AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Term
Suzanne Koepplinger Sex Trafficking of American Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota 6 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 129 (Fall 2008) The views represented in this article are those of the author. The terms American Indian, Native American, and Indian will be used interchangeably. The Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center (MIWRC), in partnership with several culturally based non-profit service providers in the state, recently began investigating anecdotal reports of; Search Snippet: ...Indian communities suffer from FAS or PFAS. Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Incidence of Alcohol Abuse in... 2008  
Rodina Cave Simplifying the Indian Trust Responsibility 32 Arizona State Law Journal 1399 (Winter, 2000) The concepts of trust or trust fund are nothing new to the legal world. The term trust fund evokes images of rich kids in college living the life of luxury or of an academic institution with a department that is funded through a trust. The word trust also raises images of being able to rely on the integrity of someone or to have confidence; Search Snippet: establish missions on the reservation and programs to send Indian children to boarding schools where they could be assimilated into American society. [FN32... 2000  
W. Clinton “Buck” Sterling Sources of Alaska Legal History: an Annotated Bibliography, Part I 110 Law Library Journal 333 (Summer, 2018) The author provides an annotated bibliography of sources detailing the legal history of Alaska. Introduction. 334 Bibliography. 335 Alaska Bar, Practice and Education. 335 Alaska Constitution and Constitutional Law. 338 Alaska Court Procedure. 342 Alaska Legislature. 343 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). 343 Alaska Native; Search Snippet: ...Anchorage, 2001. [FN66] This report provides a historical analysis of Indian Child Welfare Act implementation in Alaska. It includes a review of... 2018  
Malinda L. Seymore SPECIALTY BAR ASSOCIATIONS AND THE MARKETING OF ETHICS: THE EXAMPLE OF THE ACADEMY OF ADOPTION ATTORNEYS 35 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy 49 (2021) In a world of lawyer jokes, memes of sleazy lawyers, and the ubiquity of bad lawyers in television shows and movies, lawyers have reason to push back against negative public perceptions of lawyers' ethics. This article examines the role of specialty bar associations, by using the example of the Academy of Adoption Attorneys, in marketing ethics to... 2021  
Sheri L. Hazeltine Speedy Termination of Alaska Native Parental Rights: the 1998 Changes to Alaska's Child in Need of Aid Statutes and Their Inherent Conflict with the Mandates of the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act 19 Alaska Law Review 57 (June, 2002) This Article examines the problems with the new Child in Need of Aid (CINA) statutes and how these problems have affected Alaska Native families. The Article discusses how the new CINA statutes have failed to incorporate the special protections found under the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) for cases involving Alaska Native children; Search Snippet: ...AND THEIR INHERENT CONFLICT WITH THE MANDATES OF THE FEDERAL INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT Sheri L. Hazeltine [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 Sheri L... 2002 Child Welfare
Allison M. Dussias Spirit Food and Sovereignty: Pathways for Protecting Indigenous Peoples' Subsistence Rights 58 Cleveland State Law Review 273 (2010) The right of taking fish at usual and accustomed grounds and stations is further secured to said Indians . . . together with the privilege of hunting and gathering roots and berries . . . . -Treaty of Point No Point, 1855 Water is the life-supporting blood of Mother Earth that human beings share in common with all living things. -Sokaogon Chippewa; Search Snippet: ...the assimilationist agenda of past U.S. government policy toward tribes. Boarding schools and day schools, run by the government and by... 2010  
The Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy, February 10, 2022 SPRING 2022 SYMPOSIUM TRANSCRIPT 19 Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy 425 (Spring, 2022) On February 10, 2022, the Rutgers Journal of Law and Public Policy hosted the Reforming and Restructuring Child Welfare Law in New Jersey and Abroad Symposium. Speakers included moderator Randi Mandelbaum, Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School and Annamay Sheppard Scholar; Sydney Groll, Independence Foundation Public... 2022  
