Paula A. Franzese A PLACE TO CALL HOME: TENANT BLACKLISTING AND THE DENIAL OF OPPORTUNITY 45 Fordham Urban Law Journal 661 (April, 2018) Introduction. 662 I. The Practice of Tenant Blacklisting. 666 II. In Their Own Words: Tenants' Stories. 673 A. Yanira Cortes. 674 B. Ada Lopez. 678 C. Maurice Smith. 679 D. Lori Dibble. 681 E. Ebony Watson. 682 F. Roger Ross. 684 G. Elaine Piccione. 686 III. The Experience of Tenant Blacklisting: Common Themes. 688 IV. Towards Meaningful Federal... 2018
James Naughton A REFLECTION ON THE CONTRACTS BUYERS LEAGUE: A HISTORY OF RESISTANCE TO INEQUITABLE HOUSING IN CHICAGO 24 Public Interest Law Reporter 1 (Fall, 2018) The historian Thomas Philpott once described Chicago's ghetto, which was a place where segregation was practically total, essentially involuntary, and also perpetual. As America faced the Financial Crisis of 2008 and the housing market plummeted, many Americans failed to realize this housing crisis was only a relatively small page in a long... 2018
Deborah Thrope ACHIEVING HOUSING CHOICE AND MOBILITY IN THE VOUCHER PROGRAM: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION 27 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 145 (2018) Housing Choice Vouchers help deconcentrate poverty and improve the lives of low-income families. There is evidence, however, that the program has failed to meet its housing choice and mobility goals. Tenants with a voucher disproportionately live in low-rent, racially segregated neighborhoods. In fact, almost a quarter million children in the... 2018
Jay Michael Patterson AGGRESSIVELY AND AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING: GRANTEES OBLIGATED TO LITIGATE 87 Mississippi Law Journal 859 (2018) Introduction. 860 I. Background. 861 A. History of the Affirmatively Further Duty. 862 1. Judicial Interpretation. 863 2. Clinton Executive Order. 864 3. Failure to Enforce. 865 4. 2015 New Rule. 867 II. Discussion. 869 A. Defining Meaningful Action to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. 869 B. Litigation as Meaningful Action to Affirmatively... 2018
Nyasha Buchongo AN AGGRIEVED CITY: HOW AN ENTIRE MUNICIPALITY SUED BANK OF AMERICA OVER HOUSING DISCRIMINATION PRACTICES 40 University of La Verne Law Review 87 (Fall, 2018) Abstract. 88 I. Introduction. 88 II. Current Law. 92 III. An Aggrieved Person. 93 IV. Disparate-Impact Under the Fair Housing Act. 93 V. Appling the Aggrieved Person Standard to Cities. 96 VI. Using Parens Patriae AS a Strategy to Seek Remedy. 98 VII. The Proof of the Claim: An Argument for Foreseeability. 100 VIII. Contours of Proximate Cause. 103... 2018
Megan Haberle AN EVOLVING FAIR HOUSING MOVEMENT: FORGING NEW PARTNERSHIPS AND AGENDAS ACROSS POLICY AREAS 27 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 45 (2018) The fiftieth anniversary of the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) this year presents an opportunity for celebration and reflection during a tumultuous political time. The civil rights community has occasion to take stock of our progress as a nation over the past fifty years; our continuing need for action to achieve the FHA's aims; and how evolving... 2018
William J. Diehl AN OLYMPIC RELAY RACE--PASSING ATLANTA'S PUBLIC HOUSING TO PUBLIC-PRIVATIVE PARTNERSHIPS FROM THE 1996 OLYMPIC GAMES TO TODAY 26 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 575 (2018) I. Public Housing Policy, Private Investment, and Urban Development. 578 II. Carving Up Atlanta's Public Housing. 583 A. Pre-HOPE VI Plans for the Redevelopment of Techwood-Clark Howell Homes. 583 B. The HOPE VI Incentivized Redevelopment of Techwood-Clark Howell Homes. 586 III. Do Public-Private Partnerships Take Home the Gold Medal?. 588 A.... 2018
Alan M. White BANK OF AMERICA v. CITY OF MIAMI: STANDING AND CAUSATION UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 51 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 413 (2018) Progress towards racial equality in America has been a long journey, of many steps forward and many steps backward. The crisis of 2007-2008 was a large step backwards in the struggle for economic equality, in which the homeownership gains of African-Americans during the 1980s and 1990s were submerged in a historic wave of foreclosures and home... 2018
