Jan G. Laitos and Michael K. Kugler EQUAL PROTECTION IN PROPERTY AND PLANNING 64 Planning & Environmental Law 4 (November, 2012) Private property owners occasionally chafe and complain and even bring suit when the right to use their property is subjected to government interference. One of the most maddening forms of government interference is a policy that appears to burden an owner's property differently than other property that appears to be similarly situated. This is... 2012
Sarah L. Rosenbluth FAIR HOUSING ACT CHALLENGES TO THE USE OF CONSUMER CREDIT INFORMATION IN HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE UNDERWRITING: IS THE MCCARRAN-FERGUSON ACT A BAR? 46 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 49 (Fall, 2012) Despite the promise of the Fair Housing Act, structural inequality in the housing market persists. One of the most notable manifestations of this inequality is the racial and ethnic divide in patterns of homeownership. Although many factors contribute to this disparity, civil rights and consumer-protection groups have highlighted insurers' practice... 2012
Caitlin Shay FAST TRACK TO COLLAPSE: HOW ZIMBABWE'S FAST-TRACK LAND REFORM PROGRAM VIOLATES INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTIONS TO PROPERTY, DUE PROCESS, AND COMPENSATION 27 American University International Law Review 133 (2012) INTRODUCTION. 134 I. BACKGROUND. 137 A. Zimbabwe's Post-Independence Land Reform Efforts. 138 B. The Right to Property Under the UDHR and the Banjul Charter. 140 C. Tension between the Zimbabwean judiciary and the SADC Tribunal regarding the legality of Amendments 16A and 16B. 143 II. ANALYSIS. 145 A. Amendments 16A and 16B violate the right to... 2012
Aleatra P. Williams FORECLOSING FORECLOSURE: ESCAPING THE YAWNING ABYSS OF THE DEEP MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CRISIS 7 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 455 (Spring, 2012) In 2007, Rick Sharga, vice president of marketing at RealtyTrac, stated that with more stringent lending and underwriting standards, we will likely see a significant foreclosure decrease within the next three years. However, a sustained and considerable decrease in foreclosures has yet to occur. In fact, the real estate market downfall and... 2012
Donald C. Langevoort GETTING (TOO) COMFORTABLE: IN-HOUSE LAWYERS, ENTERPRISE RISK, AND THE FINANCIAL CRISIS 2012 Wisconsin Law Review 495 (2012) In-house lawyers are now a principal focus of attention in the study of the legal profession. So it is appropriate in the aftermath of the global financial crisis to inquire about lawyers' perception of, and complicity in, such wrongdoing as may have occurred. This Essay describes the perceptual biases that may distort judgment notwithstanding... 2012
David Cavell GHETTO LOANS: DISCRIMINATION AGAINST AFRICAN AMERICAN BORROWERS IN MORTGAGE MARKETS AND THE IMPACT OF THE IBANEZ DECISION 25 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 449 (Summer, 2012) In 2001, Wells Fargo Bank changed the commission system for their mortgage loan officers and underwriters, structuring the new system to pay employees considerably more when consumers purchased subprime loans instead of prime loans. Over the next few years, as a result of these changes, in the Annandale, Virginia office alone, many loan officers... 2012
Gregory S. Alexander GOVERNANCE PROPERTY 160 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1853 (June, 2012) Introduction. 1854 I. Governance Property Institutions. 1860 A. The Domestic Sphere. 1860 1. Marriage/Domestic Partnership. 1860 2. The Home or Household. 1861 3. Neighborhoods and Communities. 1862 a. Common Interest Communities. 1862 b. Leaseholds. 1862 4. The Commercial Sphere. 1863 II. The Analytical Structure of Governance Property. 1863 A.... 2012
Lisa T. Alexander HIP-HOP AND HOUSING: REVISITING CULTURE, URBAN SPACE, POWER, AND LAW 63 Hastings Law Journal 803 (March, 2012) U.S. housing law is finally receiving its due attention. Scholars and practitioners are focused primarily on the subprime mortgage and foreclosure crises. Yet the current recession has also resurrected the debate about the efficacy of place-based lawmaking. Place-based laws direct economic resources to low-income neighborhoods to help existing... 2012
