Bekah Mandell Racial Releases, Involuntary Separations, and Employment At-will 28 Boston College Third World Law Journal 289 (Spring, 2008) Scientists have warned of the dangers of climate change for decades, yet no meaningful steps have been taken to address its underlying causes; instead, ineffective strategies to reduce CO2 emissions incrementally have become popular because they do not disturb the racial hierarchy that sustains the social, economic, and legal structure of; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Boston College Third World Law Journal Spring, 2008 Article RACIAL REIFICATION AND GLOBAL WARMING: A TRULY INCONVENIENT TRUTH Bekah Mandell... 2008
Derrick Bell Racism Creates Barriers to Effective Community Policing 86 North Carolina Law Review 621 (March, 2008) Hurling racism!--at a group or an individual--as an epithet is both common and easy to do. Seriously getting to the roots of racism--that is, the favoring of one group, the white, over minority groups--and pulling up those roots to eradicate them is, however, extraordinarily difficult. This is so despite the progress that supposedly has been made; Search Snippet: ...Review March, 2008 A Tribute to Professor John O. Calmore RACISM AS THE ULTIMATE DECEPTION [FNa1] [FN1] Derrick Bell [FNaa1] Copyright... 2008
Danielle Ward Mason Racism or Economics? 12 Jones Law Review 169 (Spring, 2008) The reality of race relations in this country is such that we simply may not presume impartiality Racism in this country is like the elephant in the room that everyone sees but no one dares acknowledge. Perhaps the lack of acknowledgment is due to the fact that the face of racism since the Civil Rights Movement has changed to one of style rather... 2008
  Relations Before Transactions: a New Paradigm for Racial Discrimination Theory 44 Criminal Law Bulletin ART 3 (2008) J.D., Santa Clara University School of Law, 2008. I would like to thank the late Professor David Lawyer, Jr., who taught me the difference between prejudice and discrimination and whose lectures gave me the inspiration and confidence to point out inconsistent treatment among equals. Thank you to Professor Allen Hammond for encouraging me to write; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2008 Criminal Law Bulletin Reinforcing Batson Defining the Peculiar: Racial Profiling as an Impermissible Ground for Peremptory Challenge Allison A... 2008
Erica Frankenberg School Violence and Race: the Problem of Peer Racial Harassment Against Asian Pacific American Students in Schools 6 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 533 (Spring/Summer, 2008) The racial contexts of schools have changed dramatically since the Supreme Court first began considering the issue of school segregation. Racial contexts is used in this article to describe the multiple dimensions of students: racial composition, comparison of school composition to district, and change in racial composition over time. School... 2008
William Y. Chin Science Fictions and Racial Fables: Navigating the Final Frontier of Genetic Interpretation 10 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 333 (Spring 2008) I. Introduction. 335 II. Peer Racial Harassment Against APA Students Is A Evasive and Serious Problem. 336 A. Racial Harassment of APA Students at Lafayette High School. 336 B. Racial Harassment of APA Students at Skyline High School. 339 C. Racial Harassment of APA Students at Other Schools. 340 D. Research Data Revealing Enduring and Pervasive; Search Snippet: ...Voiceless Articles SCHOOL VIOLENCE AND RACE: THE PROBLEM OF PEER RACIAL HARASSMENT AGAINST ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS William Y... 2008
Stephen P. Garvey Sense and Nonsense: Standing in the Racial Districting Cases as a Window on the Supreme Court's View of the Right to Vote 11 New Criminal Law Review 119 (Winter, 2008) How should the law of a liberal state respond when one person (D) kills another person (V), who is black, because D believes that V is about to kill him, but D would not have believed that V was about to kill him if V had been white? Should D be exonerated on grounds of self-defense? Some commentators argue that D's claim of self-defense should be; Search Snippet: ...Reasonable Person in Criminal Law SELF-DEFENSE AND THE MISTAKEN RACIST Stephen P. Garvey [FNa1] Copyright © 2008 by the Regents of... 2008
