Elizabeth B. Bowling VIEWING METROPOLITAN HOUSING AUTHORITIES AS PARTIES TO BE JOINED, IF FEASIBLE, IN FAIR HOUSING SUITS: WILL MINNESOTA BREAK "A GREAT SILENCE?" 78 Minnesota Law Review 733 (February, 1994) Racial segregation persists in publicly funded housing despite judicial and regulatory mandates to integrate. Federal and state constitutions and statutes require the over 3,000 public housing agencies (PHA's) operating across the country to correct racial segregation in publicly funded housing. Nevertheless, two continuing forms of racial... 1994
Johnny Parker WHEN JOHNNY CAME MARCHING HOME AGAIN: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY EQUAL PROTECTION INTERPRETATION 37 Howard Law Journal 393 (Spring, 1994) To be a negro in America and to be relatively aware is to be in a constant state of rage. Dr. Martin Luther King An important tenet of early western political theory was the idea of equality among men. This idea was not incorporated into the original Constitution; consequently, a large segment of American society was perceived as neither equal in... 1994
Victoria A. Roberts WITH A HANDSHAKE AND A SMILE: THE FIGHT TO ELIMINATE HOUSING DISCRIMINATION 73 Michigan Bar Journal 276 (March, 1994) One of the earliest and most significant reported Michigan cases on housing discrimination is one in which African-American attorneys figured prominently. In Sipes v McGhee, the Sipes family sued to restrain Mr. and Mrs. McGhee from living in their home, which was located in an all-white neighborhood in Detroit. The restrictive deed covenant which... 1994
Henry G. Cisneros WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL: HOW AMERICA CAN PROVIDE FAIR HOUSING FOR ALL ITS PEOPLE 1 Hispanic Law Journal 53 (1994) C1-4TABLE OF CONTENTS L1-4 I. L2-3,T3Introduction 54. L1-4 II. L2-3,T3The Challenges We Face 56. L1-4 III. L2-3,T3The Fair Housing Executive Order 59. L1-4 IV. L2-3,T3What HUD is Doing 62. A. Eliminating Housing Discrimination. 64 B. Maximizing Residential Choice. 65 C. HUD's Themes of Choice and Transitions. 67 L1-4 V. L2-3,T3Conclusion: Faith in... 1994
Peter W. Salsich, Jr. A DECENT HOME FOR EVERY AMERICAN: CAN THE 1949 GOAL BE MET? 71 North Carolina Law Review 1619 (June, 1993) If one were looking for an image to dramatize the severity of the contemporary housing crisis in America, two stories in the Sunday, November 22, 1992 edition of the New York Times would be strong contenders. The Metro section reported that a state supreme court justice in Manhattan ordered four New York City officials to spend the night on the... 1993
Chester Hartman A UNIVERSAL SOLUTION TO THE MINORITY HOUSING PROBLEM 71 North Carolina Law Review 1557 (June, 1993) Although health care, welfare reform, and the economy have captured the lion's share of attention at the outset of the Clinton era, housing ought to be an equally critical issue. But it is not. Relatively little was said about housing during the 1992 election campaign, and it is noteworthy that Mandate for Change, the intellectual-political... 1993
James J. Hartnett AFFORDABLE HOUSING, EXCLUSIONARY ZONING, AND AMERICAN APARTHEID: USING TITLE VIII TO FOSTER STATEWIDE RACIAL INTEGRATION 68 New York University Law Review 89 (April, 1993) The devastating riots in Los Angeles in 1992 caused America to focus, at least temporarily, on the intractable problems of the urban ghetto. Many of these problems, such as pervasive crime, widespread drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, and structural unemployment, have been much discussed, and various solutions have been proposed. However, a major... 1993
Jeremy Rabkin AT THE PRESIDENT'S SIDE: THE ROLE OF THE WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL IN CONSTITUTIONAL POLICY 56-AUT Law and Contemporary Problems 63 (Autumn, 1993) Whatever else it achieved in its first months in office, the Clinton Administration made U.S. citizens more aware of the White House Counsel's Office. The Counsel's Office was at the center of the brief uproar that arose when the press discovered that presidential aides had manipulated the FBI to put White House patronage maneuvers (replacing... 1993
