Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Stewart Chang |
Feminism in Yellowface |
38 Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 235 (Summer 2015) |
Introduction. 235 I. Starting From the First Page: Historicizing Stereotypes of Asian Prostitutes in Early United States Immigration Policy. 239 II. Tonight I Will Be Miss Saigon . . . I'll Win a G.I. and Be Gone: Marriage Fraud and New Conceptions of Asian Prostitution in Twentieth Century Immigration Policy. 245 III. Confess, Repudiate,... |
2015 |
Nathalie Martin |
Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due: What We Can Learn from the Banking and Credit Habits of Undocumented Immigrants |
2015 Michigan State Law Review 989 (2015) |
Undocumented immigrants currently make up more than 5% of the U.S. labor force and 7% of school-age children. Numbering over eleven million, undocumented immigrants unquestionably comprise a significant segment of the population, yet most lack financial security and stability on multiple fronts. In addition to the everyday risk of deportation, many... |
2015 |
Anil Kalhan, School of Law, Drexel University |
Governing Immigration Through Crime: a Reader. By Julie A. Dowling and Jonathan Xavier Inda. Stanford University Press, 2013. 320 Pp. $29.95 Paperback |
49 Law and Society Review 292 (March, 2015) |
In Governing Immigration Through Crime, Julie A. Dowling and Jonathan Xavier Inda present an important collection of essays examining different ways in which the lines between immigration control and criminal law enforcement in the United States have blurred over the past two decades. As they explain in their introduction, the volume considers how... |
2015 |
Ethan Michelson |
Immigrant Lawyers and the Changing Face of the U.s. Legal Profession |
22 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 105 (2015) |
Lazarus-Black and Globokar examine the work both of foreign applicants to two LL.M. programs and of the law school administrators and faculty who decide Who's In [and] Who's Out. The LL.M. admissions process is an increasingly important determinant of the overall volume and composition of law school enrollments. At stake are the futures not only... |
2015 |
Bessie Muñoz |
Immigrants for Sale: Corporate America Puts a Price Tag on Sexual Abuse |
17 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 553 (2015) |
I. Introduction. 554 II. The History Behind Privatization of Immigration Detention Facilities. 558 A. Lobbying for Anti-Immigration Laws. 560 B. Legislative History of the Bed Mandate Provision. 561 III. The History of the Prison Rape Elimination Act and the Implementation Procedure in Private Detention Facilities. 563 A. The Creation of National... |
2015 |
Kevin R. Johnson |
Immigration in the Supreme Court, 2009-13: a New Era of Immigration Law Unexceptionalism |
68 Oklahoma Law Review 57 (Fall, 2015) |
Introduction. 58 I. The 2009 Term. 66 A. Padilla v. Kentucky: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Based on Immigration Advice. 66 B. Carachuri-Rosendo v. Holder: Removal for Misdemeanor Drug Possession. 71 C. Kucana v. Holder: Judicial Review of Motions to Reopen. 75 II. The 2010 Term. 77 A. Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting: Federal Preemption of a... |
2015 |
Michael Kagan |
Immigration Law's Looming Fourth Amendment Problem |
104 Georgetown Law Journal 125 (November, 2015) |
C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 126 I. Canary in the Coal Mine: The Trouble with ICE Detainers. 130 II. Foundations of a Parallel Universe. 135 a. plenary power, not enumerated power. 135 b. the civil-criminal distinction. 137 c. the normalization of unrestrained immigration authority. 139 III. The Decline of the Parallel Universe. 142 a.... |
2015 |
Stephen Lee |
Immigration Outside the Law. By Hiroshi Motomura. New York, N.y.: Oxford University Press. 2014. Pp. 338. $29.95 |
128 Harvard Law Review 1405 (March, 2015) |
Immigration law has become unmerciful. Perhaps it has always been this way, but thanks to Professor Hiroshi Motomura, at least we know that it wasn't always only this way. Motomura's 2006 book, Americans in Waiting, explored a prior era in which arriving immigrants were welcomed so long as they declared their intention to naturalize and become... |
2015 |
Yehiel S. Kaplan |
Immigration Policy of Israel: the Unique Perspective of a Jewish State |
31 Touro Law Review 1089 (2015) |
