Cynthia Hawkins DeBose Colonial White Mater Privilege: an Above-ground Railroad to Freedom and Land Reclamation 55 Howard Law Journal 455 (Winter 2012) INTRODUCTION. 457 I. Anti-Miscegenation Statutes. 459 II. Thesis--Colonial White Mater Privilege. 463 III. Colonial Maryland: A Mixing of the Races. 464 IV. The Tayles of the Whyte Matriarchs. 467 A. The Shorter Family. 467 B. The Hawkins Family. 468 V. Petitions for Freedom & Land Reclamation Cases: Testing the Theory in Maryland. 469 A. William &; Search Snippet: ...The author shall utilize the terms Black and White as racial categorizations where appropriate. However, internal references within quotations will maintain... 2012
Cynthia Jones Confronting Racial Bias 27-SUM Criminal Justice 12 (Summer, 2012) The criminal justice system in the United States is not post-racial. Across the country, African Americans, Latinos, and other minorities are overrepresented at each stage in the adjudication process. It is not uncommon for some to dismiss these disparities with oversimplified explanations, such as Minorities just commit a disproportionate amount; Search Snippet: ...Feature CONFRONTING RACE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM The ABA's Racial Justice Improvement Project Cynthia Jones [FNa1] Copyright © 2012 by American... 2012
Pamela A. Wilkins Considering Tortious Racism 115 West Virginia Law Review 305 (Fall 2012) How can capital defense lawyers craft narratives that neutralize jurors' unconscious racial and ethnic biases? A well-developed body of research in cognitive psychology indicates that despite even the best of intentions and the absence of conscious prejudice, most Americans harbor unconscious biases against African Americans. These biases influence; Search Snippet: ...WITNESS: THE USE OF NARRATIVE TO NEUTRALIZE CAPITAL JURORS' IMPLICIT RACIAL BIASES Pamela A. Wilkins [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012 the West... 2012
Scott Phillips Continued Uncertainty as to the Constitutionality of Remedial Racial Classifications: Identifying the Pieces of the Puzzle 50 Houston Law Review 131 (Fall 2012) Given the substantial amount of research that has been conducted throughout the United States regarding the relationship between race and capital punishment, one might assume that much of the attention has been focused on Harris County, Texas. After all, Harris County--home to Houston and surrounding areas--is the capital of capital punishment; Search Snippet: ...HOUSTON LAW REVIEW Houston Law Review Fall 2012 Article CONTINUED RACIAL DISPARITIES IN THE CAPITAL OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: THE ROSENTHAL ERA... 2012
Mark Lawrence McPhail , Rachel Lyon , David Harris Direct Democracy, Racial Group Agency, Local Government Law, and Residential Racial Segregation: Some Reflections on Radical and Plural Democracy 39 Northern Kentucky Law Review 137 (2012) The recent decision by the Georgia State Board of Pardons to execute Troy Anthony Davis for the murder of police officer Mark McPhail raises a number of legal, social, and media issues that coalesce around questions of racial justice and reconciliation. The legal issues raised by the decision range from the unequal application of the death penalty... 2012
Zanita E. Fenton Disaster in Durban: the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance 31 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 77 (Winter, 2012) Because of institutionalized racism, combined with institutionalized ableism, extreme numbers of Black boys receive inadequate education. Black children, especially boys, are disciplined, suspended, and expelled when it is least likely that their parents will challenge the outcome; this most often is the case when their parents are in poverty. When; Search Snippet: ...of Theory and Practice Winter, 2012 December, 2012 Article DISABLING RACIAL REPETITION Zanita E. Fenton [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2012 Law and... 2012
Sean Childers Discrimination, Death and Denial: the Tolerance of Racial Discrimination in Infliction of the Death Penalty 87 New York University Law Review 1025 (October, 2012) The last decade has seen a noted increase in the amount of traffic-stop data available for researchers hoping to analyze racial profiling on America's highways. A group of economic scholars--Knowles, Todd, and Persico--proposed a bright-line statistical test that asks whether different racial groups have the same hit rate, or to put it differently,... 2012
