Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year | Key Terms |
Cristina M. Rodríguez |
Latinos: Discrete and Insular No More |
12 Harvard Latino Law Review 41 (Spring 2009) |
Ordinarily, court cases that address the Latino experience in the United States are presented as addenda to larger narratives--as casebook squibs. Hernandez v. Texas, which explores the status of Mexican Americans as a protected class, sits in the considerable shadow of Brown v. Board of Education, decided two weeks later. Discrimination based on... |
2009 |
Yes |
Kif Augustine-Adams, Brigham Young University |
Laura E. Gómez, Manifest Destinies: the Making of the Mexican American Race, New York: New York University Press, 2007. Pp. 272. $35.00 Cloth (Isbn 0-8147-3174-1); $21.00 Paper (Isbn 0-8147-3205-4) |
27 Law and History Review 231 (Spring, 2009) |
By titling her book, Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race, Laura Gómez clearly sets forth the analytic trajectory of her project. Over the course of time, complex institutional and interpersonal interactions-- legal, social, political and economic--in the Mexican territories conquered by the United States in 1848, and most... |
2009 |
Sherene H. Razack, University of Toronto |
Manifest Destinies: the Making of the Mexican American Race. By Laura E. Gomez. New York: Nyu Press, 2007. Pp. 256. $41.00 Cloth; $21.00 Paper |
43 Law and Society Review 703 (September, 2009) |
Races are made, not born, and the making of Mexican Americans as a race, tracked so carefully by Gomez in Manifest Destinies, was highly instructive for me as someone engaged in thinking about the making of Muslim as a race in the post-9/11 period. Beginning with an important distinction, that racial group membership is mainly assigned by the... |
2009 |
Denise Pacheco, Veronica Nelly Velez, University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies |
Maps, Mapmaking, and Critical Pedagogy: Exploring Gis and Maps as a Teaching Tool for Social Change |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 273 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
I was nervous standing in front of my family, over one hundred community members, and the Pasadena School Board. I checked and double-checked my computer, power point slides, and notes one last time. The GIS maps I had spent months creating were ready to go--but was I? I gazed out into the audience at each one of the parents, students, and... |
2009 |
Leticia M. Saucedo |
National Origin, Immigrants, and the Workplace: the Employment Cases in Latinos and the Law and the Advocates' Perspective |
12 Harvard Latino Law Review 53 (Spring 2009) |
In defining national origin in workplace cases, courts have created distinctions between Latino workers who have immigration status or citizenship and those who do not. This doctrinal distinction does not reflect any actual social status differences based on immigration status among Latinos who live in the United States. Yet it has served to create... |
2009 |
Yes |
Rodolfo F. Acuña |
On Pedagogy |
12 Harvard Latino Law Review 7 (Spring 2009) |
Most academic fields evolve from mainstream disciplines; they gradually develop paradigms and methodologies that separate them from their mother disciplines. Slowly new disciplines are defined and recognized by the academic journals and academe. Sociology, anthropology, and the other social sciences are relatively young, having mutated from the... |
2009 |
D. Wendy Greene |
On Race, Nationhood, and Citizenship: Laura E. Gómez, Manifest Destinies: the Making of the Mexican American Race--new York University Press, 2007 |
34 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 421 (Spring, 2009) |
In response to a marked increase in immigration from South and Central America and a rapidly changing demography, within the past two decades a number of United States news pundits, politicians, and scholars have manufactured media campaigns linking illegal immigration in the United States to individuals of Mexican descent. This portrayal has... |
2009 |
Maria C. Malagon, Lindsay Perez Huber, Veronica N. Velez, University of California, Los Angeles |
Our Experiences, Our Methods: Using Grounded Theory to Inform a Critical Race Theory Methodology |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 253 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
As critical race scholars in the field of education, we created this research note in response to our collective frustration with traditional, qualitative research methods to accurately understand and document the complex experiences of Students of Color, their families, and their communities. We experienced this frustration not only in searching... |
