AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Luz E. Herrera Reflections of a Community Lawyer 3 Modern American 39 (Summer-Fall, 2007) In May 2002, I opened a law office in one of the most underserved communities in Los Angeles County. Many questioned the sanity of such a career path when evaluating my financial stability and the personal toll that such a career path can exact. Given that I graduated from some of the best universities in the country, my friends, family, and... 2007  
Peter L. Reich Siete Partidas in My Saddlebags: the Transmission of Hispanic Law from Antebellum Louisiana to Texas and California 22 Tulane European and Civil Law Forum 79 (2007) I. Introduction. 79 II. Spanish Legal Sources in Antebellum Louisiana. 80 III. Texas. 81 IV. California. 84 V. New Mexico and Arizona. 86 VI. Conclusion. 87 2007 Yes
Lindsay Perez Huber, Maria C. Malagon Silenced Struggles: the Experiences of Latina and Latino Undocumented College Students in California 7 Nevada Law Journal 841 (Summer 2007) ABSTRACT: Latina/o Critical Race Theory (LatCrit) exposes multiple forms of oppression Latina/o students experience, including race, class, gender, language, and immigration status. We utilize this theoretical framework to examine critically the experiences of Latina and Latino undocumented college students in California public institutions of... 2007 Yes
Ariela J. Gross The Caucasian Cloak: Mexican Americans and the Politics of Whiteness in the Twentieth-century Southwest 95 Georgetown Law Journal 337 (January, 2007) The history of Mexican Americans and Jim Crow in the Southwest suggests the danger of allowing state actors or private entities to discriminate on the basis of language or cultural practice. Race in the Southwest was produced through the practices of Jim Crow, which were not based explicitly on race, but rather on language and culture inextricably... 2007  
Nancy MacLean The Civil Rights Act and the Transformation of Mexican American Identity and Politics 18 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 123 (2007) Whether Mexicans are whites or people of color, the veteran activist Bert Corona once observed, has been a thorny issue for years. The issue was above all a political one: whether to form coalitions with African Americans, in particular, on the basis of non-white identity, or pursue a go-at-it-alone strategy to seek advancement through... 2007  
Daniel J. Grimm The Demographics of Genetic Surveillance: Familial Dna Testing and the Hispanic Community 107 Columbia Law Review 1164 (June, 2007) For years, law enforcement personnel have compared DNA found at crime scenes with that of a convicted offender. Recently, a new technique has begun to focus on the genetic similarity of biological relatives. Now, if a crime scene sample partially matches the DNA profile of a previous offender, law enforcement can investigate and possibly arrest... 2007 Yes
Lupe S. Salinas , Robert H. Kimball The Equal Treatment of Unequals: Barriers Facing Latinos and the Poor in Texas Public Schools 14 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 215 (Spring, 2007) Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men,the balance-wheel of the social machinery. Some in our society promote the idea of natural deficiencies among the various ethnic and socio-economic groups. We emphatically disagree with such claims. We look at a process that negotiates the... 2007 Yes
Arianna Garcia The Real Id Act and the Negative Impact on Latino Immigrants 9 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 275 (Winter 2007) I. Introduction. 276 II. Immigration Reform Rises as a Public Concern. 280 A. H.R. 10 & S.B. 2845: The Beginnings of the Real ID Act. 283 B. H.R. 418 Introduction of the Real ID Act. 285 III. Provisions of the Real ID Act and Its Effect on Latino Immigrants. 289 A. Asylum Qualifications. 289 B. Latin American and Caribbean Refugees. 294 C. Barriers... 2007 Yes
Roger Enriquez, J.D. , John W. Clark III, Ph.D. The Social Psychology of Peremptory Challenges: an Examination of Latino Jurors 13 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 25 (Spring 2007) Introduction. 26 I. History of Peremptory Challenges. 28 II. Socio-Psychological Factors. 31 III. Batson to the Present. 33 IV. Socio-Psychological Factors in Action. 38 V. Future of Peremptory Challenges. 39 2007 Yes
