Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Karyn Grey |
Brennan and Warren: Champions of Democratic Liberalism a Defiant Life: Thurgood Marshall & the Persistence of Racism by Howard Ball Thurgood Marshall:american Revolutionary by Juan Williams Brennan and Democracy by Frank I. Michelman |
27 Nova Law Review 415 (Spring, 2003) |
[I]n the Garden of Eden every animal obeyed Man willingly. But we blew it, and after the Fall all the animals lived as they pleased and paid us no heed. Except for dogs, who liked comradeship and loyalty enough to give us another chance. Mary Rodgers wept as her dog was dragged away by animal control workers. She could barely stand to watch as; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2003 Note and Comment BREED-SPECIFIC LEGISLATION REVISITED: CANINE RACISM [FN1] OR THE ANSWER TO FLORIDA'S DOG CONTROL PROBLEMS? Karyn... |
2003 |
Casting a Meaningful Ballot: Applying One-person, One-vote to Judicial Elections Involving Racial Discrimination |
9 Columbia Journal of European Law 447 (Summer, 2003) |
Does the ECJ have jurisdiction to deal with a Member State's refusal to grant a right to residence to a third country national who has married an EC-national, when the latter resides in his country of origin and frequently provides services in other Member States? Contrary to the Court's holding in the Carpenter case, such situations should be; Search Snippet: ...jurist at the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism, Belgium. Mr. Vanneste is a researcher at the Institute for... |
2003 |
Civil Rights - 42 U.s.c. § 1982 - Black Homebuyers Are Entitled to Damages Equal to the Increments in Prices of Homes in Black Neighborhoods That Result from Dual Housing Markets Caused by Racial Discrimination |
9 CITYLAW 136 (November/December 2003) |
Black and Latino men alleged they were stopped and frisked based on race. In 1999 ten black and Latino men brought a class action lawsuit against the City, alleging that the NYPD Street Crime Unit engaged in racial profiling and stopped and frisked minorities without the requisite reasonable suspicion. 5 CityLaw 138 (1999); 6 CityLaw 61 (2000); 7; Search Snippet: ...CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS INSTITUTIONAL REFORM LITIGATION RACIAL PROFILING CITY SETTLES RACIAL PROFILING SUIT Copyright (c) 2003 by Center for New York... |
2003 |
Iris Jones |
Collecting Racial or Ethnic Data for Antidiscrimination Policies: a U.s.-europe Comparison |
35 Urban Lawyer 707 (Fall, 2003) |
After several decades, the subject of race relations continues to be an unresolved and perplexing issue for Americans. More specifically, fourteen states and over 2000 municipalities are grappling with the daunting task of collecting and analyzing data from traffic stops pursuant to either state mandate or on a voluntary basis. Even more; Search Snippet: ...Recent Development in Government Operation and Liability COLLECTING AND ANALYZING RACIAL PROFILING TRAFFIC STOP DATA: IS IT A RELIABLE METHOD OF DETECTING RACIAL PROFILING? Iris Jones [FNa1] Copyright © 2003 by American Bar Association... |
2003 |
Timothy Stoltzfus Jost |
Committee on Race and Racism's Diversity Training Project |
9 Washington and Lee Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal 35 (Spring 2003) |
Professor Watson has presented us with a provocative paper on the problem of racial disparities in health care. Professor Watson notes that we seem to have reached a dead end in dealing with race discrimination in health care through the civil rights laws. Those laws seem to be incapable of dealing with disparate impact-which is manifestly evident; Search Snippet: ...Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal Spring 2003 Article COMMENTARY: RACIAL DISPARITIES IN HEALTH CARE Timothy Stoltzfus Jost Copyright (c) 2003... |
2003 |
Criminal Law and Justice System Practices as Racist, White, and Racialized |
116 Harvard Law Review 2678 (June, 2003) |
Courts have addressed the underrepresentation of African Americans in jury pools for over a century. Although the facially race-based exclusion of African Americans has become rare, disputes regarding the composition of jury pools continue to arise. Indeed, even the advent of computerized juror-selection methods has not put an end to such disputes; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Harvard Law Review June, 2003 Recent Cases CRIMINAL LAW -- RACIAL EXCLUSION IN JURY POOL COMPOSITION -- SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA HOLDS... |
