Sarah Oliver Awakening an Empire of Liberty : Exploring the Roots of Socratic Inquiry and Political Nihilism in American Democracy 23 Whittier Law Review 1099 (Summer 2002) Racial profiling--any police-initiated action that relies on race, ethnicity or national origin rather than behavior or other objective criteria--is generally viewed as repugnant in a democratic, law-based society. The United States Supreme Court, in the recently decided Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, eliminated, without discussion or; Search Snippet: ...LAGO VISTA: THE DISAPPEARING FOURTH AMENDMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON RACIAL PROFILING Sarah Oliver [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 Whittier Law Review; Sarah... 2002
Richard L. Sloane Barriers to Participation: Challenges Faced by Members of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Groups in Entering, Remaining, and Advancing in the Adr Field 15 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 397 (Winter, 2002) L1-4,T4Background 398 I. L2-4,T4Part One 402 a. L3-4,T4introduction 402 b. L3-4,T4the black and white parts 404 c. L3-4,T4the gray part 406 d. L3-4,T4societal underpinnings of the good moral character standard 408 e. L3-4,T4legal foundations governing admission to the bar 410 f. L3-4,T4what is good moral character? 412 g. L3-4,T4when does; Search Snippet: ...HALE TO REAFFIRM THAT CHARACTER AND FITNESS EVALUATIONS APPROPRIATELY PRECLUDE RACISTS FROM THE PRACTICE OF LAW Richard L. Sloane [FNa1] Copyright... 2002
Kari L. Karsjens Boundaries of the Racial State: Two Faces of Racist Exclusion in United States Law 5 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 57 (Summer 2002) Megan is a 25-year-old female in generally good health. She is a second year law student at Stanford. She is the first woman in her family who has not married and had children by age 25. She does not know if she wants children in the future, but she does know she has a long and successful legal career ahead of her. She has a clerkship position, but; Search Snippet: ...2002 Article BOU TIQUE EGG DONATIONS: A NEW FORM OF RACISM AND PATRIARCHY Kari L. Karsjens [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 DePaul University... 2002
David Rudovsky Breed-specific Legislation Revisited: Canine Racism or the Answer to Florida's Dog Control Problems? 38-AUG Trial 29 (August, 2002) When law enforcement officers make discretionary judgments based on race, can litigation put an end to stop-and-search violations? On a summer evening in 1991, four young African-Americans were returning to Delaware from a church service in Philadelphia. Although the driver had committed no traffic violations, police officers stopped the car just... 2002
Andrew Elliot Carpenter Change in Racial and Ethnic Classifications Is Here: Proposal to Address Race and Ethnic Ancestry of Blacks for Affirmative Action Admissions Purposes 8 Washington and Lee Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal 15 (Spring, 2002) One of the foundations of our adversary trial system is witness testimony. The opportunity for people with knowledge of events to recite facts, and the chance for the adverse party to cross-examine, is a fundamental part of the truth-seeking function of a trial. An awareness of how judges evaluate witness testimony is critical to eradicating the; Search Snippet: ...2002 Student Article CHAMBERS v. MISSISSIPPI: THE HEARSAY RULE AND RACIAL EVALUATIONS OF CREDIBILITY Andrew Elliot Carpenter [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 by... 2002
Terry Carter Civil Rights at the Millennium-a Response to Bell's Call for Racial Realism 1 ABA Journal E-Report 1 (January 18, 2002) Civil rights activists fear a double whammy from recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court and the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Philadelphia. The high court closed the front door last spring in a case challenging English-only driver's license exams. The majority ruled against Spanish-speaking residents seeking a private right of action to; Search Snippet: ...18, 2002 In the News CIVIL RIGHTS AND REGULATIONS Environmental Racism Claims Take a Hit Terry Carter Copyright (c) 2002 American... 2002
Robert A. Sedler Clarence Thomas, Victim? Perhaps, and Victimizer? Yes--a Study in Social and Racial Alienation from African-americans 3 Journal of Law in Society 119 (Winter, 2002) My views on the question of reparations for racism are shaped by who I am and what I have done. I am a 66-year-old white law professor and for much of the 40 plus years since my graduation from law school I have been involved in issues of racial equality. I write and speak on the subject extensively and have litigated a considerable of number of; Search Snippet: ...Law in Society Winter, 2002 Comment CLAIMS FOR REPARATIONS FOR RACISM UNDERMINE THE STRUGGLE FOR EQUALITY Robert A. Sedler [FNa1] Copyright... 2002