Eric M. Gutiérrez White Latino Leaders: a Foregone Conclusion or a Mischaracterization of Latino Society 3 Modern American 62 (Summer-Fall, 2007) Am I white? My personal inquiry into race begins with a school picture of a six-year-old boy. My dark brown hair, parted to one side, falls impishly over half-cocked eyebrows. My eyes, more almond-shaped than oval, are a murky blue with green speckles. My nose, a thicker version of the traditional aquiline Roman contour, fades into a tiny bulbous... 2007 Yes
Stephen E. Reil Who Gets Counted? Jury List Representativeness for Hispanics in Areas with Growing Hispanic Populations under Duren V. Missouri 2007 Brigham Young University Law Review 201 (2007) He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts --for support rather than illumination. Andrew Lang It is undisputed that Hispanic populations are growing rapidly, even in states that have typically accounted for Hispanics as only a small percentage of their entire population. For example, the Hispanic population in Utah increased by over... 2007 Yes
Tracy Carbasho, For The Lawyers Journal Acba's Diversity Initiative Continues with Formation of Hispanic Bar Committee 8 No. 17 Lawyers Journal 4 (August 18, 2006) The Hispanic Bar Association of Western Pennsylvania has picked up more momentum than it has in nearly a decade by becoming a committee under the auspices of the Allegheny County Bar Association. The group, which had been struggling in recent years to gain members and educate the community about its mission, became the Hispanic Bar Committee of the... 2006 Yes
Natalie Camacho Mendoza , Camacho Mendoza Law Office Alternatives to Incarceration for Tribal and Latino Juveniles 49-FEB Advocate 10 (February, 2006) The Native American and Latino communities share priorities in many areas, including the area of public safety. To that end, Tribal leaders and Latinos have held discussions regarding our youth and Idaho's juvenile justice system. I have been fortunate to meet with Tribal leaders from the five Native American Tribes in Idaho, as an attorney and... 2006 Yes
Catherine J.k. Sandoval Antitrust Law on the Borderland of Language and Market Definition: Is There a Separate Spanish-language Radio Market? A Case Study of the Merger of Univision and Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation 40 University of San Francisco Law Review 381 (Winter 2006) Language is not a little, airtight, clean, finished container of something. . . . It's permeable, alive. It moves. -- Lizette Alvarez IS THERE A SEPARATE SPANISH-LANGUAGE radio market? Market definition is a critical step in antitrust analysis, often determining whether or not a merger is approved by the Department of Justice (DOJ). In its... 2006 Yes
Alvaro Bedoya Backlash at the Booth: Latino Turnout after H.r. 4437 115 Yale Law Journal Pocket Part 116 (May 1, 2006) The Latino community has mobilized as never before in response to H.R. 4437, the punitive immigration bill sponsored by Representative James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). The media has declared that the recent marches in Los Angeles, Dallas, Phoenix, and Chicago mark a new day of Hispanic political involvement. More than just getting Latinos in the... 2006 Yes
Mae Flennoy Brian Sandoval: Nevada's First Hispanic U.s. District Judge 14-JAN Nevada Lawyer 8 (January, 2006) Growing up in rural Sparks, Nevada tending cows, chickens and sheep, the newly-appointed Judge Brian Sandoval had ambitions of a career in veterinary medicine. His brother, however, saw visions of courtrooms, briefs and depositions. But as fate would have it, their destinies were swapped. Sandoval's brother became the veterinarian in the family... 2006 Yes
Steven W. Bender Carlos R. Soltero. Latinos and American Law: Landmark Supreme Court Cases. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006. X, 239 Pp. $45.00 (Cloth); $19.95 (Paper) 48 American Journal of Legal History 342 (July, 2006) In most courses on U.S. constitutional law, those on our legal history, and indeed the entirety of the modern law school curriculum, Latinos are near invisible, existing in the shadows and margins of the discussion. So Carlos Soltero's review of U.S. Supreme Court cases that intersect with the Latino experience is a refreshing and engaging reminder... 2006 Yes
