AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearEthnicity in Title or Summary
Rasheedah Phillips Addressing Barriers to Housing for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 24 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 323 (Spring 2015) The effects and consequences of domestic violence and sexual assault go beyond physical, mental, and emotional abuse. In the United States, domestic violence -- including intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and stalking -- is a major cause of homelessness, specifically for women and children. There are an estimated 1.3 million female victims...; Search Snippet: ...Do We Go from Here? Addressing Barriers to Housing for Women Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Rasheedah Phillips [Fna1... 2015  
Rosie Hidalgo Advancing a Human Rights Framework to Reimagine the Movement to End Gender Violence 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 559 (Summer, 2015) I. Development of Legislation in the United States within Global Context of Human Rights Advocacy. 560 II. Opportunities for Improvement with the Reauthorization of Gender Violence Legislation. 565 III. Expanding Advocacy Beyond Legislation Focused on Gender Violence to Address Human Rights Abuses. 572 IV. Conclusion. 578; Search Snippet: ...A Human Rights Framework to Reimagine the Movement to End Gender Violence Rosie Hidalgo [Fna1] Copyright © 2015 by the University Of... 2015  
Tracy A. Thomas An Introduction to the Women in Law Symposium 47 Akron Law 891 (2015) People commonly say that women's equality has been achieved. Indeed, they tire of continuing refrains and complaints to the contrary. On the surface, many formal barriers to women's equality have been eliminated, including laws of voting, marital property, employment, and education. Yet these laws are not fully and adequately enforced, thus the...; Search Snippet: ...Review 2015 Symposium: Women in Law an Introduction to the Women in Law Symposium Tracy A. Thomas [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015... 2015  
Alfred L. Brophy Antislavery Women and the Origins of American Jurisprudence: Gender and Race in Antebellum Popular Culture. By Sarah N. Roth. New York, Ny: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 320 Pages. $99.00 94 Texas Law Review 115 (November, 2015) Antislavery Women and the Origins of American Jurisprudence is a Review of Sarah Roth's Gender and Race in Antebellum Popular Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2014). It assesses Roth's account of the dialogue between antislavery and proslavery writers. Roth finds that the antislavery and proslavery writers were joined in their depiction of...; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Texas Law Review November, 2015 Book Review Antislavery Women and the Origins of American Jurisprudence: Gender and Race in Antebellum Popular Culture. By Sarah N. Roth... 2015  
Seham Elmalak Babies Behind Bars: an Evaluation of Prison Nurseries in American Female Prisons and Their Potential Constitutional Challenges 35 Pace Law Review 1080 (Spring 2015) The focus of the legal profession, perhaps even the obsessive focus, has been on the process for determining guilt or innocence. When someone has been judged guilty . . . the legal profession seems to lose all interest. When the prisoner is taken way, our attention turns to the next case. When the door is locked against the prisoner, we do not...; Search Snippet: ...Babies Behind Bars: an Evaluation of Prison Nurseries in American Female Prisons and Their Potential Constitutional Challenges Seham Elmalak [Fna1] Copyright... 2015  
Patricia Leary Bad Machines and Back Seats: Stories of Women and Work 36 Whittier Law Review 401 (Spring 2015) Good morning. Thank you to the Whittier Law Review and our wonderful students for organizing this very important symposium and for the honor of appearing on this panel. I know this panel is about the rights of low-wage women workers. I do not intend, however, to talk about rights. I do intend to talk about women and about the structural...; Search Snippet: ...Gap Symposium Articles Bad Machines and Back Seats: Stories of Women and Work Patricia Leary [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015 Whittier Law... 2015  
