Camille A. Nelson Constance Backhouse, Colour-coded: a Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. Pp. Xiii + 485. $60.00 Cloth (Isbn 0-8020-4712-2); $27.50 Paper (Isbn 0-8020-8286-6). 9 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 905 (2005) My own view is that we did brilliantly up until about the [19]60s and then we lost it. I think the pain of racism really hasn't been fully articulated yet. We talk about various changes and all of that, but we've underestimated the psychological damage American slavery and its legacy has wrought upon the lives of Blacks in general. The recent; Search Snippet: ...The Realities of Unequal Health Care Treatment Article CONSIDERING TORTIOUS RACISM Camille A. Nelson [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2005 DePaul University; Camille... 2005
  Constitutional Law - Equal Protection of the Laws - Award of Damages for Breach of Racial Restrictive Covenant Denied as Violation of Fourteenth Amendment 118 Harvard Law Review 1387 (February, 2005) Two years ago, when the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the University of Michigan Law School's affirmative action program in Grutter v. Bollinger, advocates of civil rights in education proclaimed victory. Yet the long-term impact of the Court's ruling was uncertain, especially outside of the context of admissions to elite... 2005
Jonathan Kahn Controlling Racial and Religious Profiling: Article 14 Echr Protection V. U.s. Equal Protection Clause Prosecution 54 DePaul Law Review 755 (Spring 2005) In 1905, Paolo Pavesich, an artist living in Georgia, brought an action against the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company (New England Mutual) of Boston, Massachusetts for, among other things, invasion of his right to privacy. New England Mutual published an advertisement in the Atlanta Constitution that included a photograph of Pavesich; Search Snippet: ...Maintaining, and Protecting Personhood Articles CONTROLLING IDENTITY: PLESSY, PRIVACY, AND RACIAL DEFAMATION Jonathan Kahn [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2005 DePaul University; Jonathan... 2005
Thomas W. Joo Correcting the Harms of Slavery: Collective Liability, the Limited Prospects of Success for a Class Action Suit for Slavery Reparations, and the Reconceptualization of White Racial Identity 79 Saint John's Law Review 955 (Fall 2005) What can advocates for racial justice learn from the study of corporate governance? The neoclassical economic analysis of law purportedly seeks to maximize social welfare. Yet mainstream corporate governance scholarship, which is dominated by neoclassical law-and-economics, tends to confine itself to maximizing shareholder welfare rather than... 2005
Maria Greco Danaher, For The Lawyers Journal Decomposing Racial Disparities in Prison and Drug Treatment Commitments for Criminal Offenders in California 7 Lawyers Journal J. 3 (November 25, 2005) Under Title VII, failure to hire an individual because of a person's race or national origin constitutes illegal discrimination. If an employee can present credible direct evidence that racial discrimination was a substantial factor in the adverse employment decision, it becomes the employer's burden to show that the same decision would have been... 2005
Molly McDonough Democracy and the Intersection of Prisons, Racism and Capital 91-MAR ABA Journal 52 (March, 2005) Sara lee corp. general counsel roderick palmore halts a second when asked to come up with a fresh anecdote, some new concrete example of why diversity matters in the legal profession. He's been making the business case for diversity for so long, these questions are irritating. So, switching gears, he answers with a story about an employee who; Search Snippet: ...Feature The Profession DEMANDING DIVERSITY Corporate Pressure Is Changing the Racial Mix at Some Law Firms Molly McDonough [FNa1] Copyright © 2005... 2005
Michael R. Smith Derivative Racial Discrimination 15 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 219 (Spring 2005) The last several years have seen a growing crescendo of voices concerned over racial discrimination by America's law enforcement agencies. As a result, racial profiling, a term virtually unheard of five years ago, is now part of the national lexicon. Intimately tied to notions of fairness and constitutional standards of equality, concerns over... 2005