2009 |
Francisco Valdes |
Rebellious Knowledge Production, Academic Activism, & Outsider Democracy: from Principles to Practices in Latcrit Theory, 1995 to 2008 |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 131 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
This annual lecture, as the program schedule indicates, is designed to provide a sense of some notable principles and practices that underlie and animate LatCrit theory, praxis, and community as an expression of critical outsider jurisprudence, or OutCrit legal studies. Because the LatCrit community and body of work are multiply diverse,... |
2009 |
Yes |
Jacquelyn Bridgeman , Gracie Lawson-Borders , Margaret Zamudio |
Representative Democracy in Rural America: Race, Gender, and Class Through a Localism Lens |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 81 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
Political history is often made during presidential election cycles. For example, in 1861 President Abraham Lincoln not only became the sixteenth president of the United States, but he was also thrust into a nation-changing social and political maelstrom centered on slavery, secession, and preservation of the Union that would etch him into history.... |
2009 |
Christina Iturralde |
Rhetoric and Violence: Understanding Incidents of Hate Against Latinos |
12 New York City Law Review 417 (Summer 2009) |
Sadly, the issue of violence against Latinos is not new. Yet it is an issue that has been documented both in news articles and national reports with increasing frequency over the past few years. For example, a recent report by the Southern Poverty Law Center offers a representative sampling of some of the more egregious examples of physical and... |
2009 |
Yes |
Cliff Collins |
Román Hernández Rises to Lead Hispanic National Bar Association |
70-NOV Oregon State Bar Bulletin 34 (November, 2009) |
The ascendance of Roman D. Hernández reads like a modern-day Horatio Alger tale, only better. His is a fascinating story, says Mark A. Long, managing partner of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt. He has really, truly lived the American dream in a way that is worthy of a novel. Hernández, a shareholder with the firm, became president of the Hispanic... |
2009 |
Yes |
Juan Carlos Linares |
Si Se Puede? Chicago Latinos Speak on Law, the Law School Experience and the Need for an Increased Latino Bar |
2 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 321 (Spring 2009) |
When I arrived home that night, I found my mother sobbing uncontrollably on the floor. She collected herself enough to tell me that they had taken Augie, my younger brother, away in handcuffs; that he was a suspect in a murder. I was a freshman in college at the time. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know whom to turn to. We were powerless in... |
2009 |
Yes |
Jose Macias |
The Chicana/o-latina/o Law Review: the Plight of the Identity Journal |
28 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 57 (2009) |
Oliver Wendell Holmes described a word as the skin of a living thought. If this is so, there is grave responsibility upon those who thrust words into the living stream of our society. We must be guided not by bitterness, but by courage and compassion, for as living things words may prove loyal to their purpose. We, the Chicano Law Students at... |
2009 |
Yes |
Jenny Rivera |
The Continuum of Violence Against Latinas and Latinos |
12 New York City Law Review 399 (Summer 2009) |
Violence against Latinas and Latinos based on national origin, ethnicity, race, sex, and sexual orientation is a historical reality and part of the fabric of United States society and culture. Violence has been visited upon the Latino community by both private individuals and public officials, through individual acts of violence and through... |
2009 |
Yes |
Andrés L. Carrillo |
The Costs of Success: Mexican American Identity Performance Within Culturally Coded Classrooms and Educational Achievement |
18 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 641 (Fall 2009) |
Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men--the balance-wheel of the social machinery. Mexican Americans have fast become the largest segment of students enrolled in California's public education system. From 1981 to 2001, the percentage of Latino students enrolled in public schools... |
