Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year | Key Terms |
Liana E. Olivarez |
The Mexican-american Prisoner Transfer Treaty: Current Problems and Solutions |
30 Texas International Law Journal 395 (Spring, 1995) |
C1-3Summary I. Introduction. 396 II. The Treaty: A Textual Examination. 397 III. The Treaty's Constitutionality. 399 A. Due Process: Does the Treaty Provide Adequate Protection?. 399 B. Waiver of Habeas Corpus Rights: Is Consent to the Transfer Valid?. 401 IV. Current Prisoner Exchange Issues. 402 A. Mexico's Opposition to the U.S. Implementation... |
1995 |
Berta Esperanza Hernandez Truyol |
Building Bridges-latinas and Latinos at the Crossroads: Realities, Rhetoric and Replacement |
25 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 369 (Spring, 1994) |
(Character not displayable on Westlaw)No me pongan en lo oscuro a morir como un traidor yo soy bueno, y como bueno moriré de cara al SOL! Las costumbres, raices y herencias que me hacen quien soy, Son colores de un arcoiris, acordes de un mismo son . Forgemos nuevos caminos, en la unión hay un gran poder Orgullosos de ser Latin[as/]os no importa de... |
1994 |
Yes |
Jenny Rivera |
Domestic Violence Against Latinas by Latino Males: an Analysis of Race, National Origin, and Gender Differentials |
14 Boston College Third World Law Journal 231 (Summer, 1994) |
After about two months he started . hitting me again. This time I was going to do something, so I told Yolanda, my best friend. She said, and I'll never forget it, So what, you think my boyfriend doesn't hit me? That's how men are. It was like I was wrong or weak because I wanted to do something about it. Last time he got mad he threatened me... |
1994 |
Yes |
Raphael Metzger |
Hispanics, Health Care, and Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 |
3-WTR Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 31 (Winter, 1993/1994) |
Introduction The purpose of this article is to examine the application of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the context of health care delivery to Hispanics. Demographic data on Hispanics will be reviewed first, showing that Hispanics are a large and rapidly growing part of the American population. Health data on Hispanics show that U.S.... |
1994 |
Yes |
Lisette E. Simon |
Hispanics: Not a Cognizable Ethnic Group |
63 University of Cincinnati Law Review 497 (Fall 1994) |
The United States Constitution guarantees an accused in a criminal proceeding the right to a public trial and an impartial jury. If a potential juror is in some way biased toward the accused or the particular crime to be adjudicated, the Sixth Amendment provides grounds for excluding that individual from the jury. The Fourteenth Amendment, on the... |
1994 |
Yes |
Senator Art Torres |
Increasing Latino Representation: Some Observations from the Front Line |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 107 (Winter 1994) |
I want to begin by looking at Latino representation in California. In California we have an opportunity to increase our representation in the state legislature. However, with the new term limits I have very few years left as a legislator. Thus, I am looking at our future legislators, senators, congresspeople, and assemblypersons here in this room.... |
1994 |
Yes |
James E. Blancarte |
Latino Partner's Perspective on the Need for More Latino Lawyers |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 176 (Winter 1994) |
When one consides the number of Latinos in large law firms, there is clearly a need to increase the numbers; I would like to help de-mystify the process by sharing with you my own experiences. I take this approach to emphasize to those of you considering this type of career that you must do so with your eyes open. When I began my career at a large... |
1994 |
Yes |
Robert Garcia |
Latinos and Criminal Justice |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 6 (Winter 1994) |
White fear of black crime permeates rhetoric about race. Where do Latinos fit in? Do Hispanics share in the fear of crime? Are Latinos part of the crime problem? Crime is not a black and white issue. The purpose of this Article is not to provide answers but to highlight some of the issues involving Latinos, crime, and justice that deserve greater... |
1994 |
Yes |
Margaret E. Montoya |
Mascaras, Trenzas, Y Grednas: Un/masking the Self While Un/braiding Latina Stories and Legal Discourse |