Vinay Harpalani Diversity, Democracy and White Racial Identity: Schuette V. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action 15 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 463 (November, 2012) This Article offers a novel doctrinal resolution of the key issues in Fisher v. Texas, the impending Supreme Court case which involves race-conscious admissions policies at the University of Texas at Austin (UT). The resolution proposed here addresses Justice Anthony Kennedy's concerns about race-conscious policies, but also preserves most of the... 2012
Devin D. Collier Doubling down on Racial Discrimination: the Racially Disparate Impacts of Crime-based Removals 9 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 33 (Winter 2012) Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person? Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend? Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity? I am expressing my creativity . . . If I wanna shave it close Or if I wanna rock locks . . . If I wanna wear it braided All down my back I don't see what's wrong with that . . . The above; Search Snippet: ...Note DON'T GET IT TWISTED: WHY EMPLOYER HAIRSTYLE PROHIBITIONS ARE RACIALLY DISCRIMINATORY Devin D. Collier [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012 University of... 2012
Jim Bailey Europe's Consultative Commission on Racism and Xenophobia and the Slow Progress Towards a European AntiRacism Observatory 19 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 73 (Fall, 2012) I. Introduction. 74 II. The Evolution of the Public Use Clause. 77 A. The Early Cases. 78 B. Berman v. Parker. 80 C. Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff. 83 D. Kelo v. City of New London. 85 III. Eminent Domain and its Impact on Ethnic and Racial Minorities, the Indigent, and the Elderly. 87 A. Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit. 87; Search Snippet: ...Rights and Social Justice Fall, 2012 Student Note ETHNIC AND RACIAL MINORITIES, THE INDIGENT, THE ELDERLY, AND EMINENT DOMAIN: ASSESSING THE... 2012
Maria Greco Danaher Federal Courts -- Standing -- Third Circuit Denies Standing to Bring Claim of Racial Discrimination in Zoning. -- Taliaferro V. Darby Township Zoning Board, 458 F.3d 181 (3d Cir. 2006). 14 Lawyers Journal J. 9 (September 21, 2012) One of the issues most frequently litigated in employment cases is whether the remarks and actions of an employer rise to the level of the hostile work environment needed to support a claim of discrimination. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently addressed this issue and provided some clarity to the definition. The court added its voice; Search Snippet: ...Journal September 21, 2012 FEDERAL APPELLATE COURT OUTLINES PARAMETERS FOR RACIALLY HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT Maria Greco Danaher Copyright © 2012 by Allegheny County... 2012
Daniel Keating From Arizona's S.b. 1070 to Georgia's H.b. 87 and Alabama's H.b. 56: Exacerbating the Other and Generating New Discourses and Practices of Segregation 20 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 701 (Winter 2012) A little over twenty years ago, in his introduction to a Harvard Law Review article that was destined to become a classic in civil rights scholarship, Professor Ian Ayres wrote the following: The civil rights laws of the 1960s prohibit race and gender discrimination in the handful of markets--employment, housing, and public accommodations--in which; Search Snippet: ...Is There a Relation? FROM FAIR DRIVING TO FAIR DISCHARGING: RACIALLY DISPARATE OUTCOMES IN COMMON CONSUMER TRANSACTIONS Daniel Keating [FNa1] Copyright... 2012
William Arrocha From Coca-cola to Ebola, Racial Riots to Civil Rights, Epic Ashes to Olympic Torch--the Transformation of Emory, Atlanta, and the South 48 California Western Law Review 245 (Spring 2012) Segregation is the adultery of an illicit intercourse between injustice and immorality. --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In 2006, Laine Lawless, one of the founding members of the Minuteman movement, encouraged the leadership of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM) to launch a campaign of violence against illegal aliens (i.e., Hispanics); Search Snippet: ...this Article refers to segregation as a new form of racial separation caused by laws promoted by state legislation that aims... 2012