Israel was established in an attempt to create a shelter for Jews in the Diaspora. The Law of Return was enacted several years after the end of the Second World War. The Israeli legislature assumed that since Jews have suffered harsh persecutions and anti-Semitism throughout history, as a minority group, it is legitimate to discriminate in favor of... |
2015 |
Rebecca A. Hufstader |
Immigration Reliance on Gang Databases: Unchecked Discretion and Undesirable Consequences |
90 New York University Law Review 671 (May, 2015) |
The Obama Administration has historically expanded the availability of deferred action, which provides a reprieve from the threat of deportation and work authorization to certain undocumented immigrants, through the creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent... |
2015 |
Polly J. Price |
Infecting the Body Politic: Observations on Health Security and the "Undesirable" Immigrant |
63 University of Kansas Law Review 917 (May, 2015) |
As this Symposium took place in late 2014, Ebola hysteria was in full sway in the United States. In September 2014, as the Ebola epidemic in West Africa worsened, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas Freidan warned Congress that it was inevitable that the Ebola virus would enter the U.S., carried unknowingly by a... |
2015 |
Robbie J. Totten, Ph.D. |
International Relations, Material and Military Power, and United States Immigration Policy: American Strategies to Utilize Foreigners for Geopolitical Strength, 1607 to 2012 |
29 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 205 (Winter 2015) |
What is the relationship between immigration and United States material and military interests? What policies and laws have American leaders devised to use immigrants for geopolitical strength? These questions are important because they shed light on historical and mechanistic facets of U.S. immigration policy and law, an important transnational or... |
2015 |
Madeline M. Gomez |
Intersections at the Border: Immigration Enforcement, Reproductive Oppression, and the Policing of Latina Bodies in the Rio Grande Valley |
30 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 84 (2015) |
A series of events in 2014 brought significant attention to the United States-Mexico border. Over the summer, reports of an influx of undocumented Central American immigrants began circulating. Though most coverage mentioned only children crossing the border, many of these young migrants traveled alongside their mothers. Reports of this influx... |
2015 |
Emily Ryo |
Less Enforcement, More Compliance: Rethinking Unauthorized Migration |
62 UCLA Law Review 622 (March, 2015) |
A common assumption underlying the current public discourse and legal treatment of unauthorized immigrants is that unauthorized immigrants are lawless individuals who will break the law -- any law -- in search of economic gain. This notion persists despite substantial empirical evidence to the contrary. Drawing on original empirical data, this... |
2015 |
Anna Carron |
Marriage-based Immigration for Same-sex Couples after Doma: Lingering Problems of Proof and Prejudice |
109 Northwestern University Law Review 1021 (Summer 2015) |
Introduction. 1022 I. Background: Marriage in the Immigration Context. 1025 A. Immigration Law Restrictions and Preferential Treatment for Spouses of U.S. Citizens. 1026 B. Only Valid and Bona Fide Marriages Count for Immigration Purposes. 1027 C. Procedures for Obtaining a Spousal Visa. 1030 D. Discretion and Deference in the Immigration... |
2015 |
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández |
Naturalizing Immigration Imprisonment |
103 California Law Review 1449 (December, 2015) |
Only recently has imprisonment become a central feature of both civil and criminal immigration law enforcement. Apart from harms to individuals and communities arising from other types of immigration enforcement, such as removal, imprisonment comes with its own severe consequences, and yet it is relatively ignored. This Article is the first to... |
2015 |
Molly E. Kammien |
No More Band-aid Solutions: Improving Immigration Reform by Addressing the Root Causes of Mexican Migration and Refining Foreign Direct Investment |
80 Brooklyn Law Review 503 (Winter, 2015) |
The root causes of migration are nuanced and complicated. People choose to migrate for numerous reasons including pleasure, poverty, unemployment, war, and exploitation. While migration has almost always been a popular topic in the United States, very few Congressional conversations about immigration reform have addressed the root causes of... |
