Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year | Key Terms |
Armin von Bogdandy |
Ius Constitutionale Commune En America Latina: Observations on Transformative Constitutionalism |
109 AJIL Unbound 109 (July, 2015-May, 2016) |
Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina (ICCAL) constitutes a new approach to constitutionalism in the region. It has transformative aims and draws its energy from the perception of unacceptable conditions of a systematic nature. Like many legal concepts it refers both to positive law as a well as to the legal discourse connected to it. In... |
2016 |
Yes |
Marc-Tizoc González |
La Gran Lucha: Latina and Latino Lawyers, Breaking the Law on Principle, and Confronting the Risks of Representation |
13 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 61 (Winter, 2016) |
Chicana, Chicano, and Mexican American law professors are rare in the United States. Although Michael A. Olivas began to teach law in 1982, three decades after the first Mexican American law professor (Carlos Cadena in 1952), Professor Olivas holds the distinction of being regarded as the Dean of Latina and Latino (Latina/o) law professors in the... |
2016 |
Yes |
Clifford Clapp, Esq. |
Latino Jury Nullification: Resisting Racially & Ethnically Biased Crimmigration Through Civil Disobedience |
17 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 167 (2016) |
In 1995, over twenty years ago, Paul Butler argued for jury nullification by African-American jurors in cases where black defendants commit crimes that do not affect public safety, such as public drunkenness, minor drug possession, gambling and other victimless crimes. He opines that racial considerations by African-American jurors are legally and... |
2016 |
Yes |
Maritza Perez |
Los Lazos Viven: California's Death Row and Systematic Latino Lynching |
37 Whittier Law Review 377 (Spring, 2016) |
In June 1874, Jesus Romo, a Latino, was arrested in La Puente, California on charges of robbery and other crimes. Subsequent to his detention, a group of masked men seized him from the arresting officers, took him outdoors, secured a rope around his neck, and hung him. Local opinion celebrated the lynching of the hardened and bloodstained... |
2016 |
Yes |
Political Power of Latinos in the Years to Come |
22 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 57 (Spring 2016) |
Speakers: Rolando Rios, Former General Counsel, Southwest Voting Rights Project James Harrington, Founder Of The Texas Civil Rights Project Presenter: Hector Gutierrez, Thj Development Editor Presenter: Okay, everyone. Welcome back. Our third panel for the day is going to be on the political power of Latinos in the years to come. This panel is... |
2016 |
Yes |
The Evenwel Litigation and its Potential Effects on Voting Rights Within the Latino Population |
22 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 31 (Spring 2016) |
Speaker: Jose Garza, Litigation Director Of The Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid Presenter: Hector Gutierrez, Development Editor Of The Texas Hispanic Journal Of Law And Policy. Presenter: Hector Gutierrez, Thj Development Editor Presenter: Good morning everybody. I'm really happy to see the attendance and I'm glad that y'all turned out today. So I'm... |
2016 |
Yes |
Ana P. Moretto |
The Law's Conflation of the Latinos' Identity: Reconsidering the Exclusionary Rule in Civil Removal Proceedings |
42 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 253 (Spring 2016) |
In 2014, the Second Circuit held that the exclusionary rule does not apply in civil deportation hearings absent an egregious violation of the Fourth Amendment. An egregious constitutional violation is one in which an individual is subjected to a seizure for no reason at all, or one in which a seizure is based on race, or some other grossly improper... |
2016 |
Yes |
Francesca López |
When Desegregation Limits Opportunities to Latino Youth: the Strange Case of the Tucson Unified School District |
34 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 1 (2016) |
Desegregation court orders in American schools stem from the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education (Brown I) decision that overturned de jure segregation, which had been previously upheld by the separate but equal decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. Whereas the Brown I decision . pronounces the principle of separate as inherently unequal ., Brown v.... |
2016 |