2003 |
Victor C. Romero |
Critical Race Theory, Cognitive Psychology, and the Social Meaning of Race: Why Individualism Will Not Solve Racism |
66 Albany Law Review 375 (2003) |
The usual debates surrounding multiculturalism pit individual rights against group grievances in a variety of contexts including racial profiling, affirmative action, and the diversity visa lotteryoften with seemingly contradictory results. Liberals typically favor affirmative action but decry both racial profiling and the diversity visa lottery,... |
2003 |
Deborah A. Ramirez , Jennifer Hoopes , Tara Lai Quinlan |
Deliberate Indifference: Judicial Tolerance of Racial Bias in Criminal Justice |
40 American Criminal Law Review 1195 (Summer, 2003) |
In the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, there was an apparent shift in the debate about racial profiling. After years of condemning the practice of racial profiling as one that violated civil rights, commentators began to accept and even advocate the practice as a necessary; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW American Criminal Law Review Summer, 2003 Article DEFINING RACIAL PROFILING IN A POST-SEPTEMBER 11 WORLD Deborah A. Ramirez... |
2003 |
Carlos M. Portugal |
Democracy, Majoritarianism, and Racial Equality: a Response to Professor Karlan |
57 University of Miami Law Review 1317 (July, 2003) |
The United States prescribes democracy like a pill that cures nations from centuries of corruption, ill governance and religious conflict. Nonetheless, even the U.S. version of democracy has its faults. Even in the 21st century, significant numbers of U.S. citizens who are contributing to society are permanently excluded from the democratic... |
2003 |
Christopher N. Camponovo |
Discipline Policies, Successful Schools, Racial Justice, and the Law |
34 George Washington International Law Review 659 (2003) |
Ambition--and perhaps some naiveté--ran high when, in 1998, the United Nations General Assembly (General Assembly) adopted a resolution scheduling the third World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Conference) for September 2001. Following two world conferences tackling the same topics in 1978 and; Search Snippet: ...2003 DISASTER IN DURBAN: THE UNITED NATIONS WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA, AND RELATED INTOLERANCE Christopher N. Camponovo [FNa1] Copyright... |
2003 |
John Charles Boger |
Eeo Report Not Racially Motivated |
81 North Carolina Law Review 1375 (May, 2003) |
Public schools in North Carolina and throughout the South face the prospect of a perfect storm, as current educational policies collide to produce strongly adverse, unanticipated consequences. The forces in play include the rapid resegregation of the region's public schools, due to the termination of court-ordered desegregation decrees in many; Search Snippet: ...America Do Southern Schools Face Rapid Resegregation? EDUCATION'S PERFECT STORM? RACIAL RESEGREGATION, HIGH-STAKES TESTING, AND SCHOOL RESOURCE INEQUITIES: THE CASE... |
2003 |
Robert S. Chang |
Essential Commodities and Racial Justice: Using Constitutional Protection of Japan's Indigenous Ainu People to Inform Understandings of the United States and Japan |
66 Albany Law Review 349 (2003) |
Racial profiling usually conjures up images of police officers acting on negative stereotypes concerning the criminality of people of color and subjecting them to greater surveillance and state-sponsored violence than to those who do not possess such physical attributes. This type of negative affirmative action is practiced by police, prosecutors,; Search Snippet: ...and Constitutional Issues Involving Diversity Panel I: Racial Profiling ESSAY: ( RACIAL) PROFILES IN COURAGE, OR CAN WE BE HEROES TOO? Robert... |
2003 |
Thomas B. Kelley |
Ethnic and Racial Employment Discrimination in Low-wage and High-wage Markets: Randomized Controlled Trials Using Correspondence Tests in Israel |
21-SUM Communications Lawyer Law. 2 (Summer, 2003) |
