Michael J. Wishnie Laboratories of Bigotry? Devolution of the Immigration Power, Equal Protection, and Federalism 76 New York University Law Review 493 (May, 2001) In this Article, Professor Michael Wishnie addresses the current pressing problem of denial of benefits to legal immigrants under the 1996 Welfare Reform Act in the context of a deeper inquiry into the very heart of immigration law: From where does the federal government derive the power to regulate its borders? Can Congress devolve this power to... 2001
Cass R. Sunstein Lapidation and Apology 2020 University of Chicago Legal Forum 295 (2020) Groups of people, outraged by some real or imagined transgression, often respond in a way that is wildly disproportionate to the occasion, thus ruining the transgressor's day, month, year, or life. To capture that phenomenon, we might repurpose an old word: lapidation. Technically, the word is a synonym for stoning, but it sounds much less violent.... 2020
Lisa R. Pruitt Latina/os, Locality, and Law in the Rural South 12 Harvard Latino Law Review 135 (Spring 2009) Legal issues associated with immigration are playing out at multiple scales, from the local to the national. In this era of municipal anti-immigrant ordinances and federal-local cooperation to enforce immigration laws, legal actors at the municipal, county, and state levels have become frontline policymakers and law enforcers in relation to... 2009
Sandra Guerra Thompson Latinas and Their Families in Detention: the Growing Intersection of Immigration Law and Criminal Law 14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 225 (Winter, 2008) In this article, Professor Sandra Guerra Thompson explores the growing enforcement of immigration law within the interior of the United States and the growing intersection of the criminal justice system and immigration law. Through the use of worksite enforcement sweeps and immigration screening by state and local law enforcement, growing numbers... 2008
Kevin R. Johnson Latinas/os and the Political Process: the Need for Critical Inquiry 81 Oregon Law Review 917 (Winter 2002) Migration from Mexico to the United States was a fact of life in the twentieth century. It continues in the new millennium, with more than 200,000 lawful immigrants from Mexico--the largest contingent of immigrants from any nation-- coming to the United States in 2001 alone. An important part of the nation's labor force, Mexican immigrants... 2002
Clifford Clapp, Esq. Latino Jury Nullification: Resisting Racially & Ethnically Biased Crimmigration Through Civil Disobedience 17 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 167 (2016) In 1995, over twenty years ago, Paul Butler argued for jury nullification by African-American jurors in cases where black defendants commit crimes that do not affect public safety, such as public drunkenness, minor drug possession, gambling and other victimless crimes. He opines that racial considerations by African-American jurors are legally and... 2016
Marisa Abrajano , Lisa García Bedolla Latino Political Participation 25 Years after the Passage of Proposition 187: Opportunities and Continuing Challenges 53 U.C. Davis Law Review 1831 (April, 2020) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction L31833 I. Can Text Messages Mobilize Voters?. 1839 II. Using Gotv Text Messages to Mobilize Latinos and Voters of Color. 1842 III. Research Design. 1845 IV. Results. 1850 L1-2Conclusion L31854 L1-2Appendix L31856 2020
Luz E. Herrera , Pilar Margarita Hernández, Escontrías, Ph.D. LATINXS RESHAPING LAW & POLICY IN THE U.S. SOUTH 31 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 1 (Winter, 2022) This article addresses the key law and policy levers affecting Latinxs in what the U.S. Census Bureau designates as the South. Since the rise of the Latinx population from the 1980s onward, few legal scholars and researchers have participated in a sustained dialogue about how law and policy affects Latinxs living in the South. In response to this... 2022
Trevor George Gardner LAW AND ORDER AS THE FOUNDATIONAL PARADOX OF THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY 73 Stanford Law Review Online 141 (June, 2021) This Essay scrutinizes the feuding between the Trump White House and various federal law enforcement agencies, concurrent with criminal lawbreaking in the Trump Administration, in an effort to extend scholarly understanding of the relationship between law-and-order politics and popular regard for rule-of-law principles. Sociolegal... 2021
Frank W. Munger, Carroll Seron LAW AND THE PERSISTENCE OF RACIAL INEQUALITY IN AMERICA 66 New York Law School Law Review 175 (2021/2022) EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was adapted from Frank W. Munger & Carroll Seron, Race, Law, and Inequality, Fifty Years After the Civil Rights Era, 13 Ann. Rev. L. & Soc. Sci. 331 (2017). In 2020, America was once again required to confront its legacy of racial inequality. Widely viewed videos of police violence against Black Americans, a resurgent... 2022