James E. Rosenbaum , Nancy Fishman , Alison Brett , Patricia Meaden CAN THE KERNER COMMISSION'S HOUSING STRATEGY IMPROVE EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION, AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION FOR LOW-INCOME BLACKS? 71 North Carolina Law Review 1519 (June, 1993) The Kerner Commission placed a heavy emphasis on racial integration, calling it the only course which explicitly seeks to achieve a single nation rather than accepting the present movement toward a dual society. And, as the introductory Essay to this Symposium indicates, only in the housing area did the Commission prescribe solutions tailored to... 1993
Daniel M. Warner CAVEAT SPIRITUS: A JURISPRUDENTIAL REFLECTION UPON THE LAW OF HAUNTED HOUSES AND GHOSTS 28 Valparaiso University Law Review 207 (Fall, 1993) A decade ago, a California state court gave judicial countenance to the concept that real estate burdened by a bloody past (the site of a multiple murder) might be psychologically impacted, i.e., that its value might diminish due to non-physical, non-scientificeven irrationalperceptions by the buyer that the property was tainted. This court... 1993
Kathleen Marie Quinn CONNECTICUT v. MOONEY AND EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY: THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD OF ADVOCACY FOR THE HOMELESS 13 Boston College Third World Law Journal 87 (Winter, 1993) We have reached that point in our society's evolution where, in order to extend Fourth Amendment protection to the homeless to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures of their personal property, we must also recognize our society's acceptance of the existence and conditions of homelessness. In granting an expectation of privacy to a... 1993
Teryl Smith Eisenberg CONNECTICUT v. MOONEY: CAN A HOMELESS PERSON FIND PRIVACY UNDER A BRIDGE? 13 Pace Law Review 229 (Winter, 1993) The great end, for which men entered into society, was to secure their property. To achieve this purpose, the framers of the United States Constitution enacted the Fourth Amendment, which includes a search and seizure clause and a warrant clause: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against... 1993
Michele Timmons , Judy Grant , Teri Popp , Heidi Westby COUNTY HOME RULE COMES TO MINNESOTA 19 William Mitchell Law Review 811 (1993) I. Introduction . 813 II. The Concept of County Home Rule . 815 A. Traditional County Government . 815 B. The Concept of Home Rule . 816 1. What is a Home Rule Charter? . 816 2. County Home Rule . 817 C. Advantages of Home Rule . 818 D. Disadvantages of Home Rule . 820 E. Home Rule in Minnesota . 821 1. Constitutional Authority . 821 2. Ramsey... 1993
John P. Dellera COUNTY POWERS IN ASSISTED HOUSING PROGRAMS: THE CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITS IN NEW YORK 20 Fordham Urban Law Journal 109 (Winter, 1993) For some seventy years, and through at least as many programs, governments at the federal, state or local level have contributed to the cost of housing the poor in New York State. Programs have developed slowly, and often with much controversy, from the first modest steps that tried to encourage private investment in low cost housing to current... 1993
Ivan C. Smith DISCRIMINATORY USE OF MODELS IN HOUSING ADVERTISEMENT: THE ORDINARY BLACK READER STANDARD 54 Ohio State Law Journal 1521 (1993) A quarter century after the passage of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968), the American landscape remains marked by racial segregation. Housing remains perhaps the most segregated aspect of American life. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) was intended to promote open, integrated residential housing patterns and to... 1993
Michael H. Schill DISTRESSED PUBLIC HOUSING: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 60 University of Chicago Law Review 497 (Spring, 1993) Public housing increasingly commands public attention. Scarcely a day goes by without reports in the media about the physical, managerial, and social problems that plague some publicly-owned housing developments. Accounts of appalling apartment conditions, corrupt administrators, and innocent bystanders killed by gang warfare are commonplace.... 1993
Lillian Gelberg, M.D., M.S.P.H. FEDERAL AID TO THE HOMELESS 12 National Black Law Journal 163 (Winter, 1993) Although the government has incorporated various efforts to aid the homeless, these attempts have been ineffective in solving the overall problem. Homelessness continues to reach crisis proportions in the United States. Homelessness has hit the Black population particularly hard; in many cities across the United States at least 40%, and as many as... 1993
