AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey terms In Title or Summary
Marie A. Failinger Islam in the Mind of American State Courts: 1960 to 2001 28 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 21 (Spring, 2019) C1-2ABLE OF CONTENTS I. ISLAM IN THE MIND OF AMERICAN COURTS: THEN AND NOW. 28 II. CRIMINAL CASES. 30 A. Black Muslims: Subversive, Violent, Untrustworthy. 31 1. Legends: The Black Muslim Riots and Khaalis Assassinations. 34 2. Black Muslims as Subversive, Violent, or Criminal. 39 3. Muslims as Untruthful. 46 B. Jury Prejudices About Distinctive... 2019 Yes
Eric K. Yamamoto, Rachel Oyama Masquerading Behind a Facade of National Security 128 Yale Law Journal Forum 688 (January 30, 2019) In 1944, the Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States upheld President Roosevelt's executive order initiating the mass removal and incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans on falsified claims of group disloyalty. In the ensuing decades, some courts and scholars have cited Korematsu as precedent for extreme judicial deference when...; Search Snippett: ...FN122] nearly half of Republican voters thought that the mass racial imprisonment was a good idea, and more than half supported Trump's call to ban[] Muslims from entering the United States. [FN123] iii. trump v. hawaii Challenges to President Trump's 2017... 2019  
Engy Abdelkader, J.D., LL.M. Muslim Americans: Do Us Democratic Institutions Protect Their Religious Liberty? 26 Asian American Law Journal 52 (2019) Introduction. 53 I. Muslims and Islam in America: A Demographic Sketch. 53 II. The Separation of Powers Doctrine. 56 III. The First Amendment and Religious Freedom. 58 A. The Free Exercise Clause. 58 B. The Establishment Clause. 59 IV. The Muslim Ban and Separation of Powers Doctrine. 60 A. The Ban. 63 1. The First Executive Order. 63 2. The Second... 2019 Yes
Sohail Wahedi Muslims and the Myths in the Immigration Politics of the United States 56 California Western Law Review 135 (Fall, 2019) Today, the explicit use of anti-immigration rhetoric has become common among a significant portion of the American political establishment. The 2016 election of President Trump generated a tougher attitude toward immigration and immigrants. Subsequently, the 2018 midterm elections revealed an increase in Islamophobic rhetoric among political...; Search Snippett: ...and 2012 presidential elections, and the recent elections of two Muslim women with immigrant backgrounds to Congress, do not erase the palpable presence of racial discrimination in the United States. [FN14] Studies have reaffirmed the presence of ethnic and racial... 2019 Yes
Tally Kritzman-Amir , Jaya Ramji-Nogales Nationality Bans 2019 University of Illinois Law Review 563 (2019) This Article conducts a comparative analysis between the nationality bans that exist in both Israel and the United States. In exploring the similarities and differences between these two countries' nationality bans, this Article critically evaluates the publicly projected rationales for the bans and argues that these bans promote blanket...; Search Snippett: ...can extend to broader treatment of impacted groups, such as Muslims in the United States and asylum-seeking enemy nationals in Israel, as well as racial minorities in both countries. The exclusionary logic may slowly and... 2019  
Morgan Doiron Note - Living the American Nightmare: the Adverse Psychological Effects of Separating Immigrant Children from Their Primary Caregivers at the Border 16 Journal of Health & Biomedical Law 52 (2019) This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of civil and religious liberty . Hither they have fled, not from the tender embraces of the mother, but from the cruelty of the monster . According to the United States Census Bureau there are 7.5 billion people in the world. As of October 7, 2018, there were 328.7 million people...; Search Snippett: ...immigrants based on their political views); Chae Chan Ping v. United States ( The Chinese Exclusion Case ) 130 U.S. 581, 597 (1889) (upholding racial discrimination in immigration laws); see also Nguyen v. INS, 533... 2019  
Nicole Walker Reaction To: "We're All French . Until We're Not: the Constitutional Stratification of French Ethnic Minorities" 11 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 205 (Fall, 2019) Critical race theory often overlooks modern day anti-black, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim racism in European countries. Similarly, other insular discrimination is ignored in the Western context, such as the effect of racial disparities on Afro-Caribbean, genderqueer, immigrant, and disabled minorities. Accordingly, Perkins' Note on racism in... 2019  