Nicola Persico , David A. Castleman Detecting Racial Bias in Speed Discounting: Evidence from Speeding Tickets in Boston 2005 University of Chicago Legal Forum 217 (2005) In ordering an investigation into possible racial profiling, President Clinton condemned the practice as the opposite of good police work where actions are based on hard facts, not stereotypes. But precisely what police work should be considered lawful because based on hard facts, as opposed to unlawful because based on stereotypes? Some; Search Snippet: ...DETECTING BIAS: USING STATISTICAL EVIDENCE TO ESTABLISH INTENTIONAL DISCRIMINATION IN RACIAL PROFILING CASES Nicola Persico [FNd1] David A. Castleman [FNd2] Copyright... 2005
Brandon M. Carey Diversity in the Age of Terror: How Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the U.s. Intelligence Community Enhances National Security 30 Oklahoma City University Law Review 329 (Summer 2005) Diversity is one of the most important, interesting, and controversial topics facing American society, and indeed world society, at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Diversity covers many different fields, some of the most notable being culture, race, and religion. Events in the latter half of the twentieth century forced most Americans to; Search Snippet: ...THE SUPREME COURT HAS AVOIDED APPLYING TRUE STRICT SCRUTINY TO RACIAL CLASSIFICATIONS IN COLLEGE ADMISSIONS Brandon M. Carey [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2005
Ralph C. Anzivino Donning Judicial Robes, Cloaking Racial Views: Judicial Speech on Matters Involving Race, Especially on the Jena Six 2004-05 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 128 (November 28, 2005) Two corporations contracted for construction services. One of the corporations was solely owned by a minority entrepreneur who was the president and sole shareholder. During the performance of contracts, the minority entrepreneur allegedly received racially discriminatory statements from officers of the other corporation. The minority entrepreneur... 2005
Anthony E. Mucchetti Dual Minority Mixed Race Activists and the Cultivation of Cross-Racial/ethnic Coalitions in the Post-loving Era 8 Harvard Latino Law Review Rev. 1 (Spring, 2005) Bonnie Castro's Montana license plate read PUREMEX and was intended as an expression of pride in her family heritage. We didn't think it would make us a target, she later explained after having been detained for almost forty minutes in ninety-degree weather while holding her five-month-old son as police canines searched her car for illegal; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2005 Article DRIVING WHILE BROWN: A PROPOSAL FOR ENDING RACIAL PROFILING IN EMERGING LATINO COMMUNITIES Anthony E. Mucchetti [FNa1] Copyright... 2005
Rebecca Tsosie Enhancing Access to Health Care and Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Status: a Compelling Case for Health Professions Schools to Implement Race-conscious Admissions Policies 11 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 21 (Fall 2005) INTRODUCTION. 21 I. Understanding CRT as a Vehicle for Transformative Thought. 22 II. The Relationship of Justice to the Law. 27 III. The Native Hawaiian Case. 29 A. Historical Background. 30 B. Contemporary Politics. 33 IV. Racial Healing and the Role of Transformational Thought. 39 CONCLUSION. 47; Search Snippet: Critical Race Theory Symposium Essay ENGAGING THE SPIRIT OF RACIAL HEALING WITHIN CRITICAL RACE THEORY: AN EXERCISE IN TRANSFORMATIVE THOUGHT... 2005
Frederick McBride, Meredith Bell-Platts Eyewitness Testimony and Cross-Racial Identification 1 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 327 (August, 2005) I. Introduction. 328 II. The Voting Rights Act. 333 III. The Necessity of Racial Consideration. 340 IV. Partisan Consideration: Lasik Surgery on Colorblindness?. 344 V. One Standard Of Beauty: Traditional Redistricting Principles Defined. 349 VI. Nip/Tuck: Mid-Decade Redistricting in Georgia. 360 VII. You Clean Up Nicely: Lessons from South; Search Snippet: ...Civil Rights & Civil Liberties August, 2005 Practitioner's Note EXTREME MAKEOVER: RACIAL CONSIDERATION AND THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT IN THE POLITICS OF... 2005
Jeffrey A. Williams Flint, Water and Race: Proving Racial Intent in the Flint Water Crisis 13 UCLA Entertainment Law Review 55 (Fall 2005) There's a reason. But I don't think anybody ought to be surprised, folks. I really don't think anybody ought to be surprised. This is the hip-hop culture on parade. This is gang behavior on parade minus the guns. That's what the culture of the NBA has become. - Rush Limbaugh Do you really want to go there? Do I have to?. . . .I think it's fair... 2005
