Shani King The Fancied Line: Shaw V. Reno and the Chimerical Racial Gerrymander 72 Ohio State Law Journal 575 (2011) While the debate about a post-racial society rages, our justice system continues to operate in a way that is race-conscious. It seems as though most of the discussion about race and the justice system concerns criminal justice, juvenile justice, education, and immigration. But race-consciousness also impacts family law. Nonetheless, the family law... 2011
Torin D. Togut The Ghetto Prison: Federal Policy Responses to Racial and Economic Segregation 20 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 163 (2011) Introduction. 164 I. Racial Disparities in the Identification and Provision of Special Education. 166 A. The Meaning of Disproportionate Representation. 166 B. Possible Factors Leading to Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special Education. 166 1. Socio-Demographic Factors Influencing Overrepresentation. 167 2. Special Education Eligibility and; Search Snippet: ...THE DUALITY OF OVERREPRESENTATION OF MINORITIES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RACIAL DISPARITY IN SCHOOL DISCIPLINE ON MINORITIES Torin D. Togut [FNa1... 2011
Audrey Daniel The Intent Requirement at the Crossroads: Racial Discrimination and City of Memphis V. Greene 4 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 263 (Spring 2011) Although the United States ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, (hereinafter CERD or the Convention), it does not further its human rights objectives. Specifically it fails to address the Intent Doctrine, which requires that a plaintiff prove a perpetrator's intent to discriminate to; Search Snippet: ...THE UNITED STATES FAILS TO MEET ITS INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS IN RACIAL DISCRIMINATION JURISPRUDENCE Audrey Daniel [FN1] Copyright (c) 2011 DePaul University... 2011
Tiffany Cruz Gonzalez The Intersection of Racial Justice and Criminal Justice in Massachusetts: Interview with Rahsaan Hall 8 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal J. 1 (Winter 2011) A spree of rapes and murders took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2003. The DNA gathered at the respective murder scenes linked at least five of the women's murders. Because of an eyewitness testimony that reported a white male leaving the vicinity of one of the crime scenes and studies that suggested that most serial killers are white, police; Search Snippet: ...THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: AN EXAMINATION OF THE INTERPRETATION OF RACIAL CATEGORIES IN PATENT LAW Tiffany Cruz Gonzalez [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2011
John W. Wertheimer, Jessica Bradshaw, Allyson Cobb, Harper Addison, E. Dudley Colhoun, Samuel Diamant, Andrew Gilbert, Jeffrey Higgs, Nicholas Skipper The More Things Change . . .: New Moves for Legitimizing Racial Discrimination in a "Post-race" World 29 Law and History Review 471 (May, 2011) On January 24, 1913, the trustees of the Dalcho School, a segregated, all-white public school in Dillon County, South Carolina, summarily dismissed Dudley, Eugene, and Herbert Kirby, ages ten, twelve, and fourteen, respectively. According to testimony offered in a subsequent hearing, the boys had always properly behaved, were good pupils, and; Search Snippet: ...Determination and the Law in Comparative Perspective THE LAW RECOGNIZES RACIAL INSTINCT: TUCKER v. BLEASE AND THE BLACK-- WHITE PARADIGM IN... 2011
Rose Cuison Villazor The Parma Housing Racial Discrimination Remedy Revisited 86 New York University Law Review 1361 (November, 2011) This Article seeks to fill a gap in legal history. The traditional narrative of the history of the American racial regulation of marriage typically focuses on state laws as the only sources of marriage inequality. Overlooked in the narrative are the ways in which the federal laws also restricted racially mixed marriages in the decades before 1967... 2011
Addie C. Rolnick The Proof Is in the Prejudice: Implicit Racial Bias, Uncharged Act Evidence & the Colorblind Courtroom 86 New York University Law Review 958 (October, 2011) In 1974, the Supreme Court declared that an Indian employment preference was based on a political rather than racial classification. The Court's framing of Indianness as a political matter and its positioning of political and racial as opposing concepts has defined the trajectory of federal Indian law and influenced common sense ideas about; Search Snippet: ...2011 Articles THE PROMISE OF MANCARI: INDIAN POLITICAL RIGHTS AS RACIAL REMEDY Addie C. Rolnick [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2011 New York... 2011
