Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year | Key Terms |
Alianza Conference: Toward a National Latino Agenda April 6, 2002 |
6 Harvard Latino Law Review 91 (Spring, 2003) |
Juan Perea: Our panel is going to discuss the issues which transcend the political and ethnic divisions within the Latino community. I would like to ask Professor de la Garza to proceed. Rodolfo de la Garza: In addressing issues that transcend the Latino community, I would like to discuss the results of polling that we conducted in key Latino... |
2003 |
Yes |
Amici Curiae Brief to the United States Supreme Court on Behalf of the University of Michigan Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Black Law Students' Alliance, Latino Law Students Association, and Native American Law Students Association, in |
10 Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 1 (2003) |
Editorial Introduction. 2 Biographies of Student Contributors. 3 Brief of the University of Michigan Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Black Law Students' Alliance, Latino Law Students Association, and Native American Law Students Association as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents in Grutter v. Bollinger, et. al.. 7 I. Interest of... |
2003 |
Yes |
Brief Amici Curiae of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities |
14 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 69 (Spring 2003) |
Gilbert Paul Carrasco Willamette University College of Law 245 Winter Street SE Salem, Oregon 97301 Telephone: (503) 370-6432 Telefacsimile: (503) 370-6375 Counsel of Record The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) is a non-profit, national association representing the interests of Hispanic American attorneys, judges, law professors, law... |
2003 |
Yes |
Brief of Amici Curiae, the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association, the New Mexico Black Lawyers Association, and the New Mexico Indian Bar Association |
14 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 51 (Spring 2003) |
Edward Benavidez Counsel of Record 10428 Heron Rd. SW, ABQ, NM 87121 505-831-5293 David Urias 1 New York Plaza, NY, NY 10004 Ernestina Cruz 500 Marquette NW, ABQ, NM 87102 Amici curiae are three organizations together representing over five hundred New Mexico attorneys, most of whom self identify as Hispanic, African American or Native American.... |
2003 |
Yes |
Tristan W. Fleming |
Education on Equal Terms: Why Bilingual Education must Be Mandated in the Public Schools for Hispanic Lep High School Students |
17 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 325 (Winter, 2003) |
[E]ducation . is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today it is a principle instrument in awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training, and in helping him to adjust normally to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied... |
2003 |
Yes |
Steven P. Wallace , Valentine M. Villa |
Equitable Health Systems: Cultural and Structural Issues for Latino Elders |
29 American Journal of Law & Medicine 247 (2003) |
This Article examines the extent to which the U.S. healthcare system is equitable for older Latinos, using the World Health Organization (WHO) and the related Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) criteria on health outcomes, access/responsiveness and financing. We argue that improving health equity requires more than actions... |
2003 |
Yes |
William Malpica , Mauricio A. España |
Expanding Latino Participation in the Legal Profession: Strategies for Increasing Latino Law School Enrollments |
30 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1393 (May, 2003) |
Increasing minority representation in the legal profession has concerned the bar since the civil rights movement. Yet the numbers remain appallingly low. In 1999, William G. Paul, the former President of the American Bar Association, noted that while thirty percent of Americans were members of racial or ethnic minorities, a full ninety-two percent... |
2003 |
Yes |
Juan F. Perea |
Killing Me Softly, with His Song: Anglocentrism and Celebrating Nouveaux Latinas/os |
55 Florida Law Review 441 (January, 2003) |
I. Introduction. 441 II. The Contemporary Reality of Only English. 445 III. English-Only in the Workplace. 447 IV. The Supreme Court and Language Discrimination. 451 V. Official English and the First Amendment. 453 VI. Language Differences, International Law, and Domestic Policy. 454 VII. Conclusion. 456 |
