Victoria K. Lin EMBRACING MINORITY HOUSING AND EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM 31 McGeorge Law Review 211 (Winter, 2000) With regard to urban housing and employment, the first half of the twentieth century saw racially restrictive covenants garner public attention, while the latter half experienced a focus on sexual orientation discrimination in employment. As the nation enters the twenty-first century, California is demonstrating a growing acceptance of racial... 2000
Quentin A. Palfrey FEDERAL HOUSING SUBSIDIES 37 Harvard Journal on Legislation 567 (Summer, 2000) With the federal budget in surplus for the foreseeable future, the Clinton Administration and Congress have just fought another round on low-income housing funding. Rather than returning to the traditionally liberal supply-oriented approach of directly increasing the low-income housing stock, which was popular from Franklin D. Roosevelt's... 2000
Danaya C. Wright FOREWORD: TOWARD A MULTICULTURAL THEORY OF PROPERTY RIGHTS 12 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 2 (Fall, 2000) This panel, sponsored by the Minority group and Property Sections of the AALS for the January, 2000 annual meeting, was composed of an exciting group of scholars critically analyzing traditional theories of property and current distribution of resources. The panel, entitled Reviewing the Legacy of Liberalism: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of... 2000
Natsu Taylor Saito FROM SLAVERY AND SEMINOLES TO AIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA: AN ESSAY ON RACE AND PROPERTY IN INTERNATIONAL LAW 45 Villanova Law Review 1135 (2000) I. Introduction: Critical Race Theory, International Law and Property Rights. 1136 II. Slavery and Seminoles: People as Property. 1142 A. Setting the Stage: Maroons Before 1776. 1142 B. Slavery and International Law in the New Nation. 1145 C. The Seminole Wars: Liberty or Death. 1150 III. The Influence of Slaveholding Interests on Law and Policy.... 2000
Katheleen R. Guzman GIVE OR TAKE AN ACRE: PROPERTY NORMS AND THE INDIAN LAND CONSOLIDATION ACT 85 Iowa Law Review 595 (January, 2000) I. L2-5,T5Introduction 597 L1-6 II. L2-5,T5The Indian Land Consolidation Act: Its Causes and Effects 602 A. L3-5,T5Approaching the Inexorable: Federal Indian Land Policy from Discovery through Allotment 602 B. L3-5,T5The Legacy of Allotment: Fractionation as The Tragedy of the Anticommons 607 C. L3-5,T5The Indian Land Consolidation Act: Seeking... 2000
Marc Jolin GOOD CAUSE EVICTION AND THE LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT 67 University of Chicago Law Review 521 (Spring, 2000) Since its inception in 1986, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) has emerged as the federal government's largest affordable housing development program. The LIHTC was enacted as part of the shift toward localized and privatized federal social programs that occurred during the Reagan Administration. In some respects the LIHTC's design... 2000
Daniel T. Friedson GREENLINING TOWARD A COMMUNITY OF LOCAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP, HOME OWNERSHIP, AND QUALITY OF LIFE 9-WTR Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 183 (Winter, 2000) I think the fact that there is a stock of totally affordable housing units that have not increased in value one iota in twenty years is an amazing phenomenon. . I was, just the other day, talking to an employee of mine. He lives next door to a vacant lot. The only vacant lot on his block. He said, Who can I call to complain about all the junk in... 2000
Charles B. Ferguson, Jr. HAMLETS: EXPANDING THE FAIR SHARE DOCTRINE UNDER STRICT HOME RULE CONSTITUTIONS 49 Emory Law Journal 255 (Winter 2000) It is not by chance that I examine the town first. The town is the only association which is so perfectly natural, that wherever people come together, it seems to constitute itself. How does it happen that in the United States, where the inhabitants arrived yesterday upon the soil they now occupy . . . where, in short, the instinctive love of... 2000
Ira Mark Bloom HOW FEDERAL TRANSFER TAXES AFFECT THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LAW 48 Cleveland State Law Review 661 (2000) My topic, How Federal Transfer Taxes Affect the Development of Property Law, makes the basic assumption that, to some extent, property law exists because of the federal wealth transfer tax system. As will be seen, this assumption is correct. Before delving into my topic, however, it is important to understand the basic relationship between property... 2000
