Jeremy Rabkin COMMERCE WITH THE INDIAN TRIBES: ORIGINAL MEANINGS, CURRENT IMPLICATIONS 56 Indiana Law Review 279 (2023) The Supreme Court's 2022 ruling in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta defied much current precedent and practice, as four dissenters protested. But neither side grappled with the Constitution's original meaning. Both text and early practice confirm that the federal power to regulate commerce with the Indian tribes was a different, more constrained power... 2023
Julian M. Hill COMMERCIAL RENT STABILIZATION: ONE LOCAL RESPONSE TO SKYROCKETING RENTS 25 NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 603 (2022-2023) Rent hikes have displaced Black- and immigrant-led small businesses and nonprofits for years at alarming rates, and COVID-19 accelerated the trend. Recognizing the ripple effects on owners, community leaders, employees, and underserved communities, several organizers, activists, lawyers, and local legislators around the country are revisiting... 2023
Walker Moller Common Sense Preemption or Preempting Common Sense? A Call to Abandon Obstacle Preemption and Adopt Elevated Scrutiny of Local Legislation Targeting Undocumented Immigrants 33 Mississippi College Law Review 119 (2014) I. Introduction. 121 II. Background and History of Preemption Law. 123 A. Tools Traditionally Available to the Federal Courts When Performing Preemption Analysis. 123 1. Express Preemption. 123 2. Field Preemption. 124 3. Conflict Preemption and Its Subsets. 126 4. Presumption Against Preemption. 127 B. Preemption and the Regulation of Immigration... 2014
Annie M. Chan Community and the Constitution: a Reassessment of the Roots of Immigration Law 21 Vermont Law Review 491 (Winter, 1996) The original Constitution, with two minor exceptions, confers protection in terms of personhood, not citizenship. Yet, since the late nineteenth century, under immigration theory, as shaped and applied by case law, aliens have been regarded as constitutional outsiders. Under a legal entry fiction, aliens, regardless of physical presence within... 1996
Jeena Shah COMMUNITY LAWYERING IN RESISTANCE TO NEOLIBERALISM 120 Michigan Law Review 1061 (April, 2022) An Equal Place: Lawyers in the Struggle for Los Angeles. By Scott L. Cummings. New York: Oxford University Press. 2021. Pp. xxi, 661. $44.95. 1. . This is a multi-layered city, unceremoniously built on hills, valleys, ravines. Flying into Burbank airport in the day, you observe gradations of trees and earth. A city seems to be an afterthought,... 2022
Janine Prantl COMMUNITY SPONSORSHIPS FOR REFUGEES AND OTHER FORCED MIGRANTS: LEARNING FROM OUTSIDE AND INSIDE THE UNITED STATES 37 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 401 (Spring, 2023) The number of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons is at a historic high, but countries have failed to address this global resettlement need. Traditionally, the United States counts among the top resettlement contributors, followed by Canada. But after U.S. refugee admissions reached an all-time low under former President Trump, the system... 2023
Diana Ramirez COMPARATIVE IMMIGRATION POLICIES FOR UNACCOMPANIED MINORS: A SHARED CHALLENGE 19 Loyola University Chicago International Law Review 157 (Spring, 2023) Unaccompanied minors from the Northern-Triangle and Mexico have been arriving at the United States border in large numbers over the past decade as a result of forced migration movements. Although the arrival of unaccompanied minors is not a new phenomenon in the United States, recent administrations have responded in ways that have made the... 2023
Steven W. Bender Compassionate Immigration Reform 38 Fordham Urban Law Journal 107 (November, 2010) To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacri?ce, courage, kindness.-Howard Zinn Ideals of comprehensive immigration reform have been co-opted by advocates of border and internal security and enforcement, leaving behind our... 2010
Savannah Kumar Compelling Labor and Chilling Dissent: Creative Resistance to Coercive Uses of Solitary Confinement in Prisons and Immigration Detention Centers 36 Harvard Blackletter Law Journal 93 (Spring, 2020) Solitary confinement has been used for centuries as a mechanism for controlling incarcerated people. Increasingly, however, prisons and immigration detention centers are strategically administering solitary confinement specifically to compel incarcerated people to perform labor. The largely uncompensated labor of incarcerated people results in... 2020
Vienna Flores Competing Paradigms of Immigrant Human Rights in America 21 Law & Business Review of the Americas 459 (Fall 2015) GIVE me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. These are the words chiseled onto the Statue of Liberty--the expression that has sculpted the free world; the promise carved into every... 2015