2009 |
José María Monzón, University of Buenos Aires School of Law |
The End of Republican Governance and the Rise of Imperial Cities |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 51 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
This paper seeks to demonstrate how select cities--henceforth referred to as Imperial Cities--are able, via the accumulation of various kinds of wealth, to construct political and social power that is competitive with that of the state within which these cities are located. The association of this political and social power with affluence results... |
2009 |
Lorenzo Bowman, Tonette Rocco, Elizabeth Peterson |
The Exclusion of Race from Mandated Continuing Legal Education Requirements: a Critical Race Theory Analysis |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 229 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
Forty states mandate continuing legal education (CLE) for practicing lawyers in their jurisdictions. Lawyers who fail to meet the mandated CLE requirements of their jurisdictions are often subject to suspension and, ultimately, disbarment. Given the penalty for noncompliance, almost all practicing lawyers in these jurisdictions take CLE... |
2009 |
Richard Delgado |
The Law of the Noose: a History of Latino Lynching |
44 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 297 (Summer 2009) |
What do tangible things mean, and for whom do they hold meaning? In Jena, Louisiana, a noose figured prominently in the controversy over the right to sit in a certain spot on Jena High's campus and the prosecution of six black teenagers that followed. When someone hung a length of rope, doubled back in a familiar shape, on a branch of the tree... |
2009 |
Yes |
Robert Ashford |
Using Socio-economics and Binary Economics to Serve the Interests of Poor and Working People: What Critical Scholars Can Do to Help |
8 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 173 (Fall/Winter 2009) |
If anyone in legal education doubts whether there are a growing number of law teachers (1) concerned about the well-being of poor and working people in the U.S. and throughout the world, (2) opposed to practices of subordination and other injustices, and (3) eager to do something to improve things, let them attend a LatCrit meeting. LatCrit... |
2009 |
Laura E. Gómez |
What's Race Got to Do with It? Press Coverage of the Latino Electorate in the 2008 Presidential Primary Season |
24 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 425 (Fall 2009) |
The 2008 presidential election was perhaps the most significant in U.S. history for Latinos, who have surpassed African Americans as the nation's largest minority group. By 2050, when non-Latino whites in the U.S. will be less than fifty percent of the nation's population, Latinos are projected to be thirty percent, double the estimated percentage... |
2009 |
Yes |
James Podgers |
Zack Understands Legal Concerns of Hispanic Community |
95-SEP ABA Journal 66 (September, 2009) |
IT WAS JUST ONE MOMENT IN A HALLWAY OUTSIDE ANOTHER HOTEL meeting room, but it offered a telling glimpse into the impact Stephen N. Zack is likely to have when he takes his turn as ABA president. He was giving an interview to a television crew on a Friday morning during the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago. The crew was from the Spanish-language... |
2009 |
Yes |
Glenda Labadie-Jackson |
!Advertencia!: El Silencio Puede Causar Serias Lesiones: El Español Y La Responsabilidad Civil Por Advertencias E Instrucciones Inadecuadas |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 103 (Spring 2008) |
La humanidad entra en el tercer milenio bajo el imperio de las palabras. No es cierto que la imagen esté desplazándolas ni que pueda extinguirlas. Al contrario, está potenciándolas: nunca hubo en el mundo tantas palabras con tanto alcance, autoridad y albedrío como en la inmensa Babel de la vida actual. Palabras inventadas, maltratadas o... |
2008 |
Dominique Legros |
0.45% Cosmopolitan |
20 Saint Thomas Law Review 490 (Spring 2008) |
I. Introduction. 490 II. Looking For Existing Cosmopolitans. 490 III. The Existential Milieu. 497 IV. 97.1% Non-Migrants. 500 V. A Mozaic of Communities And Nations. 501 VI. Frequent Flyers' Culture and Globalization. 508 VII. Conclusion. 510 |
2008 |
Virginia Martinez, Jazmin Garcia, Jasmine Vasquez |
A Community under Siege: the Impact of Anti-immigrant Hysteria on Latinos |
2 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 101 (Fall 2008) |