Brendesha M. Tynes , Elizabeth L. García , Michael T. Giang , Nicole E. Coleman The Racial Limits of the Fair Housing Act: the Intersection of Dominant White Images, the Violence of Neighborhood Purity, and the Master Narrative of Black Inferiority 7 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 71 (Winter, 2011) This study examines how adolescents and emerging adults forge identity, community, and civic engagement in public discussions online. Using forty-eight race-related group sites from Facebook and MySpace, this study outlines the reasons groups formed and the discourse practices in which participants engaged. Thematic analysis revealed that; Search Snippet: ...Society Winter, 2011 Article Symposium: Youth and Social Media THE RACIAL LANDSCAPE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES: FORGING IDENTITY, COMMUNITY, AND CIVIC... 2011
Cedric Merlin Powell The Roberts Court's Rule on Racial Equality 18-DEC NBA National Bar Association Magazine Mag. 8 (August-December, 2011) Ushering in a new era of jurisprudential hostility to the viability of race-conscious remedies, the Roberts Court proclaimed that The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race, At first glance, the appeal of this purportedly neutral proposition is powerful-the Equal Protection Clause prohibits... 2011
Tanya Kateri Hernandez The Viability of Racist Speech from High Schools to Universities: a Welcome Matriculation? 43 Connecticut Law Review 1407 (July, 2011) This Commentary Article aims to illustrate the value of comparative law to the jurisprudence of Critical Race Theory (CRT), particularly with reference to the CRT project of deconstructing the mystique of post-racialism. The central thesis of the Article is that the dangerous seductions of a U.S. ideology of post-racialism are more clearly... 2011
Elise C. Boddie The Wealth Gap and the Racial Disparities in the Startup Ecosystem 96 Iowa Law Review Bulletin 100 (2011) Introduction. 100 I. Revisiting Ricci. 104 A. Discriminatory Motive?. 106 B. Facially Race Neutral?. 110 II. The Way Forward: Integration After Ricci. 112 Conclusion. 113; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW BULLETIN Iowa Law Review Bulletin 2011 THE WAY FORWARD: RACIAL INTEGRATION AFTER RICCI, A RESPONSE TO MICHELLE ADAMS Elise C... 2011
David Kairys Unconscious Racism and the Criminal Law 83 Temple Law Review 857 (Summer 2011) My first encounter with what we now call unconscious racism came in a courtroom in 1968. We didn't use that phrase back then. There was a lot of focus on racism and consciousness in the 1960s, and the idea would have made sense. But for reasons I'll explain, it wouldn't have seemed very important. I was a rookie public defender assigned to the; Search Snippet: ...TEMPLE LAW REVIEW Temple Law Review Summer 2011 Essay UNCONSCIOUS RACISM David Kairys [FNa1] [FN1] Copyright (c) 2011 Temple University of... 2011
Michael Selmi Understanding Racial Representation in International Investment Arbitration 32 Cardozo Law Review 833 (January, 2011) The election of Barack Obama as the forty-fourth President of the United States gave pause to all who study discrimination. There was a sense, certainly in the public media, that the election of an African American as President signaled the dawn of a new era, one that marked a significant break from our discriminatory past. How, after all, could an... 2011
Terrence Rogers Using Parrots to Kill Mockingbirds: Yet Another Racial Prosecution and Wrongful Conviction in Maycomb 14 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 375 (Winter 2011) I. Introduction. 376 II. Racial Discrimination in General. 380 A. Racial Discrimination in the United States. 381 B. International Human Rights Law in the Battle Against Racial Discrimination. 382 III. Examples of Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Criminal Justice System. 385 A. Wrongful Accusations. 385 B. Racial Discrimination in the Jury; Search Snippet: ...December 2011 Article USING INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW TO COMBAT RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN THE U. S. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Terrence Rogers... 2011
Kendra Fox-Davis A Black and White Issue: the Invisibility of American Indians in Racial Policy Discourse 23 National Black Law Journal 98 (2010) In 1967, my father was one of four African American students in the entering first year class at the University of Iowa School of Law. My father had journeyed from a historically black college in North Carolina to the Midwest because of a targeted outreach and admission effort for minority students. Before classes started, an associate dean met; Search Snippet: ...A BADGE OF INFERIORITY: ONE LAW STUDENT'S STORY OF A RACIALLY HOSTILE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Kendra Fox-Davis [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010... 2010
