic...; Search Snippet: ...And Crime Note a Collage of Voices: a Dialogue with Women in Prison [Fna1] Tracy Thornburg [Fnaa1] Diane Trunk [Fnaaa1] Copyright... 1992  
Charlotte Rutherford African American Women and "Typically Female," Low-wage Jobs: Is Litigation the Answer? 17 Yale Journal of International Law 211 (Winter, 1992) Many people expected the elimination of racial stereotypes and job barriers to improve economic conditions for both African American men and women in the labor market. Even as legal victories have opened new and better-paying jobs for African American workers, however, the level of poverty among African American families headed by working women has...; Search Snippet: ...Of the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Law Project African American Women and Typically Female, Low-wage Jobs: Is Litigation the Answer? Charlotte Rutherford [Fn... 1992 African/Black American
  An Unlady-like Response to Legal Conceptions of Women 105 Harvard Law Review 2104 (June, 1992) In every generation, American women have campaigned for equality, only to suffer powerful counterassaults. When Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Seneca Falls Convention appealed for equal jobs and education, America enacted bans on divorce, contraception and abortion; when women won the right to vote in 1920, they were met with protective labor codes...; Search Snippet: ...Book Note an Unlady-like Response to Legal Conceptions of Women Backlash: the Undeclared War Against American Women. By Susan Faludi. [Fn1] New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. 1991... 1992  
  Beyond Batson: Eliminating Gender-based Peremptory Challenges 105 Harvard Law Review 1920 (June, 1992) A fundamental tenet of jury selection is that j ury competence is an individual rather than a group or class matter. In jury selection, attorneys should make assessments of each prospective juror's competence and impartiality. For this reason, challenges for cause require a showing that a particular prospective juror is biased. In contrast,...; Search Snippet: ...Review Harvard Law Review June, 1992 Note Beyond Batson: Eliminating Gender-based Peremptory Challenges Copyright (C) 1992 by the Harvard Law... 1992  
Ann Althouse Beyond King Solomon's Harlots: Women in Evidence 65 Southern California Law Review 1265 (March, 1992) There is a tradition of beginning the law school course on evidence with the Judgment of Solomon. The biblical version quoted by the casebook I use reads as follows: Then two harlots came to the king, and stood before him. The one woman said, Oh, my lord, this woman and I dwell in the same house; and I gave birth to a child while she was in the...; Search Snippet: ...California Law Review March, 1992 Essay Beyond King Solomon's Harlots: Women in Evidence Ann Althouse [Fna] Copyright (C) 1992 by The... 1992  
Joyce E. McConnell Beyond Metaphor: Battered Women, Involuntary Servitude and the Thirteenth Amendment 4 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 207 (Spring, 1992) When Congress debated the Thirteenth Amendment and its prohibitions against slavery and involuntary servitude, anxious members inquired whether it would alter the traditional relationship of husband and wife. Their concern materialized out of a political context in which those who sought abolition of African American chattel slavery and the...; Search Snippet: ...Yale Journal of Law & Feminism Spring, 1992 Beyond Metaphor: Battered Women, Involuntary Servitude and the Thirteenth Amendment Joyce E. Mcconnell [Fnd... 1992 African/Black American
Marc A. Fajer Can Two Real Men Eat Quiche Together? Storytelling, Gender-role Sterotypes, and Legal Protection for Lesbians and Gay Men 46 University of Miami Law Review 511 (January, 1992) I. Introduction. 512 II. Storytelling in Law and Gay Advocacy. 516 A. Inclusive Storytelling. 517 B. Persuasive Stories. 521 C. The Tension Between Inclusion and Persuasion: The Problem of Difference. 522 D. Naming. 530 III. Stories of Sex, Love, and Relationships. 537 A. Non-Gay Stories: Sex as Lifestyle. 537 B. Gay Stories: Putting Sex in...; Search Snippet: ...And Articles Can Two Real Men Eat Quiche Together? Storytelling, Gender-role Sterotypes, and Legal Protection for Lesbians and Gay Men... 1992  
Andrea Brenneke Civil Rights for Battered Women: Axiomatic & Ignored 11 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice Ineq. 1 (December, 1992) I. Introduction: Civil Rights Remedies for Battered WomenAxiomatic and Ignored. 3 II. Battering Deprives Women of Rights That Should Be Protected By Civil Rights Law. 5 A. The Facts: Battering Disproportionately Affects Women and Can Be Motivated By Gender. 5 B. Situating Domestic Violence in a System of Gendered Power Relations': A Feminist...; Search Snippet: ...Of Theory and Practice December, 1992 Civil Rights for Battered Women: Axiomatic & Ignored Andrea Brenneke [Fna] [Fnaa] Copyright (C) 1992 By... 1992  
