Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
David S. Bogen |
From Racial Politics to Political Race: Lani Guinier and Gerald Torres's the Miner's Canary |
38 Ohio Northern University Law Review 117 (2011) |
Some constitutional amendments have an impact beyond their terms: they transform the way people look at the world. An amendment evidences a consensus for change, and may be a catalyst for more. For example, by the end of the Civil War the North reached a consensus against slavery that it implemented by the 13th Amendment. The prohibition of slavery; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW Ohio Northern University Law Review 2011 Article FROM RACIAL DISCRIMINATION TO SEPARATE BUT EQUAL: THE COMMON LAW IMPACT OF... |
2011 |
Norman L. Reimer , Lisa M. Wayne |
From Undermining Child Protection Statutes to Creating Exceptions to Prohibitions Against Racial Discrimination in Public Accommodations: the Unsettling Consequences of Mischaracterizing the Police Reporting Privilege |
160 University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra 159 (2011) |
It has been nearly a decade since Justice Anthony Kennedy lent his important voice to the growing concern over the injustice of mandatory minimum sentences. It was a watershed moment to hear a Supreme Court Justice who joined the opinion upholding California's three strikes law criticize the precise practice that he had previously concluded was; Search Snippet: ...CONTROL OVER SENTENCE REDUCTIONS FOR COOPERATION SUBVERT JUSTICE AND EXACERBATE RACIAL DISPARITY Norman L. Reimer [FNd1] Lisa M. Wayne [FNdd1] Copyright... |
2011 |
Grade School Segregation: the Latest Attack on Racial Discrimination |
81 Mississippi Law Journal 37 (2011) |
On the historic and hauntingly beautiful campus of Ole Miss, we are reminded on every hand of a legion of extraordinary men and women who have played a visionary and defining role in the sustaining of the university over more than 160 years. Through good times and bad, through wars and depressions, through civil and political strife, they have; Search Snippet: ...1999, Mr. Winter helped found the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation, whose mission is to build more inclusive communities by... |
2011 |
Tanya Katerí Hernández |
Hate Speech in the New South Africa: Constitutional Considerations for a Land Recovering from Decades of Racial Repression and Violence |
32 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 805 (Spring 2011) |
When she passes she calls my attention, but her hair, there's no way no. Her catinga [African] (body odor) almost caused me to faint. Look, I cannot stand her odor. Look, look, look at her hair! It looks like a scouring pad for cleaning pans. I already told her to wash herself. But she insisted and didn't want to listen to me. This smelly negra... |
2011 |
Stacy E. Seicshnaydre |
How Might School Choice Affect Racial Integration in Schools? New Evidence from the Ecls-k |
60 Catholic University Law Review 661 (Spring, 2011) |
I. The Well-Established Prohibition on Racial Segregation in Government-Assisted Housing Programs. 664 II. The Difficulty of Reversing Entrenched Patterns of Racial Segregation in the Nation's Housing Programs. 669 III. The Particular Difficulties New Orleans Has Faced in Eliminating Racial Segregation in Government-Assisted Housing Programs. 674; Search Snippet: ...University Law Review Spring, 2011 Article HOW GOVERNMENT HOUSING PERPETUATES RACIAL SEGREGATION: LESSONS FROM POST-KATRINA NEW ORLEANS Stacy E. Seicshnaydre... |
2011 |
Thomas Pegelow Kaplan |
In the Interest of the Volk .: Nazi-german Paternity Suits and Racial Recategorization in the Munich Superior Courts, 1938-1945 |
29 Law and History Review 523 (May, 2011) |
In Nazi Germany, integration into the community of the Volk, or exclusion and persecution, were determined by the regime's categories. As legal historian Michael Stolleis has noted, this new National Socialist terminology quick[ly] penetrat[ed] . into the old conceptual world of German jurisprudence and the country's court system. In line with; Search Snippet: ...THE INTEREST OF THE VOLK : NAZI-GERMAN PATERNITY SUITS AND RACIAL RECATEGORIZATION IN THE MUNICH SUPERIOR COURTS, 1938-1945 Thomas Pegelow... |