Rachel L. Gregory Flying While Arab--Racial Profiling and Air Travel Security 18 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 771 (Summer, 2005) On March 20, 2003, the Supreme Court of Florida adopted changes to the Rules of the Supreme Court regarding admissions to the bar, including a change that raised the passing score from 131 to 136. In its published opinion explaining the changes, the Court specifically found that the increase in the passing score would not have a disparate gender,; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 2005 Current Development 2004-2005 FLORIDA'S BAR EXAM: ENSURING RACIAL DISPARITY, NOT COMPETENCE Rachel L. Gregory [FNa1] Copyright © 2005 by... 2005
Charles R. Lawrence III Forced Evictions: Racial Persecution and Social Exclusion of the Roma Minority in Romania 114 Yale Law Journal 1353 (April, 2005) Introduction. 1355 I. A Story About Trying To Talk to Neighbors About School Integration. 1361 A. An Integrated Neighborhood, a Segregated School. 1361 B. A Dream and a Plan. 1363 C. Nobody's Business but My Own: Talking with Friends and Neighbors and the Unspoken Subtext of Race. 1365 D. Who Said It Would Be Easy?. 1368 II. What Are We Afraid; Search Snippet: ...PRIVACY, AND COMMUNITY (A CONTINUING CONVERSATION WITH JOHN ELY ON RACISM AND DEMOCRACY) Charles R. Lawrence III [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2005... 2005
Brietta R. Clark Hostile Environment Led to Rampage, Suit Claims 9 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 1023 (2005) Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are. -St. Augustine On November 24, 2004, the fate of Killer King seemed undeniable. Killer King is the nickname given to the Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital, affiliated with Charles Drew; Search Snippet: ...FROM MINORITY COMMUNITIES: HOW OUR EXISTING CIVIL RIGHTS FRAMEWORK FOSTERS RACIAL INEQUALITY IN HEALTHCARE Brietta R. Clark [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2005... 2005
Ernesto Chavez, University of Texas at El Paso Identifying the Harm in Racial Gerrymandering Claims 47 American Journal of Legal History 443 (October, 2005) In Racism on Trial: The Chicano Fight for Justice, Ian Haney López peers through the prism of critical race theory to interpret the Chicano movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The first of the book's three parts examines the career of pioneer Chicano lawyer Oscar Acosta and his attempt to reveal the racist structure of the Los Angeles Superior Court; Search Snippet: ...of Legal History October, 2005 Book Review IAN HANEY LOPEZ. RACISM ON TRIAL: THE CHICANO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE. CAMBRIDGE: HARVARD UNIVERSITY... 2005
Kenyon Bunch Ignoring the Sexualization of Race: Heteronormativity, Critical Race Theory and Anti-Racist Politics 28 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 781 (Summer, 2005) Whatever constitutional scholars may think of Robert Bork's other views, most would agree with his conclusion that Brown [v. Board of Education has become the high ground of constitutional theory .. [A]ny theory that seeks acceptance must . account for the result in Brown and its progeny. The Brown Court itself disavowed a theory of originalism... 2005
David Gespass In United States V. Greene, the Coma Draws a Firm Line on Racially Discriminatory Peremptory Challenges 62 Guild Practitioner 125 (Spring, 2005) Much has been made in the media of the allegations concerning how race and class bias contributed to the devastation following Hurricane Katrina. Without question, the overwhelming majority of New Orleanians who suffered the most were poor African-Americans. The wealthy and the white in New Orleans lived primarily in the French Quarter, which; Search Snippet: ...PRACTITIONER Guild Practitioner Spring, 2005 IN THE WAKE OF KATRINA-- RACISM REVEALED David Gespass [FNa1] Copyright © 2005 by Guild Practitioner; David... 2005
Monica Johnson Indiscriminate Power: Racial Profiling and Surveillance since 9/11 38 U.C. Davis Law Review 573 (February, 2005) Introduction 574 I. Background. 576 A. Title VII. 576 B. Application of Title VII When the Defendant Failed to Remedy a Discriminatory Environment. 579 1. The United States Supreme Court in Goodman v. Lukens Steel Co.. 579 2. The Ninth Circuit in Little v. Windermere Relocation, Inc.. 580 C. Application of Title VII to Indirect Employers. 582 1; Search Snippet: ...Note INDIRECT EMPLOYER LIABILITY: THE NINTH CIRCUIT LIMITS LIABILITY FOR RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Monica Johnson [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2005 Regents of the... 2005