Carolyn Hoecker Luedtke INNOVATION OR ILLEGITIMACY: REMEDIAL RECEIVERSHIP IN TINSLEY V. KEMP PUBLIC HOUSING LITIGATION 65 Missouri Law Review 655 (Summer 2000) The traditional model of the judge as detached adjudicator, sitting high atop a distant bench, has been blurred in the years since Brown v. Board of Education. The legal legacy from the battlefield of school desegregation is a complicated interrelationship between right and remedy. Rather than announcing a right and disappearing into chambers,... 2000
Madhavi Sunder INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND IDENTITY POLITICS: PLAYING WITH FIRE 4 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 69 (Fall 2000) We have fewer cultures in the world and more internal cultural debates. It should come as no surprise that in today's Information Age many of our important local and global rights struggles revolve not around material circumstances--land, jobs, money--but around metaphysical goods--ideas, information, meanings. Californians began the year 2000, for... 2000
John A. Biek JURISDICTIONAL LIMITATIONS ON STATE CLAIMS TO ABANDONED PROPERTY 5 State and Local Tax Lawyer 1 (2000) All fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have enacted abandoned property statutes that draw their inspiration from the English common law doctrine of bona vacantia. Under that doctrine, the sovereign was allowed to claim certain kinds of personal property as custodian for the rightful owner under the... 2000
Ronald R. Volkmer LOW-INCOME HOUSING AND THE CHARITABLE EXEMPTION 34 Creighton Law Review 47 (December, 2000) In the recently decided case of Pittman v. Sarpy County Board of Equalization, the Supreme Court of Nebraska, in a unanimous opinion, held that the Tax Equalization and Review Commission properly denied tax exempt status to Mercy Crestview Village (Mercy), the owner of an apartment complex located in Sarpy County, Nebraska. While there were... 2000
Spencer A. Overton MISTAKEN IDENTITY: UNVEILING THE PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS OF POLITICAL MONEY 53 Vanderbilt Law Review 1235 (May 1, 2000) This Article argues that money contributed to and spent on political campaigns (political money) possesses many of the traits that explain judicial respect for regulation of property, and that courts reviewing restrictions on political money should consider doctrines associated with the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment Property Clauses. As... 2000
Kevin Francart NO DOGS ALLOWED: FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION V. FORCED INCLUSION ANTI-DISCRIMINATION STATUTES AND THEIR APPLICABILITY TO PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS 17 Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 273 (Trinity Term, 2000) In the beginning the people created the Constitution, and the states the First Amendment. And the First Amendment was without freedom of association as a right; and darkness was upon the face of the Amendment; and the spirit of NAACP v. Alabama, ex rel. Patterson moved upon the face of the Amendment. And the Supreme Court said let there be a... 2000
LUCIE WHITE ON ABOLITIONIST CRITIQUES, "HOMELESS SERVICE' PROGRAMS, AND PRAGMATIC CHANGE 19 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 431 (2000) Several of the other chapters in this volume, as well as a number of other scholars of homelessness, share what Florence Roisman has called an abolitionist perspective on homelessness. These individuals share the belief that homelessness is but a symptom of deeper institutional dysfunctions and structural injustices in America's political... 2000
Donna S. Harkness PREDATORY LENDING PREVENTION PROJECT: PRESCRIBING A CURE FOR THE HOME EQUITY LOSS AILING THE ELDERLY 10 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 1 (Fall, 2000) The bank is something else than men. It happens that every man in a bank hates what the bank does, and yet the bank does it. The bank is something more than men, I tell you it's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it. John Steinbeck The Predatory Lending Prevention Project discussed in this article grew out of the author's experience... 2000