2011 |
Ian F. Haney López |
Is the Death Penalty Racist? |
32 Cardozo Law Review 807 (January, 2011) |
Barack Obama's election has inspired many to marvel that we now live in a post-racial America. Obama himself seems to embrace this notion, not perhaps as a claim about where we are now, but as a political stance that dictates how best to approach society's persistent racial problems. In this Essay, I assess Obama's post-racial politics. To do so,; Search Snippet: a Post-Racial Era IS THE POST IN POST- RACIAL THE BLIND IN COLORBLIND? Ian F. Haney López [FNa1] Copyright... |
2011 |
Thomas J. Moran |
Just Another Brother on the Sct?: What Justice Clarence Thomas Teaches Us about the Influence of Racial Identity |
17 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 557 (Spring, 2011) |
C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction . L3557 I. When Marijuana Was Marihuana, the Killer Weed. 561 II. The Whitening of Marijuana. 566 III. The Present Day Costs of Marijuana Prohibition. 570 A. Generally, Marijuana Prohibition Has Not Worked. 570 B. The Cost of Prohibition on Minorities. 573 IV. Is Legislation such as California's Marijuana; Search Snippet: ...CALIFORNIA MODEL OF MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION AND HOW IT MIGHT AFFECT RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES Thomas J. Moran [FNa1] Copyright © 2011 by... |
2011 |
Erika K. Wilson |
Leveling the Playing Field for Workplace Neutrals: a Proposal for Achieving Racial and Ethnic Diversity |
44 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 625 (Spring 2011) |
School district boundary lines play a pivotal role in shaping students' educational opportunities. Living on one side of a school district boundary rather than another can mean the difference between being able to attend a high-achieving resource-enriched school or having to attend a low-achieving resource-deprived school. Despite the prominent; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law Reform Spring 2011 Article LEVELING LOCALISM AND RACIAL INEQUALITY IN EDUCATION THROUGH THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT... |
2011 |
Jason M. Crowder , Tamara K. Hackmann |
Liberal Jurisprudence and the Quest for Racial Representation |
29 ACC Docket 50 (April, 2011) |
Courts have long recognized employers may be liable for harassment of an employee by a coworker or supervisor. Consistent with EEOC regulations, most courts also recognize employer liability when an employee is harassed by a non-employee third party when the employer was aware, or should have been aware of the harassment, and failed to act; Search Snippet: ...Docket April, 2011 Feature LIABILITY FOR ACCEDING TO A CUSTOMER'S RACIAL INTOLERANCE Jason M. Crowder [FNa1] Tamara K. Hackmann [FNa2] Copyright... |
2011 |
Erica Lynne Mirehouse |
Making Expungement Services Accessible Is One Way to Address the Racial Disparity of U.s. Criminal Justice System |
14 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 521 (Winter 2011) |
I. Introduction. 521 II. Suffrage and the Voting Rights Act. 525 III. Cumulative Voting as a Remedy. 535 IV. The Effect of Proportional Representation. 542 V. Conclusion. 550; Search Snippet: ...THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT OR AN IMPERMISSIBLE TACTIC TO ADVANCE RACIAL POLITICS? Erica Lynne Mirehouse [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 The Scholar... |
2011 |
Gregory Ablavsky |
Making Race Salient: Trayvon Martin and Implicit Bias in a Not Yet Post-Racial Society |
159 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1457 (April, 2011) |
Introduction. 1458 I. The Hidden History of Indian Slavery in Virginia. 1463 A. The Origins of Indian Slavery in Early America. 1463 B. The Legal History of Indian Slavery in Virginia. 1467 C. Indians, Africans, and Colonial Conceptions of Race. 1473 II. Robin v. Hardaway, Its Progeny, and the Legal Reconceptualization of Slavery. 1476 A. Indian; Search Snippet: ...JUDICIAL ABOLITION OF NATIVE SLAVERY IN REVOLUTIONARY VIRGINIA AND ITS RACIAL LEGACY 3 Gregory Ablavsky [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2011 University of... |