Katherine N. Hallinan A Death Penalty Wake-up Call: Reducing the Risk of Racial Discrimination in Capital Punishment 7 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 71 (Winter 2010) Much of one's inability to know racial discrimination when one sees it results from a failure to recognize that racism is both a crime and a disease. This failure is compounded by a reluctance to admit that the illness of racism affects almost everyone. Acknowledging and understanding the malignancy are prerequisites to the discovery of an; Search Snippet: ...Poverty Law Journal Winter 2010 Notes A DEADLY RESPONSE: UNCONSCIOUS RACISM AND CALIFORNIA'S PROVOCATIVE ACT DOCTRINE Katherine N. Hallinan [FNa1] Copyright... 2010
Neubia Williams A Post-Racial Voting Rights Act 4 Southern Regional Black Law Students Association Law Journal L.J. 1 (Spring 2010) The election of President Barack Obama ignited a wave of academic, political and social discourse in both the domestic and the international realms. Inevitably, a large portion of the commentary in the media discussed, if not focused on President Obama's race. In the wake of the election, the term post-racial era has become more commonplace in... 2010
Jennifer Zimmermann Acting White? Or Acting Affluent? A Book Review of Carbado & Gulati's Acting White? Rethinking Race in "Post-Racial" America 42 Urban Lawyer 775 (Summer, 2010) Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition v. District of Columbia, 589 F.3d 433 (D.C. Cir. 2009). A plaintiff has standing to challenge a regulation alleged to burden freedom of expression where (1) there is a clear and credible statement of intent to engage in the prohibited conduct, and (2) there is a substantial and reasonable expectation; Search Snippet: ...2010 Case Note ACT NOW TO STOP WAR AND END RACISM COALITION v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Jennifer Zimmermann Copyright © 2010 by... 2010
Edgar Cahn , Cynthia Robbins An Ounce of Prevention: a Constitutional Prescription for Choice of Venue in Racially Sensitive Criminal Cases 13 University of the District of Columbia Law Review 71 (Spring 2010) While young people of all races commit delinquent acts, some are provided treatment while others are detained and incarcerated. Once incarcerated, these youth begin their slide down a slippery slope; they lack an equal opportunity to gather evidence and prepare their cases. Furthermore, they will be effectively deprived of the opportunity and the... 2010
Christine Tamer Are Law Schools Racist?: a "Talk" with Richard Delgado 16 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 101 (Fall 2010) I. Introduction. 101 II. The Worst of Both Worlds. 103 A. Post 9-11 Racism, Hate, and Discrimination. 105 B. Discrimination, Racism, and Overt Acts of Hate on Campus. 106 III. Officially White; Realistically Black. 108 A. Check it Right, You Ain't White!. 112 B. The Mark of Blackness. 114 IV. Race-Based Affirmative Action and Why Arab Americans; Search Snippet: ...2010 Note ARAB AMERICANS, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, AND A QUEST FOR RACIAL IDENTITY Christine Tamer [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010 Texas Journal on... 2010
Gregory S. Parks , Danielle C. Heard Assassinate the Nigger Ape[] : Obama, Implicit Imagery, and the Dire Consequences of Racist Jokes 11 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 259 (2010) In 1994, Congress passed legislation stating that presidents elected to office after January 1, 1997 would no longer receive lifetime Secret Service protection. Such legislation was unremarkable until the first black president-- Barack Obama--was elected. From the outset of his campaign until today, and likely beyond, President Obama has; Search Snippet: ...APE[] [FN1] : OBAMA, IMPLICIT IMAGERY, AND THE DIRE CONSEQUENCES OF RACIST JOKES Gregory S. Parks [FNdd1] Danielle C. Heard [FNd1] Copyright... 2010
Lance McMillian Attractiveness as Hiring Criteria: Savvy Business Practice or Racial Discrimination? 77 Tennessee Law Review 701 (Summer, 2010) We're so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we've got men like Atticus to go for us. - Miss Maudie, To Kill a Mockingbird. Cultural icons resonate throughout a society. But not all icons are created equal. Some transcend time and belong to the ages. These are the legends. Michael Jordan. Michael Jackson. The Mona Lisa. Marilyn... 2010