Enid Trucios-Haynes Civil Rights, Latinos, and Immigration: Cybercascades and Other Distortions in the Immigration Reform Debate 44 Brandeis Law Journal 637 (Spring, 2006) The web of cooperation is under siege. A profound transformation is occurring in America as the balance between wealth and the commonwealth is threatened by that winner-take-all ideology. From public schools and universities to public lands and other natural resources, from the media with their broadcast and digital spectrum to scientific... 2006 Yes
Nancy Chan Does Strengthening Inner City Economies Lead to Respectively Stronger Regional Economies? 11 Georgetown Public Policy Review 55 (Spring-Summer, 2006) This study examines the causal relationship between inner city and regional economic health, from 1995 to 2003, for the 83 largest metropolitan statistical areas or MSAs. Through instrumental variables analysis, this study finds that inner city wages, a proxy for economic health, may positively affect wages in the Rest of the MSA (RMSA). In... 2006  
  Eighth Annual Harvard Latino Law and Policy Conference and Commentary: Connecting Today, Impacting Tomorrow April 22-23, 2005 9 Harvard Latino Law Review 91 (Spring, 2006) Nicole Diaz: I would like to introduce our moderator, Al Kauffman, currently with the Harvard Law School. He has a long history of work with the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF), including having served as a staff attorney and regional counsel with MALDEF in San Antonio. As a MALDEF attorney, he was lead attorney for low-income families... 2006 Yes
Tracy Carbasho Hispanic Attorneys Committee Participates in "Service to Community" Festival 8 No. 24 Lawyers Journal 4 (November 24, 2006) The ongoing success of the Service to the Community festival demonstrates the need for the ACBA's Hispanic Attorneys Committee. Participating in the festival this year gave the ACBA an opportunity to let the community know there are Latino attorneys in Pittsburgh and we have resources for them in Spanish, said Marilin Martinez-Walker, who... 2006 Yes
Laura Sonderup Hispanic Marketing: Capturing the Loyalty of a Critical Market Segment 60 Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report 508 (Fall, 2006) Multiculturalism is redefining what it means to be an American today. With the changing appearance of the U.S. population comes new definitions of the U.S. consumer, and new dilemmas for marketers trying to reach those whose tastes, customs, and language may differ from what is commonly known as the general market. Culturally relevant marketing... 2006 Yes
Prof. Esther Vicente Las Reformas Jurídicas Y El Rejuego Del Poder: Mujer, Desigualdad Y Derecho 40 Revista Juridica Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico 497 (Junio-Julio, 2006) Pareciera que el Siglo XXI ha convocado a los juristas en Puerto Rico a poner al día los códigos que, sin mucho cambio al pasar el tiempo, han regido o pretendido regir, la cotidianidad de la vida en nuestro país. Recientemente se adoptó un nuevo Código Penal y al presente discutimos propuestas de cambio para los diversos libros del Código Civil.... 2006  
Victor Villarreal , Melissa M. Lopez, Adan Briones Latino Focus: Dean Susana Alemán 12 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 3 (Spring, 2006) Latino Focus Each issue of the Journal features a Latino Texan whose professional achievements, exemplary conduct and contributions to the Latino community are noteworthy. Our purpose is not only to identify Latino role models but also to inspire members of the community to continue the work that these individuals have begun. In this volume, we... 2006 Yes
Terri L. Towner, Rosalee A. Clawson, Eric N. Waltenburg Media Coverage of the University of Michigan Affirmative Action Decisions: the View from Mainstream, Black, and Latino Journalists 90 Judicature 120 (November-December 2006) The U.S. Supreme Court regularly articulates policies of profound political and social consequence. Rarely, however, does it take an active role in the broad dissemination of those policies to the public. Indeed, while members of the executive branch or Congress often appear publicly to make the case for a given policy, the Court simply delivers... 2006 Yes