David K. Godschalk PROTECTED PETITIONING OR UNLAWFUL RETALIATION? THE LIMITS OF FIRST AMENDMENT IMMUNITY FOR LAWSUITS UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 27 Pepperdine Law Review 477 (2000) Free speech and equal protection are at the core of American notions about rights and justice. In the context of fair housing, however, the two ideals have come into conflict as courts and federal agencies have addressed attempts to use lawsuits, ordinarily protected by the First Amendment right to petition the government for redress of grievances,... 2000
Carl W. Herstein REAL PROPERTY 46 Wayne Law Review 1037 (Summer, 2000) In one of the cinematic techniques invented in the revolutionary motion picture The Birth of a Nation, director D. W. Griffith focuses his camera on a single soldier advancing into battle. Slowly the picture expands to reveal an increasingly vast panorama of combat. The image of an individual combatant, itself a vivid and evocative picture, is... 2000
Robert E. Parella REAL PROPERTY 50 Syracuse Law Review 863 (2000) I. Cooperatives and Condominiums. 863 II. Landlord - Tenant. 879 III. Vendor - Purchaser. 885 IV. Miscellaneous. 888 Perhaps the most important developments in this area of real property involve an interest that it is often characterized as personal property, i.e., the cooperative apartment. The developments are the enactment--recent and... 2000
Hope Lewis REFLECTIONS ON 'BLACKCRIT THEORY': HUMAN RIGHTS 45 Villanova Law Review 1075 (2000) The Colorline Belts the World. -- W.E.B. Du Bois[T]he left-liberal approach to globalization has yet to generate an adequate account of the connections between racial power and political economy in the New World Order. -- Kimberlé Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Gary Peller, Kendall Thomas AS the United Nations World Conference Against Racism... 2000
Larry Bennett RESTRUCTURING THE NEIGHBORHOOD: PUBLIC HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT AND NEIGHBORHOOD DYNAMICS IN CHICAGO 10-FALL Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 54 (Fall, 2000) Long before President Clinton announced in his 1996 State of the Union address that the era of big government is over, his administration had initiated a momentous reshaping of public housing policy. During Clinton's first term as president, more than two billion dollars were committed to the Urban Revitalization Demonstration Program, better... 2000
Terry W. Gentle, Jr. RETHINKING CONCILIATION UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 67 Tennessee Law Review 425 (Winter, 2000) For more than thirty years, the policy of the United States has been to provide everyone the opportunity for fair housing. Despite the efforts and resources devoted to this cause, housing discrimination persists as a pervasive problem that affects the lives of over two million people each year. Why does housing discrimination continue despite the... 2000
Brian Maney and Sheila Crowley, Ph.D. SCARCITY AND SUCCESS: PERSPECTIVES ON ASSISTED HOUSING 9-SUM Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 319 (Summer, 2000) The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) has prepared this report on voucher use in order to consolidate the available information on the subject and assist stakeholders in understanding what is known, and what is not known, about voucher use. It is our hope that this will result in a more nuanced debate about housing vouchers and in... 2000
Kevin Christopher Newsom SETTING INCORPORATIONISM STRAIGHT: A REINTERPRETATION OF THE SLAUGHTER-HOUSE CASES 109 Yale Law Journal 643 (January, 2000) I. INTRODUCTION. 645 II. THE Slaughter-House Cases: THE CONVENTIONAL WISDOM. 650 A. The Facts. 651 B. Justice Miller's Majority Opinion. 651 C. The Dissents. 656 III. THE Slaughter-House Cases: A SECOND LOOK. 658 A. The Butchers' Claims and the Dissenters' Response: A Radical View of the Fourteenth Amendment. 658 B. Justice Miller's Majority... 2000
Brian F. Fitzgerald SEVENTH ANNUAL TENZER LECTURE 1999 SOFTWARE AS DISCOURSE: THE POWER OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE 18 Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal 337 (2000) As software increasingly facilitates our living, we are drawn more and more to conceptualize software as discourse. While this may sound trite, it is a fundamental point to appreciate. One of the most significant intellectual developments of the latter part of the twentieth century has been the poststructuralist writing of thinkers like Foucault,... 2000