Stella Burch Elias LAW AS A TOOL OF TERROR 107 Iowa Law Review 1 (November, 2021) The immigration laws and policies of the United States from January 2017 through January 2021 serve as a cautionary example of what may happen when the rule of law and the equitable administration of justice are subverted by policymakers pursuing an extreme and coercive political agenda. For four years the Trump Administration used its... 2021
Wadie E. Said Law Enforcement in the American Security State 2019 Wisconsin Law Review 819 (2019) This Article documents the evolution of the modern American police state and the symbiotic nature of the relationship between government actors across the three sectors of national security, domestic policing, and immigration enforcement. Policies from one area make their way into the other two, with the net result being that the powers of... 2019
Felice Batlan Law in the Time of Cholera: Disease, State Power, and Quarantines past and Future 80 Temple Law Review 53 (Spring 2007) I. Introduction. 54 II. A Brief History of Quarantine. 62 III. The 1892 Threatened Epidemics: Immigrants, Pesthouses, and Oysters. 68 A. Methodology. 68 B. The Most Modern of Facilities: The New York City Board of Health. 69 C. Frontiers: Immigration and Typhus. 72 D. The Erasure of the Juridical Being. 76 E. Awaiting Cholera. 79 F. Cholera and... 2007
Samuel Vincent Jones LAW SCHOOLS, CULTURAL COMPETENCY, AND ANTI-BLACK RACISM: THE LIBERTY OF DISCRIMINATION 21 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 84 (2021) Introduction. 84 I. Do Law Schools Have Liberty to Discriminate Against Black Law Students?. 86 A. The Black Law Student Experience. 87 B. Law Schools and the Liberty to Foster Anti-Black Racism. 90 II. Should Law Schools Require Cultural Competency Instruction as a Means to Curtail Anti-Black Racial Discrimination?. 96 A. Cultural Competency... 2021
Kitty Calavita Law, Citizenship, and the Construction of (Some) Immigrant "Others" 30 Law and Social Inquiry 401 (Spring 2005) Rhael Salazar Parrenas. Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work. Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2001. Pp. 309. $55.00 cloth; $21.95 paper. Bonnie Honig. Democracy and the Foreigner. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. Pp. 204. $39.95 cloth; $19.95 paper. Peter Schuck. Citizens, Strangers, and... 2005
Gideon Sapir , Mark Goldfeder Law, Religion, and Immigration: Building Bridges with Express Lanes 32 Emory International Law Review 201 (2018) This Article asks whether it can ever be moral or legal to use certain criteria, including nationality and/or religion, in formulating preferential immigration policies. In order to answer the question, it presents an in-depth look at the controversial right of return, focusing in particular on the example of the Israeli Law of Return. It... 2018
Rebecca Hayes Lawful Permanent Residency: What the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services Giveth, it Can Also Take Away 59 Boston College Law Review E-Supplement 329 (April 11, 2018) Abstract: Millions of foreigners strive to become Lawful Permanent Residents of the United States, but that status is limited to those immigrants who meet certain requirements and comply with extensive procedures. There is ample U.S. case law interpreting what it means to be lawfully admitted for permanent residence. Until the Sixth Circuit's... 2018
Michael A. Olivas Lawmakers Gone Wild? College Residency and the Response to Professor Kobach 61 SMU Law Review 99 (Winter 2008) Of critical importance is the fact that all four of the [September 11th] hijackers who were stopped by local police prior to 9/11 had violated federal immigration laws and could have been detained by the state or local police officers. Indeed, there were only five hijackers who were clearly in violation of immigration laws while in the United... 2008
Julia Simon-Kerr LAW'S CREDIBILITY PROBLEM 98 Washington Law Review 179 (March, 2023) Abstract: Credibility determinations often seal people's fates. They can determine outcomes at trial; they condition the provision of benefits, like social security; and they play an increasingly dispositive role in immigration proceedings. Yet there is no stable definition of credibility in the law. Courts and agencies diverge at the most basic... 2023
Nina Wang Laws Harsh as Tigers: Chinese Immigrants and the Shaping of Modern Immigration Law. Lucy E. Salyer 31 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 587 (Summer, 1996) Reputed to be a cultural melting pot and a nation of equality, the United States attracted more than 18.2 million voluntary immigrants during the Progressive Era, which spanned from 1890 to 1920. At the turn of the century, the United States symbolized economic opportunity and personal liberty for people seeking a better life. For many Chinese... 1996
