Chris Chambers Goodman , Natalie Antounian DISMANTLING THE MASTER'S HOUSE: ESTABLISHING A NEW COMPELLING INTEREST IN REMEDYING SYSTEMIC DISCRIMINATION 73 Hastings Law Journal 437 (February, 2022) This Article proposes a new compelling interest to justify affirmative action policies. Litigation has been successful, to a point, in preserving affirmative action, but public support of the diversity and inclusion rationales for race-conscious policies is waning. Equity abhors a vacuum, and so this Article promotes a return to remedial... 2022
Cristina Isabel Ceballos, David Freeman Engstrom, Daniel E. Ho DISPARATE LIMBO: HOW ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ERASED ANTIDISCRIMINATION 131 Yale Law Journal 370 (November, 2021) Administrative law has a blind spot. It is blackletter doctrine that an agency's failure to consider the impacts of its conduct can lead to court invalidation of its decision as arbitrary and capricious. Judges have set aside agency action for failures to consider differential impacts on subgroups of business owners, park visitors, and animals. Yet... 2021
Jake Marks Millman DISPARITIES IN QUEER ASYLUM RECOGNITION RATES ON THE BASIS OF GENDER: A CASE STUDY OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND 63 Virginia Journal of International Law 497 (Spring, 2023) Using an approach based on intersectionality theory, this Note tests whether a difference in asylum recognition rates exists in Australia and New Zealand at the first-appeals level. Through compiling an original dataset of judicial decisions and performing logistic regression analysis, this Note finds no difference in asylum recognition rates... 2023
Sherally Munshi DISPOSSESSION: AN AMERICAN PROPERTY LAW TRADITION 110 Georgetown Law Journal 1021 (May, 2022) Universities and law schools have begun to purge the symbols of conquest and slavery from their crests and campuses, but they have yet to come to terms with their role in reproducing the material and ideological conditions of settler colonialism and racial capitalism. This Article considers the role the property law tradition has played in shaping... 2022
Cynthia Godsoe DISRUPTING CARCERAL LOGIC IN FAMILY POLICING 121 Michigan Law Review 939 (April, 2023) Torn Apart: How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families--and How Abolition Can Build a Safer World. By Dorothy Roberts. New York: Basic Books. 2022. Pp. 11, 303. $32. Among a growing consensus that the criminal legal system is oversized, racist, and ineffective at preventing harm, the child welfare/family-policing system continues to be... 2023
Tess Douglas Disrupting Immigration: How Administrative Rulemaking Could Transform the Landscape for Immigrant Entrepreneurs 44 Pepperdine Law Review 199 (2016) Immigrant entrepreneurs come to the United States and start thriving companies that create jobs, drive the economy, and facilitate innovation. However, U.S. laws do not provide a clear path for immigrant entrepreneurs to lawfully enter and work in America. Therefore, immigrant entrepreneurs must seek lawful status in the United States through... 2016
Judy Amorosa Dissecting in re D-j-: the Attorney General, Unchecked Power, and the New National Security Threat Posed by Haitian Asylum Seekers 38 Cornell International Law Journal 263 (2005) Introduction. 264 I. Background. 266 A. Plenary Power and Exclusion. 266 B. National Security Justification Historically. 267 C. U.S. Treatment of Haitian Immigrants. 269 D. Obligations to Asylum Seekers Under U.S. and International Law. 270 II. The Attorney General's Decision in D-J-. 271 A. The Holding. 271 B. The Facts. 271 C. Application of... 2005
Jayesh M. Rathod Distilling Americans: the Legacy of Prohibition on U.s. Immigration Law 51 Houston Law Review 781 (Winter, 2014) Since the early twentieth century, federal immigration law has targeted noncitizens believed to engage in excessive alcohol consumption by prohibiting their entry or limiting their ability to obtain citizenship and other benefits. The first specific mention of alcohol-related behavior appeared in the Immigration Act of 1917, which called for the... 2014
Patrick Macklem Distributing Sovereignty: Indian Nations and Equality of Peoples 45 Stanford Law Review 1311 (May, 1993) I. Introduction. 1312 II. Indian Government in North America. 1316 A. United States. 1317 B. Canada. 1320 C. Similarities. 1323 D. Racial or Political?. 1324 III. Indian Government and Prior Occupancy. 1327 A. The Relevance of Prior Occupancy. 1327 B. Prior Occupancy as Proxy. 1329 1. Immigration and consent. 1330 2. The role of treaties. 1331 3.... 1993
Ann M. Eisenberg Distributive Justice and Rural America 61 Boston College Law Review 189 (January, 2020) Introduction. 191 I. Understanding Today's Rural Landscape. 201 A. Differentiating the Four Rural Americas. 202 B. Background on Chronic Rural Poverty. 204 C. Background on Rural Economic Transformation. 206 D. Rural as an Intersectional Concept. 213 II. Distributive Justice and the Rural Condition. 214 A. Theories of Distributive Justice. 215 B.... 2020