Cedric Merlin Powell From Papal Bull to Racial Rule: Indians of the Americas, Race, and the Foundations of International Law 40 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 153 (2012) Introduction. 153 I. Rhetorical Neutrality, The Process Theory, and The Formalization of Brown. 160 A. Parents Involved, Inversion, and Neutrality. 168 B. The Emergence of Choice . 170 II. The Political Community. 171 III. Liberal Individualism and the Conceptual Fallacy of Neighborhood schools. 174 A. Kentucky Revised Statute § 159.070 and; Search Snippet: ...FROM LOUISVILLE TO LIDDELL: SCHOOLS, RHETORICAL NEUTRALITY, AND THE POST- RACIAL EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE Cedric Merlin Powell [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012... 2012
Kim Benita Vera From Pretoria to Philadelphia: Judge Higginbotham's Racial Justice Jurisprudence on South Africa and the United States 42 California Western International Law Journal 453 (Spring 2012) The discovery and conquest of the New World marked the inauguration of international law, and constituted a watershed moment in the emergence of race in European thought. What might the coterminous rise of formative moments in race thinking and international law suggest? In my provisional reflections on this question that follow, I trace; Search Snippet: ...Indigenous Populations and Injustice's Global Borders FROM PAPAL BULL TO RACIAL RULE: INDIANS OF THE AMERICAS, RACE, AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF... 2012
Cara Sandberg Girl Talk--examining Racial and Gender Lines in Juvenile Justice 2012 Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 449 (2012) In 2007, the United States Supreme Court decided Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District, a case that considered the constitutionality of school assignment policies that voluntarily considered the race of students. The Court held that voluntary race-conscious school assignments in school districts like Seattle, which were; Search Snippet: ...and Law Journal 2012 Student Note GETTING PARENTS INVOLVED IN RACIALLY INTEGRATED SCHOOLS Cara Sandberg [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012 Brigham Young... 2012
Thomas C. Kost Hopwood V. Texas: Racial Preferences in Higher Education Upheld and Endorsed 106 Northwestern University Law Review 1379 (Summer 2012) In a small but significant portion of urban public housing, the dual legacies of segregation and concentrated poverty have long plagued residents. Over the course of decades, these legacies have contributed to chronic systemic failures, the burden of which has disproportionately fallen on members of minority groups. The federal government; Search Snippet: ...Summer 2012 Notes and Comments HOPE AFTER HOPE VI? REAFFIRMING RACIAL INTEGRATION AS A PRIMARY GOAL IN HOUSING POLICY PRESCRIPTIONS Thomas... 2012
Michael Callahan If Justice Is Not Equal for All, it Is Not Justice: Racial Bias, Prosecutorial Misconduct, and the Right to a Fair Trial in State V. Monday 35 Seattle University Law Review 827 (Spring, 2012) If prosecutors are permitted to convict guilty defendants by improper, unfair means then we are but a moment away from the time when prosecutors will convict innocent defendants by unfair means. Prosecutors have a duty to provide defendants with fair trials. Part of this duty is that prosecutors may not make racist arguments or appeal to racial; Search Snippet: ...JUSTICE IS NOT EQUAL FOR ALL, IT IS NOT JUSTICE: RACIAL BIAS, PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT, AND THE RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL... 2012
Gregory S. Parks Judging the Judges: Racial Diversity, Impartiality and Representation on State Trial Courts 2012 Cardozo Law Review de novo 238 (2012) The article addresses the fairly recent incident where the Chief U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Montana forwarded a racist e-mail about President Obama that was picked up by the media. When questioned about it, he indicated that though he knew the e-mail to be racist, he was not a racist. The article investigates the accuracy of his; Search Snippet: ...DE NOVO Cardozo Law Review de novo 2012 Article JUDGING RACISM Gregory S. Parks [FNa1] Copyright © 2012 Yeshiva University; Gregory S... 2012
