AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Term
B. J. Jones The Indian Child Welfare Act: in Search of a Federal Forum to Vindicate the Rights of Indian Tribes and Children Against the Vagaries of State Courts 73 North Dakota Law Review 395 (1997) The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was enacted by Congress in 1978 to curtail the massive removal (primarily by state agencies and courts) of Indian children from their homes. ICWA was also an attempt to assure that those children, who must be removed, be placed in homes that reflect their unique cultures and traditions. ICWA strives to accomplish; Search Snippet: ...NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW North Dakota Law Review 1997 THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT: IN SEARCH OF A FEDERAL FORUM TO VINDICATE... 1997 Child Welfare
Alana J. DeGarmo The Indian Child Welfare Act: its Impact on Unknowing Adoptive Parents 17 Journal of Juvenile Law 32 (1996) The Indian Child Welfare Act (hereinafter ICWA or Act) was enacted in 1978, giving members of Native American tribes the right to adopt their members' children before those children can be placed in non-Indian homes. The law was passed in response to a long history of religious groups and well-meaning agencies separating Indian children from; Search Snippet: ...LAW Journal of Juvenile Law 1996 Note and Comment THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT: ITS IMPACT ON UNKNOWING ADOPTIVE PARENTS Alana J... 1996 Child Welfare
Amanda Tucker The Indian Child Welfare Act's Unconstitutional Impact on the Welfare of the Indian Child 9 Whittier Journal of Child and Family Advocacy 87 (Fall 2009) Child welfare is a controversial, yet unresolved issue in our country with overcrowded adoption agencies and foster homes, overworked social workers, and understaffed Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) lawyers. Unfortunately, there is no shortage of cases surrounding the termination of parental rights related to abuse and neglect; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Child and Family Advocacy Fall 2009 Articles THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL IMPACT ON THE WELFARE OF THE INDIAN CHILD Amanda Tucker [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2009 Whittier Journal of Child... 2009 Child Welfare
Kathleena Kruck The Indian Child Welfare Act's Waning Power after Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl 109 Northwestern University Law Review 445 (Winter 2015) Abstract--In the 1970s, state authorities began removing Indian children from their homes by the thousands and placing them into foster care, institutional housing, and with white families. To counteract this forced assimilation, Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in 1978. The ICWA conferred many powers previously held by the; Search Snippet: ...Northwestern University Law Review Winter 2015 Notes and Comments THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT'S WANING POWER AFTER ADOPTIVE COUPLE V. BABY GIRL... 2015 Child Welfare
Patrice Kunesh-Hartman The Indian Welfare Act of 1978: Protecting Essential Tribal Interests 60 University of Colorado Law Review 131 (1989) The young Indian girl spoke quietly: I can remember [the welfare worker] coming and taking some of my cousins and friends. I didn't know why and I didn't question it. It was just done and it had always been done . . .. This rending scene has been repeated with bureaucratic regularity in the lives of thousands of Indian children who, without; Search Snippet: ...repeated with bureaucratic regularity in the lives of thousands of Indian children who, without warning or preparation, are separated from their parents... 1989  
  The Indian: the Forgotten American 81 Harvard Law Review 1818 (June, 1968) The attitude of America toward the Indian has long been characterized by the dichotomy between a sentimental attraction to the noble savage, often increasing with distance from the centers of Indian population, and a startling ignorance of and indifference to the actual circumstances of his life. The Negro revolution, focusing attention not only; Search Snippet: ...still voice anti-competitive views; [FN189] school officials note the Indian child's unwillingness to stand out by volunteering in class. [FN190] The... 1968  
Robert J. Miller The International Law of Colonialism: a Comparative Analysis 15 Lewis & Clark Law Review 847 (Winter, 2011) The majority of the non-European world was colonized under an international law that is known as the Doctrine of Discovery. Under this legal principle, European countries claimed superior rights over Indigenous nations. When European explorers planted flags and religious symbols in the lands of native peoples, they were making legal claims of; Search Snippet: ...over the operation of many reservations and the education of Indian children to Christian denominations, and even granted tribal lands to churches... 2011  