Asad Rahim Diversity to Deradicalize 108 California Law Review 1423 (October, 2020) For four decades, diversity has functioned as the dominant rationale for affirmative action. During this time, scholars have debated whether diversity should have this hegemonic hold on the policy. Central to the debate is Justice Lewis Powell's opinion in Bakke, an opinion that no other justice joined. What motivated him to turn to the diversity... 2020
Walter P. Jacob Diversity Visas: Muddled Thinking and Pork Barrel Politics 6 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 297 (June, 1992) Because Congress is held to have plenary power to exclude aliens from the United States, efforts to eliminate discrimination from this nation's immigration policy tend to rely on basic notions of fairness rather than on the legal rights of aliens. Supporters of the 1965 amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act employed such a fairness... 1992
Rosemary A. Laughlin Divided Nation, Split Circuits: Keller V. City of Fremont Divides Circuits Regarding Preemption and Convolutes Immigration Law 48 Creighton Law Review 371 (March, 2015) Immigration regulation is a polarizing topic for lawmakers in the United States. This issue is further exacerbated by the complexity of immigration law. Proponents of state and local immigration regulations cite discontent with the perceived lack of federal enforcement of immigration laws. In response, states and municipalities passed their own... 2015
Corrie Bilke Divided We Stand, United We Fall: a Public Policy Analysis of Sanctuary Cities' Role in the "Illegal Immigration" Debate 42 Indiana Law Review 165 (2009) Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me . . . . This inscription located on the Statue of Liberty is recognized as a symbol of freedom and hope for those immigrants arriving in the United States, the initial step taken to... 2009
Bianca Figueroa-Santana Divided We Stand: Constitutionalizing Executive Immigration Reform Through Subfederal Regulation 115 Columbia Law Review 2219 (December, 2015) With Congress divided over comprehensive immigration reform, federal and subfederal actors have stepped into the breach. In 2012 and 2014, in an effort to counter congressional paralysis, President Barack Obama extended deferred action to millions of undocumented noncitizen children and their parents. In doing so, he reignited debates about the... 2015
Alex Boon, Ben España, Lindsay Jonasson, Teresa Smith, Juliet P. Stumpf, Stephen W. Manning Divorcing Deportation: the Oregon Trail to Immigrant Inclusion 22 Lewis & Clark Law Review 623 (2018) Immigration policy under the Trump Administration has relied on local officials and local information to fulfill federal policy goals of highvolume deportation. It has embroiled states and localities and inspired impassioned objection from many impacted localities. This intensification of federal deportation has compelled states, towns, and cities... 2018
Gabriel Zeller Do Cubans Deserve Special Treatment? A Comparative Study Relating to the Cuban Adjustment Act 4 Elon Law Review 235 (2012) C1-3Contents I. Introduction. 235 II. The Cuban Adjustment Act and Treatment of Cuban Immigrants. 238 III. Methods of Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status for Latino Immigrants from Other Countries. 240 IV. An Overview of Conditions in Cuba, Venezuela, and Honduras. 241 a. Cuba. 241 b. Venezuela. 243 c. Honduras. 246 V. Comparing the... 2012
Caitlin Cavanagh, Erica Dalzell , Elizabeth Cauffman , Michigan State University, University of California, Irvine Documentation Status, Neighborhood Disorder, and Attitudes Toward Police and Courts among Latina Immigrants 26 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 121 (February, 2020) Individuals who live in disordered neighborhoods tend to view the justice system more negatively. However, some families with an undocumented member may feel compelled to remain undetected or may lack the means for suitable housing, and thus may have little choice but to live in disordered neighborhoods. The present study answers the question, does... 2020
Sirine Shebaya Does the Priority Enforcement Program Solve the Constitutional Problems with Ice Detainers? 13 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 566 (Fall, 2017) In November 2014, President Obama issued a long-awaited executive action on immigration. The executive action included two critical components: first, a grant of deferred action to qualifying undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents and to persons who entered the United States as children; and second, a series of changes... 2017
Kevin Brown, Lalit Khandare, Annapurna Waughray, Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, Theodore M. Shaw DOES U.S. FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT LAW NOW COVER CASTE DISCRIMINATION BASED ON UNTOUCHABILITY?: IF ALL ELSE FAILS THERE IS THE POSSIBLE APPLICATION OF BOSTOCK v. CLAYTON COUNTY 46 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 117 (2022) This article discusses the issue of whether a victim of caste discrimination based on untouchability can assert a claim of intentional employment discrimination under Title VII or Section 1981. This article contends that there are legitimate arguments that this form of discrimination is a form of religious discrimination under Title VII. The... 2022