Barbara Ann Atwood STANDING MATTERS: BRACKEEN, ARTICLE III, AND THE LURE OF THE MERITS 23 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 105 (Winter, 2023) The Supreme Court's grant of certiorari in Brackeen v. Haaland and consolidated petitions marks only the third time that the Court has taken up a case arising under the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA). From its inception in the Northern District of Texas to the Fifth Circuit's en banc decision, the litigation has been closely watched, not... 2023  
Matthew L.M. Fletcher States and Their American Indian Citizens 41 American Indian Law Review 319 (2017) For the past four decades, Republican control of the White House and Congress has not augured well for Indian country. Conservative administrations are unlikely to support trust land acquisitions, for example. The current administration's informal spokesmen talk openly of privatizing Indian trust and reservation lands, a twenty-first century form; Search Snippet: ...termination. [FN2] The Obama administration's cooperation with Indian tribes in Indian child welfare litigation and trust land acquisition matters, to name two... 2017  
Matthew L. M. Fletcher Stick Houses in Peshawbestown 2 Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal 189 (May, 2004) There are many stories here. And, there is much to learn for the future. For all the pain and heartache we have felt, there has been and will be an equal amount of joy. That is how everything works. There is always a struggle to maintain the balance. --Winona LaDuke It is undoubtedly true that Indians may be easily led to make bad bargains, and,; Search Snippet: in a good mood. Wilson handled criminal defense and Indian child welfare cases at New Pascua, the reservation of the Pascua... 2004  
Gloria Valencia-Weber, Antoinette Sedillo Lopez Stories in Mexico and the United States about the Border: the Rhetoric and the Realities 5 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 241 (2010) Immigration was a hot topic before the failure of the June 2007 United States (U.S.) President's Immigration Reform Bill and remains so today. President Obama has promised to work on comprehensive immigration reform. This initiative will, of course, involve popular discourse and press coverage. During the time in which the 2007 Immigration Reform; Search Snippet: ...the U.S. government accelerated its policy and practice of removing Indian children from their families to send their children to boarding schools away from their homelands. [FN221] In response, the Papago... 2010  
Dana Lloyd, Assistant Professor of Global Interdisciplinary Studies, Villanova University STORYTELLING AND THE HIGH COUNTRY: READING LYNG v. NORTHWEST INDIAN CEMETERY PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION (1988) 36 Journal of Law and Religion 181 (August, 2021) In Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association, 485 U.S. 439 (1988), the Supreme Court declared constitutional the Forest Service's development plan in an area of the Six Rivers National Forest (known as the High Country) that is central to the religious practice of the Yurok, Karuk, and Tolowa Nations. The Court admitted that [i]t is... 2021  
Angelique EagleWoman, Wambdi A. Was'teWinyan, Dominic J. Terry, Lani Petrulo., Dr. Gavin Clarkson, Angela Levasseur, Leah R. Sixkiller, Jack Rice STORYTELLING AND TRUTH-TELLING: PERSONAL REFLECTIONS ON THE NATIVE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN LAW SCHOOLS 48 Mitchell Hamline Law Review 704 (May, 2022) I. Introduction. 705 II. Becoming a Native Lawyer. 710 A. Ya'at'eeh!. 710 B. Don't Be A Victim of Your Environment. 710 C. Work Hard, and Never Give Up. 711 D. The Scenic Route. 711 E. So Close, Yet So Far. 712 F. The Bar Exam Does Not Define You!. 713 G. Ya'at'eeh, My Name is Dominic Terry. 713 III. Barred: A Personal Reflection on the Native... 2022  
Angela R. Riley Straight Stealing: Towards an Indigenous System of Cultural Property Protection 80 Washington Law Review 69 (February, 2005) Abstract: Incidents involving theft of indigenous peoples' traditional knowledge and the blatant appropriation of culture have become more widely acknowledged in recent decades. It is now apparent that international, national, and tribal laws must work together to protect the cultural property of indigenous groups. However, tribal law, which; Search Snippet: ...Native religion. [FN166] In some cases, the mass placement of Indian children in white, Christian boarding schools caused, among other things, the extinction of Native languages, which are often necessary to explain indigenous customs. [FN167... 2005  
John P. LaVelle Strengthening Tribal Sovereignty Through Indian Participation in American Politics: a Reply to Professor Porter 10-SPG Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 533 (Spring, 2001) I hope that we have had enough fighting amongst ourselves. The occasion for this essay came about in a peculiar way. I missed the first day of fall 2000 classes at the University of South Dakota School of Law because my wife and I were attending the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. When I returned to my office at the law school, I; Search Snippet: ...of the Indian Apocalypse: convert the Indians to Christianity, force Indian children to obtain Western education, allot tribal common lands to individual... 2001  
