AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Daniel Del Gobbo The Feminist Negotiator's Dilemma 33 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution Resol. 1 (2018) I. Introduction: Negotiating Difference II. Traditional Approaches to Gender in Principled Negotiation A. The Sex/Gender Framework B. Sex/Gender Difference in Principled Negotiation C. Traditional Approaches to Sex/Gender in Principled Negotiation 1. Liberal Feminist Negotiation 2. Cultural Feminist Negotiation D. Moving Beyond the Traditional...; Search Snippet: ...Resolution Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 2018 Article the Feminist Negotiator's Dilemma Daniel Del Gobbo [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by The... 2018  
Torie Abbott Watkins The Ghost of Salary Past: Why Salary History Inquiries Perpetuate the Gender Pay Gap and Should Be Ousted as a Factor Other than Sex 103 Minnesota Law Review 1041 (December, 2018) It is a story women know all too well. After years of living and working as a school teacher in Arizona, Aileen Rizo decided it was time for a change. She packed up her belongings, quit her job, and moved to sunny California. Due to an impressive resume and years of experience in education, Rizo soon received an offer to be a math consultant in the...; Search Snippet: ...Ghost of Salary Past: Why Salary History Inquiries Perpetuate the Gender Pay Gap and Should Be Ousted as a Factor Other... 2018  
Ruqaiijah Yearby The Impact of Structural Racism in Employment and Wages on Minority Women's Health 43 Human Rights 21 (2018) In 2010, at the end of the great recession that disproportionately harmed racial minorities and women, the federal government recognized that health disparities are caused by the social determinants of health (SDOH) (Figure 1), which are outside an individual's control. (Sec'y's Advisory Comm, on Nat'l Health Promotion & Disease Prevention...; Search Snippet: ...Impact of Structural Racism in Employment and Wages on Minority Women's Health Ruqaiijah Yearby [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by American Bar Association... 2018  
Gretchen Borchelt The Impact Poverty Has on Women's Health 43 Human Rights 16 (2018) I magine being forced to choose between paying for necessary health care and paying for food, rent, or your child's school supplies. This is the untenable situation in which many poor women find themselves. Despite the Affordable Care Act's advancements in making health care more available and affordable for millions of women across the country,...; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights Human Rights 2018 the Impact Poverty Has on Women's Health Gretchen Borchelt [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by American Bar Association... 2018  
Bianca A. White The Invisible Victims of the School-to-prison Pipeline: Understanding Black Girls, School Push-out, and the Impact of the Every Student Succeeds Act 24 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 641 (Spring, 2018) Introduction I. Brief History II. Understanding Black Girlhood and the School-to-Prison Pipeline III. The Necessity of Programs for Black Girls IV. Every Student Succeeds Act V. Ending School Push-out Conclusion A stigma follows Black girls: they are said to be unruly, defiant, unsophisticated, and to have bad attitudes. This stigma is reinforced...; Search Snippet: ...Invisible Victims of the School-to-prison Pipeline: Understanding Black Girls, School Push-out, and the Impact of the Every Student... 2018 African/Black American
Leoni Fred The Invisible Voices of the Movement to End Violence Against Women: Immigrant Survivors with Criminal Convictions 8 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 57 (Summer, 2018) I. Introduction. 58 II. Part II. 60 A. Emergence of the Movement to End Violence Against Women. 60 B. Successes Under VAWA. 61 C. The Innocent Victim Icon. 63 i. Influences on WAVA. 65 III. Part III. 66 A. Domestic Violence Correlation to the Risk of Incarceration. 66 IV. Part IV. 69 A. Influences on the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 69...; Search Snippet: ...The Invisible Voices of the Movement to End Violence Against Women: Immigrant Survivors with Criminal Convictions Leoni Fred Copyright © 2018 By... 2018  