Stephen J. Fortunato, Jr. Judging Jena's D.a.: the Prosecutor and Racial Esteem 57 Maine Law Review 481 (2005) I. Introduction II. Beginning with Batson III. They All Look Alike: The Inherent Difficulties of Cross-Racial Identification IV. The Burden of Proof: Constitutional Lite Means More Convictions V. Hard Rocks and Hard Places: The Rule 609 Dilemma VI. Probation and Parole: Greasing the Prison Gate VII. Storming the Ivory Tower VIII. Conclusion; Search Snippet: ...2083934 MAINE LAW REVIEW Maine Law Review 2005 Article JUDGES, RACISM, AND THE PROBLEM OF ACTUAL INNOCENCE Honorable Stephen J. Fortunato... 2005
Frank M. McClellan Judicial Racism and Judicial AntiRacism: Retelling the Dred Scott Story 78 Temple Law Review 351 (Summer 2005) This Article is dedicated to Chief Justice Robert N.C. Nix, who devoted his life as a jurist to working to maintain judicial independence and integrity. Since others participating in this Symposium have written essays discussing the Chief Justice Nix's background, judicial philosophy, and some of his ground-breaking decisions, I have elected to... 2005
Angela Onwuachi-Willig Just Des(s)erts? The Racial Polarization of Perceptions of Criminal Injustice 90 Iowa Law Review 931 (March, 2005) Justice Clarence Thomas has generated the attention that most justices receive only after they have retired. He has been boycotted by the National Bar Association, caricatured as a lawn jockey in Emerge Magazine, and protested by professors at an elite law school. As a general matter, Justice Thomas is viewed as a non-race man, a; Search Snippet: ...WHAT JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS TEACHES US ABOUT THE INFLUENCE OF RACIAL IDENTITY [FN1] Angela Onwuachi-Willig [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2004 University... 2005
Florence Wagman Roisman Keith Aoki's Theory of Racial Microclimes 48 Howard Law Journal 913 (Spring 2005) This Article considers a paradox: although Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and related legal standards prohibit racial discrimination in federally assisted housing programs, pervasive racial discrimination and segregation still characterize those programs in 2005. Part I shows the establishment of strong legal standards, and Part II... 2005
Guadalupe T. Luna La Migra in the Mirror: Immigration Enforcement and Racial Profiling on the Texas Border 35 Seton Hall Law Review 1191 (2005) Kul*turkampf<>, n. [G., fr. kultur, cultur, culture + kampf fight.] (Ger. Hist.)Lit., culture war;--a name, originating with Virchow (1821--1902), given to a struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and the German government, chiefly over the latters efforts to control educational and ecclesiastical appointments in the interest of; Search Snippet: ...Through Critique and Justice Pedagogy Contemporary Racial Realities KULTURKAMPF REVELATIONS, RACIAL IDENTITIES AND COLONIZING STRUCTURES Guadalupe T. Luna [FN1] Copyright ©... 2005
Pedro Carneiro, James J. Heckman, Dimitriy V. Masterov, University College London, University of Chicago, University of Chicago Land Use and Housing Policies to Reduce Concentrated Poverty and Racial Segregation 48 Journal of Law & Economics Econ. 1 (April, 2005) This paper investigates the relative significance of differences in cognitive skills and discrimination in explaining racial/ethnic wage gaps. We show that cognitive test scores for exams taken prior to entering the labor market are influenced by schooling. Adjusting the scores for racial/ethnic differences in education at the time the test is... 2005
Kate Greene Litigating Civil Rights Cases to Reform Racially Biased Criminal Justice Practices 34 Journal of Law and Education 493 (July, 2005) Last year marked the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legally ended segregated public schooling in the United States. Unlike the fanfare surrounding the 200th anniversary of the Constitution in 1987, this anniversary slipped by almost unnoticed by the U.S. public; perhaps that is because there; Search Snippet: ...of Law and Education July, 2005 Book Review LITERACY AND RACIAL JUSTICE: THE POLITICS OF LEARNING AFTER BROWN v. BOARD OF... 2005