John D. Skrentny, Micah Gell-Redman Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the Dynamics of Statutory Entrenchment 120 Yale Law Journal Online 325 (March 18, 2011) In his 2008 campaign, then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama promised comprehensive immigration reform. Two years into his Administration, and despite continued efforts to promote reform, there has not even been a vote in Congress on a comprehensive bill. President Obama's predecessor, Republican George W. Bush, also promised... 2011
Stella Burch Elias Comprehensive Immigration Reform(s): Immigration Regulation Beyond Our Borders 39 Yale Journal of International Law 37 (Winter 2014) I. Introduction. 37 II. Immigration Federalism in Comparative Context. 41 III. Immigration Regulation in the United States. 44 IV. Immigration Regulation Beyond our Borders. 52 A. The German Model. 55 B. The Australian Model. 62 C. The Canadian Model. 71 V. The Future of Immigration Regulation in the United States. 78 A. Federal, State, and Local... 2014
Robyn M. Powell CONFRONTING EUGENICS MEANS FINALLY CONFRONTING ITS ABLEIST ROOTS 27 William and Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice 607 (Spring, 2021) In September 2020, a whistleblower complaint was filed alleging that hysterectomies are being performed on women at an immigration detention center in alarmingly high rates. Regrettably, forced sterilizations are part of the nation's long-standing history of weaponizing reproduction to subjugate socially marginalized communities. While public... 2021
Annie Lai Confronting Proxy Criminalization 92 Denver University Law Review 879 (2015) Though state laws that directly criminalize unlawful presence have been struck down in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision in Arizona v. United States, the criminalization of immigrants continues unabated. This Article examines one form of criminalization, criminalization by proxy, by which state and local governments are punishing conduct... 2015
S. Priya Morley CONNECTING RACE AND EMPIRE: WHAT CRITICAL RACE THEORY OFFERS OUTSIDE THE U.S. LEGAL CONTEXT 69 UCLA Law Review Discourse 100 (2022) The renewed solidarity across movements and borders in recent years underscores the importance of transnational understandings of racial justice. This is particularly true in the current moment, in which global crises such as migration and climate change are laying bare the persistent impacts of structural racism and colonial subordination around... 2022
  Connie Chang, Immigrants under the New Welfare Law: a Call for Uniformity, a Call for Justice, 45 Ucla L. Rev. 205 (1997). 6 Asian Law Journal 231 (May, 1999) Chang examines the new welfare bill passed in 1996, which denies federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits to legal immigrants. It is the first time eligibility for federal public assistance has been determined by citizenship, rather than being based on need. Chang argues that this law goes against Supreme Court cases establishing that... 1999
Joshua J. Schroeder CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVISM IN IMMIGRANT HABEAS COURT: WHY BOUMEDIENE v. BUSH IS THE BASELINE CONSTITUTIONAL MINIMUM 45 Harbinger 46 (April 23, 2021) This article opens with a presentation of the six baseline holdings of Boumediene v. Bush as an expression of the basic constitutional minimum required under the Suspension Clause for all habeas cases. Then it describes the Circuit split that gave rise to DHS v. Thuraissigiam, which distinguished Boumediene according to the Court's Conservative... 2021
Eli J. Kay-Oliphant Considering Race in American Immigration Jurisprudence 54 Emory Law Journal 681 (Winter 2005) Imagine that you are President, fifteen years from now. You have been sitting in the Oval Office, thinking to yourself for over an hour. The silence is uncommon, considering your hectic schedule, and reflects the gravity of the situation and importance of the decision you must make. Time is moving slowly. Your mind races from one impossible... 2005
Roy G. Spece, Jr. Constitutional Attacks Against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's "Mandating" That Certain Individuals and Employers Purchase Insurance While Restricting Purchase by Undocumented Immigrants and Women Seeking Abortion Coverage 38 Northern Kentucky Law Review 489 (2011) I. Introduction: Four Contexts for Constitutional Analysis 490 II. Certain Historical Events, Situations and Processes that Preceded the PPACA 499 III. A Brief Description of Parts of the PPACA 508 A. Assumptions for Purposes of Analysis 508 B. A Global Overview 508 C. Additional Info about the PPACA Provisions Most Relevant Here 513 1. Exchanges... 2011
Toni M. Massaro, Shefali Milczarek-Desai Constitutional Cities: Sanctuary Jurisdictions, Local Voice, and Individual Liberty 50 Columbia Human Rights Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2018) The United States is deeply divided on matters that range from immigration to religion to fracking. Blue states resist red federal policies, and intrastate disputes pit state legislatures against recalcitrant local governments. One of these intergovernmental policy flare-ups involves so-called sanctuary jurisdictions--government actors that... 2018