Gila Stopler Biopolitics and Reproductive Justice: Fertility Policies Between Women's Rights and State and Community Interests 18 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 169 (2015) In this Article, I argue that the liberal assumption that governments must not engage in biopolitics by setting fertility policies is flawed in both theory and practice. It is flawed in theory because government must take reproduction into account in order to ensure individual women's rights to liberty and equality and to guarantee reproductive...; Search Snippet: ...Change 2015 Article Biopolitics and Reproductive Justice: Fertility Policies Between Women's Rights and State and Community Interests Gila Stopler [Fn1] Copyright... 2015  
Jasmine Phillips Black Girls and the (Im)possibilities of a Victim Trope: the Intersectional Failures of Legal and Advocacy Interventions in the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors in the United States 62 UCLA Law Review 1642 (August, 2015) The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) considers all youth less than eighteen years of age trafficking victims without a showing of force, fraud, or coercion. The presumption is that minors cannot legally consent to sex and thus are always victims. Being characterized as a victim helps youth access support services and avoid prosecution in...; Search Snippet: ...Examining the Roots of Human Trafficking and Exploitation Comment Black Girls and the (Im)possibilities of a Victim Trope: the Intersectional Failures... 2015 African/Black American
Burton F. Peebles Blurred Lines: Sexual Orientation and Gender Nonconformity in Title Vii 64 Emory Law Journal 911 (2015) Title VII's prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex is read broadly to include gender nonconformity. Although social scientists have documented the historic link between the homosocial performance of sexual orientation and the achievement of hegemonic masculinity within the modern workplace, courts continue to struggle with the task of...; Search Snippet: ...Emory Law Journal 2015 Comment Blurred Lines: Sexual Orientation and Gender Nonconformity in Title Vii Burton F. Peebles [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2015  
Soniya Munshi, Bhavana Nancherla, Tiloma Jayasinghe Building Towards Transformative Justice at Sakhi for South Asian Women 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 421 (Summer, 2015) I. Contextualizing Sakhi's Approach to Anti-Violence Interventions. 421 II. Finding Opportunities in Conflicts to Develop A Process. 424 III. Engaging Contradictions through Political Education. 428 IV. Taking Some First Steps Towards Alternatives. 433 V. Conclusion. 434; Search Snippet: ...Violence Building Towards Transformative Justice at Sakhi for South Asian Women Soniya Munshi Bhavana Nancherla Tiloma Jayasinghe [Fna1] Copyright © 2015 By... 2015 Asian American
Nareissa L. Smith Built for Boyhood?: a Proposal for Reducing the Amount of Gender Bias in the Advertising of Children's Toys on Television 17 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 991 (Summer, 2015) While the last half-century has seen a dramatic increase in the number of US women in the workforce, women remain underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. For years, researchers and social commentators have tried to explain the persistence of this gender gap. Some have even argued that genetic differences...; Search Snippet: ...Built for Boyhood?: a Proposal for Reducing the Amount of Gender Bias in the Advertising of Children's Toys on Television Nareissa... 2015  
Anastasia M. Boles Centering the Teenage "Siren": Adolescent Workers, Sexual Harassment, and the Legal Construction of Race and Gender 22 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law L. 1 (2015) Recent scholarship and media attention has focused on the prevalence of sexually harassing behavior directed at working teenagers, and the emergence of sexual harassment lawsuits by these minors against their employers. Although many of the legal issues concerning workplace sexual harassment and adult workers (and the various state and federal...; Search Snippet: ...Workers, Sexual Harassment, and the Legal Construction of Race and Gender Anastasia M. Boles [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015 the University Of... 2015  
Sahar F. Aziz Coercing Assimilation: the Case of Muslim Women of Color 24 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 341 (Fall 2015) Thank you to Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems and the Journal of Gender, Race & Justice for inviting me, and a special thanks to Professor Wing for hosting us today. You all are very fortunate to have Professor Wing as an advisor and mentor here at the University of Iowa College of Law. Today, I have been asked to address the domestic...; Search Snippet: ...The Arab Spring Article Coercing Assimilation: the Case of Muslim Women of Color [Fnd1] Sahar F. Aziz [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015... 2015  