Amanda K. Baumle , Mark Fossett , Warren Waren Strip Searching in the Age of Colorblind Racism: the Disparate Impact of Florence V. Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Burlington 24 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 81 (Spring 2008) In July 2006, President Bush signed the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, following heated congressional debates concerning the relevance and efficacy of the Act. Given the reauthorization, with few revisions, of the Act's preexisting provisions, we examine in this article whether its provisions have been effective in curtailing; Search Snippet: ...Spring 2008 Article STRATEGIC ANNEXATION UNDER THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT: RACIAL DIMENSIONS OF ANNEXATION PRACTICES Amanda K. Baumle [FNa1] Mark Fossett... 2008
john a. powell Student Surveillance, Racial Inequalities, and Implicit Racial Bias 86 North Carolina Law Review 791 (March, 2008) This Article builds upon the insights of Professor Calmore in fashioning a structural model for conceptualizing racism in its contemporary form. This model extends beyond our commonly understood, traditional model of racism as either a product of individual intentional racism or formally race-neutral policies and practices that have the effect of... 2008
Toni Lester Talking about Sexual Orientation, Teaching about Homophobia'-negotiating the Divide Between Religious Belief and Tolerance for Lgbt Rights in the Classroom 2008 The Law Recognizes Racial Instinct": Tucker V. Blease and the Black-- White Paradigm in the J 15 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 399 (August, 2008) The question of whether or not people in the LGBT community should be able to enjoy certain fundamental rights taken for granted by most Americans is a contentious issue. While a large number of people agree that same sex sexuality should no longer be criminalized and that gay men and lesbians should be allowed to participate in civil unions, a... 2008
Michael B. de Leeuw , Megan K. Whyte , Dale Ho , Catherine Meza , Alexis Karteron The Curse of Ham: Disarmament Through Discrimination - the Necessity of Applying Strict Scrutiny to Second Amendment Issues in Order to Prevent Racial Discrimination by States and Localities Through Gun Control Laws 13 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 337 (Spring 2008) The United States government accepted a number of obligations related to housing when it ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD). For example, the United States government must ensure that all people enjoy the rights to housing and to own property, without distinction as to race; cease... 2008
Michael Ryan The European Union Combats Racism and Xenophobia by Forbidding Expression: an Analysis of the Framework Decision 20 Florida Journal of International Law 245 (December, 2008) Unlike in America, where there has been a substantial decrease in the incidence of spectator racism at sporting events over the last thirty years, racially motivated incidents still occur frequently at European soccer matches. The prevalence of racist abuse varies from match to match, but at times it can get quite brutal. In one famous episode,... 2008
John J. Garman The Evolution of Gender Employment Rate Differentials Within Racial Groups in the United States 39 University of Toledo Law Review 843 (Summer 2008) THROUGHOUT history, supporters of a free and democratic society recognized the vital importance of a basic human right, freedom of expression. However, it has also long been thought in the European Union (EU) that some freedoms must be given up to ensure the public safety necessary to maintain an ordered society. Even under American First... 2008
Michael Mears The Gestalt of the School-to-prison Pipeline: the Duality of Overrepresentation of Minorities in Special Education and Racial Disparity in School Discipline on Minorities 1 John Marshall Law Journal 71 (2008) I. Introduction. 71 II. The Georgia Racial Justice Act - First Attempt. 73 III. Continuing Need for the Racial Justice Act in Georgia. 74 IV. Kentucky's Racial Justice Act. 76 V. The Background Concerning Racial Justice. 77 VI. Executions and Relevant Studies. 79 A. The Baldus Study. 79 B. Atlanta Journal-Constitution Death Penalty Study. 82 VII; Search Snippet: ...Imposed Punishment Article THE GEORGIA DEATH PENALTY: A NEED FOR RACIAL JUSTICE Michael Mears [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 The Law Review... 2008
Lorraine H. Weber The History of Japanese Racism, Japanese American Redress, and the Dangers Associated with Government Regulation of Hate Speech 25 Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 139 (2008) Good afternoon, I am both proud and a little amazed at the opportunity that I had early on in Michigan to be a part of this movement, and, as you might have gleaned from my introduction, I regret to say that I am indeed old enough to have been there pretty much from the beginning. As I look around this room, I see the faces of some who were there; Search Snippet: ...Equality: Are We There Yet? Transcript THE HISTORY OF GENDER, RACIAL, AND ETHNIC INITIATIVES IN MICHIGAN-WHERE WE HAVE BEEN, WHERE... 2008
