Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year | Key Terms |
Margaret E. Montoya , Francisco Valdes |
Latinas/os and the Politics of Knowledge Production: Latcrit Scholarship and Academic Activism as Social Justice Action |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1197 (Fall, 2008) |
For at least a decade now, drums have beat and trumpets blared heralding the arrival of Latinas/os onto the national policy-and-politics stage of the United States. Pundits have declared seismic political possibilities following from this demographic surge while the 2000 Census confirmed that numerical growth among Latina/o-identified... |
2008 |
Yes |
Cristina M. Rodríguez |
Latinos and Immigrants |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 247 (Spring 2008) |
It has become common over the last year to hear pundits declare that Republicans, by scuttling immigration reform with an enforcement-only mantra and turning vicious and nativistic during the recent election campaigns, have won the battle (against liberalizing the immigration system) but are poised to lose the war (for the Latino vote). Short-term... |
2008 |
Yes |
Glenda Labadie-Jackson |
Los Derechos Reproductivos De Las Latinas Y Los Acuerdos Comerciales De Maternidad Subrogada |
14 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 29 (Spring 2008) |
I. Las Latinas y el Ejercicio de Sus Derechos Reproductivos. 31 II. Acuerdos de Maternidad Subrogada: Principios Generales. 32 1. Definición de conceptos y terminología. 32 2. Historia de los acuerdos de maternidad subrogada en los Estados Unidos. 35 3. Regulación Estatal de los Acuerdos de Maternidad Subrogada. 37 4. Argumentos a favor y en contra... |
2008 |
Yes |
Tom I. Romero, II, J.D., Ph.D. |
No Brown Towns: Anti-immigrant Ordinances and Equality of Educational Opportunity for Latina/os |
12 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 13 (Fall 2008) |
multi-racial community seems equally fundamental. Since the 1990s, the percentage of students of every race in multiracial groups has increased. Segregation is no longer black and white but increasingly multiracial. In 1972, the United States Supreme Court in Spencer v. Kugler affirmed without comment New Jersey's statutory scheme compelling... |
2008 |
Yes |
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas |
Only Skin Deep?: the Cost of Partisan Politics on Minority Diversity of the Federal Bench |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1423 (Fall, 2008) |
This article explores the difficulties encountered in diversifying the federal bench and why the partisanship of the confirmation process decreases the diversity of viewpoints on the bench. Why care about diversity on the bench? Part I summarizes the arguments. Presidents who have the power to appoint federal judges have realized the powerful... |
2008 |
Panel #2: El Sistema Judicial Y La Reforma Del Estado De Derecho En América Latina |
25 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 493 (Summer, 2008) |
Durante los últimos veinticinco años, las reformas hacia el estado de derecho en América Latina han puesto un gran enfoque en los mecanismos de la prestación de la justicia. Este panel - con miembros líderes de la región - examinará los elementos críticos de estos esfuerzos: la creación y el mantenimiento de una magistratura independiente, la... |
2008 |
Yes |
Panel #6: La Experiencia De La Inversión Extranjera En América Latina Y El Derecho Local, Arbitraje Y Los Tratados Bilaterales |
25 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 602 (Summer, 2008) |
En una región que depende fuertemente de las inversiones extranjeras directas, el estado de derecho juega un papel clave en el nivel y la calidad de las inversions necesarias para el desarrollo de la infraestructura. Este panel examinará la experiencia de los años 90 con las políticas económicas abiertas y el contragolpe del comienzo del siglo XXI,... |
2008 |
Yes |
Jennifer M. Chacón |
Race as a Diagnostic Tool: Latinas/os and Higher Education in California, Post-209 |
96 California Law Review 1215 (October, 2008) |
As a diagnostic or evidentiary device, race helps identify the underlying problems affecting higher education. As the State of California enters a period of economic downturn and budgetary crisis, educational spending is once again on the chopping block. This is true at the primary and secondary school levels. California's institutions of higher... |