2015 |
Jennifer M. Chacón |
Producing Liminal Legality |
92 Denver University Law Review 709 (2015) |
Inside and outside of the sphere of immigration law, liminal legal statuses are proliferating. These legal categories function simultaneously as a means to effectuate administrative resource conservation through community-oriented risk management strategies and as a form of preservation through transformation that enable governmental actors to... |
2015 |
Kevin J. Fandl, J.D., Ph.D. |
Putting States out of the Immigration Law Enforcement Business |
9 Harvard Law & Policy Review 529 (Summer 2015) |
A federal district court struck down Arizona's anti-immigrant smuggling law in November 2014, asserting that the law attempts to usurp federal immigration enforcement authority. The month prior, an en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out a different Arizona anti-immigration law that denied bail to unlawful immigrants charged... |
2015 |
Kevin R. Johnson |
Racial Profiling in the War on Drugs Meets the Immigration Removal Process: the Case of Moncrieffe V. Holder |
48 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 967 (Summer, 2015) |
In Moncrieffe v. Holder, the Supreme Court held that the Board of Immigration Appeals could not remove a long-term lawful permanent resident from the United States based on a single misdemeanor conviction for possession of a small amount of marijuana. The decision clarified the meaning of an aggravated felony for purposes of removal, an important... |
2015 |
David A. Martin |
Resolute Enforcement Is Not Just for Restrictionists: Building a Stable and Efficient Immigration Enforcement System |
30 Journal of Law & Politics 411 (Spring 2015) |
In this essay I defend the importance of resolute enforcement in sustaining generous immigration policy, particularly America's singularly high lawful admission levels and relatively successful immigrant integration record. Drawing on my experiences in government service, I explore the risks to humane policy when the public perceives that migration... |
2015 |
Philip L. Torrey |
Rethinking Immigration's Mandatory Detention Regime: Politics, Profit, and the Meaning of "Custody" |
48 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 879 (Summer, 2015) |
Immigration detention in the United States is a crisis that needs immediate attention. U.S. immigration detention facilities hold a staggering number of persons. Widely believed to have the largest immigration detention population in the world, the United States detained approximately 478,000 foreign nationals in Fiscal Year 2012. U.S. Immigration... |
2015 |
R. Mark Frey |
Strange Neighbors: the Role of States in Immigration Policy Edited by Carissa Byrne Hessick and Gabriel J. Chin New York University Press, New York, Ny, 2014. 266 Pages, $45 |
62-SEP Federal Lawyer 84 (September, 2015) |
Our nation has been stretched taut since its beginning by the pull between federal power and states' rights concerning matters such as abortion, zoning, civil rights, and, yes, even immigration. Although immigration is traditionally viewed as within the federal purview, in recent years the states have tried to resolve some of the problems... |
2015 |
Katherine E. Otto |
The Foreign National Prisoner's Dilemma in the United Kingdom: the Human Rights Implications of Restricting Article 8 Claims |
24 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 431 (Fall 2015) |
I. Introduction. 432 II. Development of U.K. Immigration Policies. 433 A. 1971 Immigration Act. 433 B. 2006 Backlash. 434 C. The Use of Article 8 by Foreign National Offenders. 435 D. 2012 Immigration Rule Changes and Controversy. 435 III. The 2014 Immigration Act. 439 IV. Advantages of the New Law. 441 A. Public Appeasement. 441 B. Public Safety.... |
2015 |
Caitlin Cavanagh, Elizabeth Cauffman , University of California, Irvine |
The Land of the Free: Undocumented Families in the Juvenile Justice System |
39 Law and Human Behavior 152 (April, 2015) |
Approximately 8 million Latinos in the United States are undocumented immigrants, nearly half of whom are parents to a minor. Concerns over deportation may affect the way families with undocumented members perceive legal authorities relative to documented immigrant families. Yet, there have been few studies on how Latinos (documented or... |
