IRNDistrictNameExclusion Overall GradeExclusion Grade PreliminaryPenalty OverallOrganization TypeTypology of Public Districts
047894 Riverside Local 26.72 40.00 13.28 Public District Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 047894
DistrictName Riverside Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 26.72
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 40.00
Penalty Overall 13.28
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 5: Suburban - Low Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
046342 Goshen Local 26.67 40.00 13.33 Public District Type 4: Small Town - High Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
IRN 046342
DistrictName Goshen Local
Exclusion Overall Grade 26.67
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 40.00
Penalty Overall 13.33
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 4: Small Town - High Student Poverty & Average Student Population Size
043851 Deer Park Community City 26.60 40.00 13.40 Public District Type 7: Urban - High Student Poverty & Average Student Population
IRN 043851
DistrictName Deer Park Community City
Exclusion Overall Grade 26.60
Exclusion Grade Preliminary 40.00
Penalty Overall 13.40
Organization Type Public District
Typology of Public Districts Type 7: Urban - High Student Poverty & Average Student Population
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187