Chief Ben Barnes THE INTERSECTION OF LANGUAGE, LAW, AND SOVEREIGNTY: A SHAWNEE PERSPECTIVE 34 Colorado Environmental Law Journal 17 (Spring, 2023) NOTE: what follows is a lightly-edited transcript of the keynote address held as part of the 54 Algonquian Conference, University of Colorado Boulder, October 21, 2022. Kristen Carpenter: Greetings from the American Indian Law Program here at the University of Colorado. I am pleased to have this opportunity to co-chair this conference with my... 2023  
Adam Crepelle THE LAW AND ECONOMICS OF CRIME IN INDIAN COUNTRY 110 Georgetown Law Journal 569 (March, 2022) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 569 I. Crime in Indian Country. 576 II. Tribal Sovereignty and Criminal Justice. 579 III. The Economics of Crime. 586 IV. The Law and Economics of Crime in Indian Country. 589 V. Solutions. 601 a. jurisdictional fix. 603 b. more cops. 606 c. improve tribal economies. 609 Conclusion. 611 2022  
Matthew L.M. Fletcher The Law of Genocide and Indigenous Peoples 77 National Lawyers Guild Review 38 (Spring, 2020) Book Review: Laurelyn Whitt and Alan W. Clarke, North American Genocides: Indigenous Nations, Settler Colonialism, and International Law (Cambridge U. Press, 2019). In the mid-20th century, state governments--enabled by the United States federal government--removed 25 to 35 percent of American Indian children from their families and placed them; Search Snippet: ...families. Roughly 80 percent of the time, this meant placing Indian children with complete strangers. The removals of Indian children were a continuation of forced removals of children by the... 2020  
Matthew L.M. Fletcher The Legal Fiction of the Lake Matchimanitou Indian School 13 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 597 (2005) Historians, political scientists, sociologists and lawyers, in their respective academic languages, have documented the history of the conquest of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere, especially those of North America. The histories end with the final dispossession of lands from Indians and their tribes. Despite more than five; Search Snippet: ...Sales, had spoken up in their sociology class about the Indian boarding school [FN25] in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, which had housed his... 2005  
John E. Silverman The Miner's Canary: Tribal Control of American Indian Education and the First Amendment 19 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1019 (Summer, 1992) Since the arrival of Columbus 500 years ago, Native Americans have endured massacres and intolerance, racism and rapacity, altruism and benign neglect. Federal policy originally favored the repression of Indian religious practices because religion was an indivisible part of the native cultures that the American government sought to stamp out; Search Snippet: ...Native Americans. Part III examines the paramount tribal interest in Indian children and the attendant First Amendment issues which lie at the... 1992  
Lindsay Glauner The Need for Accountability and Reparation: 1830-1976 the United States Government's Role in the Promotion, Implementation, and Execution of the Crime of Genocide Against Native Americans 51 DePaul Law Review 911 (Spring 2002) The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness; it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy; it's indifference. The opposite of life is not death; it's indifference. Because of indifference, one dies before one actually dies. Elie Wiesel. On September 8, 2000, the head of the Bureau of Indian; Search Snippet: ...the forced sterilization programs, [FN103] and the forced transfer of Native American children to boarding schools [FN104] would be perceived as having had the intent... 2002  
Katherine Farrell Ginsbach THE OGLALA LAKOTA AND THE RIGHT TO HEALTH: THE FORGOTTEN AMERICANS 24 Quinnipiac Health Law Journal 237 (2021) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 239 II. Background. 241 A. Oglala Lakota Demographics. 241 III. Historical Significance. 244 A. Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868. 245 B. The Black Hills and Dawes Act. 247 C. Snyder Act through Present Day. 248 IV. Indigenous Peoples' Health in the United States. 251 A. Indian Health Services. 253 B. Disease... 2021  
Robert G. Natelson THE ORIGINAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE INDIAN COMMERCE CLAUSE: AN UPDATE 23 Federalist Society Review 209 (########) The Congress shall have Power . To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes. C1-2Table of Contents I. Recent and Pending Litigation. 211 II. Previous Scholarship. 212 III. Goals of this Article. 213 IV. Some Principles of Originalist Analysis. 214 V. The Constitutional Scheme: Separation of... 2022  