Lindsay Pérez Huber Becoming Black Political Subjects: Movements and Ethno-Racial Rights in Colombia and Brazil. By Tianna S. Paschel. Princeton, Nj, and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016 18 American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 839 (2010) I. Introduction. 840 II. Coming to the Study. 841 III. Description of the Study. 843 IV. Coming to an Epistemological Consciousness. 844 V. The Power of Testimonio. 848 VI. Conclusion. 851; Search Snippet: ...Undocumented and U.S. Born Chicana College Students on Discourses of Racist Nativism in Education, which can be found on file with... 2010
Karla Mari McKanders Black and White or Red All Over? The Impropriety of Using Crime Scene Dna to Construct Racial Profiles of Suspects 29 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 473 (2010) Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. . . . Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial; Search Snippet: ...Administration Article BLACK AND BROWN COALITION BUILDING DURING THE POST- RACIAL OBAMA ERA Karla Mari McKanders [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010 St... 2010
Jon M. Sands Born in Jail: America's Racial History and the Inevitable Emergence of the School-to-prison Pipeline 57-DEC Federal Lawyer 64 (November/December, 2010) These three books illustrate that, when it comes to controversial policies toward immigration, labor, and crime and punishment, there is nothing new under the Arizona sun. Borderline Americans examines the Bisbee Deportation of 1917, in which about 1,300 immigrant workers were illegally deported by the Phelps Dodge Corporation in an effort to break... 2010
Molly E. Swartz C. Adarand Constructors, Inc. V. Pena: Strict Scrutiny--one Standard of Review for All Racial Classification Legislation 13 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 229 (November, 2010) By most measures, 12-year-old M was an observant Jewish boy. Practicing in the Masorti tradition, M prayed in Hebrew, attended synagogue, and participated in a Jewish Youth Group. It was not surprising then, when M applied for admission to JFS (formerly the Jews' Free School). Founded in 1732, JFS is Europe's largest Jewish secondary school and; Search Snippet: ...2010 Comments BY BIRTH OR BY CHOICE? THE INTERSECTION OF RACIAL AND RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION IN SCHOOL ADMISSIONS Molly E. Swartz [FNa1... 2010
Erica Frankenberg, Genevieve Siegel-Hawley Choosing the Chosen: the Validity of Racial Restrictions on the Alienation of Property in Israel and the United States 6 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 219 (October, 2010) Introduction. 220 I. School Choice and the Historical Role of the Federal Government. 221 A. School Choice as a Means to Avoid Racial Diversity. 223 B. Choice Used to Further Racial Diversity. 224 1. Magnet Schools. 224 2. Managed Choice and Inter-district Programs. 226 C. Choice Without Regard for Racial Diversity. 227 D. Differing Choices. 229; Search Snippet: ...Civil Liberties October, 2010 Article CHOOSING DIVERSITY: SCHOOL CHOICE AND RACIAL INTEGRATION IN THE AGE OF OBAMA Erica Frankenberg, Genevieve Siegel... 2010
Jan P. Mensz Citizenship as Accumulated Racial Capital 43 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 1137 (Summer 2010) Economic and racial integration in housing remains elusive more than forty years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act. Recalcitrant municipal governments and exclusionary zoning ordinances have played a large role in maintaining and exacerbating segregated housing patterns. After discussing some of the persistent causes of segregated housing; Search Snippet: ...QUI TAM PROVISION OF THE FALSE CLAIMS ACT TO PROMOTE RACIAL AND ECONOMIC INTEGRATION IN HOUSING Jan P. Mensz [FNa1] Copyright... 2010
Colin Schlueter Color in the "Black Box": Addressing Racism in Juror Deliberations 19 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 263 (October, 2010) The practice of transracial adoption, the adoption of a child who is not the same race as the adoptive parents, has been the subject of much controversy and debate. When considering the intersection of racial classifications or considerations and the role they play in the adoption process, the primary disagreements appear to be, on one hand, over... 2010