2003 |
Yes |
Luis E. Cuervo , Vernon Valentine Palmer |
Ley Modelo Presentada Al Instituto De Derecho Latino Americano De La Universidad De Tulane--protección Jurídica De Los Inversionistas Extranjeros En Latino América: Del Tribunal Especial Y Su Correspondiente Corte De Apelaciones Para La Solución De Confli |
77 Tulane Law Review 1067 (March, 2003) |
Artículo 1. Créase el Tribunal Especial para la Solución de Conflictos en materia de Inversión Extranjera (TESCIE) y su correspondiente Corte de Apelaciones (CA). El TESCIE estará integrado por doce magistrados. La Corte de Apelaciones estará integrada por cinco. Artículo 2. Para ser magistrado del TESCIE y de la Corte de Apelaciones se requiere:... |
2003 |
Yes |
Toni Robinson, Greg Robinson |
Méndez V. Westminster: Asian-latino Coalition Triumphant? |
10 Asian Law Journal 161 (May, 2003) |
Méndez v. Westminster School District of Orange County, which put an end to the exclusion of Mexican American children from white schools in Southern California, is a bellwether event in the history of equal rights in the United States. Not only did the court's decision represent a major advance for Mexican Americans in their quest for equality,... |
2003 |
Yes |
Robert S. Chang |
Migrations, Citizens and Latinas/os: the Sojourner's Truth and Other Stories |
55 Florida Law Review 479 (January, 2003) |
I. Centering the Immigrant. 481 II. The Border, the Family, and the Nation. 484 III. My House in the Last World. 486 IV. The Sojourner's Truth. 488 |
2003 |
Yes |
Michelle Decasas |
Protecting Hispanic Women: the Inadequacy of Domestic Violence Policy |
24 Chicano-Latino Law Review 56 (Spring 2003) |
Over the past three decades the women's movement has made great strides in providing women with added protection and access to the legal system. One of the most important areas of progress has been in anti-domestic violence policy. The movement has successfully made domestic violence a crime and a growing concern for society. This progress,... |
2003 |
Yes |
Bill Brooks, Media Consultant and Freelance Writer Indianapolis, Ind. |
Race & Gender Fairness Commission Focuses on Growing Hispanic Population |
46-APR Res Gestae 7 (April, 2003) |
Miguel pulls his car to the side of the road while the lights from the deputy's squad car illuminate the night sky. The motorist speaks a little English - enough for him to do his job at the 24-hour truck stop - but this is his first encounter with a policeman during his six-month stay in the United States. He keeps his eyes down as he hands the... |
2003 |
Yes |
Jenny Rivera |
The Availability of Domestic Violence Services for Latinas in New York State: Phase Ii Investigation |
21 Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal 37 (2002-2003) |
Over the past two decades, public examination of intimate partner violence and its impact on women and society have led to legislative and advocacy initiatives addressing this violence and its attendant consequences. In New York State, these initiatives include state and local legislations mandating social services and legal protection for intimate... |
2003 |
Yes |
Kevin R. Johnson |
The Case for African American and Latina/o Cooperation in Challenging Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement |
55 Florida Law Review 341 (January, 2003) |
I. L2-3,T3Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement 343. A. Criminal Law Enforcement. 343 B. Immigration Enforcement. 347 II. L2-3,T3Similar Harms, Common Concerns, and the Relationship Between Different Forms of Race-Based Law Enforcement 353. III. L2-3,T3The Efficacy of Multiracial Coalitions in Challenging Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement 357. IV.... |
2003 |
Yes |
William C. Kidder |
The Struggle for Access from Sweatt to Grutter: a History of African American, Latino, and American Indian Law School Admissions, 1950-2000 |
19 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 1 (Spring, 2003) |
In Grutter v. Bollinger, a challenge to race-conscious affirmative action at the University of Michigan Law School, the Sixth Circuit recently ruled that achieving diversity to enhance education is a compelling governmental interest and that the Michigan Law School's program is narrowly tailored to meet that goal. With the Supreme Court granting... |
2003 |
Yes |
Ian Haney López |
