AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
  Careers in Law: the Second Annual Conference for Hispanic Students 49 Rutgers Law Review 965 (Spring 1997) November 30, 1988 Trenton, New Jersey One of the purposes of today's ASPIRA conference is to tell you about different careers in the law, different kinds of jobs, so that you know about them, so that you can think about them, and maybe some day decide that you want to try to have such a career. I'll talk a little bit about that. You can find out a... 1997 Yes
Celina Romany Claiming a Global Identity: Latino/a Critical Scholarship and International Human Rights 28 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 215 (1997) Latino/a Critical scholars and activists have a unique opportunity to crack the provincial shell that shelters critical legal scholarship in this country. Today, I would like to offer suggestions for the formulation of a dual strategy to be pursued at both the international and domestic levels. On the one hand, the international human rights field... 1997 Yes
Kristen L. Holmquist Cultural Defense or False Stereotype? What Happens When Latina Defendants Collide with the Federal Sentencing Guidelines 12 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 45 (1997) At the height of the War on Drugs, Ana Reyes and Mar'a Avila found themselves before a federal judge on trial for laundering money. Reyes's husband, José Reyes, was the head of a drug trafficking and money-laundering operation-- and quite possibly Avila's paramour. The way the women tell it, they would do just about anything for José, even look the... 1997 Yes
  Hispanic National Bar Association Annual Conference 49 Rutgers Law Review 1111 (Spring 1997) September 25, 1992 Atlantic City, New Jersey We welcome all of you, and especially the judges from New Jersey and elsewhere, to this Seventeenth Annual Convention and twentieth anniversary of the Hispanic National Bar Association. Felicitaciones! I hope the Convention accomplishes what you want it to and that you and your spouses and friends enjoy... 1997 Yes
Christopher David Ruiz Cameron How the García Cousins Lost Their Accents: Understanding the Language of Title Vii Decisions Approving English-only Rules as the Product of Racial Dualism, Latino Invisibility, and Legal Indeterminacy 85 California Law Review 1347 (October, 1997) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws discrimination in employment based on, among other things, national origin. The adoption by employers of policies requiring employees to speak only English in the workplace would appear to constitute national origin discrimination against bilingual Latinos, whose Spanish-speaking ability is central... 1997 Yes
Elizabeth M. Iglesias Human Rights in International Economic Law: Locating Latinas/os in the Linkage Debates 28 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 361 (1997) L1-3,T3I. Introduction 361 L1-4 L1-3,T3II. Four Models for Enforcing Human Rights Through International Economic Law 366 L1-4 A. Labor Rights in United States Trade Preference Regimes: Unilateral Conditionality. 366 L1-4 B. The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation: A Multilateral Rights Regime. 369 L1-4 C. The U.S. Embargo of Cuba: The... 1997 Yes
Diana Vellos Immigrant Latina Domestic Workers and Sexual Harassment 5 American University Journal of Gender & the Law 407 (Spring, 1997) My family's history is not uncommon. My ancestors immigrated from Central America to the United States in the mid 1960s through the early 1970s in search of a brighter future. Several of the women in my family accepted jobs as domestic workers when they first arrived in order to make ends meet. What they endured as immigrant domestic workers is a... 1997 Yes
Jean Stefancic Latino and Latina Critical Theory: an Annotated Bibliography 85 California Law Review 1509 (October, 1997) Latino/a critical scholarship, though largely ignored, has been around for a long time. One might say that its progenitor was Rodolfo Acuña, whose book Occupied America, originally published in 1972, is now in its third edition. Acuña was the first scholar to reformulate American history to take account of U.S. colonization of land formerly held by... 1997 Yes
Enid Trucios-Haynes Latino/as in the Mix: Applying Gotanda's Models of Racial Classification and Racial Stratification 4 Asian Law Journal 39 (May, 1997) The author acknowledges the pioneering effect Professor Neil Gotanda's work has had on the discussion of racial discourse to include the racial oppression of Asian/Pacific Islander Americans. According to the author, Professor Gotanda's analytical model to examine the social practice of race contains three elements. Moreover, Professor Gotanda's... 1997 Yes
