Christopher R. Noon The Use of Reflection Papers and Student Autobiographies in Teaching Race, Racism and the Law 38 Public Contract Law Journal 611 (Spring, 2009) I. Introduction. 611 II. The United States. 612 A. History of Racial Preferences in Government Procurement. 612 1. The Small Business Administration and the Section 8(a) Program. 613 2. Justifications and Motivations for Racial Preference Programs. 618 III. Malaysia. 618 A. Racial Preferences Prior to the Riots of 1969. 618 B. A New Order: The New; Search Snippet: ...Public Contract Law Journal Spring, 2009 Article THE USE OF RACIAL PREFERENCES IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT FOR SOCIAL STABILITY Christopher R. Noon... 2009
Adrienne Lyles-Chockley Transnational Dimensions of Racial Identity: Reflecting on Race, the Global Economy, and the Human Rights Movement at 60 6 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 259 (Summer 2009) Prisoner reentry is a crucial social justice issue. According to the Department of Justice, about 650,000 prisoners are released from incarceration annually, many into communities already desperate for low-income housing, physical and mental health treatment, education, employment, counseling and other social services. Reentry programs are gaining; Search Snippet: ...JUSTICE: PRISONER REENTRY AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO CONFRONT AND COUNTERACT RACISM Adrienne Lyles-Chockley [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2009 University of California... 2009
Hope Lewis Trans-Racial Adoption and the Statutory Preference Schemes: Before the "Best Interests" and after the "Melting Pot" 24 Maryland Journal of International Law 296 (2009) Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth; Search Snippet: ...of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights TRANSNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF RACIAL IDENTITY: REFLECTING ON RACE, THE GLOBAL ECONOMY, AND THE HUMAN... 2009
Roger Clegg Unholy Union: St. Louis Prosecutors and Police Unionize to Maintain Racist State Power 32 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 971 (Summer, 2009) To evaluate the Bush Administration's record in opposing preferential treatment on the basis of race, ethnicity, or sex--affirmative action --we have to look not only at what it did, but also at what it needed to do. That is, we must first look at how current law requires, encourages, or allows such affirmative discrimination and what steps,... 2009
Richard S. Frase What Has Twenty-five Years of Racial Gerrymandering Doctrine Achieved? 38 Crime and Justice 201 (2009) Racial disparity in prison and jail populations, measured by the ratio of black to white per capita incarceration rates, varies substantially from state to state. To understand these variations, researchers must examine disparity at earlier stages of the criminal process and also racial differences in socioeconomic status that help explain; Search Snippet: ...CRIME AND JUSTICE Crime and Justice 2009 WHAT EXPLAINS PERSISTENT RACIAL DISPROPORTIONALITY IN MINNESOTA'S PRISON AND JAIL POPULATIONS? Richard S. Frase... 2009
Barbara A. Noah A Principled Approach to the Quest for Racial Diversity on the Judiciary 40 Connecticut Law Review 675 (February, 2008) A significant body of evidence suggests that minority race adversely affects the quantity and quality of health care provided to minority patients. Although no one has documented systemic overt racism among health care providers, persistent inequities in the delivery of health care services pose serious problems for patients of color. Ultimately,; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Connecticut Law Review February, 2008 Articles A PRESCRIPTION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY IN MEDICINE Barbara A. Noah [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008... 2008
Alanna Buchanan A Rage Shared by Law: Post-september 11 Racial Violence as Crimes of Passion 43 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 271 (Winter, 2008) The very legislation meant to provide greater protection to victims of domestic violence could actually exacerbate the conditions that facilitate its occurrence within certain minority communities. While some women who are terrified by their abusers will seek help from law enforcement as a result of this legislation, patterns of domestic violence... 2008