15 Chicano-Latino Law Review 1 (Spring 1994) |
Using personal narrative, this Article examines the various masks (mascaras) used to control how people respond to us and the important role such masks play in the subordination of Outsiders. The first part of the Article tells stories; the second part of the Article unbraids the stories to reveal an imbedded message: that Outsider storytelling... |
1994 |
Yes |
Margaret E. Montoya |
Mascaras, Trenzas, Y Grenas: Un/masking the Self While Un/braiding Latina Stories and Legal Discourse |
17 Harvard Women's Law Journal 185 (Spring, 1994) |
Using personal narrative, this Article examines the various masks (máscaras) used to control how people respond to us and the important role such masks play in the subordination of Outsiders. The first part of the Article tells stories; the second part of the Article unbraids the stories to reveal an imbedded message: that Outsider storytelling... |
1994 |
Yes |
Peter L. Reich |
Mission Revival Jurisprudence: State Courts and Hispanic Water Law since 1850 |
69 Washington Law Review 869 (October, 1994) |
Abstract: In this Article, the author argues that after the United States' annexation of the Southwest, state judges in California, New Mexico, and Texas knowingly distorted the communal nature of applicable Spanish and Mexican water law. While previous scholars have acknowledged that courts misinterpreted municipal and riparian water rights... |
1994 |
Yes |
Richard Martinez |
Motivation of Latino Voters for Political Empowerment |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 103 (Winter 1994) |
In 1973, there were a total of 1600 Latino elected officials throughout the United States. That number provides neither adequate representation nor an effective political voice. While the general rule of electoral politics is that voter turnout increases between presidential elections, Latino voter turnout actually declined between the 1972 and... |
1994 |
Yes |
Harry Pachon |
Naturalization and its Effects on Latino Empowerment |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 86 (Winter 1994) |
Although we have made some real progress over the last couple of years, we have overlooked the issue of naturalization for much of the past twenty years. Even when our community has pursued empowerment issues with some activism, there was never any real effort to increase citizenship per se. We have many individuals in our communities who are not... |
1994 |
Yes |
Michael A. Olivas |
The Education of Latino Lawyers: an Essay on Crop Cultivation |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 117 (Winter 1994) |
I am regularly asked why Latinos do not fare better in school and society, usually by well-meaning colleagues who are genuinely troubled by the problem. Having spent eight years in the Catholic seminary studying for the priesthood, I tend to be an optimist and put the best gloss on any problem. So, for all the years I have been writing about the... |
1994 |
Yes |
Raul A. Gonzalez |
A Life of Service: Reynaldo G. Garza |
1 Hispanic Law Journal L.J. 6 (1994) |
I am pleased to have a small role in the inaugural issue of the Hispanic Law Journal, whose mission is to explore Hispanic legal issues. Texas law, like the state itself, has benefited from the rich and diverse traditions of its people. A Texas journal that gives a new voice to the legal community by addressing issues that impact Hispanics is long... |
1994 |
Antonia Hernandez |
Closing |
14 Chicano-Latino Law Review 179 (Winter 1994) |
It is an honor to be here with you today to share some of my experiences on being a Latina, on being an attorney, and most importantly, on my involvement in the public interest sector for the last twenty years of my life. I am probably going to say some things that you do not expect to hear from me. People who know me say that I am exceedingly... |
1994 |
Stephanie B. Goldberg |
Immigration |
80-JUL ABA Journal 74 (July, 1994) |
Border agents who stop motorists merely because they look Hispanic have committed an egregious violation of the Fourth Amendment that merits suppression of evidence, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled. Mario Gonzalez-Rivera was driving north of San Diego with his father in January 1988 when his car was stopped by two border patrol... |
1994 |
Marc Knisely |
In Recognition of Judge Reynaldo G. Garza |
1 Hispanic Law Journal L.J. 1 (1994) |