Vanita Saleema Snow Reframing Radical Religion 11 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives Persp. 1 (Spring, 2019) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 2 II. Weaponized Frames. 5 A. Framing Crime and Public Safety. 6 B. Framing National Security. 11 1. Framing Muslims as Foreign Intruders. 13 2. False Frames.. 14 III. Framing Theory. 15 A. Framing Techniques. 17 B. Fabricated Frames. 19 IV. The Effects of Weaponized Frames. 20 A. Discriminatory Policing... 2019  
Rabea Benhalim Religious Courts in Secular Jurisdictions: How Jewish and Islamic Courts Adapt to Societal and Legal Norms 84 Brooklyn Law Review 745 (Spring, 2019) In the post-9/11 era, public fear about the potential imposition of religious law on secular countries continues to rise. Presumptions about what comprises religious law, and its incompatibility with secular laws, abound. For some individuals, the fear of Islamic law has led to anti-Sharia legislation and heated debates about creeping Sharia. For... 2019 Yes
Michael J. Broyde, Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law Religious Edicts, Secular Law, and the Family 34 Journal of Law and Religion 496 (December, 2019) Church, State, and Family: Reconciling Traditional Teachings and Modern Liberties. By John Witte, Jr. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. 454. $130.00 (cloth). ISBN: 9781316882542. KEYWORDS: family law, religious law, Jewish law, John Witte Jr., arbitration law The discussion of religious marriage law by my colleague John Witte, Jr.,...; Search Snippett: ...for American Islamic Arbitration Based on the Beth Din of America and Muslim Arbitration Tribunal Experience , 30 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice 33-76 (2014) see also David Aikman, America's Religious Past Fades in a Secular Age Wall Street Journal... 2019  
Tatiana S. Laing Seeing in Color: the Voting Rights Act as a Race-conscious Solution to Prison-based Gerrymandering 50 Seton Hall Law Review 499 (2019) In today's political climate, the debate about whether to aspire to colorblindness or race-consciousness continues to create tension. To some, our country's progression away from overtly racist policies may signal the need for a parallel progression away from directly discussing or addressing racial issues. The Supreme Court is no stranger to this...; Search Snippett: ...See generally Race and Discrimination, Opinions About Immigrants and Islam, in The Partisan Divide on Political Values Grows Even Wider... 2019  
Steven L. Nelson, J.D., Ph.D. Special Education, Overrepresentation, and End-running Education Federalism: Theorizing Towards a Federally Protected Right to Education for Black Students 20 Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law 205 (Spring, 2019) INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF POSITIONALITY I. Summarizing the Fight for a Federal Right to Education II. A Critical Race Perspective on the Foundations of Overrepresentation of Black Students in Special Education Programs A. Examining the Racial Roots of Racial Disproportionality in Special Education B. Implementing Special Education in Urban...; Search Snippett: ...peoples. . I borrow this concept of racialization of non- racial categories from Khaled Beydoun who explicitly considers how structures in the United States have contributed to the racialization of Muslim communities ( see generally Khaled Beydoun, American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear (2018)). In the... 2019  
Ryan M. Mardini The "Muslim Ban" and the Constitutional Crisis 96 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 225 (Winter, 2019) Donald J. Trump is the forty-fifth President of the United States. The election of President Trump has ushered in a renaissance era of Islamophobia. People around the world--but most notably in America--publically cast a pervasive hatred towards Islam because of Trump's hardline rhetoric. Islamophobia began to take shape as a form of bigotry... 2019 Yes
Mary L. Dudziak The Outcome of Influence: Hitler's American Model and Transnational Legal History 117 Michigan Law Review 1179 (April, 2019) Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law. By James Q Whitman. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2017. P. 161. Cloth, $24.95; paper, $14.95. On July 17, 1935, William E. Dodd, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, sent a disturbing dispatch to the Secretary of State: SIR: I have the honor to report that...; Search Snippett: ...Feel to Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America (2008) (on the experience of Arab and Muslim Americans); Ian F. Haney López, Racism on Trial: The Chicano Fight for Justice (2003) (on the... 2019  