Danielle J. Mayberry The Origins and Evolution of the Indian Child Welfare Act 14 Judicial Notice 34 (2019) Since first contact, federal Indian policy and law has impacted American Indian children and families, targeting them as a means to assimilate Indian Nations into American society. In the beginning, Indian children were targeted for military and diplomatic purposes in order to undermine tribal resistance. This assimilation policy later shifted; Search Snippet: ...Notice 2019 Featured Article THE ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION OF THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT Danielle J. Mayberry [FNa1] Copyright © 2019 by The... 2019 Child Welfare
Elizabeth A. Reese THE OTHER AMERICAN LAW 73 Stanford Law Review 555 (March, 2021) American legal scholarship focuses almost exclusively on federal, state, and local law. However, there are 574 federally recognized tribal governments within the United States, whose laws are largely ignored. This Article brings to the fore the exclusion of tribal governments and their laws from our mainstream conception of American law... 2021  
Lorie M. Graham The past Never Vanishes: a Contextual Critique of the Existing Indian Family Doctrine 23 American Indian Law Review Rev. 1 (1998) Here I walk the road of beauty with my little one as we wear beautiful, beaded moccasins. Let the sunrays be on us, among the carpeted colors of flowers. My child and I will be recognized by our little tiny friends - animals, birds, and butterflies. My child and I will touch the clear water of coolness in the stream as we live. Ha ho ya tahey. My; Search Snippet: ...made rules that seek to limit the reach of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA). [FN2] Congress passed the ICWA... 1998  
Natsu Taylor Saito The Plenary Power Doctrine: Subverting Human Rights in the Name of Sovereignty 51 Catholic University Law Review 1115 (Summer, 2002) To deny any person their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. Nelson Mandela Human rights law is a subset of the system of international law that evolved in Europe over the several centuries during which European states were consolidated and reached out to lay claim to the rest of the world. Because it is a system created by states,; Search Snippet: ...genocidal and ecocidal policies of almost unimaginable proportions. Generations of Indian children were forcibly removed from their families and imprisoned in boarding schools where they were stripped of their culture, traumatized, and... 2002  
Rebecca Tsosie The Politics of Inclusion: Indigenous Peoples and U.s. Citizenship 63 UCLA Law Review 1692 (August, 2016) This Article explores the dynamics of U.S. citizenship and indigenous self-determination to see whether, and how, the two concepts are in tension and how they can be reconciled. The Article explores the four historical frames of citizenship for indigenous peoples within the United States--treating indigenous peoples as citizens of separate nations,; Search Snippet: the mid-nineteenth century. [FN128] The BIA instituted the boarding school policy, which forcibly removed Indian children from their families and sent them to distant boarding schools where they were forbidden to speak their language or... 2016  
Alexander M. Roider THE PROMISE AT THE END OF THE TRAIL: USING MCGIRT TO CLOSE THE TRIBAL ENTERPRISE PERFORMANCE GAP 52 Public Contract Law Journal 323 (Winter, 2023) Despite being introduced in identical ways, tribal enterprises and Alaska Native Corporations have achieved vastly different outcomes in their government contracting operations. However, the Supreme Court's recent decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma may change this, handing down a potential beacon of hope to the underperforming tribal enterprises. This... 2023  
Addie C. Rolnick The Promise of Mancari: Indian Political Rights as Racial Remedy 86 New York University Law Review 958 (October, 2011) In 1974, the Supreme Court declared that an Indian employment preference was based on a political rather than racial classification. The Court's framing of Indianness as a political matter and its positioning of political and racial as opposing concepts has defined the trajectory of federal Indian law and influenced common sense ideas about; Search Snippet: ...United States and white cultural practices. [FN100] During this time, Indian children were also sent to federally-sponsored boarding schools designed to kill the Indian in him and save the man, [FN101] where they were... 2011  