Preston C. Green, III, Bruce D. Baker, Joseph O. Oluwole Ackerman's Civil Rights Revolution and Modern American Racial Politics 4 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 283 (October, 2008) Introduction. 284 I. The Separate But Equal Doctrine, Educational Funding, and the Courts. 287 A. Funding Disparities During the Separate But Equal Era. 287 B. Legal Foundations. 289 C. Equality Standards During the Separate But Equal Era. 290 1. Nominal Equality. 291 2. Racial Neutrality. 292 3. Real Equality. 294 II. The Equal Protection; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties October, 2008 Article ACHIEVING RACIAL EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY THROUGH SCHOOL FINANCE LITIGATION Preston C. Green... 2008
Jesse Rothstein , Albert H. Yoon Affirmative Action in the Era of Elective Race: Racial Commodification and the Promise of the New Functionalism 75 University of Chicago Law Review 649 (Spring 2008) In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson argued that the rapidly proceeding elimination of formal legal discrimination against African-Americans was insufficient: [F]reedom is not enough ... You do not take a person, who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, you are free to; Search Snippet: ...2008 Article AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN LAW SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: WHAT DO RACIAL PREFERENCES DO? Jesse Rothstein [FNd1] Albert H. Yoon [FNdd1] Copyright... 2008
American Bar Association American Hypocrisy: How the United States' System of Mass Incarceration and Police Brutality Fail to Comply with its Obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 37 Southwestern University Law Review 917 (2008) RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges federal, state, local, and territorial jurisdictions to recognize that in particular cases cross-racial identification may increase the risk of erroneous conviction. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges federal, state, local, and territorial jurisdictions to seek to assure that,; Search Snippet: ...Policies Concerning Wrongful Convictions AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION POLICY 104D: CROSS- RACIAL IDENTIFICATION American Bar Association Copyright © 2008 by the American Bar... 2008
  Appendix C: Constitutional Litigation Related to Voting by Racial and Language Minorities 17 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 554 (Spring 2008) The passage of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) presented racial and language minorities in New York City with an opportunity to push government agencies to actively register the large number of eligible, but unregistered, voters among poor populations in the City. The NVRA, made effective in 1995, created agency-based voter... 2008
  Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Georgia V. Russian Federation). Order (Provisional Measures). At . International Court of Justice, October 15, 2008 17 Southern California Review of Law & Social Justice 556 (Spring 2008) In a 1992 case challenging the composition of the New York City Districting Commission, the City defended racial and language minority diversity on the Commission and conceded that it engaged in a history of discrimination specific to voting rights in New York City and its earlier districting and council bodies. At issue was a City Charter; Search Snippet: ...2008 Reports APPENDIX C: CONSTITUTIONAL LITIGATION RELATED TO VOTING BY RACIAL AND LANGUAGE MINORITIES Voting Rights in New York City: 1982... 2008
Dan Subotnik Are Law Schools Racist?--part Ii 43 University of San Francisco Law Review 227 (Fall 2008) More subtle and searching than other critiques of critical race theory . . . Dan Subotnik's book poses challenges that all progressives, myself included, will have to consider. Richard Delgado WALKING BRISKLY INTO HIS FAVORITE Starbucks coffeehouse one morning, Riccardo ordered a tall cappuccino and an almond biscotto from the statuesque Italian; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: Deconstructing Race: When Reasonable Minds Differ ARE LAW SCHOOLS RACIST?: A TALK WITH RICHARD DELGADO Dan Subotnik [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2008
Maria R. Volpe, Robert A. Baruch Bush, Gene A. Johnson, Jr., Christopher M. Kwok, Janice Tudy-Jackson, Roberto Velez Baseball's Accidental Racism: the Draft, African-american Players, and the Law 35 Fordham Urban Law Journal 119 (January, 2008) Since the 1970s, the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) field has gained visibility and acceptance. As the field has evolved, ADR scholars and practitioners, slowly but increasingly, have started to pay attention to the racial and ethnic mix of the practitioners in the field. Like many other fields, the availability and presence of a diverse; Search Snippet: ...Essay BARRIERS TO PARTICIPATION: CHALLENGES FACED BY MEMBERS OF UNDERREPRESENTED RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUPS IN ENTERING, REMAINING, AND ADVANCING IN THE... 2008
