IRNDistrictNameExclusion Overall GradeExclusion Grade PreliminaryPenalty OverallOrganization TypeTypology of Public Districts
046748 Big Walnut Local 78.97 80.00 1.03 Public District Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 046748
DistrictName Big Walnut Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 78.97
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 80.00
Penalty Overall 1.03
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
048116 Avon Local 78.88 80.00 1.12 Public District Type 6: Suburban - Very Low Student Poverty & Large Student Population
IRN 048116
DistrictName Avon Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 78.88
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 80.00
Penalty Overall 1.12
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 6: Suburban - Very Low Student Poverty & Large Student Population
043976 Fairview Park City 78.74 90.00 11.26 Public District Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 043976
DistrictName Fairview Park City
Exclusion Overall Grade 78.74
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 90.00
Penalty Overall 11.26
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52