Robert B. Porter Strengthening Tribal Sovereignty Through Peacemaking: How the Anglo-american Legal Tradition Destroys Indigenous Societies 28 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 235 (Winter 1997) Three Killed in Gunbattle Triggered by Seneca Feud --Headline, The Buffalo News State Court jurisdiction over the type of internal dispute present here would set a dangerous precedent that could severely undermine the (Seneca) Nation's sovereignty, usurp the authority of the Nation's courts, and erode the power of the Nation's leaders to govern for; Search Snippet: ...population. [FN163] Official federal government action, including the establishment of boarding schools, police agencies, and prisons also took place as means of ensuring native assimilation as quickly as possible. [FN164] One of the most... 1997  
Sandra B. Zellmer Sustaining Geographies of Hope: Cultural Resources on Public Lands 73 University of Colorado Law Review 413 (Spring 2002) Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. . . . [T]he sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw; Search Snippet: ...culture and become assimilated into Anglo society. Relocation programs placed Indians in jobs in urban centers away from their reservations and tribal communities and took Indian children away from their families to be educated at distant boarding schools. [FN90] Many of these schools, and many schools on... 2002  
Kevin J. Worthen Sword or Shield: the past and Future Impact of Western Legal Thought on American Indian Sovereignty 104 Harvard Law Review 1372 (April, 1991) [American Indian tribes'] rights to complete sovereignty, as independent nations, were necessarily diminished, and their power to dispose of the soil at their own will, to whomsoever they pleased, was denied by the original fundamental principle that discovery gave exclusive title to those who made it. Chief Justice Marshall's explanation of the; Search Snippet: ...Indian religious practices and traditional forms of government, separation of Indian children from their homes, wholesale spoilation of treaty-guaranteed resources, forced... 1991  
Judith V. Royster Symposium Foreword 43 Tulsa Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall 2007) Oklahoma was proclaimed a state and admitted to the Union on November 16, 1907. The Indian Territory and the Oklahoma Territory, itself part of the Indian Territory prior to 1890, were combined into the forty-sixth state. It was a dark time for the nearly forty Indian nations that inhabited the two territories. Statehood was the bitter culmination; Search Snippet: federal government policies toward Indian families. [FN13] In The Indian Boarding School Era and Its Continuing Impact on Tribal Families and... 2007  
Hector E. Campoy Symposium Introductory Speech 45 Arizona Law Review 567 (Fall 2003) Good evening and welcome to Tucson, Arizona. I am pleased to be attending this provocative symposium and to address you this Friday evening. I want to extend my thanks to the law school and more specifically, to Dean Massaro and Professors Atwood and Bennett for promoting and organizing the symposium. Our thanks should also be extended to the law; Search Snippet: ...lives. This paternalistic posture motivated the federal government's policy for Indian children and boarding schools. [FN9] As a result of this policy, native children... 2003  
Michael-Corey Francis Hinton SYMPOSIUM KEYNOTE: "ISOLATION AND RESTRAINT: MAINE'S UNIQUE STATUS OUTSIDE FEDERAL INDIAN LAW" 75 Maine Law Review 226 (June, 2023) Ntolis Michael-Corey Francis Hinton Peskotomuhkat nil Nujayaw Portland, Waponakik Nutapeks Sipayik naga Miyaks Nuskuhutomon yut ikolisomani-tpaskuwakon naga ktopaskuwakononnul. Pihce yut peciptasu ikolisomani-tpaskuwakon, on toke ktuwehkanen naka knokotomonen kilun ktopaskuwakononnul. N'pehqiyal Don Gellers pemkiskahk Nekom nilun kisi-wicuhkemit.... 2023  
Natsu Taylor Saito Tales of Color and Colonialism: Racial Realism and Settler Colonial Theory 10 Florida A & M University Law Review 1 (Fall 2014) Introduction. 3 I. Dreams Deferred. 9 A. Liberatory Visions. 9 B. Persistent Disparities. 13 C. Retrenchment and Repression. 16 D. Racial Realism and Colonial Relations. 20 II. Colonial relations. 22 A. Colonialism: An Overview. 23 B. Settler Colonization. 25 C. Triangulation. 28 III. Recasting the Narrative. 30 A. Settler Origin Stories. 31 B. The; Search Snippet: ...FN185] and the forced relocation of about half of all Native children, for some five generations, to boarding schools whose stated mission was to kill the Indian, save the man in each student. [FN186] The unconstrained power... 2014  
