AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Regina Stone-Harris The Remarkable First 50 Women Law Graduates of St. Mary's University: Part One 50 Saint Mary's Law Journal 951 (2019) 1. Mary Agnes Aird. 953 2. Josephine Florence Verain. 957 3. Mary Louise Villaret. 960 4. Barbara Benson Mansell. 963 5. Barbara Etelka McCluer. 964 6. Mary Louise Murray. 968 7. Selma Lorrayne Halbig. 971 8. Elizabeth Martin Leeman. 973 9. Mary G. Sinders. 975 10. Dorothy A. Campbell. 979 11. Hattie Elam Briscoe. 980 12. Carol Haberman...; Search Snippet: ...Saint Mary's Law Journal 2019 Article the Remarkable First 50 Women Law Graduates of St. Mary's University: Part One Regina Stone... 2019  
Brazitte A. Poole The School of Hard Knocks: Examining How Pennsylvania School Disciplinary Policies Push Black Girls into the Criminal Justice System 57 Duquesne Law Review 382 (Summer, 2019) I. Introduction. 383 II. The School-to-Prison Pipeline: An Overview. 384 III. The Criminalization of the Black Girl's Identity. 385 A. Adultification: Black Girls Are Treated Like Adults. 387 B. Black Girls Are Seen as Less Innocent Than Their Counterparts. 389 C. Black Girls' Bodies and Appearance Are Over-Policed. 390 IV. The...; Search Snippet: ...Hard Knocks: Examining How Pennsylvania School Disciplinary Policies Push Black Girls into the Criminal Justice System Brazitte A. Poole [Fna1] Copyright... 2019 African/Black American
Yvette N. A. Pappoe The Shortcomings of Title Vii for the Black Female Plaintiff 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change Change 1 (2019) Various United States courts, including the Supreme Court, have decided numerous workplace discrimination cases in the past four decades. Kimberlé Crenshaw introduced and coined the term intersectionality 25 years after Congress enacted Title VII. The formal recognition of intersectionality opened the gate for several legal scholars to criticize...; Search Snippet: ...2019 Article the Shortcomings of Title Vii for the Black Female Plaintiff Yvette N. A. Pappoe [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by Yvette... 2019 African/Black American
Lori Andrews The Technology Enterprise: Systemic Bias Against Women 9 UC Irvine Law Review 1035 (July, 2019) Who Designs Technology?. 1037 Who Funds Technology?. 1045 Who Patents Technology?. 1048 How Is Technology Marketed?. 1050 What Is the Impact of Technology--and on Whom?. 1055 Conclusion. 1061; Search Snippet: ...And Technology Symposium Article the Technology Enterprise: Systemic Bias Against Women Lori Andrews [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by Uc Irvine Law Review... 2019  
Neoshia R. Roemer The Violence Against Women Act of 2018: a Step in the Right Direction for Indian Children and Federal Indian Law 66-APR Federal Lawyer 52 (March/April, 2019) It is well-settled law that if a person who violates the laws of the United States is a resident of another country, that person falls within the criminal jurisdiction of the United States. Similarly, if a person crosses state lines and commits child abuse in another state, he or she falls under the jurisdiction of the state where the crime was...; Search Snippet: ...Federal Lawyer March/april, 2019 Indian Law the Violence Against Women Act of 2018: a Step in the Right Direction For... 2019 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Catherine Ross Dunham, Christopher Leupold Third Generation Discrimination: an Empirical Analysis of Judicial Decision Making in Gender Discrimination Litigation 13 DePaul Journal for Social Justice Just. 1 (Winter 2019) In this progressive era of #MeToo and other movements which highlight the reality of women's experiences in the workplace and other settings, the question arises as to why discrimination-based civil lawsuits are not more successful for female litigants. The courts have served as an important tool in reforming discriminatory workplace cultures by...; Search Snippet: ...Generation Discrimination: an Empirical Analysis of Judicial Decision Making in Gender Discrimination Litigation Catherine Ross Dunham Christopher Leupold [Fna1] Copyright © 2019... 2019  