Ian F. Tapu THE REASONABLE INDIGENOUS YOUTH STANDARD 56 Gonzaga Law Review 529 (2020/2021) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L3530 I. J.D.B. v. North Carolina: Opening the Door for Youth. 534 II. The Indigenous Youth Experience. 536 III. The Connection Between the Contextual Legal Framework and a Reasonable Indigenous Youth Standard. 539 IV. The Indigenous Youth Standard Already Conforms to Precedent. 541 L1-2Conclusion . L3544 2021  
Kathryn Fort THE ROAD TO BRACKEEN: DEFENDING ICWA 2013-2023 72 American University Law Review 1673 (June, 2023) From 2013 to 2023, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was challenged in the courts more than the Affordable Care Act. This Article lays out the history of the fight over ICWA from Baby Girl to Haaland, from my perspective as a clinical professor who has been involved with every major ICWA case since 2013, as well as my observations about why ICWA... 2023 Child Welfare
Paul Kuruk The Role of Customary Law under Sui Generis Frameworks of Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge 17 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 67 (2007) Bowing to pressure from developing countries, indigenous groups, and civil society, a number of international organizations have embarked in recent years on measures to enhance the protection of indigenous and traditional knowledge. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), for example, responded in 2003 to a; Search Snippet: ...denominations with control over education on specific reservations; conversion of Indian children to Christianity was seen as a first step to assimilation. Toward the end of the nineteenth century, Indian boarding schools were preferred. Youngsters would be taken by force, if... 2007  
Russ VerSteeg THE ROLE OF LAW IN U.S. HISTORY TEXTBOOKS 71 Cleveland State Law Review 363 (2023) This Article analyzes the references to law found in three standard U.S. History textbooks: (1) Alan Brinkley, American History Connecting with the Past 745 (McGraw-Hill Educ., 15th ed. 2015); (2) Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History 461 (Steve Forman et al. eds., 5th ed. 2017); and (3) David Goldfield et al., The American Journey: A... 2023  
Melina Angelos Healey The School-to-prison Pipeline Tragedy on Montana's American Indian Reservations 37 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 671 (2013) I. Introduction. 673 II. Foundations of the Pipeline. 674 A. The Nationwide School-to-Prison Pipeline. 674 B. Tribes and Reservations Examined in this Article. 677 III. Background and Approach. 679 A. The Legacy of American Indian Boarding Schools and Educational Segregation. 679 B. The Utility of a Critical Race Approach to Understanding the; Search Snippet: ...III. Background and Approach 679 A. The Legacy of American Indian Boarding Schools and Educational Segregation 679 B. The Utility of a... 2013  
Sean Frazzette The Scope of Tribal Immunity in Real Property Disputes 87 University of Chicago Law Review 1605 (September, 2020) Native American tribes are sovereign nations with some degree of sovereign immunity. The exact contours of that immunity are often in flux. While the Supreme Court has established the confines of tribal immunity in cases involving torts, taxation, and contracts, it has avoided determining the doctrine's application to cases involving real property; Search Snippet: ...various sections of Title 28. . See Maggie Blackhawk, Federal Indian Law as Paradigm Within Public Law , 132 Harv L Rev... 2020  
Philip C. Aka The Supreme Court and the Challenge of Protecting Minority Religions in the United States: Review of Garrett Epps, to an Unknown God: Religious Freedom on Trial 9 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 343 (Spring 2007) I. Introduction. 344 II. The Smith Case. 352 A. Facts, Holding, and Opposition Within the Court to Smith. 352 B. Post-Mortem Analysis. 361 III. Four Aftermaths of Smith. 364 A. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and City of Boerne v. Flores. 364 B. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1994. 372 C. The 1991 Amendments to; Search Snippet: ...into a largely intact culture, Smith was, like generations of Indian boys and girls, torn away from his home and sent to boarding school to be assimilated into the American melting-pot. The... 2007  
Dylan Hartsook THE SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON'S BROAD INTERPRETATION OF THE "REASON TO KNOW" STANDARD IN IN RE DEPENDENCY OF Z.J.G. AND WHY A UNIFORM, BROAD INTERPRETATION OF THE STANDARD WILL LEAD TO BETTER OUTCOMES 45 American Indian Law Review 387 (2021) Congress enacted the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA) to remedy the widespread and disparate removal of Indian Children from their unique cultures. Around the time ICWA was enacted, a survey of sixteen states showed approximately 85 percent of all Indian children in foster care were living in non-Indian homes. ICWA provides standards for... 2021  