David C. Pulice, Esq. Common Carriers-trespass-interstate Commerce Act Prohibits Racial Discrimination by Bus Terminal Restaurant. Boynton V. Virginia, 81 Sup. Ct. 182 (1960) 4 Lawyers Journal J. 7 (March 22, 2002) Just over two years ago, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court announced the creation of the Supreme Court Committee on Racial and Gender Bias in the Justice System. The committee was formed to study whether the manner in which participants are treated in the state court system varies on the basis of their race, ethnicity or gender. The committee will; Search Snippet: ...506399 LAWYERS JOURNAL Lawyers Journal March 22, 2002 COMMITTEE ON RACIAL AND GENDER BIAS CONTINUES TO MAKE PROGRESS Final Report to... 2002
John Hart Ely Confronting Race in the Criminal Justice System 56 University of Miami Law Review 489 (April, 2002) In Easley v. Cromartie, decided April 18, 2001, the Supreme Court, Justice Breyer speaking for a majority of five, upheld North Carolina's long-litigated Twelfth Congressional District against a charge of racial gerrymander. This was the Twelfth District's fourth appearance before the Court (quite considerately for those who would write about it,; Search Snippet: ...Miami Law Review April, 2002 Article CONFOUNDED BY CROMARTIE: ARE RACIAL STEREOTYPES NOW ACCEPTABLE ACROSS THE BOARD OR ONLY WHEN USED... 2002
Stephanie Cole, University of Texas-Arlington Constance Backhouse, Colour-coded: a Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. Xiii, 485pp. C$45.00 20 Law and History Review 221 (Spring, 2002) In Colour-Coded, Constance Backhouse explicates six major legal cases involving the legal rights of nonwhites, effectively exploding the myth that Canada has been a raceless society. In the first half of the twentieth century, Canadian justice built a substantial, if at times inconsistent, fortress of white privilege. While Canadian adjudicators; Search Snippet: ...Book Review CONSTANCE BACKHOUSE, COLOUR-CODED: A LEGAL HISTORY OF RACISM IN CANADA, 1900-1950, TORONTO: UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS, 1999... 2002
  Criminalization as Governance in the American Racial State 115 Harvard Law Review 2325 (June, 2002) In 1986 the Supreme Court held in Batson v. Kentucky that it is unconstitutional for the prosecution to strike potential jurors peremptorily on the basis of race, and that a conviction returned by such a discriminatorily selected jury must be overturned. Although the Court has since extended Batson to peremptories exercised by defense counsel, it; Search Snippet: ...BIAS AND COLLUSION BETWEEN PARTIES AND TRIAL COURT TO ACHIEVE RACIALLY BALANCED JURY.--UNITED STATES v. NELSON, 277 F.3d 164... 2002
Steven H. Kropp Deconstructing the Pipeline: Evaluating School-to-prison Pipeline Equal Protection Cases Through a Structural Racism Framework 23 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 369 (2002) I. Introduction. 369 II. Lochner Chronicles. 372 III. The Jim Crow Era. 375 IV. Railway Labor Relations. 379 V. The New Deal. 386 VI. . 388 VII. Conclusion. 397; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Employment and Labor Law 2002 Review Essay DECONSTRUCTING RACISM IN AMERICAN SOCIETY--THE ROLE LABOR LAW MIGHT HAVE PLAYED... 2002
Sandra, Guerra, Thompson, Associate Dean for, Academic Affairs and, Professor of Law,, University of Houston, Law Center Different Script, Same Caste in the Use of Passive and Active Racism: a Critical Race Theory Analysis of the (Ab)use of "House Rules" in Race-related Education Cases 2002 Federal Sentencing Reporter 31308053 (January 1, 2002) We stand at the threshold of a new era in law enforcementor do we? The tragic events of September 11th make the task of considering the role of law enforcement in fighting the war on drugs much more complex. Indeed, judging from media accounts since 9/11, there is virtually no war on drugs left to discuss. That is to say, with reporting... 2002
Sarah J. Farhat Environmental Racism: the U.s. Epa's Ineffective Enforcement of Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 33 McGeorge Law Review 295 (Winter, 2002) Code Sections Affected Government Code §§ 65040.2, 65040.12 (amended). AB 1553 (Keeley); 2001 Stat. Ch. 762. The white middle-class environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s built an impressive political base for reform to combat the damage by our chemically-centered industrial society[.] However, it gave little attention to the implications; Search Snippet: ...Selected 2001 California Legislation Legislation Editor's Note Environmental Protection ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM: THE PIBBY PRINCIPLE Sarah J. Farhat Copyright © 2002 by McGeorge... 2002