When the printer hands over this issue of Communications Lawyer to the U.S. Postal Service, the dog days of August will have come to baseball, Congress, and the ABA, and I will have completed my first year as your Chair. It has been a very good year, largely due to the efforts of your Governing Committee, Division Chairs, and others who have... |
2003 |
Taunya Lovell Banks |
Exposing the American History of Applying Racial Anxieties to Regulate and Devalue Latinx Immigrant Reproductive Rights |
55 Rutgers Law Review 903 (Summer 2003) |
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. We haven't discovered the true stories of the past and that is a first step in dealing [with] the present, forgetting just continues the wrong. Over the past two decades, numerous legal articles set out the case for black reparations. Calls for black; Search Snippet: ...Rutgers Law Review Summer 2003 Articles EXPLORING WHITE RESISTANCE TO RACIAL RECONCILIATION IN THE UNITED STATES Taunya Lovell Banks [FNa1] Copyright... |
2003 |
Charu A. Chandrasekhar |
Follow the Money: Racial Crime Stereotypes and Willingness to Fund Crime Control Policies |
10 Asian Law Journal 215 (May, 2003) |
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11) permanently transformed the American civil liberties landscape. After nineteen Arab Muslim men hijacked and crashed commercial aircraft into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, people of South Asian, Arab, and Middle Eastern descent have become targets of hundreds of hate crimes and... |
2003 |
Donna Coker |
Foreword: How I Rode the Bus to Become a Professor at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law; Reflections on Keyes's Legacy for the Metropolitan, Post-Racial, and MultiRacial Twenty-first Century |
93 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 827 (Fall 2003) |
Reading Supreme Court decisions in criminal cases often feels like falling down the rabbit hole: a bizarre adventure where nothing is what the Court says it is and circular reasoning passes for analysis. In the Court's Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, there is a tendency . . . to pretend that the world we all know is not the world in which law; Search Snippet: ...2003 Supreme Court Review FOREWORD: ADDRESSING THE REAL WORLD OF RACIAL INJUSTICE IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Donna Coker [FNa1] Copyright... |
2003 |
Martha Minow |
Forgotten Racial Equality: Implicit Bias, Decisionmaking, and Misremembering |
101 Michigan Law Review 1133 (March, 2003) |
A patched and leaky vase may be less desirable than an unbroken vase, but it is better than a pile of shards. --Marc Galanter Two familiar arguments oppose lawsuits and legislative efforts to address racial injustices from our national past, and a third tacit argument can be discerned. Why open old wounds?: this question animates the first; Search Snippet: ...2003 Colloquium Retrying Race Essays FOREWORD: WHY RETRY? REVIVING DORMANT RACIAL JUSTICE CLAIMS Martha Minow [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003 Michigan Law... |
2003 |
Michele Totah |
Fourteenth Amendment - Equal Protection Clause - an Electoral District Scheme, Irrational its Face, May Amount to an Unconstitutional Racial Gerrymander Despite the Fact That its Purpose Was to Increase Minority Representation in the Electoral Process - S |
26 Fordham International Law Journal 1438 (May, 2003) |
We need a law that can deal with these invasions, otherwise crime will continue to rise and Italian culture will be threatened . . . People who come to Italy must come to work. We will make illegal immigration a serious crime . . . Stop treating illegal immigrants like normal people. Only people who have got work contracts can come in. And we need... |
2003 |
Rebecca S. Katz |
Geography and Sovereignty: Jurisdictional Formation and Racial Segregation |
5 Journal of Law & Social Challenges 65 (Summer 2003) |
The dominant white male hegemony among western nations is exhibited through foreign policy practices, the development of liberalized trade laws and the weak enforcement of international human rights laws. Modern economic and political structures reveal how white male supremacy and class hegemony have become institutionalized in the international; Search Snippet: ...Law & Social Challenges Summer 2003 Racial Profiling GENOCIDE: THE ULTIMATE RACIAL PROFILING Rebecca S. Katz [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003 Journal of... |
2003 |
Stephen B. Presser |
