Khiara M. Bridges Race, Pregnancy, and the Opioid Epidemic: White Privilege and the Criminalization of Opioid Use During Pregnancy 133 Harvard Law Review 770 (January, 2020) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 772 Formulations of White Privilege. 778 I. The Opioid Epidemic. 785 A. Race and the Opioid Epidemic. 788 B. Pregnancy and the Opioid Epidemic. 793 II. Substance Use During Pregnancy and the Law. 798 A. Civil Systems. 798 B. Criminal Systems. 803 1. Alabama. 810 2. South Carolina. 811 3. Tennessee. 812 III. The... 2020
Eduardo R.C. Capulong, Andrew King-Ries, Monte Mills 'Race, Racism, and American Law': a Seminar from the Indigenous, Black, and Immigrant Legal Perspectives 21 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice Just. 1 (2019) Introduction. 2 I. Our Approach: Themes, Goals, and Collaboration. 9 A. Common Threads and Themes. 9 B. Self-Disclosure, Objectivity, and Reflective Practice. 12 C. Collaboration. 17 D. Lawyering Skills. 19 II. The Class: Objectives, Schedule, and Assessments. 20 III. How the Class Unfolded: Issues and Related Events. 26 IV. Lessons Learned. 28... 2019
Liav Orgad , Theodore Ruthizer Race, Religion and Nationality in Immigration Selection: 120 Years after the Chinese Exclusion Case 26 Constitutional Commentary 237 (Spring 2010) 120 years ago, in May 1889, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the power of exclusion of foreigners being an incident of sovereignty . . . cannot be granted away or restrained. Sixty years later, in January 1950, at the height of the Cold War, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the plenary power doctrine by holding that it is not within the... 2010
Natsu Taylor Saito RACE, RELIGION, AND NATIONAL IDENTITY REVIEW OF SAHAR AZIZ, THE RACIAL MUSLIM: WHEN RACISM QUASHES RELIGIOUS FREEDOM (UC PRESS, 2022) 50 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 169 (March, 2023) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 169 I. Being Muslim in the United States. 171 II. Structural Drivers of Islamophobia. 173 III. National Identity in a Settler State. 175 Conclusion. 180 2023
Saby Ghoshray Race, Symmetry and False Consciousness: Piercing the Veil of America's Anti-immigration Policy 16 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 335 (Spring 2007) Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Emma Lazarus [T]he streets of our country were taken over today by people who don't belong here. . . . Taxpayers who have surrendered highways,... 2007
Kevin R. Johnson Race, the Immigration Laws, and Domestic Race Relations: a "Magic Mirror" into the Heart of Darkness 73 Indiana Law Journal 1111 (Fall, 1998) L1-2Introduction 1112 I. The History of Racial Exclusion in the U.S. Immigration Laws. 1119 A. From Chinese Exclusion to General Asian Subordination. 1120 1. Chinese Exclusion and Reconstruction. 1122 2. Japanese Internment and Brown v. Board of Education. 1124 B. The National Origins Quota System. 1127 C. Modern Racial Exclusion. 1131 1. The War... 1998
Cyra Akila Choudhury RACECRAFT AND IDENTITY IN THE EMERGENCE OF ISLAM AS A RACE 91 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1 (2022) Introduction. 3 I: The Myth of Race and Reality of Fluid Racial Identities. 6 The Myth of Race. 6 Fluid Identities and Multiple Subordinations. 10 Muslim/Islamicized Identities as Cosynthetic Identities. 15 II. A Genealogy of Islam-as-Race. 18 Thread 1: Connecting Black Islam from Slavery to Anti-Islam Immigration Laws and the Civil Rights... 2022
Bennett Capers , Gregory Day RACE-ING ANTITRUST 121 Michigan Law Review 523 (February, 2023) Antitrust law has a race problem. To spot an antitrust violation, courts inquire into whether an act has degraded consumer welfare. Since anticompetitive practices are often assumed to enhance consumer welfare, antitrust offenses are rarely found. Key to this framework is that antitrust treats all consumers monolithically; that consumers are... 2023
Patrick Weil Races at the Gate: a Century of Racial Distinctions in American Immigration Policy (1865-1965) 15 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 625 (Summer, 2001) Traditionally, scholars who study the history of American immigration policy adhere to one of two paths. The first path distinguishes between restrictionist or racist and liberal periods or ideologies. The other path, a more institutional approach, differentiates between a period without control, beginning with the foundation of the republic... 2001
Atinuke O. Adediran RACIAL ALLIES 90 Fordham Law Review 2151 (April, 2022) Racial allies are white individuals and institutions that actively work to dismantle systems of racial inequality and the consequences of poverty that disproportionately impact communities of color and that are willing to both confer and share power with members of subjugated groups. There is no other sector of the legal profession that professes... 2022