  Opening Remarks at the Third Annual Conference for Hispanic Students 49 Rutgers Law Review 1011 (Spring 1997) October 25, 1990 Trenton, New Jersey Bueños dias, students and distinguished guests. On behalf of the New Jersey Judiciary, Commissioner Caraballo and the Department of the Public Advocate, and ASPIRA, I am pleased to welcome all of you this morning. Today, we have with us judges, attorneys, probation officers, court reporters, and other justice... 1997 Yes
Ian F. Haney López Race, Ethnicity, Erasure: the Salience of Race to Latcrit Theory 85 California Law Review 1143 (October, 1997) On September 20, 1951, an all-White grand jury in Jackson County, Texas indicted twenty-six-year-old Pete Hernández for the murder of another farm worker, Joe Espinosa. Gus García and John Herrera, lawyers with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), a Mexican-American civil rights organization, took up Hernández's case, hoping to use... 1997 Yes
Kevin R. Johnson Racial Hierarchy, Asian Americans and Latinos as "Foreigners," and Social Change: Is Law the Way to Go? 76 Oregon Law Review 347 (Summer 1997) A symposium entitled Citizenship and Its Discontents could not be more timely. The end of the twentieth century has been marked by a lengthy debate in the United States, as well as in nations around the world, on citizenship and national identity. In response to mounting concerns about changes attributed to new immigrants, Congress in 1996... 1997 Yes
Richard Delgado Rodrigo's Fifteenth Chronicle: Racial Mixture, Latino-critical Scholarship, and the Black-white Binary 75 Texas Law Review 1181 (April 1, 1997) Rodrigo, here I am, I announced, raising my voice over the din of the airport loudspeaker and voices of fellow passengers waiting at curbside. How kind of you to pick me up. No problem. Giannina's back home, reviewing for a midterm. Here, let me take that bag. Nice car, I said. Did you have it last time? No, it's new. We tried doing... 1997 Yes
Lisa J. Soto The Treatment of the Spanish Language and Latinos in Education in the Southwest, in the Workplace, and in the Jury Selection Process 3 Hispanic Law Journal 73 (1997) Persistent failure to consider bilingualism a cultural asset has made it an additional problem rather than a promising opportunity. Ernesto Galarza. I. Introduction. 74 II. The Spanish Language and Latino Cultures: An Overview. 75 III. Education. 76 Post Segregation . . . . 77 IV. The Workplace. 80 EEOC Guidelines Solve . . . . 84 V. The Jury... 1997 Yes
Francisco Valdes Under Construction: Latcrit Consciousness, Community, and Theory 85 California Law Review 1087 (October, 1997) C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 1089 I. Race, Ethnicity & Nationhood: Latina/o Position and Identity in Law and Society. 1096 A. The Utility of LatCrit Narratives. 1097 B. Beyond the Black/White Paradigm. 1103 II. Policy, Politics & Praxis: Latinas/os Under the Rule of Anglo-American Law. 1111 A. Equality in Law and Life. 1111 B. Immigration,... 1997 Yes
Rachel F. Moran What If Latinos Really Mattered in the Public Policy Debate? 85 California Law Review 1315 (October, 1997) The Articles that discuss Policy, Politics, & Praxis try to answer a fundamental question: What if Latinos really mattered in the public policy debate? For this question to be of interest, there first must be an identifiable Latino constituency with common public policy concerns. In the section on Race, Ethnicity, & Nationhood, Professors Ian... 1997 Yes
Josefina M. Rendon All Rise: Reynaldo Garza, the First Mexican American Federal Judge 35-OCT Houston Lawyer 44 (September/October, 1997) This pleasant, warmhearted biography of Fifth Circuit Justice Reynaldo Garza is both inspirational and historically informative. Justice Garza is described as someone who was passionate about the law, who understood the value of cultivating friendships and helping others, and who was equally proud of his Mexican roots and his American upbringing.... 1997  
Robert S. Chang , Keith Aoki Centering the Immigrant in the Inter/national Imagination 85 California Law Review 1395 (October, 1997) In this Article, Professors Chang and Aoki examine the relationship between the immigrant and the nation in the complicated racial terrain known as the United States. Special attention is paid to the border which contains and configures the local, the national and the international. They criticize the contradictory impulse that has led to borders... 1997  
Daria Roithmayr Deconstructing the Distinction Between Bias and Merit 85 California Law Review 1449 (October, 1997) In this article Professor Roithmayr attempts to develop in the context of law school admissions a theoretical argument from deconstruction to support the radical critique of merit. The radical critique, espoused primarily by Critical Race Theorists and radical feminists, argues that merit standards disproportionately exclude white women and people... 1997  