Hazardous Waste Exportation: the Global Manifestation of Environmental Racism |
29 Litigation 29 (Summer, 2003) |
Racial profiling is a practice now almost universally condemned. The term conjures up images of insensitive, jack-booted, bullwhip-wielding police bent on carrying out bigoted oppression of innocent citizens merely because of the color of their skin or their ethnic affiliation. Politicians seized upon the issue, as did civil liberties; Search Snippet: ...Winners · Witnesses · Writers HAVE WE OVERREACTED TO THE FEAR OF RACIAL PROFILING? Stephen B. Presser [FNa1] Copyright © 2003 by American Bar... |
2003 |
Ciara Carolyn Torres |
How a Drug Becomes "Ethnic": Law, Commerce, and the Production of Racial Categories in Medicine |
17 National Black Law Journal 98 (2003) |
Over the past decade, far from the headlines of the national press, a small drama about racial integration has been unfolding in the heartland of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota, known for its sports teams, ice fishing, and Norwegian accents. African Americans and Hmong immigrants may not be the first things that pop into mind when someone; Search Snippet: ...OF THE HOLLMAN V. CISNEROS CONSENT DECREE, THE POLITICS OF RACIAL CONCENTRATION AND THE POSSIBILITIES OFFERED BY DEMOCRATIC EXPERIMENTALISM Ciara Carolyn... |
2003 |
Cecil J. Hunt, II |
In the Shadow of Gaslight: Reflections on Identity, Diversity, and the Distribution of Power in the Academy |
35 University of Toledo Law Review 211 (Winter 2003) |
AT the end of Lorraine Hansberry's groundbreaking 1959 Broadway play, A Raisin in the Sun, the Younger's are able to move out of their overcrowded inner city apartment and become the first Black family to buy a home in a previously all-white suburban neighborhood. Despite weak but unambiguous white resistance in the form of an offer by the; Search Snippet: ...Toledo Law Review Winter 2003 December 2003 Articles IN THE RACIAL CROSSHAIRS: RECONSIDERING RACIALLY TARGETED PREDATORY LENDING UNDER A NEW THEORY OF ECONOMIC HATE... |
2003 |
Eric L. Muller |
Insisting on Critical Theory in Legal Education: Making Do While Making Waves |
1 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 103 (Fall, 2003) |
In the debate about racial and ethnic profiling in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, critics of the administration's policies have frequently argued that the government has made the same fundamental error as the Roosevelt administration made when it forced 110,000 Japanese Americans into camps during World War II. This is a powerful; Search Snippet: ...Criminal Justice System after September 11, 2001 INFERENCE OR IMPACT? RACIAL PROFILING AND THE INTERNMENT'S TRUE LEGACY Eric L. Muller [FNa1... |
2003 |
R. Richard Banks |
Intimated Futures? The Masking and Unmasking of Anti-Racist Ideologies by InterRacial Agents |
38 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 455 (Summer, 2003) |
Professor Randall Kennedy has written an engaging and provocative book about a topicinterracial intimaciesthat legal scholars all too frequently and implicitly view as unrelated to racial equality. Whereas intimate decision-making is associated with the ineffable mysteries of love and sexual attraction, racial equality brings to mind the public; Search Snippet: ...Civil Liberties Law Review Summer, 2003 Book Review INTIMACY AND RACIAL EQUALITY: THE LIMITS OF ANTIDISCRIMINATION INTERRACIAL INTIMACIES: SEX, MARRIAGE, IDENTITY... |
2003 |
Jay P. Lechner |
Left Behind: the Impact of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 on Economic, Social, and Racial Justice |
32 Southwestern University Law Review 201 (2003) |
Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. . . . The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. Malcolm X once said I'm not a racist. I'm against every form of racism and segregation, every form of; Search Snippet: ...Southwestern University Law Review 2003 Articles LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE: WHY RACIAL DIVERSITY CANNOT BE A LEGALLY COMPELLING INTEREST IN ELEMENTARY AND... |
2003 |
Watt Lesley Black, Jr., Ph.D. and Frank R. Kemerer, Ph.D. |
Legislating Racial Fairness in Criminal Justice |
172 West's Education Law Reporter 575 (February 27, 2003) |