Joseph O. Oluwole , Preston C. Green, III Cheerios, Free Speech and Racism: a Legislative Response to an Ugly Problem 61 Arkansas Law Review Rev. 1 (2008) For years, legal scholars have tried to determine the constitutionality of charter-school racial-balancing provisions. Since the United States Supreme Court had not ruled on the constitutionality of racial-balancing policies at the elementary- and secondary-education levels, however, scholars often had to rely on decisions of the federal district; Search Snippet: ...ARKANSAS LAW REVIEW Arkansas Law Review 2008 Articles CHARTER SCHOOLS: RACIAL-BALANCING PROVISIONS AND PARENTS INVOLVED Joseph O. Oluwole [FNa1] Preston... 2008
  Civil Rights-Racial Disparity Classes of Workers at Canneries Held Not to Make out Prima Facie Case of Disparate Impact in Action under Title Vii of Civil Rights Act of 1964-wards Cove Packing Co. V. Atonio, 109 S. Ct. 2115 (1989) 11 Chapman Law Review 333 (Winter 2008) Professor Richard O. Lempert, Eric Stein Distinguished University Professor of Law and Sociology, University of Michigan Dr. John Lott, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute Professor Stanley Rothman, Director, Center for the Study of Social and Political Change, Smith College Professor Richard H. Sander, University of California, Los; Search Snippet: ...Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Presents CIVIL RIGHTS: RACIAL PREFERENCES IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2005 National Lawyer's Convention November 12... 2008
Julie Ringelheim College and University Regulation of Racist Speech: Does Regulation Violate the First Amendment? 10 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 39 (Special Edition 2008) With the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam, a new Article 13 was inserted in the Treaty of Rome, conferring on the European Community the competence to take action to combat discrimination based not only on sex, but also on racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation. This marked a turning point for the European... 2008
  Criminal Law -- Racial Exclusion in Jury Pool Composition -- Supreme Court of Indiana Holds That Computerized Jury Selection System Did Not Comply with Jury Selection Statute. -- Azania V. Indiana, 778 N.e.2d 1253 (Ind. 2002) 121 Harvard Law Review 1669 (April, 2008) The traditional story of Fourth Amendment search and seizure doctrine involves a complex compromise between public safety and the constitutional right to personal liberty. Although the choice of viewpoint is often left out of the story, much also depends on whose perspective--police officers' or civilians'--a judge employs for search and seizure... 2008
David E. Aaronson Cross-Racial Identification Testimony and What Not to Do about it 23-SPG Criminal Justice Just. 4 (Spring, 2008) While testifying on the stand during a recent misdemeanor trial in Maryland, a Hispanic eyewitness pointed to the defense table and identified a young African American as the perpetrator. The eyewitness, however, got it wrong. The young man he identified as the perpetrator was actually a law student who was representing the defendant--also African... 2008
Dora Acherman Discrimination by Labor Union Bargaining Representatives Against Racial Minorities 4 FIU Law Review 255 (Fall, 2008) I. Introduction. 256 II. Environmental Justice Claims Based on Civil Rights Legislation. 257 A. The Intent Requirement in Equal Protection and Title VI. 258 B. Claims of Disparate Impact Under Section 602 of Title VI. 261 C. The Future of Environmental Claims under Civil Rights Legislation. 264 III. Alternative Litigation Approaches to Civil Rights; Search Snippet: ...ANY OTHER NAME: ALTERNATIVES TO PROVING DELIBERATE INTENT IN ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM CASES Dora Acherman Copyright © 2008 Florida International University; Dora Acherman... 2008
Imani Perry Documenting the Costs of Slavery, Segregation, and Contemporary Racism: Why Reparations Are in Order for African Americans 10 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 92 (2008) During the 21st century, reality television has become a cultural phenomenon in the United States. Part of what makes the concept so engaging is the fantasy of truth presented on the screen. At the same time, any savvy viewer is aware of how the production and editing process manipulates reality television. In this essay, I explore how images,; Search Snippet: ...REALLY LOVE NEW YORK?: EXPOSING THE TROUBLING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POPULAR RACIAL IMAGERY AND SOCIAL POLICY IN THE 21 ST CENTURY Imani Perry... 2008