Julia Hernandez Lawyering Close to Home 27 Clinical Law Review 131 (Fall, 2020) This essay incorporates ethnographic insights and narrative technique, rooted in part in Critical Race Theory and critical geography studies, to ground conversations about transformative pedagogy and praxis in the lived experiences of our students. Many of our students fight for radical social change and enter law school hoping to gain new tools... 2020
Laila L. Hlass LAWYERING FROM A DEPORTATION ABOLITION ETHIC 110 California Law Review 1597 (October, 2022) This Article contributes to the emerging literature on abolition within the immigration legal system by mapping deportation abolition theory onto lawyering practice. Deportation abolitionists work to end immigrant detention, enforcement, and deportation, explicitly understanding immigrant justice as part of a larger racial justice fight connected... 2022
Ingrid Eagly LEARNING FROM DEPORTED AMERICANS 50 Southwestern Law Review 333 (2021) When I was a deputy federal public defender in Los Angeles, I represented many individuals who were charged with the federal crime of illegal reentry. One client in particular still stands out in my memory. When I first met him in lock-up, he told me that he should not have been deported. When I asked why, the answer was simple: he was American. He... 2021
Caleb Ward LEARNING FROM THE PAST: USING KOREMATSU AND OTHER JAPANESE INTERNMENT CASES TO PROVIDE PROTECTIONS AGAINST IMMIGRATION DETENTIONS 73 Arkansas Law Review 841 (2021) Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! One of the darkest periods in modern United States history is reoccurring with mixed public approval. During World War II, the United States... 2021
Smita Ghosh , Mary Hoopes LEARNING TO DETAIN ASYLUM SEEKERS AND THE GROWTH OF MASS IMMIGRATION DETENTION IN THE UNITED STATES 46 Law and Social Inquiry 993 (November, 2021) Drawing upon an analysis of congressional records and media coverage from 1981 to 1996, this article examines the growth of mass immigration detention. It traces an important shift during this period: while detention began as an ad hoc executive initiative that was received with skepticism by the legislature, Congress was ultimately responsible for... 2021
David Christensen Leaving the Back Door Open: Italy's Response to Illegal Immigration 11 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 461 (Spring, 1997) In recent years, the prosperous nations of Western Europe have experienced record levels of migration pressure, as immigrants and refugees from North Africa, Eastern Europe and other impoverished regions of the world have arrived in ever-increasing numbers seeking stability and economic opportunity. To control this inflow, Western European... 1997
Anita Ortiz Maddali Left Behind: the Dying Principle of Family Reunification under Immigration Law 50 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 107 (Fall, 2016) A key underpinning of modern U.S. immigration law is family reunification, but in practice it can privilege certain families and certain members within families. Drawing on legislative history, this Article examines the origins and objectives of the principle of family reunification in immigration law and relies on legal scholarship and... 2016
Jennifer M. Chacón LEGAL BORDERLANDS AND IMPERIAL LEGACIES: A RESPONSE TO MAGGIE BLACKHAWK'S THE CONSTITUTION OF AMERICAN COLONIALISM 137 Harvard Law Review Forum 1 (November, 2023) What are the borderlands? In her brilliant and sweeping exploration of the constitution of American colonialism, Professor Maggie Blackhawk references the borderlands dozens of times. She ultimately looks to the borderlands for constitutional salvation, extracting six principles of borderlands constitutionalism that she urges us to reckon with... 2023
Daniel Kanstroom Legal Lines in Shifting Sand: Immigration Law and Human Rights in the Wake of September 11th 25 Boston College Third World Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter, 2005) Abstract: In March of 2004, a group of legal scholars gathered at Boston College Law School to examine the doctrinal implications of the events of September 11, 2001. They reconsidered the lines drawn between citizens and noncitizens, war and peace, the civil and criminal systems, as well as the U.S. territorial line. Participants responded to the... 2005
Leila Kawar Legal Mobilization on the Terrain of the State: Creating a Field of Immigrant Rights Lawyering in France and the United States 36 Law and Social Inquiry 354 (Spring, 2011) Scholarship on law and social movements has focused attention primarily on the United States, and secondarily on countries that share the Anglo-American legal tradition. The politics of law and social movements in other national legal contexts remains under examined. The analysis in this article contrasts legal mobilizations for immigrant rights in... 2011