Marc Tran Combatting Gender Privilege and Recognizing a Woman's Right to Privacy in Public Spaces: Arguments to Criminalize Catcalling and Creepshots 26 Hastings Women's Law Journal 185 (Summer 2015) This comment explores two permutations of entitlement to women's attention and bodies in public: street harassment (catcalling) and upskirt and down-blouse photography (collectively, creepshots). Part I is devoted to discussing street harassment--its harms (on an individual and societal scale), legal solutions, and the limits of the law. Part...; Search Snippet: ...Womens Law Journal Hastings Women's Law Journal Summer 2015 Combatting Gender Privilege and Recognizing a Woman's Right to Privacy in Public Spaces: Arguments to Criminalize Catcalling... 2015  
Carol Jacobsen, Lynn D'Orio Defending Survivors: Case Studies of the Michigan Women's Justice & Clemency Project 18 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change Change 1 (2015) In the United States, the pursuit of clemency in cases involving battered women who defended themselves against abusers and prisoners on death row has raised crucial legal questions about the flaws and failures of our criminal legal system and the critical role that clemency needs to play in an unjust, oppressive system. Amid the politicized,...; Search Snippet: ...Change 2015 Article Defending Survivors: Case Studies of the Michigan Women's Justice & Clemency Project Carol Jacobsen Lynn D'orio [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2015  
Melissa Ballengee Alexander Denying the Dyad: How Criminalizing Pregnant Drug Use Harms the Baby, Taxpayers and Vulnerable Women 82 Tennessee Law Review 745 (Summer, 2015) Introduction. 746 I. Background and History. 751 A. Defining the Problem: Rising Drug Use and NAS. 751 B. Intertwined Histories: Fetal Rights and Assault Liability. 755 II. Law Expressly Authorizes Prosecuting Pregnant Drug Users for Assault. 759 A. Personhood, Abortion, and Criminal Liability for Assault Imposed On a Pregnant Woman at Any Stage...; Search Snippet: ...Criminalizing Pregnant Drug Use Harms the Baby, Taxpayers and Vulnerable Women Melissa Ballengee Alexander [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015 Tennessee Law Review... 2015  
Carrie Griffin Basas, Lisa Peters Deprivation and "Deviance": the Disability and Health Experiences of Women in North Carolina's Prisons 93 North Carolina Law Review 1223 (June, 2015) L1-2introduction . L31224 I. Overview of the Study. 1228 II. Survey Results. 1232 A. Demographics of Women Inmates in North Carolina's Correctional System. 1232 B. Increased Rates of Disability and Health Concerns Among Inmates. 1238 C. Missed Opportunities. 1242 III. Finding Working Definitions for Disability and Health. 1243 IV. Disability in the...; Search Snippet: ...System Deprivation and Deviance: the Disability and Health Experiences of Women in North Carolina's Prisons [Fna1] Carrie Griffin Basas Lisa Peters... 2015  
Sarah Zwach Disproportionate Use of Deadly Force on Unarmed Minority Males: How Gender and Racial Perceptions Can Be Remedied 30 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 185 (Fall 2015) Introduction. 186 I. Background. 188 A. Recent Police Killings of Unarmed Minority Males. 188 i. The Case of Michael Brown. 188 ii. A National Concern. 191 B. The Problem Is in the Numbers. 193 i. FBI Uniform Crime Reports. 193 ii. Alternative Measures. 194 C. Police Corruption: Legislative and Judicial Intervention. 197 i. History of Police in...; Search Snippet: ...Disproportionate Use of Deadly Force on Unarmed Minority Males: How Gender and Racial Perceptions Can Be Remedied Sarah Zwach [Fna1] Copyright... 2015  
Julie Goldscheid, Debra J. Liebowitz Due Diligence and Gender Violence: Parsing its Power and its Perils 48 Cornell International Law Journal 301 (Spring 2015) Human rights advocates increasingly invoke the due diligence standard to hold States responsible for their actions and omissions with respect to gender violence. This Article traces the development of the due diligence obligation and analyzes how the United Nations, European, and Inter-American human rights systems interpret the due diligence...; Search Snippet: ...Cornell International Law Journal Spring 2015 Articles Due Diligence and Gender Violence: Parsing its Power and its Perils Julie Goldscheid Debra... 2015  