Sheila M. Lake The Right to Gender Self-identification - Post Obergefell 19 Western Michigan University Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law 293 (2018) C1-2Table of Contents INTRODUCTION. 294 BACKGROUND. 296 Defining Sex vs. Gender. 296 International Transgender Roles. 297 Role and History of Transgendered People in America. 298 Impact on Quality of Life. 300 Legal Consequences. 303 ANALYSIS. 304 Precedent in Transgendered Cases. 304 Dignity and Fundamental Rights. 306 Deeply Rooted and Implicit...; Search Snippet: ...Of Practical and Clinical Law 2018 Article the Right to Gender Self-identification - Post Obergefell Sheila M. Lake [Fn1] Copyright © 2018... 2018  
Christina L. Boyd , Paul M. Collins, Jr. , Lori A. Ringhand The Role of Nominee Gender and Race at U.s. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings 52 Law and Society Review 871 (December, 2018) We investigate an unexplored aspect of the U.S. Supreme Court confirmation process: whether questioning senators treat female and minority nominees differently from male and white nominees. Applying out-group theory, we argue that senators will ask female and minority nominees more questions about their judicial philosophies in an effort to...; Search Snippet: ...And Society Review December, 2018 Article the Role of Nominee Gender and Race at U.s. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings [Fna1] Christina... 2018  
Lorena Espino-Piepp The Violence Against Women Act, Implicit Bias, and Judicial Training 24 Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice 347 (Spring, 2018) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS. 347 INTRODUCTION. 348 I. HISTORY OF VAWA, IMMIGRATION LAWS, AND THE FAMILY COURT. 350 A. The Violence Against Women Act. 351 B. Domestic Violence and Latina Immigrant Women. 352 C. Immigration Laws and Domestic Violence. 353 D. VAWA's Response to the Specific Problems Faced by Immigrant Women in Accessing...; Search Snippet: ...Equal Rights & Social Justice Spring, 2018 Note the Violence Against Women Act, Implicit Bias, and Judicial Training Lorena Espino-piepp Copyright... 2018 Hispanic/Latinx American
Lisa R. Pruitt The Women Feminism Forgot: Rural and Working-class White Women in the Era of Trump 49 University of Toledo Law Review 537 (Spring, 2018) I. Forgotten, Invisible, Hidden. 543 A. Rural Americans. 543 B. Working-Class Whites. 547 II. From Neglect to Contempt. 552 III. So What's Been Going on with Those Women While We Weren't Looking?. 557 A. The Gendered Rural Socioeconomic Milieu. 557 B. Violence Against Women and Rural Porn. 560 C. Deaths of Despair. 561 IV. The 2016 Election:...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Spring, 2018 Gender Equality Symposium Keynote Address the Women Feminism Forgot: Rural and Working-class White Women in the Era of Trump Lisa R. Pruitt [Fna1] Copyright... 2018  
Devlin Healey There Are No Bras in Space: How Spaceflight Adapted to Women and How Women Adapt to Spaceflight 19 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 593 (Spring, 2018) This note addresses the journey of American women to achieve equal participation in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) spaceflight program and the new challenges facing female participation in spaceflight today. After providing a brief overview of the history of American female participation in spaceflight that examines the...; Search Snippet: ...There Are No Bras in Space: How Spaceflight Adapted to Women and How Women Adapt to Spaceflight Devlin Healey [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by Devlin... 2018  
Rowan D. Wilson To Know Who We Are and What We Can Do 118 Columbia Law Review Rev. 5 (January, 2018) Early in 2013, in the midst of interviews conducted by several upstate bar associations reviewing candidates for a seat on the New York Court of Appeals, I sat down at lunch and met Sheila Abdus-Salaam. I was not in my element, and I'm sure she noticed that when she decided to sit next to me and introduce herself. Toward the end of our...; Search Snippet: ...Family History and Discover That She--who Became the First African American Woman to Sit on the Highest Court in New York State... 2018 African/Black American