James W. Ely, Jr BUCHANAN AND THE RIGHT TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY 48 Cumberland Law Review 423 (2017-2018) It is most appropriate to mark the 100th anniversary of the significant Supreme Court opinion in Buchanan v. Warley. Despite some renewed interest by scholars, this landmark ruling has not received the recognition it deserves. In Buchanan the Supreme Court invalidated a Louisville ordinance imposing residential segregation in the city by barring... 2018
Alyosha Goldstein BY FORCE OF EXPECTATION: COLONIZATION, PUBLIC LANDS, AND THE PROPERTY RELATION 65 UCLA Law Review Discourse 124 (2018) This Essay argues that federal land policy as a form of colonial administration has been constitutive for the logic of expectation as property in what is now the United States. From the state land cessions negotiated on behalf of the Articles of Confederation to the preemption acts (1830-1841) to the homestead acts (1862-1916) to present-day... 2018
Jennifer Hernandez CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT LAWSUITS AND CALIFORNIA'S HOUSING CRISIS 24 Hastings Environmental Law Journal 21 (Winter, 2018) The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) continues to play a vital role in assuring that our state and local agencies carefully evaluate, disclose, and avoid or reduce the potentially adverse environmental consequences of their actions. In addition, CEQA ensures that agencies consider and respond to public and agency comments on these... 2018
Stephen R. Miller, J.D., M.C.P., Editor-in-Chief California Environmental Quality Act Lawsuits and California's Housing Crisis 47 No. 1 Real Estate Review Journal 4 (Spring 2018) Jennifer Hernandez practices environmental and land use law in the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of Holland & Knight. Many other members of Holland & Knight contributed to the study of CEQA lawsuits evaluated in this article, including Elizabeth Lake, Tamsen Plume, Amanda Monchamp, Nicholas Targ, Charles Coleman, David Preiss, Susan Booth,... 2018
Sydney Pierce CHALLENGING PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE POLICIES UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT: LESSONS FROM MORNINGSIDE 90 Temple Law Review Online 1 (Fall, 2018) Since the collapse of the housing market in 2008, there has been enhanced legal scrutiny of mortgage foreclosure practices in the form of federal legislation and hundreds of local and state programs to stem the tide of foreclosures and keep families in their homes. At the same time, property tax foreclosure--which has been called The Other... 2018
Meris L. Bergquist CIVIL RIGHTS/ANTI-DISCRIMINATION--HOW THE MASSACHUSETTS LEAD POISONING PREVENTION AND CONTROL ACT CODIFIES SYSTEMIC HOUSING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN IN VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL FAIR HOUSING ACT 40 Western New England Law Review 1 (2018) This Article asserts that the Massachusetts Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Act violates the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) by discriminating against families with children under age six. The Massachusetts Lead Law was hailed as a ground-breaking effort to prevent childhood lead poisoning when it was enacted in 1971. However, because it... 2018
Tiffany Manuel, PhD DISMANTLING THE NARRATIVES THAT CONSTRAIN PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR FAIR HOUSING: THE URGENT NEED TO REFRAME THE PUBLIC CONVERSATION TO BUILD PUBLIC WILL 27 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 87 (2018) Denouncing acts of blatant hatred and bigotry is easy. But . the subjugation of people of color happens every day by those who would never march with citronella torches or drive a car through a throng of innocent protesters .. Subjugation occurs by white people . who protest public and affordable housing under the polite cover of parking and... 2018
J. Shontavia Johnson, Tonya M. Evans, Yolanda M. King DIVERSIFYING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW 10 No. 4 Landslide 30 (March/April, 2018) Law is America's least diverse profession. According to the American Bar Association (ABA), 85 percent of all lawyers in America are white, and 65 percent are men. And lawyer demographics have not changed much in at least a decade. While the profession has made some efforts toward increasing diversity and embracing inclusion, its membership does... 2018