Wendell Lagrand Eradicating Racial Discrimination in Voter Registration: Rights and Remedies under the Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1982 1 ABA Journal E-Report 10 (May 17, 2002) The racial issues most often addressed in the United States concern jobs, housing and education. But equal access to medical care may be as urgent as any other need. Gaps in health care have not changed in 30 years, said Annette Dula, a senior research associate at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The infant mortality rate of... 2002
Ellen Baker Flying While Brown: Federal Civil Rights Remedies to Post-9/11 Airline Racial Profiling of South Asians 67 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 1375 (Fall 2002) I. INTRODUCTION. 1375 II. PRE-SEPTEMBER 11-PASSENGER PROFILING OR RACIAL PROFILING?. 1378 A. Passenger Profiling or Racial Profiling?. 1378 B. If Racial Profiling in Airline Security Is So Prevalent, Why Hasn't It Been Litigated?. 1382 1. Unreasonable Search and the Fourth Amendment. 1383 2. Disparate Impact and Equal Protection. 1385 3. The Issue; Search Snippet: ...Air Law and Commerce Fall 2002 Comment FLYING WHILE ARAB-- RACIAL PROFILING AND AIR TRAVEL SECURITY Ellen Baker Copyright (c) 2002... 2002
Harold A. Mcdougall Forbidden Conversations: on Race, Privacy, and Community (A Continuing Conversation with John Ely on Racism and Democracy) 46 Howard Law Journal L.J. 1 (Fall 2002) Blacks need to acknowledge the permanence of their subordinate status [permitting them to avoid] unrealistic strategies [and adopt more promising ones] that can bring personal fulfillment and, on occasion, even triumph.-- Derrick Bell Reflecting on what I read in Chapters One and Two [of Race, Racism and American Law] stirs an intense dislike for; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Critical Race Practice Article FOR CRITICAL RACE PRACTITIONERS: RACE, RACISM AND AMERICAN LAW (4TH ED.) BY DERRICK A. BELL, JR... 2002
Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. From Racial Discrimination to Separate but Equal: the Common Law Impact of the Thirteenth Amendment 20 Yale Law and Policy Review 383 (2002) Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. will long be remembered for his tireless efforts to further justice in the United States. However, his vision of a society free from racial prejudice and discriminatory treatment was not limited to our borders, and thus he spent years working to eradicate the most blatant form of racial discrimination that existed; Search Snippet: ...A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. FROM PRETORIA TO PHILADELPHIA: JUDGE HIGGINBOTHAM'S RACIAL JUSTICE JURISPRUDENCE ON SOUTH AFRICA AND THE UNITED STATES Charles... 2002
Siobhan Stiglitz From Reconstruction to Obama: Understanding Black Invisibility, Racism in Appalachia, and the Legal Community's Responsibility to Promote a Dialogue on Race at the Wvu College of Law 7 Texas Forum on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 127 (Spring 2002) Although a familiar metaphor, the title The Miner's Canary originates from a specific source. In his treatise on Indian Law, Felix Cohen claimed the status of Native Americans as a marker of the state of American politics and society: Like the miner's canary the Indian marks the shift from fresh air to poison gas in our political atmosphere, and; Search Snippet: ...Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Spring 2002 Book Review FROM RACIAL POLITICS TO POLITICAL RACE: LANI GUINIER AND GERALD TORRES'S THE... 2002
Michael Selmi Getting Beyond Racial Preferences: the Class-based Compromise 55 Stanford Law Review 1013 (December, 2002) The Miner's Canary: Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy. By Lani Guinier & Gerald Torres. Harvard University Press 2002. 302 pp. The Anatomy of Racial Inequality. By Glenn C. Loury. Harvard University Press 2001. 169 pp. Introduction. 1013 I. Glenn Loury on Stereotpying and Stigma. 1016 II. Guinier and Torres: Political Race and... 2002