Judith Resnik Living Together: Ending Racial Discrimination and Segregation in Housing 17 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 17 (Winter 2005) Law in action is a familiar phrase in legal circles that have come to accept that law on the books does not necessarily mean its translation into life. But lawmaking through community action is less commonly perceived to be plausible in liberal secular nation-states such as the United States. Although the production of law is seen as an artifact; Search Snippet: ...COMMITMENTS:PAIDEIC COMMUNITIES, COURTS, AND ROBERT COVER (An Essay on Racial Segregation at Bob Jones University, Patrilineal Membership Rules, Veiling, and... 2005
Reginald C. Oh Mapping the Racial Bias of the White Male Capital Juror: Jury Composition and the "Empathic Divide" 52 Cleveland State Law Review 243 (2005) I. The Narrative Construction of Social Reality. 243 A. The Fictionality of Emplotted Legal Narratives. 245 II. Examining Space and Spatiality to Deconstruct Coherent Emplotted Legal Narratives. 246 III. Analyzing the Spatiality of Racism in Richmond v. Croson. 248 IV. Revisiting the Narrative Construction of Material Reality. 252; Search Snippet: ...Line of Critical Inquiry MAPPING A MATERIALIST LATCRIT DISCOURSE ON RACISM Reginald C. Oh [FN1] Copyright © 2005 by Cleveland State University... 2005
Preston C. Green, III, J.D., Ed.D. and Bruce D. Baker, J.D., Ed.D. More than Just Talk 195 West's Education Law Reporter 681 (April 21, 2005) In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court held that Topeka, Kansas' system of public school segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause. The Court explained that the opportunity for an education where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms. In light of this inspiring; Search Snippet: ...Law Reporter April 21, 2005 MONTOY v. STATE AND STATE RACIAL FINANCE DISPARITIES: DID THE KANSAS COURTS GET IT RIGHT THIS... 2005
Jagdish J. Bijlani Neither Intent Nor Impact: a Critique of the Racially Based Selective Prosecution Jurisprudence and a Reform Proposal 16 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 53 (Fall 2005) At about 9:20 p.m. on Monday, May 19, 2003, Avtar Singh Cheira, a 52-year-old Phoenix, Arizona, truck driver and Sikh immigrant from India was shot twice in the legs. Cheira had been waiting to be picked up by his family when the men who shot him with bullets from a small caliber gun drove by in a red pickup truck. The Sikh immigrant had lived in; Search Snippet: ...NOR THERE: CREATING A LEGALLY AND POLITICALLY DISTINCT SOUTH ASIAN RACIAL IDENTITY Jagdish J. Bijlani [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2005 Berkeley La... 2005
Charles R. Hale , University of Texas Neutralizing the Poison of Juror Racism: the Need for a Sixth Amendment Approach to Jury Selection 28 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 10 (May, 2005) This article analyzes the rising prominence of neoliberalism as a new strategy of governance that reaches well beyond economic reforms. In particular, neoliberal governance includes the limited recognition of cultural rights, the strengthening of civil society, and endorsement of the principle of intercultural equality. When combined with... 2005
Liyah Kaprice Brown On Celebrating an Election as Racial Progress 29 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 757 (2005) On January 23, 2004, Timothy Stansbury, Jr., a nineteen-year-old Black man, earned his GED. He planned to attend community college and start a family with his girlfriend. Hours later, Timothy met two of his friends and together they traveled to another friend's party. The three young men took a shortcut across the rooftop of Timothy's building; Search Snippet: ...OVERSEER?: WHY POLICE DESEGREGATION FAILS AS AN ADEQUATE SOLUTION TO RACIST, OPPRESSIVE, AND VIOLENT POLICING IN BLACK COMMUNITIES Liyah Kaprice Brown... 2005
Robert E. Suggs Police in America: Ensuring Accountability and Mitigating Racial Bias 57 Hastings Law Journal 255 (December 1, 2005) The standard Law and Economics analysis of racial discrimination has stunted African-American thinking about race. This consequence flows not from the cogency of its analysis, but rather from the conclusion reached by early Law and Economics advocates, when desegregation had just begun, that antidiscrimination laws were wasteful and unnecessary.... 2005
Michael Millemann , Gary W. Christopher Prejudice & Punishment 5 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class Class 1 (Spring, 2005) The Maryland General Assembly enacted the current Death Penalty Law in 1978. However, Maryland's experience with the death penalty dates back to early colonial times. In Colonial Maryland, a variety of crimes were punishable by death, including grand larceny, then defined as theft of property worth over twelve pence. This continued the English... 2005