Sally J. Kenney Towards a less Essentialist, More Intersectional, and Institutional Approach to Gender and Judging 34 Connecticut Journal of International Law 399 (Summer, 2019) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 401 I. Background. 402 II. Anti-Essentialism. 405 A. Kcasey McLoughlin. 410 B. Rosemary Hunter. 411 1. Jarpa Dawuni. 413 C. Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis. 414 D. From Women's Different Voice to Gender-Just Judging?. 415 1. Intersectionality. 416 I. Cohen. 417 II. Stanchi and Crawford. 418; Search Snippet: ...Towards a less Essentialist, More Intersectional, and Institutional Approach to Gender and Judging Sally J. Kenney Copyright © 2019 by the Connecticut... 2019  
Yvonne Lindgren Trump's Angry White Women: Motherhood, Nationalism, and Abortion 48 Hofstra Law Review 1 (Fall, 2019) A majority of white women--fifty-two percent--voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. White working-class women supported Trump in even greater numbers: Sixty-one percent of white women without college degrees voted for Trump. This result seems remarkable considering Trump's derogatory statements about women and his staunch...; Search Snippet: ...Review Hofstra Law Review Fall, 2019 Article Trump's Angry White Women: Motherhood, Nationalism, and Abortion Yvonne Lindgren [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 By... 2019  
Patricia A. Broussard Unbowed, Unbroken, and Unsung: the Unrecognized Contributions of African American Women in Social Movements, Politics, and the Maintenance of Democracy 25 William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice 631 (Spring, 2019) You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Introduction I. A History of Black Women's Strength: Early Movements A. Revolts, Rebellions, and Resistance II. A History of Black Women's Strength: Post-Emancipation and The Civil Rights Movement--Part 1 A....; Search Snippet: ...2019 Essay Unbowed, Unbroken, and Unsung: the Unrecognized Contributions of African American Women in Social Movements, Politics, and the Maintenance of Democracy Patricia... 2019 African/Black American
Madalynn Martin United States V. Bryant: the Results of Upholding Women's Rights and Tribal Sovereignty 44 American Indian Law Review 117 (2019) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a known women's advocate, authored a unanimous opinion that ensured the rights and dignity of Indian women were upheld. United States v. Bryant, while primarily focused on the rights of Indian women, is equally as important in upholding the sovereignty of tribal courts. The Supreme Court held that, because tribal court...; Search Snippet: ...2019 Note United States V. Bryant: the Results of Upholding Women's Rights and Tribal Sovereignty Madalynn Martin [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 By... 2019 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Luhui Whitebear Vawa Reauthorization of 2013 and the Continued Legacy of Violence Against Indigenous Women: a Critical Outsider Jurisprudence Perspective 9 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 75 (Spring, 2019) A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. - Cheyenne Proverb They trespass her body like they trespass this land . - Thomas Ryan Red Corn (To the Ingenious Woman by the 1491s) I. INTRODUCTION. 76 II. CONNECTION OF VIOLENCE TO INDIGENOUS LANDS AND BODY. 77 III. BACKGROUND STATISTICS. 81 IV. VAWA REAUTHORIZATION...; Search Snippet: ...Of 2013 and the Continued Legacy of Violence Against Indigenous Women: a Critical Outsider Jurisprudence Perspective Luhui Whitebear Copyright © 2019 By... 2019  
Sydney Melillo Vegas Rule: Jury Deliberation Edition: Should the Sixth Amendment Exception for Alleged Racial Bias in Deliberations Extend to Gender? 11 Drexel Law Review 705 (2019) Federal Rule of Evidence 606(b) and its jurisprudence generally prohibit jurors from impeaching the validity of their verdicts. This general preclusion of juror testimony, derived from eighteenth-century English common law, aims to protect the public from the inherent danger of dissecting private jury deliberations, which are supposed to be free...; Search Snippet: ...Amendment Exception for Alleged Racial Bias in Deliberations Extend to Gender? Sydney Melillo [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by Drexel University; Sydney Melillo... 2019  