White Latinos |
6 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (Spring, 2003) |
Who are the leaders in Latino communities? This question does not admit simple answers, for who counts as a leader and what Latino identity entails are both contentious issues. Having said that, I contend that often Latino leaders are white. I employ this hyperbole to emphasize my point that most of those who see themselves as leaders of Latino... |
2003 |
Yes |
Clare Sheridan |
Another White Race: Mexican Americans and the Paradox of Whiteness in Jury Selection |
21 Law and History Review 109 (Spring, 2003) |
Distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality. Hirabayashi v. U.S. In 1954, seventy-four years after the U.S. Supreme Court held that African Americans could not be banned from jury service by statute, and fifty-four years... |
2003 |
Brief of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund et Al. As Amici Curiae |
14 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 1 (Spring 2003) |
Antonia Hernandez (Counsel of Record) Thomas A. Saenz Victor Viramontes Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund 634 S. Spring St., 11 Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90014 Ph: (213) 629-2512 Foster Maer Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund 99 Hudson Street, 14 Fl. New York, NY 10013-2815 Ph: (212) 219-3360 Attorneys for Amici Curiae Amici... |
2003 |
Steven H. Wilson |
Brown over "Other White": Mexican Americans' Legal Arguments and Litigation Strategy in School Desegregation Lawsuits |
21 Law and History Review 145 (Spring, 2003) |
The landmark 1954 decision Brown v. Board of Education has shaped trial lawyers' approaches to litigating civil rights claims and law professors' approaches to teaching the law's powers and limitations. The court-ordered desegregation of the nation's schools, moreover, inspired subsequent lawsuits by African Americans aimed variously at ending... |
2003 |
Elvia R. Arriola, Associate Professor of Law, Northern Illinois University |
Comparative and Co-constituent Construction of Identities |
55 Florida Law Review 413 (January, 2003) |
[The following remarks address both the moderator's comments on the actual panel of LatCrit VI hosted by the University of Florida and on essays that were produced by another group of scholars on the issue of identity construction.] Welcome to the panel for this afternoon, Comparative and Co-Constituent Constructions of Identity. Today to share... |
2003 |
Alicia E. C. Ruiz |
El Derecho Como Discurso Y Como Juego |
38 Revista Juridica Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico 177 (Septiembre - Diciembre, 2003) |
Reflexionar desde la teoría del derecho implica comprometerse - se quiera o no se quiera - con el diseño de la sociedad en que vivimos y en la que vivirán las generaciones que nos sucedan, si les damos la oportunidad de que así sea. Una perspectiva crítica supone exhibir los presupuestos epistemológicos desde los cuales se mira, se valora y se... |
2003 |
Eduardo Luna |
How the Black/white Paradigm Renders Mexicans/mexican Americans and Discrimination Against Them Invisible |
14 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 225 (Fall 2003) |
A number of authors have noted the relative lack of attention Mexicans and Mexican Americans receive by academics and popular media alike. Scholars, popular print and visual media that attract large audiences all ignore the experiences of Mexicans/Mexican Americans. This lack of attention is apparent in virtually every realm of American society.... |
2003 |
Sonia Sotomayor |
A Latina Judge's Voice |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 87 (2002) |
Judge Reynoso, thank you for that lovely introduction. I am humbled to be speaking behind a man who has contributed so much to the Hispanic community. I am also grateful to have such kind words said about me. I am delighted to be here. It is nice to escape my hometown for just a little bit. It is also nice to say hello to old friends who are in the... |
2002 |
Yes |
Raquel Donoso |
Afternoon Panel: Coalition-based Strategies for Improving Health Access and Outcomes for Underserved Women Featuring Raquel Donoso, Lisa Chiyemi Ikemoto, and Latonya Slack Barriers Facing Latina Women |
17 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 224 (2002) |
