AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Angela S. Boettcher, Quentin H. Morse, Nora Rainey Olson Cooke, Erin McLaughlin, Caroline Young, Charissa Wood, Sasha Strong, Natasha Viteri, Taylor Schad INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL ISSUE: A RETROSPECTIVE ON RACE IN AMERICA 92 University of Colorado Law Review 1259 (Special Issue 2021) On May 25th, 2020, George Floyd was arrested by four Minneapolis Police Officers for attempting to pass a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. To subdue a nonviolent Mr. Floyd, Officer Derek Chauvin knelt on Mr. Floyd's neck. Despite Mr. Floyd repeatedly gasping I can't breathe and eventually losing consciousness, Officer Chauvin held him pinned for... 2021  
Craig Cowie IS THE CFPB STILL ON THE BEAT? THE CFPB'S (NON)RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 82 Montana Law Review 41 (Winter, 2021) I. Introduction. 42 II. The Economic Impact of the Pandemic to Date. 44 III. The CFPB's Enforcement Response to the Pandemic. 52 A. The CFPB Took No Public Enforcement Action Under Director Kraninger Specifically Related to the Pandemic. 57 B. Instead, CFPB Brought Smaller Enforcement Actions. 62 1. Methodology. 64 2. The CFPB Initially Filed Few... 2021  
Tanya Katerí Hernández , © 2020 IS THERE A "MULATTO ESCAPE HATCH" OUT OF RACISM?: A REFLECTION ON MULTIRACIAL EXCEPTIONALISM DURING A TIME OF #BLACKLIVESMATTER 34 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 65 (Spring, 2021) A mulatto escape hatch is an escape from the disabilities of blackness for some colored people. To have a symposium organized to review the ideas in my book, Multiracials and Civil Rights: Mixed-Race Stories of Discrimination, is an honor, and the JCRED editors, along with their dynamic Faculty Advisors Elaine Chiu and Rosa Castello, have my... 2021  
David A. Grenardo IT'S WORTH A SHOT: CAN SPORTS COMBAT RACISM IN THE UNITED STATES? 12 Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law 237 (Spring, 2021) Racism has stained this country throughout its history, and racism persists today in the United States, including in sports. Sports represent a reflection of society and its ills, but they can also provide a powerful means to combat racism. This article examines the state of racism in society and sports both historically and today. It also provides... 2021  
Eisha Jain JAILHOUSE IMMIGRATION SCREENING 70 Duke Law Journal 1703 (May, 2021) Within the past decade, U.S. interior immigration enforcement has shifted away from the street and into the jailhouse. The rationale behind jailhouse screening is to target enforcement efforts on those who fall within federal removal priorities. This Article shows how a program undertaken with the stated aim of targeting immigration enforcement has... 2021  
William S. Laufer , Robert C. Hughes JUSTICE UNDONE 58 American Criminal Law Review 155 (Winter, 2021) There is far more justice that is not served than served in our criminal justice system. Well more than half of all offending and victimization fails to make its way into the criminal justice system. An additional share of wrongdoing from initial police contact to the end of the criminal process is diverted or exits. A host of additional personal,... 2021  
Samuel Vincent Jones LAW SCHOOLS, CULTURAL COMPETENCY, AND ANTI-BLACK RACISM: THE LIBERTY OF DISCRIMINATION 21 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 84 (2021) Introduction. 84 I. Do Law Schools Have Liberty to Discriminate Against Black Law Students?. 86 A. The Black Law Student Experience. 87 B. Law Schools and the Liberty to Foster Anti-Black Racism. 90 II. Should Law Schools Require Cultural Competency Instruction as a Means to Curtail Anti-Black Racial Discrimination?. 96 A. Cultural Competency... 2021  
Catherine J.K. Sandoval , Patricia A. Cain , Stephen F. Diamond , Allen S. Hammond , Jean C. Love , Stephen E. Smith , Solmaz Nabipour, M.D. LEGAL EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: PUT HEALTH, SAFETY AND EQUITY FIRST 61 Santa Clara Law Review 367 (2021) The COVID-19 viral pandemic exposed equity and safety culture gaps in American legal education. Legal education forms part of America's Critical Infrastructure whose continuity is important to the economy, public safety, democracy, and the national security of the United States. To address the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future viral... 2021  