2008 |
Yes |
Vanessa Badillo Abasolo |
Reformas Del Procedimiento Civil En America Latina: La Experiencia Uruguaya |
77 Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 1391 (2008) |
Los profesores uruguayos son los que tienen mayor autoridad para hablarnos de estas tematicasCambios Estructurales y Culturales de una posible Reforma del Proceso Civil, tan asi, que no solo desde Chile sino que desde el resto del mundo, incluso desde Italia, iban a buscar en este experiencia uruguaya luces para una actualizacion de la practica... |
2008 |
Yes |
Darryn Beckstrom |
Religion, Immigration, and Voter Turnout among Latinos in Presidential Elections |
13 Georgetown Public Policy Review 63 (2007-2008) |
In recent years, scholars have investigated the significance of religion, immigration, and Latino activism on American elections. However, less attention has been paid to voter turnout among Latinos than among other groups. This paper uses data from the 2006 General Social Survey and the 2004 and 2006 Pew National Surveys of Latinos in order to... |
2008 |
Yes |
Marie C. Scott |
Resegregation, Language, and Educational Opportunity: the Influx of Latino Students into North Carolina Public Schools |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 123 (Spring 2008) |
In 2003, Latinos represented the largest minority group, outnumbering African Americans for the first time in U.S. history. Today Latinos make up over fourteen percent of the U.S. population, and they are projected to comprise nearly twenty-five percent of the population in 2050. Two aspects of this growth are especially interesting: the... |
2008 |
Yes |
M. Isabel Medina |
Ruminations on the Fourth Amendment: Case Law, Commentary, and the Word "Citizen" |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 189 (Spring 2008) |
Words being what they are, people being what they are, perhaps it would be better always to say the opposite of what one means? Often it is when looking for one thing in particular that one finds or notices another, more interesting thing that, although not looked for or anticipated, becomes the thing deserving of study. In the spring of 2003 I... |
2008 |
Berta E. Hernández-Truyol |
Sex and Globalization |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 173 (Spring 2008) |
For some time now, I have focused on a mission to bring together the separate discourses of the human rights and trade fields--certainly not to blend them, but to raise awareness of their myriad interconnections. Indeed, human rights and trade are interlocking pieces of the puzzle we call international law and cannot possibly remain sequestered in... |
2008 |
Raquel E. Aldana |
Silent Victims No More?: Moral Indignation and the Potential for Latino Political Mobilization in Defense of Immigrants |
45 Houston Law Review 73 (Symposium 2008) |
I. Introduction. 74 II. Electoral Politics and Latina/o Voters. 83 A. The Numbers: 2006 Elections and Predictions for 2008. 85 B. Latino Voters on Immigration. 88 III. The Promise of Nonelectorate Latino Civic Engagement: The 2006 Immigration Marches and Beyond. 92 IV. Conclusion. 97 Media reports identified at least 50 of the 130 victims of the... |
2008 |
Yes |
Enrique J. Gimenez , Wendy Padilla-Madden |
State Bar Actively Addressing Growing Hispanic Population |
69 Alabama Lawyer 448 (November, 2008) |
With a Hispanic population increase of more than 210 percent during the 1990s, Alabama has become a leading United States center for Hispanic population growth and business development. The first few years of this decade continued the trend, with Alabama's 22 percent increase in Hispanic population nearly doubling the national average. While many... |
2008 |
Yes |
Angel R. Oquendo |
Straight from the Mouth of the Volcano: the Lowdown on Law, Language, and Latin@s |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1481 (Fall, 2008) |
Amor mio en el mar navegamos de vuelta a la raza, a la herencia, al volcan y al recinto, al idioma dormido que se nos salia por la cabellera en tierras ajenas. Auch das Ungew hnliche mu Grenzen haben. How does U.S. law regulate linguistic practices and cultures? Does it operate explicitly, through the constitutional or statutory officialization of... |
2008 |
Yes |
Michael A. Olivas |
The "Trial of the Century" That Never Was: Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia, the Congressional Medal of Honor, and the Oasis Cafe |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1391 (Fall, 2008) |