Susan V. Koski, LP.D. , Kathleen Bantley, Esq. Dog Whistle Politics: the Trump Administration's Influence on Hate Crimes 44 Seton Hall Legislative Journal 39 (2020) I. INTRODUCTION. 39 II. SYSTEMIC PREJUDICE & HATEISMS. 41 A. African Americans and Racism. 41 B. Women and Misogynism. 43 C. LGBTQ+ and Heterosexism. 46 D. Immigrants and Nativism. 48 E. Religion, Anti-Semitism & Anti-Islamism. 50 III. HATE CRIME LEGISLATION & STATISTICS. 52 IV. THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. 55 V. DOG WHISTLE POLITICS: THE TRUMP... 2020
Frances Ansley Doing Policy from Below: Worker Solidarity and the Prospects for Immigration Reform 41 Cornell International Law Journal 101 (Winter 2008) I remember stepping to the podium last winter and congratulating the editors of this journal: first, for organizing a symposium around the important theme of immigration policy, and second, for featuring a panel on the question of immigrant workers' rights. The focus on rights at least implicitly invited us to put the perspectives of U.S.... 2008
Xinge He, Emma Johnson, Lauren Katz, Blake Pescatore, Alexandra Rogers, Eva Schlitz Domestic Violence 21 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 253 (2020) I. Introduction. 253 II. Current Organization of Domestic Violence Law. 255 A. Federal Laws Relating to Domestic Violence. 256 1. The Violence Against Women Act. 256 a. Immigrant Women. 260 b. LGBT Individuals. 262 c. Native Americans. 263 d. Ongoing Criticisms. 265 2. The Lautenberg Amendment. 266 3. Title IX. 269 B. State Law Relating to Domestic... 2020
Anita Sinha Domestic Violence and U.s. Asylum Law: Eliminating the "Cultural Hook" for Claims Involving Gender-related Persecution 76 New York University Law Review 1562 (November, 2001) In this Note, Anita Sinha examines the treatment of asylum claims involving gender-related persecution. Analyzing the three most recent decisions published by the Board of Immigration Appeals, Sinha illustrates that these cases have turned on whether the gender-related violence can be linked to practices attributable to non-Western, foreign... 2001
Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan Domestic Workers and Their Right to Be Heard: Residential Picketing Makes Visible the Invisible 4 the crit: a Critical Studies Journal 112 (Spring, 2011) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 112 II. Who Are Domestic Workers? 113 A. Domestic Work is Women's Work 113 B. Domestic Workers - The Unnoticed Work of Immigrant Women of Color 117 C. The Need and Challenges for Organizing Workers 121 III. The Right to Picket vs. Right of Privacy 123 A. The Right to Privacy: Time, Place and Manner Restrictions... 2011
Kevin R. Johnson Doubling down on Racial Discrimination: the Racially Disparate Impacts of Crime-based Removals 66 Case Western Reserve Law Review 993 (Summer, 2016) C1-2Contents Introduction. 994 I. Racial Profiling and Contemporary Developments in Crime-Based Removals. 1002 A. The Supreme Court's Authorization of Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement. 1004 1. Whren v. United States. 1005 2. United States v. Brignoni-Ponce. 1007 B. Increased State and Local Involvement in Immigration Enforcement. 1010 1. Section... 2016
Ashley Fukutomi Drawing the Curtain: Examining the Colorblind Rhetoric of Ruiz V. Robinson and its Implications 36 University of Hawaii Law Review 529 (Spring, 2014) I. Introduction. 529 II. Drawing the Curtain: Contextualizing Citizen-Children-of-Undocumented-Immigrants Within the Greater Social Narrative. 533 A. Enter Stage Left: U.S. Citizen-Children-of-Undocumented-Immigrants in the United States. 534 B. Enter Stage Right: Residency Tuition Policies. 537 III. Setting the Stage: A Legal Analysis of Ruiz v.... 2014
Christopher Ho , Jennifer C. Chang Drawing the Line after Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. V. Nlrb: Strategies for Protecting Undocumented Workers in the Title Vii Context and Beyond 22 Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal 473 (Spring 2005) This is a time of rapid change and uncertainty in the laws affecting immigrant workers and, in particular, those who are undocumented. Although the jurisprudence in this area has never been static, the Supreme Court's 2002 opinion in Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board constituted an abrupt departure from prior law,... 2005
Kristina M. Campbell Dreamers Deferred: the Broken Promise of Immigration Reform in the Obama Years 25 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy Pol'y 1 (Fall, 2018) The majority of the people who were packed into the tractor-trailer on July 22, 2017, were Mexican nationals. There were also people from Central America in the sweltering trailer that day, abandoned in a Wal-Mart parking lot in San Antonio, Texas by the driver who was tasked with smuggling them into the United States. Although the migrants were... 2018