Good afternoon. I'm going to start off by talking a little bit about Latino Issues Forum and then go into some of the work that we've been doing and look at some of the challenges we're facing. For Latinos in California specifically, there are a lot of challenges that involve reproductive health rights and access to abortions. Also, we need to... |
2002 |
Yes |
Irma D. Herrera |
Barriers to Latinos/as in Law School |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 55 (2002) |
It's been so inspiring to be here and hear the stories from our panelists, and I'm equally inspired by the conversations I've had with some of the law students I've talked with in the hallways, during lunch, and last night. I'm just incredibly happy that this is how I am spending my day today. About two years ago my little boy Antonio, who was then... |
2002 |
Yes |
Kim Geron , James S. Lai |
Beyond Symbolic Representation: a Comparison of the Electoral Pathways and Policy Priorities of Asian American and Latino Elected Officials |
9 Asian Law Journal 41 (May, 2002) |
This is an exploratory study of the impact of Latino and Asian American elected officials on their respective groups' political incorporation. The authors argue that Latino and Asian American elected officials' paths to elected office do not always fit the biracial coalition model of political incorporation for minorities, and instead suggest a... |
2002 |
Yes |
Maria Echaveste |
Brown to Black: the Politics of Judicial Appointments for Latinos |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 39 (2002) |
I am honored that my White House perspective on judicial appointments was deemed interesting enough to be included in the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal commemorating the October 2001 Symposium on Latino/a representation in the judiciary. Of course, it is one thing to speak frankly into the ether, and a totally different matter to have those remarks... |
2002 |
Yes |
Hugo Rojas |
Cambios Sociales Y Cambios Jurídicos En Chile: Construyendo Nuevos Puentes Entre Sociología Y Derecho En La Promoción Del Realismo Jurídico Latinoamericano |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 453 (Fall 2002) |
Cambia lo superficial también cambia lo profundo cambia el modo de pensar cambia todo en este mundo. A Modo de Introducción. 453 I. Antecedentes y Contexto del Debate. 455 A. Cambio Social. 457 B. Cambio Jurídico. 460 II. El Derecho Es un Hecho Social. 462 III. Los Cambios Jurídicos Son Cambios Sociales. 468 IV. Los Cambios Jurídicos Pueden... |
2002 |
Yes |
Valeriano Saucedo |
Civility, Respect, and Life Experience: a Latino Perspective from the Bench |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 51 (2002) |
Good afternoon. I have been truly inspired by what I've seen the last two days. I have talked to many of you individually, and I am truly inspired. You give me great hope that we can overcome a lot of the problems and issues that we currently face. I was inspired by the elders who told us stories about how they made it through school, and the kinds... |
2002 |
Yes |
Directory of Latino/a Federal Judges |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 95 (2002) |
Beginning in 1961, with the appointment of Judge Reynaldo Garza to the Southern District of Texas, over sixty Latino and Latina judges have been appointed to the federal bench. We have provided an alphabetical directory of those Latinos and Latinas appointed to the federal bench, including information about where the judges sat, the year they were... |
2002 |
Yes |
Ofelia Schutte |
Indigenous Issues and the Ethics of Dialogue in Latcrit Theory |
54 Rutgers Law Review 1021 (Summer 2002) |
The Sixth LatCrit conference asks everyone to inquire critically into ways that shed light on and explain the North/South character of Latino/a transnationality. This panel looks at the construction of identity among indigenous activists in Latin America and its implications for critical theory and activism relevant to Latinas/os in the United... |
2002 |
Yes |
Charles R.P. Pouncy |
Institutional Economics and Critical Race/latcrit Theory: the Need for a Critical "Raced" Economics |
54 Rutgers Law Review 841 (Summer 2002) |
Critical race theory has made tremendous strides in deconstructing the operation of racialized power and the processes that render it invisible to the individuals at the sites at which such power is concentrated and exercised. In constructing its analyses, this critical movement has often relied on interdisciplinary sources. Critical race scholars... |