Aaron M. Boyce In Recognition of Frank Tejeda: a Quiet Warrior 3 Hispanic Law Journal 1 (1997) Each issue of the Journal features a Hispanic whose professional achievements, exemplary conduct, or contributions to the Hispanic community are noteworthy. Our purpose is to identify Hispanic role models for minority law students and inspire other members of the legal community to continue the work that these individuals have begun. With our first... 1997  
Harvey Couch Louise Ann Fisch, All Rise: Reynaldo G. Garza, the First Mexican American Federal Judge. College Station: Texas a & M University Press, 1996. Xiii, 224 Pp. $32.95. 41 American Journal of Legal History 469 (October, 1997) The subtitlethe First Mexican American Federal Judgecaptures the theme of this book. Judge Garza has earned offices and honors never previously bestowed upon a Mexican American. As a fellow jurist said, Garza has had a lifetime of firsts (p. 175), and they are faithfully recorded in this pleasing and personal biography. Reynaldo Garza was born... 1997  
Kevin R. Johnson Melting Pot or "Ring of Fire" ?: Assimilation and the Mexican-american Experience 85 California Law Review 1259 (October, 1997) C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 1262 I. The Myth of Spain and Assimilation Through Denial. 1269 II. Race, Ethnicity, and Nationhood for Latinos: Some Assimilation Lessons. 1277 A. Assimilation Latino Style. 1279 1. Latinos Assimilate!. 1281 2. Limits on Latino Assimilation. 1281 a. A Diversity of Assimilation Experiences. 1283 b. Complications... 1997  
  Sandra Del Valle 14 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 17 (Symposium, 1997) SANDRA DEL VALLE: Although I have been described for the purposes of this symposium as a proponent of single sex schools, I do not view myself in that light. I am neither a strong advocate for or against single-sex schools. I am, however, an advocate for the Latino//Puerto Rican community and particularly for Puerto Rican//Latino children. My work... 1997  
Juan F. Perea The Black/white Binary Paradigm of Race: the "Normal Science" of American Racial Thought 85 California Law Review 1213 (October, 1997) The Black/White Binary Paradigm of race has become the subject of increasing interest and scrutiny among some scholars of color. This Article uses Thomas Kuhn's notions of paradigm and the properties of paradigms to explore several leading works on race. The works the author explores demonstrate the Black/White paradigm of race and some of its... 1997  
Alicia Alvarez A Call for Fairness: the Historical and Continuing Exclusion of Latinos from Public Housing in Chicago 9 La Raza Law Journal 155 (1996) This article will discuss the problems faced by the Latino population of the City of Chicago (City) in accessing public and subsidized housing programs administered by the Chicago Housing Authority and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Latinos have historically been excluded from these programs in Chicago. This... 1996 Yes
Tanya Broder, Clara Luz Navarro A Street Without an Exit: Excerpts from the Lives of Latinas in Post-187 California 7 Hastings Women's Law Journal 275 (Summer, 1996) En las noches claras veo hacia el cielo y puedo ver las estrellas libres, sin fronteras sin el desprecio de los demás porque creen que estoy en tierra ajena. Veo la inmencidad del mar y me parecen las lágrimas del dolor y sufrimiento humano, que en la fuerza de sus olas claman por justicia. Oigo el aire y a los pájaros y me parece la esperanza de... 1996 Yes
Steven W. Bender Consumer Protection for Latinos: Overcoming Language Fraud and English-only in the Marketplace 45 American University Law Review 1027 (1996) THE X IN MY NAME the poor signature of my illiterate and peasant self giving away all rights in a deceiving contract for life C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 1029 I. Monolingual Latino/a Consumers: Growth in Numbers and Abuses. 1031 A. Latino/a Demographics and Language Abilities. 1031 B. Language Fraud and English-Only in the Marketplace. 1034... 1996 Yes
Kierith Jones Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives: Identity and the Politics of (Re)presentation in the United States. By Suzanne Oboler. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1995. Pp. Xxi, 226. $18.95 Paper, $49.95 Cloth. 22 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 719 (1996) In Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives, Suzanne Oboler, assistant professor in the Department of American Civilization at Brown University, examines the stigmas historically and currently associated with the label Hispanic and the negative impact this label has had upon those to whom it has been applied. Oboler contends that, as the United States moves... 1996 Yes
Deborah Ramirez Forging a Latino Identity 9 La Raza Law Journal 61 (Spring, 1996) My name is Debra Ramirez. I would like to thank Frank Valdes and Michael Olivas for their work in organizing this symposium. I also wish to explain why, on a personal level, forums like this one today have been so important to me and my personal development. As I was listening to the previous speakers, I noticed some common themes in their... 1996 Yes