Joelle S. Weiss Controlling Hiv-positive Women's Procreative Destiny: a Critical Equal Protection Analysis 2 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 643 (Spring, 1992) I. INTRODUCTION II. WOMEN AND CHILDREN WITH AIDS A. The Epidemiology of Women with AIDS B. The Epidemiology of Children with AIDS III. PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE EXPLOITATIVE REPRODUCTIVE MEASURES: AN AGGRESSIVE CRUSADE TO RESTRICT WOMEN'S PROCREATIVE AUTONOMY IV. THE CULTURAL, SOCIAL, RELIGIOUS, ECONOMIC, AND PERSONAL REALITIES OF REPRODUCTIVE...; Search Snippet: ...Hall Constitutional Law Journal Spring, 1992 Comment Controlling Hiv-positive Women's Procreative Destiny: a Critical Equal Protection Analysis Joelle S. Weiss... 1992  
Barbara Ann Leavine Court-ordered Cesareans: Can a Pregnant Woman Refuse? 29 Houston Law Review 185 (Spring, 1992) I. Introduction. 186 II. Court-Ordered Cesareans. 189 III. Abortion Cases. 193 A. The Cases. 194 B. The Impact of Abortion Cases on Court-Ordered Cesareans. 196 IV. The Right To Refuse Medical Treatment. 198 A. Informed Consent and Protection of Personal Autonomy. 199 B. Substitute Judgment Analysis. 200 C. Qualifying State Interests in Protecting...; Search Snippet: ...Law Section Essay Award Court-ordered Cesareans: Can a Pregnant Woman Refuse? Barbara Ann Leavine [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992 by The... 1992  
David F. Chavkin For Their Own Good: Civil Commitment of Alcohol and Drug-dependent Pregnant Women 37 South Dakota Law Review 224 (1991/1992) I. Introduction II. What is the Scope of the Problem Being Addressed? A. Legal and Illegal Drugs B. Alcohol C. Tobacco III. What is the History of Mandatory Treatment in the United States? IV. Policy Considerations Underlying Civil Commitment A. What Goal is Civil Commitment Intended to Address? B. Is Civil Commitment Constitutional? C. Can Alcohol...; Search Snippet: ...Own Good: Civil Commitment of Alcohol and Drug-dependent Pregnant Women David F. Chavkin [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992 by the South... 1992  
Judith Resnik Hearing Women 65 Southern California Law Review 1333 (March, 1992) On Monday, October the 7th of 1992, many anticipated that the confirmation vote on Clarence Thomas for the position of Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court would go forward, as scheduled, on the following day. That morning, I received a call from another woman law professor. She told me that the press had just reported that Anita...; Search Snippet: ...Clarence Thomas Hearings Sexual Harassment: Myths, Literature and Law Hearing Women Judith Resnik [Fna] Copyright (C) 1992 by the University Of... 1992  
Marion Crain Images of Power in Labor Law: a Feminist Deconstruction 33 Boston College Law Review 481 (May, 1992) A central task of feminist legal scholars is to deconstruct systematically, from a feminist perspective, existing law and the institutions that it creates. The effort to reveal and to challenge the male-centered attitudes that structure the law has as its goal the introduction of women's perspectives and a consequent transformation of the law. An...; Search Snippet: ...Review May, 1992 Images of Power in Labor Law: a Feminist Deconstruction [Fnp] Marion Crain [Fna] Copyright (C) 1992 by Marion... 1992  
Judith Grant Intimate Work: the Regulation of Female Sexuatlity and Reproduction 1 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 225 (Winter, 1992) Liberal feminists of both the first (early twentieth century) and second (late 1960's to the present) waves have always pointed with acrimony to the presence of a gender-based double standard. As is now well known, liberal feminists have claimed that men are treated according to one set of rules and women according to another. Today, in light of...; Search Snippet: ...A Symposium on Reconstructing Motherhood Intimate Work: the Regulation of Female Sexuatlity and Reproduction Judith Grant [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992 By... 1992  
Isabel Karpin Legislating the Female Body: Reproductive Technology and the Reconstructed Woman 3 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 325 (1992) Legal conceptions of the female body tend to assume a singular, uncontested, received idea of the nature of that body. I argue, on the contrary, that in the process of regulating the female body, the law legislates its shape, its lineaments, and its boundaries. However, law does not act alone to fix the shape of the female body. It collaborates...; Search Snippet: ...Law Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 1992 Legislating the Female Body: Reproductive Technology and the Reconstructed Woman Isabel Karpin [Fna] Copyright (C) 1993 by the Columbia Journal... 1992  