2011 |
Roy L. Brooks |
Mandating Public School Attendance: a Proposal for Achieving Racial and Class Integration |
14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 665 (Summer 2011) |
Since the election of the first African American president, Barack Obama, some commentators have characterized America as post-racial. Without clearly defining that term, these commentators have made clear its implications--to wit, race no longer matters in our society. Blacks (the term is used interchangeably with African Americans here) can; Search Snippet: ...Color Conference Articles MAKING THE CASE FOR ATONEMENT IN POST- RACIAL AMERICA Roy L. Brooks [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 Journal of... |
2011 |
Mona Lynch, Craig Haney |
Maps and Misreadings: the Role of Geographic Compactness in Racial Vote Dilution Litigation |
45 Law and Society Review 69 (March, 2011) |
This article examines the nature of racial bias in the death sentencing process. After reviewing the various general explanations for the continued significance of race in capital cases, we report the results of an empirical study in which some aspects of racially biased death sentencing are examined in depth. Specifically, in a simulated capital... |
2011 |
Joseph A. Camilli |
Minority Mens Rea: Racial Bias and Criminal Mental States |
33 Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy 235 (Fall 2011) |
The year is 2008 and the November presidential election period featuring Barack Obama and John McCain has just begun. John Doe is a twenty-five year old African American adult. When he was nineteen, he foolishly stole a car with some friends on a dare. Because he had a clean record, he was able to return the car to its owner without harm, and some... |
2011 |
Sheldon Goldman, Elliot Slotnick, Sara Schiavoni |
Obscuring the Importance of Race: the Implication of Making Comparisons Between Racism and Sexism (Or Other - Isms) |
94 Judicature 262 (May-June 2011) |
When Barack Obama assumed the presidency on January 20, 2009, he inherited a country struggling with an economy on the brink of reprising the Great Depression of the 1930s, two middle-eastern wars, crushing deficits, a lopsided tax policy that favored the wealthy and deprived the country of badly needed tax revenue, a health care crisis, and myriad... |
2011 |
David A. Selden , Julie A. Pace , Heidi Nunn-Gilman |
Playing the Trump Card: the Enduring Legacy of Racism in Immigration Law |
43 Arizona State Law Journal 523 (Summer 2011) |
S.B. 1070 is fascinating on many levels for many reasons. It has focused a national and international spotlight on Arizona. It has broadened and intensified the national debate regarding immigration policies and enforcement. It has tested the constitutionality of state and local enforcement of immigration laws. It has permeated and looms large over; Search Snippet: ...State Law Journal Summer 2011 Article PLACING S.B. 1070 AND RACIAL PROFILING INTO CONTEXT, AND WHAT S.B. 1070 REVEALS ABOUT THE... |
2011 |
Mary D. Fan |
Post-Racial Racism: Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama |
32 Cardozo Law Review 905 (January, 2011) |
Though unauthorized migration into the United States has diminished substantially since 2007, anti-illegal alien state and local laws and furor are flaring again. While one of the biggest worries regarding such anti-alien laws is the risk of racialized harm, courts invalidating overreaching statutes are relying on structural or procedural... |
2011 |
Winnie Taylor |
Pryor V. National Collegiate Athletic Association 153 F. Supp. 2d 710 (E. D. Pa. 2001) |
31 Review of Banking and Financial Law 199 (Fall, 2011) |
Lending discrimination litigation has proliferated as a result of the recent subprime mortgage crisis. The plaintiffs in most of these lawsuits claim racial discrimination in violation of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), a federal law prohibiting credit discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or other personal attributes. This; Search Snippet: ...Review of Banking and Financial Law Fall, 2011 Article PROVING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND MONITORING FAIR LENDING COMPLIANCE: THE MISSING DATA PROBLEM... |