Preston C. Green, III, J.D., Ed.D. and Joseph O. Oluwole The Implicit Racial Bias in Sentencing: the next Frontier 229 West's Education Law Reporter 309 (April 17, 2008) Since 1992, forty states and the District of Columbia have enacted charter school legislation. Charter schools are public schools that are developed by a charter between a sponsoring authority and those persons who wish to operate a school. Charter schools receive a great deal of freedom from the regulations that apply to traditional public; Search Snippet: ...2008 Commentary THE IMPLICATIONS OF PARENTS INVOLVED FOR CHARTER SCHOOL RACIAL BALANCING PROVISIONS [FNa] Preston C. Green, III , J.D., Ed.D. and... 2008
Phillip C. Blackman The Need for a Comprehensive Multi-year Strategic Plan for Ending Racial and Ethnic Discrimination: a Focus on Schools 15 UCLA Entertainment Law Review 225 (Summer 2008) I. Introduction. 227 II. The History of Academic Reform in Collegiate Athletics. 230 III. The Structure and Function of the Academic Progress Rate. 237 IV. Why Does the APR Have a Disparate Discriminatory Impact on HBCUs?. 242 V. Potential Legal Challenges and Enjoining the NCAA's Use of the APP & APR. 244 A. Protection for Student-Athletes Under; Search Snippet: ...Articles THE NCAA'S ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE PROGRAM: ACADEMIC REFORM OR ACADEMIC RACISM? Phillip C. Blackman [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 Regents of the... 2008
Devon W. Carbado, Cheryl I. Harris The New Racially Restrictive Covenant: Race, Welfare, and the Policing of Black Women in Subsidized Housing 96 California Law Review 1139 (October, 2008) Michigan's Proposal 2 and California's Proposition 209 both prohibit their state governments from discriminating or granting preferential treatment . on the basis of race. Both initiatives were aimed at eliminating state promulgated race-based affirmative action programs. For advocates of Proposal 2 and Proposition 209, affirmative action is the; Search Snippet: ...CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW California Law Review October, 2008 THE NEW RACIAL PREFERENCES [FNa1] Devon W. Carbado Cheryl I. Harris [FNd1] Copyright... 2008
Jennie Bauman The Oregon Supreme Court Task Force on Racial Issues in the Courts: a Call for Self-examination 60 Baylor Law Review 1023 (Fall 2008) Chief Justice Roberts concluded a recent opinion with these words: The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. Although a plurality, Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 is the newest opinion in a line of cases demonstrating the Court's gradual aversion to; Search Snippet: ...Comments THE ONLY WAY: ROBERTS' STAND ON THE PREVENTION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Jennie Bauman [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2008 Baylor Law Review... 2008
Kenneth W. Mack The Role of the Courts in Creating Racial Identity in Early New Orleans 18 Widener Law Journal L.J. 1 (2008) In 1894, W. Justin Carter moved to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and became only the second black lawyer to practice there. From an unlikely beginning as the son of former slaves, and in this unlikely city, Carter would soon become one of the foremost lawyers in his state. Living in the small city of Harrisburg, he established a diverse clientele and; Search Snippet: ...2008 Article THE ROLE OF LAW IN THE MAKING OF RACIAL IDENTITY: THE CASE OF HARRISBURG'S W. JUSTIN CARTER Kenneth W... 2008
Melissa Whitney The Status Quo of Racial Discrimination in Japan and the Republic of Korea and the Need to Provide for Anti-discrimination Laws 49 Boston College Law Review 263 (January, 2008) This Note summarizes and synthesizes developments in statistical analyses of racial profiling data and the legal response to the use of such methods in civil rights cases. Researchers have developed new strategies specifically designed to measure statistical associations between a driver's race and the frequency of vehicle stops and; Search Snippet: ...College Law Review January, 2008 Note THE STATISTICAL EVIDENCE OF RACIAL PROFILING IN TRAFFIC STOPS AND SEARCHES: RETHINKING THE USE OF... 2008
Devon W. Carbado , Rachel F. Moran The Story of the Jena Six: the Interplay of History, Hate Crimes, Racial Inequality, and Legal Justice in Jena, Louisiana 76 UMKC Law Review 851 (Spring, 2008) How does one tell a story about establishing an American race law cannon? This was precisely the question that confronted us as we conceived Race Law Stories, an edited volume of essays on important cases on race and the law. At the outset, we had to engage the question of whether we even need a race law canon. The answer is not obviously yes; Search Snippet: ...Practice, Experience, and Education THE STORY OF LAW AND AMERICAN RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS: BUILDING A CANON ONE CASE AT A TIME Devon... 2008