2002 |
Yes |
Catherine Mancing, Jackie Martinez |
Join Hispanic Bar Association of Western Pennsylvania |
4 No. 10 Lawyers Journal 4 (May 17, 2002) |
It is no longer uncommon to hear Spanish being spoken on the streets, in the malls, and on the playgrounds of Pittsburgh. Like the rest of the country, the presence of Hispanics in the Greater Pittsburgh area is increasing daily. According to Minorities in Business, 2001, by the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, in November... |
2002 |
Yes |
Guadalupe T. Luna |
Latcrit Vi, America Latina and Jurisprudential Associations |
54 Rutgers Law Review 803 (Summer 2002) |
During the past few years, a group of innovative thinkers and scholarly investigations have sought to introduce a more precise legal engagement into the realm of race relations. The LatCrit journey, an important example of intellectual inquiry, surfaced in formalized settings only five years prior. As an offset, LatCrit theorists not only advance,... |
2002 |
Yes |
Ediberto Román |
Latcrit Vi, Outsider Jurisprudence and Looking Beyond Imagined Borders |
54 Rutgers Law Review 1155 (Summer 2002) |
The white man . . . desires the world and wants it for himself alone. He considers himself predestined to rule the world. He has made it useful to himself. But there are values which do not submit to his rule. -Frantz Fanon If God were black my friend, everything would change, it would be our race, my friend, which would have the power. The... |
2002 |
Yes |
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas |
Latina/o-ization of the Midwest: Cambio De Colores (Change of Colors) as Agromaquilas Expand into the Heartland |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 343 (Fall 2002) |
Introduction. 343 I. Changes in the Midwest: From Farm Towns to Agromaquila Centers. 345 A. New Settlement Patterns Due to Agromaquila Decentralization. 345 B. Demographic Profile. 351 II. Latina/o Newcomers: Discrimination or Integration?. 352 III. What Are Key Legal Issues for Latinas/os in the Midwest?. 360 A. Language. 360 B. Driving in Rural... |
2002 |
Yes |
Kevin R. Johnson |
Latinas/os and the Political Process: the Need for Critical Inquiry |
81 Oregon Law Review 917 (Winter 2002) |
Migration from Mexico to the United States was a fact of life in the twentieth century. It continues in the new millennium, with more than 200,000 lawful immigrants from Mexico--the largest contingent of immigrants from any nation-- coming to the United States in 2001 alone. An important part of the nation's labor force, Mexican immigrants... |
2002 |
Yes |
Saru Jayaraman |
Letting the Canary Lead: Power and Participation among Latina/o Immigrant Workers |
27 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 103 (2001-2002) |
Lani Guinier and Gerald Torres's description of power-with matches several of the basic tenets of leadership development in organizing philosophy. Perhaps the most crucial of these tenets is that the leadership of an affected community of color be intimately involved in a struggle that primarily impacts them but affects others as well. As Guinier... |
2002 |
Yes |
Kevin R. Johnson |
On the 30th Anniversary of the Chicano-latino Law Review |
23 Chicano-Latino Law Review 1 (Spring 2002) |
Thanks to the UCLA School of Law and to Beth Collins and Sylvia Rivera, Editors in Chief of Volume 23, for inviting me to speak as part of this conference commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Chicano-Latino Law Review. I always enjoy coming home to Los Angeles, having spent my youth in the San Gabriel Valley, the other valley of the greater... |
2002 |
Yes |
Kevin R. Johnson |
On the Appointment of a Latina/o to the Supreme Court |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 1 (2002) |
The possible appointment of a Latina or Latino Justice to the United States Supreme Court has been on the table for well over a decade. Its emergence as an issue worthy of serious discussion in some ways represents an acknowledgment of the growing Latina/o presence, and a movement away from Latina/o invisibility, in American social life. The... |
2002 |
Yes |
Kevin R. Johnson |
On the Appointment of a Latina/o to the Supreme Court |
5 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (Spring, 2002) |