Raymond H. Brescia LESSONS FROM THE PRESENT: THREE CRISES AND THEIR POTENTIAL IMPACT ON THE LEGAL PROFESSION 49 Hofstra Law Review 607 (Spring, 2021) The United States faces three simultaneous crises: a pandemic, a civil rights reckoning, and a crisis of democracy. The first of these crises has sparked dramatic--though potentially temporary--changes to the practice of law: moving much legal work to remote settings almost overnight, after the profession had largely resisted making such... 2021  
Sarah J. Schendel LISTEN!: AMPLIFYING THE EXPERIENCES OF BLACK LAW SCHOOL GRADUATES IN 2020 100 Nebraska Law Review 73 (2021) C1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction. 74 II. The Survey. 79 A. Methodology. 79 B. Survey Questions. 80 III. An Overview of Responses. 81 A. A Grief Gap: The Mental, Physical, and Emotional Toll of COVID-19. 81 B. The Mental, Physical, and Emotional Impact of Racism. 83 C. The Impact of Changes to the Bar Exam. 87 1. Postponement. 87 2.... 2021  
Kathryn Evans MAKING WORKFARE MORE FAIR: PROTECTING WORKERS IN WELFARE PROGRAMS FROM SEXUAL HARASSMENT 36 Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice 150 (2021) Every year, hundreds of thousands of adults in the United States work full-time jobs through programs known as workfare as a requirement to collecting public benefits. Although these individuals work full time, their legal status as employees is not as clear as it should be. That fact, along with other factors such as their status as temporary... 2021  
Megan Doherty Bea , Emily S. Taylor Poppe MARGINALIZED LEGAL CATEGORIES: SOCIAL INEQUALITY, FAMILY STRUCTURE, AND THE LAWS OF INTESTACY 55 Law and Society Review 252 (June, 2021) Social classifications are increasingly interrelated, far-reaching, and consequential for socioeconomic outcomes. We use the concept of marginalized legal categories to describe how the law disadvantages individuals or groups by transforming inherently ordered social classifications into consequential legal categories, employing intestacy laws as... 2021  
Jamillah Bowman Williams MAXIMIZING #METOO: INTERSECTIONALITY & THE MOVEMENT 62 Boston College Law Review 1797 (June, 2021) Introduction. 1798 I. The Law Continues to Fail Women of Color Thirty Years After Kimberlé Crenshaw's Intersectionality Insights. 1809 A. Intersectionality Theory. 1811 B. Federal Protection Disproportionately Excludes Women of Color. 1814 C. Mandatory Arbitration Silences Women of Color. 1818 D. Women of Color Are Marginalized Due to False... 2021  
Russell K. Robinson MAYOR PETE, OBERGEFELL GAYS, AND WHITE MALE PRIVILEGE 69 Buffalo Law Review 295 (April, 2021) 296 Introduction. 296 I. Challenging Anti-Gay Stereotypes. 303 II. Is Pete Gay Enough?. 309 III. Pete as a Symbol of Respectability Politics. 316 A. An Examination of Racialized Respectability Politics in the Don't Ask, Don't Tell and Marriage Equality Movements. 317 B. Analyzing Buttigieg's Candidacy as the Embodiment of the Gay and... 2021  
Todd J. Clark , Caleb Gregory Conrad , André Douglas Pond Cummings , Amy Dunn Johnson MEEK MILL'S TRAUMA: BRUTAL POLICING AS AN ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE 33 Saint Thomas Law Review 158 (Spring, 2021) Meek Mill's life and career have been punctuated by trauma, from his childhood lived on the streets of Philadelphia, through his rise to fame and eventual arrival as one of hip hop's household names. In his 2018 track Trauma, Meek Mill describes, in revealing prose, just how the traumatic experiences he endured personally impacted and harmed him.... 2021  
James S. Liebman , Kayla C. Butler , Ian Buksunski MINE THE GAP: USING RACIAL DISPARITIES TO EXPOSE AND ERADICATE RACISM 30 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 1 (Winter, 2021) For decades, lawyers and legal scholars have disagreed over how much resource redistribution to expect from federal courts and Congress in satisfaction of the Fourteenth Amendment's promise of equal protection. Of particular importance to this debate and to the nation given its kaleidoscopic history of inequality, is the question of racial... 2021  