Kathryn M. Caretti , N. Pieter M. O'Leary The Struggle for Racial Justice: the Personal, the Political, and the Economic 1 Human Rights & Globalization Law Review 3 (Fall, 2007/Spring, 2008) High school campuses typically buzz with the activity of students rushing from one class to another, extra-curricular activities, or sporting events. Moreover, all campuses have their unique gathering areas where students congregate before, during, and after class to socialize and gossip. For white students on the campus of Jena High School in; Search Snippet: ...OF THE JENA SIX: THE INTERPLAY OF HISTORY, HATE CRIMES, RACIAL INEQUALITY, AND LEGAL JUSTICE IN JENA, LOUISIANA Kathryn M. Caretti... 2008
Leonard M. Baynes The Uses of History in Struggles for Racial Justice: Colonizing the past and Managing Memory 1 the crit: a Critical Studies Journal 121 (2008) For over ten years, I have taught a course in Race and Racism in the Law at several American law schools. The course is part legal history and part jurisprudence. I use the Race and Races: Cases and Resources for a Diverse America as my casebook as well as my own supplemental readings. The classes are often the most racially diverse class in the; Search Snippet: ...USE OF REFLECTION PAPERS AND STUDENT AUTOBIOGRAPHIES IN TEACHING RACE, RACISM AND THE LAW Leonard M. Baynes [FN1] Copyright © 2008 the... 2008
Reginald Leamon Robinson The Workman Case: Racial Equality in Nineteenth-century Michigan 40 CONNtemplations CONNtemplations 1 (Spring, 2008) Charles R. Lawrence's Word, a form of liberation theology, gives its practitioners an intrinsic tool for empowering and liberating those who have been silenced and marginalized by the dominant legal narrative and by racism and sexism. As victims, oppression is external to, independent of, and happening to minorities and women. Yet, relying on; Search Snippet: ...HUMAN UNCONSCIOUSNESS: AN ANALYSIS OF CHARLES R. LAWRENCE'S MEDITATION ON RACISM, OPPRESSION, AND EMPOWERMENT Reginald Leamon Robinson [FNa1] Copyright © 2008 Connecticut... 2008
  The Workplace in a Racially Diverse Society: Preliminary Thoughts on the Role of Labor and Employment Law 87-DEC Michigan Bar Journal S8 (December, 2008) The second significant Michigan Supreme Court decision confirmed that the state prohibited racial segregation in Detroit public schools. The Court decided People ex rel. Joseph Workman v The Board of Education of Detroit in the same year (1869) that Michigan ratified the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited states from depriving citizens of the... 2008
Daria Roithmayr Theorizing Race and Racism: Preliminary Reflections on the Medical Curriculum 27 Mississippi College Law Review 373 (2007-2008) In 2004, sociologists Robert Sampson and Jeffrey Morenoff published a remarkable study on the persistence of poverty in Chicago neighborhoods from 1970 to 1990. The authors made several important findings. First, those neighborhoods that were poor in 1970 were almost all poor twenty years later in 1990. Even as poverty rates dramatically increased; Search Snippet: develops a theoretical model-the lock-in model of racial inequality--to explain why racial disparities have persisted even after the passage of civil rights... 2008
Howard Ball Tiptoeing Through the Junkyard: Three Approaches to the Moral Dilemma of Racist Hate Speech 27 Mississippi College Law Review 335 (2007-2008) Are you scared? Of what? How about the gas chamber? Now, Jake, that's why I got you. I don't plan to go to the gas chamber. I saw you get Lester off, now you just get me off. You can do it, Jake. It's not that easy, Carl Lee You did with Lester. But every case is different. And the big difference here is that you killed two white boys; Search Snippet: ...America's Most Celebrated Jurists Article THURGOOD MARSHALL'S FORLORN BATTLE AGAINST RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE DEATH PENALTY: THE MCCLESKEY... 2008
K.J. Greene Trampling Whose Rights? Democratic Majority Rule and Racial Minorities: a Response to Chin and Wagner 58 Syracuse Law Review 431 (2008) Introduction. 431 I. Trademark Law Racial Dynamics. 433 A. Economic Analysis, Trademark Law and Racial Dynamics. 434 B. Trademark and Racial Classifications. 436 C. Section 2 of the Lanham Act and the Marketplace of Racial Norms. 437 D. Moral Rights and Trademark Law. 438 E. A History of Distortion by Stereotyping. 440 F. Stereotyping as a; Search Snippet: ...Reformation of Intellectual Property Law and Policy TRADEMARK LAW AND RACIAL SUBORDINATION: FROM MARKETING OF STEREOTYPES TO NORMS OF AUTHORSHIP K.J... 2008