Kevin C. Foy HOME IS WHERE THE HEALTH IS: THE CONVERGENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, AFFORDABLE HOUSING, AND GREEN BUILDING 30 Pace Environmental Law Review 1 (Fall 2012) Housing in the United States, at least prior to the recent economic downturn, came to be viewed as an investment that grew over time, and which could then be cashed in either for better housing or for other uses, much like a growth stock or savings account. But housing's fundamental purpose is to provide a decent place to live-a comfortable place... 2012
Johanna Bond HONOR AS PROPERTY 23 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 202 (2012) This Article is the first to use a property lens to explore the social construction of honor within legal systems around the world. The Article makes the claim that the law in many countries has implicitly treated honor as a form of property and has made legal and social allowances for men who seek to reclaim honor property through violence. The... 2012
Thomas C. Kost HOPE AFTER HOPE VI? REAFFIRMING RACIAL INTEGRATION AS A PRIMARY GOAL IN HOUSING POLICY PRESCRIPTIONS 106 Northwestern University Law Review 1379 (Summer 2012) Abstract--In a small but significant portion of urban public housing, the dual legacies of segregation and concentrated poverty have long plagued residents. Over the course of decades, these legacies have contributed to chronic systemic failures, the burden of which has disproportionately fallen on members of minority groups. The federal government... 2012
  HOUSING New Jersey 64 Planning & Environmental Law 75 (March, 2012) Developers proposed affordable housing on approximately 329 acres in the township, consistent with regulations adopted by New Jersey's Council on Affordable Housing (COAH). One of the developers filed suit seeking a builder's remedy to compel the township to fulfill its obligations. The trial court found noncompliance but left open the issue of... 2012
Shelby D. Green IMAGINING A RIGHT TO HOUSING, LYING IN THE INTERSTICES 19 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 393 (Summer, 2012) [T]he majestic quality of the law . prohibits the wealthy as well as the poor from sleeping under the bridges, from begging in the streets, and from stealing bread. In this quotation is the notion that the law affords the same legal protections to all persons in making their life choices, regardless of their station in life. Also implicit in this... 2012
Eli Wald IN-HOUSE MYTHS 2012 Wisconsin Law Review 407 (2012) Prevailing myths hold that in-house legal departments offer an attractive work-life balance and equality in their promotion policies, if only in contrast to the hypercompetitive and glass ceiling practice realities at large law firms. This Article challenges both myths. While in-house departments do offer greater flexibility, they increasingly... 2012
Brenda Reddix-Smalls J.D., LL.M. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, ANTI-TRUST AND GAME THEORY IN THE MOBILE PHONE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY: PATENT FIGHTS AND MOBILE PHONE APPLICATIONS 5 Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Law Review 1 (2011-2012) I. Sewing Machine Wars. 2 II. Mobile Communications. 3 III. Game Theory Solution. 5 IV. Telecommunications Telephony Beginnings. 6 1. Bell Company v. Western Union. 7 2. Geographic Isolation to Connectivity. 11 3. Preventing a Monopoly. 13 4. Current Functionality. 15 V. Telecommunications and the Mobile Industry. 15 1. History. 17 2. Dominant... 2012
Ronald E. Reynolds, Joseph M. Rogowski, II JUDICIAL DECISIONS AFFECTING REAL PROPERTY 39 Michigan Real Property Review 211 (Spring, 2012) The Section is active in the judicial process in a variety of ways, such as preparing amicus curiae briefs and monitoring cases of interest to real estate lawyers. This Article provides a quarterly report designed to inform Section members about the Section's efforts to maintain the integrity of the law and to advise Section members about published... 2012
Jesse Kropf KEEPING "THEM" OUT: CRIMINAL RECORD SCREENING, PUBLIC HOUSING, AND THE FIGHT AGAINST RACIAL CASTE 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 75 (Spring, 2012) What has changed since the collapse of Jim Crow has less to do with the basic structure of our society than with the language we use to justify it. --Michele Alexander What does a person living in public housing look like? Most people in public housing make less than ten thousand dollars a year. Over half are on a fixed income, such as social... 2012