Marguerite L. Spencer Environmental Racism and Hazardous Facility Siting Decisions: Noble Cause or Political Tool? 5 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 288 (Winter 2008) I. Introduction. 288 II. Context. 290 A. Environmental Racism. 290 B. The Environmental Justice Movement. 293 C. Governmental Responses. 295 III. James H. Cone and Whiteness. 297 A. Black Theology. 297 B. White Theology. 299 C. The White Problem. 301 D. White American Structures. 302 IV. Toward an Ecological Ethic of True Reconciliation. 303 A; Search Snippet: ...on Environmental Law Essay Panel: Subsidiarity and Environmental Law ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM AND BLACK THEOLOGY: JAMES H. CONE INSTRUCTS US ON WHITENESS... 2008
Michelle R. Wood Essay: (Racial) Profiles in Courage, or Can We Be Heroes Too? 11 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 599 (Spring 2008) Imagine the experience of an elementary school student who arrives for her first day in a new school. As she is guided through the halls by her new principal, her senses are bombarded by a rush of sights and sounds. She proceeds toward her new classroom, and along the way she can hear the voices of helpful teachers, the ringing children's laughter,; Search Snippet: ...Student Note ESL AND BILINGUAL EDUCATION AS A PROXY FOR RACIAL AND ETHNIC SEGREGATION IN U.S. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Michelle R. Wood... 2008
N. Jeremi Duru Exploring White Resistance to Racial Reconciliation in the United States 76 University of Cincinnati Law Review 793 (Spring 2008) Introduction. 794 I. Jethroe's Injustice. 796 A. Discriminatory Denial. 796 B. Making the Majors. 798 C. Life After Baseball. 800 II. Section 1981 as a Basis for Jethroe Claims. 803 A. Section 1981's Origins. 803 B. Section 1981's Scope. 804 III. The Jethroe Claim: A Reparations Argument?. 809 A. The Wide World of Reparations. 809 B. Deconstructing; Search Snippet: ...LEGAL QUEST FOR A PENSION ON THE MOVEMENT FOR RESTORATIVE RACIAL JUSTICE N. Jeremi Duru [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 University of... 2008
Holning Lau Former Chief Justice Shepard on Conrad Baker's Contributions to Racial & Gender Equality 59 Hastings Law Journal 843 (March, 2008) Racial integration and same-sex marriage both headlined political and legal commentary during the summer of 2007. On one hand, the United States Supreme Court prompted discussion by holding, in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 (Parents Involved), that Seattle's and Louisville's voluntary efforts to integrate; Search Snippet: ...LAW JOURNAL Hastings Law Journal March, 2008 Articles FORMALISM: FROM RACIAL INTEGRATION TO SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Holning Lau [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2008
Angela P. Harris From Injustice at School to Justice in Court: Seeking Litigation Approaches to Challenge Racial Disparities in School Discipline 10 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 52 (2008) When my sister graduated from college in the mid-1980s with a degree in musical theater she moved to Chicago with her new husband in search of work in television commercials and the performing arts. To her frustration and dismay, however, despite her good looks, acting ability, and musical talent, she was rejected in audition after audition.... 2008
Jordan E. Dollar Hands 20 Saint Thomas Law Review 642 (Spring 2008) Haiti is black, and we have not yet forgiven Haiti for being black or forgiven the Almighty for making her black. In this enlightened act of repentance and forgiveness, our boasted civilization is far behind all other nations. -- Frederick Douglass I. Introduction. 643 II. The Historical Relationship. 643 A. The Slave Revolution of 1804. 643 B; Search Snippet: ...Cosmopolitans, New Hegemonies & Knowledge Processes Featured Contributors HAITI IS BLACK! RACIAL ESSENTIALISM AND UNITED STATES INVOLVEMENT IN THE 2004 REMOVAL OF... 2008
Henry Korman How the Trump Administration's Efforts to Redefine Human Rights Threaten Economic, Social, and Racial Justice 17-SUM Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 353 (Summer, 2008) I. Racial Containment, Conditions of Severe Distress, and HOPE VI. 354 A. Federal Public Housing Policy and Racial Containment. 354 B. Racial Containment and Severe Distress in Public Housing. 355 C. HOPE VI and Racial Containment. 356 II. HOPE VI Reauthorization and Civil Rights. 356 A. Furthering Fair Housing. 357 B. Reoccupancy Rights. 358 C; Search Snippet: ...THE PROPOSED HOPE VI REAUTHORIZATION IGNORES THE SEVERE DISTRESS OF RACIAL SEGREGATION Henry Korman [FNa1] Copyright © 2008 by American Bar Association... 2008
