IRNDistrictNameExclusion Overall GradeExclusion Grade PreliminaryPenalty OverallOrganization TypeTypology of Public Districts
045609 Rossford Exempted Village 37.88 50.00 12.12 Public District Type 3: Small Town - Low Student Poverty & Small Student Population
IRN 045609
DistrictName Rossford Exempted Village
Exclusion Overall Grade 37.88
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 50.00
Penalty Overall 12.12
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 3: Small Town - Low Student Poverty & Small Student Population
045872 Jefferson Area Local 37.88 50.00 12.12 Public District Type 3: Small Town - Low Student Poverty & Small Student Population
IRN 045872
DistrictName Jefferson Area Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 37.88
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 50.00
Penalty Overall 12.12
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 3: Small Town - Low Student Poverty & Small Student Population
049288 Preble Shawnee Local 37.87 50.00 12.13 Public District Type 2: Rural - Average Student Poverty & Very Small Student Population
IRN 049288
DistrictName Preble Shawnee Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 37.87
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 50.00
Penalty Overall 12.13
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 2: Rural - Average Student Poverty & Very Small Student Population
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157