Dan L. Burk LAW AND ECONOMICS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: IN SEARCH OF FIRST PRINCIPLES 8 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 397 (2012) patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, public goods, innovation Economic theory has struggled to produce a coherent narrative justifying the implementation of intellectual property regimes, although a variety of rationales have been advanced as explanations. The most prevalent justification characterizes the subject matter of intellectual... 2012
Christopher L. Peterson LOSING OUR HOMES, LOSING OUR WAY, OR BOTH? FORECLOSURE, COUNTY PROPERTY RECORDS, AND THE MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEM 40 Capital University Law Review 821 (Fall, 2012) I would like to begin by echoing some thank yous, the first to Professor Myron Grauer for his fine hospitality. He has taken such good care of Steven and I while we have been in town. I would also like to thank Dean Simpson for his kind hospitality, and I would also like to thank Capital University Law Review, as they have been great to work with,... 2012
David E. Woolley , Lisa D. Herzog MERS: THE UNREPORTED EFFECTS OF LOST CHAIN OF TITLE ON REAL PROPERTY OWNERS 8 Hastings Business Law Journal 365 (Summer 2012) Many problems with the Mortgage Electronic Registry System (MERS) and the home loan securitization process have been reported in print media, in movies, on television and in academic journals. MERS now keeps electronic records on about half of the home mortgages in the United States. Courts have ruled against MERS' standing to foreclose and have... 2012
Tim Iglesias MOVING BEYOND TWO-PERSON-PER-BEDROOM: REVITALIZING APPLICATION OF THE FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING ACT TO PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY STANDARDS 28 Georgia State University Law Review 619 (Spring, 2012) What is crowded to some is exactly what is comfortable to others; what is comfortable to some is exactly what is lonely to others. New empirical evidence demonstrates that the two-person-per-bedroom standard (a common residential occupancy policy) substantially limits the housing choices of many thousands of families, especially Latinos, Asians,... 2012
Lenese C. Herbert O.P.P.: HOW "OCCUPY'S" RACE-BASED PRIVILEGE MAY IMPROVE FOURTH AMENDMENT JURISPRUDENCE FOR ALL 35 Seattle University Law Review 727 (Spring, 2012) What strikes me here is that you are an American talking about American society, and I am an American talking about American society--both of us very concerned with it--and yet your version of American society is really very difficult for me to recognize. My experience in it has simply not been yours. Occupy is an organic, diverse, grassroots, and... 2012
Jessica D. Zietz ON SECOND THOUGHT: POST-ACQUISITION HOUSING DISCRIMINATION IN LIGHT OF BLOCH V. FRISCHHOLZ 66 University of Miami Law Review 495 (Winter 2012) I. Introduction. 495 II. A Brief History of the Fair Housing Act. 496 A. Historical Perspective. 496 B. Fair Housing Legislation Takes Shape. 498 C. Legislative History. 500 III. Provisions of the Fair Housing Act and Accompanying Regulations that Relate to Post-Acquisition Discrimination Claims. 501 A. 42 U.S.C. § 3604(a) (§ 3604(a)). 502 B. 42... 2012
Robert G. Schwemm OVERCOMING STRUCTURAL BARRIERS TO INTEGRATED HOUSING: A BACK-TO-THE-FUTURE REFLECTION ON THE FAIR HOUSING ACT'S "AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHER" MANDATE 100 Kentucky Law Journal 125 (2011-2012) For as long as there is residential segregation, there will be de facto segregation in every area of life. So the challenge is here to develop an action program. -Martin Luther King, Jr. (1963) A key goal of the 1968 Fair Housing Act (FHA), which was passed as an immediate response to Dr. King's assassination, was to replace the ghettos with... 2012
Nestor M. Davidson PROPERTY AND IDENTITY: VULNERABILITY AND INSECURITY IN THE HOUSING CRISIS 47 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 119 (Winter 2012) Introduction. 119 I. Vulnerability, Status Anxiety, and the Housing Bubble. 122 II. Insecurity and Fear in Homeownership After the Crisis. 129 III. Re-Centering Well Being. 133 IV. Housing Law and Policy in the Balance. 137 Conclusion. 139 2012