David L. Hudson Jr. Split Decision on Texas Gerrymander 5 No. 26 ABA Journal E-Report 5 (June 30, 2006) State legislators may redraw new congressional districts along partisan lines more than once a decade, as was traditional after the national census, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week. League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry, No. 05-204. But lawmakers may not create a district that violates the 1965 Voting Rights Act--in this instance... 2006  
Alvaro Bedoya The Unforeseen Effects of Georgia V. Ashcroft on the Latino Community 115 Yale Law Journal 2112 (June, 2006) ABSTRACT. In Georgia v. Ashcroft, the Supreme Court weakened the protections afforded to minority voters in jurisdictions covered by the section 5 preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). This Note highlights the fact that Georgia v. Ashcroft--a decision applicable to all minority voters--was based on selective statistical evidence... 2006 Yes
Angela Hooton A Broader Vision of the Reproductive Rights Movement: Fusing Mainstream and Latina Feminism 13 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 59 (2005) Introduction. 59 I. Background. 61 A. The Mainstream Reproductive Rights Movement. 61 B. Critiques by Women of Color. 65 II. Reproductive Rights: The Latina Perspective. 69 A. A History of Limited Choices. 69 B. Reproductive Health and Rights Issues Facing Latinas Today. 72 C. Shortcomings of the Mainstream Movement in Addressing the Needs of... 2005 Yes
Cruz Reynoso A Survey of Latino Lawyers in Los Angeles County -- Their Professional Lives and Opinions 38 U.C. Davis Law Review 1563 (June, 2005) Prologue. 1564 Introduction. 1570 I. Demographic Characteristics of Latino Lawyers in Los Angeles County. 1572 A. Gender. 1573 B. Age. 1575 C. Ethnicity/National Origin. 1577 D. Race. 1579 E. Observations. 1580 II. Professional Characteristics of Latino Lawyers in Los Angeles County. 1581 A. Practice Setting. 1581 1. Comparison with National Data.... 2005 Yes
Molly McDonough Adding Un Poco Espanol 91-JAN ABA Journal 75 (January, 2005) THINK ADULT EDUCATION IS just for high-school dropouts? Don't tell that to the building contractors, emergency medical technicians and business people who take classes from Lifelong Learning. The Greenville, S.C.-based company belongs to a growing niche of educational programs that are attracting individuals, small businesses and corporations with... 2005  
Victor C. Romero Are Filipinas Asians or Latinas?: Reclaiming the Anti-subordination Objective of Equal Protection after Grutter and Gratz 7 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 765 (February, 2005) During the summer of 2003, I had the privilege of participating in a round table discussion on the likely impact of the Supreme Court's affirmative action holdings in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger. Hosted by the New York University Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program & Institute, all of the discussants were Filipina Americans from... 2005 Yes
Jill Schachner Chanen Culture by Design 91-JUN ABA Journal 54 (June, 2005) Chicago lawyers robert muriel and Edward Renner have worked hard to create a reputation for their law firm as not just a successful litigation shop, but also as a business adept at serving the city's Hispanic community. Muriel has a Hispanic background--his family comes from Bolivia--and his goal is to get more work from affluent Hispanic business... 2005  
Anthony E. Mucchetti Driving While Brown: a Proposal for Ending Racial Profiling in Emerging Latino Communities 8 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (Spring, 2005) Bonnie Castro's Montana license plate read PUREMEX and was intended as an expression of pride in her family heritage. We didn't think it would make us a target, she later explained after having been detained for almost forty minutes in ninety-degree weather while holding her five-month-old son as police canines searched her car for illegal... 2005 Yes