Benjamin V. Madison, III Color-blindness, Racism-blindness, and Racism-awareness: Revisiting Judge Henderson's Proposition 209 Decision 78 UMKC Law Review 617 (Spring, 2010) Our local [i.e., state-court] judges, it seems, succumb to whims and caprices of local custom in deciding cases like ours, he said. In the federal courts, a judge is appointed and doesn't have to worry about being reelected. God grant them the moral courage and integrity to interpret the Constitution in its true meaning. Dr. Martin Luther King,; Search Snippet: ...Articles COLOR-BLIND: PROCEDURE'S QUIET BUT CRUCIAL ROLE IN ACHIEVING RACIAL JUSTICE Benjamin V. Madison, III [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2010 Curators... 2010
  Creating a Seminole Enemy: Ethnic and Racial Diversity in the Conquest of Florida 31 University of La Verne Law Review 257 (2010) The morning of September 12, 1978 began with the extraordinary and startling sight of over 1000 school buses carrying youngsters in all directions across Los Angeles. Many of the buses were traveling on roads over and around the hills that separated the city center from the San Fernando Valley. These yellow buses resembled segmented caterpillars... 2010
Sheila Thomas Debunking the Myth of Civil Rights Liberalism: Visions of Racial Justice in the Thought of T. Thomas Fortune, 1880-1890 37-FALL Human Rights 22 (Fall, 2010) The concept of the topic of debunking the myth of a postracial society began in Fall 2009 as part of a discussion among members of the Civil Rights Committee of the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities, of which I am a co-chair. What inspired the conversation was the pronouncement by the media and political commentators that the; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights Fall, 2010 DEBUNKING THE MYTH OF A POST- RACIAL SOCIETY Sheila Thomas [FNa1] Copyright © 2011 by American Bar Association... 2010
Ryan D. King, Kecia R. Johnson, Kelly McGeever Depoliticizing Racial Profiling: Suggestions for the Limited Use and Management of Race in Police Decision-making 44 Law and Society Review Rev. 1 (March, 2010) The demography of the legal profession has changed rather dramatically in recent decades, yet the consequences of a more racially and ethnically diverse pool of lawyers for the administration of justice have not received significant attention. The present research examines how the racial composition of the local legal profession affects one facet; Search Snippet: ...Review March, 2010 Article DEMOGRAPHY OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION AND RACIAL DISPARITIES IN SENTENCING Ryan D. King Kecia R. Johnson Kelly... 2010
Michael Campbell Did the War on Drugs Die with the Birth of the War on Terrorism?: a Closer Look at Civil Forfeiture and Racial Profiling after 9/11 82 Temple Law Review 1163 (Srping-Summer 2010) In its 2003 report Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, the Institute of Medicine Committee on Understanding and Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care (the Committee) noted that even when insured, [racial and ethnic minorities] may face additional barriers to care due to other; Search Snippet: ...DO THAT? AN ARGUMENT FOR REQUIRING PENNSYLVANIA TO EVALUATE THE RACIAL IMPACT OF MEDICAID POLICY DECISIONS PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION Michael Campbell... 2010
Justin D. Levinson , Danielle Young Digital Divisions: Racial (In)justice and the Limits of Social Informatics in the State of Georgia Vs. Troy Anthony Davis 112 West Virginia Law Review 307 (Winter, 2010) I. Introduction. 308 II. Scholarship on Implicit Bias and Race in Legal Decision-Making. 311 A. Legal Scholarship. 311 1. Non-Empirical Work on Implicit Bias in Society. 312 2. Non-Empirical Work on Implicit Bias in the Legal System. 315 3. Empirical Legal Scholarship. 319 B. Mock-Jury Research on Racial Bias. 323 III. Activating Powerful Racial; Search Snippet: ...Winter, 2010 Article DIFFERENT SHADES OF BIAS: SKIN TONE, IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS, AND JUDGMENTS OF AMBIGUOUS EVIDENCE Justin D. Levinson [FNa1... 2010
Grace Brainard Diversity in Higher Education: Diversity's Lack of a "Compelling" Nature, and How the Supreme Court Has Avoided Applying True Strict Scrutiny to Racial Classifications in College Admissions 2 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives 53 (Spring, 2010) In March of 2009, the Supreme Court broke its twenty-two year silence regarding affirmative action programs in public employment. In Ricci v. DeStefano, one Latino and seventeen White firefighters brought suit against New Haven, Connecticut (the City) in the wake of a fire department examination to assess the eligibility of its firemen for; Search Snippet: ...Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives Spring, 2010 Note DISRUPTING IMPLICIT RACIAL BIASES IN THE WORKPLACE: RETHINKING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN THE WAKE... 2010