Dan Morenoff MISTAKEN HERITAGE: HOW A STATUTORY MISREADING HAS DENIED CONGRESS' INTENDED BENEFICIARIES PROTECTION FOR HALF A CENTURY 22 Federalist Society Review 226 (August 19, 2021) Note from the Editor: The Federalist Society takes no positions on particular legal and public policy matters. Any expressions of opinion are those of the author. Whenever we publish an article that advocates for a particular position, we offer links to other perspectives on the issue. We also invite responses from our readers. To join the debate,... 2021  
Moon Duchin, Douglas M. Spencer MODELS, RACE, AND THE LAW 130 Yale Law Journal Forum 744 (March 8, 2021) Capitalizing on recent advances in algorithmic sampling, The Race-Blind Future of Voting Rights explores the implications of the long-standing conservative dream of certified race neutrality in redistricting. Computers seem promising because they are excellent at not taking race into account--but computers only do what you tell them to... 2021  
Erika K. Wilson MONOPOLIZING WHITENESS 134 Harvard Law Review 2382 (May, 2021) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 2384 I. White-Student Segregation and Social Closure. 2388 A. Defining Social Closure. 2390 B. Social Closure and Racial Segregation in Public Schools: Monopolies. 2392 1. Scarcity. 2393 2. Exclusion. 2396 3. Monopolization. 2400 C. The Normative Case for Regulating White-Student Segregation. 2404 1. Harms to Democracy.... 2021  
Amna A. Akbar, Sameer M. Ashar, Jocelyn Simonson MOVEMENT LAW 73 Stanford Law Review 821 (April, 2021) In this Article we make the case for movement law, an approach to legal scholarship grounded in solidarity, accountability, and engagement with grassroots organizing and left social movements. In contrast to law and social movements--a field that studies the relationship between lawyers, legal process, and social change--movement law... 2021  
Clara Presler MUTUAL DEFERENCE BETWEEN HOSPITALS AND COURTS: HOW MANDATED REPORTING FROM MEDICAL PROVIDERS HARMS FAMILIES 11 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 733 (July, 2021) This Article explores the phenomenon of mutual deference between the medical and legal systems to show that placing mandated reporting responsibilities on clinicians results in lasting harm for families. On the medical side, clinicians are obligated to defer any reasonable suspicion that a child may be at risk to the legal system; their concern... 2021  
Marie Gottschalk NO STAR STATE: WHAT'S RIGHT AND WRONG ABOUT CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM IN TEXAS 19 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 927 (Spring, 2021) For more than a decade, Texas has been widely hailed across the political spectrum as a model for criminal justice reform. The origin story of the so-called Texas Miracle dates back to 2007 when legislators decided against spending an estimated $2 billion on new prison construction to accommodate projections that the state would need an additional... 2021  
Ariel Jurow Kleiman NONMARKET CRIMINAL JUSTICE FEES 72 Hastings Law Journal 517 (February, 2021) The public finance literature tells us that user fees will introduce market-like efficiency to public good provision. Meanwhile, criminal justice scholars note that criminal justice fees have run amok, causing crippling debt, undermining reentry efforts, and raising civil rights and constitutional concerns. This Article reconciles these seemingly... 2021  
Hugh Cassidy , Tennecia Dacass , Kansas State University, Central Washington University OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING AND IMMIGRANTS 64 Journal of Law & Economics 1 (February, 2021) This study examines the incidence and impact of occupational licensing on immigrants using two sources of data: the Current Population Survey and the Survey of Income and Program Participation. We find that immigrants are significantly less likely to have a license than similar natives and that this gap is largest for men, workers in the highest... 2021  
Georgia Decker OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING AS A BARRIER FOR PEOPLE WITH CRIMINAL RECORDS: PROPOSALS TO IMPROVE ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAW TO ADDRESS ADVERSE EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS FROM THE CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM 49 Fordham Urban Law Journal 189 (November, 2021) Introduction. 190 I. Occupational Licensure and Problems for People with Criminal Histories. 195 A. Occupational Licensure. 195 i. What is Occupational Licensure?. 195 ii. Marked Increase in Licensure Since the 1950s. 197 B. Specific Issues People with Criminal Records Face with Regards to Occupational Licensure. 198 i. Good Moral Character... 2021  