Robert Cornish FROM MT. LAUREL TO MONTGOMERY: THE CREATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN ALABAMA 23 Cumberland Law Review 197 (1992/1993) The Supreme Court of New Jersey's decisions in Southern Burlington County N.A.A.C.P. v. Township of Mount Laurel, which created a municipality's obligation to provide the opportunity for a fair share of construction of low and moderate income housing through nonexclusionary zoning, have long been a topic of debate among both scholars and the... 1993
Thomas Weathers GAY CIVIL RIGHTS: ARE HOMESEXUALS ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSING AND EMPLOYMENT? 24 Pacific Law Journal 541 (January, 1993) Injustice must be rooted out by strong, persistent and determined actionMartin Luther King, Jr. Society's condemnation of homosexuality has taken many forms; most notably, conspicuous discrimination based solely on one's sexual orientation. Homosexuals have long suffered the indignity of discrimination by both government and private society. Even... 1993
Catherine M. Valerio Barrad GENETIC INFORMATION AND PROPERTY THEORY 87 Northwestern University Law Review 1037 (Spring, 1993) Once again, science has rushed impatiently forward where its plodding brethren of ethics and law have feared to tread. Technological improvements and increasing government commitment of research funds have made possible rapid advances in biotechnology and genetic science. Recent efforts to decode and fathom the mysteries of the human genome have... 1993
Reginald C. Govan HONORABLE COMPROMISES AND THE MORAL HIGH GROUND: THE CONFLICT BETWEEN THE RHETORIC AND THE CONTENT OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1991 46 Rutgers Law Review 1 (Fall, 1993) I. Introduction II. Political History of Federal Civil Rights Legislation During the 1980s A. Strengthening Enforcement Mechanisms and Restoration of Original Intent B. Reticence to Address Equal Employment Issues C. Nomination Battles III. Civil Rights Decisions During the 1988-89 Term of the Supreme Court A. The June 1989 Decisions B.... 1993
Claudia J. Reed HOUSING LAW-UNITED STATES v. COLUMBUS COUNTRY CLUB: HOW "RELIGIOUS" DOES AN ORGANIZATION HAVE TO BE TO QUALIFY FOR THE FAIR HOUSING ACT'S RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION EXEMPTION? 15 Western New England Law Review 61 (1993) In 1968, Congress passed the Fair Housing Act (the Act) as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. The Act's purpose was to assure every American a full opportunity to obtain housing for himself and his family free from any discrimination on account of race, color, religion, or national origin. The Act prohibits discrimination by owners of rental... 1993
Florence Wagman Roisman IMPROVING GOVERNMENT-ASSISTED HOUSING PROGRAMS 1 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 49 (1993) As part of the Clinton administration's anti-poverty initiatives, the repair of government-owned and-assisted housing should be a top priority. This will create desperately needed jobs, often in areas with the greatest unemployment, and will protect and enhance the enormous investment of tax dollars the government already has put into such housing.... 1993
Christopher C. Ehrman INTEGRATION VERSUS ANTIDISCRIMINATION: WHICH POLICY SHOULD PREVAIL WHEN APPLYING THE FAIR HOUSING ACT? 24 Memphis State University Law Review 33 (Fall, 1993) Americans live in a society marked by racial segregation now more than any time in history. Often, those rare neighborhoods that appear integrated are merely fluctuating from one racial identity to another. This separation between races exists even though Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968... 1993
Janet E. Stearns , Doreen Fundiller-Zweig IRS TAX EXEMPTIONS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING: OLD STANDARDS FOR NEW TIMES 2-WTR Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 10 (Winter, 1993) For more than twenty years, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized the provision of low- and moderate-income housing as a charitable activity, and has granted section 501(c)(3) tax exemptions to qualifying organizations. Over this period of time, many new models of affordable housing have been established. The large public housing projects in... 1993