Nicole A. Forkenbrock Lindemyer SEXUAL HARASSMENT ON THE SECOND SHIFT:THE MISFIT APPLICATION OF TITLE VII EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS TO TITLE VIII HOUSING CASES 18 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 351 (Summer 2000) [F]or the embattled/there is no place/that cannot be/home/nor is. Audre Lorde Yet another strand of sexual harassment is infecting women's lives and has begun to be treated in our courts: sexual harassment in the home. In increasing numbers, women are being forced to endure demands for sex from those who provide their housing, and to live in... 2000
F. Michael Higginbotham SOLDIERS FOR JUSTICE: THE ROLE OF THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN IN THE DESEGREGATION OF THE AMERICAN ARMED FORCES 8 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 273 (February, 2000) Often noted for their heroic prowess as pilots in World War II, the Tuskegee Airmen served just as nobly fighting racial segregation within the Army. Considered exemplary in its integration today, the armed forces were a testing ground for integration in the middle of the twentieth century. Black officers and enlisted men, putting themselves in... 2000
Roberta F. Mann THE (NOT SO) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE: THE HIDDEN COSTS OF THE HOME MORTGAGE INTEREST DEDUCTION 32 Arizona State Law Journal 1347 (Winter, 2000) I. L2-4,T4Introduction 1348 II. L2-4,T4Why Does the Tax Law Subsidize Home Ownership? 1351 A. L3-4,T4Historical Background of the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction 1351 B. L3-4,T4The Cost of the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction 1353 C. L3-4,T4Should the Federal Government Encourage Home Ownership? 1354 III. L2-4,T4Is the Home Mortgage Interest... 2000
Anthi Helleni Poulos THE 1954 HAGUE CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF CULTURAL PROPERTY IN THE EVENT OF ARMED CONFLICT: AN HISTORIC ANALYSIS 28 International Journal of Legal Information 1 (Spring, 2000) L1-5Introduction I. L2-5History and Development of the Status of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict A. L3-5The Ancients to 18 Century 1. L4-5The Greeks and Romans 2. L4-5The Crusades and the 30 Years' War 3. L4-5Conquest of the Americas 4. L4-5The Thirty Years' War B. L3-5Early History to the Modern (18 and 19th Centuries) 1. L4-5French Revolution... 2000
Donald Aquinas Lancaster, Jr. THE ALCHEMY AND LEGACY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'S SANCTION OF SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION: A PROPERTY LAW AND EQUITABLE REMEDY ANALYSIS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN REPARATIONS 43 Howard Law Journal 171 (Winter 2000) In the early to mid-1800s in Randolph County, Alabama, a brother and sister are slaves. Ruben, date of birth unknown, and Maryann, born in 1850, are the ancestors to generations of the Lancaster clan. Ruben, with wife Lydia, would sire one child, Henry Lancaster, on the eve of emancipation. Henry would beget 19 children with his wife Charlotte... 2000
Latisha R. Brown THE MCKINNEY ACT: REVAMPING PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO ASSIST THE MENTALLY ILL HOMELESS 33 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 235 (Spring, 2000) Benjamin Draper rides the subway all day. Dressed neatly and cleanly, he scribbles on a legal pad, creating pages of intricate doodles and repeated words and patterns. Underground he feels safe; above ground, he wears a bicycle helmet to protect his thoughts from interfering radio waves. He always carries his medication with him, but won't take... 2000
Cathy Lesser Mansfield THE ROAD TO SUBPRIME "HEL" WAS PAVED WITH GOOD CONGRESSIONAL INTENTIONS: USURY DEREGULATION AND THE SUBPRIME HOME EQUITY MARKET 51 South Carolina Law Review 473 (Spring 2000) I. Introduction. 475 II. A Historical Perspective: Early Federal Interest Rate and Mortgage Rate Regulation. 476 A. The National Bank Act. 476 B. The Federal Home Loan Bank Act. 477 C. The Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933. 478 D. Federal Housing Administration Insured Loans (FHA Loans) and Veterans' Administration Insured Loans (VA Loans). 480 III.... 2000
Mary Christina Wood THE TRIBAL PROPERTY RIGHT TO WILDLIFE CAPITAL (PART I): APPLYING PRINCIPLES OF SOVEREIGNTY TO PROTECT IMPERILED WILDLIFE POPULATIONS 37 Idaho Law Review 1 (2000) As the salmon in the Columbia River Basin struggle to survive against powerful human forces driving the species to extinction, the treaty tribes of the Basin face an unprecedented crisis. For over 10,000 years the tribes have relied on the fish for subsistence, economic, and cultural needs. But over the past several decades, tribal harvest has... 2000