Justin R. Arnold Race and the Death Penalty: the Tension Between Individualized Justice and Racially Neutral Standards 12 Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 93 (Fall, 2005) In 1987, the United States Supreme Court decided the case of McCleskey v. Kemp. In that case, a black male defendant was convicted of two counts of armed robbery and murder. The victim was a white male. McCleskey, from a Fulton County, Georgia jail, sought relief from his death sentence on the basis that the Georgia sentencing process was; Search Snippet: ...THE DEATH PENALTY AFTER MCCLESKEY: A CASE STUDY OF KENTUCKY'S RACIAL JUSTICE ACT Justin R. Arnold [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2005 Washington... 2005
Timothy Stoltzfus Jost Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Post-disaster Mental Health: Examining the Evidence Through a Lens of Social Justice 9 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 667 (2005) The fact of the existence of racial disparities in health and in health care in the United States is clear beyond dispute. The Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 2003 report, Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare, is only the best known and most comprehensive description of the problem. White males live on average... 2005
Max Schanzenbach Racial and Sexual Paternalism 34 Journal of Legal Studies 57 (January, 2005) This paper estimates the effect of judicial characteristics (political affiliation, race, and sex) on federal criminal sentencing using variation in judicial characteristics at the district level. The results suggest that judges' race and sex have little influence on prison sentences in general but do affect racial and sex disparities. For serious... 2005
Kahikino Noa Dettweiler Racial Classifications under Strict Scrutiny: Policy Considerations and the Remedial-plus Approach 6 Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal J. 5 (Winter, 2005) I. Introduction II. Foundations of Hawaiian Gathering A. Hawaiian Prehistory B. Post Contact Changes in Land Tenure III. The Kuleana Act and Oni A. Implementation of the Kuleana Act Through Oni B. The Effects of Oni C. John Papa Ii and the Shift in Hawaii's Power Structure IV. The Richardson Years A. William Shaw Richardson B. Palama: Setting the; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal Winter, 2005 Comment RACIAL CLASSIFICATION OR CULTURAL IDENTIFICATION?: THE GATHERING RIGHTS JURISPRUDENCE OF TWO... 2005
Andrew J. Kornblau Racial Innocence: Law, Social Science, and the Unknowing of Racism in the Us Carceral State 2 Rutgers Journal of Law & Urban Policy 353 (2005) May, 2005 I am inferior of any man whose rights I trample under foot. Men are not superior by reason of the accidents of race or color. They are superior who have the best heart--the best brain. There are many forms of illegal discrimination based on race, color, or national origin that can limit the opportunity of minorities to gain equal access; Search Snippet: ...POLICY Rutgers Journal of Law & Urban Policy 2005 Student Note RACIAL INJUSTICE? FERGUSON v. CITY OF CHARLESTON AND THE STATE OF... 2005
Myron Orfield Racial Integration and the Legacy of Brown at Seattle University School of Law 58 Vanderbilt Law Review 1747 (November 1, 2005) I. Introduction. 1749 II. The Regional Problem of Segregation and Concentrated Poverty. 1754 A. Housing Discrimination and Concentrated Poverty. 1754 B. Resegregation and Racial Change. 1757 C. Harms of Residential Segregation and Concentrated Poverty. 1759 D. Benefits of Racial and Socioeconomic Integration. 1761 III. History and Interpretation of; Search Snippet: ...3784936 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW Vanderbilt Law Review November 2005 Article RACIAL INTEGRATION AND COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION: APPLYING THE FAIR HOUSING ACT TO... 2005
Steven R. Wolfson Racial Profiling 68 Texas Bar Journal 57 (January, 2005) Racial profiling was at the forefront of issues confronting minority drivers on Texas roads in 2004. In Texas, racial profiling is prohibited. Every peace officer must record the race and ethnicity of suspects they detain. Whenever they detain a driver or pedestrian, they must report to their agency data pertaining to the suspect's race or; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Texas Bar Journal January, 2005 Feature 2004 Legal Perspective RACIAL PROFILING Steven R. Wolfson [FNa1] Copyright © 2005 by State Bar... 2005