Reynaldo G. Garza is one of six judges on senior status on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, but, like others, he is certainly not inactive. Judge Garza's continued hard work on the appellate bench is exemplified by his on-going efforts on the Fifth Circuit after fifteen years, as well as by his previous tenure as chief judge of the Temporary... |
1994 |
George A. Martinez |
Legal Indeterminacy, Judicial Discretion and the Mexican-american Litigation Experience: 1930-1980 |
27 U.C. Davis Law Review 555 (Spring 1994) |
C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 557 I. Mexican-Americans Taking a Stand: Litigation in the Areas of Public Accommodations, Land Grants, Restrictive Covenants, and Racial Slurs. 560 A. Public Accommodations. 560 B. Land Grants. 566 C. Restrictive Covenants. 569 D. Racial Slurs. 571 E. Summary. 573 II. Litigation of the Right to Education:... |
1994 |
James W. Loewen |
Levels of Political Mobilization and Racial Bloc Voting among Latinos, Anglos, and African Americans in New York City |
13 Chicano-Latino Law Review 38 (Summer 1993) |
In the spring and early summer of 1991, New York City redrew its City Council district lines in response to a revised charter increasing the number of City Council seats from 35 to 51. In 1992, New York State redrew the lines for its State Assembly, State Senate, and U.S. Congressional districts, in response to the 1990 Census. Before 1991, Latinos... |
1993 |
Yes |
Rodolfo O. de la Garza , Louis DeSipio |
Save the Baby, Change the Bathwater, and Scrub the Tub: Latino Electoral Participation after Seventeen Years of Voting Rights Act Coverage |
71 Texas Law Review 1479 (June, 1993) |
The recent extension of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) until 2007 offers Congress and voting rights activists the opportunity to stop and reflect on their accomplishments since 1965. The Act unquestionably changed the construction of American politics at a profound level. The VRA has abolished formal structures of intimidation and exclusion of blacks... |
1993 |
Yes |
Deirdre Martinez and Sonia M. Perez |
Toward a Latino Anti-poverty Agenda |
1 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 55 (1993) |
Over the past several decades, there have been profound changes in the ethnic and racial composition of the United States. Fully one-quarter of all Americans are Hispanic, African American, Asian, or American Indian, according to 1990 census data. The Hispanic population has increased in the last ten years by 53 percent, to 22.4 million people.... |
1993 |
Yes |
Nelson A. Diaz |
Hud Speaks: General Counsel Diaz Examines His Office's Role in the Administration's and Hud's New Agenda |
3-FALL Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 6 (Fall, 1993) |
The HUD Office of General Counsel (OGC) is responsible for providing headquarters with legal advice and services to formulate, implement, and operate all departmental programs and administrative management. My primary goal is to support the Secretary's goals and priorities and the assistant secretaries' programs. I provide them with options and the... |
1993 |
Alex M. Saragoza,, Concepcion R. Juarez, Abel Valenzuela Jr., Oscar Gonzalez |
History and Public Policy: Title Vii and the Use of the Hispanic Classification |
5 La Raza Law Journal 1 (Spring, 1992) |
At nearly eight in the evening of July 1, 1991, few people remained in the chambers of the San Francisco Civil Service Commission, when the commission began its final deliberations on the definition of the term Hispanic for the purposes of applying Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After months of intermittent discussion, several... |
1992 |
Yes |
Into the Mouths of Babes: La Familia Latina and Federally Funded Child Welfare |
105 Harvard Law Review 1319 (April, 1992) |
The United States is one of only five nations in the world that does not have a national family policy. It is one of only a few industrialized countries that has not implemented a comprehensive child-care policy, and it is the only developed nation that does not provide cash benefits to families with children. Although the United States prides... |
1992 |
Yes |
Yvonne M. Cherena Pacheco |
Latino Surnames: Formal and Informal Forces in the United States Affecting the Retention and Use of the Maternal Surname |
18 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 1 (Fall, 1992) |
