AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey terms In Title or Summary
Pamela S. Karlan Our Separatism? Voting Rights as an American Nationalities Policy 1995 University of Chicago Legal Forum 83 (1995) One of the salient characteristics of contemporary global politics is the disintegration of empires and multiethnic nation- states and the resurgence of separatism. The breakup of the Soviet Union, the breakdown of Yugoslavia, tribal warfare in Africa, and the emergence of separatist political parties in Western democracies such as Italy and Canada...; Search Snippett: part, of course, to a general sense of increasing racial and ethnic tension within the United States--illustrated by the Los Angeles riots, the Nation of Islam, and white-male backlash. But this tension is hardly unique... 1995  
Austin Sarat, Roger Berkowitz Disorderly Differences: Recognition, Accommodation, and American Law 6 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 285 (Summer, 1994) [H]ow will the prophecy come true that someday there will be only one shepherd and one flock? . . . [D]o not allow yourselves to be deluded! In order to be under the care of this omnipresent shepherd the entire flock need neither graze in one pasture nor enter and leave the master's house through a single door. This is neither what the shepherd...; Search Snippett: ...they are no longer naturally distinct. Both genetically and culturally, America's many racial groups have interacted with and molded into one another to... 1994  
Dena S. Davis Ironic Encounter: African-americans, American Jews, and the Church-state Relationship 43 Catholic University Law Review 109 (Fall, 1993) This Essay examines a paradox in contemporary American society. Jewish voters are overwhelmingly liberal and much more likely than non-Jewish white voters to support an African-American candidate. Jewish voters also staunchly support the greatest possible separation of church and state (which they refuse to distinguish from separation of religion...; Search Snippett: itself a religious movement: the Nation of Islam. [FN128] Islam, with its roots in the urban ghettoes of the North... 1993  
Christopher J. Arias-Piranio Malcolm X: Speeches at Harvard. Archie Epps. New York: Paragon House, 1991. Pp. 191. $10.95, Paper 28 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 252 (Winter, 1993) Nearly three decades since his passing, the symbol of Malcolm X and his words continue to terrify America's privileged, to spark controversy and to engender misunderstanding. The political philosphy of Malcolm X was in constant evolution prior to his assassination and is one reason why he is simultaneously misperceived by many and proclaimed a hero...; Search Snippett: ...punish the White heathens. After breaking from the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X became a human rights leader and acknowledged that, if racism was eradicated, the United States might be a place where people of all races could... 1993  
Richard H. McAdams Relative Preferences 102 Yale Law Journal 1 (October, 1992) I. Existing Analysis of Relative Preferences A. Economic Analysis of Relative Preferences: An Issue Deferred B. A Partial Economic Analysis: The Externality of Envy C. Beyond Envy: Recent Work Concerning Positional Preferences II. A Socioeconomic Theory of Relative Preferences And Competitive Consumption A. The Source, Nature and Scope of Relative...; Search Snippett: ...reviewed ...indicates that fraternalistic RD is useful for predicting white racism and support of black political candidates in the United States, militancy among black Americans and their approval of violence to... 1992  
Lani Guinier The Triumph of Tokenism: the Voting Rights Act and the Theory of Black Electoral Success 89 Michigan Law Review 1077 (March, 1991) I. THE ROOTS OF BLACK ELECTORAL SUCCESS THEORY A. The Civil Rights Movement's Theory of Political Participation 1. Political Participation: Mobilizing the Black Community 2. Political Participation: Promoting a Social and Economic Agenda 3. Political Participation: Electing Responsive Officials B. The Evolution of a Legal Strategy of Political...; Search Snippett: eat, to attend school) and Marable, supra, at 18 ( racial integrationists consistently advocate elimination of all restrictions that keep blacks... 1991  
Thomas E. Rossmeissl, Kevin N. Starkey Prisoners' Substantive Rights 77 Georgetown Law Journal 1340 (February, 1989) Constitution guarantees the right of meaningful access to courts. This guarantee imposes an affirmative duty on prison officials to assist inmates in preparing and filing legal papers, either by establishing an adequate law library or by providing adequate assistance from persons trained in the law. Prison officials are not required to provide...; Search Snippett: ...library in both current and former names did not violate Muslim prisoner's first amendment rights, even though prisoner found former name... 1989  
Tracy Greer The Hobbs Act and Rico: a Remedy for Greenmail? 66 Texas Law Review 647 (February, 1988) From January to April 1986, Carl Icahn acquired one million shares of stock in Viacom International, Inc. In the first few days of May, Icahn purchased another 2.5 million shares, giving him control of nearly 17% of Viacom's outstanding shares. In a registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Icahn reported that merger...; Search Snippett: ...of forum shopping by law enforcement officials). See, e.g. United States v. Starks, 515 F.2d 112 (3d Cir. 1975) (Black Muslims prosecuted for extorting protection payments from liquor dealers); United States v. Mitchell, 463 F.2d 187, 189, 193 (8th Cir. 1972) (a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) job developer prosecuted for threatening local retailer unless... 1988  
Neil W. Imus Jury Selection 73 Georgetown Law Journal 610 (December, 1984) Challenges to Selection Procedure. A defendant may demonstrate a violation of his sixth amendment right to a trial by an impartial jury by proving that the jury venire did not represent a fair cross-section of the community. In Duren v. Missouri, the Supreme Court held that to establish a prima facie violation, a defendant must show that: (1) the...; Search Snippett: ...of a fair trial. Id. at 191 n.7; cf. United States v. Dickens, 695 F.2d 765, 774-75 (3d Cir.1982) (jurors should be asked question regarding racial bias against Black Muslims pursuant to Rosales-Lopez because significant likelihood that racial and religious prejudice may affect trial; reversal not required when... 1984  
Rebecca Anne Ferrell Jury Selection 72 Georgetown Law Journal 550 (December, 1983) Challenges to Selection Procedure. A defendant may demonstrate a violation of his sixth amendment right to a trial by an impartial jury by proving that the jury venire did not represent a fair cross-section of the community. In Duren v. Missouri the Supreme Court held that to establish a prima facie violation a defendant must show that: (1) the...; Search Snippett: ...of a fair trial. Id. at 191 n.7; cf. United States v. Dickens, 695 F.2d 765, 774-75 (3d Cir.1982) (jurors should be asked question regarding racial bias against Black Muslims pursuant to Rosales-Lopez because significant likelihood that racial and religious prejudice may affect trial; reversal not required when... 1983  
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