2011 |
Michele S. Moses |
Race, Censuses, and Attempts at Racial Democracy |
20 Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 413 (Summer 2011) |
In 1978, as the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of race-conscious affirmative action, Justice Harry Blackmun explained, In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently. Nearly thirty years later, Supreme; Search Snippet: ...AND EQUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY IN A SO-CALLED POST- RACIAL AMERICA Michele S. Moses [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 Kansas Journal... |
2011 |
andré douglas pond cummings |
Racial Complexity and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
2011 Utah Law Review 141 (2011) |
The financial market crisis of 2008 has plagued the United States and countries around the world. The underlying causes of the 2008 collapse are numerous, intricate, and complex. Academic scholars, investigative reporters, and leading economists are now deconstructing the multiplicity of failures that enabled the breathtaking meltdown that nearly... |
2011 |
Craig Livermore |
Racial Confrontation: a Three Phase Approach |
26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 67 (Fall 2011) |
The fact is that the comments that have been made and the issues that have surfaced over the last few weeks reflect the complexities of race in this country that we've never really worked through--a part of our union that we have yet to perfect. And if we walk away now, if we simply retreat into our respective corners, we will never be able to come... |
2011 |
Christopher Ogolla |
Racial Discrimination in Private Schools, Section 1981, and the Free Exercise of Religion: the Sectarian Loophole of Runyon V. Mccrary |
3 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 59 (Spring, 2011) |
In practicing medicine, I am not colorblind. I always take note of my patient's race. So do many of my colleagues. We do it because certain diseases and treatment responses cluster by ethnicity. Recognizing these patterns can help us diagnose disease more efficiently and prescribe medications more effectively. When it comes to practicing medicine,; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives Spring, 2011 Article RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN MEDICINE versus RACE-BASED MEDICINE: THE ETHICAL, LEGAL... |
2011 |
David C. Baldus , Catherine M. Grosso , George Woodworth , Richard Newell |
Racial Discrimination or Valid Business Judgments?: Employment Discrimination and the Business Judgment Rule |
101 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1227 (Fall 2011) |
This Article presents evidence of racial discrimination in the administration of the death penalty in the United States Armed Forces from 1984 through 2005. Our database includes military prosecutions in all potentially death-eligible cases known to us (n = 105) during that time period. Over the last thirty years, studies of state death-penalty... |
2011 |
Katherine Unger Davis |
Racial Disparities in Educational Opportunities in the United States |
14 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 313 (2011) |
INTRODUCTION. 314 I. CHILDHOOD OBESITY IN THE UNITED STATES--GRASPING THE ENORMITY OF THE PROBLEM. 316 A. The Magnitude of the Problem--Childhood Obesity is on the Rise in the U.S.. 316 B. Do Big Kids Have Big Problems? The Effect of Overweight and Obesity on Children's Health Status. 317 C. Just a Little Baby Fat or a Life-Long Chronic Condition?; Search Snippet: ...of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change 2011 Articles RACIAL DISPARITIES IN CHILDHOOD OBESITY: CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES, AND SOLUTIONS Katherine Unger... |
2011 |
Jesse Russell |
Racial Disproportionality of U.s. Prison Populations Revisited |
95 Judicature 109 (November-December 2011) |