A charter school is a public school of choice that, by virtue of its charter status, operates relatively independently of state regulation. Charter schools have grown rapidly since they began in Minnesota in 1991. Presently, there are over 2700 charter schools enrolling 575,000 students. Since thirtyeight states and the District of Columbia have; Search Snippet: ...Law Reporter February 27, 2003 Commentary LEGALLY DEFENSIBLE APPROACHES TO RACIAL DIVERSITY IN CHARTER SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS [FNa] Watt Lesley Black, Jr... |
2003 |
Kevin Voss |
Lending Discrimination, the Foreclosure Crisis and the Perpetuation of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Homeownership in the U.s. |
29 William Mitchell Law Review 869 (2003) |
I. Introduction. 869 II. The Development of the Issue of Racial Profiling. 871 III. Actions Taken By the Minnesota Legislature During the 2001 Legislative Session to Address Racial Profiling. 872 A. Introduction of Bills. 872 B. Legislative Action in the Minnesota House Addressing Racial Profiling. 877 C. Legislative Action in the Minnesota Senate; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW William Mitchell Law Review 2003 Article LEGISLATIVE STUDY: ELIMINATING RACIAL PROFILING IN MINNESOTA Kevin Voss [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2003 William... |
2003 |
Holly James McMickle |
Leveling Localism and Racial Inequality in Education Through the No Child Left Behind Act Public Choice Provision |
13 George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal 311 (Spring 2003) |
During the past thirty years, the concept of racial profiling in America has emerged, evolved, and been shaped by the courts. From the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to recent cases before the Supreme Court, race has played a role in the way the Court reviews police conduct and officers' treatment of citizens. The civil rights violations that result from; Search Snippet: ...OR PRACTICE AUTHORITY IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE TOOL TO CONTROL RACIAL PROFILING Holly James McMickle [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003 George Mason... |
2003 |
Daniel A. Domenech |
Metro Broadcasting, Inc. V. Fcc: Are Racial Classifications No Longer Subject to Strict Scrutiny? |
67 Albany Law Review 279 (2003) |
In a recent Albany Law Review symposium issue regarding diversity, Dr. Lloyd Cohen argued that the process used by the Fairfax County Public Schools to select students for admission to the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) results in invidious racial discrimination. He claimed that the TJ admissions process, even if; Search Snippet: ...COCKROACHES, A RESPONSE TO PROFESSOR COHEN'S A STUDY OF INVIDIOUS RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN ADMISSIONS AT THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL FOR SCIENCE... |
2003 |
Verna Myers |
Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It's Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won't Admit it by Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor Wounds That Will Not Heal: Affirmative Action and Our Continuing Racial Divide by Russell K. Nieli |
13-WTR Experience Experience 4 (Winter, 2003) |
For many law firms, the challenge of how to recruit and retain young women and lawyers of color is the most perplexing of the diversity issues. Even with all the goodwill in the world, progress can be slow. Yet, in my work as a diversity consultant, I have become aware of a few firms that seem to have unlocked the secret to real change; Search Snippet: ...issue of Goal IX, the newsletter of the Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession, published by the American... |
2003 |
Yoav Sapir |
Neo-colonialism, Same Old Racism: a Critical Analysis of the United States' Shift Toward Colorblindness as a Tool for the Protection of the American Colonial Empire and White Supremacy |
19 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 127 (Spring, 2003) |
The doctrine controlling equal protection challenges of racially based selective prosecution is far from being satisfactory. It is hardly ever the case that a defendant can prove that a prosecutor had an invidious motive in her prosecution. Even if we generally accept the discriminatory intent as the heart of equal protection challenges, we should; Search Snippet: ...of Justice NEITHER INTENT NOR IMPACT: A CRITIQUE OF THE RACIALLY BASED SELECTIVE PROSECUTION JURISPRUDENCE AND A REFORM PROPOSAL Yoav Sapir... |