Taunya Lovell Banks Transitions to Justice: Prisoner Reentry as an Opportunity to Confront and Counteract Racism 43 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 127 (Winter, 2008) There is no thinking of America except as a body politic haunted by the historic presence of the African.. It has always been impossible to vote in the United States . without symbolically casting a ballot for or against American racism .. In his tribute to the legendary singer James Brown, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert wrote that Brown's... 2008
Roslyn Arlin Mickelson Two Hundred Ninety-four Months and Counting? 69 Ohio State Law Journal 1173 (2008) In 2007 the United States Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of Seattle's and Louisville's voluntary desegregation plans. In Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, the Court concluded that the ways Seattle and Louisville school districts used an individual student's race as a component of their voluntary; Search Snippet: ...Racial Equality Articles TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SOCIAL SCIENCE ON SCHOOL RACIAL DIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES Roslyn Arlin Mickelson [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2008
Charles Lawrence III Unconscious: the "Just Say No" Response to Racism 40 Connecticut Law Review 931 (May, 2008) Twenty years ago, Professor Charles Lawrence wrote The Id, The Ego, and Equal Protection: Reckoning With Unconscious Racism. This article is considered a foundational document of Critical Race Theory and is one of the most influential and widely cited law review articles. The article argued that the purposeful intent requirement found in Supreme... 2008
Michael J. Klarman Unfinished Business: Racial, Ethnic and Gender Issues Still Confront Bench and Bar 93 Virginia Law Review In Brief 249 (February 18, 2008) Unfinished Business: Racial Equality in American History. By Michael J. Klarman. New York: Oxford University Press. 2007. In Unfinished Business, Professor Michael J. Klarman highlights a variety of social and political factors that have influenced the path of racial progress--wars, migrations, urbanization, shifting political coalitions--and he... 2008
Denise Cortes United States Immigration Law as We Know It: El Clandestino, the American Gulag, Rounding up the Usual Suspects 9 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 443 (2008) Unions occupy a long and tumultuous place in the history of the American labor movement. Over time, the face of the union has undergone change. While many labor unions, like the Steelworkers Union, the Carpenters Union, the Coal Miners Union, and the Stonemakers, were pivotal to the success of the Industrial Revolution, others, comprised primarily... 2008
Jeffrey Smith McLeod Unmuting the Volume: Fisher, Affirmative Action Jurisprudence, and the Legacy of Racial Silence 15 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 545 (Spring 2008) Introduction. 545 I. Environmental Racism on Trial. 551 A. R.I.S.E., Inc. v. Kay. 553 B. Bean v. Southwestern Waste Management Corporation. 553 C. East Bibb Twiggs Neighborhood Ass'n v. Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission. 554 II. Justifying Inaction. 554 III. Applying the Lens of Critical Race Theory. 557 A. Reevaluating Judicial; Search Snippet: ...2008 UNMASKING THE PROCESSES AND JUSTIFICATIONS THAT LEAD TO ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: A CRITIQUE OF JUDICIAL DECISION-MAKING, POLITICAL AND PUBLIC AMBIVALENCE... 2008
Shalini R. Deo Where Race and Political Behavior Highly Correlate Within a Congressional District, it Is Unlikely That the District Will Be Held to Be an Unconstitutional Racial Gerrymander: Easley V. Cromartie 11 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 409 (Spring 2008) Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. This nation has a moral and ethical obligation to fulfill; Search Snippet: ...CONTINUING RELEVANCE OF THE MOVEMENT FOR A MULTIRACIAL CATEGORY AND RACIAL CLASSIFICATION AFTER PARENTS INVOLVED IN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS V. SEATTLE SCHOOL... 2008
David B. Oppenheimer Why Is Racial Injustice Still Permitted in the United States?: an International Human Rights Perspective on the United States' Inadequate Compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 31 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 735 (Summer 2008) [1] Statistics by ethnic categories are dangerous because they stigmatize people and are likely to support xenophobic or racist behavior. [2] Statistics by ethnic categories are necessary to fight against discrimination. - Laurent Thévenot In the fall of 2003, as I was preparing a comparative law presentation for a French conference commemorating; Search Snippet: ...Summer 2008 Commentary WHY FRANCE NEEDS TO COLLECT DATA ON RACIAL IDENTITY . . . IN A FRENCH WAY David B. Oppenheimer [FNa1] Copyright... 2008