Scott Folkers Lewis V. Pearson Foundation, Inc.: Does 42 U.s.c. § 1985 (3) Offer Protection to Women as a Class? 37 South Dakota Law Review 621 (1991/1992) Lewis v. Pearson Foundation, Inc., involves the activities of an organization, the Pearson Foundation, whose sole purpose is to prevent as many women from obtaining abortions as possible. In effecting this goal, it trampled on Warna Lewis' constitutional rights of privacy and reproductive freedom guaranteed under Roe v. Wade. Lewis attempted to...; Search Snippet: ...Inc.: Does 42 U.s.c. § 1985 (3) Offer Protection to Women as a Class? Scott Folkers Copyright (C) 1992 by The... 1992  
Erin Edmonds Mapping the Terrain of Our Resistance: a White Feminist Perspective on the Enforcement of Rape Law 9 Harvard BlackLetter Journal 43 (Spring, 1992) Women, all women, are accountable for racism continuing to divide us. bell hooks When I first set out to write a paper on the enforcement of rape law from a white feminist's point of view, I had no idea what grief awaited me. Bruised, battered, and violated bodies polluted the crisp, droning rape statutesbodies of women, Black and white and in...; Search Snippet: ...And Equality Mapping the Terrain of Our Resistance: a White Feminist Perspective on the Enforcement of Rape Law [Fna1] Erin Edmonds... 1992 African/Black American
Hayley Gorenberg , Amanda White Off the Pedestal and into the Arena: Toward Including Women in Experimental Protocols 19 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 205 (1991/1992) Introduction I. The Misguided History of Exclusionary Policies A. The Protectionist Rationale B. The Efficiency Rationale C. The Unstated Rationale: Funding Driven by Fear II. Current Regulatory Activity: FDA and DHHS A. DHHS Regulations 1. DHHS Regulations Regarding Pregnant Women and Children 2. The Effect of DHHS Regulations on Nonpregnant Women...; Search Snippet: ...1992 off the Pedestal and into the Arena: Toward Including Women in Experimental Protocols Hayley Gorenberg [Fna1] Amanda White [Fnaa1] Copyright... 1992  
Elizabeth M. Schneider Particularity and Generality: Challenges of Feminist Theory and Practice in Work on Woman-abuse 67 New York University Law Review 520 (June, 1992) Since the beginning of the women's movement, feminist legal theory has been based largely upon exploration and analysis of the particular, unique experiences of women's lives. In this Article, Professor Schneider asserts that feminist theory founded exclusively upon a particularity analysis is inadequate to capture the full range of women's...; Search Snippet: ...University Law Review June, 1992 Particularity and Generality: Challenges of Feminist Theory and Practice in Work on Woman-abuse Elizabeth M. Schneider [Fna] Copyright (C) 1992 by The... 1992  
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic Pornography and Harm to Women: "No Empirical Evidence?" 53 Ohio State Law Journal 1037 (1992) In a series of articles, we have been addressing the forces that render transformative legal thought so halting and slow. We recently examined the history of popular depiction of four ethnic groups of color, concluding that racism is so deeply embedded in our culture that it is for all practical purposes invisible. Inscribed in the master...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Ohio State Law Journal 1992 Pornography and Harm to Women: No Empirical Evidence? Richard Delgado [Fna1] Jean Stefancic [Fnaa1] Copyright... 1992  
Carolyn Jin-Myung Oh Questioning the Cultural and Gender-based Assumptions of the Adversary System: Voices of Asian-american Law Students 7 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 125 (1992) The political and legal institutions of a country inevitably reflect the ethos of its dominant culture. The legal system in the United States is no exception. It has been and continues to be shaped by the cultural values prevalent in America, especially the values held by those in powereducated white men. The entry of women in increasing numbers...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1992 Questioning the Cultural and Gender-based Assumptions of the Adversary System: Voices of Asian- American Law Students Carolyn Jin-myung Oh [Fnd] Copyright (C) 1992... 1992 Asian American