Neil Diskin Jury Discrimination: the Peremptory Challenge as a Racially Discriminatory Device 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 175 (Fall, 2012) The Eighth Amendment prohibits the infliction of cruel and unusual punishments. In capital punishment cases, the Supreme Court has interpreted the Eighth Amendment to require that jury discretion be directed to minimize the risk of arbitrary application of the death penalty, and that sentencing be individualized by taking into account mitigating... 2012
Jesse Kropf Keeping Race in Place: Racial Microaggressions and Campus Racial Climate at the University of California, Berkeley 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 75 (Spring, 2012) What has changed since the collapse of Jim Crow has less to do with the basic structure of our society than with the language we use to justify it. --Michele Alexander What does a person living in public housing look like? Most people in public housing make less than ten thousand dollars a year. Over half are on a fixed income, such as social... 2012
Robert S. Chang Keynote Address: "Fairness or Bias?: a Symposium on Racial and Ethnic Composition and Attitudes in the Judiciary" 45 U.C. Davis Law Review 1913 (June, 2012) Keith Aoki began talking with me about racial microclimes in 1997 when we were working on the first of three articles we would write together. He said: Bob, I've been thinking about this thing called a racial microclime. You know how a microclimate describes geographic pockets that have a climate that is different from the surrounding area? I; Search Snippet: ...A Tribute to Keith Aoki Essay KEITH AOKI'S THEORY OF RACIAL MICROCLIMES Robert S. Chang [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012 Regents of... 2012
Camilo M. Ortiz Law and Racial Geography: Public Housing and the Economy in New Orleans 13 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 29 (2012) In May 2010, two weeks after the Arizona state legislature passed Senate Bill 1070 (SB 1070), Juan Varela was fatally shot in the neck by his next door neighbor, Gary Kelley. Prior to the killing, Kelley had repeatedly said to Varela, Hurry up and go back to Mexico, or you're gonna die[!] It is uncertain what specific events led Kelley to shoot; Search Snippet: ...Law Review 2012 Article LATINOS NOWHERE IN SIGHT: ERASED BY RACISM, NATIVISM, THE BLACK-WHITE BINARY, AND AUTHORITARIANISM Camilo M. Ortiz... 2012
Katrina Homel Law Enforcement by Stereotypes and Serendipity: Racial Profiling and Stops and Searches Without Cause 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 51 (Spring, 2012) Israel's Ethiopian Jews are disproportionately among Israel's very poorest citizens. In fact, since their arrival in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, Ethiopian Jews, who alternatively call themselves Beta Israel (meaning House of Israel), have faced conditions of extreme poverty. Currently, nearly 52% of Ethiopian Israeli families are indigent,; Search Snippet: ...JEWS AS OTHER: LOCATING ALTERNATIVE DISCOURSES OF JUDAISM IN ISRAEL'S RACIAL-ETHNIC HIERARCHY Katrina Homel [FNa1] Copyright © 2012 by Katrina Homel... 2012
Robert T. Carter, Ph.D. , Thomas D. Scheuermann, M.A., J.D. Legal Claims Against Germany. Compensation for Losses Resulting from Anti-Racial Measures. By Siegfried Goldschmidt. New York: the Dryden Press, 1945. Pp. Viii, 213. $3.00 12 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 1 (Spring 2012) With the celebrated election of the first African-American President, the United States has come a long way from the ugly days of Jim Crow, but there is a paucity of evidence that we are living in anything approaching a post-racial America. While overt bigotry may have receded in recent decades, rumors of its demise as an ongoing social problem... 2012