Yes |
Tom I. Romero, II |
Bridging the Confluence of Water and Immigration Law |
48 Texas Tech Law Review 779 (Summer, 2016) |
I. Introduction. 780 II. The Irrigation Era and the Need for a Docile Labor Supply. 782 III. The Metropolitan Revolution and the Rise of the Illegal Gardner. 798 IV. The Great Local Thirst for Proper Documentation. 807 V. Conclusion. 815 Appendix: A Timeline of Important Moments in Water and Immigration Law and Policy. 817 |
2016 |
Administrative Law--separation of Powers--new York Court of Appeals Affirms Invalidation of Soda-portion Cap.-- New York Statewide Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce V. New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 16 N.e.3d 538 (N.y. 201 |
128 Harvard Law Review 1508 (March, 2015) |
Over the last decade, New York City has pioneered a number of efforts to combat rising obesity rates, including banning trans fats and requiring restaurants to post calorie counts. Perhaps none of these efforts has generated as much controversy, however, as the 2012 passage of a regulation limiting portions of certain sugary drinks to no more than... |
2015 |
Yes |
Lindsay Pérez Huber |
Como Una Jaula De Oro (It's like a Golden Cage): the Impact of Daca and the California Dream Act on Undocumented Chicanas/latinas |
33 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 91 (2015) |
This study utilizes a Latina/o Critical Theory (LatCrit) framework to examine how undocumented and formerly undocumented Chicana/Latina college graduates are impacted by the California DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, S 1291) and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), recent state and federal policies meant... |
2015 |
Yes |
Yolanda Vazquez |
Constructing Crimmigration: Latino Subordination in a "Post-racial" World |
76 Ohio State Law Journal 599 (2015) |
Over the last forty years, the concern over the relationship between noncitizens and criminality has reached epic proportions. Laws, policies, procedures, and rules have been developed, the immigration and criminal justice system have been employed, and billions of dollars have been spent towards detecting, detaining, prosecuting, and removing... |
2015 |
Yes |
Daniel N. Ramirez , Peter G. Dawson |
Crimmigration Law and its Relation to America's Hispanic Population |
40 Thurgood Marshall Law Review Online 8 (2015) |
A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in . And how many want out. ? Tony Blair For generations Hispanics from throughout Latin America have sought out the American Dream by immigrating to the United States. Hispanic holders of immigrant visas, non-immigrant visas, lawful permanent resident status, or undocumented... |
2015 |
Yes |
Francesco Seatzu |
El Papel Del Fondo Multilateral De Inversiones (Fomin) En La Promoción De Inversiones Privadas Extranjeras En América Latina Y El Caribe |
21 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 657 (Summer, 2015) |
I. Introduccion. 658 II. Organizacion y Estructura de Votacion del FOMIN. 663 III. Operaciones Del FOMIN: Polizas Y Cuestiones Legales De Las Operaciones Y Los Servicios Financieros Del FOMIN. 668 IV. El FOMIN Y La Aplicacion De Normas Legales A Los Servicios De Financiacion Y Asesoramiento. 673 V. Observaciones finales. 677 |
2015 |
Yes |
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll |
El Problema Del Zócalo: La Separación Iglesia-estado Y La Libertad Religiosa En América Latina |
84 Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 545 (2015) |
Introducción. 545 I. La libertad religiosa del liberalismo norteamericano. 547 II. Iglesia-Estado en América Latina: Colonia, independencia y república. 550 A. La Iglesia separada del Estado hoy. 552 B. El poder de la Iglesia. 553 C. Libertad religiosa, libertad eclesiástica, y el problema del zócalo. 555 D. Separación Iglesia-Estado en América... |
2015 |
Yes |
Llezlie Green Coleman |
Exploited at the Intersection: a Critical Race Feminist Analysis of Undocumented Latina Workers and the Role of the Private Attorney General |
22 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 397 (Fall 2015) |
Introduction. 398 I. The Feminization of Immigration and Immigrant Women in the Workplace. 400 II. Wage Theft Among Immigrant Women Workers. 402 III. Critical Race Feminism. 405 A. The Deference Narrative. 409 B. Exalting Self-Abnegation. 411 C. The Family Comes First (Familismo). 412 D. Learning from the Narratives. 414 IV. The Private Attorney... |
2015 |