Andrea Freeman Unmothering Black Women: Formula Feeding as an Incident of Slavery 69 Hastings Law Journal 1545 (August, 2018) Laws and policies that impede Black mothers' ability to breastfeed their children began in slavery and persist as an incident of that institution today. They originated in the practice of removing enslaved new mothers from their infants to work or to serve as wet nurses for slave owners' children. The stereotype of the bad Black mother justified...; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal Hastings Law Journal August, 2018 Article Unmothering Black Women: Formula Feeding as an Incident of Slavery Andrea Freeman [Fna1... 2018 African/Black American
Lisset M. Pino Wal-mart V. Dukes: the Feminist Case Against Individualized Adjudication 30 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 401 (2018) Introduction. 401 I.Background: Wal-Mart v. Dukes. 405 II.The Impossible Class Action. 409 III.Moving Forward: Options for Collective Adjudication Post-Dukes. 411; Search Snippet: ...Of Law & Feminism 2018 Comment Wal-mart V. Dukes : the Feminist Case Against Individualized Adjudication Lisset M. Pino [Fnd1] Copyright © 2018... 2018  
Bina Nayee Where Breaking Glass Ceilings Leads to Glass Walls: Gender-disparate Managerial Decision-making Power and Authority 87 Fordham Law Review 371 (October, 2018) Today, litigation over plainly discriminatory employment practices is much less common than it was in the two decades following Title VII's enactment as employers have largely reformed practices that most obviously violate employment discrimination law. But many less obvious employment practices, particularly those embedded in implicit bias or...; Search Snippet: ...2018 Note Where Breaking Glass Ceilings Leads to Glass Walls: Gender-disparate Managerial Decision-making Power and Authority Bina Nayee [Fna1... 2018  
Brittany L. Walter Women in Special Operations Forces: a Battle for Effectiveness Amidst the Pursuit of Equality 52 University of San Francisco Law Review 175 (2018) [T]he Court has repeatedly recognized that neither federal nor state government acts compatibly with the equal protection principle when a law or official policy denies to women, simply because they are women, full citizenship stature--equal opportunity to aspire, achieve, participate in and contribute to society based on their individual talents...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review University of San Francisco Law Review 2018 Comment Women in Special Operations Forces: a Battle for Effectiveness Amidst The... 2018  
Donna M. MacKenzie Women in the Law 97-MAY Michigan Bar Journal 22 (May, 2018) This year, the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan (WLAM) proudly celebrates its 100th anniversary. This historic milestone was kick started in April with our Centennial Gala. The theme was Looking Back, Moving Forward. At the gala, we honored the past presidents of our state organization and of each of our regional chapters and foundation. We...; Search Snippet: ...2176351 Michigan Bar Journal Michigan Bar Journal May, 2018 Feature Women in the Law Theme Introduction Donna M. Mackenzie [Fna1] Copyright... 2018  
June Cross , Nia Weeks , Moderated by Kristen Underhill , Introduction by Chloe Bootstaylor Women of Color and Health: Issues and Solutions 36 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 21 (2018) Chloe Bootstaylor: Welcome to our second panel. This panel focuses on women of color in health, issues, and solutions. The session is inspired by Professor June Cross of the Columbia School of Journalism and her recent film, Wilhemina's War, which follows the story of Wilhemina Dixon and depicts the obstacles that Americans with HIV/AIDS face in...; Search Snippet: ...Gender and Law Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 2018 Women of Color and Health: Issues and Solutions June Cross [Fna1... 2018  
Jadranka Jakovcic Women of the Mother Court 65-AUG Federal Lawyer 62 (August, 2018) The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), colloquially known as the Mother Court, is the oldest federal court in the United States. Created by President George Washington through the Judiciary Act of 1789, it was the first court to sit under the new U.S. Constitution, preceding the U.S. Supreme Court by several weeks....; Search Snippet: ...Wl 10424760 Federal Lawyer Federal Lawyer August, 2018 Convention Issue Women of the Mother Court Jadranka Jakovcic [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 By... 2018  