Henry E. Smith PROPERTY AS THE LAW OF THINGS 125 Harvard Law Review 1691 (May, 2012) Private law deals with the interactions of persons in society. If we think about all the effects produced by the relation between each pair of persons and then unlimited chains of such interactions--A sells Blackacre to B, who sells to C, who mortgages to D and rents to E, and so on--then prescribing results for such interactions is a potentially... 2012
Michael Burger , Paul Frymer PROPERTY LAW AND AMERICAN EMPIRE 34 University of Hawaii Law Review 471 (Spring, 2012) Current scholarship by legal commentators and political scientists recognizes that the weapons of American empire have involved non-militaristic activities as much as militaristic ones. Such non-militaristic activities include the hegemonic influence of trade agreements, the imposition of legal and procedural norms, and the dissemination of... 2012
Allison Brownell Tirres PROPERTY OUTLIERS: NON-CITIZENS, PROPERTY RIGHTS AND STATE POWER 27 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 77 (Fall, 2012) In the last decade, state and local governments have passed thousands of laws attempting to regulate immigrants within their boundaries. These regulations have been the subject of much litigation, as well as media attention and legal scholarship. Legal scholars have written extensively on the criminal and employment provisions of such laws, as well... 2012
Gillet Rosenblith REACTION TO: KEEPING "THEM" OUT: CRIMINAL RECORD SCREENING, PUBLIC HOUSING, AND THE FIGHT AGAINST RACIAL CASTE 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 209 (Fall, 2012) In Keeping Them Out: Criminal Record Screening, Public Housing, and the Fight Against Racial Caste, Jesse Kropf contends that mitigating racial discrimination in Public Housing Authority (PHA) practices represents one legal means to help dismantle the racial caste system within the United States. Demonstrating both the structural racism within... 2012
Tara A. Waterlander SOME TENANTS HAVE TAILS: WHEN HOUSING PROVIDERS MUST PERMIT ANIMALS TO RESIDE IN "NO-PET" PROPERTIES 18 Animal Law 321 (2012) Living with a disability can make finding a home a difficult task. Discrimination against the use of a service or assistive animal in lease agreements is a hurdle to finding a home for persons with disabilities. This discrimination is particularly pronounced when the individual suffers from a mental or emotional disability, because these... 2012
Stewart E. Sterk STRICT LIABILITY AND NEGLIGENCE IN PROPERTY THEORY 160 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2129 (June, 2012) Introduction. 2129 I. Information Costs and Strict Liability. 2134 II. Unjust Enrichment and Strict Liability. 2138 III. The Emergence of Negligence-Based Property Rules. 2141 A. Protection of Bona Fide Purchasers. 2141 B. Reasonable Encroachers. 2143 C. Nuisance Law. 2147 IV. Broader Implications for Intellectual Property Rights. 2150... 2012
Laura S. Underkuffler STUART BANNER, AMERICAN PROPERTY: A HISTORY OF HOW, WHY, AND WHAT WE OWN. CAMBRIDGE: HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2011, PP. 355, CLOTH $29.95 61 Journal of Legal Education 504 (February, 2012) What is property? If we protect land, copyrights, and body parts as property, why do we protect them? Are the reasons that we do so matters of historical accident or considered policy? This book tackles nothing less than these fundamental questions. In a sweeping, panoramic view of the history and development of American property law over the past... 2012
Jack Lienke SUSTAINABLE SEGREGATION? ASSESSING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE WESTCHESTER FAIR HOUSING SETTLEMENT 19 New York University Environmental Law Journal 591 (2012) Introduction. 592 I. Litigation History. 594 A. The Suit. 594 B. The Judgments. 596 1. Motion to Dismiss. 596 2. Motion for Summary Judgment. 599 C. The Settlement. 602 II. Analysis. 605 A. Scoping the Inquiry. 605 B. Defining Sustainable Community . 606 C. Measuring Sustainability. 608 1. The Furman Center / Urban Institute Indices. 609 D.... 2012