Yes |
Madeline M. Gomez |
Intersections at the Border: Immigration Enforcement, Reproductive Oppression, and the Policing of Latina Bodies in the Rio Grande Valley |
30 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 84 (2015) |
A series of events in 2014 brought significant attention to the United States-Mexico border. Over the summer, reports of an influx of undocumented Central American immigrants began circulating. Though most coverage mentioned only children crossing the border, many of these young migrants traveled alongside their mothers. Reports of this influx... |
2015 |
Yes |
Paul Evan Greenwald |
Judge Frederick P. Aguirre: One of the 101 Most Influential Latinos in 2014 with Deep Roots in Orange County |
57-MAR Orange County Lawyer 14 (March, 2015) |
Latino Leaders Magazine has selected Orange County Superior Court Judge Frederick P. Aguirre as one of the country's 101 Most Influential Latinos and presented him with an award at the Willard Intercontinental in Washington, D.C. recently, saying that he is one of those exemplary individuals who represent the pinnacle of those in our society who... |
2015 |
Yes |
Brian Rodriguez |
Latinos and the Criminal Justice System: Overcoming Racial Stigma from Trial to Incarceration |
40 Thurgood Marshall Law Review Online 7 (2015) |
According to the National Council of La Raza NCLR, Latinos in the United States face discrimination and overrepresentation in every step of the criminal justice system, from arrest to incarceration. Tough on crime policies enacted since the 1970's for the purpose of reducing violent crimes and promoting efficiency in the criminal justice... |
2015 |
Yes |
Stephanie Flores-Koulish |
Vivir En Dos Mundos (Living in Both Worlds): the Realities of Living as a Latina Adoptee |
9 Charleston Law Review 231 (Winter 2015) |
2015 |
Yes |
Waleska Suero |
We Don't Think of it as Sexual Harassment: the Intersection of Gender & Ethnicity on Latinas' Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims |
33 Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review 129 (2015) |
[T]hat's right, we don't think of it as sexual harassment . In the workplace, sexual harassment is broadly defined as the making of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Workplace sexual harassment may arise as a single occurrence where sexual favors are demanded in... |
2015 |
Yes |
Stephanie M. Wildman , Lucy Gaines |
Wise Latina/os Reflect on Role Models, Acting Affirmatively, and Structures of Discrimination: in Honor of Richard Delgado |
33 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 459 (Summer, 2015) |
Richard Delgado and I [Stephanie] have never lived in the same place or taught on the same faculty. I'm a provincial Californian, having spent my entire teaching career at Bay area law schools; Richard is an internationally recognized scholar who has taught at many different places. I am a White Jewish woman; he is a Latino man. In some ways it was... |
2015 |
Yes |
Katherine Beckett, Heather Evans |
Crimmigration at the Local Level: Criminal Justice Processes in the Shadow of Deportation |
49 Law and Society Review 241 (March, 2015) |
In recent decades, authorities have adopted a number of programs that tether the criminal and immigration enforcement apparatuses in novel ways. This mixed methods case study assesses the impact of such programs on local criminal justice processes and outcomes in King County, Washington. Although the empirical research on the effects of such... |
2015 |
Uché Ewelukwa Ofodile |
Governor Hutchinson's Trade Mission to Cuba: Key Legal and Policy Developments That the Arkansas Business Community Should Be Aware of |
2015 Arkansas Law Notes 1776 (October 26, 2015) |
On Sunday September 29, 2015, Arkansas Governor, Asa Hutchinson, and a delegation travelled to Cuba on a trade mission. By making an early visit to Cuba, Governor Hutchinson hopes to position Arkansas and Arkansas businesses to benefit once trade relations between the two countries are normalized. Governor Hutchinson is the first United States... |
2015 |
Rodolfo D. Saenz |
Another Sort of Wall-building: How Crimmigration Affects Latino Perceptions of Immigration Law |
28 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 477 (Winter, 2014) |
The increased criminalization of immigration law has resulted in a number of problems that directly affect Latinos. For example, Latinos currently account for the vast majority of individuals detained in immigration detention and removed from the country. Furthermore, Latinos are the largest racial group sentenced to federal prison, and immigration... |