In April 2006, a 16 year-old Mexican-American boy named David Ritcheson was savagely beaten, sodomized with a patio umbrella pole and burned repeatedly with a cigarette. One of the attackers, a skinhead, attempted to carve a swastika in his chest. This occurred at a party in a private home in a small town in Texas as a result of a disagreement over... |
2008 |
Yes |
Kevin R. Johnson |
A Handicapped, Not "Sleeping," Giant: the Devastating Impact of the Initiative Process on Latina/o and Immigrant Communities |
96 California Law Review 1259 (October, 2008) |
Despite being questioned on many grounds, direct democracy remains popular in many states. Calls for reform of the initiative process abound. Consider a few frequently expressed concerns about initiative lawmaking. Some critics contend that direct democracy benefits well-financed interest groups--often derided as special interests--that are able... |
2008 |
Yes |
Valerie J. Phillips |
A Pluralistic Approach to Oppression and Latino Terra Nullius |
20 Saint Thomas Law Review 691 (Spring 2008) |
We are nations of givers dealing with nations of takers. Anonymous The real battle will be between westernized, assimilated elites within all nations, and those who refuse to assimilate. Hanna Petros I. Introduction. 691 II. Back Alley Abortions. 694 III. Cyber-Love and Getting to Praxis. 700 IV. Everything is up for Discussion . 701 This... |
2008 |
Yes |
María Pabón López |
A Tale of Two Systems: Analyzing the Treatment of Noncitizen Families in State Family Law Systems and under the Immigration Law System |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 229 (Spring 2008) |
Family unity is a foundation of contemporary United States immigration law and policy. Just a glance at the current yearly admission quotas for immigrants evidences this fact. The visas allotted for family-based immigration number thousands more annually than those for employment-based immigration. Despite this ostensibly pro-family stance of... |
2008 |
Cristina M. Rodriguez |
Against Individualized Consideration |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1405 (Fall, 2008) |
Are Cubans Hispanic? According to trial testimony cited by Justice Kennedy in his dissent in Grutter v. Bollinger, at least one University of Michigan Law School admissions officer concluded that they were not-at least for the purposes of the school's affirmative action policy. Cubans, as everyone knows, are Republicans. Whether this hearsay was... |
2008 |
Keith Aoki , Kevin R. Johnson |
An Assessment of Latcrit Theory Ten Years after |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1151 (Fall, 2008) |
With the democratization of legal academia to include law professors of different genders, races, and sexual orientations has come a loss of community, cohesion, and coherence. But what has been gained has been a more democratic and inclusive community. To believe that academics can again speak with a unified voice is no longer possible. Instead of... |
2008 |
Yes |
Carlos Hiraldo |
Arroz Frito with Salsa: Asian Latinos and the Future of the United States |
15 Asian American Law Journal 47 (May, 2008) |
Just as media publications tend to demarcate national and international sections, as if one can be quarantined from the other, discussions of immigrant groups usually isolate the communities concerned. The United States popular media represents Asians and Latinos as separate entities inhabiting separate spheres, presuming no intersection between... |
2008 |
Yes |
Luis Fuentes-Rohwer |
Bringing Democracy to Puerto Rico: a Rejoinder |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 157 (Spring 2008) |
The debate over the status of Puerto Rico under U.S. law has grown boring and stale. Consider a recent exchange in the pages of the Yale Law Journal, initiated by José Coleman Tió's proposal for Congress to enfranchise residents of Puerto Rico under the Territorial Clause. Two responses criticized the proposal as dubious, . . . highly... |
2008 |
Veronica Nelly Velez |
Challenging Lies Latcrit Style: a Critical Race Reflection of an Ally to Latina/o Immigrant Parent Leaders |
4 FIU Law Review 119 (Fall, 2008) |
I was nervous as I looked over my notes, preparing to share some preliminary research about Rose Unified's current schooling dilemmas. As I tried to release some of the tension I felt, I realized that in many ways the information I was about to present, and the forum organized to share it that evening with teachers, school district officials, civic... |
2008 |
Yes |
Lisa M. Raleigh |