Rose Cuison Villazor TEACHING PROPERTY LAW AND WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN 3 California Law Review Circuit 7 (January, 2012) In the 2009 Disney/Pixar movie, Up, grumpy old man Carl Fredricksen refused to sell his house to commercial developers. Technically not a holdout, Carl eventually becomes the last person to remain in the neighborhood, with his modest home surrounded by new buildings being constructed. Eventually forced by a court to leave his house and move to a... 2012
Lenese C. Herbert THE "FIRST FAMILY EFFECT:" "LOVE ON TOP" 55 Howard Law Journal 339 (Winter 2012) During the last fifty years, heterosexual marriage rates have declined in the United States. For heterosexual couples, marriage seems a less universal and less stable family form. Marriage seems no longer to be the surest route to financial security for women. Instead, men, compared with their 1970 counterparts, are married to women whose... 2012
Eric S. Tars , Julia Lum , E. Kieran Paul THE CHAMPAGNE OF HOUSING RIGHTS: FRANCE'S ENFORCEABLE RIGHT TO HOUSING AND LESSONS FOR U.S. ADVOCATES 4 Northeastern University Law Journal 429 (Fall, 2012) The United States faces a homelessness crisis of record proportions. Each year, between 1.6 and 3.5 million people experience homelessness, including 1.35 million children. Amid the recent economic downturn and foreclosure crisis, homelessness rates have risen dramatically. In 2010, family homelessness increased by 9%. Social programs provide... 2012
Stacy E. Seicshnaydre THE FAIR HOUSING CHOICE MYTH 33 Cardozo Law Review 967 (February, 2012) The Fair Housing Choice Myth examines why racial segregation persists in residential neighborhoods despite the fact that the nation codified the policy of equal housing opportunity over four decades ago. In passing the Fair Housing Act in 1968, Congress expressed the purpose of replacing ghettoes by truly integrated and balanced living patterns.... 2012
Jamisen Etzel THE HOUSE OF CARDS IS FALLING: WHY STATES SHOULD COOPERATE ON LEGAL GAMBLING 15 NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 199 (2012) Introduction. 200 I. Background. 203 A. How States Legalize Gambling. 203 B. Early History. 204 C. How Taxes Are Distributed. 209 D. Federalism and Decision-Making. 209 II. Models of Competition. 211 A. The Prisoner's Dilemma and the Race to the Bottom. 214 B. Externalities. 216 III. Evidence of Competition and Negative Effects. 220 A. Are States... 2012
Raymond H. Brescia THE IQBAL EFFECT: THE IMPACT OF NEW PLEADING STANDARDS IN EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING DISCRIMINATION LITIGATION 100 Kentucky Law Journal 235 (2011-2012) For centuries, when dealing with the facts alleged by litigants in their pleadings, courts have struggled with the question of how much is enough. At what point does a pleading contain facts in sufficient detail to allow a case to proceed? For too long, common law pleading rules were rife with tricks and traps. Courts could dismiss cases for one... 2012
Priscilla A. Ocen THE NEW RACIALLY RESTRICTIVE COVENANT: RACE, WELFARE, AND THE POLICING OF BLACK WOMEN IN SUBSIDIZED HOUSING 59 UCLA Law Review 1540 (August, 2012) This Article explores the race, gender, and class dynamics that render poor Black women vulnerable to racial surveillance and harassment in predominately white communities. In particular, this Article interrogates the recent phenomenon of police officers and public officials enforcing private citizens' discriminatory complaints, which ultimately... 2012
Matthew Shin THE RACE TO GET IN, AND THE STRUGGLE TO GET OUT: THE PROBLEM OF INTER-GENERATIONAL POVERTY IN FEDERAL HOUSING PROGRAMS 40 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 337 (2012) Escap[ing] public housing projects is a colloquial phrase describing the plight of people struggling to escape publicly subsidized housing projects and assistance programs. This feat often entails overcoming obstacles of considerable magnitude. Even in a modestly performing economy, a given federally subsidized tenant will find innumerable... 2012
Peter K. Yu THE RISE AND DECLINE OF THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POWERS 34 Campbell Law Review 525 (Symposium 2012) Since its reopening to foreign trade in the late 1990s, China has been the poster child of intellectual property piracy and counterfeiting. Virtually every year, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) lists China on its watch list or priority watch list. The country's piracy and counterfeiting problems have also been frequently... 2012