There can be no doubt that life in the early twentieth century in rural Texas was difficult for Mexican Americans and Mexican-origin people. Texas was the only southern state with a substantial Mexican population, so Jim Crow morphed into a form not found elsewhere in the agricultural South. The racial segregation practiced against African... |
2008 |
SpearIt |
The Browning of America: the Impacts of Latinos on the Law and in Legal Discourse |
19 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 189 (2008) |
In Latinos and American Law: Landmark Supreme Court Cases, Carlos R. Soltero examines cases involving Latinos that have been decided at the highest level of our American jurisprudence. The book's organization follows a simple chronology beginning in 1889 with Botiller v. Dominguez and concluding with the 2001 decision of Alexander v. Sandoval.... |
2008 |
Yes |
Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol |
The Gender Bend: Culture, Sex, and Sexuality-a Latcritical Human Rights Map of Latina/o Border Crossings |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1283 (Fall, 2008) |
[C]ultures provide specific plots for lives. Away, she went away but each place she went pushed her to the other side, al otro lado. [j]Mejor puta que pata. Mejor ladrón que maricón. In the course of studying and theorizing about Latinas/os and their location in law and culture, critical theory has been simultaneously liberating and restraining,... |
2008 |
Yes |
Claudio Grossman |
The Inter-american System of Human Rights: Challenges for the Future |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1267 (Fall, 2008) |
The Inter-American system is a combination of human rights norms and supervisory institutions within the Americas. The applicable rules consist primarily of the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man (American Declaration) and the American Convention on Human Rights (American Convention). The institutions involved are the organs... |
2008 |
Luis Fuentes-Rohwer |
The Land That Democratic Theory Forgot |
83 Indiana Law Journal 1525 (Fall, 2008) |
The island of Puerto Rico is officially designated as an unincorporated United States territory. Acquired by the United States in the aftermath of the Spanish-American war, the status of the island offers innumerable lessons and puzzles for students of the law of democracy and constitutional law. Begin with the fact that citizens of Puerto... |
2008 |
Maritza I. Reyes |
The Latino Lawful Permanent Resident Removal Cases: a Case Study of Nicaragua and a Call for Fairness and Responsibility in the Administration of U.s. Immigration Law |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 279 (Spring 2008) |
What has become of the descendants of the irresponsible adventurers, the scapegrace sons, the bond servants, the redemptionists and the indentured maidens, the undesirables, and even the criminals, which made up, not all, of course, but nevertheless a considerable part of, the earliest emigrants to these virgin countries? They have become the... |
2008 |
Yes |
Agustin Parise |
The Place of the Louisiana Civil Code in the Hispanic Civil Codifications: the Comments to the Spanish Civil Code Project of 1851 |
68 Louisiana Law Review 823 (Spring, 2008) |
The Louisiana Civil Code of the year 1825 (Louisiana Civil Code) had a strong presence in the worldwide nineteenth century codification movements. This Article shows that the influence of the Louisiana text was not limited to the codification endeavors of French- or English-speaking countries; but that it also extended to other codification works... |
2008 |
Yes |
Glenda Labadie-Jackson |
The Reproductive Rights of Latinas and Commercial Surrogacy Contracts - English Translation |
14 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 49 (Spring 2008) |
I. Reproductive Rights of the Latinas in the United States. 51 II. Surrogacy Agreements: General Principles. 52 1. Definitions and Terminology. 52 2. The History of Surrogacy Agreements in the United Statess. 54 3. State Regulation of Surrogacy Agreements. 56 4. Arguments in Favor and Against the Legalization of Surrogacy Agreements. 58 a.... |
2008 |
Yes |
Daria Roithmayr |
Them That Has, Gets |
27 Mississippi College Law Review 373 (2007-2008) |