Michelle Margaret Smith You Play Ball like a Girl: Cultural Implications of the Contact Sports Exemption and Why it Needs to Be Changed 66 Cleveland State Law Review 677 (2018) Women in the United States have historically earned significantly less income per year compared to their male counterparts. In 2014, the pay discrepancy was at its lowest point with women earning seventy-nine cents per every dollar men earned. This discrepancy exists even though women now attain college degrees at a higher rate than men and make up...; Search Snippet: ...State Law Review 2018 Note You Play Ball like a Girl: Cultural Implications of the Contact Sports Exemption and Why It... 2018  
Hensleigh Crowell A Home of One's Own: the Fight Against Illegal Housing Discrimination Based on Criminal Convictions, and Those Who Are Still Left Behind 95 Texas Law Review 1103 (April, 2017) The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. --Maya Angelou Housing discrimination against men and women with criminal records is ubiquitous in American society. Considering America imprisons more of its population than any country in the world, the effects of this discrimination are...; Search Snippet: ...That this Ban Has a Disparate Impact on Black and Latino Men and Women, Who Make up 95% of Those Served by Fortune. [Fn117... 2017 Multiple Groups
Erwin Chemerinsky , Michele Goodwin Abortion: a Woman's Private Choice 95 Texas Law Review 1189 (May, 2017) Introduction. 1189 I. The Flawed Foundation for the Constitutional Protection of Reproductive Rights. 1198 A. Griswold v. Connecticut. 1201 B. Roe v. Wade. 1203 C. The Undue Burden Test. 1213 II. Reconceptualizing Abortion as a Private Choice for Each Woman. 1224 A. The Constitutional Issues Concerning Abortion. 1224 B. Abortion as a Private...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Texas Law Review May, 2017 Article Abortion: a Woman's Private Choice Erwin Chemerinsky [Fna1] Michele Goodwin [Fnaa1] Copyright © 2017... 2017  
Trina Jones , Kimberly Jade Norwood Aggressive Encounters & White Fragility: Deconstructing the Trope of the Angry Black Woman 102 Iowa Law Review 2017 (July, 2017) Black women in the United States are the frequent targets of bias-filled interactions in which aggressors: (1) denigrate Black women; and (2) blame those women who elect to challenge the aggressor's acts and the bias that fuels them. This Article seeks to raise awareness of these aggressive encounters and to challenge a prevailing...; Search Snippet: ...Encounters & White Fragility: Deconstructing the Trope of the Angry Black Woman Trina Jones [Fna1] Kimberly Jade Norwood [Fnaa1] Copyright © 2016 By... 2017 African/Black American
Catherine M. Redlingshafer An Avoidable Conundrum: How American Indian Legislation Unnecessarily Forces Tribal Governments to Choose Between Cultural Preservation and Women's Vindication 93 Notre Dame Law Review 393 (November, 2017) Gender violence in American Indian communities is a serious, complex issue due to a myriad of legal and cultural barriers. Today, rates of rape and other sexual assaults are higher for American Indian women than any other demographic in the country. In fact, a Department of Justice report found that the assault rates for American Indian and Alaska...; Search Snippet: ...Dame Law Review November, 2017 Note an Avoidable Conundrum: How American Indian Legislation Unnecessarily Forces Tribal Governments to Choose Between Cultural Preservation and Women's Vindication Catherine M. Redlingshafer [Fna1] Copyright © 2017 by the Notre Dame Law Review; Catherine m. 2017 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Max Waltman Appraising the Impact of Toward a Feminist Theory of the State: Consciousness-raising, Hierarchy Theory, and Substantive Equality Laws 35 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 353 (Summer, 2017) As an undergraduate in the early 2000s, reading Toward a Feminist Theory of the State for the first time, its visionary analysis and blueprint for changing the status quo made a profound impression. The approach was problem-driven, presenting empirically grounded theories that could actually be put into practice in policy and law, in contrast to...; Search Snippet: ...Forward | Nov. 18, 2016 Appraising the Impact of Toward a Feminist Theory of the State: Consciousness-raising, Hierarchy Theory, and Substantive... 2017  