April Johnson FAIR HOUSING ISSUES: A CALL FOR MANDATED HOUSING INTEGRATION 50 University of Toledo Law Review 107 (Fall, 2018) OWNING a home has long been regarded as having a slice of the American Dream. Yet, as history has shown us, homeownership in integrated communities is increasingly unavailable for African Americans and other minorities. In essence, it is far more difficult for African Americans to realize the American Dream--by purchasing a home--than it is for... 2018
Chase Hamilton FAIR SHARE: REINVIGORATING THE TWIN CITIES' REGIONAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING CALCULUS 36 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 287 (Summer, 2018) The Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities (Council), an administrative body of seventeen appointed officials, presides over the metropolitan area comprising Minneapolis-St. Paul. Empowered with the ability to review all proposed matters of metropolitan significance, the Council maintains broad statutory authority to shape regional development,... 2018
Shaytonna V. Bullock FEE SIMPLE SUBJECT TO EXECUTORY INTEREST: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PREEMPTION AND REVOCATION OF BLACK PROPERTY RIGHTS 12 Southern Journal of Policy and Justice 205 (Fall, 2018) Blacks have contributed to the fabric of the United States of America in ways that no other group has. Beyond building the very foundation of this country from the sweat, blood, and tears of generations of slaves, African Americans have substantially contributed to the intellectual and structural development of this nation by way of inventions,... 2018
Amanda Insalaco FIFTY YEARS SINCE PASSAGE OF THE FAIR HOUSING ACT: RENT-TO-INCOME RATIOS IN THE PERSISTENCE OF RESIDENTIAL RACIAL SEGREGATION IN CHICAGO 51 John Marshall Law Review 551 (Spring, 2018) I. Introduction. 552 II. Background. 556 A. Overview of Residential Racial Segregation: From the Regional- to Urban-Levels. 556 1. The Federal Government's Contribution to Systemic Housing Inequality. 558 2. Federal Attempts to Remedy Housing Disparity Emerge. 558 3. FHA and Section 8. 560 B. The Origins of Disparate Impact Analysis. 561 C. The... 2018
William Rhee , Stephen C. Scott GEOGRAPHIC DISCRIMINATION: OF PLACE, SPACE, HILLBILLIES, AND HOME 121 West Virginia Law Review 531 (Winter 2018) Abstract. 533 I. Introduction. 534 II. Basic Human Capabilities at Home. 538 A. The Capabilities Approach. 538 B. Central Capabilities Need Place and Space. 540 1. A Home of One's Own. 541 2. A Job of One's Own. 544 3. A School of One's Own. 545 III. Politically Incorrect Locational Prejudice. 545 A. An Intersectional or Multidimensional Concept.... 2018
Dayna Bowen Matthew HEALTH AND HOUSING: ALTRUISTIC MEDICALIZATION OF AMERICA'S AFFORDABILITY CRISIS 81 Law and Contemporary Problems 161 (2018) This article argues in favor of responding to the lack of affordable housing in America as a public health crisis. The medicalization frame adopted here responds to epidemiological evidence of the nexus between health and housing, invites collaborative and integrated solutions to improve health outcomes, and points to innovative financing streams... 2018
Dorothy A. Brown HOMEOWNERSHIP IN BLACK AND WHITE: THE ROLE OF TAX POLICY IN INCREASING HOUSING INEQUITY 49 University of Memphis Law Review 205 (Fall, 2018) I. Introduction. 205 II. Tax Subsidies for Homeownership. 207 III. Homeownership and Race. 213 A. Historical Racial Inequality in Homeownership. 213 B. The Race-Based Appreciation Gap. 214 C. Homeownership Wealth in Black and White. 221 IV. Tax Subsidies and Race. 223 V. Suggestions for Reform. 225 VI. Conclusion. 227 2018
Kathryn A. Sabbeth HOUSING DEFENSE AS THE NEW GIDEON 41 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 55 (Winter, 2018) New York City is the first jurisdiction in the United States to create a right to appointed counsel for poor people facing eviction. This Article is the first to analyze NYC's ground-breaking legislation. The Article draws on NYC's housing defense statute to highlight three ways in which the creation of a civil right to counsel has the potential to... 2018
Taylor A. F. Wolff HOUSING IS HEALTHCARE: THE TAX IMPLICATIONS OF HOMELESSNESS AND ADDICTION 21 Quinnipiac Health Law Journal 259 (2018) I. Introduction. 260 II. Background. 263 A. Housing the Chronically Homeless: A Healthcare Concern. 263 B. Framing a Tax Policy that Houses Chronically Homeless People with Substance Use Disorders. 266 C. The Wet House: An 1811 Model for Chronically Homeless Alcoholics. 269 D. Federal and State Funding Regulations of the Wet House as a 501(c)(3)... 2018