Michael Miller The Times That Try Our Souls . And Define Us for History 91-APR New York State Bar Journal B.J. 5 (April, 2019) In a departure from my previous president's messages focusing on broad societal issues, I had drafted a message describing the New York State Bar Association's considerable advocacy activities. However, I awoke this morning to the news of yet another mass murder, this time in Christchurch, New Zealand, where at least 50 people were murdered and...; Search Snippett: ...and prejudice. Whether inspired by white supremacy, anti-Semitism, anti- Muslim bigotry, racism, or xenophobia--or a combination--hate crimes are increasing exponentially, both here in America and around the world. Those who argue that there is… 2019  
Pablo Chapablanco Traveling While Hispanic: Border Patrol Immigration Investigatory Stops at Tsa Checkpoints and Hispanic Appearance 104 Cornell Law Review 1401 (July, 2019) Introduction. 1402 I. A Brief History of the United States Border Patrol and Its Impact in the Southern Border. 1407 A. The Early Beginnings of the United States Border Patrol. 1407 B. The United States Border Patrol's Focus on Mexican Immigrants. 1408 C. The United States Border Patrol Today. 1410 II. The Fourth Amendment in Immigration Law...; Search Snippett: ...ESSW]. See, e.g. , Alvaro Huerta, The War on Immigrants': Racist Policies in the Trump Era Huffington Post (Aug. 7 2017), racist-policies-in-the-trump_us_5980bf68e4b0d187a596909b [ 2019  
Stacy Hawkins Trump's Dangerous Judicial Legacy 67 UCLA Law Review Discourse 20 (2019) Reviewing statistical data on the composition of the federal judiciary over the last forty plus years, this paper describes what appears to be President Trump's deliberate effort to reverse a decades-long trend by his presidential predecessors to diversify the federal judiciary. It then imagines both the motivations for and consequences of this...; Search Snippett: ...See, e.g. , Abed Ayoub & Khaled Beydoun, Executive Disorder: The Muslim Ban, Emergency Advocacy, and the Fires Next Time , 22 Mich... 2019  
William J. Aceves Virtual Hatred: How Russia Tried to Start a Race War in the United States 24 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 177 (Spring, 2019) During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Russian government engaged in a sophisticated strategy to influence the U.S. political system and manipulate American democracy. While most news reports have focused on the cyber-attacks aimed at Democratic Party leaders and possible contacts between Russian officials and the Trump presidential...; Search Snippett: ...c015e53d0d68. . Alvin Chang, When Russian Trolls Wanted to Divide America, They Knew What to Use: Race Vox (May 15, 2018... 2019  
Ahad Khilji Warrantless Searches of Electronic Devices at U.s. Borders: Securing the Nation or Violating Digital Liberty? 27 Catholic University Journal of Law & Technology 173 (Spring, 2019) Sorry, this media file doesn't exist on your internal storage. This was the message Ghassan Alasaad saw on his phone when he tried to view videos from his daughter's graduation. Unbeknownst to Mr. Alasaad, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) searched and seized his phone two weeks prior. The steady increase of U.S. citizens traveling with...; Search Snippett: ...traveler's background or religion. The current political landscape in the United States indicates that there is a racist and discriminatory view of Muslims by members of the current administration. For instance, in January... 2019  
Khaled A. Beydoun Acting Muslim 53 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review Rev. 1 (Winter, 2018) The election of Donald Trump as the forty-fifth President of the United States ushered in an era of heightened state and popular suspicion of Muslim Americans. Trump's hardline rhetoric, policy proposals and executive orders-- most notably the so-called Muslim Ban--enhanced the presumption that Islam is tied to terrorism. In rapid time, the Trump... 2018 Yes
Khaled A. Beydoun Bisecting American Islam? Divide, Conquer, and Counter-radicalization 69 Hastings Law Journal 429 (February, 2018) The United States Department of State has long employed a sectarian foreign policy strategy to advance its interests in the Mideast. The United States has sided staunchly with Saudi Arabia, the Sunni Muslim superpower in the region, while spurning Iran, the Shia Muslim hegemon that emerged in 1979 after the Islamic Revolution. This sectarian... 2018 Yes
Emmanuel Mauleón Black Twice: Policing Black Muslim Identities 65 UCLA Law Review 1326 (June, 2018) In a political moment that includes various iterations of a Muslim Ban, and a resurgent mainstreaming of white nationalism, race and religion clearly remain hotly contested in American life. And yet, in much of the recent scholarship and public debate on these issues, the intersecting experiences of Black Muslims are often elided, if not entirely... 2018 Yes