The possible appointment of a Latina or Latino Justice to the United States Supreme Court has been on the table for well over a decade. Its emergence as an issue worthy of serious discussion in some ways represents an acknowledgment of the growing Latina/o presence, and a movement away from Latina/o invisibility, in American social life. The... |
2002 |
Yes |
Keith Aoki |
One Hundred Light Years of Solitude: the Alternate Futures of Latcrit Theory |
54 Rutgers Law Review 1031 (Summer 2002) |
. . . because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth. This essay introduces a cluster of pieces from LatCrit VI, which addresses Cultural and PostColonial Critiques in LatCrit Theory. Instead of engaging in a conventional introduction, I want to invoke, first, the Latin American Magical... |
2002 |
Yes |
Steven W. Bender |
Sight, Sound, and Stereotype: the War on Terrorism and its Consequences for Latinas/os |
81 Oregon Law Review 1153 (Winter 2002) |
In the days and weeks following the September 11 terrorist attacks, reports emerged of hate crimes, discrimination, and profiling directed at Arab Americans, Arabs, and Muslims in the United States. Although aware that the primary targets of the public and private response against terrorism were those of Arab or Muslim appearance, I realized that... |
2002 |
Yes |
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas |
The Latina/o and Apia Vote Post-2000: What Does it Mean to Move Beyond "Black and White" Politics? |
81 Oregon Law Review 783 (Winter 2002) |
LatCrit 2002 took place at an auspicious political juncture, a year and a half after the fateful Bush v. Gore decision, which broke a virtual electoral tie in favor of the Republican presidential candidate, and six months prior to the 2002 November midterm elections, in which Republicans swept into power in both houses of Congress, breaking... |
2002 |
Yes |
John Hayakawa Török |
The Story of "Towards Asian American Jurisprudence" and its Implications for Latinas/os in American Law Schools |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 271 (Fall 2002) |
History is important. You choose who you are by choosing which tradition you belong to. Aung San Suu Kyi seeks to call attention to what she sees as the best aspects of the national and cultural heritage and to identify herself with them. Such profound knowledge and such a deep sense of identity are an irresistible force in the political struggle.... |
2002 |
Yes |
Patricio M. Serna |
The Time for Latino/a Empowerment Is Now |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 33 (2002) |
I want to thank the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal and the Berkeley La Raza Law Students Association, together with the Center for Latino Policy Research, the Boalt Hall Center for Social Justice, and the Boalt Hall School of Law for presenting this symposium Raising the Bar - Latino/a Presence in the Judiciary and the Struggle for Representation.... |
2002 |
Yes |
Miguel A. Méndez , Leo P. Martínez |
Toward a Statistical Profile of Latina/os in the Legal Profession |
13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 59 (2002) |
De dicho a hecho hay mucho trecho. --Proverb-- In her ambitious history, Race, Colonialism, and Criminal Law: Mexicans and the American Criminal Justice System in Territorial New Mexico, one of our panelists, Professor Laura E. Gómez, chronicles the somewhat surprising high participation by Mexicans as petit jurors in the criminal trials of... |
2002 |
Yes |
Kathay Feng , Keith Aoki , Bryan Ikegami |
Voting Matters: Apias, Latinas/os and Post-2000 Redistricting in California |
81 Oregon Law Review 849 (Winter 2002) |
Introduction: Does Voting Matter?. 850 I. Overview of Redistricting. 855 A. The Census. 856 B. Voting Rights Law. 859 1. One Person, One Vote. 860 2. The Voting Rights Act of 1965. 863 3. The 2000 Census: Multiple Race Categories. 868 4. Traditional Redistricting Principles. 871 C. Latina/o and APIA Communities and the 1980 Redistricting Experience... |
2002 |
Yes |
Jenny B. Davis |
A Noble Commitment |
1 No. 46 ABA Journal E-Report E-Report 8 (December 6, 2002) |
This is the second in a series of four eReport stories on the pleasures and perils of practicing law in Texas' Rio Grande Valley. You can read more about this unique place in Grande Opportunities, a feature story in the December issue of the ABA Journal. A room full of vacant stares greets Judge Filemon B. Vela as he takes the bench this Tuesday... |
2002 |