L. Patricia Mock Effective Outreach to Underserved Communities of Color: an Arduous Sojourn to Cultivate and Attain Trust 17 Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law 51 (2015) This article examines parallel outreach initiatives employed by a law school clinic to reach two underserved communities of color. It describes the experiences and the lessons learned about structuring outreach to such communities. The article suggests steps a similar office might take to successfully achieve a reputation of offering an inclusive...; Search Snippet: ...Experiences as the Underserved Group-in this Case, Having an African- American Woman at the Helm-should Not Be Understated. [Fn28] Yet, This... 2015 African/Black American
Sandra S. Park Equal Protection for Survivors of Gender-based Violence: from Criminalization to Law Enforcement Accountability 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 401 (Summer, 2015) I. Criminalization Without Law Enforcement Accountability. 403 II. The Importance of Law Enforcement Accountability Advocacy as a Check on Misconduct and Impunity. 406 A. Connecting State-Perpetrated, State-Created, and State-Condoned Violence. 409 B. Preserving Criminal Justice Responses for Survivors Who Seek Them. 410 C. Building Power of...; Search Snippet: ...Reimagining Responses to Gender Violence Equal Protection for Survivors of Gender-based Violence: from Criminalization to Law Enforcement Accountability Sandra S... 2015  
Llezlie Green Coleman Exploited at the Intersection: a Critical Race Feminist Analysis of Undocumented Latina Workers and the Role of the Private Attorney General 22 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 397 (Fall 2015) Introduction. 398 I. The Feminization of Immigration and Immigrant Women in the Workplace. 400 II. Wage Theft Among Immigrant Women Workers. 402 III. Critical Race Feminism. 405 A. The Deference Narrative. 409 B. Exalting Self-Abnegation. 411 C. The Family Comes First (Familismo). 412 D. Learning from the Narratives. 414 IV. The Private Attorney...; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2015 Article Exploited at the Intersection: a Critical Race Feminist Analysis of Undocumented Latina Workers and the Role of the Private Attorney General Llezlie... 2015 Hispanic/Latinx American
  Federal Supervised Release and Actuarial Data (Including Age, Race, and Gender): the Camel's Nose and the Use of Actuarial Data at Sentencing 2015 Federal Sentencing Reporter 1911728 (4/1/2015) If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow. The camel's nose is a metaphor for a small act leading to a larger, undesirable action. Mixing metaphors, I intend to turn the tables on the anti-camel slur. I want to welcome our humped friend, particularly since the ruminant is already halfway into our tent. And, guess...; Search Snippet: ...Federal Supervised Release and Actuarial Data (Including Age, Race, and Gender): the Camel's Nose and the Use of Actuarial Data At... 2015  
Danielle Weatherby From Jack to Jill: Gender Expression as Protected Speech in the Modern Schoolhouse 39 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 89 (2015) In recent years, transgender adults in the entertainment world have capitalized on their public platform to advocate for and increase awareness about issues affecting the transgender community. Yet even with the emerging cultural understanding of this community, there is a noticeable absence of a voice for transgender youth, a particularly...; Search Snippet: ...Law and Social Change 2015 Article from Jack to Jill: Gender Expression as Protected Speech in the Modern Schoolhouse Danielle Weatherby... 2015  
M. Dru Levasseur, Esq. Gender Identity Defines Sex: Updating the Law to Reflect Modern Medical Science Is Key to Transgender Rights 39 Vermont Law Review 943 (Summer, 2015) Introduction. 944 I. Understanding Transgender. 948 A. An Overview of Transgender People's Lived Experience. 948 B. Gender Transition. 951 C. Recognition of Identity Through Legal-Name and Gender-Marker Changes. 959 II. Legal Horrors: Transgender People as Non-Human in the Eyes of the Law. 963 A. Courts Have Used Dehumanizing and Inconsistent...; Search Snippet: ...Review 14th Annual Symposium Vermont Law School--october 3, 2014 Gender Identity Defines Sex: Updating the Law to Reflect Modern Medical... 2015  