William Y. Chin Diversity Is Dead. Long Live Diversity: the Racial Isolation Prong of Kennedy's Pics Concurrence in Fisher and Beyond 6 Florida A & M University Law Review 49 (Fall 2010) Racial and ethnic diversity in the intelligence community enhances U.S. national security. But a history of homogeneity in the intelligence community has undermined national security. The failure to maximize the benefits of a pluralistic population led to a dearth of diverse intelligence personnel that helped account for the failure to fully; Search Snippet: ...Modern Praxis Article DIVERSITY IN THE AGE OF TERROR: HOW RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY IN THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ENHANCES NATIONAL... 2010
Anders Walker Dividing up the Vote 50 Santa Clara Law Review 647 (2010) Diversity's days may be numbered. Though the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Ricci v. DeStefano did not target schools, it coincided ominously with the Court's holding in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, which did. In both cases, the Court held that local authorities, whether school board members or fire; Search Snippet: ...Clara Law Review 2010 Article DIVERSITY'S STRANGE CAREER: RECOVERING THE RACIAL PLURALISM OF LEWIS F. POWELL, JR. Anders Walker [FNa1] Copyright... 2010
Ruqaiijah Yearby Does Unconscious Racial Bias Affect Trial Judges? 19 Annals of Health Law 57 (Special Edition 2010) In 1985, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Services (HHS) issued a landmark report that exposed the persistence of racial disparities in the U.S. healthcare system. Unfortunately, twenty-five years later, racial disparities in healthcare continue to persist. For example, since 1985, more African-Americans have died from coronary; Search Snippet: ...YEARS MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN UNEQUAL TREATMENT?: THE PERSISTENCE OF RACIAL DISPARITIES IN HEALTH CARE THEN AND NOW Ruqaiijah Yearby [FNa1... 2010
Ausberto Moreno Arocho El Significado De "Igualdad": La Evolución De La Igualdad Racial En Los Estados Unidos 5 Revista Clave, Revista de Estudios Criticos del Derecho 79 (2010) El tema del discrimen racial en los Estados Unidos ha generado grandes debates dentro y fuera del Tribunal Supremo federal. Una de las primeras formas en que se manifestó el discrimen fue con la esclavitud. En los inicios de la Constitución no hubo consenso entre los constituyentes con respecto al tema de la esclavitud. Incluso, se aprobó una; Search Snippet: ...Redactores Invitados EL ROL DEL TRIBUNAL SUPREMO EN EL DISCRIMEN RACIAL Ausberto Moreno Arocho [FN1] Copyright © 2010 by Revista Clave, Revista... 2010
Brandon M. Stump From Slave Codes to Educational Racism: Urban Education Policy in the United States as the Dispossession, Containment, Dehumanization, and Disenfranchisement of Black Peoples 112 West Virginia Law Review 1095 (Spring, 2010) I. Introduction. 1096 II. The Similar Experiences of American Blacks and White Appalachians. 1100 A. Into the Mountains. 1100 B. White and Black Savages: A Tale of Two Stereotypes. 1102 C. The Housing Conditions of Blacks and Appalachian Whites. 1104 D. The Importance of Color: Blacks Were Black and Appalachians Were White. 1105 E. Conclusion; Search Snippet: ...2010 Student Work FROM RECONSTRUCTION TO OBAMA: UNDERSTANDING BLACK INVISIBILITY, RACISM IN APPALACHIA, AND THE LEGAL COMMUNITY'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROMOTE A... 2010
Justin D. Levinson , Huajian Cai , Danielle Young Gun Control and Racism 8 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 187 (Fall, 2010) Legal scholarship on racial discrimination has turned to the science of implicit social cognition to explain how the human mind automatically manifests biases against disfavored social groups. Much of this discourse on implicit bias focuses on the potential for massive, but hard to detect discrimination in the employment context. Yet, other legal; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Criminal Law Fall, 2010 Commentarie GUILTY BY IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS: THE GUILTY/NOT GUILTY IMPLICIT ASSOCIATION TEST Justin D... 2010
Kevin R. Johnson How the García Cousins Lost Their Accents: Understanding the Language of Title Vii Decisions Approving English-only Rules as the Product of Racial Dualism, Latino Invisibility, and Legal Indeterminacy 98 Georgetown Law Journal 1005 (April, 2010) C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction L31006 I. United States v. Brignoni-Ponce: Mexican Appearance [May Be] a Relevant Factor in Making an Immigration Stop. 1009 a. the historical backdrop. 1009 b. the stop. 1012 c. the district court. 1012 d. the court of appeals. 1014 e. the supreme court. 1015 1. The Briefs. 1016 2. Oral Argument. 1019 3; Search Snippet: ...GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL Georgetown Law Journal April, 2010 Essay HOW RACIAL PROFILING IN AMERICA BECAME THE LAW OF THE LAND: UNITED... 2010