Disproportionality and disparities in child welfare appear to be widely recognized, if not fully understood, phenomena. Dependency court judges see first-hand racial imbalances appearing in the courtroom and struggle to understand why and how to safely reduce the imbalance to achieve the best outcomes for children and families. There is often; Search Snippet: ...Judicature 109 2011 WL 6968461 JUDICATURE Judicature November-December 2011 RACIAL DISPROPORTIONALITY IN CHILD WELFARE: FALSE LOGIC AND DANGEROUS MISUNDERSTANDINGS Dependency... |
2011 |
Sheri Lynn Johnson , John H. Blume , Patrick M. Wilson |
Racial Equality in Jury Selection |
2011 Michigan State Law Review 755 (2011) |
Introduction. 756 I. Modern Racial Epithet Cases. 759 A. Winning Cases: Epithets by Jurors. 759 1. State v. Jones. 760 2. People v. Rivera. 761 3. Marshall v. State. 761 4. United States v. Henley. 763 5. Williams v. Price. 764 B. Losing Cases. 765 1. Epithets by Jurors. 765 a. State v. Bennett. 765 b. Pace v. State. 766 c. Rouse v. Lee. 766 d; Search Snippet: ...8597452 MICHIGAN STATE LAW REVIEW Michigan State Law Review 2011 RACIAL EPITHETS IN THE CRIMINAL PROCESS Sheri Lynn Johnson [FN1] John... |
2011 |
Catherine London |
Racial Impact Statements: Considering the Consequences of Racial Disproportionalities in the Criminal Justice System |
29 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 211 (Winter 2011) |
When Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (ADAA), it ushered in an era of aggressive sentencing policies that fueled racial disparity in prisons throughout the country. Without considering the effect of mandatory minimum drug penalties on racial minorities, lawmakers enacted a crack cocaine policy with profound racial implications: in... |
2011 |
Ruqaiijah Yearby, J.D., M.P.H. |
Racial Injustice and American Justice |
32 Journal of Legal Medicine 77 (January-March, 2011) |
On February 25, 2007, a 12-year-old African American boy named Deamonte Driver died of a toothache because he did not receive a routine $80 tooth extraction that may have saved him, which was covered by his insurer: Medicaid. Unable to afford $80 or find a dentist that took Medicaid, Deamonte wound up in the emergency room, underwent two brain; Search Snippet: ...LEGAL MEDICINE Journal of Legal Medicine January-March, 2011 Article RACIAL INEQUITIES IN MORTALITY AND ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE The Untold... |
2011 |
Jonathan Feldman |
Racial Politics Alive and Well in Alabama: the Impact of Recent Voting Rights Decisions on Alabama's Electoral Districts |
20 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 183 (2011) |
Introduction. 183 I. The Disproportionality Perspective Examined. 186 II. The Limitations of the Disproportionality Perspective: A Critique. 187 A. The benefits of special education. 188 B. The limitations of the disproportionality perspective in segregated urban school systems. 189 C. The referral process for students of color is driven, by and; Search Snippet: ...Disabilities on the Agenda: Current Issues in Special Education Advocacy RACIAL PERSPECTIVES ON ELIGIBILITY FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION: FOR STUDENTS OF COLOR... |
2011 |
Saren Stiegel |
Racial Profiling as a Means of Thwarting the Alleged Latino Security Threat |
16 Public Interest Law Reporter 89 (Spring 2011) |
In 1999, Wisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson created the Governor's Task Force on Racial Profiling. The Task Force recommended an empirical study to measure the extent of racial bias present in traffic stops, including mandatory data collection at every stop. Effective January 2011, every time a Wisconsin police officer stops a car, the officer is; Search Snippet: ...PUBLIC INTEREST LAW REPORTER Public Interest Law Reporter Spring 2011 RACIAL PROFILING AND WISCONSIN'S MANDATORY DATA COLLECTION ... WHO'S THE VICTIM? Saren... |
2011 |
Lupe S. Salinas , Fernando Colon-Navarro |
Racial Profiling in an Age of Terrorism |
37 Thurgood Marshall Law Review Rev. 5 (Fall, 2011) |
Not all Latinos are undocumented persons, and not all undocumented persons are Latinos. Throughout the history of Latino presence and immigration to the United States, the open welcome extended by many Americans eventually developed into rejection and an effort to terminate the invitation. Persons of Mexican ethnicities were initially welcomed; Search Snippet: ...MARSHALL LAW REVIEW Thurgood Marshall Law Review Fall, 2011 Articles RACIAL PROFILING AS A MEANS OF THWARTING THE ALLEGED LATINO SECURITY... |