Kevin D. Brown , Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt RACIAL AND ETHNIC ANCESTRY OF THE NATION'S BLACK LAW STUDENTS: AN ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM THE LSSSE SURVEY 22 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 1 (2022) Introduction. 2 I. Changing Racial and Ethnic Ancestries of Black People in the United States Since Affirmative Action Began. 6 A. Historical Race and Ethnicity of Black People at the Commencement of Affirmative Action. 6 B. Current Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of Black People. 8 C. Impact of Change in Census Definitions on the Ability to Collect... 2022
Elizabeth D. Katz Racial and Religious Democracy: Identity and Equality in Midcentury Courts 72 Stanford Law Review 1467 (June, 2020) Abstract. In our current political moment, discrimination against minority racial and religious groups routinely makes headlines. Though some press coverage of these occurrences acknowledges parallels and links between racial and religious prejudices, these intersections remain undertheorized in legal and historical scholarship. Because scholars... 2020
E. Tendayi Achiume RACIAL BORDERS 110 Georgetown Law Journal 445 (March, 2022) This Article explores the treatment of race and racial justice in dominant liberal democratic legal discourse and theory concerned with international borders. It advances two analytical claims. The first is that contemporary national borders of the international order--an order that remains structured by imperial inequity--are inherently racial.... 2022
Stewart Chang RACIAL CONTAGION: ANTI-ASIAN NATIONALISM, THE STATE OF EMERGENCY, AND EXCLUSION 9 Belmont Law Review 486 (Spring, 2022) Introduction. 486 I. Contagion, Yellow Peril, and Exclusion. 491 II. Korematsu, Internment, and the Enemy Within. 501 III. The Chinese Virus and the COVID-19 Travel Bans. 506 Conclusion. 510 2022
Michelle Foster , Timnah Rachel Baker RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN NATIONALITY LAWS: A DOCTRINAL BLIND SPOT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW? 11 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 83 (January, 2021) Statelessness has historically been overlooked by the international community, but it is now a significant focus of the work of academics, advocates, and international institutions. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' campaign to end statelessness by 2024 is now past its half-way point. Yet, while it is understood that statelessness... 2021
Rachel F. Moran RACIAL EQUALITY, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, AND THE COMPLICATIONS OF PLURALISM 50 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 149 (March, 2023) C1-2Table of Contents I. Historical Injustices: The Meaning of Race. 150 II. Contemporary Wrongs and the Role of Racialization. 155 III. Demographic Change, Pluralism Anxiety, and the Challenges for Equality and Liberty. 162 IV. Conclusion. 166 2023
Kevin R. Johnson Racial Hierarchy, Asian Americans and Latinos as "Foreigners," and Social Change: Is Law the Way to Go? 76 Oregon Law Review 347 (Summer 1997) A symposium entitled Citizenship and Its Discontents could not be more timely. The end of the twentieth century has been marked by a lengthy debate in the United States, as well as in nations around the world, on citizenship and national identity. In response to mounting concerns about changes attributed to new immigrants, Congress in 1996... 1997
Jessica Dixon Weaver RACIAL MYOPIA IN [FAMILY] LAW 132 Yale Law Journal Forum 1086 (4/30/2023) ABSTRACT. Racial Myopia in [Family] Law presents a critique of Family Law for the One-Hundred-Year Life, an Article that claims that age myopia within family law fails older adults and prevents them from creating legal bonds with other adults outside the traditional marital model. This Response posits that racial myopia is a common yet complex... 2023
David A. Harris Racial Profiling 34-WTR Criminal Justice 10 (Winter, 2020) The beginning of 2019 marked 22 years since the introduction of the first piece of proposed legislation on racial profiling: the Traffic Stops Statistics Act of 1997, H.R. 118. Passed unanimously by the US House of Representatives in March 1998, this bill constituted the first attempt by any legislative body to come to grips with what had become... 2020
Lupe S. Salinas , Fernando Colon-Navarro Racial Profiling as a Means of Thwarting the Alleged Latino Security Threat 37 Thurgood Marshall Law Review Rev. 5 (Fall, 2011) Not all Latinos are undocumented persons, and not all undocumented persons are Latinos. Throughout the history of Latino presence and immigration to the United States, the open welcome extended by many Americans eventually developed into rejection and an effort to terminate the invitation. Persons of Mexican ethnicities were initially welcomed... 2011
Benjamin Feist, Teresa Nelson, Ian Bratlie Racial Profiling in Greater Minnesota and the Case for Expanding the Driver's License Privilege to All Minnesota Residents 5 William Mitchell Law Raza Journal 82 (2013-2014) Racial profiling is a pervasive issue for immigrants in the United States, and it is becoming increasingly problematic for Latinos living and working in the predominantly rural communities of Greater Minnesota. Reports from throughout the state indicate that Latinos are disproportionately targeted by the police on a regular basis. In the waning... 2014