Stephen B. Thomas , Craig S. Fryer, Mary A. Garza, James Butler, III , Erica T. Casper , Sandra C. Quinn Less Talk, More Action: How Law Schools Can Counteract Racial Bias of Lsat Scores in the Admissions Process 55 Howard Law Journal 705 (Spring 2012) INTRODUCTION. 706 I. FROM NEGRO HEALTH IMPROVEMENT TO HEALTH EQUITY: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. 706 II. FIRST GENERATION DISPARITIES RESEARCH: THE EVIDENCE. 709 III. SECOND GENERATION DISPARITIES RESEARCH: THE REASONS WHY. 711 IV. THIRD GENERATION DISPARITIES RESEARCH: PROVIDING SOLUTIONS. 716 A. Healthy People 2020. 716 B. The Affordable Care Act; Search Snippet: ...Article LESS TALK MORE ACTION: ACCELERATING INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES TO ELIMINATE RACIAL AND ETHNIC HEALTH DISPARITIES Stephen B. Thomas [FNa1] Craig S... 2012
Krista L. Nelson , Jacob J. Stender Like Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Combating Racial Bias in Washington State's Criminal Justice System 35 Seattle University Law Review 849 (Spring, 2012) Racial bias in the United States' criminal justice system is a serious problem, and Washington State is no exception. The groundbreaking Preliminary Report on Race and Washington's Criminal Justice System (Task Force Report) revealed striking evidence of racial and ethnic bias at various stages of criminal proceedings and highlighted the need for; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring, 2012 II LIKE WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: COMBATING RACIAL BIAS IN WASHINGTON STATE'S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Krista L. Nelson... 2012
Charles Lawrence III Literacy and Racial Justice: the Politics of Learning after Brown V. Board of Education by Catherine Prendergast. 2003. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. 205 Pages. 0-8093-2525-x (Paperback) 46 Law and Society Review 247 (June, 2012) I will tell you something about stories, . they are all we have . to fight off illness and death. --Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony The editors of the Law & Society Review bestow a great honor in asking me to reflect on Professor Laura Gómez's presidential address. They also provide an occasion for significant feelings of pride. I taught Professor; Search Snippet: ...LISTENING FOR STORIES IN ALL THE RIGHT PLACES: NARRATIVE AND RACIAL FORMATION THEORY Charles Lawrence III [FNa1] Copyright © 2012 by Law... 2012
Eli Wald , Carrie Golden, Erin Snow, Nicole Van Hook, Heidi Haberman, Elena Vigil, Tamara Henry, Jillian Kysor, Tseada Berhanu, Maureen Weiland Looking Suspicious 48 Tulsa Law Review 27 (Summer 2012) This article explores the interplay between gender identity and racial, cultural, and ethnic identity as well as socioeconomic background, intellectual self-esteem, and familial support systems to investigate the experience of women law students in legal education. Consisting of nine narratives by female law students of varying identities and... 2012
Anders Walker, Saint Louis University School of Law Mark Dewolfe Howe and the Fight for Racial Equality 30 Law and History Review 286 (February, 2012) Rarely does a book cast a well-known, heavily trafficked subject area such as civil rights in an entirely new light. However, Mark Brilliant's The Color of America Has Changed: How Racial Diversity Shaped Civil Rights Reform in California accomplishes precisely that. In writing a history of rights reform in California, Brilliant uncovers a; Search Snippet: ...Review MARK BRILLIANT, THE COLOR OF AMERICA HAS CHANGED: HOW RACIAL DIVERSITY SHAPED CIVIL RIGHTS REFORM IN CALIFORNIA, 1941-1978, NEW... 2012
G. Ben Cohen Mcclesky V. Kemp: Racism and the Death Penalty 10 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 65 (Fall, 2012) I. Introduction. 65 II. McCleskey v. Kemp: Tolerating Statistical Evidence Establishing the Influence of Race. 71 III. The Continued Role of Race in the Operation of the Death Penalty. 72 A. State Level Discrepancies Focus on Race of the Victim. 73 B. Federal Death Penalty. 75 IV. The Local Level of Retribution, Race, and Arbitrariness. 78 A. The; Search Snippet: 25 Guest Editor: Scott E. Sundby MCCLESKEY'S OMISSION: THE RACIAL GEOGRAPHY OF RETRIBUTION G. Ben Cohen [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2012... 2012