This paper is about names, about the difficulties which historically have confronted and continue to confront millions of latino citizens and residents of the United States in their attempts to gain recognition of their complete names, and about the particular impact of the failure of those attempts upon the latinas among them. Human beings... |
1992 |
Yes |
Detlev Vagts, Natan Lerner, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University |
Los Estados De Excepcion Y Los Derechos Humanos En America Latina. By Daniel Zovatto G. Instituto Interamericano De Derechos Humanos. Caracas, San Jose: Editorial Juridica Venezolana, 1990. Pp. 201. Index. |
86 American Journal of International Law 187 (January, 1992) |
The literature on states of exception, or emergency, and on the measures permitted in such situations by present international law is abundant. There exists also a considerable body of information regarding abuses, sometimes of a massive and cruel character, in the application of states of emergency or exception by many Latin American regimes, in... |
1992 |
Yes |
Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers |
Reapportionment and Latino Political Power in California in the Wake of the 1990 Census |
5 La Raza Law Journal 28 (Spring, 1992) |
INTRODUCTION. 29 I. THE PROBLEM. 30 A. Definitions and Techniques. 30 B. Historic Discrimination Against Latinos. 32 II. NORMATIVE MODELS OF REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. 35 A. Madisonian Republicanism. 35 B. Proportional Representation. 38 III. DESCRIPTIVE APPLICATIONS OF THE NORMATIVE MODELS. 40 A. One Person, One Vote Doctrine. 40 B. Voting Rights... |
1992 |
Yes |
Cheryl E. Amana |
Recruitment and Retention of the African American Law Student |
19 North Carolina Central Law Journal 207 (1991) |
We need not let color blindness become myopia which masks the reality that many created equal have been treated within our lifetimes as inferior both by the law and by their fellow citizens. In 1869, George Lewis Ruffin became the first African American to graduate from an American law school. Even with this relatively early entrance, compared... |
1991 |
Detlev Vagts, Covey T. Oliver, Board of Editors |
Economia Mundial E Integracion De America Latina. By Alfredo Fuentes and Javier Villanueva. Instituto Para La Integracion De America Latina/bisintal. Buenos Aires: Editorial Tesis, 1989. Pp. Xxii, 277. |
84 American Journal of International Law 969 (October, 1990) |
World Economy and the Integration of Latin America was presented for review in the original Spanish. While its main message is directed to a Hispanic readership, its sponsorship by the Inter-American Development Bank and its Institute for the Integration of Latin America (INTAL), and the general utility of the book's subject matter, might well... |
1990 |
Yes |
Detlev Vagts, Ewell E. Murphy, Jr., Of the Texas Bar |
Regimen Juridico De Las Inversiones Extranjeras En Los Paises De La Aladi. Edited by Mirta Noemi Levis. Buenos Aires: Instituto Para La Integracion De America Latina, Banco Interamericano De Desarrollo, 1985. 9 Binders. $50/set; $8/binder. |
82 American Journal of International Law 662 (July, 1988) |
Since World War II, foreign investment seeking to enter Latin America has encountered many obstacles. The most formidable barrier was the xenophobia of the foreign investment laws of the investment-receiving nations. A minor, but not inconsequential, deterrent was the absence of a readily available, up-to-date, bilingual compendium of those laws.... |
1988 |
Yes |
Harry Pachon |
Crossing the Border of Discrimination |
15-Fall Human Rights 32 (Fall, 1988) |
Fifty years before the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, there were Hispanic urban centers in New Mexico and in Florida. Yet Hispanics, according to most Americans, are our most recent arrivals and they have some basis for thinking that. Not only do they see the news reports showing illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico, but Hispanics now... |
1988 |
Linda E. Dávila |
The Underrepresentation of Hispanic Attorneys in Corporate Law Firms |
39 Stanford Law Review 1403 (July, 1987) |
The law firm is a meritocracy: If you perform well, there are no unique barriers' for minorities. Hispanic graduate of Stanford Law School, Class of 1981, currently employed in a corporate law firm. The law is the most bigoted profession. Hispanic graduate of Stanford Law School, Class of 1975, formerly employed in a corporate law firm. The... |