Julie Goldscheid Gender Neutrality and the "Violence Against Women" Frame 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 307 (Summer, 2015) I. Limits to the frame. 310 A. Empirical. 311 B. Theoretical. 314 1. Queer and Gender Theory. 314 2. Anti-essentialism and Intersectionality. 315 3. Anti-stereotyping. 316 C. Backlash Politics and Legal Challenges. 317 D. Practical. 318 II. Parsing the Frame. 319 A. Frame Theory. 319 III. Contextualized Gender-Neutrality. 321 IV. Conclusion. 324; Search Snippet: ...End Gender Violence Symposium Issue Part I: Reimagining Gender Violence Gender Neutrality and the Violence Against Women Frame Julie Goldscheid [Fna1] Copyright © 2015 by the University Of... 2015  
Emily A. Leskinen, Verónica Caridad Rabelo, Lilia M. Cortina, Carthage College, University of Michigan Gender Stereotyping and Harassment: a "Catch-22" for Women in the Workplace 21 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 192 (May, 2015) United States law recognizes the illegality of sex/gender stereotyping when it drives formal discrimination in employment, as in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins (1989). In the present study, we investigated whether such stereotyping--and attendant intolerance for counterstereotypicality--also breeds discrimination in the form of gender harassment. That...; Search Snippet: ...Policy and Law Psychology, Public Policy, and Law May, 2015 Gender Stereotyping and Harassment: a Catch-22 for Women in the Workplace [Fna1] Emily A. Leskinen Carthage College Verónica... 2015  
Elizabeth Webster , Jody Miller Gendering and Racing Wrongful Conviction: Intersectionality, "Normal Crimes," and Women's Experiences of Miscarriage of Justice 78 Albany Law Review 973 (2014-2015) On the afternoon of Saturday, May 14, 2005, four-year-old Jaquari Dancy died of asphyxiation from an elastic band that had come loose from a fitted bed sheet. According to the State's case at trial, the boy's mother, twenty-three-year-old Nicole Harris, angered by Jaquari's crying, choked him to death with the elastic band. The evidence...; Search Snippet: ...Article Gendering and Racing Wrongful Conviction: Intersectionality, Normal Crimes, and Women's Experiences of Miscarriage of Justice Elizabeth Webster [Fna1] Jody Miller... 2015  
Megan Louise Pearce Gendering the Compliance Agenda: Feminism, Human Rights and Violence Against Women 21 Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender 393 (Winter 2015) Introduction. 394 I. Violence Against Women: Prevalence, Perpetrators, Causes and Responses. 396 A. Prevalence, Perpetrators and Causes. 396 B. Human Rights Responses. 398 1. Violence Against Women as a Human Rights Issue. 398 2. Feminist Critique of International Human Rights Law. 398 3. The Reform of International Human Rights Law. 402 4. The...; Search Snippet: ...Gendering the Compliance Agenda: Feminism, Human Rights and Violence Against Women Megan Louise Pearce [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015 Yeshiva University; Megan... 2015  
Wendy S. Heipt , The Center for Children & Youth Justice Girls' Court: a Gender Responsive Juvenile Court Alternative 13 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 803 (Spring, 2015) While girls have historically comprised a small percentage of the juvenile justice population, the number of girls in the system is rising nationwide. Over the last decade, the number of girls that are arrested, on probation, and in secure detention has dramatically risen, to the point where girls now make up almost one-third of the youth involved...; Search Snippet: ...Seattle Journal for Social Justice Spring, 2015 Court Igniting Change Girls' Court: a Gender Responsive Juvenile Court Alternative Wendy S. Heipt [Fna1] the Center... 2015  
Rachel Roth, Sara L. Ainsworth If They Hand You a Paper, You Sign It: a Call to End the Sterilization of Women in Prison 26 Hastings Women's Law Journal 7 (Winter 2015) There is no autonomy [in prison]. Your body is in effect property of state. - Misty Rojo In the summer of 2013, amidst news reports of sterilizations of women in the California prison system, Misty Rojo testified about the problems inherent with sterilizing people in prison. As an advocate for incarcerated people who had spent years in a...; Search Snippet: ...You Sign It: a Call to End the Sterilization of Women in Prison Rachel Roth Sara L. Ainsworth [Fna1] Copyright ©... 2015  