Jean Stefancic Talk the Talk, but Walk the Walk: a Comment on Joan Williams's Reshaping the Work-family Debate 34 Seattle University Law Review 815 (Spring, 2011) Every morning, newspapers bring reports of fresh disasters suffered by America's workers. Intractable unemployment, outsourcing, temporary work, corporate bonuses and profit-taking, a business-oriented Supreme Court --all have taken a toll on workers of every class. Joan Williams commendably wishes to change America's shabby treatment of parents in; Search Snippet: ...children separately from their parents. [FN36] The government set up boarding schools for Indian children that separated them not only from their parents, but also... 2011  
Elizabeth MacLachlan Tensions Underlying the Indian Child Welfare Act: Tribal Jurisdiction over Traditional State Court Family Law Matters 2018 Brigham Young University Law Review 455 (2018) State courts have historically exercised jurisdiction over family law cases. However, under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), Indian child custody and adoption cases have been taken out of state jurisdiction and placed with Indian tribal governments. State courts have pushed back against proper deference to ICWA and violate ICWA by misapplying; Search Snippet: ...Brigham Young University Law Review 2018 Comment TENSIONS UNDERLYING THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT: TRIBAL JURISDICTION OVER TRADITIONAL STATE COURT FAMILY LAW... 2018 Child Welfare
Michael C. Walch Terminating the Indian Termination Policy 35 Stanford Law Review 1181 (July, 1983) Congress adopted termination--the abolition of Indian reservations and the removal of all governmental power from Indian tribes--as the United States' Indian policy in the 1950's and applied the policy to numerous tribes. Termination, however, had devastating effects on tribal autonomy, community, and economic welfare. Consequently, the United; Search Snippet: ...organizations). . The IRA and related legislation improved Indian education. Indian children were often transferred from distant boarding schools to day schools near their homes. Medical resources and... 1983  
Deirdre M. Smith TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS AS A PRIVATE REMEDY: RATIONALES, REALITIES, AND ALTERNATIVES 72 Syracuse Law Review 1173 (2022) Introduction. 1174 I. Defining Private Termination of Parental Rights. 1178 A. Defining Parental Rights. 1178 B. Defining Termination of Parental Rights. 1182 C. Distinguishing Public Versus Private Termination of Parental Rights. 1185 II. The Contexts in which a Parent's Rights Can be Terminated Without Direct State Involvement. 1190 A.... 2022  
Kathleen Sands Territory, Wilderness, Property, and Reservation: Land and Religion in Native American Supreme Court Cases 36 American Indian Law Review 253 (2012) In two trilogies of Supreme Court decisions, both involving Native Americans, land is a key metaphor, figuring variously as property, territory, wilderness, and reservation. The first trilogy, written by Chief Justice John Marshall, comprises Johnson v. M'Intosh (1823), Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), and Worcester v. Georgia (1832). The second; Search Snippet: ...took on especially aggressive aspects, including the forced placement of Indian children into English-only boarding schools, [FN155] and the criminalization of Native American ceremonies (the latter of which resulted in the Wounded... 2012  
Milo Colton Texas Indian Holocaust and Survival: Mcallen Grace Brethren Church V. Salazar 21 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 51 (2019) When the first Europeans entered the land that would one day be called Texas, they found a place that contained more Indian tribes than any other would-be American state at the time. At the turn of the twentieth century, the federal government documented that American Indians in Texas were nearly extinct, decreasing in number from 708 people in; Search Snippet: ...government, in an attempt to civilize American Indians, regularly kidnapped Indian children to educate them. [FN184] In 1892, Captain Richard Pratt, the founder of the first Indian boarding school in Carlisle, Pennsylvania stated the objective of removing Indian children from their families and educating them in boarding schools hundreds of miles from their homes was to make certain that all the Indian... 2019  
Jane Burke The "Baby Veronica" Case: Current Implementation Problems of the Indian Child Welfare Act 60 Wayne Law Review 307 (Spring, 2014) Save Veronica has become a common phrase in the American South over the past year. It appears on the signs of local businesses, is stamped on light purple bracelets, and is the rallying cry for fundraisers, candlelight vigils, and cupcake sales on holidays. It is the topic of many newspaper articles and television news broadcasts and was recently; Search Snippet: ...Note THE BABY VERONICA CASE: CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION PROBLEMS OF THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT Jane Burke Copyright © 2014 by Wayne State University... 2014 Child Welfare