2015 |
Adam B. Cox, Cristina M. Rodríguez |
The President and Immigration Law Redux |
125 Yale Law Journal 104 (October, 2015) |
In November 2014, President Obama announced his intention to dramatically reshape immigration law through administrative channels. Together with relief policies announced in 2012, his initiatives would shield nearly half the population of unauthorized immigrants from removal and enable them to work in the United States. These events have drawn... |
2015 |
Hiroshi Motomura |
The President's Dilemma: Executive Authority, Enforcement, and the Rule of Law in Immigration Law |
55 Washburn Law Journal L.J. 1 (Fall 2015) |
My topic for the 2015 Foulston Siefkin lecture was the President's authority to undertake what in immigration law has come to be called executive actions to grant temporary reprieves from deportation. The broad question that framed my comments was whether these measures are within or beyond the President's authority as set out and limited by the... |
2015 |
Christian Briggs |
The Reasonableness of a Race-based Suspicion: the Fourth Amendment and the Costs and Benefits of Racial Profiling in Immigration Enforcement |
88 Southern California Law Review 379 (January, 2015) |
Claudia, a Mexican American with family roots in the United States since the mid-1800s, walked out of a grocery store, happily chatting with her three young children in Spanish as they walked toward her car. Before arriving at her car, she was stopped by government officials and asked for proof of citizenship. Speaking to the officers in... |
2015 |
Jaya Ramji-Nogales |
The Right to Have Rights: Undocumented Migrants and State Protection |
63 University of Kansas Law Review 1045 (May, 2015) |
We are in the midst of a national conversation, albeit raucous and vitriolic, about questions of membership and belonging. As Congress repeatedly fails to take action on comprehensive immigration reform, the Executive exercises its authority to determine which migrants should be eligible to remain, becoming incorporated into our polity, and which... |
2015 |
Carrie L. Rosenbaum |
The Role of Equality Principles in Preemption Analysis of Sub-federal Immigration Laws: the California Trust Act |
18 Chapman Law Review 481 (Spring 2015) |
In December 2014 the Obama Administration acknowledged the serious critiques of Secure Communities and replaced it with the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP). The United States Department of Homeland Security's Secure Communities program had been subject to extensive and prolonged critique, and quantitative data suggested that it did not deter... |
2015 |
Andrew Haile |
The Scandal of Refugee Family Reunification |
56 Boston College Law Review 273 (January, 2015) |
Abstract: Headlines have highlighted the plight of unaccompanied children seeking asylum at our southern border. Some political pundits have called this a crisis, casting blame for the migrant influx on our outdated and confusing immigration policies. Yet further away from the border, another group of migrants--all of whom have already resettled... |
2015 |
Patrick J. Charles |
The Sudden Embrace of Executive Discretion in Immigration Law |
55 Washburn Law Journal 59 (Fall 2015) |
In recent years, immigration law scholars known for criticizing federal plenary power over immigration are openly embracing it. This includes Professor Hiroshi Motomura, who has not only defended executive disrection over immigration enforcement under a myriad of legal theories, but was also instrumental in influencing President Barack H. Obama's... |
2015 |
Juan C. Quevedo |
The Troubling Case(s) of Noncitizens: Immigration Enforcement Through the Criminal Justice System and the Effect on Families |
10 Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy 386 (Spring, 2015) |
Close your eyes and imagine yourself a homeless mother, moving from one place to another every six months. Imagine how you would feel, alone with no friends or family to ask for help. You-in this imaginary world-are undocumented to people, and no matter how much you try, no one is reaching out to help you. Instead, your first name becomes... |
2015 |
Julianne Lee |
Tortured Language: Lawful Permanent Residents and the 212(h) Waiver |
84 Fordham Law Review 1201 (December, 2015) |