2003 |
George B. Shepherd |
No Child Left Behind: Racial Equal Educational Opportunity Through School Finance Litigation |
53 Journal of Legal Education 103 (March, 2003) |
The American Bar Association acknowledges the national scandal of the low number of African-Americans in the legal profession: only 4 percent of lawyers are black, compared to 13 percent of the population. Blacks are less represented in the law than in almost any other profession, including physicians. The underrepresentation in the legal; Search Snippet: ...2003 General Article NO AFRICAN-AMERICAN LAWYERS ALLOWED: THE INEFFICIENT RACISM OF THE ABA'S ACCREDITATION OF LAW SCHOOLS George B. Shepherd... |
2003 |
E. Jaynie Leung |
Panel on Intersections of Gender, Economic, Racial, and Indigenous (In) Justice |
21 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 192 (Winter 2003) |
In a strange role reversal, a group of New Jersey Republicans filed a federal suit with a coalition of minority voters claiming that the state's redistricting plan diluted minority voting strength. A three-judge panel unanimously rejected the Republicans' claims in Page v. Bartels. The decision marked a fundamental shift in the interpretation of; Search Snippet: ...Article PAGE V. BARTELS: A TOTAL EFFECTS APPROACH TO EVALUATING RACIAL VOTE DILUTION CLAIMS E. Jaynie Leung [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2003... |
2003 |
Jeb C. Griebat |
Peremptory Challenges and Racial Discrimination: the Effects of Miller-el V. Cockrell |
12 Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 323 (Winter, 2003) |
In American jurisprudence, the peremptory challenge is a necessary tool for trial lawyers in establishing confidence in sitting an impartial jury. Unlike the challenge for cause, which requires a reason for juror removal, the peremptory challenge allows lawyers to efficiently remove jurors from the venire, without disclosing a reason. Since lawyers; Search Snippet: ...QUESTIONNAIRE: THE MOST PRACTICAL SOLUTION FOR ENDING THE PROBLEM OF RACIAL AND GENDER DISCRIMINATION IN KANSAS COURTS WHILE PRESERVING THE NECESSARY... |
2003 |
Twila L. Perry |
Prayer for Relief: Anti-muslim Discrimination as Racial Discrimination |
9 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 215 (Fall 2003) |
INTRODUCTION. 215 I. Transracial Adoption and the Law. 217 II. Staking out a Middle Ground. 220 III. Racial Navigation, Racial Randomization, and Transracial Adoption. 221 A. Racial Navigation. 222 B. Racial Randomization. 228 CONCLUSION. 233; Search Snippet: ...Law Fall 2003 Book Review POWER, POSSIBILITY AND CHOICE: THE RACIAL IDENTITY OF TRANSRACIALLY ADOPTED CHILDREN Twila L. Perry [FNa1] Copyright... |
2003 |
David W. Romero, Francine Sanders Romero |
Pre-employment Credit Checks: Effectuating Disparate Impact on Racial Minorities under the Guise of Job-relatedness and Business Necessity |
37 Law and Society Review 809 (December, 2003) |
Questions regarding Brown v. Board of Education's short-term effect remain unanswered, particularly its comparative impact on federal district courts and state supreme courts. We test this through an analysis of racial discrimination cases in those venues in the twenty-year period bifurcated by the decision in May 1954. Our findings suggest that; Search Snippet: ...Society Review December, 2003 Of General Interest PRECEDENT, PARITY, AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: A FEDERAL/STATE COMPARISON OF THE IMPACT OF BROWN... |
2003 |
Max, Schanzenbach, Yale Law School ′01, Michael L., Yaeger, Yale Law School ′03, Their full paper is, available on the, Conference website. |
Prison Time, Fines, and Federal White-collar Criminals: the Anatomy of a Racial Disparity |
2003 Federal Sentencing Reporter 22037347 (February 1, 2003) |
Our paper contributes to the growing literature on racial and ethnic disparities under the federal Sentencing Guidelines by examining racial and ethnic disparities in the sentencing of non-violent, white-collar crimes. Using data collected by the U.S. Sentencing Commission (51,805 sentences for white-collar offenses from 1992-1998), we find that; Search Snippet: ...Reporter Volume 15, Number 3 PRISON TIME AND FINES: EXPLAINING RACIAL DISPARITIES IN SENTENCING FOR WHITE-COLLAR CRIMINALS February 1, 2003... |