Dean B. Suagee The Supreme Court's "Whack-a-mole" Game Theory in Federal Indian Law, a Theory That Has No Place in the Realm of Environmental Law 7 Great Plains Natural Resources Journal 90 (Fall 2002) I. A Short Explanation of the Court's Whack-a-Mole Game Theory. 97 A. The General Proposition of Montana v. United States. 97 B. The Whack-a-Mole Line of Cases. 99 C. The 2001 Decisions. 102 1. Atkinson Trading Company, Inc. v. Shirley. 102 2. Nevada v. Hicks. 104 D. The Importance of the Sweeping Premise. 105 II. The Court's Disregard for; Search Snippet: ...the land-ownership prong of its assimilationist strategy by taking Indian children away from their homes and sending them to boarding schools. The overall consequence was a great deal of cultural... 2002  
Shawn L. Murphy The Supreme Court's Revitalization of the Dying "Existing Indian Family" Exception 46 McGeorge Law Review 629 (2014) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 630 II. Background: What is the Indian Child Welfare Act and the Existing Indian Family Exception?. 631 A. History of ICWA. 631 B. To Whom and When Does ICWA Apply?. 632 C. What Does ICWA Provide?. 633 1. ICWA as a Jurisdictional Statute. 633 2. ICWA Provides Special Protections for Indian Parents and; Search Snippet: ...of Contents I. Introduction 630 II. Background: What is the Indian Child Welfare Act and the Existing Indian Family Exception 631 A... 2014  
Charlotte Baughman, Tehra Coles, Jennifer Feinberg, Hope Newton THE SURVEILLANCE TENTACLES OF THE CHILD WELFARE SYSTEM 11 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 501 (July, 2021) The family regulation system identifies families through the use of widespread, cross-system surveillance for the purported purpose of keeping children safe. But the system does not surveil all families equally, leading to the disproportionate impact of family regulation on Black, Brown, and Native families, and fails to protect while causing more... 2021 Child Welfare
Daniel Albanil Adlong The Terminator Terminates Terminators: Governor Schwarzenegger's Signature, Sb 678, and How California Attempts to Abolish the Existing Indian Family Exception and Why Other States Should Follow 7 Appalachian Journal of Law 109 (Winter 2007) I can remember (the welfare worker) coming and taking some of my cousins and friends. I didn't know why and I didn't question it. It was just done and it had always been done. This episode was one of many that Congress said was [t]he wholesale separation of Indian children from their families and described it as perhaps the most tragic and; Search Snippet: ...of many that Congress said was [t]he wholesale separation of Indian children from their families and described it as perhaps the most... 2007  
Jonathan Todres , Daniela Villamizar Fink The Trauma of Trump's Family Separation and Child Detention Actions: a Children's Rights Perspective 95 Washington Law Review 377 (March, 2020) Abstract: In April 2018, the Trump Administration publicly announced a new zero-tolerance policy for illegal entries at the U.S. border. This action kicked off a wave of family separations that made headlines and drew criticism from around the globe. Despite resounding condemnation of these actions, the Trump Administration defended its family; Search Snippet: ...well-known example is the U.S. government's treatment of American Indian children and their families. As a 1978 congressional report acknowledged, The wholesale separation of Indian children from their families is perhaps the most tragic and destructive... 2020  
Amanda Rogerson The Tribal Trust and Government-to-government Consultation in a New Ecological Age 93 Oregon Law Review 771 (2015) Introduction. 772 I. Climate Impacts to Tribal Cultures. 776 II. The Federal Indian Trust Doctrine. 778 A. Origins. 778 B. The Trust as Power over American Indians. 780 C. The Trust as Responsibility for Tribes. 784 III. Government-to-Government Consultation's Fulfillment of the Trust Doctrine Today. 786 IV. Reinterpreting the Trust Doctrine to; Search Snippet: ...FN61] In the name of civilization, the federal government prohibited Indians from engaging in religious practices, encouraged missionary activity on reservations, and sent Indian children to boarding schools. [FN62] In 1885, Congress also explicitly limited tribes' control... 2015  
Richard D. Pomp The Unfulfilled Promise of the Indian Commerce Clause and State Taxation 63 Tax Lawyer 897 (Summer, 2010) I. Introduction 902 II. The Early Days 912 A. Colonial America and the Crown 912 B. The Revolutionary War and the Confederation 922 1. The Revolutionary War 922 2. Articles of Confederation 925 3. Article IX of the Articles of Confederation 927 C. Post-Revolutionary War 929 III. Birth of the Indian Commerce Clause 932 A. The Constitutional; Search Snippet: ...that the federal government had a long history of educating Indian children, [FN993] and the federal regulatory scheme was so comprehensive and... 2010  