Kimberle Crenshaw Race, Gender, and Sexual Harassment 65 Southern California Law Review 1467 (March, 1992) I would like to thank Anita Hill and express my deep respect to her for having the courage to shatter the silence on sexual harassment. I am certain that I speak for millions of women in saying that I have been inspired and renewed by her strength and integrity. I have looked forward to addressing you tonight on a critical issue at this very...; Search Snippet: ...Remarks Before the National Forum for Women State Legislators Race, Gender, and Sexual Harassment [Fna] Kimberle Crenshaw [Fnaa] Copyright (C) 1992... 1992  
Robert Unikel Reasonable Doubts: a Critique of the Reasonable Woman Standard in American Jurisprudence 87 Northwestern University Law Review 326 (Fall, 1992) The quest for objectivity is ongoing in American jurisprudence. Only through the implementation and application of objective standards and procedures can the American legal system achieve its ultimate goal of promoting individual equality while adequately preserving community harmony. The quest for objectivity has produced a number of important...; Search Snippet: ...Fall, 1992 Comment Reasonable Doubts: a Critique of the Reasonable Woman Standard in American Jurisprudence Robert Unikel Copyright (C) 1992 By... 1992  
Lisa Maher Reconstructing the Female Criminal: Women and Crack Cocaine 2 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 131 (Fall, 1992) I got arrested for assault--I did twelve months. [Tell us the story behind that?] Well, I was back on Delancey Street. There was this club over there, called the CBGB's. And you know the skinheads, these guys? Well I wound up cuttin' one of them up because they had surrounded me and they pissed on me-- and for no reason. [What do you mean they...; Search Snippet: ...And Women's Studies Fall, 1992 Women and Crime Reconstructing the Female Criminal: Women and Crack Cocaine Lisa Maher [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992 By... 1992  
Charlotte Rutherford, Esq. Reproductive Freedoms and African American Women 4 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 255 (Spring, 1992) As an African American, a civil rights lawyer, a mother, and a feminist, I view reproductive freedoms for African American women from both a personal and professional perspective. Reproductive freedoms are life and death issues for many African American women and, as such, deserve as much recognition as any other freedom. Despite the importance of...; Search Snippet: ...Yale Journal of Law & Feminism Spring, 1992 Reproductive Freedoms and African American Women Charlotte Rutherford, Esq. [Fnd1] Copyright (C) 1992 by the Yale... 1992 African/Black American
Sheldon Goldman Reserved Seating 75 Judicature 334 (April/May, 1992) What has been the impact of race, religion, and gender on appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court? To what extent have presidents taken these demographic considerations into account? Is it reasonable to talk about a black seat, a Catholic seat, a Jewish seat, a woman's seat? Is the concept of representativeness on the Court a legitimate one? These...; Search Snippet: ...A Representative Supreme Court? The Impact of Race, Religion, and Gender on Appointments, by Barbara A. Perry. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press... 1992 African/Black American
Judy Scales-Trent Sameness and Difference in a Law School Classroom: Working at the Crossroads 4 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 415 (Spring, 1992) I was recently invited to be on a panel which would discuss teaching about difference in law school. How we deal with people we consider different is an important issue, and I was pleased to participate. But something about the formulation of the issue troubled me. For it seems to me that difference is all that our students know, all that most...; Search Snippet: ...Black People Can Be Old, That Old People Can Suffer Gender Discrimination and That Women Can Be Discriminated Against Because They Are Latinas. I Attempt to Address the Concept of Sameness and Difference... 1992 Multiple Groups
Owen D. Jones Sex Selection: Regulating Technology Enabling the Predetermination of a Child's Gender 6 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 1 (Fall, 1992) As technology allowing preselection of a child's gender has improved, observers have debated whether such practices should be prohibited. With sex selection, as with many issues of emotional appeal, political positions have antedated careful reflection, and legislative initiatives have marched well in advance of strategic planning. As a result,...; Search Snippet: ...Sex Selection: Regulating Technology Enabling the Predetermination of a Child's Gender Owen D. Jones [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992 by the President... 1992  