2011 |
April Walker |
Racial Progress and Constitutional Roadblocks |
23 Saint Thomas Law Review 576 (Summer 2011) |
I. INTRODUCTION. 576 II. THE HISTORY OF POLICING AND THE MODERN TREND. 579 III. DOES RACE, RELIGION, OR ETHNICITY INCREASE A PERSON'S CHANCE OF BECOMING A VICTIM OF POLICE BRUTALITY?. 585 A. Race/Ethnicity as a Factor. 585 B. Commission report findings. 587 C. Excessive force. 589 D. Racial Profiling. 591 E. Pre-Textual Stops. 594 F. Religion as a; Search Snippet: ...Thomas Law Review Summer 2011 Criminal Law Issue: Featured Contributors RACIAL PROFILING-SEPARATE AND UNEQUAL KEEPING THE MINORITIES IN LINE-THE... |
2011 |
Patryk Labuda |
Racial Reconciliation Through Black Reparations |
27 Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice Just. 1 (Spring 2011) |
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. --Martin Luther King, Jr., August 28, 1963 When Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous I have a dream speech over forty-five years ago, racial; Search Snippet: ...ETHNIC JUSTICE Harvard Journal on Racial & Ethnic Justice Spring 2011 RACIAL RECONCILIATION IN MISSISSIPPI: AN EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH... |
2011 |
Gilda R. Daniels |
Racial Reflections: Dialogues in the Direction of Liberation |
32 Cardozo Law Review 947 (January, 2011) |
The 2011 redistricting will provide some interesting challenges for minority voting rights. How can we preserve minority electoral opportunities and gains in the wake of Bartlett v. Strickland and Georgia v. Ashcroft? What is the impact on future voting rights litigation and are coalition district claims viable as an opportunity to continue the; Search Snippet: ...791877 CARDOZO LAW REVIEW Cardozo Law Review January, 2011 Article RACIAL REDISTRICTING IN A POST- RACIAL WORLD Gilda R. Daniels [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 Yeshiva University... |
2011 |
Jeremy D. Bayless , Sophie F. Wang |
Racism on Our Juries: the Impossibility of Impartiality in Capital Cases |
2 William & Mary Policy Review 288 (Spring, 2011) |
This article explores the statutory protections offered to protect minorities from racism in retail stores. Federal law gives disappointingly little protection: Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not include protection for shoppers in retail establishments, and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 requires a plaintiff to show that a store... |
2011 |
Paulina E. Davis |
Racism, Genocide, and Mass Murder: Toward a Legal Theory about Group Deprivations |
4 Human Rights & Globalization Law Review 61 (Fall, 2010/Spring, 2011) |
In 2009, two issues have received intense attention in the media; the first issue being the candidacy and election of the first Black president of the United States, and the other being the global economic meltdown. The election of Barack Obama catapulted an important, albeit diluted, conversation on race relations in this country as it; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights & Globalization Law Review Fall, 2010/Spring, 2011 Article RACISM, CAPITALISM, AND PREDATORY LENDING: HOW THE U.S. GOVERNMENT'S FAILURE TO... |
2011 |
David A. Lacy , Alexandra S. Ray |
Recognizing the Interdependence of Rights in the Antidiscrimination Context Through the World Conference Against Racism |
26 Journal of Civil Rights & Economic Development 41 (Fall 2011) |
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. In this statement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explains the fundamental need to achieve equality in society, and recognizes that discrimination, in; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2011 Articles RECKONING WITH EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION IN A POST RACIAL ERA David A. Lacy [FNa1] Alexandra S. Ray [FNaa1] Copyright... |
2011 |
Adam B. Cox , Richard T. Holden |
Reconsidering Severe or Pervasive: Aligning the Standard in Sexual Harassment and Racial Harassment Causes of Action |