Christopher Ogolla Will to Power, Will to Reality, and Racial Profiling: How the White Male Dominant Power Structure Creates Itself as Law Abiding Citizen Through the Creation of Black as Criminal 31 North Carolina Central Law Review Rev. 1 (2008) I. Introduction. 1 II. Is Racial Surveillance Acceptable?. 3 III. The Federal Government and Public Health Surveillance. 5 IV. Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race. 6 V. Legal Basis for Public Health Surveillance in General. 8 VI. Racial Classification and Strict Scrutiny. 13 VII. Legal Pitfalls of Using Race in Public Health; Search Snippet: ...Carolina Central Law Review 2008 Articles WILL THE USE OF RACIAL STATISTICS IN PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE SURVIVE EQUAL PROTECTION CHALLENGES? A... 2008
Harry Greenlee, Esq. , Shelia P. Greenlee, Ph.D. Women Defenders on Television: Representing Suspects and the Racial Politics of Retribution 14 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 319 (Winter, 2008) The death penalty in America has been studied, discussed, and written about extensively. The vast majority of researchers, however, have focused their study of the death penalty, or capital punishment, on male prisoners. This article examines the data related to women on death row since 1973, with particular attention to similar problems that have; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: Women in Prisons Article WOMEN AND THE DEATH PENALTY: RACIAL DISPARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Harry Greenlee, Esq. [FNa1] Shelia P. Greenlee... 2008
Maneesha Deckha (Still) Constitutional School De-segregation Strategies: Teaching Racial Literacy to Secondary School Students and Preferencing Racially-literate Applicants to Higher Education 16 UCLA Women's Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter 2007) Western feminist attention to reproductive rights and their repercussions for female bodies has primarily concentrated on gender issues shaped by sexism. Other equality dimensions of reproductive issues have been less quick to appear within feminist discussions and thus within larger debates about the ethics of a particular reproductive practice.... 2007
Michael J. Kaufman (Un) Reasonable Suspicion: Racial Profiling in Immigration Enforcement after Arizona V. United States 13 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 147 (Fall 2007) In Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1, the Supreme Court declared that it will continue to scrutinize race-conscious educational decisions to insure that they are narrowly-tailored to serve a compelling governmental interest. This Article develops a strategy for enhancing racial diversity at all levels of American; Search Snippet: ...Fall 2007 Article (STILL) CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOOL DE-SEGREGATION STRATEGIES: TEACHING RACIAL LITERACY TO SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AND PREFERENCING RACIALLY-LITERATE APPLICANTS TO HIGHER EDUCATION Michael J. Kaufman [FNa1] Copyright... 2007
Maxine Goodman A Failure of Judicial Review of Racial Discrimination Claims in Criminal Cases 12 Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law 29 (Spring 2007) In Ernest Gaines's novel A Lesson Before Dying, Gaines tells the story of Jefferson, a young African-American man convicted of murdering a white grocery store owner in a small Louisiana town in the late 1940s. The public defender, trying to arouse sympathy for the defendant, refers to Jefferson as a dumb animal--a hog. The lawyer implores the; Search Snippet: ...A DEATH PENALTY WAKE-UP CALL: REDUCING THE RISK OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Maxine Goodman [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2007... 2007
Kenneth L. Marcus Any Way You Slice It: Why Racial Profiling Is Wrong 15 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 837 (February, 2007) The recent resurgence of anti-Semitic incidents at American colleges and universities has revealed a significant ambiguity in anti-discrimination law and raised questions regarding the scope of prohibited racial and ethnic discrimination in American educational institutions. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (the 1964 Act) prohibits... 2007