  HOUSING LAW--CRIMINAL SCREENING OF TENANTS-- SEATTLE BANS THE USE OF CRIMINAL HISTORY IN RENTAL DECISIONS.-- SEATTLE, WASH., ORDINANCE 125393 (AUG. 23, 2017) 131 Harvard Law Review 1844 (April, 2018) As a result of their convictions, ex-offenders face many collateral consequences, including lack of access to housing. Landlords increasingly rely on background screens of prospective tenants to identify criminal history. Sex offenders may have an even harder time obtaining housing. Those on a sex offender registry for life are barred from... 2018
Eric D. Chason HOW BITCOIN FUNCTIONS AS PROPERTY LAW 49 Seton Hall Law Review 129 (2018) Bitcoin replicates many of the formal aspects of real estate transactions. Bitcoin transactions have features that closely resemble grantor names, grantee names, legal descriptions, and signatures found in real property deeds. While these Bitcoin deeds may be interesting, they are not profound. Bitcoin goes beyond creating simple digital deeds,... 2018
Michelle D. Layser HOW FEDERAL TAX LAW REWARDS HOUSING SEGREGATION 93 Indiana Law Journal 915 (Winter 2018) Introduction. 916 I. The Spatial Distribution of Tax-Based Housing Subsidies. 920 A. Why the Spatial Distribution of Tax-Based Housing Subsidies Matters. 920 B. The Location of Tax-Subsidized Housing in America. 924 1. The Spatial Distribution of Mortgage Interest Deduction Benefits. 924 2. The Spatial Distribution of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit... 2018
Jesse D.H. Snyder HOW PATENT LAW KEEPS THE HOPE OF FAIR HOUSING ALIVE FOR ALL, EVEN AFTER BANK OF AMERICA CORP. v. CITY OF MIAMI 21 Harvard Latinx Law Review 107 (Spring, 2018) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 108 II. Racial Segregation and the Fair Housing Act Through October Term 2014. 111 A. The Fair Housing Act: Acknowledgement that Fairness in Housing Is Inviolable. 111 B. Disparate Impact and the Maturing Views of the Fair Housing Act. 113 III. Bank of America and City Standing Under the Fair Housing Act. 115... 2018
Paul Boudreaux INFILL: NEW HOUSING FOR TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY AMERICA 45 Fordham Urban Law Journal 595 (April, 2018) The American population has changed dramatically over the past several decades: fewer of us live in big families, more of us live alone or in pairs, and more of us favor metropolitan areas near the coasts. Yet our housing laws remain mired in assumptions from the previous century that we are a spread-out nation of large families that need and... 2018
  KEEPING CURRENT--PROPERTY 32-JUN Probate and Property 24 (May/June, 2018) Keeping Current--Property offers a look at selected recent cases, literature, and legislation. The editors of Probate & Property welcome suggestions and contributions from readers. ABANDONMENT: Statutory forfeiture does not apply to extinguish rights in ditch used to transport water. Mortensen owned land that received water through a ditch that... 2018
Derek Waller LEVERAGING STATE AND LOCAL ANTIDISCRIMINATION LAWS TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST RECIPIENTS OF FEDERAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE 27 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 401 (2018) I. Federal and State Voucher Laws. 406 A. Federal Law and Housing Vouchers. 406 B. State Antidiscrimination Laws and Voucher-Based Discrimination. 408 1. States with Judicially Created Housing Voucher Exemptions from Source of Income Laws. 408 a. Minnesota. 408 b. Wisconsin. 410 c. California. 411 2. States with Source of Income Laws That Exclude... 2018
Thomas Silverstein, Diane Glauber LEVERAGING THE BESIEGED ASSESSMENT OF FAIR HOUSING PROCESS TO CREATE COMMON GROUND AMONG FAIR HOUSING ADVOCATES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS 27 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 33 (2018) The duty to affirmatively further fair housing, commonly known by its acronym AFFH, has the potential to serve as one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal of both community developers and fair housing advocates to address structural barriers to full and equal participation in U.S. society for people of color, persons with disabilities, and... 2018