Carrie L. Arnold Racial Profiling in Immigration Enforcement: State and Local Agreements to Enforce Federal Immigration Law 49 Arizona Law Review 113 (Spring 2007) After the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001, the lack of communication and cooperation among local, state, and federal law enforcement became the subject of intense criticism. Under pressure to deal with illegal immigration, the Department of Justice (DOJ) began to consider extending immigration enforcement responsibilities to state and local... 2007
Kevin R. Johnson Racial Profiling in the War on Drugs Meets the Immigration Removal Process: the Case of Moncrieffe V. Holder 48 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 967 (Summer, 2015) In Moncrieffe v. Holder, the Supreme Court held that the Board of Immigration Appeals could not remove a long-term lawful permanent resident from the United States based on a single misdemeanor conviction for possession of a small amount of marijuana. The decision clarified the meaning of an aggravated felony for purposes of removal, an important... 2015
Robert L. Tsai Racial Purges 118 Michigan Law Review 1127 (April, 2020) The Chinese Must Go: Violence, Exclusion, and the Making of the Alien in America. By Beth Lew-Williams. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. 2018. Pp. 244. $24.95. On the rainy morning of November 3, 1885, some 500 armed white men visited the home and business of every single Chinese person living in Tacoma, Washington. As the skies... 2020
Roy L. Brooks, Warren Distinguished Professor of Law, University of San Diego School of Law Racial Reconciliation Through Black Reparations 63 Howard Law Journal 349 (Spring, 2020) A commission to study government redress for the atrocities of slavery and Jim Crow--what is popularly referred to as black reparations --is the subject of bills introduced in Congress in 2019. Most Democratic presidential contenders have also come out in support of H.R. 40, the House bill, and S.1083, the Senate bill. This puts the reparations... 2020
Kevin R. Johnson Racial Restrictions on Naturalization: the Recurring Intersection of Race and Gender in Immigration and Citizenship Law 11 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 142 (1996) Critical race theory reflects the perception that conventional legal scholarship fails to satisfactorily address the complexities of race and the law in the United States. Similarly, the ascent of feminist theory stems in large part from lingering gender discrimination in this country. Until a number of minority women recently began studying the... 1996
Nathan Tauger Racial Segregation in West Virginia Housing, 1929-1971 123 West Virginia Law Review 171 (Fall, 2020) I. Introduction. 171 II. Background. 173 III. Discussion. 175 A. The Race Restrictive Covenant Reaches the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia in White v. White. 176 B. Racial Bars in the Federal Subsistence Homesteads. 180 C. Federal Lending Programs. 186 D. Urban Public Housing and Segregation. 192 E. Renting in the Private Market. 200 F.... 2020
Vinay Harpalani RACIAL TRIANGULATION, INTEREST-CONVERGENCE, AND THE DOUBLE-CONSCIOUSNESS OF ASIAN AMERICANS 37 Georgia State University Law Review 1361 (Summer, 2021) This Essay integrates Professor Claire Jean Kim's racial triangulation framework, Professor Derrick Bell's interest-convergence theory, and W.E.B. Du Bois's notion of double-consciousness, all to examine the racial positioning of Asian Americans and the dilemmas we face as a result. To do so, this Essay considers the history of Asian immigration to... 2021
Hilal Elver Racializing Islam Before and after 9/11: from Melting Pot to Islamophobia 21 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 119 (Spring 2012) I. Point of Departure. 119 II. Paving the Road for Racializing Islam: Pre-9/11 Era. 123 A. Muslim Community in the United States. 124 1. Immigrants. 125 2. Natives: African American Muslims. 128 B. Prejudices Against Muslims and Middle Easterners in the Pre-9/11 Era. 130 1. Discrimination Against Middle Easterners and Muslims in the Process of... 2012
Lizzie Seal, Alexa Neale Racializing Mercy: Capital Punishment and Race in Twentieth-century England and Wales 38 Law and History Review 883 (November, 2020) Death was the mandatory sentence for all defendants found guilty of murder in England and Wales until 1957, when capital punishment was limited to select categories of murder before being abolished in 1965. Capitally convicted murderers were hanged unless the Home Office deemed their case worthy of reprieve, recommending that the royal prerogative... 2020
Charlie Martel RACISM AND BIGOTRY AS GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT 45 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 197 (2021) Building on years of anti-racist organizing and advocacy, millions of Americans took to the streets to protest racism and demand racial justice in mid-2020. Much of the protest was directed at President Donald Trump--a president whose words and actions were racially polarizing and who deliberately incited racist hostility. This president was also... 2021