Roberto Concepción, Jr. Needed in the Nineties: Improved Individual and Structural Remedies for Racial and Sexual Disadvantages in Employment 19 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 231 (Spring, 2012) The current economic downturn, characterized by the most devastating recession in generations, continues to transform the employment application process into survival of the fittest. Employers are increasingly using criminal background checks, a permissible practice under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), as a litmus test to weed out; Search Snippet: ...Law and Policy Spring, 2012 Article NEED NOT APPLY: THE RACIAL DISPARATE IMPACT OF PRE-EMPLOYMENT CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS Roberto Concepción... 2012
Kate Meals Obama's Judiciary at Midterm: the Confirmation Drama Continues 15 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice 97 (2012) I. Introduction. 98 II. Background. 103 A. Who are the Hungry?. 104 B. Enter Food Justice: A Community Movement for Change. 111 III. No Right to Food in the United States?. 114 IV. Urban Communities. 116 A. White Flight: A Brief History of Segregation and Ghettoization. 116 B. Grocery Stores Leave Urban Areas. 120 1. Transportation Barriers. 121 2; Search Snippet: ...THE SEEDS OF FOOD JUSTICE: UNEARTHING THE IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM ON ACCESS TO HEALTHY FOOD IN URBAN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITIES... 2012
Joseph W. Doherty One of These Things Is Not like the Other: Analogizing Ageism to Racism in Employment Discrimination Cases 20 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 651 (Winter 2012) C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS L1-2Introduction . L3652 I. Taking a Critical Look 653 II. Racial Bias and Lawyering 655 III. Research Design and Problems of Inference 656 A. Ideal Types and Real World Research 656 B. Selection Bias 657 IV. Methodology 659 A. Racism and Lawyering: A Thought Experiment 659 B. Matching 660 C. Notes on the Data 664 V. Analysis; Search Snippet: ...Race: Is There a Relation? ONE CLIENT, DIFFERENT RACES: ESTIMATING RACIAL DISPARITY IN CHAPTER CHOICE USING MATCHED PAIRS OF DEBTORS Joseph... 2012
Annemarie Daly Linares Opposing Affirmative Action: the Social Psychology of Political Ideology and Racial Attitudes 15 Quinnipiac Health Law Journal 89 (2011-2012) Pain is one of the most pervasively dreaded of all of the symptoms of illness, and yet, the under-treatment of pain occurs frequently. In the United States, under-treated pain occurs in sixty to seventy percent of patients. Since the 1990's, organizations like the American Pain Society have brought the issue of under-treatment of pain to national; Search Snippet: ...Article OPIOID PSEUDOADDICTION: A CASUALTY OF THE WAR ON DRUGS, RACISM, SEXISM, AND OPIOPHOBIA Annemarie Daly Linares [FN1] Copyright (c) 2012... 2012
Kimani Paul-Emile Patriotic Racism: an Investigation into Judicial Rhetoric and the Continued Legal Divestiture of Native American Rights 60 UCLA Law Review 462 (December, 2012) One of medicine's open secrets is that patients routinely refuse or demand medical treatment based on the assigned physician's racial identity, and hospitals typically yield to patients' racial preferences. This widely practiced, if rarely acknowledged, phenomenon--about which there is new empirical evidence--poses a fundamental dilemma for law,; Search Snippet: ...UCLA LAW REVIEW UCLA Law Review December, 2012 Article PATIENTS' RACIAL PREFERENCES AND THE MEDICAL CULTURE OF ACCOMMODATION Kimani Paul-Emile... 2012
Douglas M. Coulson Petit Apartheid in the U.s. Criminal Justice System: the Dark Figure of Racism. Dragan Milovanovic and Katheryn K. Russell, Editors, Carolina Academic Press, Durham, Nc, 2001, 124 Pp., $20.00. 2 University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review 117 (2012) Introduction. 119 The Legal and Historical Conte xt of Cartozian. 131 The Cartozian Trial: A Story of Persecution and Martyrdom. 143 The Historical Interpretation of Race and the Problem of Narrativity in Judge Wolverton's Opinion. 166 Transcending Racial Divisions by Unifying Against Common Enemies. 178; Search Snippet: ...Social Justice Law Review 2012 Article PERSECUTORY AGENCY IN THE RACIAL PREREQUISITE CASES: ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY, AND MARTYRDOM IN UNITED STATES v... 2012