Manuel J. Justiz Hispanics and the Mainstream: the Role of Higher Education 2 Hispanic Law Journal 7 (1996) With Hispanics and other minorities making up an increasingly larger share of the U.S. work force, it is clear that the nation's future prosperity greatly depends on an expansion of opportunities in higher education for these emerging groups. Education has always been the primary vehicle of economic opportunity in the United States, and it is even... 1996 Yes
Francisco Valdes Latina/o Ethnicities, Critical Race Theory, and Post-identity Politics in Postmodern Legal Culture: from Practices to Possibilities 9 La Raza Law Journal 1 (Spring, 1996) During the past decade or so the birth and growth of Critical Race Theory has enlivened and transformed critical legal scholarship. Not only has Critical Race Theory animated and advanced the law's discourse on race matters, it also has helped to diversify this discourse: Critical Race Theory has ensured (for the first time in American history)... 1996 Yes
Arthur A. Baer Latino Human Rights and the Global Economic Order 18 Chicano-Latino Law Review 80 (Fall 1996) Today we are at a crossroads in our nation. We have moved from a nation whose highest aspirations were reflected in a war on poverty to a nation which now appears focused on a war on the poor. From attacks on basic measures created to ensure fairness and inclusion, such as affirmative action and the Voting Rights Act, to the attacks and... 1996 Yes
Juan Perea Suggested Responses to Frequently Asked Questions about Hispanics, Latinos and Latinas 9 La Raza Law Journal 39 (Spring, 1996) Buenos días. I'm so pleased to be here with you today; this is always one of my favorite meetings of the year. I'm also very pleased to be in Puerto Rico. This is my first visit to La Isla and I'd like to thank Celina and Angel for having such a nice isla. I'm going to attempt three things this morning that I've never tried before in public.... 1996 Yes
Anna M. Santiago Trends in Black and Latino Segregation in the Post-fair Housing Era: Implications for Housing Policy 9 La Raza Law Journal 131 (1996) Despite the enactment of fair housing legislation during the 1960s, decades of restrictive access to communities outside of traditional minority neighborhoods have reinforced highly segregated residential patterns within U.S. metropolitan areas. Although levels of Black/Anglo segregation have declined markedly since 1968, Blacks still are highly... 1996 Yes
Steven Keeva A Starring Role 82-MAR ABA Journal 74 (March, 1996) Hanging on a wall in Sally Suchil's office at Spelling Entertainment Group in Los Angeles are three old movie stills, photos she brought with her 18 months ago when she left the legal department at Metro-Goldwyn Mayer. One depicts a familiar tableau from The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man arm in arm skipping... 1996  
Jason Dzubow Hud Shuts the Door: Restrictions on Housing Assistance to Noncitizens 2 Hispanic Law Journal 47 (1996) I. Introduction. 48 II. The History of the Proposed Regulation. 50 III. The Current Proposed Regulation. 54 A. Restrictions on Assistance to Noncitizens. 55 B. The Impact of the Proposed Regulation. 59 IV. Legal Challenges to the Proposed Regulation. 65 A. Challenges to the System of Proration. 65 B. Challenges to the Regulation's Definition of... 1996  
Rob Lallier In Recognition of Dan Morales: a Visit with the Texas Attorney General 2 Hispanic Law Journal 1 (1996) Each issue of the Journal features a Hispanic whose professional achievements, exemplary conduct, or contributions to the Hispanic community are noteworthy. Our purpose is to identify Hispanic role models for minority law students and inspire other members of the legal community to continue the work that these individuals have begun. With our... 1996  
  Vi. Book Reviews--by Lead Author or Editor 27 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 86 (January, 1996)   1996  
  Vii. Book Reviews--by Reviewer 27 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 105 (January, 1996)   1996  
Luis Angel Toro A People Distinct from Others: Race and Identity in Federal Indian Law and the Hispanic Classification in Omb Directive No. 15 26 Texas Tech Law Review 1219 (1995) I. INTRODUCTION. 1219 II. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. 1223 III. BIOLOGICAL RACE, DIRECTIVE NO. 15, AND THE IMMIGRANT ANALOGY. 1225 IV. RACE AND IDENTITY IN U.S. LAW AND INDIGENOUS TRADITION. 1230 V. RACE AND IDENTITY IN CONTEMPORARY JURISPRUDENCE. 1238 VI. DIRECTIVE NO. 15 AND THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF RACE. 1243 VII. CHICANOS AS A RACIALIZED MINORITY... 1995 Yes