2003 |
Leland Ware |
Prominent Claims That Policing Is Not Racially Biased Rest on Flawed Science |
22 Saint Louis University Public Law Review 59 (2003) |
Racial profiling is prevalent in America. Despite the civil rights victories of thirty years ago, official racial prejudice is still reflected throughout the criminal justice system. For people of color in cities large and small across this nation, north and south, east and west, Jim Crow justice is alive and well. Racial profiling occurs when; Search Snippet: ...New Approaches to Ensuring the Legitimacy of Police Conduct PROHIBITING RACIAL PROFILING: THE ACLU'S ORCHESTRATION OF THE MISSOURI LEGISLATION Leland Ware... |
2003 |
Jonathan Thompson Horowitz |
Racial Adjudication |
17 National Black Law Journal 67 (2003) |
Many South Africans of all racial categories hold the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in high regard. Many do not. This study does not judge the commission in terms of right or wrong. Nor will it provide a theoretical or viable alternative. Scholars have done so and have sought to mediate notions of human rights, human emotions, and racial; Search Snippet: ...NATIONAL BLACK LAW JOURNAL National Black Law Journal 2003 Articles RACIAL (RE)CONSTRUCTION: THE CASE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION... |
2003 |
Naseem Stecker |
Racial and Ethnic Group Defamation: a Speech-friendly Proposal |
82-JUN Michigan Bar Journal 16 (June, 2003) |
The First Michigan Conference on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Legal System was held in conjunction with the 15th Annual Meeting of the National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, April 9-12, 2003 in Detroit. The Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center was the hub of an important conference that featured over 20 substantive... |
2003 |
Michael J. Polelle |
Racial and Ethnic Preferences in College Admissions |
23 Boston College Third World Law Journal 213 (Spring, 2003) |
In AIDA v. Time Warner Entertainment Company, currently before the Illinois Supreme Court, the American Italian Defense Association (AIDA) alleges that the television series The Sopranos portrays the criminal and psychopathically depraved character of the Mafia underworld as the dominant motif of Italian and Italian-American culture; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Boston College Third World Law Journal Spring, 2003 Article RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUP DEFAMATION: A SPEECH-FRIENDLY PROPOSAL Michael J... |
2003 |
John Dwight Ingram |
Racial and Gender Bias - Leading by Example |
29 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 55 (Fall, 2003) |
Profiling is the use of a set of circumstances or characteristics that may help identify a group of people who are more likely than others to engage in certain conduct or activities. Law enforcement officials use profiling to facilitate investigations of criminals or potential criminals. When used in combination with experience, training, and; Search Snippet: ...MARSHALL LAW REVIEW Thurgood Marshall Law Review Fall, 2003 Article RACIAL AND ETHNIC PROFILING John Dwight Ingram [FNa1] Copyright © 2003 by... |
2003 |
Andrew E. Taslitz |
Racial Balancing Provisions and Charter Schools: Are Charter Schools out on a Constitutional Limb? |
66-SUM Law and Contemporary Problems 221 (Summer 2003) |
In the winter of 2002, the Enron scandal dominated the mass media. Enron, a Houston-based energy giant and purportedly the seventh-largest company in America, was, it turned out, more like Tom Thumb than the Jolly Green Giant. Much of the media commentary bemoaning Enron's fall into bankruptcy, however, attacked not Enron but its auditor, Arthur; Search Snippet: ...Data: Over-Representation of Minorities in The Criminal Justice System RACIAL AUDITORS AND THE FOURTH AMENDMENT: DATA WITH THE POWER TO... |
2003 |
Lonnie T. Brown, Jr. |
Racial Discrimination in Legal Education, 1950 to 1963 |
22 Review of Litigation 209 (Spring 2003) |