Scott DeVito OF BIAS AND EXCLUSION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF DIVERSITY JURISDICTION, ITS AMOUNT-IN-CONTROVERSY REQUIREMENT, AND BLACK ALIENATION FROM U.S. CIVIL COURTS 13 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 1 (Winter, 2021) Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other. Empirical studies find that Black Americans distrust the U.S. justice system because they believe that it will not treat them fairly. The well-developed empirical literature on race and the criminal justice system demonstrates that this belief is well founded. At the same time, the... 2021  
Robin L. Wilson OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TWICE: DESPITE THE MISSED OPPORTUNITY IN FOSTER v. CHATMAN AND FLOWERS v. MISSISSIPPI TO ADDRESS THE DEFICIENCIES IN BATSON v. KENTUCKY, THE CONNECTICUT SUPREME COURT HAS "STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE" TO ENSURE DIVERSITY IN THE SELECTION OF 39 Quinnipiac Law Review 485 (2021) I. Introduction. 486 II. History. 491 A. Federal Precedent. 491 B. Application of Batson in Connecticut. 496 III. Post-Batson Decisions. 498 A. Expansion of Batson's Protections. 498 B. A Retreat From the Expansion of Batson: Post-Batson Decisions and the Deficiencies in the Application of Batson - Hernandez v. New York - Disparate Impact and... 2021  
Christian Sundquist PANDEMIC POLICING 37 Georgia State University Law Review 1339 (Summer, 2021) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 1340 I. The Cycle of Pandemic Racism. 1348 A. Economic Crises. 1348 B. Immigration Crises. 1349 C. Crime Crises. 1350 II. Pandemic Policing. 1353 Conclusion. 1359 2021  
Jonathan D. Glater s PANDEMIC POSSIBILITIES: RETHINKING MEASURES OF MERIT 69 UCLA Law Review Discourse 48 (2021) The impact of the spread of the novel coronavirus in the United States beginning in winter 2020 has simultaneously laid bare vast chasms of inequality in education and created a crisis in which radical reforms have become possible almost overnight. Schools, colleges and universities have dramatically changed how they admit, assess, and support... 2021  
Christian Powell Sundquist PANDEMIC SURVEILLANCE DISCRIMINATION 51 Seton Hall Law Review 1535 (2021) I. Introduction. 1535 II. The Racialization of Public Health Crises. 1536 III. Surveillance Discrimination. 1537 IV. Conclusion. 1545 2021  
Mary K. Kitzmiller, Caitlin Cavanagh , Paul Frick , Laurence Steinberg , Elizabeth Cauffman , Michigan State University, Louisiana State University, Temple University, University of California, Irvine PARENTAL INCARCERATION AND THE MENTAL HEALTH OF YOUTH IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM: THE MODERATING ROLE OF NEIGHBORHOOD DISORDER 27 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 256 (May, 2021) Neighborhood-level characteristics may inform youths' experience of parental incarceration; however, their precise role has not yet been established. Some empirical evidence indicates that neighborhood disorder compounds the psychological distress of parental incarceration because youth living in disorderly neighborhoods are more likely to be... 2021  
Janai Nelson PARSING PARTISANSHIP AND PUNISHMENT: AN APPROACH TO PARTISAN GERRYMANDERING AND RACE 96 New York University Law Review 1088 (October, 2021) The threat of extreme and punishing partisan gerrymandering has increased exponentially since 2019 when the Supreme Court held partisan gerrymandering claims nonjusticiable. Although the Court was unanimous in recognizing that partisan gerrymandering can undermine the fair functioning of the electoral process, neither Rucho's majority nor its... 2021  
Seema Mohapatra PASSPORTS OF PRIVILEGE 70 American University Law Review 1729 (May, 2021) All Americans sixteen and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. However, many will not be able to access such vaccinations due to their work situation, health status, and inaccessible vaccination sites. Some have suggested that the use of vaccine passports, credentials used to gain access to places and countries by showing proof... 2021  