Susan Ayres Claudia Rankine's Citizen: Documenting and Protesting America's Halting March Toward Racial Justice and Equality 9 Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review 213 (2018) Introduction. 214 I. Citizen as Protest Poetry in a Documentary and Epideictic Mode. 219 A. Documentary Poetry. 222 B. Epideictic Discourse--Does Poetry Matter?. 225 II. Racism and the Racial Imaginary: Microaggressions and Major Moments. 228 A. The Racial Imaginary. 229 B. Examples of Racism in Citizen--Call Out Racism When You See It. 237...; Search Snippett: ...mentality. . Nick O'Malley, British, Dutch Censure Trump for Reckless Racist Retweets Sydney Morning Herald (Nov. 30, 2017), 2018  
Carrie L. Rosenbaum Crimmigration--structural Tools of Settler Colonialism 16 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 9 (Fall, 2018) The systems of immigration and criminal law come together in many important ways, one of which being their role in instilling difference and undermining inclusion and integration. In this article, I will begin a discussion examining the concept of integration, simplistically described as inclusion into American life, not in the more traversed...; Search Snippett: ...rapists-what-trump-thinks-of-mexicans. Doubling Down on Racial Discrimination: The Racially Disparate Impacts of Crime-Based Removals, supra note 64, at 999 (citing Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third... 2018  
Michael J. Broyde, Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law Faith-based Arbitration Evaluated: the Policy Arguments for and Against Religious Arbitration in America 33 Journal of Law and Religion 340 (December, 2018) This article explores whether allowing such expansive arbitration is a wise idea for the United States (and other western democracies). Like all arbitration, religious arbitration starts with a contract to arbitrate, but frequently does not invoke the law of the United States as the law to be used to resolve disputes, but instead allows parties to...; Search Snippett: ...mine. See Michael J. Broyde, Shari'a and Halakha in North America: Faith-Based Private Arbitration as a Model for Preserving Rights... 2018  
E. Tendayi Achiume Governing Xenophobia 51 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 333 (March, 2018) The problem of xenophobia has gained remarkable notoriety of late, and reports from around the world paint a chilling picture of its virulence, especially where refugees and other involuntary migrants are concerned. How should one understand this global picture of xenophobic contestation and its fallout, and specifically, how should one understand...; Search Snippett: ...TV79] (archived Jan. 19, 2018). See Rob Crilly, Anti- Muslim Hate Groups on the Rise in the US The National (March 2, 2017, 4:00 AM), americas/anti- muslim-hate-groups-on-the-rise-in-the-us [ 2018  
Patrick D. Soundy How Could Anyone Believe That? Balancing Fake News and the First Amendment 8 Wake Forest Journal of Law and Policy: Sua Sponte 18 (2018) If there is time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies . the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence. These words originated from Justice Brandeis in the controversial 1927 Supreme Court case Whitney v. California and underline a fundamental rationale to the protection of free speech under the First Amendment....; Search Snippett: ...Entous et al., Russian Operatives used Facebook Ads to Exploit America's Racial and Religious Divisions, Wash. Post (Sept. 25, 2017), 2018  
Stephanie Howell In the Shadow of Korematsu: Precedent & Policy Considerations for Trump's Muslim Registry 27 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 593 (Spring, 2018) In November 2015, early in his campaign for President, Donald Trump commented that he would absolutely implement a program requiring Muslims in the United States to register in a database or tracking system. Although this proposed program was initially introduced in response to a suggestion from a reporter from Yahoo News, Trump's campaign... 2018 Yes
Zoha Khan Islam and the United States Supreme Court: Problems of History, Otherness, and Legal Recognition 25 Asian American Law Journal 21 (2018) Introduction. 21 I. Methodology of Research. 22 A. Methodology Log. 23 B. Database Chart. 23 II. History of Islam in the United States. 23 A. History of Pre-Colonial Contributions. 24 B. Muslims and Slavery. 24 C. Early Muslim Communities in America and the Rise of the Nation of Islam. 26 D. Muslims and the Early Military Involvement. 26 E.... 2018 Yes