Patrick S. Metze Poisoning the Well: Law & Economics and Racial Inequality 16 U.C. Davis Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy 203 (Winter 2012) As timely as today's headlines, I take a critical look at the failure of the public schools to educate our children. Criminalized and alienated, students of color and economic disadvantage are forced out of their schools and into the juvenile justice system as the first step to a life of reduced expectations and productivity. We are failing to; Search Snippet: ...Article PLUGGING THE SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE BY ADDRESSING CULTURAL RACISM IN PUBLIC EDUCATION DISCIPLINE Patrick S. Metze [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2012
Amy Myrick , Robert L. Nelson , Laura Beth Nielsen Race and Social Justice as a Budget Filter: the Solution to Racial Bias in the State Legislature? 15 NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 705 (2012) Introduction. 707 I. Pro Se Litigation: Data and Past Findings. 708 II. Who Has a Lawyer? Racial Disparities in Representation. 713 A. Statistical Analysis. 713 B. Social Science Explanations for Racial Disparities in Lawyer Use. 720 III. The Pro Se Plaintiffs. 725 A. Billy Dee Did Not See His Case as a Legal Issue. 727 B. Chris Burns Could Not; Search Snippet: ...of Legislation and Public Policy 2012 Article RACE AND REPRESENTATION: RACIAL DISPARITIES IN LEGAL REPRESENTATION FOR EMPLOYMENT CIVIL RIGHTS PLAINTIFFS [FNd1... 2012
Sahar Fathi Race and State-level Earned Income Tax Credits: Another Case of Welfare Racism? 47 Gonzaga Law Review 531 (2011-2012) Introduction. 532 I. Why Is There Racial Bias in the Legal System?. 534 A. Institutional Racism. 534 B. Historical Evidence of Institutional Racism. 535 II. What Is a Racial Impact Statement and What Are Some of the Current Models that Exist in the Country?. 540 A. Iowa and Connecticut. 540 B. Minnesota. 542 C. The City of Seattle. 542 III. The; Search Snippet: ...AND SOCIAL JUSTICE AS A BUDGET FILTER: THE SOLUTION TO RACIAL BIAS IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE? Sahar Fathi [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2012
Andre L. Smith Race, Racism and American Law 4 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 39 (Spring, 2012) It must have been freshman macroeconomics at DePaul University where I learned that a capitalist, laissez-faire economy allows the market rather than the government to set prices for goods and services, working as the invisible hand. I learned that meeting of the demand and supply curves tends to establish a price equilibrium. I was taught that a; Search Snippet: ...THE FREE MARKET: A CRITICAL LAW AND ECONOMICS CONCEPTION OF RACISM AS ASYMMETRICAL MARKET FAILURE Andre L. Smith [FNa1] Copyright © 2012... 2012
Jonathan Purtle Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Prosecution and Sentencing: Empirical Research of the Washington State Minority and Justice Commission 19 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 31 (Fall, 2012) I. Introduction. 32 II. From Spanish Flu to Swine Flu: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Disasters. 35 A. Communicating Risk: The Role of Language, Cultural, and Trust. 37 B. Looking Upstream: Site and Situation. 41 III. From Site and Situation to Post-Traumatic Stress: Exploring the Causes of the Causes. 44 A. The Goods of Social Justice and; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice Fall, 2012 Article RACIAL AND ETHNIC DISPARITIES IN POST-DISASTER MENTAL HEALTH: EXAMINING THE... 2012
Barbara Madsen, Chief Justice, Washington State Supreme Court Racial Blindsight: the Absurdity of Color-blind Criminal Justice 47 Gonzaga Law Review 243 (2011-2012) Keynote Address at the Conference on Race and Criminal Justice in the West Gonzaga University School of Law Saturday, September 24, 2011 In 2008, in his speech, A More Perfect Union, candidate Barak Obama called for a national conversation on race in America. In that speech, he reminded us in the words of William Faulkner: The past isn't dead; Search Snippet: ...1424672 GONZAGA LAW REVIEW Gonzaga Law Review 2011-2012 Speech RACIAL BIAS IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM The Honorable Barbara Madsen... 2012