Diane E. Thompson PAY ATTENTION! MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES, THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU, AND REGULATORY ADVOCACY 82 Montana Law Review 343 (Summer, 2021) Congress created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in the wake of the Great Recession to foresee, prevent, and mitigate risks to consumers and shocks to the larger economy. Congress mandated specific units and offices dedicated to engagement with underserved communities, service members, and older Americans, among other vulnerable... 2021  
Christopher J. Ryan, Jr. PAYING FOR LAW SCHOOL: LAW STUDENT LOAN INDEBTEDNESS AND CAREER CHOICES 2021 University of Illinois Law Review 97 (2021) Student loan debt has reached crisis levels, topping $1.64 trillion dollars this year and surpassing credit card debt to become the second largest source of debt held by Americans. When discussing student loan debt, it is easy to fixate on the aggregate impact of the burdens this debt places on taxpayers, the economy, and borrowers alike, such as... 2021  
Rachel F. Moran PERSISTENT INEQUALITIES, THE PANDEMIC, AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE 27 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 589 (Spring, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 590 II. Persistent Inequalities: Race, Ethnicity, Class, Language, and Immigration. 592 A. Race, Ethnicity, and the Intransigence of Segregation in the Schools. 593 B. The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Poverty. 596 C. Additional Dimensions of Difference: Language and Immigration Status. 599 D. Greater... 2021  
Taunya Lovell Banks PERSONAL IDENTITY EQUALITY AND RACIAL MISRECOGNITION: REVIEW ESSAY OF MULTIRACIALS AND CIVIL RIGHTS: MIXED-RACE STORIES OF DISCRIMINATION 34 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 13 (Spring, 2021) There is a growing body of social science literature documenting multiracials as an emergent minority group . who . have not always been recognized as either a separate racial group or as legitimate members of racial groups. Tanya Hernández has been writing about aspects of American multiracialism for twenty years. Her 1998 article in the... 2021  
Anna Offit PLAYING BY THE RULE: HOW ABA MODEL RULE 8.4(G) CAN REGULATE JURY EXCLUSION 89 Fordham Law Review 1257 (March, 2021) Discrimination during voir dire remains a critical impediment to empaneling juries that reflect the diversity of the United States. While various solutions have been proposed, scholars have largely overlooked ethics rules as an instrument for preventing discriminatory behavior during jury selection. Focusing on American Bar Association Model Rule... 2021  
Tracey Meares, Gwen Prowse POLICING AS PUBLIC GOOD: REFLECTING ON THE TERM "TO PROTECT AND SERVE" AS DIALOGUES OF ABOLITION 73 Florida Law Review 1 (January, 2021) Introduction. 1 I. Setting the Stage: The Problem of Excessive Force As a Jumping Off Point for Dialogues. 5 A. About Portals. 9 B. Theoretical Frameworks for Analyzing the Dialogues. 10 II. Alternative Visions of Policing. 14 A. Policing Ourselves: Privatized Policing. 14 B. Policing Aspirations: A Role for the State. 17 C. The Curriculum... 2021  
Marvin L. Astrada, Scott B. Astrada POLITICS, POWER & COMMUNITY: CRITICALLY REEXAMINING NOTIONS OF LAW, IDENTITY & CIVIL SOCIETY 45 Nova Law Review 169 (Spring, 2021) I. Introduction. 169 II. Representation, Law, Politics, Identity, and Notions of Community. 177 A. Ethics, Homogeny, and Representation: The Inevitability of Resistance. 180 III. Political Identity: Identarian-Based Political Communities & Subcommunities. 187 A. Exploring the Political Function of Memory Within IBFs, PI & Community. 199 IV.... 2021  
Naomi E. S. Goldstein , Rena Kreimer , Siying Guo , TuQuynh Le , Lindsey M. Cole , Amanda NeMoyer , Stephanie Burke , George Kikuchi , Kevin Thomas , Fengqing Zhang PREVENTING SCHOOL-BASED ARREST AND RECIDIVISM THROUGH PREARREST DIVERSION: OUTCOMES OF THE PHILADELPHIA POLICE SCHOOL DIVERSION PROGRAM 45 Law and Human Behavior 165 (April, 2021) Objectives: Created to combat the school-to-prison pipeline, the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program offers voluntary community-based services to eligible youth accused of minor school-based offeses in lieu of arrest. This study evaluated program effectiveness in accomplishing goals related to reductions in school-based arrests, serious... 2021  