2014 |
Yes |
Pat K. Chew |
Anticipating the Wise Latina Judge |
91 Denver University Law Review 853 (2014) |
Sonia Sotomayor's famous wise Latina quote provoked a conservative critique. The first part of the critique proposes that Judge Sotomayor's gender and racial background would affect her judicial decision making. The second part fears that her Latina background would result in bias, prejudice, and unfair judicial decisions. This Essay explores... |
2014 |
Yes |
Richard Delgado |
Delgado's Darkroom: Critical Reflections on Land Titles and Latino Legal Education |
45 New Mexico Law Review 275 (Fall, 2014) |
Written in celebration of the life and achievements of Senator Dennis Chavez, this essay analyzes the intersection of two topics--civil rights and legal education--that lay close to the Senator's heart. A tireless crusader for justice who attended night law school at Georgetown in the 1920s and maintained a lifelong interest in legal education,... |
2014 |
Yes |
Gustavo A. Gelpí Jr. |
First Hispanic Woman Chief Judge |
61-JUL Federal Lawyer 3 (July, 2014) |
On July 11, the Federal Bar Association will hold its First Women in the Law Conference in Washington, D.C. This event, I'm very proud to say, is the first of its kind in the nation. It is also a tribute to women pioneers in the law such as Arabella Mansfield, the first woman lawyer in the United States admitted to practice in Iowa in 1869, and... |
2014 |
Yes |
Patrick Kirby Madden |
Illegal Reentry and Denial of Bail to Undocumented Defendants: Unjust Tools for Social Control of Undocumented Latino Immigrants |
11 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 339 (Summer, 2014) |
When we want you, we'll call you; when we don't--git. - Ernesto Galarza Context matters. The more context one has, whether it is historical, structural, statistical, or constitutional, it helps one to better see the true purpose and effects of an action. Superficially, the criminal statute of Illegal Reentry seems like a basic rule to deter those... |
2014 |
Yes |
Emily Sanders |
Immigration and the Border: Politics and Policy in the New Latino Century. Edited by David L. Leal and José E. Limón. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame, 2013. Pp. Xi, 488. $46.00 (Paperback) |
46 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 1076 (Spring 2014) |
Immigration and the Border: Politics and Policy in the New Latino Century, edited by David L. Leal and José E. Limón, was born from a selection of papers presented at the inaugural Inter-University Program for Latino Research conference at the University of Texas at Austin in 2005. The editors subsequently compiled additional papers for this book,... |
2014 |
Yes |
Leticia M. Saucedo |
Intersectionality, Multidimensionality, Latino Immigrant Workers, and Title Vii |
67 SMU Law Review 257 (Spring 2014) |
THE concepts of intersectionality and multidimensionality have become increasingly salient as we think about strategies for targeting national origin discrimination in the future. But what exactly do the concepts of intersectionality and multidimensionality mean in the immigrant workplace context, and how are such claims proved in the traditional... |
2014 |
Yes |
Alfredo Mirandé |
Light but Not White: a Race/plus Model of Latina/o Subordination |
12 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 947 (Spring, 2014) |
This paper grew out of the LatCrit Conference held in Chicago, Illinois, on October 3rd through 5th in 2013, the theme of which was Resistance Rising: Theorizing and Building Cross-Sector Movements. The subject of the paper, however, extends well beyond the conference theme and falls within the first of five standing guideposts for LatCrit... |
2014 |
Yes |
Nora Dowd Eisenhower |
New Cfpb Resources in Spanish That Could Help Thousands of Older Hispanics Spot Financial Exploitation and Scams |
36 No. 1 Bifocal 15 (September-October, 2014) |
Elder financial exploitation crosses all social, economic and cultural boundaries. Older Hispanics, like other older adults, increasingly are targets of financial abuse and scams by a broad spectrum of perpetrators. A 2012 study found that 17% of Hispanic seniors are victims of financial exploitation, and that limited English proficiency is a... |
2014 |
Yes |
Thomas A. Saenz |