Recent amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act have greatly expanded the grounds for removal of lawful permanent residents (LPRs) and, at the same time, constricted judicial review of agency decisions to deport immigrants. Language added to the 212(h) waiver of inadmissibility has increased the number of LPRs that are now ineligible for... |
2015 |
Cristina M. Rodríguez |
Toward Détente in Immigration Federalism |
30 Journal of Law & Politics 505 (Spring 2015) |
In its efforts to enforce the immigration laws, the federal government has been challenged by the forces of federalism. Spurred in part by social movements and partisan and interest group politics, state and local police and political officials across the country have concluded that the federal government both under-enforces and over-enforces the... |
2015 |
Mariela Olivares |
Unreformed: Towards Gender Equality in Immigration Law |
18 Chapman Law Review 419 (Spring 2015) |
The history of American immigration law and policy has hills and valleys, twists and turns. When it comes to the inclusion and exclusion of socially and politically marginalized communities into the fabric of U.S. citizenship and society, U.S. immigration law is characterized by its inhospitality. Not surprising when considered against the backdrop... |
2015 |
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández |
Unseen Exclusions in Voting and Immigration Law |
17 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 168 (2015) |
Nineteen sixty-five proved monumental in the history of race relations in the United States. In New York, Malcolm X was assassinated, while in Selma, Alabama, state police officers attacked civil rights marchers in what would come to be known as Bloody Sunday. That fall, Congress enacted two pieces of legislation that promised to alter the United... |
2015 |
Ange-Marie Hancock |
When Is Fear for One's Life Race-gendered? An Intersectional Analysis of the Bureau of Immigration Appeals's in re A-r-c-g- Decision |
83 Fordham Law Review 2977 (May, 2015) |
In August 2014, the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) handed down a breakthrough decision, In re A-R-C-G-, permitting courts to consider domestic violence as a gendered form of persecution in a home country and thus grounds for asylum in the United States. Along with two other 2014 decisions, In re W-G-R- and In re M-E-V-G-, this case... |
2015 |
Stephanie Groff |
Where to Draw the Line: the Egregiousness Standard in the Application of the Fourth Amendment in Immigration Proceedings and the Racial Profiling Exception |
26 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 87 (Fall 2015) |
In the early morning of September 19, 2006, a large group of men gathered in Kennedy Park, Danbury, Connecticut, seeking work as day laborers. Unbeknownst to these individuals, the Danbury Police Department (DPD) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents began arriving at the park with the intention of carrying out a sting operation. The... |
2015 |
Sherally Munshi |
You Will See My Family Became So American: Toward a Minor Comparativism |
63 American Journal of Comparative Law 655 (Summer 2015) |
How does the appearance of racial difference shape our view of citizenship and national identity? This Article seeks to address that question by examining two early twentieth-century cases involving the naturalization of Indian immigrants to the United States. In United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923), the Supreme Court determined that Hindus... |
2015 |
Elizabeth Keyes |
Zealous Advocacy: Pushing Against the Borders in Immigration Litigation |
45 Seton Hall Law Review 475 (2015) |
I. Introduction. 476 II. Justifying Zealousness. 483 A. Competing Approaches to Professional Conduct. 484 1. Alternatives to Zealous Advocacy. 484 2. Zealous Advocacy. 489 3. Debate Over a Unitary Standard or a Context-Specific Standard of Practice. 491 B. Justifying Zealous Advocacy for Immigration Practice. 494 1. Resources. 496 2. Procedural... |
2015 |
James O. Browning , Jason P. Kerkmans |
A Border Trial Judge Looks at Immigration: Heeding the Call to Do Principled Justice to the Alien Without Getting Bogged down in Partisan Politics: Why the U.s. Immigration Laws Are Not Broken (But Could Use Some Repairs) |
25 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 223 (December, 2014) |