Rene F. Rodriguez, M.D. Drug Importation and the Hispanic Physician 36 California Western International Law Journal 117 (Fall 2005) Personal and commercial importation is a topic that has been framed in the context of consumers versus industry. Yet it is the physician and other providers who must be part of the system of care with a stake in ensuring their patients obtain medicines that promote health. Both personal and commercial importation has significant risks.... 2005 Yes
René Galindo , Christina Medina , Xóchitl Chávez Dual Sources of Influence on Latino Political Identity: Mexico's Dual Nationality Policy and the Dream Act 11 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 75 (Fall 2005) I. Introduction. 77 II. Latino Cultural Citizenship. 79 III. Dual Citizenship and Dual Nationality. 84 IV. National Loyalty. 86 V. The DREAM Act. 90 A. The Wilson Four. 90 B. A Colorado Example. 91 C. States Enact Their Own DREAM Acts. 91 D. Significant Local Impact. 92 E. Proposed Federal DREAM Act. 93 F. Support for the DREAM Act. 94 G.... 2005 Yes
Elvia R. Arriola Encuentro En El Ambiente De La Teoría: Latina Lesbians and Ruthann Robson's Lesbian Legal Theory 8 New York City Law Review 519 (Fall 2005) Dear Ruthann, some of my essay is a public apology for having misunderstood your project in lesbian legal theory back in the early nineties. Someday, historians of the critical legal theory movement of the late twentieth century will note the bold and courageous contributions made by Ruthann Robson when she first offered lesbian legal theory. I... 2005 Yes
Marcos Guerra, Ed. Hernandez V. Texas: a 50 Anniversary Celebration 11 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 11 (Fall 2005) I. Panelists. 12 II. The History of Hernandez v. Texas. 13 A. Statement of Dr. Neil Foley. 13 B. Statement of Professor Ian F. Haney Lopez. 18 C. Statement of Judge James DeAnda. 26 III. Hernandez's Implications for Latino/a Civil Rights. 29 A. Statement of Professor Jose Beto Juarez, Jr... 29 B. Statement of Professor Norma V. Cantu. 34 C.... 2005  
Kim David Chanbonpin How the Border Crossed Us: Filling the Gap Between Plume V. Seward and the Dispossession of Mexican Landowners in California after 1848 52 Cleveland State Law Review 297 (2005) I. Introduction. 298 II. Background. 301 A The Colonization of Alta California, New Spain. 301 1. Manifest Destiny and the Spread of American Influence Westward. 303 2. The Mexican-American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. 304 B. A California Land Case: Plume v. Seward. 306 C. A Different Outcome for Mexican Landowners Under California's... 2005  
Michael Brammer Knisely In Memory of Judge Reynaldo G. Garza 11 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 1 (Fall 2005) Each issue of the Journal features a Latino Texan whose professional achievements, exemplary conduct, and contributions to the Latino community are noteworthy. Our purpose is not only to identify Latino role models but also to inspire members of the community to continue the work that these individuals have begun. In this volume, we remember a... 2005  
Guadalupe T. Luna Land, Labor and Reparations 52 Cleveland State Law Review 265 (2005) I. Introduction. 265 II. Promise Set I: Land Struggles. 266 III. Promise Set II: Contract Labor and Agriculture. 268 IV. Conclusion. 272 2005  
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez Latinas in Legal Education Through the Doors of Opportunity: Assimilation, Marginalization, Cooptation or Transformation? 13 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 109 (2005) Introduction. 110 I. The Personal Costs: How a Woman of Color Could Perceive the Path to Success Differently from a Man of Color. 112 A. Assimilation--Changing to Suit the Larger Dominant Society. 112 B. Marginalization--Remaining Outside: Being a Member but Having No Voice in the Professional Community. 116 C. Cooptation--Losing Self, Erasing... 2005 Yes
Lupe S. Salinas Latino Educational Neglect: the Result Bespeaks Discrimination 5 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 269 (Fall, 2005) The result [of the absence of a Latino on a grand or petit jury over a twenty-five year period] bespeaks discrimination, whether or not it was a conscious decision on the part of any individual jury commissioner. Hernandez v. Texas, 347 U.S. 475, 482 (1954). This question faces many Latino parents as they see more concerted efforts in schools, from... 2005 Yes