Ebba Gebisa Constitutional Concerns with the Enforcement and Expansion of Expedited Removal 2007 University of Chicago Legal Forum 565 (2007) Sharon McKnight, a New York resident who is a United States citizen of Jamaican descent, was taken into custody and handcuffed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) upon her arrival at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport on June 10, 2000. The INS officials at the airport took McKnight into custody because they... 2007
Shannah Colbert CONSTITUTIONAL LAW--DEVICE SEARCHES ABSENT REASONABLE SUSPICION ALLOW SECURITY INTERESTS TO OUTWEIGH PRIVACY CONCERNS AND AMPLIFY BIAS AT THE U.S. BORDER--ALASAAD v. MAYORKAS, 988 F.3D 8 (1ST CIR. 2021) 27 Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 295 (2021-2022) The Constitution of the United States sets forth fundamental principles that create a national government, divide its power, and protect individual liberties. Although the Fourth Amendment forbids unreasonable searches and seizures, some searches, such as those conducted at the United States border, are subject to exceptions. In Alasaad v.... 2022
  Constitutionality of Restrictions on Aliens' Right to Work 57 Columbia Law Review 1012 (November, 1957) The dramatic plight of the Hungarian refugees has again focused attention on the problems faced by immigrants to this country in obtaining work of their own choice. While nowhere approaching the level of immigration of the early twentieth century, the number of newcomers arriving from abroad has shown a marked upswing. They are met with numerous... 1957
Trevor T. W. Wan CONSTITUTIONALIZATION OF HAPPINESS: A GLOBAL AND COMPARATIVE INQUIRY 24 German Law Journal 1209 (November, 2023) Happiness and well-being are now explicitly enshrined in a myriad of national constitutions. As of 2022, the terms happiness and well-being form part of the constitutional lexicon of more than 20 and 110 states respectively. These happiness provisions epitomize the phenomenon of the constitutionalization of happiness, which denotes the... 2023
Maritza I. Reyes Constitutionalizing Immigration Law: the Vital Role of Judicial Discretion in the Removal of Lawful Permanent Residents 84 Temple Law Review 637 (Spring 2012) For decades, scholars and advocates criticized the harsh, mandatory nature of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. They argued that federal district court judges should have discretion to authorize a punishment that fits the facts and circumstances of the crime and the defendant. Similarly, immigration scholars and advocates criticize the harsh laws... 2012
Leslie Jose Zigel Constricting the Clave: the United States, Cuban Music, and the New World Order 26 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 129 (Fall 1994) I. Introduction. 130 A. The Travails of U.S. Concert Promoters Presenting Foreign Talent. 140 B. New York City: Jazz Capital of the World. 143 II. The History of Proclamation 5377. 146 A. Fidel Castro's Rise and the U.S. Government's Response. 146 B. U.S. Immigration Policy and Cuba. 150 C. The Reagan Years, Mariel, Radio Martú, and Proclamation... 1994
Margot K. Mendelson Constructing America: Mythmaking in U.s. Immigration Courts 119 Yale Law Journal 1012 (March, 2010) This Note argues that immigration courts have served and continue to serve as important sites for the perpetuation of national identity myths. By focusing on a subset of cases called cancellation of removal, I examine the functional criteria by which immigrants are granted exemption from deportation. Despite ostensibly neutral statutory... 2010
Yolanda Vazquez Constructing Crimmigration: Latino Subordination in a "Post-racial" World 76 Ohio State Law Journal 599 (2015) Over the last forty years, the concern over the relationship between noncitizens and criminality has reached epic proportions. Laws, policies, procedures, and rules have been developed, the immigration and criminal justice system have been employed, and billions of dollars have been spent towards detecting, detaining, prosecuting, and removing... 2015
Ion Meyn CONSTRUCTING SEPARATE AND UNEQUAL COURTROOMS 63 Arizona Law Review 1 (Spring, 2021) Federal reform transformed civil and criminal litigation in the early 1940s. The new civil rules sought to achieve adversarial balance as it afforded litigants, virtually all white, with powerful discovery tools. In contrast, the new criminal rules denied defendants, often litigants of color, any power to discover information. Instead, the new... 2021
Bill Ong Hing Contemplating a Rebellious Approach to Representing Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in a Deportation Defense Clinic 23 Clinical Law Review 167 (Fall, 2016) In response to the surge of unaccompanied immigrant children at the border in the summer of 2014, I expanded my pro bono work with students and started a law school deportation defense clinic. With the hard work of a full-time immigration attorney and a paralegal, the Clinic has attracted three to four students each semester (including summers) who... 2016