Summer Blaze Aubrey Violence Against the Earth Begets Violence Against Women: an Analysis of the Correlation Between Large Extraction Projects and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, and the Laws That Permit the Phenomenon Through an International Human Rights Lens 10 Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 34 (Fall, 2019) This note examines the prevalence of sex trafficking of Native women and children, and the correlation those rates have with large extraction projects, such as the Bakken Oil Fields in North Dakota, and the camps (man camps) that employees live in. In order to fully flesh out the phenomenon accurately, this note walks through pertinent history...; Search Snippet: ...Policy Fall, 2019 Violence Against the Earth Begets Violence Against Women: [Fn1] an Analysis of the Correlation Between Large Extraction Projects and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, and the Laws That Permit the Phenomenon Through an International... 2019  
Alexzandria Johnson We Deserve Better: How Hip Hop Perpetuates the Rape Culture of Black Women 42 North Carolina Central Law Review 139 (2019) Hi, I'm an African American woman, and if I listened to what hip hop told me that I was, I'd be the equivalent of nothing. Nothing, is just what Ms. Shawana Hall felt like on her 31 birthday. While celebrating her birthday, Shawana met a middle-aged man, Calvin Ray Kelly, who offered to drive to a party store to buy her a celebratory drink....; Search Snippet: ...Better: How Hip Hop Perpetuates the Rape Culture of Black Women Alexzandria Johnson Copyright © 2019 by the North Carolina Central University... 2019 African/Black American
Andrea Beckford We Need Equal Cheers for Boys and Girls: How the Absence of Cheerleaders at Women's Sporting Events Is a Violation of Title Ix 26 Sports Lawyers Journal 25 (Spring, 2019) I. Introduction. 26 II. The History and Application of Title IX:. 27 A. What Is Title IX?. 27 B. How Is Title IX Compliance Enforced?. 28 C. How Has Title IX Impacted Men's Sports?. 29 D. Does Title IX Mandate Equal Funding for Men's and Women's Sports?. 29 E. How Has Title IX Impacted Women's Sports?. 31 III. An Analysis of the Progression of...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Spring, 2019 We Need Equal Cheers for Boys and Girls: How the Absence of Cheerleaders at Women's Sporting Events Is a Violation of Title Ix Andrea Beckford... 2019  
Anna Kerregan Welfare Reform & the Devaluation of Women's Work 12 DePaul Journal for Social Justice Just. 1 (Summer, 2019) Women do not get a fair share when it comes to an economic assessment of their input. They are consistently overrepresented in impoverished communities and are much more likely than men to receive public assistance. This Article therefore posits a widely acknowledged anti-poverty strategy, Guaranteed Basic Income, to help support women's...; Search Snippet: ...Social Justice Summer, 2019 Article Welfare Reform & the Devaluation of Women's Work Anna Kerregan [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by Depaul University; Anna... 2019  
Stephanie E. Stupakis What the Future May Hold for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Without the Violence Against Women Act 30 Hastings Women's Law Journal 261 (Summer, 2019) The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is known as the cornerstone of our nation's response to domestic and sexual violence. It fills an important gap by providing lifesaving services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Yet, with the recent expiration of VAWA and President Trump's blueprint of the...; Search Snippet: ...Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Without the Violence Against Women Act Stephanie E. Stupakis [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by Uc Hastings... 2019  
Loretta A. Moore , Angela Mae Kupenda , Deidre L. Wheaton , Michelle D. Deardorff , Evelyn J. Leggette What We Can Do Now? Addressing Intersectionality Challenges in Work and Social Structures, the Single Academic Woman of Color as an Exceptional Case 9 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 91 (Spring, 2019) I. Introduction. 92 II. Considering Her Professional Disregard before the Court. 97 III. Considering her Exceptional, yet Common Experience. 99 A. Disaggregating her exceptional case. 100 B. Her workplace struggle. 103 C. Her workplace struggle even within HBCUs. 104 D. The workplace struggle complicated by lack of understanding in social...; Search Snippet: ...Intersectionality Challenges in Work and Social Structures, the Single Academic Woman of Color as an Exceptional Case Loretta A. Moore [Fna1... 2019  