78 University of Chicago Law Review 553 (Spring, 2011) |
In recent years, scholars have come to a general agreement about the relationship between partisan gerrymandering and racial redistricting. Drawing districts that contain a majority of minority voters, as is often required by the Voting Rights Act, is said to help minority voters in those districts but hurt the Democratic Party more broadly. This; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW University of Chicago Law Review Spring, 2011 Article RECONSIDERING RACIAL AND PARTISAN GERRYMANDERING Adam B. Cox [FNd1] Richard T. Holden... |
2011 |
Alexander Wynn |
Red: Racism and the American Indian |
13 Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 313 (Fall 2011) |
Imagine playing professional soccer in Spain in front of tens of thousands of fans. You are paid millions of Euros because you are one of the best players in the world--your team's fans love you; the fans of other teams hate you. You are accustomed to receiving the adulation of spectators who support your team and to being reviled by other groups; Search Snippet: ...Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution Fall 2011 Note RED CARD RACISM: USING THE COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT (CAS) TO PREVENT AND PUNISH RACIST CONDUCT PERPETRATED BY FANS ATTENDING EUROPEAN SOCCER GAMES Alexander Wynn... |
2011 |
Jeremy Collins |
Refugees, Racism, and Reparations: a Critique of the United States' Haitian Immigration Policy |
2011 Michigan State Law Review 447 (2011) |
I first want to say it is an honor and a privilege for me to be here with you today. As Professor Grosso said, my name is Jeremy. I am a native of eastern North Carolina. I attended UNC Chapel Hill as an undergraduate. Upon graduating, I worked at the Center for Death Penalty Litigation where I was able to meet and work with advocates like Ken Rose; Search Snippet: ...PUNISHMENT IN THE SOUTH: A GLIMPSE AT THE NORTH CAROLINA RACIAL JUSTICE ACT MOVEMENT Address at the Moving Beyond Racial Blindsight? Symposium, April 8, 2011 Jeremy Collins [FNa1] Copyright © 2011... |
2011 |
Myron Orfield |
Regulating Hate and Racial Speech in Israel |
29 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 149 (Winter 2011) |
Convinced that Minnesota can and must do more to address racial isolation in its schools, the Institute on Race & Poverty (IRP) has been working with scholars, legislators, local officials, and school administrators to develop a regional strategy to replace Minnesota's current desegregation/integration rule and aid formula. While Minnesota is not; Search Snippet: ...of Theory and Practice Winter 2011 Articles REGIONAL STRATEGIES FOR RACIAL INTEGRATION OF SCHOOLS AND HOUSING POST-PARENTS INVOLVED Myron Orfield... |
2011 |
D. James Greiner |
Resolving the Hate Crimes/hate Speech Paradox: Punishing Bias Crimes and Protecting Racist Speech |
86 Indiana Law Journal 447 (Spring, 2011) |
Racial bloc voting is the central concept in judicial regulation of redistricting. For the past several decades, the definition and proof of this concept have depended on two premises: that polities can be conceptualized in biracial terms and that nearly perfect information on voting patterns can be inexpensively obtained from simple statistical; Search Snippet: ...LAW JOURNAL Indiana Law Journal Spring, 2011 Articles RE-SOLIDIFYING RACIAL BLOC VOTING: EMPIRICS AND LEGAL DOCTRINE IN THE MELTING POT... |
2011 |
Saving the Dream for All |
17 CITYLAW 133 (November/December, 2011) |
Hair salon berated African American with racial slurs for missed appointment. Tifany McIntosh scheduled a hairstyling appointment for her wedding with A Bridal Hair & Make-Up Salon by Marina Vance after visiting the salon's website. The website described a salon located in Manhattan offering hair and make-up services for weddings and other; Search Snippet: ...Interest Human Rights CHR / Racial Discrimination SALON CITED FOR RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Copyright (c) 2011 by Center for New York City... |
2011 |
Eric McBurney |
Soccer Stadiums, Where International Law, Culture and Racism Collide |