Brandon M. Weiss LOCATING AFFORDABLE HOUSING: THE LEGAL SYSTEM'S MISALLOCATION OF SUBSIDIZED HOUSING INCENTIVES 70 Hastings Law Journal 215 (December, 2018) The primary goal of subsidized housing policy in the United States is to increase access to affordable housing for low-income households. Yet data show that states disproportionately award low-income housing tax credits to finance the development of projects in neighborhoods where there is already a relatively high number of housing units available... 2018
Christopher C. Ligatti MAX WEBER MEETS THE FAIR HOUSING ACT: "LIFE CHANCES" AND THE NEED FOR EXPANDED LOST HOUSING OPPORTUNITY DAMAGES 6 Belmont Law Review 78 (2018) Introduction. 79 I. Background. 81 A. The Root of Mobility Based Programs in Life Chances Theory. 82 1. Max Weber's Life Chances Theory. 82 2. Neighborhood Effects and the Geography of Opportunity as Understood Through the Lens of Life Chances. 87 3. The Negative Consequences of Low-Opportunity Areas. 88 4. The Benefits of Moving to... 2018
Chelsea King MERGING INCLUSIONARY ZONING AND COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTS TO INCREASE AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN BALTIMORE WITHOUT DISPLACING NEIGHBORHOODS 49 University of Baltimore Law Forum 43 (Fall, 2018) Throughout history, Baltimore City has continually struggled to manage affordable housing and residential segregation, and as such, is currently facing a housing crisis. The housing crisis that Baltimore faces today is in large part due to decades of systemic racial oppression. Throughout history, Baltimore City officials have denied African... 2018
Amanda M. Leon MINING FOR MEANING: AN EXAMINATION OF THE LEGALITY OF PROPERTY RIGHTS IN SPACE RESOURCES 104 Virginia Law Review 497 (May, 2018) In November 2015, the Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act of 2015 (SREU Act) became law. Private space companies hoping to mine asteroids for commercial gain rejoiced. For years, such private companies had struggled to obtain adequate funding and support for their revolutionary space missions due to a lack of legal certainty regarding... 2018
Zachary C. Freund PERPETUATING SEGREGATION OR TURNING DISCRIMINATION ON ITS HEAD? AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESIDENCY PREFERENCES AS ANTI-DISPLACEMENT MEASURES 118 Columbia Law Review 833 (April, 2018) Affordable housing residency preferences give residents of a specific geographic preference area prioritized access to affordable housing units within that geographic area. Historically, majority-white municipalities have sometimes used affordable housing residency preferences to systematically exclude racial minorities who reside in surrounding... 2018
Rachel Smith POLICING BLACK RESIDENTS AS NUISANCES: WHY SELECTIVE NUISANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT VIOLATES THE FAIR HOUSING ACT 34 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice 87 (Spring, 2018) She was rapidly losing blood after her ex-boyfriend stabbed her in the neck, but Lakisha Briggs did not call 911. A neighbor saw her walking through the street, bleeding, and called for paramedics, who rushed to airlift Ms. Briggs to the hospital. When she eventually returned home, Ms. Briggs discovered her landlord was evicting her. The reason:... 2018
H. Elenore Wade PRESERVING THE FAMILIES OF HOMELESS AND HOUSING-INSECURE PARENTS 86 George Washington Law Review 869 (May, 2018) Every year in the United States, state child welfare agencies receive millions of reports of suspected child neglect. The families involved in these reports are often first subjected to government interference in the legally protected parent-child relationship on the basis of neglect, a legal concept that lacks an intent standard and is often... 2018
Eric J. Miller PROPERTY, PERSONS, AND INSTITUTIONALIZED POLICE INTERDICTION IN BYRD v. UNITED STATES 52 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 107 (2018) During a fairly routine traffic stop of a motorist driving a rental car, two State Troopers in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, discovered that the driver, Terrence Byrd, was not the listed renter. The Court ruled that Byrd nonetheless retained a Fourth Amendment right to object to the search. The Court did not address, however, why the Troopers stopped... 2018
Brian Sawers RACE AND PROPERTY AFTER THE CIVIL WAR: CREATING THE RIGHT TO EXCLUDE 87 Mississippi Law Journal 703 (2018) L1-2Introduction . L3703 I. Reconstruction and Its Context. 708 A. Property in Land. 708 B. Property in Persons. 712 C. Reconstruction. 718 II. The Planter and the Freedman. 723 A. The Planter's Problem. 724 B. From Slavery to Sharecropping. 728 III. Legal Change. 732 A. Regulating Labor. 733 1. Direct Labor Regulation. 734 2. Labor Regulation by... 2018