Gabriela Parra Immigration Policy for Workplace Violence and Undocumented Women: State-based Solutions for Wisconsin 30 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 99 (Spring 2015) Introduction. 99 I. Background. 102 A. Women Facing Sexual Harassment in the United States. 104 B. Undocumented Women Facing Sexual Harassment in the United States. 106 C. The Under Reporting and Failure to Prosecute Sexual Assaults of Undocumented Women in the Workplace. 111 II. Wisconsin Needs To Amend Its Sexual Harassment Laws To Include...; Search Snippet: ...Spring 2015 Comments Immigration Policy for Workplace Violence and Undocumented Women: State-based Solutions for Wisconsin Gabriela Parra Copyright (C) 2015... 2015  
Bethany R. Berger In the Name of the Child: Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl 67 Florida Law Review 295 (January, 2015) On June 25, 2013, the Supreme Court decided Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, holding that the Indian Child Welfare Act did not permit the Cherokee father in that case to object to termination of his parental rights. The case was ostensibly about a dispute between prospective adoptive parents and a biological father. But this Article demonstrates that...; Search Snippet: ...January, 2015 Articles in the Name of the Child: Race, Gender, and Economics in Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl Bethany R. Berger [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015 Florida Law Review... 2015 American Indian/Alaskan Native
Donna H. Lee Intimate Partner Violence Against Asian American Women: Moving from Theory to Strategy 28 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 315 (2015) Despite theoretical advances in understanding intimate partner violence (IPV), practical strategies for addressing the destruction it wreaks on individuals, families, and communities have stagnated. Criminal prosecutions of domestic violence, legal services to help IPV survivors obtain civil orders of protection, emergency shelters, and social...; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender and Law 2015 Intimate Partner Violence Against Asian American Women: Moving from Theory to Strategy Donna H. Lee [Fna1] Copyright... 2015 Asian American
Donna Coker, Leigh Goodmark, Marcia Olivo Introduction: Converge! Reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 249 (Summer, 2015) I. The Vision of CONVERGE!. 249 II. Reimagining Gender Violence. 250 III. Migration, Language Justice and Gender Violence. 251 IV. Challenges to the Crime-Centered Model. 253 V. Going Forward. 255; Search Snippet: ...Violence Symposium Issue Introduction: Converge! Reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence Donna Coker Leigh Goodmark Marcia Olivo [Fna1] [Fnd1] Copyright... 2015  
Beth E. Richie Keynote--reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence: Anti-racism, Prison Abolition, Women of Color Feminisms, and Other Radical Visions of Justice 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 257 (Summer, 2015) I. Introduction. 257 II. An Honest Analysis of Racism in the Movement. 262 III. Principles of Women of Color Feminisms. 266 IV. Prison Abolition. 268 V. Conclusion. 273; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Issue Transcript [Fna1] Keynote--reimagining the Movement to End Gender Violence: Anti-racism, Prison Abolition, Women of Color Feminisms, and Other Radical Visions of Justice University... 2015  
Faith Joseph Jackson , Edieth Y. Wu Must We Deploy Drones in the Twenty-first Century to Target under the Radar Discrimination Against Minority Women at Law Schools at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Hbcus)? 31 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 164 (2015) This Article is a result of the authors' participation in the Association of American Law School's Crosscutting Program (The More Things Change .: Exploring Solutions to Persisting Discrimination in Legal Academia) at the Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., in January 2015. Th[e] Program dr[ew] from empirical data, legal research, litigation...; Search Snippet: ...First Century to Target under the Radar Discrimination Against Minority Women at Law Schools at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Hbcus... 2015 African/Black American