In 2004, sociologists Robert Sampson and Jeffrey Morenoff published a remarkable study on the persistence of poverty in Chicago neighborhoods from 1970 to 1990. The authors made several important findings. First, those neighborhoods that were poor in 1970 were almost all poor twenty years later in 1990. Even as poverty rates dramatically increased... |
2008 |
X. Brian Edwards |
True Donative Freedom: Using Mediation to Resolve the Disparate Impact Current Succession Law Has on Committed Same-gender Loving Couples |
23 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 715 (2008) |
In recent years the national discussion concerning what rights same-gender loving Americans do or do not have has been thrust to the forefront of American political debate. The issues of same-sex marriage, same-gender loving adoption rights, and civil unions have sparked heated debate between both ends of the political spectrum. Moreover, this... |
2008 |
SpearIt |
Visions of Victory: Secure the Hispanic Vote--and Win |
19 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 181 (2008) |
It was indeed a bold venture on the part of Leslie Sanchez to attempt to drum up support for the Republican Party among Hispanics in 2007. But this is exactly what she does in Los Republicanos: Why Hispanics and Republicans Need Each Other. Lately, however, the Grand Old Party has managed to strike out on some major issues concerning Hispanics... |
2008 |
Yes |
Glenda Labadie-Jackson |
Warning: Silence Can Cause Severe Harm: Spanish Language and Civil Liability for Inadequate Warnings and Instructions |
11 Harvard Latino Law Review 85 (Spring 2008) |
La humanidad entrará en el tercer milenio bajo el imperio de las palabras. No es cierto que la imagen esté desplazándolas ni que pueda extinguirlas. Al contrario, está potenciándolas: nunca hubo en el mundo tantas palabras con tanto alcance, autoridad y albedrío como en la inmensa Babel de la vida actual. Palabras inventadas, maltratadas o... |
2008 |
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic |
What If John Calmore Had a Latino/a Sibling? |
86 North Carolina Law Review 769 (March, 2008) |
Over the course of a long career, John Calmore has addressed a host of issues having to do with housing for minority communities, particularly African Americans. These issues include redlining (refusal to extend credit or insurance for housing in black areas), segregation, and substandard municipal services. Although Calmore's work is pathbreaking,... |
2008 |
Yes |
Tom I. Romero, II |
¿La Raza Latina?: Multiracial Ambivalence, Color Denial, and the Emergence of a Tri-ethnic Jurisprudence at the End of the Twentieth Century |
37 New Mexico Law Review 245 (Spring, 2007) |
Imagine, if you will, my surprise when my grandmother and I were having a conversation about my grandfather a few months after his death and she revealed to me that she was not aware of my grandfather's indigenous roots. Knowing that I had a passion for history, she regaled me with stories about my grandfather's youth, his perilous passage from... |
2007 |
Yes |
Patricia S. Abril |
Acoustic Segregation and the Hispanic Small Business Owner |
10 Harvard Latino Law Review Rev. 1 (Spring, 2007) |
I saw the irony firsthand during a class. I was teaching U.S. contract and sales law in Spanish in Little Havana as a volunteer in a program called ASSETS Español. The program's stated mission is to assist low-to moderate-income Hispanics in starting or improving their own businesses through an eleven-week course focusing on critical business and... |
2007 |
Yes |
Luz Estella Nagle |
Algunos Aspectos De La Lucha Contra El Crimen Organizado Internacional En América Latina |
76 Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 59 (2007) |
Introducción 60 I. Definición de delincuencia organizada transnacional: Falta de acuerdo y de claridad 63 A. El laberinto 63 B. Problemas causados por la pluralidad de definiciones 65 C. Puntos concordantes en las definiciones 66 D. Consecuencias debido a la falta de uniformidad y claridad 67 II. Crimen organizado en América Latina 68 A. Orígenes... |
2007 |
Yes |
Liza Zamd |
All in a Day's Work: Advocating the Employment Rights of Day Laborers |
3 Modern American 56 (Summer-Fall, 2007) |
In December 2005, House Bill H.R. 4437 brought the immigration debate to the forefront of national politics. In homes and in public forums across the country, people debated the advisability of allowing an estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants the right to obtain legal status. Further complicating the issue, advocates highlighted human... |