Darrell A.H. Miller Racial Categorization of Faces 100 Kentucky Law Journal 23 (2011-2012) In the summer and winter of 1865, a moderately successful Boston novelist and newspaperman named John Townsend Trowbridge toured the South. The Civil War had ended, but the South still smoldered- figuratively, if not literally. On a steam-boat trip, Trowbridge came across an embittered Alabama planter who explained what he expected would happen; Search Snippet: ...1961585 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL Kentucky Law Journal 2011-2012 Articles RACIAL CARTELS AND THE THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT ENFORCEMENT POWER Darrell A.H. Miller... 2012
James Forman, Jr. Racial Culture: a Critique Richard T. Ford (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005) 87 New York University Law Review 21 (April, 2012) In the last decade, a number of scholars have called the American criminal justice system a new form of Jim Crow. These writers have effectively drawn attention to the injustices created by a facially race-neutral system that severely ostracizes offenders and stigmatizes young, poor black men as criminals. This Article argues that despite these; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW New York University Law Review April, 2012 Article RACIAL CRITIQUES OF MASS INCARCERATION: BEYOND THE NEW JIM CROW James... 2012
Thomas J. Miles Racial Disparity and the Death Penalty 41 Journal of Legal Studies 419 (June, 2012) Federal investigators must obtain permission from two authorities before wiretapping suspects: first from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and then from a court. The DOJ imposes a higher standard on the use of wiretaps than courts do, and, as a result, all wiretap applications reaching federal judges are legally sufficient and receive judicial; Search Snippet: ...Studies June, 2012 Conference: The Law and Economics of Race RACIAL DISPARITIES IN WIRETAP APPLICATIONS BEFORE FEDERAL JUDGES Thomas J. Miles... 2012
Michelle Adams Racial Indirection 28 Constitutional Commentary Comment. 1 (Spring 2012) Racial isolation itself is not a harm; only state-enforced segregation is. A compelling interest exists in avoiding racial isolation, an interest that a school district, in its discretion and expertise, may choose to pursue. For more than a generation, much of the legal scholarship concerning the underpinnings and aims of the equal protection; Search Snippet: ...2012 WL 3018257 CONSTITUTIONAL COMMENTARY Constitutional Commentary Spring 2012 Article RACIAL INCLUSION, EXCLUSION AND SEGREGATION IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Michelle Adams [FNa1... 2012
Marjorie Cohn Racial Profiling of African-american Males: Stopped, Searched, and Stripped of Constitutional Protection 1 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 168 (2012) Introduction. 169 I. Constitutional Deficiencies Of S.B. 1070. 170 A. S.B. 1070 Will Require Racial Profiling. 170 B. S.B. 1070 Violates The Fourth Amendment. 171 C. S.B. 1070 Is Unconstitutionally Vague. 172 D. S.B. 1070 Violates The Supremacy Clause. 172 II. Practical Deficiencies Of S.B. 1070. 174 A. S.B. 1070 Will Harm Communities. 174 B. S.B; Search Snippet: ...AND LAW Columbia Journal of Race and Law 2012 Article RACIAL PROFILING LEGALIZED IN ARIZONA Marjorie Cohn [FNa1] Copyright © 2012 Columbia... 2012
A. Mechele Dickerson Racial Steering in the Romantic Marketplace 20 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 623 (Winter 2012) Race, Attorney Influence, and Bankruptcy Chapter Choice presents findings that are extraordinary, yet totally predictable. Those findings: though black debtors are disproportionately placed in chapter 13 (which is more expensive and more burdensome than chapter 7), bankruptcy lawyers steer whites away from chapter 13. Why would I label these; Search Snippet: ...2012 December 2012 Bankruptcy and Race: Is There a Relation? RACIAL STEERING IN BANKRUPTCY A. Mechele Dickerson [FNa1] Copyright © 2012 by... 2012
Brandon Paradise Racism & Power: the Inaccessibility of Opportunity in the Educational System in the United States 50 University of Louisville Law Review 415 (2012) The racial progress symbolized by Barack Obama's election to the U.S. Presidency, together with what many characterize as an Obama campaign that had at its center a racially transcendent theme, has led to widespread discussion of whether America has entered a post-racial era. To date, much commentary among race and law scholars has focused on... 2012
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