Dawn Johnsen Shared Interests: Promoting Healthy Births Without Sacrificing Women's Liberty 43 Hastings Law Journal 569 (March, 1992) While the national debate on reproductive rights has focused on a woman's fundamental right to decide whether to have an abortion, a new strand of legal and public policy issues recently has emerged that also threatens American women's reproductive freedom and other fundamental liberties. During the last decade, courts, legislatures, and state...; Search Snippet: ...And Social Responses Shared Interests: Promoting Healthy Births Without Sacrificing Women's Liberty Dawn Johnsen [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992 by the Hastings... 1992  
Sarah A. DeCosse Simply Unbelievable: Reasonable Women and Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment 10 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 285 (June, 1992) If Anita Hill were to bring a hostile environment sexual harassment claim in the United States Court of Appeal for the Ninth Circuit today, she would be evaluated according to the reasonable woman standard relied on in the Ellison v. Brady decision. Although the standard suggests movement beyond the constricting images which were used to...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Theory and Practice June, 1992 Simply Unbelievable: Reasonable Women and Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment Sarah A. Decosse [Fna1] Copyright... 1992  
Margaret A. Baldwin Split at the Root: Prostitution and Feminist Discourses of Law Reform 5 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 47 (Fall, 1992) My case is not unique. Violette Leduc Today, adjustment to what is possible no longer means adjustment, it means making the possible real. Theodor Adorno This article originated in some years of feminist activism, and a sustained effort to understand two sentences spoken by Evelina Giobbe, an anti-prostitution activist and educator, at a radical...; Search Snippet: ...Law & Feminism Fall, 1992 Split at the Root: Prostitution and Feminist Discourses of Law Reform Margaret A. Baldwin [Fnd1] Copyright ©... 1992  
Deborah J. Merritt , Barbara F. Reskin The Double Minority: Empirical Evidence of a Double Standard in Law School Hiring of Minority Women 65 Southern California Law Review 2299 (July, 1992) In 1990, Professor Derrick Bell announced that he would take an unpaid leave of absence from Harvard Law School until the school offered a tenured professorship to a woman of color. Bell's decision provoked a storm of controversy in the legal community. Some observers praised Bell's action as courageous and forward-thinking; others denounced it as...; Search Snippet: ...Of a Double Standard in Law School Hiring of Minority Women Deborah J. Merritt [Fna1] Barbara F. Reskin [Fnaa1] Copyright ©... 1992  
Dorothy E. Roberts The Future of Reproductive Choice for Poor Women and Women of Color 14 Women's Rights Law Reporter 305 (Spring-Fall, 1992) Preface: Reflections on The Future of Reproductive Choice for Poor Women and Women of Color This article was my first talk and my first publication on the subject of reproduction and women of color. I can still sense the challenge I felt at discovering from reading about the lives of slave women and modern day sisters that our experiences amplified...; Search Snippet: ...Spring-fall, 1992 the Future of Reproductive Choice for Poor Women and Women of Color Dorothy E. Roberts [Fna] Copyright (C) 1992 Women's... 1992  
Sharon K. Mollman The Gender Gap: Separating the Sexes in Public Education 68 Indiana Law Journal 149 (Winter, 1992) Inner-city schools have become notorious for their failure to educate. Children in these blighted areas, usually African-Americans or other minorities, have little hope for a bright future. School, which is commonly thought to provide a stepping-stone to a better life, merely reinforces that lack of hope. The curriculum reflects the values of...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Indiana Law Journal Winter, 1992 December, 1992 Note the Gender Gap: Separating the Sexes in Public Education Sharon K. Mollman... 1992 Multipe Groups
Katherine Connor , Ellen J. Vargyas The Legal Implications of Gender Bias in Standardized Testing 7 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 13 (1992) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. 14 II. THE FACTUAL CONTEXT. 17 A. The Scope of the Problem. 17 1. Post-Secondary Admissions Tests. 18 2. Vocational Aptitude Tests and Interest Inventories. 21 B. Causes of Gender Differences in Test Scores. 24 1. Post-Secondary Admissions Tests. 24 2. Vocational Aptitude Tests and Interest Inventories. 27 C....; Search Snippet: ...Journal Berkeley Women's Law Journal 1992 the Legal Implications of Gender Bias in Standardized Testing Katherine Connor [Fnd] Ellen J. Vargyas... 1992  