Saren Stiegel However Kindly Intentioned: Structural Racism and Volunteer Casa Programs 16 Public Interest Law Reporter Rep. 1 (Fall, 2010) Guy LeGrande, convicted of murder, wore a Superman t-shirt at his sentencing hearing. LeGrande also believed he was receiving signals from Oprah Winfrey and Dan Rather through the television. The jury got a further glimpse of his mental incompetency when LeGrande, whom the trial court had permitted to represent himself, told the panel during his; Search Snippet: ...SUPERMAN FROM A DEATH SENTENCE: COULD IT BE NORTH CAROLINA'S RACIAL JUSTICE ACT? Saren Stiegel Copyright © 2010 by Public Interest Law... 2010
Bryan Stevenson I'm a Real Boy: Imputing Racial Identity to Corporations for Racial Discrimination Standing 37-FALL Human Rights Rts. 5 (Fall, 2010) Since Reconstruction, when Congress outlawed racial discrimination in jury service, 18 U.S.C. § 243, and the Supreme Court condemned the restriction of jury service to whites, Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880), in response to pressure for representative juries, the antidiscrimination struggle has shifted from challenging the total; Search Snippet: ...2010 WL 6849654 HUMAN RIGHTS Human Rights Fall, 2010 ILLEGAL RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN JURY SELECTION A Continuing Legacy Bryan Stevenson [FNa1... 2010
Gregory S. Parks , Jeffrey J. Rachlinski Implicit Injustice: Using Social Science to Combat Racism in the United States 37 Florida State University Law Review 659 (Spring, 2010) The election of Barack Obama as the forty-fourth President of the United States signals that the traditional modes of thinking about race in America are outdated. Commentators and pundits have begun to suggest that the election of a black man to the nation's highest office means that the United States has entered a post-racial era in which civil... 2010
Roslyn Arlin Mickelson , Martha Bottia Integrating Racial Justice into the Civil Procedure Survey Course 88 North Carolina Law Review 993 (March, 2010) Mastery of mathematics and science by this nation's youth is essential for the nation's future development as well as students' personal growth and economic well-being. Yet the performance of U.S. students in mathematics and science is unimpressive compared to other advanced industrialized nations. In addition, stark racial and socioeconomic status; Search Snippet: Looking to the Future: Legal and Policy Options for Racially Integrated Education in the South and the Nation, April 2... 2010
Mary R. Rose, Christopher Ellison, and Shari Seidman Diamond Juror Competency to Testify That a Verdict Was the Product of Racial Bias 93 Judicature 194 (March-April 2010) The jury is often the object of criticism, but a majority of Americans say that they prefer juries over judges as decision makers, at least in criminal cases. In one study, a sizable majority of Illinois residents said they would select a jury over a judge if they imagined they were on trial for murder, if they were accused of other serious crimes,... 2010
Brandon C. Pond Jury Discretion and Racism: the Stray from Furman and the Persistence of Racial Disparities in the Death Penalty 2010 Brigham Young University Law Review 237 (2010) In the Tenth Circuit's recent decision United States v. Benally, the court held that post-verdict juror testimony of racist comments made by fellow jurors during deliberations is inadmissible under Federal Rule of Evidence 606(b) (Rule 606(b)). According to the court, Rule 606(b) stands as a nearly insurmountable obstacle to the admission of any; Search Snippet: ...Brigham Young University Law Review 2010 Note JUROR TESTIMONY OF RACIAL BIAS IN JURY DELIBERATIONS: UNITED STATES V. BENALLY AND THE... 2010
Marc Mauer Justice Kennedy's Stricter Scrutiny and the Future of Racial Diversity Promotion 37-FALL Human Rights 14 (Fall, 2010) There are many indicators of the profound impact of disproportionate rates of incarceration in communities of color. Perhaps the most stark among these are the data generated by the U.S. Department of Justice that project that if current trends continue, one of every three black males born today will go to prison in his lifetime, as will one of... 2010
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