Neil S. Siegel Political Norms, Constitutional Conventions, and President Donald Trump 93 Indiana Law Journal 177 (Winter, 2018) My big worry is not simply that formal institutions have been eroded, but that the informal norms that underpin them are even more important and even more fragile. Norms of transparency, conflict of interest, civil discourse, respect for the opposition and freedom of the press, and equal treatment of citizens are all consistently undermined, and...; Search Snippett: ...Notwithstanding norms of respect for human dignity that in the United States were purchased at the cost of enormous human suffering and are still being paid for, Candidate Trump indulged in racism, misogyny, Islamophobia, and mockery of the disabled in ways that are extraordinary... 2018  
Kimberly Cogdell Grainger Political Rhetoric and Minority Health: Introducing the Rhetoric-policy-health Paradigm 12 Saint Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 121 (2018) Rhetoric is a persuasive device that has been studied for centuries by philosophers, thinkers, and teachers. In the political sphere of the Trump era, the bombastic, social media driven dissemination of rhetoric creates the perfect space to increase its effect. Today, there are clear examples of how rhetoric influences policy. This Article explores...; Search Snippett: ...State Health Leadership 1 (2016). See, e.g. , Goleen Samari, Islamophobia and Public Health in the United States , 106 Am. J. Pub. Health , 1920, 1921-22 (2016); Saffron Karlsen & James Nazroo, Relation Between Racial Discrimination, Social Class, and Health Among Ethnic Minority Groups , 92... 2018  
Girardeau A. Spann Race Ipsa Loquitur 2018 Michigan State Law Review 1025 (2018) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 1025 I. Discrimination. 1030 A. Then. 1030 B. Now. 1034 1. Money. 1036 2. Education. 1039 3. Employment. 1041 4. Health. 1043 5. Housing. 1046 6. Voting. 1049 7. Criminal Justice. 1052 II. Denial. 1056 A. Rationalizations. 1057 B. Bias. 1061 1. Blatant. 1061 2. Subtle. 1065...; Search Snippett: ...shadows. [FN289] He added that President Trump's willingness to foster racial polarization was illustrated by his support for the death penalty... 2018  
Gail Heriot, Alison Somin The Department of Education's Obama-era Initiative on Racial Disparities in School Discipline: Wrong for Students and Teachers, Wrong on the Law 22 Texas Review of Law and Politics 471 (Spring, 2018) Introduction. 473 I. The Department of Education's Disparate Impact Policy Is Encouraging Discrimination Rather Than Preventing It.. 481 II. The Department of Education's Policy Is Leading to Increased Disorder in Schools.. 495 III. Racial Disparities in School Discipline Have Not Been Shown to Be the Root Cause of Racial Disparities in Adult Life,...; Search Snippett: ...Indian-Americans own about half of all motels in the United States); Chuansheng Chen & Harold Stevenson, Motivation and Mathematics Achievement: A Comparative... 2018  
Hiroshi Fukurai, Alice Yang The History of Japanese Racism, Japanese American Redress, and the Dangers Associated with Government Regulation of Hate Speech 45 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 533 (Spring, 2018) Japan has numerically small yet historically significant racial and ethnic minority populations. These groups include indigenous Ainu people, Ryukyuans, Koreans, Chinese, Burakumins, and newly arrived foreign workers from around the globe, all of whom remain among Japan's marginalized populations. Despite the fact that Japan's Constitution...; Search Snippett: ...and resources such as property, freedom, justice, and equality. Today, America's resurgence of racist speech and open racism against African Americans, Latinx, American Indians, Arab Americans, and Muslims has been fostered by the greater visibility and assertiveness of... 2018  
Yolanda Rondon, Esq. Treatment of Domestic Terrorism Court Cases: Class and Mental Health in the Criminal System 26 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 741 (2018) Introduction. 741 I. The Categorization of Domestic Terrorism Cases. 743 II. Treatment and Classification of Domestic Terrorism Cases. 777 III. Criminalization. 785 IV. Conclusion. 791; Search Snippett: ...Cora Currier, Spies Among Us: How Community Outreach Programs to Muslims Blur Lines Between Outreach and Intelligence, The Intercept (Jan. 21... 2018  