Naomi R. Cahn The Looseness of Legal Language: the Reasonable Woman Standard in Theory and in Practice 77 Cornell Law Review 1398 (September, 1992) For feminists working with the law, the relationship between theory and practice has been critical, although often uneasy and problematic. Part of this tension between theory and practice stems from inevitable, and important, questions about whether the legal process can meaningfully address women's needs. Nonetheless, because the strength of...; Search Snippet: ...Language of Law the Looseness of Legal Language: the Reasonable Woman Standard in Theory and in Practice Naomi R. Cahn [Fnd... 1992  
Mary E. Becker The Politics of Women's Wrongs and the Bill of "Rights": a Bicentennial Perspective 59 University of Chicago Law Review 453 (Winter, 1992) The language of the Bill of Rights is almost entirely gender neutral and its provisions have always applied to some women. But free white men of property designed the Bill of Rights in a political process from which they excluded most Americans and all women. Not surprisingly, the Bill of Rights served and serves the interests of such men better...; Search Snippet: ...Chicago Law Review Winter, 1992 Interdisciplinary Approaches the Politics of Women's Wrongs and the Bill of Rights: a Bicentennial Perspective Mary... 1992  
Bonnie B. Westman The Reasonable Woman Standard: Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 18 William Mitchell Law Review 795 (Summer, 1992) I. INTRODUCTION. 795 II. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. 797 A. Sexual Harassment as a Cause of Action. 797 1. Title VII. 797 2. Creation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 798 3. Elements of a Sexual Harassment Claim. 802 4. Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson. 804 B. Development of the Reasonable Woman Standard. 805 C. Applications of the...; Search Snippet: ...Review William Mitchell Law Review Summer, 1992 Note the Reasonable Woman Standard: Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Bonnie B. Westman... 1992  
Saba Ashraf The Reasonableness of the "Reasonable Woman" Standard: an Evaluation of its Use in Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment Claims under Title Vii of the Civil Rights Act 21 Hofstra Law Review 483 (Winter, 1992) Courts have been taking note of sexual harassment in the workplace and recognizing it as a cause of action since the early 1980s. Traditionally, in order to determine whether a cause of action existed for sexual harassment, courts used the reasonable person standard. Recently, however, a number of courts have replaced the reasonable person...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Winter, 1992 Note the Reasonableness of the Reasonable Woman Standard: an Evaluation of its Use in Hostile Environment Sexual... 1992  
Pamela J. Smith We Are Not Sisters: African-american Women and the Freedom to Associate and Disassociate 66 Tulane Law Review 1467 (May, 1992) I. Introduction. 1467 II. Basis for Choosing to Disassociate. 1472 A. Racism Among Sisters. 1472 B. A Different Past. 1480 C. A Different Present. 1483 III. Reasons for Choosing to Associate. 1490 A. Breaking the Chains of Silence. 1491 B. Coming to Voice. 1493 IV. The First Amendment's Right to Associate or Disassociate. 1496 A. Intimate...; Search Snippet: ...Tulane Law Review May, 1992 Comment We Are Not Sisters: African- American Women and the Freedom to Associate and Disassociate Pamela J. Smith... 1992 African/Black American
Deborah L. Forman What Difference Does it Make? Gender and Jury Selection 2 UCLA Women's Law Journal 35 (Spring, 1992) [C]ritical feminism is unwilling to remain trapped in debates about women's commonality with or difference from men. Its commitment is neither to embrace nor suppress difference but to challenge the dualism and make the world safe for differences. In Batson v. Kentucky, the Supreme Court declared that a prosecutor's use of peremptory challenges to...; Search Snippet: ...Women's Law Journal Spring, 1992 What Difference Does it Make? Gender and Jury Selection Deborah L. Forman [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992... 1992  
Mari J. Matsuda , Keynote Speaker When the First Quail Calls: Multiple Consciousness as Jurisprudential Method 14 Women's Rights Law Reporter 297 (Spring-Fall, 1992) In 1868, two white women, Angelina and Sarah Grimke, acknowledged publicly that a Black man, the son of their slave-owning brother, was their nephew. They commenced to bestow on that nephew the love and familiarity due a relative. In publicly embracing their blood tie to a Black man, these women were doing something unthinkable,...; Search Snippet: ...A Talk Presented at the Yale Law School Conference on Women of Color and the Law, April 16, 1988 Mari J... 1992 African/Black American