2007 |
Daniel Aaron Rochmes |
Blinded by the White: Latino School Desegregation and the Insidious Allure of Whiteness |
13 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 7 (Spring 2007) |
Introduction. 8 I. History of Latino School Segregation. 9 II. Latino Desegregation Lawsuits (Becoming White). 11 A. Salvatierra: The Fight Begins. 11 B. Mendez: Making History. 12 C. Delgado: Squeezing Water from the Rock. 14 III. The Whiteness Straitjacket. 15 A. Jury Discrimination. 15 B. School Integration . 18 IV. Critical White Studies... |
2007 |
Yes |
Marisa Bono |
Don't You Be My Neighbor: Restrictive Housing Ordinances as the New Jim Crow |
3 Modern American 29 (Summer-Fall, 2007) |
We can, of course, little more than hypothesize how our racial passions first began to overtake us, how humankind's obsession to embrace the similar and despise the different got stuck in our communal psyche .. Jerold M. Packard They're taking our jobs, our homes. There's unemployment partly because of the Hispanics. The lady who took my job is... |
2007 |
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas |
Foreword: Emerging Latina/o Nation and Anti-immigrant Backlash |
7 Nevada Law Journal 685 (Summer 2007) |
LatCrit XI, Working and Living in the Global Playground: Frontstage and Backstage, convened at William S. Boyd School of Law, in Las Vegas Nevada, during October 2006 and called upon over 150 academics to focus on the impacts of globalization and immigration. At no time has LatCrit's critical approach of interconnecting the structures of... |
2007 |
Yes |
Shana Bernstein |
From California to the Nation: Rethinking the History of 20th Century U.s. Civil Rights Struggles Through a Mexican American and Multiracial Lens |
18 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 87 (2007) |
This paper discusses Mexican American civil rights struggles in Los Angeles during the early Cold War era and its significance for Mexican Americans' quest for full citizenship. It explains the ways in which these mid-century campaigns were fundamentally cooperative. Significant beyond their local and regional communities, the struggles of the... |
2007 |
David B. Cruz |
Heterosexual Reproductive Imperatives |
56 Emory Law Journal 1157 (2007) |
This Article began as the second annual Mary C. Dunlap Memorial Lecture on Sex, Gender, and Social Justice, which I was deeply honored to deliver at the University of California, Boalt Hall School of Law in February 2006. As I recounted there, Mary was a very good fighter, a superb trial attorney, and, eventually, a Supreme Court advocate. Her U.S.... |
2007 |
Tracy Carbasho |
Hispanic Attorneys Committee Works to Protect Inmate Rights |
9 No. 13 Lawyers Journal 1 (June 22, 2007) |
An increase in the number of Latino inmates at the Allegheny County Jail has prompted the Hispanic Attorneys Committee of the ACBA to correct an injustice. Marilin Martinez-Walker, who chairs the committee, spearheaded a meeting in late 2006 to discuss what could be done to help inmates who do not speak English. Joining committee members at the... |
2007 |
Yes |
Antonio Arocho |
Hispanic National Bar Association |
24 No. 3 GPSolo 34 (April/May, 2007) |
The mission of the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) is to serve as a national voice for the concerns and opinions of Hispanics in the community generally, and in the legal profession in particular; to pursue the recruitment and retention of Hispanics in law schools and provide them with financial assistance; to facilitate the exchange of... |
2007 |
Yes |
José Raúl Alcántar , David W. McCombie III |
Hispanic Private Equity: a Cultural Approach to Achieving Superior Investment Returns |
10 Harvard Latino Law Review 233 (Spring, 2007) |
Hispanic-facing companies present a burgeoning and largely over-looked investment opportunity in the private equity arena. As the private equity investment class has become increasingly saturated, it has experienced diminishing returns. In order to maintain strong returns, investors need to identify and target new investment opportunities. This... |
2007 |
Yes |
Adela de la Torre, Ph.D., Julia Mendoza |
Immigration Policy and Immigration Flows: a Comparative Analysis of Immigration Law in the U.s. and Argentina |
3 Modern American 46 (Summer-Fall, 2007) |