Angela R. Riley , Adeleene M. Rockwell The United States Country Report of Special Rapporteur S. James Anaya: Reflections and Aspirations 32 Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 183 (2015) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 183 II. Methodology and Findings. 185 III. Looking Towards International Human Rights Law. 188 IV. Recommendations and Aspirations. 190 V. Conclusion. 192; Search Snippet: ...Immense land dispossession, combined with the mass, forced removal of Indian children into Indian boarding schools furthered the stated American mission to kill the Indian, save the man. [FN14] Through these and other assimilative efforts, collective, tribal lands were broken up. Indian children were taken from their families, deprived of their languages, their... 2015  
Neoshia R. Roemer The Violence Against Women Act of 2018: a Step in the Right Direction for Indian Children and Federal Indian Law 66-APR Federal Lawyer 52 (March/April, 2019) It is well-settled law that if a person who violates the laws of the United States is a resident of another country, that person falls within the criminal jurisdiction of the United States. Similarly, if a person crosses state lines and commits child abuse in another state, he or she falls under the jurisdiction of the state where the crime was; Search Snippet: ...ACT OF 2018: A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION FOR INDIAN CHILDREN AND FEDERAL INDIAN LAW Neoshia R. Roemer [FNa1] Copyright © 2019... 2019  
Sarah Krakoff The Virtues and Vices of Sovereignty 38 Connecticut Law Review 797 (May, 2006) As the title to this symposium suggests, American Indian law is indeed at a crossroads. The paths of American Indian tribal sovereignty are diverging in the following way. The United States Supreme Court, the progenitor of the legal doctrine of tribal sovereignty, appears skeptical of the doctrine's continuing viability. The Court's path is; Search Snippet: [FN51] Another priority during this period was to remove Indian children from their homes and educate them in predominately Christian boarding schools, where Native language and culture was prohibited. [FN52] Other policies discouraging the practice of Native religions even on reservations complemented the boarding school goals. [FN53] On their own terms, the Allotment policies... 2006  
Barbara Atwood The Voice of the Indian Child: Strengthening the Indian Child Welfare Act Through Children's Participation 50 Arizona Law Review 127 (Spring 2008) This Article explores the potential benefits and challenges of giving more prominence to the voice of the Indian child in ICWA proceedings, a topic that has received scant attention from scholars and courts. The Act itself authorizes the appointment of counsel for children and provides that state courts may consider the child's wishes as to; Search Snippet: ...of the Arizona Law Review Article THE VOICE OF THE INDIAN CHILD: STRENGTHENING THE INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT THROUGH CHILDREN'S PARTICIPATION Barbara Atwood [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2008 Child Welfare
Laughlin McDonald The Voting Rights Act in Indian Country: South Dakota, a Case Study 29 American Indian Law Review 43 (2004-2005) The problems that Indians continue to experience in South Dakota in securing an equal right to vote strongly support the extension of the special provisions of the Voting Rights Act scheduled to expire in 2007. They also demonstrate the ultimate wisdom of Congress in making permanent and nationwide the basic guarantee of equal political; Search Snippet: ...when she went to high school in Todd County. The Indian students lived in a segregated dorm at the Rosebud boarding school, and were bussed to the high school, then bussed... 2005  
Barbara A. Atwood THIRD-PARTY CUSTODY, PARENTAL LIBERTY, AND CHILDREN'S INTERESTS 43-SPG Family Advocate 48 (Spring, 2021) Two decades after Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000), the law governing third-party or nonparent contact with children is still in flux. This article explores current third-party custody law, including the evolving standards in the courts, illustrative statutory frameworks, and potential legal issues that can arise in nonparent custody... 2021  
Lori V. Quigley, Ph.D. Thomas Indian School 14 Judicial Notice 48 (2019) In the late 1800s, the United States created special boarding schools in locations all over the United States, with the purpose of civilizing American Indian youth. It was an educational experiment, one that the government hoped would change the traditions and customs of American Indians. In the past several decades, research into these boarding; Search Snippet: ...Ph.D. I n the late 1800s, the United States created special boarding schools in locations all over the United States, with the purpose of civilizing American Indian youth. It was an educational experiment, one that the government... 2019  