Kevin R. Johnson Civil Rights and Immigration: Challenges for the Latino Community in the Twenty-first Century 8 La Raza Law Journal 42 (1995) This Symposium, Demography and Distrust: The Latino Challenge to Civil Rights and Immigration Policy in the 1990's and Beyond, is devoted to two related issues of central importance to the Latino community in the United States, civil rights and immigration. Latino activists understandably are preoccupied with civil rights questions, which run the... 1995 Yes
Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D. Educational Rights and Latinos: Tracking as a Form of Second Generation Discrimination 8 La Raza Law Journal 25 (1995) The cumulative effects of civil rights laws and policies have substantially eliminated official forms of racial discrimination. However, new forms of bias and discrimination remain firmly intact in institutional practices and procedures. Moreover, due to their more subtle nature, these insidious forms of racial discrimination constitute barriers to... 1995 Yes
Rachel F. Moran Foreword -- Demography Anddistrust: the Latino Challenge to Civil Rights and Immigration Policy in the 1990s and Beyond 8 La Raza Law Journal 1 (1995) Today, the United States faces significant demographic changes that will shape its political destiny. As two researchers wrote recently: Latino population growth is the future. The White population is declining, the African-American population is stable, and the Latino and Asian-American populations are expanding rapidly. The Asian-American... 1995 Yes
  Latest Doj Lawsuits Attack 'Overages' and Lending to Hispanics 14 No. 21 Banking Policy Report 14 (November 6, 1995) The Justice Department continues to open new fronts in its assault against lenders that discriminate against minorities. The agency announced October 18 settlement of two more fair lending lawsuits. One suit challenged for the first time the impact of a lender's practice of charging up-front fees, known as overages, on some mortgage borrowers. The... 1995 Yes
Angel R. Oquendo Re-imagining the Latino/a Race 12 Harvard Blackletter Law Journal 93 (Spring, 1995) En medio de esta brumada me eché a soñar, a soñar viejos sueños de mi raza, mitos de la tierra mía. Y bien, a fin de cuentas, ¿qué es la Hispanidad? Ah, si yo la supiera .... Aunque no, mejor es que no la sepa, sino que la anhele, y la añore, y la busque, y la presienta, porque es el modo de hacerla en mí. This Article condemns racial... 1995 Yes
Peter L. Reich The 'Hispanic' Roots of Prior Appropriation in Arizona 27 Arizona State Law Journal 649 (Summer, 1995) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 649 II. Spanish Colonial Revivalism in Arizona. 652 III. The Myth of Hispanic Prior Appropriation in Surface Water Jurisprudence. 653 IV. Groundwater Decisions and the Exodus of Hispanic Water Law. 659 V. Conclusion. 662 1995 Yes
Joseph F. Baca Constitutional and Practical Considerations of California Proposition 187 78 Marquette Law Review 777 (Summer, 1995) Thank you for inviting me to speak this evening. It is an honor to speak at a distinguished Jesuit university such as Marquette. Marquette Law School is well known in this region and in the nation for providing a first rate legal education. I am impressed that Marquette not only provides a fundamental and basic legal education, but supplements this... 1995  
Jason Dzubow Hud Shuts the Door: Restrictions on Housing Assistance to Noncitizens 9 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 801 (Fall, 1995) Americans are increasingly frustrated with immigrants, particularly illegal immigrants. This frustration has revealed itself most dramatically in California where voters approved Proposition 187, a law which would ban many types of government benefits, including children's education, to those who are in this country illegally. Law-makers in states... 1995  
Nick Johnstone International Trade, Transfrontier Pollution, and Environmental Cooperation: a Case Study of the Mexican-american Border Region 35 Natural Resources Journal 33 (Winter, 1995) Although some theoretical work has been conducted on the interdependence of international trade and the transfrontier diffusion of pollution, empirical analyses of the potential importance of such interdependence have not been conducted. This paper attempts to do so in the context of the Mexican-American Border Region. As will be demonstrated, the... 1995  
Christopher Arriola Knocking on the Schoolhouse Door: Mendez V. Westminster: Equal Protection, Public Education and Mexican Americans in the 1940's 8 La Raza Law Journal 166 (1995) [T]he problem with American schools has been not their lack of purpose but their continued commitment to purposes rooted in social inequality and its attendant culture. When the United States invaded Mexico and annexed half of its territory in 1848, a process of domination and subordination was set in motion that relegated Mexican Americans to the... 1995  
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