IRNDistrictNameExclusion Overall GradeExclusion Grade PreliminaryPenalty OverallOrganization TypeTypology of Public Districts
046441 Southern Local 47.16 60.00 12.84 Public District Type 1: Rural - High Student Poverty & Small Student Population
IRN 046441
DistrictName Southern Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 47.16
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 60.00
Penalty Overall 12.84
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 1: Rural - High Student Poverty & Small Student Population
043638 Bowling Green City School District 47.02 60.00 12.98 Public District Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 043638
DistrictName Bowling Green City School District
Exclusion Overall Grade 47.02
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 60.00
Penalty Overall 12.98
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
049841 Fairless Local 46.85 50.00 3.15 Public District Type 1: Rural - High Student Poverty & Small Student Population
IRN 049841
DistrictName Fairless Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 46.85
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 50.00
Penalty Overall 3.15
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 1: Rural - High Student Poverty & Small Student Population
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141