Janika Best Where Is My Seat at the Table: How Informed Consent Laws Foster the Legacy of Slavery and Discrimination Against Black Women 41 Women's Rights Law Reporter Rep. 1 (Fall/Winter 2019) C1-2Table of Contents 1 Introduction. 2 I. Background. 6 A. 19 Century Gynecology. 9 B. 20 Century Gynecology. 13 II. The Competing Models of Informed Consent-The Standard Of Disclosure By Physicians To Patients. 13 A. The Physician or Community Rule. 14 B. The Patient Rule. 15 C. Issues Created by a Lack of Cultural Competency in...; Search Snippet: ...Laws Foster the Legacy of Slavery and Discrimination Against Black Women Janika Best [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by Women's Rights Law Reporter... 2019 African/Black American
Bradley Lohsl Where Is the Hoosier Hospitality? The Ever-evolving Child-parent Relationship and Indiana's Need for Gender-neutrality 52 Indiana Law Review 135 (2019) The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity. To many in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community, this impactful sentence in the opening line of Obergefell v. Hodges provided the...; Search Snippet: ...The Ever-evolving Child-parent Relationship and Indiana's Need for Gender-neutrality Bradley Lohsl [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by the Trustees Of... 2019 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Kathryn M. Stanchi, Bridget J. Crawford, Linda L. Berger Why Women? Judging Transnational Courts and Tribunals 34 Connecticut Journal of International Law 317 (Summer, 2019) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 319 I. What is a Woman Anyway?. 320 A. The Definition Problem. 320 B. Binarism in Biology. 321 C. Binarism in Law and Culture. 324 D. Binarism in the Twenty-First Century. 327 II. The Epistemology of Justice(s). 328 Conclusion. 333; Search Snippet: ...Law Connecticut Journal of International Law Summer, 2019 Article Why Women? Judging Transnational Courts and Tribunals Kathryn M. Stanchi Bridget J... 2019  
Mary Anne Franks Witch Hunts: Free Speech, #Metoo, and the Fear of Women's Words 2019 University of Chicago Legal Forum 123 (2019) What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open. - Muriel Rukeyser, Käthe Kollwitz (1968) Perhaps the most seductive truism of free speech jurisprudence is that the First Amendment protects, in Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes's words, the thought we hate. The sentiment dominates both the formal doctrine...; Search Snippet: ...Article Witch Hunts: Free Speech, #Metoo, and the Fear of Women's Words Mary Anne Franks [Fnd1] Copyright © 2019 by the University... 2019  
Ellen Carol DuBois Woman Suffrage: the Afterstory 11 ConLawNOW 53 (2019) Winning the Nineteenth Amendment was, as leading suffragists recognized, only the very beginning of the battle for women's political rights. Indeed, it took as long after 1920 for American women to make their presence felt in American politics as it had to win suffrage rights in the first place. Before the second national election after the...; Search Snippet: ...19 Th Amendment at 100: from the Vote to Gender Equality Woman Suffrage: the Afterstory Ellen Carol Dubois [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 By... 2019  
Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen Women and Case Law Some Loose and Comparative Wanderings 34 Connecticut Journal of International Law 363 (Summer, 2019) C1-2Table of Contents INTRODUCTION. 365 I. THE CONTRIBUTION OF WOMEN TO CASE LAW. 365 II. THE PROTECTION OF WOMEN THROUGH CASE LAW. 370 III. THE PROMOTION OF WOMEN THOUGH CASE LAW. 373 WHAT SHALL WE THINK AT THIS STAGE OF OUR DISORDERLY AND COMPREHENSIVE WANDERING?. 374; Search Snippet: ...International Law Connecticut Journal of International Law Summer, 2019 Article Women and Case Law Some Loose and Comparative Wanderings Laurence Burgorgue... 2019  
Edwina Mendelson Women and the Law--new York's Inspiring Judicial Trailblazers 91-FEB New York State Bar Journal 32 (January/February, 2019) I was admitted to the New York State bar in 1983, only six years after the Court of Appeals gained its first ever female judge. Judith S. Kaye, a true visionary and remarkable court leader who would remain its only woman until 1994, when the trailblazer Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick became the first Latina to serve on the state's highest court. At the...; Search Snippet: ...Bar Journal January/february, 2019 a View from the Bench Women and the Law--new York's Inspiring Judicial Trailblazers Edwina Mendelson... 2019 Hispanic/Latinx American
