IRNDistrictNameExclusion Overall GradeExclusion Grade PreliminaryPenalty OverallOrganization TypeTypology of Public Districts
050435 Kings Local 48.99 60.00 11.01 Public District Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 050435
DistrictName Kings Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 48.99
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 60.00
Penalty Overall 11.01
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
050419 Carlisle Local 48.98 60.00 11.02 Public District Type 4: Small Town - High Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 050419
DistrictName Carlisle Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 48.98
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 60.00
Penalty Overall 11.02
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 4: Small Town - High Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
049056 Northern Local 48.96 60.00 11.04 Public District Type 2: Rural - Average Student Poverty & Very Small Student Population
IRN 049056
DistrictName Northern Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 48.96
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 60.00
Penalty Overall 11.04
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 2: Rural - Average Student Poverty & Very Small Student Population
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113