I. Importance of the Task. 224 II. Why Does America Demand Justice for the Alien?. 225 III. Justice, and the Debate Over Immigration Law, Must be Based on Civil, Non-Racial Principles. 235 IV. History of the U.S. Immigration Laws. 237 V. History of the United States-Mexico Border. 254 VI. Tradition and Strength of Incremental Change. 261 VII.... |
2014 |
Rodolfo D. Saenz |
Another Sort of Wall-building: How Crimmigration Affects Latino Perceptions of Immigration Law |
28 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 477 (Winter, 2014) |
The increased criminalization of immigration law has resulted in a number of problems that directly affect Latinos. For example, Latinos currently account for the vast majority of individuals detained in immigration detention and removed from the country. Furthermore, Latinos are the largest racial group sentenced to federal prison, and immigration... |
2014 |
Kristin Bohman |
Avetisyan's Limited Improvements Within the Overburdened Immigration Court System |
85 University of Colorado Law Review 189 (Winter 2014) |
In early 2012, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) decided Matter of Avetisyan, overturning precedent that prohibited immigration judges from administratively closing an immigrant's case over the objection of either party. Avetisyan enables immigration judges to administratively close a case and remove it from their active dockets, subject to... |
2014 |
Mariela Olivares |
Battered by Law: the Political Subordination of Immigrant Women |
64 American University Law Review 231 (December, 2014) |
The Article explores the state of immigrant battered women in the United States, focusing on how their identity as a politically and culturally marginalized community impacts the measure of help that they receive. Specifically, the Article examines the 2012-2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization debate as an example of how... |
2014 |
Christina Elhaddad |
Bed Time for the Bed Mandate: a Call for Administrative Immigration Reform |
1 ALR Accord 32 (2014) |
C1-2Table of Contents Introduction 32 I. Brief History of Immigration Law, Plenary Power, the Bed Mandate, and Detention 36 II. The Importance of Prosecutorial Discretion 39 III. Lack of Enforceable Regulation 46 IV. Why Congress Must Eliminate the Bed Mandate 49 Conclusion 51 |
2014 |
Sara Daly |
Bordering on Discrimination: Effects of Immigration Policies/legislation on Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Mexico |
38 American Indian Law Review 157 (2013-2014) |
Border security and state immigration legislation are issues that many Americans love to hate. By and large, there is little debate about the need for national security measures at the borders. However, when it comes to the implementation of policies that actually attempt border security and immigration enforcement, the end results risk stifling... |
2014 |
Adina B. Appelbaum |
Challenging Crimmigration: Applying Padilla Negotiation Strategies Outside the Criminal Courtroom |
6 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 217 (Fall, 2014) |
Crimmigration, the nexus of criminal and immigration law, means that each year, hundreds of thousands of noncitizens are arrested for minor or nonviolent crimes, convicted in criminal court, placed in immigration court deportation proceedings, and deported. The U.S. government has criminalized immigrants at an increasing rate over time, and law... |
2014 |
Walker Moller |
Common Sense Preemption or Preempting Common Sense? A Call to Abandon Obstacle Preemption and Adopt Elevated Scrutiny of Local Legislation Targeting Undocumented Immigrants |
33 Mississippi College Law Review 119 (2014) |
I. Introduction. 121 II. Background and History of Preemption Law. 123 A. Tools Traditionally Available to the Federal Courts When Performing Preemption Analysis. 123 1. Express Preemption. 123 2. Field Preemption. 124 3. Conflict Preemption and Its Subsets. 126 4. Presumption Against Preemption. 127 B. Preemption and the Regulation of Immigration... |
2014 |
Stella Burch Elias |
Comprehensive Immigration Reform(s): Immigration Regulation Beyond Our Borders |
39 Yale Journal of International Law 37 (Winter 2014) |
I. Introduction. 37 II. Immigration Federalism in Comparative Context. 41 III. Immigration Regulation in the United States. 44 IV. Immigration Regulation Beyond our Borders. 52 A. The German Model. 55 B. The Australian Model. 62 C. The Canadian Model. 71 V. The Future of Immigration Regulation in the United States. 78 A. Federal, State, and Local... |
2014 |