Nicole Williamson Women Are Equal on Mars: Envisioning Gender Equality in the Governance of Extraterrestrial Settlements under International Space Law 51 Georgetown Journal of International Law 147 (Fall, 2019) With both government agencies and private industry developing plans for early-stage exploration and settlement of Mars, it is more crucial than ever to begin crafting a framework for the governance of long-term human space settlements. As nascent visions for human colonies take shape, scientists, scholars, and lawyers engaging in constitutional...; Search Snippet: ...International Law Georgetown Journal of International Law Fall, 2019 Note Women Are Equal on Mars: Envisioning Gender Equality in the Governance of Extraterrestrial Settlements under International Space... 2019  
Hallie Guidry Wyoming, Take Another Look at Unions: How Unions Can Increase Equality for Women in the Workplace 19 Wyoming Law Review 363 (2019) I. Introduction. 363 II. Women and the Labor Movement. 366 A. Union History and Exclusion of Women Workers. 367 B. Benefits of Unionization for Women. 369 III. The Current Status of Labor Law. 370 A. Federal. 370 B. Wyoming. 373 1. Right-to-Work Legislation. 375 2. Wyoming Labor Statistics. 377 IV. Platforms for Collective Bargaining. 378 A. Wages...; Search Snippet: ...Another Look at Unions: How Unions Can Increase Equality for Women in the Workplace Hallie Guidry [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 by The... 2019  
Jenny B. Davis A Birth and Many Firsts 104-APR ABA Journal 12 (April, 2018) THERE'S A BABY CRIB NEXT TO Yvonne Brathwaite Burke's desk. It's for Burke's granddaughter--she enjoys bringing the busy toddler up to her Los Angeles law office while she completes work stemming from her arbitration practice or her position on the Amtrak board of directors. Blending work, family and success is nothing new for Burke, 85. For...; Search Snippet: ...Firsts La Lawyer and Former Congresswoman Blazed a Trail for Women and Minorities Jenny B. Davis Copyright © 2018 by the American... 2018  
Brooke D. Coleman A Legal Fempire?: Women in Complex Civil Litigation 93 Indiana Law Journal 617 (Summer, 2018) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made headlines when she said that she would be satisfied with the number of women on the Supreme Court when there are nine. But why should that answer have been so remarkable? After all, there were nine men on the Court for nearly all of its history. Yet, Justice Ginsburg's statement was met with amusement--or from...; Search Snippet: ...Journal Indiana Law Journal Summer, 2018 Article a Legal Fempire?: Women in Complex Civil Litigation Brooke D. Coleman [Fna1] Copyright © 2018... 2018 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Paulette Brown , Madeline Gomez , Jin Hee Lee , Moderated by Amreeta Mathai , Introduction by Chloe Bootstaylor Advocacy in Practice: Women of Color and Our Allies 36 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 8 (2018) Chloe Bootstaylor: Good morning, everyone. I am Chloe Bootstaylor, the Vice President of Empowering Women of Color (EWOC). This is our first official panel, called Advocacy in Practice: Women of Color and Our Allies. This panel will discuss advocacy in the context of mentorship and advancement opportunities for women of color in the legal...; Search Snippet: ...Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 2018 Advocacy in Practice: Women of Color and Our Allies Paulette Brown [Fna1] Madeline Gomez... 2018  
Alexandra Brodsky Against Taking Rape "Seriously": the Case Against Mandatory Referral Laws for Campus Gender Violence 53 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 131 (Winter, 2018) In response to growing national concern about gender violence on college campuses, legislators have proposed a rash of state and federal bills that would require schools to refer all sexual assault reports to the police, regardless of the student victims' wishes. These so-called mandatory referral laws appeal to a popular intuition that the best...; Search Snippet: ...Rape Seriously: the Case Against Mandatory Referral Laws for Campus Gender Violence Alexandra Brodsky [Fn1] Copyright © 2018 by the President And... 2018  
Robert Brauneis, Dotan Oliar An Empirical Study of the Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Age of Copyright Registrants 86 George Washington Law Review 46 (January, 2018) Who is the author in copyright law? Knowing who our copyright system currently incentivizes to create which works is a necessary precondition for any effective copyright reform, yet copyright scholarship has thus far treated authors only through a priori conceptual analysis. This Article explores the author empirically. Do those who self-identify...; Search Snippet: ...January, 2018 Article an Empirical Study of the Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Age of Copyright Registrants Robert Brauneis Dotan Oliar [Fna1... 2018  