Richard A. Boswell Racism and U.s. Immigration Law: Prospects for Reform after "9/11?" 7 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 315 (Fall 2003) I. Introduction II. Brief History of Racial Exclusion in U.S. Immigration Policy A. Mexican, Asian and African Exclusion B. The National Origin Quota C. The 1965 Immigration Act D. The 1964 Civil Rights Laws E. The Modern Reform Movements III. Problems in the Immigration System A. Structural Barriers B. Doctrinal Barriers C. Attitudinal Barriers... 2003
Daria Roithmayr RACISM PAYS: HOW RACIAL EXPLOITATION GETS INNOVATION OFF THE GROUND 28 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 145 (Spring, 2023) Recent work on the history of capitalism documents the key role that racial exploitation played in the launch of the global cotton economy and the construction of the transcontinental railroad. But racial exploitation is not a thing of the past. Drawing on three case studies, this Paper argues that some of our most celebrated innovations in the... 2023
Charlene Galarneau , Ruqaiijah Yearby RACISM, HEALTH EQUITY, AND CRISIS STANDARDS OF CARE IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 14 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 211 (2021) Long-standing and deeply embedded institutional racism, notably anti-Black racism in U.S. health care, has provided a solid footing for the health inequities by race evident in the COVID-19 pandemic. Inequities in susceptibility, exposure, infection, hospitalization, and treatment reflect and reinforce this racism and cause incalculable and... 2021
Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic Radical Method 24 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review Rev. 3 (Winter, 2020) Should traditional liberals and insurgent scholars who disdain the system nevertheless work together? They start at different points, build on clashing presumptions, and follow different methodologies. Nevertheless, they often come out the same way. Indeed, practitioners of the standard cases-and-policies approach sometimes end up instinctively... 2020
Erik Camayd-Freixas, Ph.D. Raids, Rights and Reform: the Postville Case and the Immigration Crisis 2 DePaul Journal for Social Justice Just. 1 (Fall 2008) We must also find a sensible and humane way to deal with people here illegally. Illegal immigration is complicated, but it can be resolved. And it must be resolved in a way that upholds both our laws and our highest ideals. - George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, January 28, 2008. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of Postville... 2008
Daniel J. Tichenor, Alexandra Filindra Raising Arizona V. United States: Historical Patterns of American Immigration Federalism 16 Lewis & Clark Law Review 1215 (Winter, 2012) Immigration policy and regulation have been hotly contested issues in the United States since the 1800s. At the center of this historic immigration debate have been issues of federalism and core questions under the United States Constitution. Arizona v. United States, one of the Supreme Court's blockbuster decisions of the summer of 2012, has... 2012
Haley Moss Raising the Bar on Accessibility: How the Bar Admissions Process Limits Disabled Law School Graduates 28 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 537 (2020) I. Introduction. 538 II. Background. 542 A. Disability Rights are Civil Rights: The Americans with Disabilities Act. 543 B. Reasonable Accommodations for High-Stakes Testing. 545 III. Analysis. 550 A. Applying for Admission: Character & Fitness. 550 i. Disclosure of Mental Health Disabilities. 551 ii. Fit to Practice? Mental Health and Disability... 2020
Cynthia Benin Randomizing Immigration Enforcement: Exploring a New Fourth Amendment Regime 88 New York University Law Review 1735 (November, 2013) This Note draws upon immigration law to analyze a new Fourth Amendment regime put forth by criminal law scholars Bernard Harcourt and Tracey Meares. In Randomization and the Fourth Amendment, Harcourt and Meares propose a model for reasonable searches and seizures that dispenses with individualized suspicion in favor of random, checkpoint-like... 2013
Stephen H. Legomsky Rationing Family Values in Europe and America: an Immigration Tug of War Between States and Their Supra-national Associations 25 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 807 (Summer, 2011) For decades, family reunification has been the centerpiece of immigration policy practically everywhere. Today, however, it is under siege in both Europe and the United States. Two trends seem to have escaped notice. First, the most popular restriction strategies have been quantitative controls that ration family reunification by reducing or... 2011