Andrew E. Taslitz Racial Profiling: a Disgrace at the Intersection of Race and the Criminal Justice System 109 Penn State Law Review 1181 (Spring, 2005) In the original Star Trek television series, there were at least two episodes-- and I am relying for their content here entirely on my memory-- involving time. In one episode, the crew seems to be losing control of the bridge of the starship Enterprise. The crew hears a constant mysterious buzzing sound but can otherwise detect no cause of their; Search Snippet: ...STATE LAW REVIEW Penn State Law Review Spring, 2005 Articles RACIAL PROFILING, TERRORISM, AND TIME Andrew E. Taslitz [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2005
William H. Buckman Racial Profiling: Who Is the Executioner and Does He Have a Face? 233-APR New Jersey Lawyer, the Magazine 16 (April, 2005) By the late 1980s, the issue of racial profiling was beginning to attract critical attention from the legal community. From beyond the ranks of the usual Jeremiahs, prominent judges were noticing its pernicious effects. Judge Nathaniel Jones of the Sixth Circuit expressed his concern over increased targeting of individuals for police investigation; Search Snippet: ...2005 In this Issue: Civil Liberty/New Jersey-Style Feature RACIAL PROFILING: TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES William H. Buckman [FNa1] Copyright © 2005... 2005
Sharona Hoffman Racially-tailored Medicine Unraveled 55 American University Law Review 395 (December, 2005) Introduction. 396 I. Race-Based Research and Therapeutic Practices. 400 A. The Story of BiDil. 400 B. Race-Based Research. 403 C. A Growing Interest in Race-Based Medicine: Why Now?. 406 II. Does Race Mean Anything?. 410 A. Race in the Medical and Social Sciences. 410 B. Race and the Law. 416 C. Shifting the Focus Away from Race . 418; Search Snippet: ...UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW American University Law Review December, 2005 Article RACIALLY-TAILORED MEDICINE UNRAVELED Sharona Hoffman [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2005 American... 2005
Heather L. Kleinschmidt Reconstructing Racially Polarized Voting 80 Indiana Law Journal 1119 (Fall, 2005) When the United States Supreme Court first recognized sexual harassment as a form of employment discrimination in Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, the Court employed lower court decisions regarding racial harassment in determining that a hostile work environment can provide the basis for a claim of sexual harassment. Since this decision, lower... 2005
Otto J. Hetzel Remedies for Environmental Racism: a View from the Field 51 Wayne Law Review 1461 (Winter 2005) In March 2005, Wayne State University Law School sponsored a symposium on the topic of remediation efforts to ameliorate the effects of housing discrimination. A number of presentations were provided and several resulted in the papers included in this symposium issue. The symposium initially focused on four recent matters involving instances of; Search Snippet: ...Law Review Winter 2005 December 2005 Symposium REMEDIATION TECHNIQUES FOR RACIAL HOUSING DISCRIMINATION--AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SYMPOSIUM Professor Otto J... 2005
Richard Delgado Rodrigo's Bookbag: Brimelow, Bork, Herrnstein, Murray, and D'souza-- Recent Conservative Thought and the End of Equality 99 Northwestern University Law Review 805 (Winter 2005) I. Introduction: In Which Rodrigo Explains His New Persona. 805 II. In Which Rodrigo Puts Forward His Startling Thesis About Brown v. Board of Education and Latinos. 808 A. Brown's Three Dividends. 809 B. Latinos' Two Options. 816 III. Ian Haney López and the Chicano Fight for Justice. 819 IV. Latino History, Differential Racialization, and the; Search Snippet: ...Book Review RODRIGO AND REVISIONISM: RELEARNING THE LESSONS OF HISTORY Racism on Trial: The Chicano Fight for Justice by Ian F... 2005
Bryan Davis Smoked Not Snorted: Is Racism Inherent in Our Crack Cocaine Laws? 36 University of Baltimore Law Forum 89 (Fall 2005) The Court of Appeals of Maryland held that defense counsel is entitled to argue the fallibility of cross-racial identification in closing argument when the sole piece of evidence introduced against the defense is eyewitness testimony. Smith v. State, 388 Md. 468, 880 A.2d 288 (2005). The Court found the victim's testimony regarding her enhanced; Search Snippet: ...COUNSEL IS ENTITLED TO COMMENT ON THE CHALLENGES OF CROSS- RACIAL IDENTIFICATION AT CLOSING ARGUMENT WHEN THE SOLE BASIS FOR CONVICTION... 2005
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