Renee Henson Are My Cornrows Unprofessional?: Title Vii's Narrow Application of Grooming Policies, and its Effect on Black Women's Natural Hair in the Workplace 1 Business, Entrepreneurship & Tax Law Review 521 (Fall, 2017) Employer grooming policies are ubiquitous and apply to all in the workplace, however, the hair standards within these policies do not permit women to wear a myriad of ethnic hairstyles at work. Banning ethnic hairstyles like braids, cornrows, and dreadlocks adversely and disproportionally affects black women. Banning ethnic styles because they are...; Search Snippet: ...Narrow Application of Grooming Policies, and its Effect on Black Women's Natural Hair in the Workplace Renee Henson [Fna1] Copyright © 2017... 2017 African/Black American
Kristin N. Johnson Banking on Diversity: Does Gender Diversity Improve Financial Firms' Risk Oversight? 70 SMU Law Review 327 (Spring, 2017) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION. 328 II. SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND BOARDS OF DIRECTORS. 332 III. WHY BUILD DIVERSE BOARDS?. 337 A. Enhanced Financial Performance. 338 1. Studies Finding a Positive Relationship Between Gender Diversity and Firm Performance. 339 2. Studies Finding a Negative or Inconclusive Relationship Between Gender Diversity and...; Search Snippet: ...Smu Law Review Spring, 2017 Article Banking on Diversity: Does Gender Diversity Improve Financial Firms' Risk Oversight? Kristin N. Johnson [Fna1... 2017  
Scott P. Humphreys Bauer V. Lynch: a Push(up) to Exercise Change and Account for Physiological Differences Between Men and Women 14 Seton Hall Circuit Review 161 (Fall, 2017) I. INTRODUCTION. 162 II. THE UNEQUAL BURDENS ANALYSIS AND JUSTIFIED ACCOUNTING FOR GENDER DIFFERENCES WHEN ASSESSING PHYSICAL FITNESS REQUIREMENTS. 165 A. The Unequal Burdens Analysis Applied: Cases Dealing with Dress and Grooming. 166 B. Reaction to the Unequal Burdens Analysis. 168 C. The Need to Account for Innate Physiological Differences when...; Search Snippet: ...Exercise Change and Account for Physiological Differences Between Men and Women Scott P. Humphreys [Fna1] Copyright © 2016 by Seton Hall University... 2017  
Samira Paydar Boys Club Behind the Scenes: Using Title Vii to Remedy Gender Discrimination in Hollywood 47 Seton Hall Law Review 1077 (2017) Director George Miller opens his Oscar winning film Mad Max: Fury Road in post-apocalyptic Australia. Humanity is broken, and those who remain survive in an unforgiving wasteland of perpetual drought where the soil can no longer sustain life. A tyrant, Immortan Joe, distributes water at his whim to those thirsting. Joe's five enslaved wives, led by...; Search Snippet: ...Boys Club Behind the Scenes: Using Title Vii to Remedy Gender Discrimination in Hollywood Samira Paydar [Fna1] Copyright © 2016 by Seton... 2017  
Patricia M. Jarzobski Celebrating Women's History Month 46-MAR Colorado Lawyer Law. 5 (March, 2017) Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. --Suzy Kassem Women's History Month celebrates the struggles and achievements of American women who have fought throughout our history to gain rights for themselves, and more important, for many other underrepresented and disenfranchised groups in America. In 1981, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Rep....; Search Snippet: ...Lawyer March, 2017 Around the Bar Cba President's Message Celebrating Women's History Month Patricia M. Jarzobski Copyright © 2017 by the Colorado... 2017  
Liane Jackson Changing Times 103-JAN ABA Journal 66 (January, 2017) On a late October day in New York City, partners, law firm associates and in-house counsel gathered at the offices of Mayer Brown to confront issues of gender inequity in BigLaw and brainstorm ways to move the needle. The discussion happened at a time when the state of diversity in the legal profession is sobering at best and dismal at worst,...; Search Snippet: ...Panelists Look for Ways to Remove Barriers to Advancement for Women at Large Law Firms Liane Jackson Copyright © 2017 by The... 2017  