Guadalupe T. Luna UNITED STATES V. DURO: FARMWORKER HOUSING AND AGRICULTURAL LAW CONSTRUCTIONS 9 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 397 (Summer 2012) Since before the New Deal, the United States' food production system has relied on the labor of migrant agricultural workers. Farmworkers cultivate and harvest key commodities that food legislation requires, and which employers and the United States Department of Agriculture demand. Without farm laborers, growers and producers would risk financial... 2012
J. Janewa Oseitutu VALUE DIVERGENCE IN GLOBAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW 87 Indiana Law Journal 1639 (Fall, 2012) From the money in our pockets and the goods and services that we use, to a more peaceful world-the WTO and the trading system offer a range of benefits . . . . China agreed to a series of intellectual property rights commitments that will protect American jobs. It is a challenge for the United States to adequately protect the interests of its... 2012
Shyamkrishna Balganesh "HOT NEWS": THE ENDURING MYTH OF PROPERTY IN NEWS 111 Columbia Law Review 419 (April, 2011) The hot news doctrine refers to a cause of action for the misappropriation of time-sensitive factual information that state laws afford purveyors of news against free riding by a direct competitor. Entirely the offshoot of the Supreme Court's decision in International News Service v. Associated Press, the doctrine enables an information gatherer... 2011
Rayvon Fouché , Sharra Vostral "SELLING" WOMEN: LILLIAN GILBRETH, GENDER TRANSLATION, AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 19 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 825 (2011) I. Introduction. 825 II. Women's Bodies, Vernacular Knowledge, and Intellectual Property. 831 III. The Gilbreth Report: Extracting, Commodifying, and Packaging. 835 IV. Gender Translation. 844 2011
Charles L. Nier, III , Maureen R. St. Cyr A RACIAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: RETHINKING THE THEORY OF REVERSE REDLINING TO COMBAT PREDATORY LENDING UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 83 Temple Law Review 941 (Summer 2011) On January 27, 2011, after interviewing over 700 witnesses and reviewing millions of pages of documents, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) issued a 633-page report examining the causes of the current financial and economic crisis in the United States. While the report scrutinizes the financial crisis in exacting detail, it largely... 2011
Jerome L. Garciano AFFORDABLE COHOUSING: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUPPORTIVE RELATIONAL NETWORKS IN MIXED-INCOME HOUSING 20-WTR Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 169 (Winter, 2011) For those currently looking for a silver lining during these challenging economic times, one may be the opportunity to reflect and rethink approaches to supportive community. In response to the loss of connection sensed by many individuals, the growing cohousing movement in the United States now includes some of the most innovative, supportive, and... 2011
James A. Kushner AFFORDABLE HOUSING AS INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE TIME OF GLOBAL WARMING 42/43 Urban Lawyer 179 (Fall, 2010/Winter, 2011) Remedying the absence of an adequate supply of affordable housing has been a target of comprehensive planning for nearly two generations. Despite a number of jurisdictions making that goal a mandatory component of local planning, attempts to achieve it have proven Pyrrhic. During the current period of economic recession and real estate distress,... 2011
Ronnie Cohen , Shannon O'Byrne BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE: LAW, EMOTION AND THE SUBPRIME MORTGAGE CRISIS 45 Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal 677 (Winter, 2011) Editors' Synopsis: Emotion receives very little consideration in contract law because contract law tends to exclude emotion in favor of individual autonomy and predictability. This Article takes a unique position with regard to emotion's role in the subprime mortgage crisis. The authors argue that the failure to consider homebuyers' emotions... 2011
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