Mary Crossley PRISONS, NURSING HOMES, AND MEDICAID: A COVID-19 CASE STUDY IN HEALTH INJUSTICE 30 Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences 101 (Summer, 2021) As the coronavirus closed down the United States economy in March 2020, it did not take long for predictions to emerge claiming that COVID-19 would disproportionately affect Black communities. Only weeks into the shutdown, Dr. Uché Blackstock, a health equity expert, began sounding the alarm, stating in an interview [w]hen it hits the fan, we're... 2021  
  PROSECUTING IN THE POLICE-LESS CITY: POLICE ABOLITION'S IMPACT ON LOCAL PROSECUTORS 134 Harvard Law Review 1859 (March, 2021) What good is a prosecutor without police? On June 26, 2020, that question gained unexpected importance when the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a proposed amendment to the city's charter that would allow the city to dismantle its police department. The city's Charter Commission eventually rejected the proposal, but had it been... 2021  
  PROSECUTORIAL DISCRETION 50 Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure 269 (2021) The government has broad discretion to initiate and conduct criminal prosecutions because of the separation of powers doctrine and because prosecutorial decisions are particularly ill-suited to judicial review. As long as there is probable cause to believe that the accused has committed an offense, the decision to prosecute is within the... 2021  
Katie Raitz PUBLIC HEALTH AND RACIAL INEQUALITY: WHY THE OPPORTUNITY ZONE PROGRAM FAILS LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIES AND COSTS LIVES 12 UC Irvine Law Review 315 (November, 2021) The rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination, medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built. Poor health outcomes are linked to long-standing wealth disparities for people of color in the United States. Wealth inequality has gotten worse over the past decades, despite attempts to improve it. The... 2021  
Stewart Chang , Frank Rudy Cooper , Addie C. Rolnick RACE AND GENDER AND POLICING 21 Nevada Law Journal 885 (Spring, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 885 I. Unrest and the Question of Looting. 891 II. The Black Perspective on Looting. 898 III. Policing, Property, and White Patriarchy. 904 A. Christian Cooper: White Caller Crime. 905 B. Jannie Ligons: The Sexual Non-Privilege of Black Women. 910 C. Sandra Bland and Elijah Taylor: Suspicion, Policing, and the... 2021  
Craig Konnoth RACE AND MEDICAL DOUBLE-BINDS 121 Columbia Law Review Forum 135 (October 8, 2021) Race and medicine scholarship is beset by a conundrum. On one hand, some racial justice scholars and advocates frame the harms that racial minorities experience through a medical lens. Poverty and homelessness are social determinants of health that medical frameworks should account for. Racism itself is a public health threat. On the other hand,... 2021  
Katie Michaela Becker RACE AND PRISON DISCIPLINE: A STUDY OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PRISONS 43 North Carolina Central Law Review 175 (2021) Black and Indigenous people receive disproportionate shares of disciplinary write-ups at state prisons in North Carolina. They experience more sanctions as a result. In this Article, I examine publicly available 2020 data from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety. I use two statistical techniques: binary logistic regression and multiple... 2021  
Ric Simmons RACE AND REASONABLE SUSPICION 73 Florida Law Review 413 (March, 2021) The current political moment requires society to rethink the ways that race impacts policing. Many of the solutions will be political in nature, but legal reform is necessary as well. Law enforcement officers have a long history of considering a suspect's race when conducting criminal investigations. The civil rights movement and the progressive... 2021  
Jack M. Balkin RACE AND THE CYCLES OF CONSTITUTIONAL TIME 86 Missouri Law Review 443 (Spring, 2021) C1-2Table of Contents Table of Contents. 443 I. Introduction. 444 II. The Cycle of Regimes. 445 A. Political Regimes in the Antebellum Era. 446 B. The Republican Regime. 449 D. The New Deal/Civil Rights Regime. 454 E. The Reagan Regime and the Culture Wars. 456 III. The Cycle of Polarization and Depolarization. 463 A. Racial Polarization in... 2021  
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