Heather K. Aeschleman THE WHITE WORLD OF NURSING HOMES: THE MYRIAD BARRIERS TO ACCESS FACING TODAY'S ELDERLY MINORITIES 8 Elder Law Journal 367 (2000) In this note, Ms. Aeschleman explores the cultural, social, and economic barriers faced by elderly minorities in need of nursing home care. Ms. Aeschleman argues that minority elders face greater economic barriers to nursing home access than Whites because of factors such as lower average incomes and a lack of access to and assistance with... 2000
Charles E. Daye WHITHER "FAIR" HOUSING: MEDITATIONS ON WRONG PARADIGMS, AMBIVALENT ANSWERS, AND A LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL 3 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 241 (2000) I. L2-4,T4The Occasion for this Essay 242 II. L2-4,T4Fair Housing: The Search for an Analytical Paradigm 243 A. L3-4,T4The Problem of Deciding What the Problem Is 244 B. L3-4,T4Contexts Matter When Trying to Figure Out What the Question Is 250 C. L3-4,T4The Policy Question Coffey, Starrett City, and Arlington Heights Have in Common: What is... 2000
Katia Brener BELLE TERRE AND SINGLE-FAMILY HOME ORDINANCES: JUDICIAL PERCEPTIONS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND THE PRESUMPTION OF VALIDITY 74 New York University Law Review 447 (May, 1999) Zoning ordinances began as a way for cities to control the negative externalities associated with urban land uses, as well as a means of protecting property values. By separating residential districts from factories and retail areas, early city planners hoped to stabilize neighborhoods and preserve the value of the homes in a given residential... 1999
Terry A.C. Gray DE-CONCENTRATING POVERTY AND PROMOTING MIXED-INCOME COMMUNITIES IN PUBLIC HOUSING: THE QUALITY HOUSING AND WORK RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 1998 11 Stanford Law and Policy Review 173 (Winter, 1999) Those concerned about ensuring decent, affordable housing for the least well off members of our society must also be concerned with the dramatic changes in the georacial demographics of poverty. In the context of rising housing costs, declining real wages, job shortages, and the shift from a manufacturing to a service-based economy, racially-biased... 1999
Brian Hale DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSING: THE EFFECTS OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND ITS REMEDIES 23 Law & Psychology Review 167 (Spring, 1999) Fearful of their safety, a black couple is very anxious to move into a community outside of the inner city. After years of hard work and saving money, the couple achieves their goal and is about to realize their dream. With much excitement and anxiety, they contact a real estate or leasing agent. Surprisingly, the couple quickly finds themselves... 1999
Derrick Bell GETTING BEYOND A PROPERTY IN RACE 1 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 27 (1999) The following essay is based on a presentation given by Professor Derrick Bell on 18 March 1999. I am honored to be here, but I would be far happier were I sitting out there with you listening to the person originally invited to give this lecture. The Honorable A. Leon Higginbotham quite literally gave his life last December in the struggle in... 1999
Richard Delgado ; & Jean Stefancic HOME-GROWN RACISM: COLORADO'S HISTORIC EMBRACE--AND DENIAL--OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION 70 University of Colorado Law Review 703 (Summer 1999) Introduction. 704 I. Race Conscious Programs in Higher Education. 710 II. Colorado History: The Early Period. 715 III. The Klan Period. 722 The Klan and Denver's Black Minority. 732 IV. The Denver Commission: Documenting--and Entrenching--Racism During the Postwar Years. 737 A. Social Workers and Unity Councils: Elites and Well-Wishers Enter the... 1999
Gregory D. Squires , Sally O'Connor, Michael Grover, James Walrath HOUSING AFFORDABILITY IN THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN AREA: A MATTER OF INCOME, RACE AND POLICY 9-FALL Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 34 (Fall, 1999) The cost of housing is going to affect the county's business development. Eventually, companies will choose to expand where their workers can afford to live.--richard Belling, Vice President for Mortgage Lending, Grafton State Bank If you people can't afford to live in our town, then you'll just have to leave.--bill Haines, Mayor, Mount Laurel, New... 1999