Karen J. Sneddon Not Your Mother's Will: Gender, Language, and Wills 98 Marquette Law Review 1535 (Summer 2015) Boys will be boys, but girls must be young ladies is an echoing patriarchal refrain from the past. Formal equality has not produced equality in all areas, as demonstrated by the continuing wage gap. Gender bias lingers and can be identified in language. This Article focuses on Wills, one of the oldest forms of legal documents, to explore the...; Search Snippet: ...Marquette Law Review Summer 2015 Article Not Your Mother's Will: Gender, Language, and Wills Karen J. Sneddon [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015... 2015  
Eesha Pandit On the Same Bodies: Exploring the Shared Historical Legacy of Violence Against Women and Reproductive Injustice 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 549 (Summer, 2015) Your legal right to an abortion; the freedom to raise the family you want and parent the children you want; being safe inside your home; being safe outside of it--each of these struggles is about autonomy, self-determination and individual and community health. These issues are connected, but often the movements that focus on them are not. In this...; Search Snippet: ...Same Bodies: Exploring the Shared Historical Legacy of Violence Against Women and Reproductive Injustice Eesha Pandit [Fna1] Copyright © 2015 by The... 2015  
Jessica M. Salerno, Liana C. Peter-Hagene, Arizona State University, University of Illinois at Chicago One Angry Woman: Anger Expression Increases Influence for Men, but Decreases Influence for Women, During Group Deliberation 39 Law and Human Behavior 581 (December, 2015) We investigated whether expressing anger increases social influence for men, but diminishes social influence for women, during group deliberation. In a deception paradigm, participants believed they were engaged in a computer-mediated mock jury deliberation about a murder case. In actuality, the interaction was scripted. The script included 5 other...; Search Snippet: ...Human Behavior Law and Human Behavior December, 2015 One Angry Woman: Anger Expression Increases Influence for Men, but Decreases Influence for Women, During Group Deliberation [Fna1] Jessica M. Salerno Arizona State University... 2015  
Toni Lester Oprah, Beyoncé, and the Girls Who "Run the World" - Are Black Female Cultural Producers Gaining Ground in Intellectual Property Law? 15 Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law 537 (Spring, 2015) I. Introduction - What the Foremothers of Today's Black Female Cultural Producers Had to Contend With. 538 II. Part One - Using Critical Race, Feminist and Cultural Production Theory to Look at Black Female Cultural Production and the IP Regime. 543 III. Part Two: Success at Any Cost - Once Black Female Culture Producers Rise to the Top, Do They...; Search Snippet: ...Intellectual Property Law Spring, 2015 Article Oprah, Beyoncé, and the Girls Who Run the World - Are Black Female Cultural Producers Gaining Ground in Intellectual Property Law? Toni Lester... 2015 African/Black American
Staci Haines , C. Quince Hopkins, Tiloma Jayasinghe , Andrew Sta. Ana Panel on Alternatives to the Crime-centered Approach to Gender Violence 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 383 (Summer, 2015) HOPKINS: I am just super excited and charged up. I am Quince Hopkins. What I am going to talk about first, is the restorative justice work I have done with victims of acquaintance sexual assault in a pilot restorative justice program in Tucson, Arizona called RESTORE. I have been working on restorative justice for about the same amount of time, for...; Search Snippet: ...Fna1] Panel on Alternatives to the Crime-centered Approach to Gender Violence University of Miami School of Law Staci Haines [Fna2... 2015  
Jamie Vanaria (moderator) , Sara Ainsworth, Jessica González-Rojas, Lillian Hewko, Angela Hooton Panel on Beyond the Rape Exception: Using Law and Movement Building to Ensure Reproductive Health and Justice for All Gender Violence Survivors 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 535 (Summer, 2015) Thank you for having me. My name is Jessica González-Rojas. I am the Executive Director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH). I want to give a special thanks to Dian Alarcon, our local Field Coordinator here in Florida who has been doing amazing work organizing across social justice movements. I am going...; Search Snippet: ...Movement Building to Ensure Reproductive Health and Justice for All Gender Violence Survivors University of Miami School of Law Jamie Vanaria... 2015 Hispanic/Latinx American