Rea J. Harrison Black Codes and Broken Windows: the Legacy of Racial Hegemony in Anti-gang Civil Injunctions 10 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 505 (Spring 2007) I like to stand up for what is right even if I am standing by myself. --Gercia McCrary, on integrating her high school prom in 2002. When reflecting on one's high school experience, one often recalls football games, significant friends and romances, and meaningful extracurricular activities, such as athletics or student government. People also; Search Snippet: ...Student Note BLACK AND WHITE PROM NIGHTS: THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF RACIALLY SEGREGATED HIGH SCHOOL PROMS IN THE 21ST CENTURY Rea J... 2007
Jody E. Frampton Can Michigan Universities Use Proxies for Race after the Ban on Racial Preferences? 27 Pace Law Review 433 (Spring 2007) The identification of strangers is proverbially untrustworthy. The hazards of such testimony are established by a formidable number of instances in the records of English and American trials. Eyewitness identification is one of the most powerful tools that a prosecutor has at his disposal. There is little more dramatic or damning than a confident... 2007
Brian T. Fitzpatrick Can Science Help Solomon? Child Maltreatment Cases and the Potential for Racial and Ethnic Bias in Decision Making 13 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 277 (Fall 2007) In 2003, the Supreme Court of the United States held that public universities-- and the University of Michigan in particular--had a compelling reason to use race as one of many factors in their admissions processes: to reap the educational benefits of a racially diverse student body. In 2006, in response to the Supreme Court's decision, the people; Search Snippet: ...MICHIGAN UNIVERSITIES USE PROXIES FOR RACE AFTER THE BAN ON RACIAL PREFERENCES? Brian T. Fitzpatrick [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2007 University of... 2007
Sandra T. Azar , Phillip Atiba Goff Can Strategic Human Rights Litigation Complement Social Movements? A Case Study of the Movement Against Racism and Hate Speech in Japan 81 Saint John's Law Review 533 (Summer 2007) Over the last three decades, there has been an increasing debate, both domestically and internationally, regarding the consideration that is given to children's rights within the legal system. Nowhere has the protection of children's rights been upheld more strongly than in the passage and application of child protection reporting laws and related; Search Snippet: ...SCIENCE HELP SOLOMON? CHILD MALTREATMENT CASES AND THE POTENTIAL FOR RACIAL AND ETHNIC BIAS IN DECISION MAKING Sandra T. Azar [FNd1... 2007
Miriam S. Gohara Commentary: Racial Disparities in Health Care 39 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 124 (Fall 2007) I thank Professors Dorothy Roberts, Kendall Thomas, and David Rudovsky for providing such provoking food-for-thought at this special Symposium. These three scholars propose ways of helping us move past McCleskey v. Kemp's framework, which fosters the legal denial of race discrimination in the application of criminal laws in the United States; Search Snippet: ...March 2-3, 2007 Article COMMENTARY, SOUNDING THE ECHOES OF RACIAL INJUSTICE BEYOND THE DEATH CHAMBER: PROPOSED STRATEGIES FOR MOVING PAST... 2007
Dorothy E. Roberts Constructing Crimmigration: Latino Subordination in a "Post-Racial" World 39 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 261 (Fall 2007) In her last speech before her death in 1965, playwright Lorraine Hansberry incisively described the nature of racial bias in America. She did not speak about a fairer way of punishing the crimes of black people; rather, she identified the paramount crime in the United States as the refusal of its ruling classes to admit or acknowledge in any way; Search Snippet: ...3, 2007 Article CONSTRUCTING A CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM FREE OF RACIAL BIAS: AN ABOLITIONIST FRAMEWORK Dorothy E. Roberts [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2007
Aaron Baker Conveyancing - Racial Restrictions - Conditions Subsequent and Special Limitations. Clifton V. Puente, 218 S.w.2d 272 ( Antonio 1948, Error Ref'd N.r.e.) 13 Texas Wesleyan Law Review 285 (Symposium 2007) I. Introduction. 285 II. Why Compare the Article 14 and Equal Protection Clause Approaches to Profiling?. 288 III. How the Article 14 Analysis Works. 292 IV. How Article 14 Proportionality Should Work Under the HRA. 295 V. The Impact of Protection and Proportionality on U.S. Profiling Cases. 302 VI. Conclusion. 307; Search Snippet: ...and the Quest for Freedom, Justice, and Equality Articles CONTROLLING RACIAL AND RELIGIOUS PROFILING: ARTICLE 14 ECHR PROTECTION V. U.S. EQUAL... 2007
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46