Consumer Protection in the Hispanic Community |
82-FEB Florida Bar Journal 32 (February, 2008) |
The burgeoning U.S. Hispanic population, a $928 billion annual spending demographic, is being targeted with marketing messages from businesses large and small. Wal-Mart alone spends $60 million a year reaching out to this population. However, people who speak English as a second language, or who cannot read English at all, are particularly... |
2008 |
Yes |
José Gabilondo |
Cuban Claims: Embargoed Identities and the Cuban-american Oedipal Conflict (El Grito De La Yuma) |
9 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 335 (2008) |
In Spain, when someone has misplaced their keys, you may hear más se perdió en Cuba, a tongue-in-cheek allusion to imperial Spain's hand-over of Cuba to the United States (U.S.) in the Treaty of Paris, which ended (depending on where you stand) either the Spanish-American War or the Cuban War of Independence. Losses over Cuba feel fresher in... |
2008 |
M. Isabel Medina |
Exploring the Use of the Word "Citizen" in Writings on the Fourth Amendment |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1557 (Fall, 2008) |
Words being what they are, people being what they are, perhaps it would be better always to say the opposite of what one means? This article notes the practice in judicial opinions and commentary on the Fourth Amendment of using the word citizen when referring to the rights secured by the Amendment. This practice essentially treats citizen as... |
2008 |
Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic |
Foreword: Latinos and the Law Symposium |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1141 (Fall, 2008) |
To: Ourselves Cc: Interested Readers Re: Our Plans and New Year's Resolutions for Future Scholarship on Latinos The reason for the carbon copy to interested readers is that we have learned, as we have gone through life, that other people may be highly resistant to advice-you really should do this-but highly receptive to gossip-I'm getting ready... |
2008 |
Yes |
Ediberto Roman , Christopher B. Carbot |
Freeriders and Diversity in the Legal Academy: a New Dirty Dozen List? |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1235 (Fall, 2008) |
In many ways the world of sports is a microcosm of society, reflecting the ever-increasing diversity found across the American landscape. In particular, professional baseball, basketball, and football have experienced tremendous growth and success with respect to the number of racial and ethnic minorities competing in their respective leagues.... |
2008 |
Jamie L. Crook |
From Hernandez V. Texas to the Present: Doctrinal Shifts in the Supreme Court's Latina/o Jurisprudence |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 19 (Spring 2008) |
In one of the Supreme Court's earliest discussions of the Reconstruction Amendments, Justice Miller wrote that--along with the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Amendments--the Fourteenth Amendment was addressed to the grievances of [the black] race, and designed to remedy them. Yet the guarantee of equal protection of the laws extended more broadly: We... |
2008 |
Yes |
Gustavo Chacon Mendoza |
Gateway to Whiteness: Using the Census to Redefine and Reconfigure Hispanic/latino Identity, in Efforts to Preserve a White American National Identity |
30 University of La Verne Law Review 160 (November, 2008) |
Recent census projections approximate that by 2050 Whites will make up less than 50% of the United States national population. Latinos are one of the fastest growing groups in the nation. From July 1, 2004 to July 1, 2005, the Hispanic community accounted for . . . 49% . . . of the national population growth of 2.8 million. The increasing... |
2008 |
Yes |
Mary Romero |
Go after the Women: Mothers Against Illegal Aliens' Campaign Against Mexican Immigrant Women and Their Children |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1355 (Fall, 2008) |
Protect Our Children, Secure Our Borders! is the rallying cry adopted by Mothers Against Illegal Aliens (MAIA), an Arizona-based women's anti-immigration group founded by Michelle Dallacroce in January 2006. Like other race-based nativist groups emerging in the United States, MAIA targets immigrants as the reason for overcrowded and low-achieving... |
2008 |
Christiana Ochoa |
Guatemala's Gender Equality Reforms: Cil in the Making |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1333 (Fall, 2008) |