One Advocate's Road Map to a Civil Rights Law for the next Half Century: Lessons from the Latino Civil Rights Experience |
38 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 607 (2014) |
Twenty-five years ago this fall, I began my journey as a lawyer when I commenced law school. Even as a first-year student, I went to law school intending to do civil rights work after graduation. I knew that my desire and ambition was what was going to get me through the difficult times that I expected to experience in law school. The law students... |
2014 |
Yes |
Maritza I. Reyes |
Opening Borders: African Americans and Latinos Through the Lens of Immigration |
17 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (Spring 2014) |
African-American and Latino voter turnout during the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections hit record numbers. Polls show that the immigration debate influenced Latino voter turnout and preference. Presidential candidate Barack Obama's voiced support of comprehensive immigration reform strengthened his lead among Latino voters in 2008 and, once in... |
2014 |
Yes |
Orbelin Montes, Michelle R. Guyton, Pacific University |
Performance of Hispanic Inmates on the Spanish Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (M-fast) |
38 Law and Human Behavior 428 (October, 2014) |
The few psychological assessment measures commercially available for the assessment of Spanish-speaking populations lack strong empirical foundation. This is concerning given the rising numbers of Spanish speakers entering the forensic and correctional systems for whom valid assessment is difficult without linguistically and culturally appropriate... |
2014 |
Yes |
Jamie G. Longazel |
Rhetorical Barriers to Mobilizing for Immigrant Rights: White Innocence and Latina/o Abstraction |
39 Law and Social Inquiry 580 (Summer, 2014) |
In the summer of 2006, Hazleton, Pennsylvania passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act (IIRA). In this article, the politics that emerged in that law's wake are used as a case study to identify the rhetorical tools that justify and help achieve White dominance in local struggles over immigration in the United States. In tracing three successive... |
2014 |
Yes |
Ryan Kennedy |
Sharing Is Airing: Employee Concerted Activity on Social Media after Hispanics United |
12 Duke Law & Technology Review 182 (November 8, 2014) |
Section 7 of the United States' National Labor Relations Act allows groups of American workers to engage in concerted activity for the purposes of collective bargaining or for other mutual aid or protection. This latter protection has been extended in cases such as Lafayette Park Hotel to workers outside the union context. Starting in 2005, the... |
2014 |
Yes |
Laura M. Goodall |
The "Otherized" Latino: Edward Said's Orientalism Theory and Reforming Suspect Class Analysis |
16 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 835 (February, 2014) |
Several months before the 2012 presidential election, a Time magazine cover featured the faces of twenty Latinos and boldly proclaimed that Latinos would pick the next President. In big white lettering, the cover read, Yo Decido (I Decide). After President Barack Obama's reelection, discussion about the Latino vote remained at the center of a... |
2014 |
Yes |
David Hinojosa, Karolina Walters |
How Adequacy Litigation Fails to Fulfill the Promise of Brown [But How it Can Get Us Closer |
2014 Michigan State Law Review 575 (2014) |
C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 576 I. School Desegregation. 582 A. Separate-but-Equal Schools. 582 B. The Tide Begins to Turn. 584 C. Brown v. Board Arrives. 587 D. Enter Brown II. 590 II. The Advent of School Finance Litigation. 596 A. Equity Cases. 596 B. The Shift to Adequacy Litigation. 601 1. Problems with Defining an Adequate... |
2014 |
John M. Ackerman |
Rethinking the International Anti-corruption Agenda: Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy |
29 American University International Law Review 293 (2014) |
2014 |
Kevin R. Johnson , Joanna E. Cuevas Ingram |
Anatomy of a Modern-day Lynching: the Relationship Between Hate Crimes Against Latina/os and the Debate over Immigration Reform |
91 North Carolina Law Review 1613 (June, 2013) |
Our contribution to the Race Trials symposium considers the protracted legal battles to bring justice to the perpetrators of the killing of a young Mexican immigrant in rural Pennsylvania. From that sensational case, we attempt to draw more general civil rights lessons. The Article specifically contends that hate crimes directed at Latina/os,... |