Robert J. Miller , Maril Hazlett The "Drunken Indian": Myth Distilled into Reality Through Federal Indian Alcohol Policy 28 Arizona State Law Journal 223 (Spring, 1996) [I]f it be the Design of Providence to extirpate these Savages in order to make room for Cultivators of the Earth, it seems not improbable that Rum may be the appointed Means. Benjamin Franklin I. Introduction: Myth of the Drunken Indian Versus the Reality. 225 II. Theories on Indian Alcohol Use. 229 A. Biologic or Genetic Predisposition. 229 B; Search Snippet: ...factors leading to alcohol abuse include lack of education, poverty, Indian child welfare practices, religious persecution, destructive educational practices, and the introduction... 1996  
Cheyañna L. Jaffke The "Existing Indian Family" Exception to the Indian Child Welfare Act: the States' Attempt to Slaughter Tribal Interests in Indian Children 66 Louisiana Law Review 733 (Spring, 2006) Pretend for a moment that War of the Worlds is not science fiction, but rather reality. Instead of the Martians dying, they actually live and govern humans. At first, the policy of the Martian government toward humans is assimilation. They want all humans to think and act like Martians. Therefore, they passed rules and regulations to further that; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2006 Article THE EXISTING INDIAN FAMILY EXCEPTION TO THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT: THE STATES' ATTEMPT TO SLAUGHTER TRIBAL INTERESTS IN INDIAN CHILDREN Cheyañna L. Jaffke [FNa1] Copyright © 2006 by Louisiana Law Review... 2006 Child Welfare
W. Burlette Carter The "Federal Law of Marriage": Deference, Deviation, and Doma 21 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 705 (2013) I. Introduction. 707 II. American Notions of Local Matters. 714 A. Origins. 714 1. The Colonial Experience. 714 2. The Notion That the People Rule. 716 3. Conflict of Laws Theory. 717 B. The Local Powers of U.S. Territories. 720 III. Instances of Federal Deviation from Local Marriage Law. 721 A. Deviation to Recognize Marriages That a State or; Search Snippet: ...the context involved the inheritance of or legitimacy of an Indian child. [FN264] The federal treatment of Indian marriage (and even the... 2013  
Barbara Fedders THE ANTI-PARENT JUVENILE COURT 69 UCLA Law Review 746 (May, 2022) This Article identifies and analyzes features of the juvenile delinquency court that harm the people on whom children most heavily depend: their parents. By negatively affecting a child's family--creating financial stress, undermining a parent's central role in rearing her child, and damaging the parent-child bond--these parent-harming features... 2022  
Jason C. Nelson The Application of the International Law of State Succession to the United States: a Reassessment of the Treaty Between the Republic of Texas and the Cherokee Indians 17 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law L. 1 (Fall 2006) Perhaps no event in the modern era has been more profoundly consequential than the European discovery of the Americas. . . . Over a succession of generations, Europeans devised rules intended to justify the dispossession and subjugation of the native peoples . . . . Of these rules, the most fundamental were those governing the ownership of land; Search Snippet: ...peoples for years of neglect, including the widespread abuse of Indian children in the country's federally-funded boarding schools. [FN280] In Latin America--another region characterized by large... 2006  
James Thomas Tucker The Battle over "Bilingual Ballots" Shifts to the Courts: a Post-boerne Assessment of Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act 45 Harvard Journal on Legislation 507 (Summer 2008) Can Congress prohibit a state or local jurisdiction from conducting elections in English only and require that it provide bilingual ballots at the polls? Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act requires certain jurisdictions--those meeting specified demographic criteria--to provide language assistance to voters who have limited English language; Search Snippet: ...leave home, or refuse[d] to leave home to attend boarding school or the boarding home program, they [were] denied secondary school education, resulting in a highly disproportionate number of Alaska Natives . . . not . . . attending secondary schools. [FN340] In contrast, most non-native... 2008  