Evan J. Criddle LEGAL ORDER AT THE BORDER 56 U.C. Davis Law Review 1503 (April, 2023) For generations, the United States has grappled with high levels of illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border. This Article offers a novel theoretical framework to explain why legal order remains elusive at the border. Drawing inspiration from Lon Fuller's interactional view of law, I argue that immigration law cannot attract compliance... 2023
Amada Armenta, Department of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law. By Angela S. García. Oakland: University of California Press, 2019 53 Law and Society Review 1390 (December, 2019) Angela S. García's excellent new book, Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law examines how federal, state, and local immigration laws shape the daily lives of undocumented Mexican immigrants. With clear prose and penetrating detail, the book upends popular narratives that depict undocumented immigrants as passively... 2019
Kevin E. Davis LEGAL RESPONSES TO BLACK SUBORDINATION, GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES 134 Harvard Law Review Forum 359 (June 1, 2021) [I]n order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. --Black Lives Matter Around the world, people of African descent (Afro-descendants)--to use one of the broadest possible definitions of Blackness--are overrepresented among the poor and... 2021
Tommaso Tani Legal Responsibility for False News 8 Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law 229 (2019-2020) In 2016 and 2017, the debate about false news reached its peak, leading several authors to a new specific legal categorization that explored a new limitation on freedom of speech. This article starts with an analysis of different frameworks (from the U.S. and Europe) that can be applied to design such limitations as well as their philosophical... 2020
Cara Tonucci Legalizing the Immigration Posse 68 National Lawyers Guild Review Rev. 1 (Spring, 2011) The devolution of immigration enforcement is threatening to undermine the Fourth Amendment protections that protect all individuals from government intrusion and the trust that communities invest in local law enforcement--the very trust that provides the local law enforcement legitimacy. Section 287(g) of the United States Code authorizes the... 2011
Jennifer J. Lee LEGALIZING UNDOCUMENTED WORK 42 Cardozo Law Review 1893 (September, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 1894 I. Migration and Work. 1902 A. Plight of Undocumented Workers. 1902 B. Recognition of Employer Exploitation. 1907 C. Moral Disapproval of Illegal Workers. 1909 II. Reconceptualizing the Undocumented Worker. 1913 A. Equality. 1914 B. Freedom. 1917 C. Contending with Illegality. 1920 III. Benefits of the... 2021
Mona Alsaidi LEGALLY WHITE, EFFECTIVELY OTHERED: RECOGNIZING AND INVESTING IN ARAB AMERICAN COMMUNITIES 94 Temple Law Review 99 (Fall, 2021) During the first presidential debate in September 2020, President Biden effortlessly spoke the Arabic phrase inshallah, meaning God willing. President Biden's use of the phrase did not go unnoticed--some viewed it as a nod to Arabs and Muslims, and others criticized it as pandering or inappropriate. About a month after this debate, then-candidate... 2021
Gillian R. Chadwick Legitimating the Transnational Family 42 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 257 (Summer, 2019) Legitimation represents a widening chasm at the intersection of immigration and family law. Agencies' and courts' persistent misguided reliance on biology as a paramount dispositive factor in determining who qualifies as a family for the purposes of immigration and nationality is increasingly at odds with family law's growing aspiration of a... 2019
Daniel S. Harawa LEMONADE: A RACIAL JUSTICE REFRAMING OF THE ROBERTS COURT'S CRIMINAL JURISPRUDENCE 110 California Law Review 681 (June, 2022) The saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When it comes to the Supreme Court's criminal jurisprudence and its relationship to racial (in)equity, progressive scholars often focus on the tartness of the lemons. In particular, they have studied how the Court often ignores race in its criminal decisions, a move that in turn reifies a... 2022
Emily Ryo Less Enforcement, More Compliance: Rethinking Unauthorized Migration 62 UCLA Law Review 622 (March, 2015) A common assumption underlying the current public discourse and legal treatment of unauthorized immigrants is that unauthorized immigrants are lawless individuals who will break the law -- any law -- in search of economic gain. This notion persists despite substantial empirical evidence to the contrary. Drawing on original empirical data, this... 2015
Kevin R. Johnson Lessons about the Future of Immigration Law from the Rise and Fall of Daca 52 U.C. Davis Law Review 343 (November, 2018) Observers spanning the political spectrum have characterized the American immigration system as broken. Unfortunately, Congress for many years has been unable to forge agreement on the appropriate set of reforms, including a path for regularizing the legal status of the approximately eleven million undocumented immigrants living in the United... 2018