2013 |
Yes |
Civil Procedure -- Class Actions -- Southern District of New York Certifies Class Action Against City Police for Suspicionless Stops and Frisks of Blacks and Latinos. -- Floyd V. City of New York, 82 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (West) 833 (S.d.n.y. 2012). |
126 Harvard Law Review 826 (January, 2013) |
For a Court that had been besieged by calls to impeach its Chief Justice for his perceived leniency on crime, the 8-1 decision in Terry v. Ohio proved atypical. In his opinion, Chief Justice Warren assented to warrantless police stops and frisks based on no more than reasonable suspicion--an intrusion the former district attorney conceded must... |
2013 |
Yes |
Ramona Fernandez |
De-tenured: a Latina Endures More than Four Decades in the Educational Industrial Complex |
12 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 421 (Fall/Winter, 2013) |
Our ancestors' journals are one long cry of pain. - Joanna Russ It is possible that North American academia has made little to no progress in racial and gender equality in the very halls that should lead us to a better world. The stories in Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia frighten anyone with the... |
2013 |
Yes |
Michael A. Olivas |
From a "Legal Organization of Militants" into a "Law Firm for the Latino Community" : Maldef and the Purposive Cases of Keyes, Rodriguez, and Plyler |
90 Denver University Law Review 1151 (2013) |
Keyes was the first school desegregation case decided by the Supreme Court that did not originate in a Southern city. Geography was its quintessencenot merely the line drawing and school assignment formbut its political geography and demography variant. In Denver, as was the case in most Southwestern cities, the number of Mexican Americans was as... |
2013 |
Yes |
Freddy Rubio |
Hispanic Litigants and Jury Bias in Alabama |
33 Alabama Association for Justice Journal 43 (Spring, 2013) |
The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees [i]n all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to . a trial, by an impartial jury. Furthermore, the Seventh Amendment provides that in civil trials the right of trial by jury shall be preserved. Despite these statements in the Constitution, juries may be far... |
2013 |
Yes |
Chad G. Marzen, J.D. |
Hispanics in the Heartland: the Fremont, Nebraska Immigration Ordinance and the Future of Latino Civil Rights |
29 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice 69 (Spring 2013) |
We want to be the voice of those who have no voice, in order to cry out against every assault of our human rights so that justice is done. -Archbishop Oscar Romero As individuals drive from outside of Nebraska to within its state's borders, a large sign greets motorists with a friendly slogan: Nebraska: The Good Life. With its traditions,... |
2013 |
Yes |
Mary Dolores Guerra |
Latina and Latino Judges: Changing the Complexion of the Bench |
9 Florida A & M University Law Review 145 (Fall 2013) |
Although having a diverse bench is instrumental to a fair judicial system, the first Mexican American was not appointed to the federal bench until 1961. In that year, President John F. Kennedy appointed Reynaldo G. Garza, to the U.S. federal bench as a district court judge. Judge Garza hoped that by becoming an effective jurist he would quell any... |
2013 |
Yes |
Jocelyn A. Cortez, Esq. |
Legacy in the Making: the Las Vegas Latino Bar Association |
21-SEP Nevada Lawyer 8 (September, 2013) |
The Las Vegas Latino Bar Association (LBA), in its inception and evolution, embodies the dynamism of the growing bar of Hispanic attorneys in southern Nevada. Since its foundation 14 years ago, the LBA has grown as a professional organization that not only supports its members in their trajectory of success, but also one that serves as a valuable... |
2013 |
Yes |
Edgar Flores |
Legal Service Awareness of the Latino Population in Southern Nevada |
19 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 33 (Spring 2013) |
I. Introduction. 34 II. Methodology of the Survey. 35 A. Random Sampling. 35 B. Survey Questions. 37 C. Method Used to Test the Data. 39 III. Analysis. 39 IV. Consequences. 42 A. Why the Notario Público. 42 B. Nevada Rules for Notarios Públicos. 43 V. Solutions. 45 VI. Limitations. 47 VII. Conclusion. 48 Appendix: Data. 50 A. The Raw Data. 50 B.... |
2013 |
Yes |