Diamond Smith RENTING DIVERSITY: AIRBNB AS THE MODERN FORM OF HOUSING DISCRIMINATION 67 DePaul Law Review 581 (Spring, 2018) Who and what determines a neighborhood's worth? What does it mean to be an up-and-coming neighborhood? An influx of new houses, businesses, and people into a given neighborhood contributes to gentrification. New businesses often attract individuals without familial or historical ties to the neighborhood. Particularly in Chicago, up-and-coming... 2018
Jan KuklĂ­k RESTITUTION OF JEWISH PROPERTY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC 41 Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 583 (Winter 2018) Restitution of the property confiscated during the communist regime was debated in Czechoslovakia almost immediately after the so-called Velvet Revolution of 1989. The period of transition from the authoritarian communist regime into a democratic system started with discussions about adequate policies to be implemented as not many patterns to... 2018
Rigel C. Oliveri SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF LOW-INCOME WOMEN IN HOUSING: PILOT STUDY RESULTS 83 Missouri Law Review 597 (Summer, 2018) I. Background. 600 A. Development of Sexual Harassment Doctrine. 600 1. Sexual Harassment Under Title VII. 600 2. Sexual Harassment and the Fair Housing Act. 603 B. What We Know About Sexual Harassment in Housing. 608 1. Official Statistics and Early Studies. 609 2. Recent Studies. 611 II. The Pilot Study. 613 A. Purpose and Methodology. 613 B.... 2018
Emeka Duruigbo SMALL TRACT OWNERS AND SHALE GAS DRILLING IN TEXAS: SANCTITY OF PROPERTY, HOLDOUT POWER OR COMPULSORY POOLING? 70 Baylor Law Review 527 (Spring, 2018) In some sense, oil and gas law in Texas simultaneously strips small mineral owners of their property freedom while affording protection from uncompensated drainage. In another sense, owners of small mineral interests are left at the mercy of oil and gas producers who can drain their resources without compensation. This article proposes the... 2018
Iris J. Lav and Michael Leachman STATE LIMITS ON PROPERTY TAXES HAMSTRING LOCAL SERVICES AND SHOULD BE RELAXED OR REPEALED 28-OCT Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives 20 (October, 2018) Michigan, Massachusetts, Oregon, and New York reveal range of problems with limits. Beginning in the 1970s, many states adopted new limits that sharply reduced funding for education and other important services by capping property taxes. The time has come for states to reconsider these harsh limits, which have put severe pressure over time on local... 2018
Iris J. Lav and Michael Leachman STATE LIMITS ON PROPERTY TAXES HAMSTRING LOCAL SERVICES AND SHOULD BE RELAXED OR REPEALED 46 Real Estate Taxation 13 (Fourth Quarter, 2018) Michigan, Massachusetts, Oregon, and New York reveal range of problems with limits. Beginning in the 1970s, many states adopted new limits that sharply reduced funding for education and other important services by capping property taxes. The time has come for states to reconsider these harsh limits, which have put severe pressure overtime on local... 2018
David A. Logan STILL STANDING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS: FIVE DECADES OF LITIGATION UNDER THE FAIR HOUSING ACT AND THE SUPREME COURT STILL CAN'T SAY FOR SURE WHO IS PROTECTED 23 Roger Williams University Law Review 169 (Winter, 2018) The 1960s was one of the most turbulent decades in modern American history, marred by assassinations, widespread civil unrest, and a highly divisive war in Vietnam. But it was also a decade of important legislative accomplishments, including a stronger safety net for the poor, protection of the environment, and bans on discrimination in voting and... 2018
Andrea J. Boyack SUSTAINABLE AFFORDABLE HOUSING 50 Arizona State Law Journal 455 (Summer, 2018) Sustainable real estate development is an essential component of intergenerational justice, in part because the real estate sector creates more than 20% of the world's carbon emissions. Governments, recognizing that environmentally sustainable real estate development involves higher upfront costs, have encouraged green building by offering publicly... 2018
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