Shajuti Hossain Lessons from Blackamerican Lawyers' Social Justice Advocacy for Immigrant Muslim Lawyers 24 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 63 (Summer, 2020) About seven-in-ten American Muslims (69%) believe that working for justice . is essential to their identity. Blackamerican Muslim lawyers provide a particularly strong example of social justice advocacy. Today, immigrant Muslim lawyers are fighting against injustice as well. Although their histories and experiences differ significantly, immigrant... 2020
Davis Lovvorn LESSONS FROM VIETNAM: INFORMING REFUGEE POLICY IN HAITI AND AFGHANISTAN FROM POST-VIETNAM UNITED STATES POLICY 37 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 299 (2023) On August 30, 2021, the United States ended its longest-ever war, which lasted for more than twenty years, when C-17 Globemaster military cargo planes completed their final evacuation mission from Kabul International Airport in Afghanistan's capital. The C-17 Globemaster cargo planes had not only been a familiar sight during those brief days in... 2023
Ana Romero-Bosch Lessons in Legal History--eugenics & Genetics 11 Michigan State University Journal of Medicine & Law 89 (Winter, 2007) C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 90 I. Historical Development. 91 II. Legal and Societal Impact. 93 A. Social Origins. 94 B. Scientific Origins. 95 C. Legal History: Sterilization Laws, Marriage Restriction, & Immigration Restriction. 96 1. Sterilization Laws. 96 2. Marriage and Immigration Laws. 97 D. Famous Supporters. 98 III. Later... 2007
Rebekah Ross LET INDIANS DECIDE: HOW RESTRICTING BORDER PASSAGE BY BLOOD QUANTUM INFRINGES ON TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY 96 Washington Law Review 311 (March, 2021) American immigration laws have been explicitly racial throughout most of the country's history. For decades, only White foreign nationals could become naturalized citizens. All racial criteria have since vanished from the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)--all but one. Section 289 of the INA allows American Indians born in Canada to... 2021
Ming H. Chen Leveraging Social Science Expertise in Immigration Policymaking 112 Northwestern University Law Review Online 281 (May 17, 2018) Abstract--The longstanding uncertainty about how policymakers should grapple with social science demonstrating racism persists in the modern administrative state. This Essay examines the uses and misuses of social science and expertise in immigration policymaking. More specifically, it highlights three immigration policies that dismiss social... 2018
Bijal Shah Lgbt Identity in Immigration 45 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 100 (Fall, 2013) The partial invalidation of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and national focus on comprehensive immigration reform has brought lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) immigrants to the forefront. This Article is the first to undertake a close examination of asymmetries in the impact of LGBT identity on access to United States citizenship.... 2013
Patrisia Macías-Rojas LIBERAL POLICIES, PUNITIVE EFFECTS: THE POLITICS OF ENFORCEMENT DISCRETION ON THE US-MEXICO BORDER 46 Law and Social Inquiry 69 (February, 2021) This article examines why deportation and imprisonment for immigration offenses rose under presidential administrations that claimed to favor more humane approaches to immigration enforcement. I examine the politics of enforcement discretion on the US-Mexico border during the administrations of Bill Clinton (1993-2001) and Barack Obama (2009-17).... 2021
Eric R. Claeys LIBERALISM, PATRIOTISM, AND COSMOPOLITANISM IN LOCAL CITIZENSHIP IN A GLOBAL AGE 8 Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 1 (December 29, 2021) I. Introduction. 1 II. The Argument of Local Citizenship in a Global Age. 4 III. Assessing Local Citizenship in a Global Age. 6 IV. Immigration, Citizenship, and Cosmopolitanism. 8 V. Natural Rights, Cosmopolitanism, and Patriotism. 11 VI. Coopting Patriotism for Liberalism and Natural Rights. 12 VII. Reconsidering Local Citizenship in a Global... 2021
Athena D. Mutua Liberalism's Identity Politics: a Response to Professor Fukuyama 23 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 27 (2020) INTRODUCTION. 27 I. FUKUYAMA'S ARGUMENT, BRIEFLY OUTLINED. 28 II. RECOGNITION V. DISTRIBUTION (ECONOMIC) CLAIMS. 32 III. ORIGIN STORY: LIBERALISM'S IDENTITY POLITICS. 35 A. A Post Civil War Frame?. 37 B. Distributional Claims & Advocacy, Multiculturalism & Colorblindness. 39 C. Same Ole Economics and White Supremacy. 42 D. Political Correctness and... 2020
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