Beverly A. Greene Heterosexual Reproductive Imperatives 54 Rutgers Law Review 931 (Summer 2002) Clinical and counseling psychologists are charged with understanding the nature of human identities, evolution, and forms as a part of their struggle to understand behavior. How much of identity is fixed or fluid and what kinds of things influence how people come to see themselves and others are two of the many questions psychologists raise in; Search Snippet: ...Articles Cluster VII: Race, Gender, and Sexuality HETEROSEXISM AND INTERNALIZED RACISM AMONG AFRICAN AMERICANS: THE CONNECTIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN... 2002
Gary W. Ritter, Alison Rush, Joel Rush , University of Arkansas at Fayetteville How Much Freedom for Racist Speech?: Transnational Aspects of a Conflict of Human Rights 7 Georgetown Public Policy Review 125 (Spring, 2002) Recently, school choice advocates have argued that increased choice might, in fact, promote integration. For example, Jay Greene uses national data on 12 graders and data from the Cleveland metropolitan area to argue that students in private schools are more likely to attend school in racially integrated classrooms. The argument is that public; Search Snippet: ...Review Spring, 2002 Other Article HOW MIGHT SCHOOL CHOICE AFFECT RACIAL INTEGRATION IN SCHOOLS? NEW EVIDENCE FROM THE ECLS-K Gary... 2002
Sameer M. Ashar Implicit Bias and Racial Disparities in Health Care 34 Connecticut Law Review 1185 (Summer, 2002) I appreciate the opportunity offered by this Symposium to reflect on the questions raised by immigration enforcement activities undertaken since the September 11 attacks. Like many others in New York and elsewhere, the shock of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers caused me to lose sensation in some part of myself. The spate of hate crime; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 2002 Symposium IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT AND SUBORDINATION: THE CONSEQUENCES OF RACIAL PROFILING AFTER SEPTEMBER 11 Sameer M. Ashar [FNa1] Copyright © 2002... 2002
Michael Legg Indirect Employer Liability: the Ninth Circuit Limits Liability for Racial Discrimination 20 Berkeley Journal of International Law 387 (2002) There are aspects of our history of which we are right to be proud and others of which we should properly feel ashamed. Neither should be thought to wash away the other. Even more, we have something new to be ashamed of if we try to deny what else we have to be ashamed of. History once written by the victors is now being reconsidered from the... 2002
Donna K. Maeda Intra-Racial, Color-based Discrimination and the Need for Theoretical Consistency after Walker V. Internal Revenue Service 9 Asian Law Journal 213 (May, 2002) In Interracial Intimacy: The Regulation of Race and Romance, Professor Rachel Moran brings together two strands in the burgeoning literature about interracial relationships and multiracial persons. Moran's attention to historical, legal, and social contexts contributes to the current literature that addresses the role that regulations of; Search Snippet: ...Book Review INTIMATED FUTURES? THE MASKING AND UNMASKING OF ANTI- RACIST IDEOLOGIES BY INTERRACIAL AGENTS Interracial Intimacy: The Regulation of Race... 2002
Kate Marquess Judge J. Skelly Wright and the Racial Desegregation of Louisiana 1 ABA Journal E-Report 6 (August 16, 2002) U.S. District Judge Charles A. Shaw has issued a scathing criticism of the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, charging disrespect and race-based decision-making in an opinion reversing one of his rulings. The case involves a white police officer who sued the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners for violation of substantive due... 2002
Daniel Solórzano, Ph.D., Walter R. Allen, Ph.D., Grace Carroll, Ph.D. Keeping the Promise: Ending Racial Discrimination and Segregation in Federally Financed Housing 23 Chicano-Latino Law Review 15 (Spring 2002) With Assistance From Miguel Ceja, M.a. Gniesha Dinwiddie, M.a. Elizabeth Guillory, M.a. Gloria González, B.a. Tara Yosso, Ph.d. [O]ne must not look for the gross and obvious. The subtle, cumulative miniassault is the substance of today's racism . . . In and of itself a microaggression may seem harmless, but the cumulative burden of a lifetime of... 2002
Bill Ezzell Lawyers Tackle Maternal Mortality 30 Southern University Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2002) We are now parading and bawling . against racial discrimination [in Nazi Germany], and yet there is no people that more flagrantly practices it than our own. Judge John Bassett Moore, 1939. In 1919, the legislature of the state of Alabama decided that a Workmen's Compensation statute was needed for the citizens of that state, and the lawmakers... 2002