Adam Crepelle Concealed Carry to Reduce Sexual Violence Against American Indian Women 26-SPG Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 236 (Spring, 2017) Although crime rates in the United States have fallen since the 1990s, Indian reservation crime rates have increased over the same time period. The violent victimization rate for Indians is twice that of any other race, and the crime rate on some reservations is 20 times the national average. Indian crime victimization statistics are outrageous in...; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2017 Featuring Concealed Carry to Reduce Sexual Violence Against American Indian Women Adam Crepelle [Fna1] Copyright © 2017 by the Kansas Journal Of... 2017 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Kris Gilliland, Bette Bradley, Ellie Campbell Dared to Enter a 'Man's World': Mississippi Women Lawyers, 1914-1964 85 Mississippi Law Journal 1479 (2017) I. Researching Early Women Lawyers in Mississippi. 1482 II. Mississippi Women in the Public Sphere. 1486 A. Higher Education. 1487 B. The Suffrage Movement. 1491 C. The Legal Profession. 1493 1. Bar Admission. 1493 2. Law School. 1499 D. Professional Identity and Opportunity. 1502 1. Lady Lawyers. 1502 2. Family Matters. 1504 3. Career Paths....; Search Snippet: ...School of Law Dared to Enter a Man's World: Mississippi Women Lawyers, 1914-1964 Kris Gilliland Bette Bradley Ellie Campbell [Fna1... 2017  
Janet Dolgin Discriminating Gender: Legal, Medical, and Social Presumptions about Transgender and Intersex People 47 Southwestern Law Review 61 (2017) Medicine and law have long assumed and re-enforced a binary view of gender in proposing care for and defining the rights of transgender and intersex people. This Article considers that history and its consequences for the people most directly affected by it. Further, it considers recent challenges to the binary gender presumption and to the medical...; Search Snippet: ...7550700 Southwestern Law Review Southwestern Law Review 2017 Article Discriminating Gender: Legal, Medical, and Social Presumptions about Transgender and Intersex People... 2017  
Maya Sen Diversity, Qualifications, and Ideology: How Female and Minority Judges Have Changed, or Not Changed, over Time 2017 Wisconsin Law Review 367 (2017) Ever since the Carter Administration began appointing female and minority judges in large numbers, scholars have sought to measure their impact. In this Article, I focus on a different, but equally important question: what is the background and ideology of female and minority judges and how has this changed over time? I address this issue...; Search Snippet: ...Wisconsin Law Review 2017 Article Diversity, Qualifications, and Ideology: How Female and Minority Judges Have Changed, or Not Changed, over Time... 2017  
Charles B. Craver Do Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures Disadvantage Women and Minorities? 70 SMU Law Review 891 (Fall, 2017) When different legal controversies arise, parties frequently employ alternative dispute resolution procedures to resolve them. Yet some members of ethnic minority groups and women may seek judicial proceedings out of a concern that their ethnicity or gender may undermine their ability to achieve beneficial bargaining outcomes through ADR. This...; Search Snippet: ...Review Fall, 2017 Article Do Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures Disadvantage Women and Minorities? Charles B. Craver [Fna1] Copyright © 2017 by Southern... 2017  
Stephanie McCurry Enemy Women and the Laws of War in the American Civil War 35 Law and History Review 667 (August, 2017) We do not make war on women and children Illinois Private, 1862 One of the most important legacies of the American Civil War, not just in the re-united States of America but also in the nineteenth and twentieth century world, were the new laws of war that the conflict introduced. Lieber's Code, named after the man who authored it for the...; Search Snippet: ...History Review Law and History Review August, 2017 Article Enemy Women and the Laws of War in the American Civil War... 2017  
Krishna de la Cruz Exploring the Conflicts Within Carceral Feminism: a Call to Revocalize the Women Who Continue to Suffer 19 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 79 (2017) The pedestal upon which women have been placed has . upon closer inspection, been revealed as a cage. --The Honorable Raymond J. Peters I. Introduction. 80 II. Carceral Feminism and Prostitution. 82 A. Carceral Feminism Criminalizes Prostitution but Disregards Historically Discriminatory Prostitution Policy. 83 B. Understanding the Difference...; Search Snippet: ...The Conflicts Within Carceral Feminism: a Call to Revocalize the Women Who Continue to Suffer Krishna De La Cruz [Fna1] Copyright... 2017  