I. Introduction. 210 II. The Incomplete Evolution of Anti-Discrimination Principles in the Context of Jury Selection. 223 A. Early Recognition of the Constitutional Right to Jury Service. 223 B. Unlegislated Discrimination with Regard to the Composition of Prospective Juror Lists. 225 C. Peremptory Challenges--The Last Bastion of Legal; Search Snippet: ...Symposium 2003 Selected Topics on the Modern Jury Trial Articles RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN JURY SELECTION: PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT, NOT LEGITIMATE ADVOCACY Lonnie... |
2003 |
Luke E. Alverson |
Racial Disparities and the Political Function of Property |
68 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 623 (Summer 2003) |
AMID CONCERNS of plaintiff difficulty in producing direct evidence of racial discrimination, the Supreme Court established a burden-shifting analysis in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green to alleviate such problems. This analysis--originally derived for employment discrimination and later applied to other discrimination scenarios --requires a; Search Snippet: ...COMMERCE Journal of Air Law and Commerce Summer 2003 Casenotes RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--THE BURDEN-SHIFTING ANALYSIS IN A MOTION FOR SUMMARY... |
2003 |
Lisa C. Ikemoto |
Racial Disparities in Injection-related Hiv: a Case Study of Toxic Law |
48 Saint Louis University Law Journal 75 (Fall 2003) |
The basic premise of cultural competency is that the near monoculture of the health care system interferes with the care of the growing number of patients who are not part of that culture. Cultural competence efforts aim at changing the institutional culture of health care and accompanying social services. The efforts include enabling health care; Search Snippet: ...Saint Louis University Law Journal Fall 2003 Health Law Symposium RACIAL DISPARITIES IN HEALTH CARE AND CULTURAL COMPETENCY Lisa C. Ikemoto... |
2003 |
Maria Greco Danaher |
Racial Diversity on the Bench: Beyond Role Models and Public Confidence |
5 Lawyers Journal J. 7 (July 25, 2003) |
The U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the University of Michigan affirmative action cases provide some food for thought on the issue of how employers can increase racial diversity within the workforce. In the first case, which involved the university's law school, a white female applicant filed a lawsuit alleging that the law school's admissions... |
2003 |
Guy-Uriel E. Charles |
Racial Imagery and Native Americans: a First Look at the Empirical Evidence Behind the Indian Mascot Controversy |
91 California Law Review 1209 (October, 2003) |
Introduction. 1211 I. Underlying Premises of Racial Districting Cases. 1216 A. Skepticism About the Existence of Racial Identity. 1217 B. Individualism and Opposition to Race Essentialism. 1219 C. The Role of Political Elites in Constructing Racial Identity. 1223 D. Judicial Intervention as Remedy. 1226 II. Understanding Identity. 1228 A. Lessons; Search Snippet: ...22431321 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW California Law Review October, 2003 Articles RACIAL IDENTITY, ELECTORAL STRUCTURES, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT OF ASSOCIATION... |
2003 |
Gavin Clarkson |
Racial Imagery in Criminal Cases |
11 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 393 (Summer 2003) |
Remarks presented at the February 2002 Symposium on Traditional Knowledge, Intellectual Property, and Indigenous Culture I. Introduction. 393 II. A Taxonomy of Indian Mascots. 395 A. Mascot Data Collection Methodology. 395 B. The Resulting Taxonomy. 396 III. A Proposed Alternative to the USCCR. 397 A. The USCCR Proposal. 398 B. My Alternative; Search Snippet: ...2003 Symposium Traditional Knowledge, Intellectual Property, and Indigenous Culture Articles RACIAL IMAGERY AND NATIVE AMERICANS: A FIRST LOOK AT THE EMPIRICAL... |
2003 |
Patricia M. Worthy |
Racial Mirroring |
26 Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal (COMM/ENT) L.J. 1 (Autumn 2003) |
Introduction. 3 I. The Evolving History of Universal Service. 6 II. Federal Regulatory Approaches to Universal Service Goals. 9 A. FCC Implementation. 9 B. Other Government Agencies Promoting Universal Service. 19 III. Congressional Efforts to Ensure Universal Service. 20 A. Prior to the Telecommunications Act of 1996. 20 B. The Telecommunications; Search Snippet: ...Communications and Entertainment Law Journal (COMM/ENT) Autumn 2003 Articles RACIAL MINORITIES AND THE QUEST TO NARROW THE DIGITAL DIVIDE: REDEFINING... |
2003 |