1987 |
Yes |
Edward J. Littlejohn , Leonard S. Rubinowitz |
Black Enrollment in Law Schools: Forward to the Past? |
12 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 415 (Summer, 1987) |
For a hundred years after the first Black student entered an American law school in 1868, Blacks were barely visible in law schools. Starting in the late 1960s, they made modest gains in enrollment. Black representation in law school peaked within a decade, and leveled off by the mid-1970s. This enrollment plateau continued until the mid-1980s,... |
1987 |
Manuel del Valle |
Language Rights and Due Process-hispanics in the United States |
17 Revista Juridica Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico 91 (Septiembre-Diciembre, 1982) |
According to the United States Census, of the 9,178,000 persons of Spanish origin in the United States, 6 million or 65.4 percent reported that Spanish was the language used in the home. Among the persons who make up this group approximately 2 million Spanish-origin school children do not have a command of the English language. The import of these... |
1982 |
Yes |
David Kaye |
Searching for Truth about Testing |
90 Yale Law Journal 431 (December, 1980) |
Irma: People always ring the doorbell when I cannot hear it because I am wearing stereo headphones. Maude: You must be able to hear it; otherwise you could not tell anyone was ringing it. Maude's response shows that she had assumed that (A) the doorbell does not ring when Irma is wearing headphones (B) Irma's visitors never ring the doorbell unless... |
1980 |
Constitutional Problems in the Execution of Foreign Penal Sentences: the Mexican-american Prisoner Transfer Treaty |
90 Harvard Law Review 1500 (May 1, 1977) |
In the summer of 1976, the Mexican government proposed that Mexico and the United States study the possibility of transferring prisoners. Acting on that initiative, the Department of State entered into negotiations which culminated in the Treaty Between the United States of America and the United Mexican States on the Execution of Penal Sentences.... |
1977 |
Howard A. Glickstein , William L. Want |
Inequality in School Financing: the Role of the Law |
25 Stanford Law Review 335 (February, 1973) |
After this Article went to press, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Rodriguez v. San Antonio Independent School District, 41 U.S.L.W. 4407 (U.S. Mar. 21, 1973). In a 5-4 decision, the Court held that equal educational opportunity was not a fundamental interest protected by the Constitution and that school children from economically... |
1973 |
Gerald M. Birnberg |
Constitutional Law |
49 Texas Law Review 337 (January, 1971) |
Plaintiffs, Mexican-American students in the Corpus Christi Independent School District, brought a class action alleging the existence of a dual school system in which Mexican-American students were systematically denied access to predominantly Anglo schools They sought injunctive relief ordering desegregation. Granted. Segregation of Mexican-... |
1971 |
George Torzsay-Biber |
Index to Latin American Legislation 1950-1960. Compiled in the Hispanic Law Division, Law Library, Library of Congress. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co. [1961.] Two Volumes: 1,474 Pages. $156.00 |
14 Stanford Law Review 427 (March, 1962) |
It is not a common practice to note an index in a law review. Such a work, if reviewed at all, usually is relegated to technical journals for librarians. Were this an ordinary index, exception to the established custom would not be justified. However, this is an extraordinary index, if the simple word index is not altogether a misnomer in this... |
1962 |
Yes |
T. Esquivel Obregon, New York City |
Hispanic-american Relations with the United States. By William Spencer Robertson. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. New York, Oxford University Press, American Branch, 1923. Pp. Xii, 470 |
33 Yale Law Journal 339 (January, 1924) |
The book gives a review, from an Anglo-American viewpoint, of the different forms in which the United States influences the political, commercial, industrial, educational and scientific life of Spanish-America. The topic of these relations has been so long obscured by misrepresentations that a rectification seems necessary to remove one of the... |
1924 |
Yes |