Stephen Wilks A Complicated Alchemy: Theorizing Identity Politics and the Politicization of Migrant Remittances under Donald Trump's Presidency 50 Cornell International Law Journal 285 (Spring, 2017) Introduction. 285 I. An Overview of Remittances in Global and Domestic Contexts Through the Lenses of Regulation and Theory. 287 II. Mapping the Recent History of Politicizing Remittance Practices. 291 III. The Economic Interplay Between Globalization, Migration, White Identity Politics, and Race as Co-Determinants of Antipathy Towards Remittance...; Search Snippett: ...and to her standing as a global superpower. Be they Muslims unfairly associated with religious extremism or immigrant Latinos whose population... 2017  
Sahar F. Aziz A Muslim Registry: the Precursor to Internment? 2017 Brigham Young University Law Review 779 (2017) Being political scapegoats in the indefinite war on terror is the new normal for Muslims in America. With each federal election cycle or terrorist attack in a Western country comes a spike in islamophobia. Candidates peddle tropes of Muslims as terrorists in campaign materials and political speeches to solicit votes. Government officials call for... 2017 Yes
JoAnn Kamuf Ward Challenging a Climate of Hate and Fostering Inclusion: the Role of U.s. State and Local Human Rights Commissions 49 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 129 (Fall, 2017) C1-2Contents Introduction. 130 I. The Domestic Legal Context. 136 A. Surge in Hate, Bias, and Intimidation. 136 B. Recent Commission Initiatives to Tackle Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment, and Foster Inclusion. 143 1. Community Outreach and Data Collection. 143 2. Policy Initiatives. 148 II. State And Local Human Rights Commissions: A First...; Search Snippett: ...¶¶ 8, 8(b) (recommending, among other measures, that the United States increase efforts to more efficiently fight and end the practice of racial profiling by federal, state and local law enforcement officials, including by [s]wiftly revising policies insofar as they permit racial profiling, illegal surveillance, monitoring and intelligence gathering, including the 2003... 2017  
David S. Levine Confidentiality Creep and Opportunistic Privacy 20 Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 11 (Fall, 2017) I. Introduction. 12 II. Identifying the Problem. 17 A. The Context: Trade Secrecy. 20 B. A Background Example: Hydraulic Fracturing Trade Secrets. 24 C. The Perfect Storm: Algorithms. 28 1. Confidentiality Creep and Autonomous Cars. 30 2. Social Media and Opportunistic Privacy. 34 III. Conclusion. 40; Search Snippett: ...Democratic candidates Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders, [FN130] exploit [ed] racial divisions, [FN131] and even impersonated the real group United Muslims of America, all the while simultaneously using other accounts to hawk virulently... 2017  
Abed Ayoub , Khaled Beydoun Executive Disorder: the Muslim Ban, Emergency Advocacy, and the Fires next Time 22 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 215 (Spring, 2017) On January 27, 2017, one week into his presidency, Donald Trump enacted Executive Order No. 13769, popularly known as the Muslim Ban. The Order named seven Muslim-majority nations and restricted, effective immediately, the reentry into the United States of visa and green card holders from these states. With the Muslim Ban, President Trump...; Search Snippett: ...followed by Jewish Americans at 57%. Id. Erik Love, Islamophobia and Racism in America 9 (2017). See Education for Liberation Muslim Anti-Racism... 2017 Yes
Joseph Russomanno Falsehood and Fallacies: Brandeis, Free Speech and Trumpism 22 Communication Law and Policy 155 (Spring, 2017) Donald Trump's campaign for the presidency in 2016 was unique, noted for a number of attributes that rarely, if ever, had been witnessed, including the candidate's propensity to freely express his views, unfiltered. Debates surfaced, including some within his own party and campaign team, whether to let Trump be Trump. In other words, there was...; Search Snippett: ...A1. See, e.g., Dana Milbank, Commentary, Trump Is a Racist, Wash. Post , Dec. 2, 2015, at A21: Trump led the... 2017  
Mitra Sharafi Hijacking Law 42 Law and Social Inquiry 1240 (Fall, 2017) Sharafi, Mitra. 2014. Law and Identity in Colonial South Asia: Parsi Legal Culture, 1772-1947. New York: Cambridge University Press, also 2017 Ranikhet, India: Permanent Black. Pp. xxiii + 343. This essay considers the legal strategies of comparative communities in South Asian, Middle Eastern, and US history. What does it mean for a particular...; Search Snippett: ...Feminism in India , 1800-1990. Delhi: Zubaan. Love, Erik. 2017. Islamophobia and Racism in America. New York: New York University Press. Mehrotra, S. R., and... 2017  