Martha T. McCluskey Are We Economic Engines Too? Precarity, Productivity and Gender 49 University of Toledo Law Review 631 (Spring, 2018) GENDER equity does not turn on whether men and women are different, but on whose differences are privileged and whose are penalized, in the workplace and beyond. Economic disadvantages for women workers are often explained as the result of differences in economic productivity, determined by a rational market rather than irrational bias. On closer...; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Article Are We Economic Engines Too? Precarity, Productivity and Gender Martha T. Mccluskey [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by the University Of... 2018  
Rishita Apsani Are Women's Spaces Transgender Spaces? Single-sex Domestic Violence Shelters, Transgender Inclusion, and the Equal Protection Clause 106 California Law Review 1689 (October, 2018) Transgender survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) face unique struggles in finding safe and inclusive housing as they seek reprieve from violence. Domestic violence shelters are often marked women-only with the goal of creating spaces for female empowerment, wherein women learn feminist principles of liberation and find a sisterhood of...; Search Snippet: ...California Law Review California Law Review October, 2018 Note Are Women's Spaces Transgender Spaces? Single-sex Domestic Violence Shelters, Transgender Inclusion... 2018  
Marissa Marquez Are You an Attorney Too? 55-APR Houston Lawyer 12 (March/April, 2018) Are you an attorney, too? a seasoned Caucasian male attorney asked me at an attorney-networking event. This question came right after he had just assumed my Caucasian female colleague was a fellow attorney, an assumption he did not automatically extend to me, despite it being an attorney-networking event. I asked myself, why else would someone...; Search Snippet: ...Too? The Impact of Intersectionality on the Career Advancement of Women of Color Marissa Marquez [Fna1] Copyright © 2017 by the Houston... 2018  
Jennifer S. Hendricks Arguing with the Building Inspector about Gender-neutral Bathrooms 113 Northwestern University Law Review Online 77 (12/20/2018) Abstract--Conventional interpretations of building codes are among the greatest barriers to building the gender-neutral bathrooms of the future. Focusing on the example of schools, this Essay argues for a reinterpretation of the International Building Code in light of its policy goals: safe, private, and equitable access to public bathrooms. Under...; Search Snippet: ...Online December 20, 2018 Arguing with the Building Inspector about Gender-neutral Bathrooms Jennifer S. Hendricks [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by Jennifer... 2018  
Mina Dixon Davis Bad Moms and Powerful Prosecutors: Why a Public Health Approach to Maternal Drug Use Is Necessary to Lessen the Hardship Borne by Women in the South 25 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 305 (Winter, 2018) I. Introduction. 306 II. U.S. Drug Crises and the Problem of Maternal Substance Use: A Shift to the South. 307 A. Opioid Overdose and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Rates are Rising Rapidly in the South and Rural Regions. 308 B. Findings from the Abuse of Crack Cocaine in the 1980s Present Lessons for Today's Crisis. 310 III. Legal Approaches to...; Search Snippet: ...Drug Use Is Necessary to Lessen the Hardship Borne by Women in the South Mina Dixon Davis [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 By... 2018  
Catherine DiSanto Beauty and the H-2beast: How the Equality State Fails its Female Guest Workers 18 Wyoming Law Review 321 (2018) I. Introduction. 321 II. Close to slavery: A History of Temporary Guest Worker Programs. 324 A. H-2A and H-2B: Ripe for Abuse. 326 1. Framework of Exploitation. 327 2. A Department's Duty, Disregarded. 331 B. Discrimination against U.S. Workers. 332 C. The H-2B System and U.S. Employers. 334 III. Gender-Based Problems with the H-2B Visa. 335 A....; Search Snippet: ...And the H-2beast: How the Equality State Fails its Female Guest Workers Catherine Disanto [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by the Wyoming... 2018  