Beth D. Jarrett & Wes Daniels LAW AND THE HOMELESS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 85 Law Library Journal 463 (Summer, 1993) Ms. Jarrett and Professor Daniels present an annotated classified listing of secondary legal literature on homelessness in the United States. Sources of current awareness information are included. Introduction. 464 I. General Perspectives on Homelessness. 466 A. Background and Statistical Information. 466 1. Women. 474 2. Children and Youth. 475 3.... 1993
Leland B. Ware NEW WEAPONS FOR AN OLD BATTLE: THE ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS OF THE 1988 AMENDMENTS TO THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 7 Administrative Law Journal of The American University 59 (Spring, 1993) Introduction 60 I. The Origins of Racially Segregated Housing. 64 II. The Fair Housing Act of 1968. 68 A. The Legislative History of the 1968 Act. 69 B. The Enforcement Mechanism of the Fair Housing Act of 1968. 75 1. Administrative Proceedings. 76 2. Referrals to State and Local Agencies. 76 3. Civil Actions in District Court. 77 C. Enforcement... 1993
Jennifer M. English PROPERTY 24 Pacific Law Journal 983 (January, 1993) Civil Code §§ 1363, 1366.1 (amended). SB 1750 (Mello); 1992 Stat. Ch. 1332 Under existing law, recorded restrictions on the use or enjoyment of common interest developments are enforceable as equitable servitudes. Chapter 1332 requires the board of directors of a common interest development association to notify all members of the association of... 1993
Stephen J. Schnably PROPERTY AND PRAGMATISM: A CRITIQUE OF RADIN'S THEORY OF PROPERTY AND PERSONHOOD 45 Stanford Law Review 347 (January, 1993) I. Introduction. 347 II. Radin's Theory of Property and Personhood. 354 III. Personhood as an Arena of Power and Resistance. 361 A. The Appeal to Consensus. 362 1. The nonexistence of consensus. 363 2. The impossibility of bracketing consensus. 371 3. The first heuristic. 375 B. Commodification as Absolute Power. 379 1. The tendency toward stasis.... 1993
Jessica Heslop , Joel Roberto PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE UNIFIED GERMANY: A CONSTITUTIONAL, COMPARATIVE, AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ANALYSIS 11 Boston University International Law Journal 243 (Fall, 1993) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 244 II. Constitutional Protection for Property Under German Law from 1849 to 1933. 245 III. A New Property Regime in the Former East Germany. 248 A. The Joint Declaration. 248 B. The Treuhandgesetz and the Treuhandanstalt. 251 C. The Unification Treaty. 254 D. Laws Governing the Restitution Issue. 257 1. The... 1993
John A. Miller RATIONALIZING INJUSTICE: THE SUPREME COURT AND THE PROPERTY TAX 22 Hofstra Law Review 79 (Fall 1993) (T)he conduct of government is the testing ground of social ethics and civilized living. Don't tax you, don't tax me, Tax that fellow behind the tree. I. Introduction . 80 II. Three Aspects of the Question Addressed . 83 A. The Property Tax in Theory and in Practice . 83 B. Proposition 13 . 89 C. The Equal Protection Clause and the Rational Basis... 1993
James J. Dodd-o , Martin A. Toth THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES: A SURVEY OF SIGNIFICANT COURT DECISIONS INTERPRETING PENNSYLVANIA'S SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY ACT AND ITS WAIVERS 32 Duquesne Law Review 1 (Fall, 1993) Prior to 1978, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Commonwealth), its agencies and employees were immune from suits except for those instances in which the General Assembly, pursuant to article I, section 11 of the Pennsylvania Constitution had waived the immunity bar. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court succinctly stated that immunity is the... 1993
Cindy Lee Soper THE FAIR HOUSING ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1988: NEW ZONING RULES FOR GROUP HOMES FOR THE HANDICAPPED 37 Saint Louis University Law Journal 1033 (Summer, 1993) TITLE VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, commonly known as the Fair Housing Act (FHA), was enacted to prohibit housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. Twenty years later, Congress enacted the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (FHAA), which extended the same protection to the handicapped. Despite the... 1993