Garrett Kennedy Illegal Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection 10 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business and Employment Law 1029 (Summer 2008) In September, 2006, the Pennsylvania city of Hazleton passed the Hazleton Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance (Hazleton Ordinance) designed to purge the city of crime stemming from the presence of illegal aliens and to make Hazleton one of the most difficult places in the U.S. for illegal immigrants. While the statute sought to assault; Search Snippet: ...TOWN'S ATTEMPT AT IMMIGRATION CONTROL, AND THE INHERENT PROBLEMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Garrett Kennedy [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 University of Pennsylvania... 2008
Michael Massoglia Inclusive Immigrant Justice: Racial Animus and the Origins of Crime-based Deportation 42 Law and Society Review 275 (June, 2008) This article addresses two basic questions. First, it examines whether incarceration has a lasting impact on health functioning. Second, because blacks are more likely than whites to be exposed to the negative effects of the penal system--including fractured social bonds, reduced labor market prospects, and high levels of infectious disease--it... 2008
Nelson Lund Justice Murphy's Concurrence in Oyama V. California: Cussing out Racism 9 Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society Practice Groups 20 (October 1, 2008) More than half a century after Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court is closely and bitterly divided about the meaning of that decision, and about the meaning of the Equal Protection Clause to which it appealed. The first major decision of the Roberts Court, Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1, took a small; Search Snippet: ...Civil Rights JUSTICE KENNEDY'S STRICTER SCRUTINY AND THE FUTURE OF RACIAL DIVERSITY PROMOTION Nelson Lund [FNa1] Copyright © 2008 The Federalist Society... 2008
David A. Hoffman , Lamont E. Stallworth Levels of Political Mobilization and Racial Bloc Voting among Latinos, Anglos, and African Americans in New York City 63-APR Dispute Resolution Journal 37 (February-April, 2008) Both conscious and unconscious forms of racial and ethnic bias in our society have, not surprisingly, resulted in the underutilization of minority neutrals in union and non-union workplace disputes. The objectives of the alternative dispute resolution movement will be better served if there is greater equality in the selection and utilization of; Search Snippet: ...THE PLAYING FIELD FOR WORKPLACE NEUTRALS: A PROPOSAL FOR ACHIEVING RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY David A. Hoffman [FNa1] Lamont E. Stallworth... 2008
Florence Wagman Roisman Local Kine Implicit Bias: Unconscious Racism Revisited (Yet Again) 41 Indiana Law Review 507 (2008) There is no such thing as the State And no one exists alone; Hunger allows no choice To the citizen or the police; We must love one another or die. W.H. Auden This year marks the fortieth anniversary of three major events with respect to residential racial discrimination and segregation in the United States: the enactment of the comprehensive... 2008
Thomas Kleven Mandatory Cy Pres and the Racially Restrictive Charitable Trust 34 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 109 (Fall, 2008) A major factor impeding equal educational opportunity in the United States today is that public schools are largely and increasingly segregated by race and class. By and large, lower income and minority children receive an inferior education relative to better off children, have higher drop out rates, attend college less frequently, and; Search Snippet: ...2008 Article MANDATING PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: A PROPOSAL FOR ACHIEVING RACIAL AND CLASS INTEGRATION Thomas Kleven [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 Thurgood... 2008
Avi Frey Mapping a Materialist Latcrit Discourse on Racism 64 New York University Annual Survey of American Law 343 (2008) It is time to realize that manipulating doctrines and drawing improper distinctions under the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, as well as under Congress' remedial legislation enforcing those Amendments, make this Court an accessory to the perpetuation of racial discrimination. Justice Thurgood Marshall This Note is about racial vote dilution,; Search Snippet: ...2008 Note MANIPULATED DOCTRINES, IMPROPER DISTINCTIONS, AND THE LAW OF RACIAL VOTE DILUTION Avi Frey [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 New York... 2008