James Ptacek (moderator) , Margaret Johnson, Nicole Matthews, Hillary Potter Panel on Intersections of Gender, Economic, Racial, and Indigenous (In) Justice 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 357 (Summer, 2015) MATTHEWS: Hello everyone, my name is Nicole Matthews. I am Ojibwe from the White Earth Reservation in Northern Minnesota. I come to this work not as an academic but as an activist, as a woman who has both experienced violence and seen violence in my home, who has many female relatives who have experienced violence. I also come from a grandfather...; Search Snippet: ...I: Reimagining Gender Violence Transcript [Fna1] Panel on Intersections of Gender, Economic, Racial, and Indigenous (In) Justice University of Miami School... 2015  
Rashmi Goel , Tamara Lave , Elizabeth MacDowell, Adele Morrison Panel on Problematizing Assumptions about Gender Violence 5 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 347 (Summer, 2015) MACDOWELL: As Beth Richie described in her keynote address, we are here to reimagine a movement to end gender violence, and that goal creates space for a feminist analysis that is at once broader and more particularized than the initial feminist analysis of the problem. So, for example, our analysis can be broader in that we consider the...; Search Snippet: ...Reimagining Gender Violence Transcript [Fna1] Panel on Problematizing Assumptions about Gender Violence University of Miami School of Law Rashmi Goel [Fna2... 2015  
Kim Dudik Pioneering Women 41-OCT Montana Lawyer 20 (October, 2015) Historically, Montanans are trailblazers in the area of women's rights. From the first female representative in Congress to granting women the right to vote before ratification of the 19th Amendment, Montana is a leader in promoting gender equality. Reflecting this, women's presence in the Montana Legislature has grown over the past century. This...; Search Snippet: ...October, 2015 Feature Story Feature Article Women's Law Section Pioneering Women Trailblazers in the Montana Legislature Rep. Kim Dudik [Fna1] Copyright... 2015  
Eric J. Miller Police Encounters with Race and Gender 5 UC Irvine Law Review 735 (November, 2015) Introduction. 735 I. Reasonable Encounters?. 738 A. Targeting and Treating Civilians. 739 B. Contestatory Citizens. 744 II. Contesting Encounters. 748 Conclusion. 757; Search Snippet: ...Law Review November, 2015 Article Police Encounters with Race and Gender Eric J. Miller [Fna1] Copyright (C) 2015 Uc Irvine Law... 2015  
Maritza I. Reyes Professional Women Silenced by Men-made Norms 47 Akron Law Review 897 (2015) Introduction. 898 I. My Personal Journey to Academic Feminism and the Legal Academy. 914 II. Broadening Perspectives - Pioneer Law Professors Who Broke From Silencing Conventions. 922 III. Lawyer Iman al-Obeidi Breaks the Silence Norm in Libya. 929 IV. Professional Women Silenced By Professional and Workplace Norms. 932 V. Women Lawyers Silenced...; Search Snippet: ...Review Akron Law Review 2015 Symposium: Women in Law Professional Women Silenced by Men-made Norms Maritza I. Reyes [Fna1] Copyright... 2015  
Erin D. Kampschmidt Prosecuting Women for Drug Use During Pregnancy: the Criminal Justice System Should Step out and the Affordable Care Act Should Step up 25 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 487 (2015) C1-2Contents Introduction. 487 I. Substance Abuse and Pregnancy. 490 A. The Numbers. 491 B. Growing Use of Opiates by Pregnant Women. 492 C. Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy on the Fetus. 494 II. Criminal Justice. 496 A. A Brief History of Fetal Protection Laws in the United States. 496 B. Criminal Law Theory. 498 C. Prosecution of Pregnant...; Search Snippet: ...Medicine Health Matrix: Journal of Law-medicine 2015 Note Prosecuting Women for Drug Use During Pregnancy: the Criminal Justice System Should... 2015  
Caitlin Miller Punishing the Broken and Invisible: How We Have Failed Female Youth Who Are Waived to the Criminal Justice System 37 Women's Rights Law Reporter 27 (Fall, 2015) But simply punishing the broken- walking away from them or hiding them from sight- only ensures that they remain broken and we do, too. -Bryan Stevenson The video of a group of six girls attacking their victim in a McDonald's in Brooklyn begins with the following message: WARNING- This video contains some graphic language and violent content....; Search Snippet: ...Note Punishing the Broken and Invisible: How We Have Failed Female Youth Who Are Waived to the Criminal Justice System Caitlin... 2015  
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