Dagmar Rita Myslinska Contemporary First-generation European Americans: the Unbearable "Whiteness" of Being 88 Tulane Law Review 559 (February, 2014) Contemporary European immigrants face unique sociocultural and legal concerns that go beyond issues of race, class, national-origin, and accent discrimination. These concerns are not adequately addressed by laws protecting groups based on their national origins or ancestries. Scholarship and public discussions are silent on this topic. As a result,... 2014
Shani M. King CONTEXTUALIZING (CHILDREN'S) IMMIGRATION IN LAW, HISTORY, THEORY AND POLITICS 2022 Michigan State Law Review 187 (2022) Introduction. 188 I. Othering--A Brief Interpretation. 192 II. The Child as an Other. 194 A. Children as Others: Dependency (Nonadults) in Immigration Law. 198 B. Children as Others: Their Alienage or the Alienage of Their Parents in Family Law. 210 C. Repetition of Othering Narratives in Application of Welfare and Education Laws. 213 III. A... 2022
Allan Colbern, Melanie Amoroso-Pohl, Courtney Gutiérrez Contextualizing Sanctuary Policy Development in the United States: Conceptual and Constitutional Underpinnings, 1979 to 2018 46 Fordham Urban Law Journal 489 (June, 2019) Introduction. 490 I. Approaches to Understanding Sanctuary. 495 A. Typological-Legal Approach. 496 B. Historical-Legal Approach. 502 C. Historical-Moral Approach. 507 D. Policy-Data Approach. 509 II. Sanctuary Policy Development. 511 A. Period 1: 1979-1995 Sanctuary from Immigration Law. 515 1. Church Sanctuary Movement. 517 2. Moral Activism... 2019
Camille Gear Rich Contracting Our Way to Inequality: Race, Reproductive Freedom, and the Quest for the Perfect Child 104 Minnesota Law Review 2375 (May, 2020) Introduction. 2377 I. Packaging Race in the ART Market. 2391 A. Packaging Gametes. 2392 B. Packaging Race. 2397 C. Packaging and Its Effect on Consumer Perceptions. 2405 1. The Re-Biologization of Race. 2406 2. Re-Instantiating Racial Categories. 2407 3. Racial Purity Rules. 2409 4. The Toxic Search for Whiteness. 2410 5. Anti-Miscegenation Ethos.... 2020
Jeffrey L. Ehrenpreis Controlling Our Borders Through Enhanced Employer Sanctions 79 Southern California Law Review 1203 (July 1, 2006) As a nation built by immigrants, the United States has historically maintained a generally pro-immigration policy. For many Americans, however, the current immigration system appears broken. Proponents of tighter immigration controls often point to the fact that two of the terrorists involved in the attacks on September 11, 2001 received approval... 2006
Elizabeth L. Young Converging Systems: How Changes in Fact and Law Require a Reassessment of Suppression in Immigration Proceedings 17 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1395 (May, 2015) Introduction. 1395 I. Lopez-Mendoza - Applying the Janis Test in immigration court. 1400 A. Background on Immigration Proceedings. 1402 B. Application of the Exclusionary Rule in Civil Proceedings: The Janis Test. 1406 II. Reassessing Social Cost and Deterrence Benefits. 1412 A. Nature of Immigration Proceedings. 1412 1. From Exclusion and... 2015
Christopher Carlberg Cooperative Noncooperation: a Proposal for an Effective Uniform Noncooperation Immigration Policy for Local Governments 77 George Washington Law Review 740 (April, 2009) If you are an illegal immigrant in New York City and a crime is committed against you, I want you to report that. Because . . . the next time a crime is committed, it could be against a citizen or a legal immigrant. -- Rudolph Giuliani Leaders of states, cities, and counties in the United States, like Mayor Giuliani, have struggled to determine... 2009
Ashley Binetti Armstrong CO-OPTING CORONAVIRUS, ASSAILING ASYLUM 35 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 361 (Winter, 2021) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued an Order on March 26, 2020, under Title 42, Section 265 of the Public Health Service Act, in the name of combatting the spread of coronavirus. The Order has been called the Asylum Ban because it effectively has sealed the southern border to protection-seekers, resulting in the pushback of nearly... 2021
Britta S. Loftus Coordinating U.s. Law on Immigration and Human Trafficking: Lifting the Lamp to Victims 43 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 143 (Fall, 2011) Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp! cries she With silent lips. Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! There can be no doubt that the image of a stoic Lady Liberty welcoming... 2011
Paul Finkelman Coping with a New "Yellow Peril": Japanese Immigration, the Gentlemen's Agreement, and the Coming of World War Ii 117 West Virginia Law Review 1409 (Spring, 2015) I. Introduction. 1409 II. Early Opposition to Immigration in a Continent of Immigrants. 1412 III. Hostility to Immigration from the Revolution to the Civil War. 1415 IV. Hostility to European Immigrants, 1880-1924. 1420 V. East Asian Immigration. 1421 VI. The New Yellow Peril: Japanese Immigration. 1426 VII. The Rise of Anti-Japanese Sentiment,... 2015