Peggy Maisel Lessons in Confronting Racist Speech: Good Intentions, Bad Results, and Article 4(a) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 81 Oregon Law Review 739 (Fall 2002) It is difficult to get people to remember, let alone focus on the accomplishments and ongoing challenges that emerged during the United Nations sponsored World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance (the WCAR) held just over a year ago in Durban, South Africa. The reason is simple: that conference; Search Snippet: ...Movements and Latcrit Community LESSONS FROM THE WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM: SOUTH AFRICA AS A CASE STUDY Peggy Maisel [FNa1] Copyright... 2002
Suzanne Leone Massachusetts Health Insurance Reform Legislation: an Effective Tool for Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care? 28 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 335 (Summer, 2002) On August 10, 2000, the Massachusetts Legislature enacted Chapter 228 of the Acts and Resolves of 2000 entitled, An Act Providing for the Collection of Data Relative to Traffic Stops [hereinafter Chapter 228]. Chapter 228 is the legislature's response to persistent anecdotal evidence of racial profiling of motorists by law enforcement; Search Snippet: ...on Criminal and Civil Confinement Summer, 2002 Notes MASSACHUSETTS ADDRESSES RACIAL PROFILING HEAD ON: THE ADVOCACY OF CHAPTER 228 OF THE... 2002
Margaret M. Russell Meanness as Racial Ideology 70 Fordham Law Review 1825 (April, 2002) One of the groundbreaking predecessor cases to Brown v. Board of Education was McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, in which G. W. McLaurin, an African-American college professor, sought admission to the racially segregated Graduate School of Education of the state of Oklahoma. Before the case's appeal to the high Court,; Search Snippet: the Twenty-First Century? MCLAURIN'S SEAT: THE NEED FOR RACIAL INCLUSION IN LEGAL EDUCATION Margaret M. Russell [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2002
Alan Raphaei Miller-el 2001-02 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases PREVIEW 8 (September 30, 2002) In 1986 a Dallas County, Texas, jury convicted Thomas Joe Miller-El of murder and sentenced him to death. He asserts that the federal appellate court, which refused to consider his appeal from denial of a petition for habeas corpus, improperly applied existing precedent forbidding racial discrimination in the exercise of peremptory challenges and; Search Snippet: ...What Is the Appellate Standard of Review for Claims of Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection? by Alan Raphaei a Copyright 2002 by... 2002
Janice L. Reiff, University of California, Los Angeles Normalizing Domination 20 Law and History Review 187 (Spring, 2002) Only by examining the sources and uses of the identity of a people over time that is, through historycan one understand and appreciate the circumstances out of which tolerance emerges or is sustained. That conviction, articulated by Carl Degler on page three of Identity and Intolerance, led a group of scholars distressed by the growing signs of; Search Snippet: ...NORBERT FINZSCH AND DIETMAR SCHIRMER, EDS., IDENTITY AND INTOLERANCE: NATIONALISM, RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, CAMBRIDGE: CAMBRIDGE... 2002
Rebecca L. Case Not Yet Forgiven for Being Black: Haiti's Tps, Ldf, and the Protean Struggle for Racial Justice 21 Penn State International Law Review 205 (Fall 2002) When the United States ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, it made a clear promise to the international community that it would... 2002
Seth A. Steinzor, Esq. Piercing the Brilliant Veil: Two Stories of American Racism 28-MAR Vermont Bar Journal 52 (March, 2002) This slim volume of essays explores a metaphor, petit apartheid. Its premise is that when grand apartheid - that is, legal segregation and discrimination - was expunged from the judicial system, it was succeeded by petit apartheid, the cumulative effect of informal acts of racism, racially motivated brutality, dehumanization, contempt, and... 2002
Frank C. Shockey Portia Denied : Unmasking Gender Bias on the Lsat and its Relationship to Racial Diversity in Legal Education 27 Oklahoma City University Law Review 267 (Spring 2002) The key word here is blackwhite. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands... 2002
Hrishi Karthikeyan , Gabriel J. Chin Pretext Stops and Racial Profiling after Whren V. United States: the New York and New Jersey Responses Compared 9 Asian Law Journal L.J. 1 (May, 2002) This essay explores the relationship between Asian American population and the applicability of anti-miscegenation laws to that group in the first half of the 20 Century, testing legal scholar Gilbert Thomas Stephenson's theory that racial restrictions would arise whenever non-whites of any race exist in considerable numbers. Several states... 2002