Wesley C. Brockway Rationing Justice: the Need for Appointed Counsel in Removal Proceedings of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children 88 University of Colorado Law Review 179 (Winter, 2017) Introduction. 180 I. Problem Overview. 184 A. The Border Crisis. 186 1. Causes of the Influx of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children. 186 2. Legislative and Executive Responses to the Border Crisis. 190 B. The Due Process Disparity. 195 II. Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Have Both a Constitutional and Statutory Entitlement to Full Due Process... 2017
Vivian June Reaction to "Ruthless Haven" 6 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 271 (Fall, 2014) In Ruthless Haven: How LA Gang Culture and U.S. Immigration Policy Contribute to Racial Injustice for Central American Asylum Applicants, Lauren Sparks provides an illuminating and harrowing view of gang culture in Central America and its transference to the United States. Despite the title of this Note, however, Sparks does not fulfill her... 2014
Matthew R. Smith Reaction To: Health Care Challenges for Non-citizen Immigrants in the U.s. 3 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 169 (Fall, 2011) In her Article, author Jennifer Seo outlines the barriers that immigrants, both documented and undocumented, face in accessing affordable health care in the United States. Despite the fact that affordable health care strikes deep moral sentiment, economic reality and historic fact, along with public fears and prejudices, preclude any sort of... 2011
Robbie Clarke Reaffirming the Role of the Federal Courts: How the Sixties Provide Guidance for Immigration Reform 17 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 463 (Spring, 2011) Immigration policy should be generous; it should be fair; it should be flexible. With such a policy we can turn to the world, and to our own past, with clean hands and a clean conscience. Such a policy would be but a reaffirmation of old principles. John F. Kennedy, A Nation of Immigrants (1964) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L3464 I.... 2011
Denise Gilman Realizing Liberty: the Use of International Human Rights Law to Realign Immigration Detention in the United States 36 Fordham International Law Journal 243 (February, 2013) INTRODUCTION. 244 I. THE CURRENT STATE OF IMMIGRATION DETENTION. 252 II. INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS. 261 A. Development of the International Human Rights Standards. 261 B. Content of the International Human Rights Standards. 265 1. Rights that Form the Basis of the International Human Rights Standards. 266 2. General Principles of the... 2013
Javier Perez Reasonably Suspicious of Being Mojado: the Legal Derogation of Latinos in Immigration Enforcement 17 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 99 (Spring, 2011) C1-3Summary I. Introduction 100 II. The Legal Framework & Doctrinal Prejudice 104 A. [Un]Reasonableness of an Exception to the Fourth Amendment 104 B. Equal Protection as a Guardian for Fairness 109 C. A Comment on Non-Federal Enforcement 113 III. The Cultural Force of Immigration Status 114 IV. CONCLUSION 122 2011
Mary Fan Rebellious State Crimmigration Enforcement and the Foreign Affairs Power 89 Washington University Law Review 1269 (2012) The propriety of a new breed of state laws interfering in immigration enforcement is pending before the Supreme Court and the lower courts. These laws typically incorporate federal standards related to the criminalization of immigration (crimmigration), but diverge aggressively from federal enforcement policy. Enacting states argue that the... 2012
Kitty Calavita Recent Works on Immigration Policymaking: a Review Essay and Agenda for the Future 23 Law and Society Review 799 (1989) Vernon M. Briggs, Jr. Immigration Policy and the American Labor Force (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984). xv + 294 pp. Bibliography, index. $29.50. Elizabeth Hull. Without Justice for All: The Constitutional Rights of Aliens (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985). xi + 244 pp. Bibliography, index. $35.00. Gill Loescher and John A.... 1989
Daniel Correa Reciprocity Interest in Political Affiliation: Redefining the Political Community to Attain Just Principles in Immigration Reform 14 Harvard Latino Law Review 67 (Spring 2011) I was born the citizen of a free state and a member of the sovereign, and, however feeble an influence my voice may have in public affairs, my right to vote on them suffices to make it my duty to inform myself on such matters. I am always happy, whenever I reflect upon the nature of government, to find in my inquiries new reasons for loving that of... 2011
James E. Pfander , Theresa R. Wardon Reclaiming the Immigration Constitution of the Early Republic: Prospectivity, Uniformity, and Transparency 96 Virginia Law Review 359 (April, 2010) I. Prelude: Immigration Policy in North America Before 1787. 371 II. Framing the Constitution's Naturalization Clause. 385 III. Naturalization Policy in the Early Republic. 393 A. The Naturalization Act of 1790 and the Refusal of Congress to Proceed by Private Bill. 393 B. Early Congressional Adherence to the Norm of Prospectivity. 403 C. The Scope... 2010
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