Charles Wilkinson The Belloni Decision: a Foundation for the Northwest Fisheries Cases, the National Tribal Sovereignty Movement, and an Understanding of the Rule of Law 50 Environmental Law 331 (Spring, 2020) Judge Belloni's decision in United States v. Oregon, handed down a half-century ago, has been given short shrift by lawyers, historians, and other commentators on the modern revival of Indian treaty fishing rights in the Pacific Northwest. The overwhelming amount of attention has been given to Judge Boldt's subsequent decision in United States v; Search Snippet: ...funded Christian religions to proselytize and convert Native people. Numerous Indian children were sent off to heavy-duty assimilation in federal boarding schools. Indian hunting and fishing was discouraged--they were forced... 2020  
Lynn Klicker Uthe The Best Interests of Indian Children in Minnesota 17 American Indian Law Review 237 (1992) The above statement by Chief Jake Swamp describes concerns that are particular to indigenous peoples such as native Americans (Indians). Although many laws still do not adequately address their concerns, some United States legislation protects and preserves Indian cultures. One such legislative measure is the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978; Search Snippet: ...American Indian Law Review 1992 Note THE BEST INTERESTS OF INDIAN CHILDREN IN MINNESOTA Lynn Klicker Uthe [FNa1] Copyright (c) 1992 by... 1992  
Robert McCarthy The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Federal Trust Obligation to American Indians 19 BYU Journal of Public Law L. 1 (2004) I. Introduction A. BIA: Bossing Indians Around 4 B. Bashing the BIA 5 C. Defending the BIA 8 D. Reforming the BIA 10 E. Understanding the BIA 14 II. The BIA and the Federal Trust Obligation to American Indians A. The BIA and the Department of the Interior 15 B. Statutory and Regulatory Authorities 18 C. Enforcement of the Federal Trust; Search Snippet: ...with, and resulting responsibilities to, American Indian people [FN114] the Indian Child Welfare Act ( the special relationship between the United States and... 2004  
Adriana M. Orman The Causal Effect: Implications of Chronic Underfunding in School Systems on the Navajo Reservation 40 Mitchell Hamline Law Journal of Public Policy and Practice 242 (Spring, 2019) I. Introduction. 242 II. Characteristics of the Navajo Reservation. 249 III. An Overview of Indian Jurisprudence in the United States Supreme Court. 252 IV. The Imposition of Eurocentric Education on Native Americans: Assimilation and Repression. 257 A. Treaty Making. 257 B. Allotment and Assimilation Era. 258 C. The Indian Reorganization Era. 260; Search Snippet: ...FN97] The painful legacy that has followed is known around Indian Country as the Boarding School Era. The Navajo Treaty of 1868, like other treaties... 2019  
Rebecca Tsosie The Challenge of "Differentiated Citizenship": Can State Constitutions Protect Tribal Rights? 64 Montana Law Review 199 (Winter 2003) One of the most vexing problems in contemporary states with large Native populations is whether the continuing inequities between Native and non-Native peoples are best addressed through the standard framework of Federal Indian Law, in which the federal government mediates tribal-state relations, or through newly articulated legal relationships; Search Snippet: ...traditionally fallen solely within state police powers. However, the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), 25 U.S.C. §§ 1901 1963 , limits state jurisdiction over Indian children who are members of federally recognized tribes, or are eligible... 2003  
Rachel M. Patterson THE CHILD WELFARE HYPER SURVEILLANCE STATE: REIMAGINING SUPPORTING PARENTS WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES IN 1028 HEARINGS 48 Fordham Urban Law Journal 545 (February, 2021) Introduction. 546 I. Article 10 Cases from Report to Resolution. 551 A. An Introduction to Article 10 Cases. 551 i. Article 10 Cases. 552 ii. Start of an Article 10 Case. 553 B. Trials and 1028 Hearings. 557 II. The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Adoption and Safe Families Act. 559 A. The ADA Generally. 560 B. The ADA Applied to the Child... 2021 Child Welfare
Emily Hudson THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT 47 Ohio Northern University Law Review 359 (2021) The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was passed in 1978 as a response to the disproportionate removal of Indian children from their homes compared to non-Indian children. It was found that this was disproportionality in part because judges and child welfare workers did not understand Indian culture-which led to prejudicial attitudes and the higher... 2021 Child Welfare