14 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 497 (Spring 2011) |
Robin was her name. She was one of my clients at a Berkeley legal aid clinic where I helped people resolve issues with their welfare grants. She was in her early thirties, though the hardships of her life had aged her prematurely. She had lost her job. She was receiving aid only for herself while she struggled to support a seven-year-old daughter; Search Snippet: ...FAMILY GRANT EXAMPLE OF HOW THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE PROTECTS RACIALLY DISCRIMINATORY LAWS Eric McBurney [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 Journal of... |
2011 |
Patricia Soung |
Social Separation in America: Thurgood Marshall and the Texas Connections |
6 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 428 (Spring, 2011) |
SB 399 was a bill in California that would have permitted judges to review and reduce some sentences of life without the possibility of parole given to youth. When the floor opened for debate on the bill, Republican Assembly Member Jim Nielson warned his colleagues about these children whom he said he was loathe to even call children. Two months; Search Snippet: ...AND BIOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTIONS OF YOUTH: IMPLICATIONS FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE AND RACIAL EQUITY Patricia Soung [FNaa1] Copyright © 2011 Northwestern University School of... |
2011 |
Christopher Byrnes |
Something Old, Something New, or Something Really Old? Second Generation Racial Gerrymandering Litigation as Intentional Racial Discrimination Cases |
12 Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society Practice Groups 115 (September 1, 2011) |
Scattered throughout the 849 pages of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act are numerous references to diversity, race, and gender. These considerations may seem out of place in a bill whose stated goal was to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial; Search Snippet: ...and E-Commerce SOMETHING FOR (ALMOST) EVERYBODY IN DODD-FRANK: RACIAL, GENDER, AND DIVERSITY CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DODD-FRANK WALL STREET... |
2011 |
The African Holocaust: Should Europe Pay Reparations to Africa for Colonialism and Slavery? |
47 Criminal Law Bulletin ART 1 (2011) |
Associate, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP; J.D., summa cum laude, 2010, St. John's University School of Law; B.A., 2006, Columbia College, Columbia University; Search Snippet: ...Admissibility of Expert Psychological Testimony on the Unreliability of Cross- Racial Identifications Peter Petraro[ * Courts have traditionally been skeptical of... |
2011 |
Juan F. Perea |
The Educational Legacy of Racially Restrictive Covenants: Their Long Term Impact on Mexican Americans |
72 Ohio State Law Journal 95 (2011) |
I. The Social and Political Context of the New Deal. 100 A. Blacks and Southern Agriculture. 100 B. The Politics of the New Deal. 102 II. The Exclusion of Blacks from the New Deal. 104 A. The National Industrial Recovery Act (1933). 104 B. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (1933). 107 C. The Social Security Act (1935). 109 D. The Fair Labor; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal 2011 Articles THE ECHOES OF SLAVERY: RECOGNIZING THE RACIST ORIGINS OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND DOMESTIC WORKER EXCLUSION FROM THE... |
2011 |
Paul Finkelman |
The Enigma of Diversity: the Language of Race and the Limits of Racial Justice. By Ellen Berrey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015 |
97-APR ABA Journal 45 (April, 2011) |
as the united states lurched into civil war during the winter and spring of 1860-61, the primary cause of the crisis was clearly on the minds of political leaders. While many today think of the Civil War as a dispute over states' rights, most Americans at the time understood that slavery was the central issue of the conflict. The slave states; Search Snippet: ...Feature THE END OF WAR AND SLAVERY YIELDS A NEW RACIAL ORDER Paul Finkelman [FNa1] Copyright © 2011 by the American Bar... |
2011 |