Shaleen Morales Saldarriaga Flaming Fifties and Beyond: an International Comparison of Age Discrimination Laws and How the United States Could Improve the Laws for Elderly Women 25 Elder Law Journal 101 (2017) Age discrimination in employment continues to be a major issue in developed countries. Older employees are more disadvantaged to retain or regain employment than their younger counterparts. The Age Discrimination Employment Act (the ADEA) was implemented to protect older workers from adverse employment decisions based on age. There has been an...; Search Snippet: ...How the United States Could Improve the Laws for Elderly Women Shaleen Morales Saldarriaga [Fna1] Copyright © 2017 by the Board Of... 2017  
George Waas Florida's Minority Trailblazers: the Men and Women Who Changed the Face of Florida Government by Susan A. Macmanus 91-MAY Florida Bar Journal 44 (May, 2017) Florida's rich history of explosive growth following World War II is told through the lives of minority trailblazers who helped the Sunshine State rise from being one of the poorest, most isolated states, with the smallest population in the South, to the most dynamic state on the east coast and, with California, the most diverse in the nation. In...; Search Snippet: ...May, 2017 Column Book Florida's Minority Trailblazers: the Men and Women Who Changed the Face of Florida Government by Susan A... 2017  
Loren D. Goodman For What It's Worth: the Role of Race- and Gender-based Data in Civil Damages Awards 70 Vanderbilt Law Review 1353 (May, 2017) Introduction. 1354 I. Statistical Reliance on Race and Gender. 1358 A. Historically Permissible Stereotyping. 1358 1. An Introduction to Actuarial Science and the Problem of Redlining. 1358 2. Life Tables, Forensic Economists, and Lost Earnings Calculations. 1360 B. Recent Rejections of Raced-Based and Gendered Evidence at Trial: Selected...; Search Snippet: ...Note for What It's Worth: the Role of Race- and Gender-based Data in Civil Damages Awards Loren D. Goodman [Fna1... 2017  
Terry A. Kupers Gender and Domination in Prison 39 Western New England Law Review 427 (2017) Gender theory has evolved in recent years. The feminist and gay liberation struggles of the 1960s and 1970s were about equal rights, the rights of women in the workplace, and the rights of gays to safety and an equal place at the table. More recently, the entire notion of binary gender identity and binary sexual preference has come into question....; Search Snippet: ...England Law Review Western New England Law Review 2017 Article Gender and Domination in Prison [Fna1] Terry A. Kupers [Fnaa1] Copyright... 2017  
Adam R. Chang, Stephanie M. Wildman Gender In/sight: Examining Culture and Constructions of Gender 18 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 43 (Spring, 2017) Introduction. 44 I. The Role of Gender in U.S. Society. 45 II. What is Gender?. 54 A. Biological Sex. 57 B. Gender Identity. 59 C. Gender Expression. 61 III. Expanding Understandings of Gender in a Society That Has Not Yet Recognized Deeper Gender Issues. 63 A. The Inclusion of Male Feminists and the Unintended Exclusion of Non-Binary People. 64 B....; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2017 General Issue of Gender and the Law Article Gender In/sight: Examining Culture and Constructions of Gender Adam R. Chang Stephanie M. Wildman [Fna1] Copyright © 2017 By... 2017  
Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol Glocalizing Women's Health and Safety: Migration, Work and Labor 15 Santa Clara Journal of International Law 48 (2/2/2017) Worldwide, women's equality remains elusive in the social, political, civil, economic and cultural spheres. Such reality presents a challenge in the movement of persons across state borders because, globally, the world is experiencing a feminization of migration. In turn, the feminization of migration effects threats to the health and safety of...; Search Snippet: ...Clara Journal of International Law February 2, 2017 Article Glocalizing Women's Health and Safety: Migration, Work and Labor Berta Esperanza Hernández... 2017  