Robert S. Chang Dreaming in Black and White: Racial-sexual Policing in the Birth of a Nation, the Cheat, and Who Killed Vincent Chin? 5 Asian Law Journal 41 (May, 1998) Professor Chang observes that Asians are often perceived as interlopers in the nativistic American family. This conception of a nativist family is White in composition and therefore accords a sense of economic and sexual entitlement to Whites, ironically, even if particular beneficiaries are recent immigrants. Transgressions by those perceived... 1998
Gabriel J. Chin DRED SCOTT AND ASIAN AMERICANS 24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 633 (June, 2022) Chief Justice Taney's 1857 opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford is justly infamous for its holdings that African Americans could never be citizens, that Congress was powerless to prohibit slavery in the territories, and for its proclamation that persons of African ancestry had no rights which the white man was bound to respect. For all of the... 2022
Kevin R. Johnson DRED SCOTT AND ASIAN AMERICANS: WAS CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY THE FIRST CRITICAL RACE THEORIST? 24 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 751 (June, 2022) This commentary considers Professor Jack Chin's analysis in Dred Scott and Asian Americans of the white supremacist underpinnings and modern legacy of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney's decisions in United States v. Dow, a little-known decision denying full citizenship rights to Asian Americans, and Dred Scott v. Sandford, an iconic... 2022
Kevin R. Johnson Driver's Licenses and Undocumented Immigrants: the Future of Civil Rights Law? 5 Nevada Law Journal 213 (Fall 2004) In the United States, efforts to end racial discrimination have generally been viewed as struggles for basic civil rights. The anti-discrimination aim of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s might be considered the primary civil rights concern. With the help of cases like Brown v. Board of Education, officially sanctioned school and... 2004
Angélica Cházaro DUE PROCESS DEPORTATIONS 98 New York University Law Review 407 (May, 2023) Should pro-immigrant advocates pursue federally funded counsel for all immigrants facing deportation? For most pro-immigrant advocates and scholars, the answer is self-evident: More lawyers for immigrants would mean more justice for immigrants, and thus, the federal government should fund such lawyers. Moreover, the argument goes, federally funded... 2023
Diana G. Li DUE PROCESS IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS AFTER THURAISSIGIAM 74 Stanford Law Review 793 (April, 2022) Abstract. It is well established that Congress wields plenary power over the admission of noncitizens at the border. But when the government removes noncitizens who have already entered the country, including those who did so without lawful admission, the boundaries of its power are less clear. The Supreme Court confronted this issue in Department... 2022
Elizabeth A. Keyes DURESS IN IMMIGRATION LAW 44 Seattle University Law Review 307 (Winter, 2021) C1-2Contents Introduction. 308 I. The Duress Doctrine's Landscape and Justifications. 312 A. Theoretical Bases for the Duress Defense. 313 B. Duress and Culpability in Domestic Criminal Law. 316 1. Defining Duress. 316 2. When Duress Matters in the Criminal Legal System. 320 C. Duress and Culpability in International Law. 320 1. International... 2021
Lolita Buckner Inniss Dutch Uncle Sam: Immigration Reform and Notions of Family 36 Brandeis Journal of Family Law 177 (Spring 1997-1998) Immigration reform has been the watchword of the last decade as the effort has continued to redefine our notions of who belongs in the United States. This effort to redefine who belongs started with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which to a large extent addressed undocumented immigration. This effort continued with the... 1998
Teri Dobbins Baxter Dying for Equal Protection 71 Hastings Law Journal 535 (April, 2020) When health policy experts noticed that health outcomes for African Americans were consistently worse than those of their White counterparts, many in the health care community assumed that the poor outcomes could be blamed on poverty and lifestyle choices. Subsequent research told a different story. Studies repeatedly showed that neither money, nor... 2020
Roger Clegg E Pluribus Unum Forgotten: Five Immigration Policy Mistakes Some Conservatives Make 23 Regent University Law Review 345 (2010-2011) This Article discusses five mistakes that some conservatives are currently making with respect to immigration policy. The following are the five mistakes: 1. Neglecting the importance of assimilation in the public debate about immigration, 2. Opposing birthright citizenship, 3. Supporting racial profiling, 4. Supporting state and local (versus... 2011