Katerina Silcox Thompson V. Fairfax County Department of Family Services: Determining the Best Interests of the Indian Child 10 Liberty University Law Review 141 (Fall, 2015) Children are a gift from the Lord - Psalm 127:3. Remember that your children are not your own, but are lent to you by the Creator. - Mohawk Proverb In the Virginia case of Thompson v. Fairfax County Department of Family Services, the Virginia Court of Appeals declined to recognize the so-called Existing Indian Family Exception (hereinafter; Search Snippet: ...DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SERVICES: DETERMINING THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE INDIAN CHILD Katerina Silcox [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2015 the Liberty University Law... 2015  
Hedi Viterbo Ties of Separation: Analogy and Generational Segregation in North America, Australia, and Israel/palestine 42 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 695 (2017) Introduction. 696 I. Analogy and Generational Segregation. 700 A. Transcending Prison Through Analogies. 701 B. Generational Segregation in Israeli Custody. 704 C. Analogizing Generational Segregation. 708 II. Already Analogized. 719 III. Analogy's Frameworks. 729 A. Legalistic Analogies Concerning Generational Segregation. 730 B. Rigid; Search Snippet: ...U.S.] government reached the conclusion that successful assimilation required removing Indian children from their reservations and reeducating them away from their families and environments . For several years, Indian parents had to send their children to various off-reservation boarding schools or to specially constructed boarding schools at the periphery of the reservations . Once the children... 2017  
Garrett Epps To an Unknown God: the Hidden History of Employment Division V. Smith 30 Arizona State Law Journal 953 (Winter, 1998) I. Introduction. 956 II. The Antagonists. 959 A. Al Smith. 959 B. Galen Black. 964 C. Dave Frohnmayer. 965 III. Oregon: The Legal Background. 968 A. The Oregon Constitution. 968 B. Rajneeshpuram. 971 IV. The Eagle Feather: Black and Smith at ADAPT. 978 V. Ignorant Armies: The Early Court Cases. 985 VI. In Search of an Interest: The Oregon Appellate; Search Snippet: ...however, Smith was sent to Sacred Heart Academy, a Catholic boarding school in Klamath Falls, where he was among a minority of Native children sent there to learn American and Christian ways. [FN20... 1998  
Charles F. Wilkinson To Feel the Summer in the Spring: the Treaty Fishing Rights of the Wisconsin Chippewa 1991 Wisconsin Law Review 375 (1991) In this Article, adapted from his Oliver Rundell Lecture delivered at the University of Wisconsin Law School in April 1990, Professor Charles Wilkinson explores the historical and contemporary conflict arising out of the Chippewa people's assertion of nineteenth century treaty fishing rights. A key to comprehending the Chippewa's position is a; Search Snippet: ...Nebraska; peyote in Utah and New Mexico; custody of young Indian children in Montana and Illinois; land title in Maine and New... 1991  
Gregory H. Bigler Traditional Jurisprudence and Protection of Our Society: a Jurisgenerative Tail 43 American Indian Law Review Rev. 1 (2018) This Article organizes thoughts from a long period of work and life exploring some of what uniquely guides traditional Euchee and Muscogee society. My participation in Euchee ceremonial life is a lens by which I view tribal, federal, and human rights law and processes. I hope to begin articulating a modern traditional Indian jurisprudence and find; Search Snippet: ...and several of their cousins. [FN64] Golaha Millie, unlike most Indians of that time, insisted the children all speak Euchee upon their return home from Indian boarding schools, regardless of them being punished for speaking it at... 2018  
Marcia Zug Traditional Problems: How Tribal Same-sex Marriage Bans Threaten Tribal Sovereignty 43 Mitchell Hamline Law Review 761 (2017) I. Introduction. 761 II. Same-Sex Marriage in Indian Country. 768 III. Tribal Sovereignty, Tradition, and Unfairness. 773 A. Interpreting Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez. 774 B. The Cherokee Freedmen. 777 IV. Tribal Traditions and Fairness. 783 A. Crow Dog and Tribal Justice. 784 B. Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Dollar General Corp. 787 1; Search Snippet: ...Courts 789 2. Traditions, Customs, and Bias 792 C. The Indian Child Welfare Act 795 V. The Future 797 VI. Conclusion 800... 2017  
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