Mary Anne Case Heterosexuality as a Factor in the Long History of Women's Sports 80 Law and Contemporary Problems 25 (2017) Too many accounts of the development of women's sports tend to posit their origin in the late nineteenth or even the twentieth century, as a belated, slowly developing, and sometimes vehemently resisted addendum to the development of sports for men. To begin a history of women's sports at such a late date has several important distorting effects....; Search Snippet: ...Editor Heterosexuality as a Factor in the Long History of Women's Sports Mary Anne Case [Fna1] Copyright © 2018 by Mary Anne... 2017  
Kevin R. Johnson How Political Ideology Undermines Racial and Gender Diversity in Federal Judicial Selection: the Prospects for Judicial Diversity in the Trump Years 2017 Wisconsin Law Review 345 (2017) This Essay considers the relationship between efforts to increase the racial and gender diversity of the federal judiciary and the contemporary contentiousness of the Senate judicial confirmation process. Part I briefly evaluates the benefits of a diverse federal judiciary and summarizes the relatively successful efforts of President Obama--the...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2017 Article How Political Ideology Undermines Racial and Gender Diversity in Federal Judicial Selection: the Prospects for Judicial Diversity... 2017  
Ann M. Eisenberg , Amelia Courtney Hritz , Caisa Elizabeth Royer , John H. Blume If it Walks like Systematic Exclusion and Quacks like Systematic Exclusion: Follow-up on Removal of Women and African-americans in Jury Selection in South Carolina Capital Cases, 1997-2014 68 South Carolina Law Review 373 (Spring, 2017) I. Introduction. 373 II. Background. 375 III. Methodology. 380 IV. Results. 382 V. Conclusion. 388; Search Snippet: ...And Quacks like Systematic Exclusion: Follow-up on Removal of Women and African- Americans in Jury Selection in South Carolina Capital Cases, 1997-2014... 2017 African/Black American
Cyra Akila Choudhury In the Shadow of Gaslight: Reflections on Identity, Diversity, and the Distribution of Power in the Academy 20 CUNY Law Review 467 (Spring, 2017) I. Multicultural Tolerance, Identity Politics, and the Contingency of Progress. 471 II. Coopting Identity and Representation in the Service of the Institutional Status Quo. 476 III. Lessons from the Past: What are We Struggling For and Against?. 478; Search Snippet: ...Fn25] If You Wanted to Learn about the Contributions of African Americans to Science or Math or Women's History, You Could Now Choose a Course in Black or Women's Studies. [Fn26] this Strategy Was Sometimes Adopted Instead of Demanding... 2017 African/Black American
Taylor Stoneman International Economic Law, Gender Equality, and Paternity Leave: Can the Wto Be Utilized to Balance the Division of Care Labor Worldwide? 32 Emory International Law Review 51 (2017) Which public policies most effectively promote gender equality and how can they be realized internationally to support women on a global scale? I first argue that longer periods of paid paternity leave must be embraced to challenge the historical conception of women as the primary caregiver in a male-female partnership and to bring men into the...; Search Snippet: ...Review Emory International Law Review 2017 Article International Economic Law, Gender Equality, and Paternity Leave: Can the Wto Be Utilized To... 2017  
Kersti Myles Jezebels and Jungle Bunnies: How the Stereotypes of Black Women Shape Legislation, the Legal Profession and Feminist Jurisprudence 10 Modern American Am. 3 (Spring, 2017) Black women are taught at an early age that they are societal defects. It is impressed upon us that because of our deficiency of the Y-chromosome and the overproduction of melanin, we are doomed to a life of continual handicap and hardship. These notions of subordination are interwoven in the moral compass and fabric of our nation, and although...; Search Snippet: ...Article Jezebels and Jungle Bunnies: How the Stereotypes of Black Women Shape Legislation, the Legal Profession and Feminist Jurisprudence Kersti Myles Copyright © 2017 by the Modern American; Kersti... 2017 African/Black American
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