Sharon N. Humble THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S MACHIAVELLIAN IMPEDIMENT OF THE STATES' COLLECTION OF PROPERTY TAXES THROUGH THE FDIC'S REGULATION OF FAILED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE LIENS? 25 Saint Mary's Law Journal 493 (1993) I. Introduction. 493 II. Legal Background. 499 A. Federalism and the States' Power to Tax. 499 B. FIRREA: A Means to an End. 507 III. Analysis of the Problem. 513 A. Overcoming the Fallacies of the FDIC's Arguments. 513 1. Tax Liens Are Not a Tax on the FDIC. 513 2. Tax Liens Attach Prior to FDIC Receivership, and It Is the Tax Liens, Not the... 1993
Robert G. Schwemm THE FUTURE OF FAIR HOUSING LITIGATION 26 John Marshall Law Review 745 (Summer, 1993) This article is a revised version of the keynote address I gave at a conference entitled Where is Fair Housing Headed in This Decade? sponsored by The John Marshall Law School in the Fall of 1992. As its title implies, the conference focused on the future of fair housing, and my address dealt with certain developments that I felt were not only... 1993
Barbara Sard THE MASSACHUSETTS EXPERIENCE WITH TARGETED TENANT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE HOMELESS: LESSONS ON HOUSING POLICY FOR SOCIALLY DISFAVORED GROUPS, PART I 1 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 16 (1993) My purpose in writing this article is to share insights gained from the Massachusetts effort, beginning in 1985, to target tenant-based rental assistance to homeless and imminently homeless families and individuals. While conservatives have generally endorsed tenant-based subsidies to the extent that they have endorsed any housing subsidy program,... 1993
Barbara Sard THE MASSACHUSETTS EXPERIENCE WITH TARGETED TENANT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE HOMELESS: LESSONS ON HOUSING POLICY FOR SOCIALLY DISFAVORED GROUPS, PART I 1 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 16 (1993) My purpose in writing this article is to share insights gained from the Massachusetts effort, beginning in 1985, to target tenant-based rental assistance to homeless and imminently homeless families and individuals. While conservatives have generally endorsed tenant-based subsidies to the extent that they have endorsed any housing subsidy program,... 1993
Timothy R. Fulkerson TORTS 24 Pacific Law Journal 1057 (January, 1993) Civil Code § 798.76 (amended); Government Code §§ 12955.1, 12955.2, 12955.3, 12955.4, 12955.5, 12955.6, 12989, 12989.1, 12989.2, 12989.3 (new); §§ 12920, 12927, 12930, 12931, 12935, 12955, 12980, 12981, 12984, 12986, 12987, 12995 (amended). SB 1234 (Calderon); 1992 Stat. Ch. 182 Existing law prohibits discrimination against anyone seeking housing... 1993
George D. Vaubel TOWARD PRINCIPLES OF STATE RESTRAINT UPON THE EXERCISE OF MUNICIPAL POWER IN HOME RULE 22 Stetson Law Review 643 (Spring, 1993) This Article continues a study of state and local relations which includes articles on allocation of governmental power and the superiority of state power, including its application and scope. It will reexamine the severity of state control over matters of predominant state interests. Its objective is to suggest safeguards which would make state... 1993
Cheryl I. Harris WHITENESS AS PROPERTY 106 Harvard Law Review 1709 (June, 1993) Issues regarding race and racial identity as well as questions pertaining to property rights and ownership have been prominent in much public discourse in the United States. In this article, Professor Harris contributes to this discussion by positing that racial identity and property are deeply interrelated concepts. Professor Harris examines how... 1993
Barbara Bennett Woodhouse "WHO OWNS THE CHILD?": MEYER AND PIERCE AND THE CHILD AS PROPERTY 33 William and Mary Law Review 995 (Summer, 1992) I. The Nature of the Project II. Language Laws, Common Schooling, and the Politics of Pluralism A. Language Laws and Common Schooling in Historical Context B. Americanization as a National Progressive Reform Movement C. A Test Case: Metamporphosis from Religious Liberty to Parental Rights III. Universal Common Schooling and the Populist Legacy A.... 1992
Melinda Westbrook CONNECTICUT'S NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSING APPEALS PROCEDURE: ASSAULTING THE PRESUMPTIVE VALIDITY OF LAND USE DECISIONS 66 Connecticut Bar Journal 169 (June, 1992) Connecticut has a serious shortage of affordable housing. Statewide estimates show that among Connecticut's 169 municipalities, 169,000 households are in need of adequate shelter. In the capitol region alone, one state agency has estimated that the affordable housing shortage affects over 32,000 households. The recent downturn in Connecticut's... 1992