Stephen H. Legomsky E Pluribus Unum: Immigration, Race, and Other Deep Divides 21 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 101 (Fall, 1996) On every United States coin there are engraved the Latin words e pluribus unum. This phrase means out of many, one. Throughout our history we have used it proudly, at the very least to state a normative aspiration, and sometimes to describe the kind of society we think we have actually achieved. But e pluribus unum actually means two very... 1996
Samuel L. Johnson Eagle Versus Phoenix: a Tale of Federalism 7 South Carolina Journal of International Law & Business 109 (Fall, 2010) On July 28, 2010, the battle between the federal government and Arizona over immigration enforcement finally came to a head, albeit a temporary one, when United States District Court Judge Susan R. Bolton issued an order granting in part and denying in part the United States' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, thereby enjoining Arizona from... 2010
Philip L. Martin Economic Integration and Migration: the Case of Nafta 3 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 419 (Fall/Winter, 1998-1999) As evidenced by United Nations (UN) data, the United States is the world's major country of immigration, and Mexico is the world's major country of emigration. As with U.S.-Mexican trade in goods, there is an asymmetry in migration patterns. The United States accepts immigrants from many nations, but virtually all Mexican emigrants head for the... 1999
Don Blankenau Ecosystem Protection Versus Immigration: the Coming Conflict 12 Great Plains Natural Resources Journal J. 1 (Fall 2007) An undeniable and ever escalating tension exists between population growth and environmental conservation worldwide. This article seeks to draw attention to the impact of population growth, and specifically that related to immigration, on the depletion of resources specifically in the United States of America. The ability of U.S. environmental... 2007
Alexander F.A. Rabanal Educating the Underground: the Constitutionality of Non-residence Based Immigrant In-state Tuition Laws 88 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1059 (2013) Woven into the fabric of the American secondary education system are students a casual observer might dismiss as simply part of the mass of students that occupy classroom seats and roam school hallways everyday. College should be just over the horizon for these students, but a closer look reveals an unfortunate tension, a legal status that belies... 2013
Paulo Edmundo Ochoa Education Without Documentation: as Plyler Students Reach New Heights, Will Their Status Make Them Morally Unfit to Practice Law? 34 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 411 (Spring 2012) The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son. The California Committee of Bar Examiners recently considered whether Sergio Garcia, an undocumented immigrant, is morally fit to practice law. Prior to 2008, the California State Bar did not inquire into an... 2012
Erin M. Carr Educational Equality and the Dream That Never Was: the Confluence of Race-based Institutional Harm and Adverse Childhood Experiences (Aces) in Post-brown America 12 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 115 (Fall, 2020) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 115 II. Trauma, Institutional Racism, and Cognitive Development: The Trifecta of Childhood Harm. 116 III. Educational Equality: The Dream That Never Was. 123 IV. The School-to-Prison Pipeline as the Manifestation and Perpetuation of Race-Base Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). 126 V. Recommendations for a... 2020
Andrew J. Elmore Egalitarianism and Exclusion: U.s. Guest Worker Programs and a Non-subordination Approach to the Labor-based Admission of Nonprofessional Foreign Nationals 21 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 521 (Summer, 2007) Comprehensive immigration reform has been a top legislative priority for the last several years, and recent bills have contemplated the expansion of guest worker programs to adjust the status of undocumented immigrants and to control the future migrant flow. While there is a broad consensus that the current immigration system is broken, there is... 2007
Emilie Cooper Embedded Immigrant Exceptionalism: an Examination of California's Proposition 187, the 1996 Welfare Reforms and the Anti-immigrant Sentiment Expressed Therein 18 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 345 (Winter, 2004) Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! While the Statue of Liberty claims to welcome the tired, the poor and the homeless to the United States of America, it has become increasingly... 2004
John Reynolds EMERGENCY AND MIGRATION, RACE AND THE NATION 67 UCLA Law Review 1768 (April, 2021) Europe's borders are racial borders. The European Union's external border regime underpins continuing forms of European imperialism and neocolonialism. It reinforces a particular imaginary of Europeanness as whiteness, euphemistically dressed up as a European Way of Life to be protected. It nonetheless sits comfortably within the permissible... 2021
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