Anne E. Simon Whose Move? Breaking the Stalemate in Feminist and Environmental Activism 2 UCLA Women's Law Journal 145 (Spring, 1992) Is there a feminist jurisprudence that includes attention to ecological issues? Should there be? What good might it do? Where might thinking about it lead? This Essay offers one beginning. The tremendous array of feminist and environmental activism all over the world that makes the topics considered here interesting and worth discussing will...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Spring, 1992 Essay Whose Move? Breaking the Stalemate in Feminist and Environmental Activism Anne E. Simon [Fna1] Copyright (C) 1992... 1992  
Lorraine A. Schmall Women and Children First, but Only If the Men Are Union Members: Hiring Halls and Delinquent Child-supporters 6 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 449 (1992) A. Historical Treatment of Labor Unions B. Unions and the First Amendment C. Unions' and Members' First Amendment Rights A. Historical Hierarchies B. Women's Economic Disadvantages C. Peculiar Financial Problems of Divorced Women D. Other Problems Associated with Non-Support A. Historical Purpose and Application of Preemption B. Hiring Halls and...; Search Snippet: ...Law, Ethics & Public Policy 1992 Symposium on Women & the Law Women and Children First, but Only If the Men Are Union... 1992  
Carol M. Rose Women and Property: Gaining and Losing Ground 78 Virginia Law Review 421 (March, 1992) A quite common perception about women and property is that women do not have much, at least by comparison to men. Even if women do have property formally in their names, men seem to be the ones who initially acquired it and actually control it. Though there are exceptionseven whole societies that are exceptionalthey have a rather exotic air. In...; Search Snippet: ...Wl 109668 Virginia Law Review Virginia Law Review March, 1992 Women and Property: Gaining and Losing Ground Carol M. Rose [Fna1... 1992  
Theresa A. Amato Women at Risk, Rights at Risk-toward the Empowerment of Working Women 17 Yale Journal of International Law 139 (Winter, 1992) The International Labour Organisation (ILO) tells us that we live in a world where the concept of human rights, including labor rights, is widely accepted. We live in a world where governments are sensitive to international opinion. But we also live in a world where worker rights violations are more widespread than ever before. The rights of...; Search Snippet: ...Of the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Law Project Women at Risk, Rights at Risktoward the Empowerment of Working Women Theresa A. Amato [Fn#] Copyright (C) 1992 by the Yale... 1992  
Sharon L. Sims Women's History and the Public Schools 14 Women's Rights Law Reporter Rep. 9 (Winter 1992) On September 6, 1990, former governor James R. Thompson signed into law a bill which requires Illinois' public elementary and high schools to teach one unit of women's history in grades kindergarten through twelve, effective January 1, 1991. The language of the statute mandates that public schools include in their curriculum the contributions made...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Rights Law Reporter Women's Rights Law Reporter Winter 1992 Women's History and the Public Schools Sharon L. Sims [Fna] Copyright... 1992  
Paulette M. Caldwell A Hair Piece: Perspectives on the Intersection of Race and Gender 1991 Duke Law Journal 365 (April, 1991) A. Rediscovering My Hair I want to know my hair again, to own it, to delight in it again, to recall my earliest mirrored reflection when there was no beginning and I first knew that the person who laughed at me and cried with me and stuck out her tongue at me was me. I want to know my hair again, the way I knew it before I knew that my hair is me,...; Search Snippet: ...A Hair Piece: Perspectives on the Intersection of Race and Gender Paulette M. Caldwell [Fna] Copyright 1991 by Paulette M. Caldwell... 1991  
Nilda Rimonte A Question of Culture: Cultural Approval of Violence Against Women in the Pacific-asian Community and the Cultural Defense 43 Stanford Law Review 1311 (July, 1991) In 1985, a Hmong man was tried for kidnapping and rape after abducting a woman on the Fresno City College campus and consummating the marriage in his family's home. Kong Moua defended himself by arguing that in Hmong culture, zij poj niam, or marriage by capture, is an acceptable way of obtaining a bride. After negotiating a guilty plea down to...; Search Snippet: ...Law a Question of Culture: Cultural Approval of Violence Against Women in the Pacific-asian Community and the Cultural Defense Nilda... 1991  
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