Crystal Powell Bias, Employment Discrimination, and Black Women's Hair: Another Way Forward 2018 Brigham Young University Law Review 933 (2018) C1-2Contents I. Introduction. 933 II. History of Black Hair, Implicit Bias, and Workplace Grooming Standards. 937 A. History of Black Hair Texture and Hairstyle: Centuries of Stereotyping. 938 B. Clean, Neat, and Kept Versus Extreme, Eye-Catching, and Unprofessional: Workplace Grooming Policies Reflect Racial Stereotypes. 943 III. Should Black...; Search Snippet: ...University Law Review 2018 Comment Bias, Employment Discrimination, and Black Women's Hair: Another Way Forward Crystal Powell [Fna1] Copyright © 2019 By... 2018 African/Black American
Reema Sood Biases Behind Sexual Assault: a Thirteenth Amendment Solution to Under-enforcement of the Rape of Black Women 18 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 405 (Fall, 2018) Devaluation of Black women's bodies derives from the long history of slavery in this country. The treatment of Black women, from slavery to the present, ties closely to the systemic tactics of oppression utilized by White slave owners after our country's founding. In removing autonomy and control over Black female slaves' bodies, slave owners...; Search Snippet: ...Amendment Solution to Under-enforcement of the Rape of Black Women Reema Sood [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by Reema Sood Introduction Devaluation... 2018 African/Black American
Karen Joe Laidler, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong Caught Up: Girls, Surveillance and Wraparound Incarceration. By Jerry Flores. Oakland, Ca: University of California Press, 2016 52 Law and Society Review 1103 (December, 2018) Globally, we are witnessing increasing rates of girls' and women's imprisonment. Although they represent a small proportion of overall prison populations--between 2% and 9%--it is only in recent years that governing bodies have acknowledged the gendered discrimination and human rights violations they experience in their interface with the criminal...; Search Snippet: ...Review December, 2018 Book Review Jennifer Balint, Editor Caught Up: Girls, Surveillance and Wraparound Incarceration . By Jerry Flores. Oakland, Ca: University... 2018  
Amber Baylor Centering Women in Prisoners' Rights Litigation 25 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 109 (2018) The women in a housing unit at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women watched as a cadre of prison guards with tear gas canisters made their way towards Carol Crooks' cell. Crooks, a woman in the prison, was a vocal dissenter of the prison's treatment of women. Earlier that day Crooks refused to comply with a prison administrator's order to...; Search Snippet: ...And Law Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 2018 Article Centering Women in Prisoners' Rights Litigation Amber Baylor [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 By... 2018  
Agustin Paneque Civil Rights and Tort Calculation: Challenging the Reliability and Constitutionality of Race-based and Gender-based Life Expectancy and Future Wage Earning Calculations 19 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 133 (2018) [B]ecause the tort system is committed to individualized determinations--with few checks for systemic bias--devaluation [of persons and their injuries based on race] is largely invisible and unaddressed in contemporary law. This note focuses on the issue of statistics supporting future wage earnings and life expectancy calculations in court that...; Search Snippet: ...Calculation: Challenging the Reliability and Constitutionality of Race-based and Gender-based Life Expectancy and Future Wage Earning Calculations Agustin Paneque... 2018  
Haley Hawkins Clearly Unconvincing: How Heightened Evidentiary Standards in Judicial Bypass Hearings Create an Undue Burden under Whole Woman's Health 67 American University Law Review 1911 (August, 2018) Currently, thirty-seven states have parental involvement laws that require a minor seeking to access abortion care to consult or obtain consent from a parent before undergoing the procedure. In these states, a minor's only hope for getting around this obstacle is judicial bypass--a proceeding in which a minor must convince a judge that she should...; Search Snippet: ...In Judicial Bypass Hearings Create an Undue Burden under Whole Woman's Health Haley Hawkins [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by American University Law... 2018  