Kevin R. Johnson How Political Ideology Undermines Racial and Gender Diversity in Federal Judicial Selection: the Prospects for Judicial Diversity in the Trump Years 2017 Wisconsin Law Review 345 (2017) This Essay considers the relationship between efforts to increase the racial and gender diversity of the federal judiciary and the contemporary contentiousness of the Senate judicial confirmation process. Part I briefly evaluates the benefits of a diverse federal judiciary and summarizes the relatively successful efforts of President Obama--the...; Search Snippett: ...Preston et al., Donald Trump Win Has Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims Bracing for a Long 4 Years N.Y. Times (Nov. 9... 2017  
Kevin R. Johnson Immigration and Civil Rights in the Trump Administration: Law and Policy Making by Executive Order 57 Santa Clara Law Review 611 (2017) C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 612 I. The Obama Administration on Immigration. 616 A. Enforcement: Record Crime-Based Removals. 616 B. Relief for the Undocumented: DACA and DAPA. 625 C. Failed Immigration Reform. 626 II. President Trump: Aggressive Immigration Enforcement by Executive Order. 628 A. The Travel Ban and the Redos. 630 B. The...; Search Snippett: ...Preston et al., Donald Trump Win Has Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims Bracing for a Long 4 Years N.Y. Times (Nov. 9... 2017  
Shamika Dalton Incorporating Race into Your Legal Research Class 109 Law Library Journal 703 (Fall, 2017) Ms. Dalton examines ways to incorporate a discussion of race into legal research courses, and suggests a number of hypotheticals to use in creating teachable moments. ¶1 As head of reference and instructional services, one of my responsibilities is to share my instructional materials with our newer teaching librarians. For years, I have used the...; Search Snippett: ...of unarmed African Americans at the hands of the police, racial gerrymandering, unequal pay for women, the unfair treatment of Muslims due to our fear of terrorism, and a campaign to... 2017  
Sameer Ahmed Is History Repeating Itself? Sentencing Young American Muslims in the War on Terror 126 Yale Law Journal 1520 (March, 2017) The United States' aggressive War on Terror policies since 9/11 have led to significant prison sentences for many young American Muslims, even when their charged criminal conduct cannot be tied to any act of violence in the United States or abroad. A primary reason provided for their severe punishment is that these individuals are uniquely... 2017 Yes
Harvey Gee Journey Towards Justice: the Historical and Legal Legacy of Fred Korematsu and the Japanese American Internment in a Post-9/11 World 50 Suffolk University Law Review 237 (2017) In January 2017, President Obama made a final push towards his longstanding national security goal of closing the military base at Guantanamo Bay and transferring its remaining forty-one detainees to U.S. facilities. Obama explained that the push reflects the lessons that we've learned since 9/11, lessons that need to guide our nation going...; Search Snippett: ...Johnson, supra , at 301-02 . Sheryll Cashin, To Be Muslim or Muslim-Looking in America: A Comparative Exploration of Racial and Religious Prejudice in the 21st Century , 2 Duke F... 2017  
Caroline Mala Corbin Justice Scalia, the Establishment Clause, and Christian Privilege 15 First Amendment Law Review 185 (Symposium, 2017) Justice Scalia had an unusual take on the Establishment Clause. From its earliest Establishment Clause cases, the Supreme Court has held that the Clause forbids the government from first, favoring one or some religions over others, and second, favoring religion over secular counterparts. Although Justice Scalia was not alone in questioning the...; Search Snippett: ...essence, from the very beginning. . For example, because most Muslims in the United States are not white, hostility towards Muslims may have a racial component. See, e.g. Section 1: A Demographic Portrait of Muslim... 2017  
Khaled A. Beydoun Muslim Bans and the (Re)making of Political Islamophobia 2017 University of Illinois Law Review 1733 (2017) Fear and suspicion of Islam, or Islamophobia, occupied center stage on the 2016 presidential campaign. Republican presidential candidates, most notably Donald Trump, upped the ante on the rhetoric targeting Islam and Muslims, during an impasse when fears of terrorism and homegrown radicalization are at a climax. Calls for Muslim immigration... 2017 Yes
Khaled A. Beydoun On Islamophobia, Immigration, and the "Muslims Bans" 43 Ohio Northern University Law Review 443 (2017) Anticipating that Hillary Clinton would win the Presidency, I had planned on giving an entirely different lecture based on my research investigating counterterrorism, which focused on national security programming that the Obama Administration implemented in the name of counter-radicalization. However, a different series of events has unfolded.... 2017 Yes
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