Kim Johnson-Spratt HOUSING DISCRIMINATION AND SOURCE OF INCOME: A TENANT'S LOSING BATTLE 32 Indiana Law Review 457 (1999) Many believe that housing discrimination is a past wrong that is now corrected by the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Nothing could be further from the truth. Housing discrimination against the poor is still permissible in many realms under current law. The poor in this country often cannot obtain adequate housing and can be forced to move their families... 1999
McKen V. Carrington JUAN WILLIAMS, THURGOOD MARSHALL--AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY, (RANDOM HOUSE XXXX) 27 Southern University Law Review 81 (Fall, 1999) With profound depth and superb story telling, Juan Williams has set forth the immense contributions of Thurgood Marshall, not only to American law, but also to American politics and society. Williams makes a good case for elevating the stature of Thurgood Marshall beyond that of his contemporaries - Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - due to the... 1999
Kathleen M. O'Connor MARITAL PROPERTY REFORM IN MASSACHUSETTS: A CHOICE FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 34 New England Law Review 261 (Fall, 1999) Resolved, That the laws of property, as affecting married parties, demand a thorough revisal, so that all rights may be equal between them;--that the wife may have, during life, an equal control over the property gained by their mutual toil and sacrifices, be heir to her husband precisely to the extent that he is heir to her, and entitled, at her... 1999
KATHLEEN C. ENGEL MOVING UP THE RESIDENTIAL HIERARCHY: A NEW REMEDY FOR AN OLD INJURY ARISING FROM HOUSING DISCRIMINATION 77 Washington University Law Quarterly 1153 (1999) Marilyn wanted to move out of the dangerous Chicago neighborhood in which she lived. She found an apartment in a suburb, Berwyn, that suited her needs in terms of location, price, and size. When the landlord refused to deal with her or rent her the apartment, Marilyn became discouraged and decided to save money, buy a house, and avoid encountering... 1999
Moira J. Kinnally NOT IN MY BACKYARD: THE DISABLED'S QUEST FOR RIGHTS IN LOCAL ZONING DISPUTES UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING, THE REHABILITATION, AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACTS 33 Valparaiso University Law Review 581 (Spring, 1999) The biggest obstacle for people with disabilities [is] not so much what God hath wrought, but rather what man has imposed by custom and law. While laws that affect the disabled have progressed from isolation to empowerment, vague areas exist that result in litigation and, ultimately, a step back in the disabled's journey toward independence. One of... 1999
Jason R. Jenkins NOT NECESSARILY THE BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE: A COMMENT ON THE ASSUMPTION OF RISK BY SPECTATORS AT MAJOR AUTO RACING EVENTS 35 Tulsa Law Journal 163 (Fall, 1999) Gentlemen, start your engines! These timeless words, recognized as the most famous in all of motor sports, unmistakably signify that a race is about to begin. Fans numbering in the millions, at race tracks and in living rooms across the land, rise excitedly to their feet in anticipation of the green flag. Race fans are passionate people. At no... 1999
Charles L. Nier, III PERPETUATION OF SEGREGATION: TOWARD A NEW HISTORICAL AND LEGAL INTERPRETATION OF REDLINING UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 32 John Marshall Law Review 617 (Spring 1999) In his classic The Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois commented: To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships. His statement is increasingly becoming a prophecy as the income and wealth gaps between blacks and whites continue to increase despite the economic prosperity in the United States.... 1999
Reviewed by Peter T. Wendel PROPERTY, 4TH EDITION. BY JESSE DUKEMINIER AND JAMES E. KRIER. NEW YORK, NEW YORK: ASPEN PUBLISHERS, INC., 1998. PP. XIII, 1247. 22 Seattle University Law Review 1031 (Spring 1999) Typically, book reviews are written about books recently published. An economist would argue that the function of a book review is to provide the market with additional information to help the consumer make a more informed choice on whether to buy the book. To the extent that is the function of a book review, this review of Dukeminier & Krier's... 1999
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