Tomer Blumkin, Yoram Margalioth , Ben-Gurion University, Department of Economics, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel On the Permanence of Racial Injustice and the Possibility of DeRacialization 28 International Review of Law & Economics 194 (September, 2008) JEL classification: K14 K42 Keywords: Racial profiling Statistical discrimination Terror Equity-efficiency trade-off We show that for racial profiling (defined as policy rules that employ statistical discrimination based on racial attributes) to be efficient in fighting ordinary crime, it needs to focus on the racial composition of marginal; Search Snippet: ...Claus Ott and Hans-Bernd Schäfer ON TERROR, DRUGS AND RACIAL PROFILING Tomer Blumkin Yoram Margalioth [FNa1] Ben-Gurion University, Department... 2008
Aderson Bellegarde François Oops! Racism as Mistake: Lessons from Corporate Law 112 Penn State Law Review 985 (Symposium 2008) Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. On June 28, 2007, the United States Supreme Court used two companion decisions captioned Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, and; Search Snippet: ...TO COMMUNITY AND THE INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY INTEREST IN STATE-SPONSORED RACIAL INTEGRATION Aderson Bellegarde François [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 The Dickinson... 2008
Richard Delgado Opening the Suburbs to Racial Integration: Lessons for the 21st Century 118 Yale Law Journal Pocket Part 67 (October 28, 2008) In Minorities, Shareholder and Otherwise, Anupam Chander points out that the law treats discrimination by corporate insiders against minority shareholders with suspicion. Yet discrimination against ordinary minorities, in buying or selling a house or applying for a job, for example, receives increasingly lax treatment from color-blind courts; Search Snippet: ...PART Yale Law Journal Pocket Part October 28, 2008 OOPS! RACISM AS MISTAKE: LESSONS FROM CORPORATE LAW Richard Delgado [FNa1] Copyright... 2008
José A. Lindgren Alves Race and Representation Revisited: the New Racial Gerrymandering Cases and Section 2 of the Vra 42 University of San Francisco Law Review 941 (Spring 2008) IN TODAY'S POSTMODERN WORLD, where previously cherished socio-political utopias give way to disbelief in universal values, religion has reemerged as a central component of secular activity. With that in mind, all institutions dealing with social matters must try to correctly understand and direct this seemingly anachronistic phenomenon towards; Search Snippet: ...RELIGION IN THE UNITED NATIONS COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION José A. Lindgren Alves [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 University... 2008
Bekah Mandell Race and the Death Penalty after Mccleskey: a Case Study of Kentucky's Racial Justice Act 10 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 1 (Special Edition 2008) The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), with its focus on conditioning welfare benefits on workforce participation, marked a complete overhaul of sixty years of federal social policy in the U.S. In the wake of the 1996 welfare reform and the national shift towards the recommodification of welfare ,... 2008
Alfred Dennis Mathewson Race Ipsa Loquitur: of Reasonable Racists, Intelligent Bayesians, and Involuntary Negrophobes 23 Saint John's Journal of Legal Commentary 667 (Fall 2008) This article is about the discourse in law school classes in which non-white students are in classes with white students. I recall the integration of race in one of my first year law classes. I was one of a handful of Black students in Professor Geoffrey Hazard's Civil Procedure class at Yale Law School. Professor Hazard had supplemented the... 2008
Ruth Singer Race Liberalism and the Deradicalization of Racial Reform 1 DePaul Journal for Social Justice 293 (Spring 2008) The History of Racial Profiling. 295 Public Attitude Toward Racial Profiling. 299 Effectiveness of Racial Profiling Outside the Context of Terrorism. 301 Effectiveness of Racial Profiling in the Context of Terrorism. 306 Could Racial Profiling Have Prevented 9/11?. 306 Responsive to the Assessed Threat . 309 Cultural Alienation. 312 Racial... 2008
James D. Unnever, Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl Lero Jonson Race, Redistricting, and Representation: the Unintended Consequences of Black Majority Districts by David T. Canon, Published by University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Il, 1999. 324 Pages, $50.00 (Cloth), $18.00 (Paper). 37 Crime and Justice 45 (2008) There is a clear racial divide in support for the death penalty, with whites favoring and blacks opposing this sanction. This divide has persisted for decades and remains statistically and substantively significant even when controls are introduced for the known correlates of death penalty attitudes. A meaningful portion of this chasm is explained,... 2008