Jessica M. Salerno, Hannah J. Phalen, Rosa N. Reyes, N. J. Schweitzer , Arizona State University Closing with Emotion: the Differential Impact of Male Versus Female Attorneys Expressing Anger in Court 42 Law and Human Behavior 385 (August, 2018) Emotion expression is a key part of trial advocacy. Attorneys are advised to gain credibility with juries by demonstrating conviction through anger expression. In 3 experiments, we tested whether expressing anger in court makes attorneys more effective and whether this depends on their gender. We randomly assigned participants (n = 120...; Search Snippet: ...2018 Closing with Emotion: the Differential Impact of Male Versus Female Attorneys Expressing Anger in Court [Fna1] Jessica M. Salerno Hannah... 2018  
DeAnna Baumle Creating the Trauma-to-prison Pipeline: How the U.s. Justice System Criminalizes Structural and Interpersonal Trauma Experienced by Girls of Color 56 Family Court Review 695 (October, 2018) The staggering number of girls in the juvenile justice system who have experienced abuse is described as the sexual-abuse-to-prison pipeline. However, this pipeline does not capture the entire picture, nor does it fully explain the unjustifiable disproportionality of girls of color and girls from low-income communities in the system. This article...; Search Snippet: ...U.s. Justice System Criminalizes Structural and Interpersonal Trauma Experienced by Girls of Color Deanna Baumle [Fnd1] [Fnd2] [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 By... 2018  
J. Shontavia Johnson, Tonya M. Evans, Yolanda M. King Diversifying Intellectual Property Law 10 No. 4 Landslide 30 (March/April, 2018) Law is America's least diverse profession. According to the American Bar Association (ABA), 85 percent of all lawyers in America are white, and 65 percent are men. And lawyer demographics have not changed much in at least a decade. While the profession has made some efforts toward increasing diversity and embracing inclusion, its membership does...; Search Snippet: ...Landslide Landslide March/april, 2018 Diversifying Intellectual Property Law Why Women of Color Remain Invisible and How to Provide More Seats... 2018  
Jennifer Wriggins Domestic Violence and Gender Equality: Recognition, Remedy, and (Possible) Retrenchment 49 University of Toledo Law Review 617 (Spring, 2018) MY topic today is domestic violence and gender equality in 2017. And we are talking, of course, about the law. This is a call to remember and fight for basic principles of equality. One principle is, of course, gender equality--the overarching topic of this conference. To quote the Seneca Falls declaration, We hold these truths to be self-evident...; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring, 2018 Gender Equality Symposium Article Domestic Violence and Gender Equality: Recognition, Remedy, and (Possible) Retrenchment Jennifer Wriggins [Fna1] Copyright... 2018  
Samantha Malone Domestic Work in the United States: Gender, Immigration, and Personhood 10 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 65 (Spring, 2018) Growing up, I spent hours playing in dimly-lit, stately homes, careful not to touch the antiques lining the halls. On weekends, I spent afternoons exploring the estate where my grandmother worked. A tall, wooden grandfather clock with a brass pendulum chimed at the end of the dark hallway, every hour on the hour. I listened to the chime echo in the...; Search Snippet: ...Perspectives Spring, 2018 Note Domestic Work in the United States: Gender, Immigration, and Personhood Samantha Malone [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by Samantha... 2018  
Karen Musalo El Salvador--a Peace Worse than War: Violence, Gender and a Failed Legal Response 30 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 3 (2018) Introduction. 4 I. Historical Antecedents to El Salvador's Civil War and Its Negotiated Settlement. 8 II. Levels and Underlying Causes of Violence in El Salvador. 14 A. Levels of Violence. 14 B. Underlying Causes. 15 1. Structural Violence, the Civil War, and Impunity. 16 2. Economic Inequalities and Social Exclusion. 24 3. Gangs and Organized...; Search Snippet: ...2018 Article El Salvador--a Peace Worse than War: Violence, Gender and a Failed Legal Response Karen Musalo [Fnd1] Copyright © 2018... 2018  
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