Lawyers and policy experts within the Latino community need to foster cultural responsibility for immigration reform by participating in the policy dialogue. Although Latino lawyers do not represent the broad American population, they do represent American communities that have been discriminated against because of their cultural and racial... |
2007 |
Jonathan Gracia |
In Recognition of Eduardo Roberto Rodriguez |
13 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 1 (Spring 2007) |
Each issue of the Journal features a Latino Texan whose professional achievements, exemplary conduct and contributions to the Latino community are noteworthy. Our purpose is not only to identify Latino role models but also to inspire members of the community to continue the work that these individuals have begun. In this volume, we honor a Latino... |
2007 |
Tanya Katerí Hernández |
Latino Inter-ethnic Employment Discrimination and the "Diversity" Defense |
42 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 259 (Summer, 2007) |
For the great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. With the growing racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population and workforce, scholars have begun to address the ways in which coalition building across groups not only will continue to be necessary... |
2007 |
Yes |
Tracy Carbasho |
Latino Law Day Teaches Students about the Legal Profession |
9 No. 9 Lawyers Journal 14 (April 27, 2007) |
Local high school students who attended the Latino Law Day on April 13 got a glimpse of what to expect if they pursue a career in the legal profession. The event, held at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, was spearheaded by the Hispanic National Bar Association with participation by the Allegheny County Bar Association's Hispanic... |
2007 |
Yes |
Laurel E. Fletcher , Phuong Pham , Eric Stover , Patrick Vinck |
Latino Workers and Human Rights in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina |
28 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 107 (2007) |
This Article describes a research project designed to assess the vulnerabilities of Latino workers employed in rebuilding New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Professors Fletcher, Pham, Stover and Vinck analyze the results, examining legal and human rights issues including job security, safety, fair pay, discrimination, and access... |
2007 |
Yes |
Leslie M. Inzunza |
Marketing to the Hispanic Community |
43-NOV Trial 58 (November, 2007) |
The television ads all share the same message: ¿Se ha herrido en un accidente? Llamenossomos buenos amigos or Nosotros le tratamos como familia. (Have you been injured in an accident? Call uswe're good friends or We'll treat you like family.) Many law firms seeking to tap into the growing Hispanic market share the misconception that... |
2007 |
Yes |
Marc Simon Rodriguez |
More than Whiteness: Comparative Perspectives on Mexican American Citizenship from Law and History |
18 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 79 (2007) |
. . . the Mexicans are a treacherous race, and have too much Indian blood in them to be trusted, however peaceable they may seem. He tried to intellectualize my blackness To make it easier for his whiteness Persons of Mexican ancestry have always been a problem for those seeking to establish a bright line in the history of race in the United... |
2007 |
Ninth Annual Harvard Latino Law and Public Policy Conference: Nuevas Fronteras April 21, 2006 |
10 Harvard Latino Law Review 175 (Spring, 2007) |
Hilda Zacarias: For this morning's presentation we have three incredible people I would like to introduce to you. Let me start with Deputy Superintendent Gladys Aquino-Gaines, who is to my immediate left. Aquino-Gaines holds a bachelor's degree in science and a master's degree in criminal justice and has been with the Boston Police Department for... |
2007 |
Yes |
Carlos Quitana |
Putting Thoughts into Action: the Creation of the Latina/o Alumni Association of the Washington College of Law |
3 Modern American 53 (Summer-Fall, 2007) |
The process for establishing the Latina/o Alumni Association of the Washington College of Law (LAAW) began in the same way I suspect many great organizations got their start, over a few beers in a Washington, D.C. bar. Eight alumni (Maryam Ahranjani, Luis Clavijo, John Evanoff, Paul Figueroa, Juan Garcia, Manuel Garcia, Eric Garduño, and Carlos... |
2007 |
Yes |