Johnnie Scott Jr. ERADICATING DISCRIMINATORY HOUSING PRACTICES: THE ROLE OF DAMAGES AND THE DISCRIMINATORY EFFECTS OF EVIDENTIARY STANDARDS IN FAIR HOUSING LITIGATION 22 New Mexico Law Review 571 (Spring, 1992) The barriers of housing discrimination stifle hope and achievement, and promote rage and despair; they tell the Negro citizen trapped in an urban slum there is no escape, that even were he able to get decent education and a good job, he would still not have the freedom other Americans enjoy to choose where he and his family will live. This... 1992
Valerie Walsh Johnson FAIR HOUSING ACT-RAGIN v. NEW YORK TIMES: IS IT TIME TO END THE USE OF MODELS IN HOUSING ADVERTISEMENTS? 22 Memphis State University Law Review 401 (Winter, 1992) Plaintiffs, black prospective home purchasers and an equal opportunity organization, filed suit against The New York Times Company (the Times) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, alleging that the newspaper's publishing over a period of years of housing advertisements with substantially all white models... 1992
Mark W. Zimmerman OPENING THE DOOR TO RACE-BASED REAL ESTATE MARKETING: SOUTH-SUBURBAN HOUSING CENTER V. GREATER SOUTH SUBURBAN BOARD OF REALTORS 41 DePaul Law Review 1271 (Summer, 1992) Despite Dr. King's emphatic pronouncement over one quarter of a century ago, most communities in the Chicago metropolitan area have not responded in kind; the doors to integrated housing are often closed. Congress enacted the Fair Housing Act of 1968 with the dual purposes of ending discriminatory housing practices and promoting integrated housing.... 1992
Denise Speas REAL PROPERTY SURVEY 69 Denver University Law Review 983 (1992) In 1991, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals analyzed a variety of issues within the scope of Real Property law. In the landlord tenant context, the court considered whether the presence of a defaulting tenant was a sufficient measure of damages in a breach of contract claim and whether a commercial tenant could be relieved from complying with a... 1992
Michael R. Tein THE DEVALUATION OF NONWHITE COMMUNITY IN REMEDIES FOR SUBSIDIZED HOUSING DISCRIMINATION 140 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1463 (April, 1992) This Comment argues that judicial treatment of discrimination in subsidized housing has not accorded proper respect to nonwhite community as a legitimate entity. Unwarranted exercise of judicial restraint, despite a broad mandate from the Supreme Court, combined with the courts' binary understanding of the problem and its solution have resulted in... 1992
Elizabeth Schutz THE FOURTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS OF THE HOMELESS 60 Fordham Law Review 1003 (April, 1992) Calculations of the number of homeless people in the United States range from 250,000 or 350,000 up to 3 or 4 million. While there might be debate regarding the exact number of the homeless population, few would disagree that the homeless problem has reached crisis proportions. During the period from 1988 to 1989 alone, the number of homeless... 1992
Matthew J. Smith THE WAGES OF LIVING IN SIN: DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSING AGAINST UNMARRIED COUPLES 25 U.C. Davis Law Review 1055 (Summer, 1992) Mr. French agrees to rent a house that he owns to a young woman named Susan. Susan pays a security deposit and notifies her current landlord that she will be moving out. Two days later, Mr. French changes his mind. He tells Susan that he will not rent the house to her because she intends to live there with her fiancé, Wesley. Mr. French admits that... 1992
Susan T. Kelly UNCLAIMED BILLIONS: FEDERAL ENCROACHMENT ON STATES' RIGHTS IN ABANDONED PROPERTY 33 Boston College Law Review 1037 (September, 1992) United States residents have abandoned and continue to abandon tangible and intangible property valued at billions of dollars. In 1991, under state unclaimed property laws, the fifty states took custody of over $1.2 billion in unclaimed property assets. Current state unclaimed property legislation, traditionally called escheat, empowers states to... 1992
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