Attaining legitimacy and maintaining integral coherence are among the persistent goals of international law. My previous work on customary international law (CIL) has attended to these goals, specifically in relation to proscription. I have argued, together with others, that individuals should have a recognized role in the CIL formation process.... |
2008 |
Drew Hardman |
Hispanic Attorneys Committee Honors Magistrate Judge Bissoon |
10 No. 21 Lawyers Journal 1 (October 10, 2008) |
The Allegheny County Bar Association's Hispanic Attorneys Committee honored newly appointed Magistrate Judge Cathy Bissoon during the third-annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration, held September 25 at the Rivers Club in Pittsburgh. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, approximately 60 ACBA members and community leaders gathered to recognize Bissoon's... |
2008 |
Yes |
Edward Sandoval |
In Recognition of Nina Perales: Southwest Regional Counsel, Maldef |
14 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 1 (Spring 2008) |
Each issue of the Journal features a Latino Texan whose professional achievements, exemplary conduct and contributions to the Latino community are noteworthy. Our purpose is not only to identify Latino role models but also to inspire members of the community to continue the work that these individuals have begun. In this volume, we honor a Latina... |
2008 |
Jo Carrillo |
In Translation for the Latino Market Today: Acknowledging the Rights of Consumers in a Multilingual Housing Market |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (Spring 2008) |
The Federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA) requires lenders to disclose the full cost of credit to borrowers. In the case of linguistic minorities, California law goes one step further. Under California Civil Code section 1632, lenders are required to provide unexecuted translations of loan documents to consumers whose language of proficiency is... |
2008 |
Yes |
Ángel R. Oquendo |
Ironía |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 217 (Spring 2008) |
Porque a revolução é uma pátria e uma família. Porque Rosalina Cruz baja por la Rua da Carioca. Porque va echando chispas. Porque la reunión fue un despelote. Porque siempre acontece lo mismo. Porque nunca le hacen caso. Porque no la respetan. Porque se crió en la zona norte. Porque tiene un poco de tinte. Porque se le ve la raja. Porque es mujer.... |
2008 |
Ángel R. Oquendo |
Irony |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 205 (Spring 2008) |
Porque a revolução é uma pátria e uma família. Cause Rosalina Cruz dashes down Rua da Carioca. Cause she's sparkling with fury. Cause the meeting was a debacle. Cause it's always the same. Cause no one listens to her. Cause nobody respects her. Cause she grew up in the North Zone. Cause she has a bit of a dark hue. Cause she has strong... |
2008 |
Philip Goodman |
It's Just Black, White, or Hispanic: an Observational Study of Racializing Moves in California's Segregated Prison Reception Centers |
42 Law and Society Review 735 (December, 2008) |
This article takes as its launching point a 2005 U. S. Supreme Court case, Johnson v. California (543 U.S. 499), which ruled that the California Department of Corrections' unwritten practice of racially segregating inmates in prison reception centers is to be reviewed under the highest level of constitutional review, strict scrutiny. Relying on... |
2008 |
Yes |
Sandra Guerra Thompson |
Latinas and Their Families in Detention: the Growing Intersection of Immigration Law and Criminal Law |
14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 225 (Winter, 2008) |
In this article, Professor Sandra Guerra Thompson explores the growing enforcement of immigration law within the interior of the United States and the growing intersection of the criminal justice system and immigration law. Through the use of worksite enforcement sweeps and immigration screening by state and local law enforcement, growing numbers... |
2008 |
Yes |
Margaret E. Montoya , Francisco Valdes |
Latinas/os and Latina/o Legal Studies: a Critical and Self-critical Review of Latcrit Theory and Legal Models of Knowledge Production |
4 FIU Law Review 187 (Fall, 2008) |
I. Introduction. 188 A. The Promise and the Danger: Latinas/os as a Demographic Surge. 189 B. Within the Legal Academy: The Emergence of Latina/o Legal Studies (LatCrit). 192 C. Meaning and Location: The Emergence of LatCrit as a Coalitional Antisubordination Knowledge-Production Project. 194 II. Knowledge Production Models: A Brief Overview.... |
2008 |
Yes |