Eddie Bruce-Jones Race-based Political Exclusion and Social Subjugation: Racial Gerrymandering as a Badge of Slavery 39 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 423 (Spring 2008) Conventional knowledge in France and Germany would suggest that race does not play a significant role in social stratification and has been dealt with by legal prohibitions on discrimination. This Note explores the role of race and anti-discrimination law in France and Germany. In doing so, it highlights the need for racial recognition and; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring 2008 Notes RACE, SPACE, AND THE NATION-STATE: RACIAL RECOGNITION AND THE PROSPECTS FOR SUBSTANTIVE EQUALITY UNDER ANTI-DISCRIMINATION... 2008
  Racial Disparities in Fatal Police Shootings: an Empirical Analysis Informed by Critical Race Theory 6 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 591 (Spring/Summer, 2008) Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: John Brittain, Callie Kozlak, Michelle Woolley, Kenneth Chandler, Denise Ballesteros, and Francis Nugent Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University Washington College of Law: Amelia Parker Leitner Center for International Law and Justice, International Law and the Constitution; Search Snippet: ...Journal for Social Justice Spring/Summer, 2008 Race and Education RACIAL DISPARITIES IN EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN THE UNITED STATES Copyright © 2008... 2008
Scott Phillips Racial Disparities in the Capital System: Invidious or Accidental? 45 Houston Law Review 807 (Summer 2008) I. Introduction. 808 II. Race and Capital Punishment. 812 III. Research Methods. 816 A. Dependent Variables: Trajectory and Disposition. 816 B. Race/Ethnicity. 819 C. Controls. 822 1. Defendant Social Characteristics. 822 2. Victim Social Characteristics. 824 3. Legal Dimensions of Case. 824 D. Modeling. 827 E. Limitations. 829 IV. Results. 829 A; Search Snippet: ...4639695 HOUSTON LAW REVIEW Houston Law Review Summer 2008 Article RACIAL DISPARITIES IN THE CAPITAL OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Scott Phillips [FNa1... 2008
Carol A. Brook Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare: False Logic and Dangerous Misunderstandings 35 Litigation 15 (Fall, 2008) Every fall I teach constitutional law to high school students from the Chicago Public Schools. The students are mostly African-American and Hispanic. When I ask them whether they believe the criminal justice system is fair to people of color, they mostly say no. My clients, also mostly African-American and Hispanic, say the same thing. Where did; Search Snippet: ...15 2008 WL 5226617 LITIGATION Litigation Fall, 2008 Just Deserts RACIAL DISPARITY UNDER THE FEDERAL SENTENCING GUIDELINES Carol A. Brook [FNa1... 2008
Derrick Bell Racial Equity in Algorithmic Criminal Justice 94 Virginia Law Review 495 (April, 2008) I agreed to review Professor Risa Goluboff's book, The Lost Promise of Civil Rights, in the hope that it might explain or at least place in historical perspective the unwavering commitment of so many liberals to school integration. To a substantial degree--although perhaps not as she intended--she has done that. A scholar of history as well as law,; Search Snippet: ...VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW Virginia Law Review April, 2008 Book Review RACIAL EQUALITY: PROGRESSIVES' PASSION FOR THE UNATTAINABLE The Lost Promise of... 2008
Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker Racial Free-riding on the Coattails of a Dream Deferred: Can I Borrow Your Social Capital? 10 Journal of Law in Society 1 (Fall, 2008) This article will use the experience of the Quebecois in Canada to survey the linkage between cultural formation and race in Quebecois racial identity. It will then map out these linkages and their relations to the political and legal discourse that has emerged in Canada on the place of the Quebecois in the country. Cultural formation and racial... 2008
Tucker Culbertson Racial Mind-games and Reapportionment: When Can Race Be Considered (Legitimately) in Redistricting? 20 Saint Thomas Law Review 449 (Spring 2008) The following three articles by Dominique Legros, Robert Koulish, and César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández concern laws, politics, and philosophies involving transnational migration. Individually and in sum, these articles productively engage with the radical multidimensionality of both racial identity and racial governance. In this introduction, I... 2008
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