Bethany Sullivan, Jennifer Turner THE CONTINUED IMPACT OF CARCIERI ON THE RESTORATION OF TRIBAL HOMELANDS: IN NEW ENGLAND AND BEYOND 27 Roger Williams University Law Review 322 (Spring, 2022) In 2009, the United States Supreme Court decided Carcieri v. Salazar, a case involving the Department of the Interior's (the Department or Interior) authority under section 5 of the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) to acquire land into trust for the Narragansett Indian Tribe. Prior to the Supreme Court's decision, Interior had long interpreted the... 2022  
Alan B. Morrison THE COURT THAT DOES NOT LET STANDING STAND IN ITS WAY 92 George Washington Law Review Arguendo 1 (September, 2023) Article III of the Constitution limits the power of the federal courts to adjudicating cases and controversies. Embedded in that concept are the separate and sometimes overlapping doctrines of standing, ripeness, political question, mootness, and the overall responsibility of the courts to assure both that they are deciding legal issues only where... 2023  
Dean B. Suagee The Cultural Heritage of American Indian Tribes and the Preservation of Biological Diversity 31 Arizona State Law Journal 483 (Summer, 1999) Table of Contents I. Introduction. 485 II. Tribal Self-Government in the United States. 490 A. Foundation Principles. 492 1. Inherent Tribal Sovereignty. 492 2. Reserved Tribal Rights. 493 3. Trust Responsibility. 494 4. Plenary Power of Congress. 495 B. Vacillations in Federal Policy. 495 C. The Self-Determination Era. 497 D. Is a Human Rights; Search Snippet: ...era featured a variety of other programs designed to force Indians to become assimilated, including taking Indian children away from their families and educating them at distant boarding schools. See id. See generally Judith V. Royster, The Legacy... 1999  
Matthew L.M. Fletcher THE DARK MATTER OF FEDERAL INDIAN LAW: THE DUTY OF PROTECTION 75 Maine Law Review 305 (June, 2023) Abstract Introduction I. The Original Understanding of the Duty of Protection II. The Current Understanding of the Duty of Protection A. Congress and the Department of the Interior B. Department of Justice C. The Supreme Court III. The Duty of Protection as Dark Matter IV. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a... 2023  
Robert B. Porter The Demise of the Ongwehoweh and the Rise of the Native Americans: Redressing the Genocidal Act of Forcing American Citizenship upon Indigenous Peoples 15 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 107 (Spring, 1999) Most usually, they are incorporated with the victorious nation, and become subjects or citizens of the government with which they are connected. The new and old members of the society mingle with each other; the distinction between them is gradually lost, and they make one people. Can we fulfill the promise of America by embracing all our citizens; Search Snippet: ...of the Indian Apocalypse: convert the Indians to Christianity, force Indian children to obtain Western education, allot tribal common lands to individual... 1999  
Brad M. Gallagher The Disappearance of the Great American Indian Athlete 24-FALL Entertainment and Sports Lawyer Law. 1 (Fall, 2006) What do ice hockey, the overhand swimming stroke and basketball all have in common? Each has their roots in the American Indian culture. American Indians invented the roots of ten Olympic sports and many non-Olympic sports, such as lacrosse. According to Oren Lyons, Chief of Onondaga Nation to the Iroquois Confederacy, while the rest of the; Search Snippet: ...United States used sports as a means of assimilating American Indian children into mainstream culture. [FN3] To accomplish this, the United States... 2006  
Robert J. Miller The Doctrine of Discovery in American Indian Law 42 Idaho Law Review Rev. 1 (2005) The Doctrine of Discovery is an international law principle developed primarily by Spain, Portugal, England, and the Church in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. These entities developed the Doctrine at that particular time to control and maximize European exploration and colonization in the New World and in other lands of non-European,; Search Snippet: ...the letter and in his tribal speeches, Lewis repeatedly called Indians children and called Jefferson their new father. He informed them that... 2005  
Matthew L.M. Fletcher The Drug War on Tribal Government Employees: Adopting the Ways of the Conqueror 35 Columbia Human Rights Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall 2003) For three months Gus and the Indian female counselor met weekly. They would smudge before each session with sweet grass. Gus would explore his reality while carrying a stone in his hand. We were learning, listening and talking, speaking freely, not judged. It was the nonjudgmental approach that attracted him --there is a stigma on a non-Indian; Search Snippet: ...out of the criminal justice system, [FN58] through education of Indian children at home and at school, and through increased funding for... 2003  
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