Rebecca Sharpless Cosmopolitan Democracy and the Detention of Immigrant Families 47 New Mexico Law Review 19 (Winter, 2017) July 10, 2014: [O]ur message to [people who unlawfully cross the Mexican border with their children] is simple: We will send you back. We are building additional space to detain [families] and hold them until their expedited removal orders are effectuated. Jeh Johnson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security June 24, 2015: I have... 2017
Heidi Beirich, Mark Potok Countering Anti-immigration Extremism: the Southern Poverty Law Center's Strategies 12 New York City Law Review 405 (Summer 2009) At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first, it became increasingly clear that the United States was seeing the rise of a xenophobic and ostensibly racist anti-immigration movement. This nativist wave was, unsurprisingly, accompanied by a rise since 2000 of more than fifty percent in the number of hate groups listed by... 2009
Madeleine Powers COUNTERING THE CRIMINAL NATURE OF IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT: A PROPOSAL TO EXPAND CONSTITUTIONAL SAFEGUARDS 21 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 51 (Fall, 2022) The Supreme Court of the United States has maintained that immigration deportation proceedings are purely civil actions and are not criminal proceedings intended to punish unlawful entry or presence of noncitizens. Given this classification, noncitizens facing deportation are not afforded many of the same constitutional safeguards as defendants... 2022
Stephen M. Feldman Court-packing Time? Supreme Court Legitimacy and Positivity Theory 68 Buffalo Law Review 1519 (December, 2020) Many progressives have decided they need to change the Supreme Court to break the conservative justices' lock on judicial power. Yet those same progressives disagree about the best way to change the Court. This Essay begins by comparing straight-forward court-packing--adding justices to shift the partisan balance on the Court--to other possible... 2020
  COURTS IN NAME ONLY: REPAIRING AMERICA'S IMMIGRATION ADJUDICATION SYSTEM 136 Harvard Law Review 908 (January, 2023) In recent years, immigration has risen to the top of America's collective consciousness. From President Trump's infamous Muslim ban to the separation of families at the border and the Biden Administration's response to Haitian refugees (and its subsequent response to Afghan and Ukrainian refugees), the fervor surrounding immigration has... 2023
Brian G. Slocum Courts Vs. The Political Branches: Immigration "Reform" and the Battle for the Future of Immigration Law 5 Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 509 (Summer, 2007) When the topic of immigration reform is discussed, the focus is usually on the efforts of the political branches, particularly Congress. The role of the judiciary is typically ignored or mischaracterized. In this Article, Professor Slocum discusses the role of the judiciary with regard to immigration reform and argues that the judiciary's efforts... 2007
Henry J. Reske Courts Wrangle over Haitians 78-MAR ABA Journal 30 (March, 1992) A daring group of Cubans commandeers a state-owned helicopter and makes a dramatic and dangerous flight to freedom. They leave behind a repressive government and a country in economic chaos. They are welcomed in Florida with open arms, quickly processed through an Immigration and Naturalization Service detention center, and released. They will be... 1992
Richard A. Boswell Crafting an Amnesty with Traditional Tools: Registration and Cancellation 47 Harvard Journal on Legislation 175 (Winter 2010) Two pieces of legislation form the cornerstones of modern immigration reform. The first, the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), was enacted by Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. IRCA was proclaimed as a major step towards reform and was touted as the solution to the problem of illegal migration. The second,... 2010
Richard A. Boswell Crafting True Immigration Reform 35 William Mitchell Law Review Rev. 7 (2008) I. Introduction. 7 II. The Elusivity of Reform. 8 A. National Security and Terrorism. 13 III. America's Changing Demographics. 19 IV. A Growing Undocumented Population. 22 V. Proposed Reforms. 31 A. Reducing the Underground Population. 32 B. Dealing with the Forces of Migration. 34 VI. Conclusion. 36 2008
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández Creating Crimmigration 2013 Brigham Young University Law Review 1457 (2013) The story of the United States has been one of welcoming foreigners. It has also been a story of excluding foreigners. Some prospective immigrants have been deemed worthy of admission into the country, while others have been turned back. Some entered without asking the government's permission and were deported after coming to the federal... 2013
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