  APPLICATION OF THE SHERMAN ACT TO HOUSING SEGREGATION 63 Yale Law Journal 1124 (June, 1954) Discriminatory practices by private parties have compelled the Negro to compete for a home on unequal terms with the white. He is faced with substantial restrictions in both the financing and selling phases of housing. Although purely private actions do not violate any civil liberties guaranty, their economic effects may bring them within the... 1954
  PREJUDICE AND PROPERTY, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (BRIEF AGAINST RACIAL COVENANTS SUBMITTED TO THE U.S. SUPREME COURT BY TOM C. CLARK AND PHILIP B. PERLMAN, PUBLIC AFFAIRS PRESS, 1948) 57 Yale Law Journal 1162 (April, 1948) The Supreme Court has decided unanimously that the enforcement of racial restrictive covenants is unconstitutional. The Justice Department's brief in this litigation has been reprinted in book form with a four page introduction by Wesley McCune, relegation of the footnotes to the back pages and a slight change in the order of presentation. Its... 1948
Isaac N. Groner , David M. Helfeld RACE DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSING 57 Yale Law Journal 426 (January, 1948) The Report of the President's Committee on Civil Rights has once again called public attention to the discrepancy between American aspiration and accomplishment in race relations. Housing clearly illustrates the national failure to treat individuals on the basis of individual merit rather than racial myth. In the construction of the twelve million... 1948
Shirley Adelson THE SEVEN MUTHS OF HOUSING. BY NATHAN STRAUS. NEW YORK: ALFRED A. KNOPF, 1944. PP. XVI, 314. $2.75 53 Yale Law Journal 593 (June, 1944) So low is the degree of public acceptance of subsidized housing for low income families in this country that a contemporary book which for the most part simply restates the case for public housing can be appropriately characterized as important. Such a book would be an anachronism in any modern European nation; here it is timely. The public housing... 1944
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