Lupe S. Salinas Latinos and Criminal Justice in Texas: Has the New Millennium Brought Progress? 30 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 289 (Spring, 2005) From one century to the next, Latinos have continued to be victims of America's criminal justice system. The theme of the Thurgood Marshall Law Review's March 2005 symposium centered on the question: Texas Injustice: Will Minorities Consistently Remain the Target of Injustice? Based upon the historical evidence, the answer, sadly, appears to be... 2005 Yes
Juan Cartagena Latinos and Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act: Beyond Black and White 18 National Black Law Journal 201 (2004-2005) The debate over the reauthorization of key sections of the Voting Rights Act has attracted some early attention in the mainstream media and within academia even though these provisions will not expire until 2007. Two critical provisions of the Voting Rights Act are at stake: Section 5 of the Act, which is easily the strongest, most aggressive... 2005 Yes
Patricia Palacios Paredes Latinos and the Census: Responding to the Race Question 74 George Washington Law Review 146 (November, 2005) Today, I identify myself as Latina, as neither white nor Black, but rather a mixture. I say today because my racial identity has changed many times. As a young child, I noticed my dark skin and that my grandmother's nickname was la negra, and I thought I was Black. In high school, surrounded by much darker Latinos and Blacks, my skin seemed... 2005 Yes
Laura E. Gómez Off-white in an Age of White Supremacy: Mexican Elites and the Rights of Indians and Blacks in Nineteenth-century New Mexico 25 Chicano-Latino Law Review 9 (Spring 2005) In their studies of mid-twentieth-century civil rights litigation involving Chicanos, several scholars have reached the conclusion that, in this era, Mexican Americans occupied an ambivalent racial niche, being neither Black nor white. The Supreme Court case Hernandez v. Texas, decided in 1954 during the same term as Brown v. Board of Education, is... 2005  
Anita Tijerina Revilla Raza Womyn Engaged in Love and Revolution: Chicana/latina Student Activists Creating Safe Spaces Within the University 52 Cleveland State Law Review 155 (2005) I. Introduction. 155 II. Methods. 156 III. Theoretical Perspectives. 158 A. Marginalization. 159 B. Revolution. 162 C. Love. 164 IV. Testimonio. 164 V. Conclusion. 171 2005 Yes
María Pabón López Reflections on Educating Latino and Latina Undocumented Children: Beyond Plyler V. Doe 35 Seton Hall Law Review 1373 (2005) The struggle for educational fairness and opportunity for Latino and Latina children continues even amidst the anti-immigrant campaigns currently raging against noncitizens in the United States. Census 2000 highlighted the reality of the increased number of noncitizens in the country, particularly Latinos, and has precipitated a renewal of... 2005 Yes
Ronald L. Mize, Jr. Reparations for Mexican Braceros? Lessons Learned from Japanese and African American Attempts at Redress 52 Cleveland State Law Review 273 (2005) I. Reparation Attempts for Japanese-American Internment and African-American Slavery. 274 A. Japanese Internment. 275 B. African-American Slavery. 277 II. Binational Relations and the U.S.-Mexico Bracero Program. 283 III. The Invisible Workers: Re-Membering the Bracero Program. 287 IV. Reparations Campaigns and Attempts at Bracero Redress. 291 2005  
  Seventh Annual Harvard Latino Law, Business, and Public Policy Conference: Investing in Our Future April 15-17, 2004 8 Harvard Latino Law Review 93 (Spring, 2005) Jesus Mena: This panel has been asked to address several questions: (1) are Latinos being adequately represented in today's newsrooms and media markets?; (2) are media images positive, and why are positive images important?; (3) are the contributions of Latinos known to the general public?; and (4) are Latinos considered mainstream or not? We have... 2005 Yes
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