Mark W. Seifert Preventing Unintended Internet Discrimination: an Analysis of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for Algorithmic Racial Steering 20-FALL Delaware Lawyer 26 (Fall, 2002) In order for law enforcement organizations to be effective, they must have the public's confidence in their ability to perform not only the most complex duties but also the most basic responsibilities. U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft July 17, 2001 Racial profiling has emerged as a major issue affecting law enforcement officers, community; Search Snippet: ...WL 31317382 DELAWARE LAWYER Delaware Lawyer Fall, 2002 Feature PREVENTING RACIAL PROFILING AND ENSURING PROFESSIONAL TRAFFIC STOPS Mark W. Seifert Copyright... 2002
Brian P. Marron Proms and Other Racial Ephemera: the Positive Social Construction of African Americans in the "Post"-civil Rights Era 2002 Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 53 (2002) A brief satirical narrative illustrates the plight of too many students trapped in inadequate schools despite more than forty years of education reform. A young boy rings a doorbell. A thin, old man with a white goatee and a red, white, and blue striped hat opens the door. Hello, little fellow, are you lost? the man asks. No, my mommy says I'm a; Search Snippet: ...Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 2002 Article PROMOTING RACIAL EQUALITY THROUGH EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY: THE CASE FOR PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL... 2002
Justin E. Pingel Public Response to Racist Speech: Considering the Victim's Story 8 Washington and Lee Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal 143 (Spring, 2002) Plaintiffs, Kelly Pryor (Pryor) and Warren Spivey, Jr. (Spivey), are African-American student-athletes. San Jose State University (SJSU) recruited Pryor to play soccer and she signed a National Letter of Intent (NLI) finalizing her decision to attend SJSU beginning in the fall of 1999. Spivey signed a NLI with the University of Connecticut; Search Snippet: ...held that plaintiffs had sufficiently stated a claim for purposeful racial discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of... 2002
Stephen J. Safranek Race as Proxy: Situational Racism and Self-fulfilling Stereotypes 48 Wayne Law Review 1025 (Fall, 2002) Race has been the single most problematic issue in this country; in its Constitution, federal laws, state constitutions, and state laws as well as in its courts. The law-for nearly the first two hundred years of our country's existence-has allowed the mistreatment of human beings solely because of race. Race has been problematic because these laws; Search Snippet: ...HOW THE COURTS AND THE LAW HAVE BEEN WARPED BY RACIAL INJUSTICE Stephen J. Safranek [FNf1] Copyright (c) 2002 Wayne State... 2002
Laura E. Gómez Race Versus Religion in the Making of the International Convention Against Racial Discrimination, 1965 49 UCLA Law Review 1395 (June, 2002) In this Article, Professor Gómez elaborates on Michael Omi and Howard Winant's theory of racial formation. First, she provides an empirical application of the theory to a particular legal context: criminal litigation in late-nineteenth-century New Mexico. Second, while Omi and Winant emphasize the theory's fit with mid- and late-twentieth-century; Search Snippet: ...UCLA Law Review June, 2002 Critical Race Studies RACE MATTERED: RACIAL FORMATION AND THE POLITICS OF CRIME IN TERRITORIAL NEW MEXICO... 2002
Julie Novkov Racial Critiques of Legal Academia 20 Law and History Review 225 (Summer, 2002) For over one hundred yearsfrom the post-Civil War era to the post-Civil Rights erathe state of Alabama maintained a legal and social commitment to keeping blacks and whites from engaging in long-term sexual relationships with each other. Recent studies addressing the laws that barred miscegenation have shown that investigating governmental; Search Snippet: ...AND HISTORY REVIEW Law and History Review Summer, 2002 Article RACIAL CONSTRUCTIONS: THE LEGAL REGULATION OF MISCEGENATION IN ALABAMA, 1890-1934... 2002
Cara Hendrickson Racial Dimensions of Credit and Bankruptcy 9 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 35 (Winter, 2002) On November 28, 1993, 43-year-old Yetta M. Adams froze to death on a bench across the street from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in Washington, D.C. According to a childhood friend, Ms. Adams was a former child care worker, now homeless, who had sought shelter on that cold night but was turned away. Housing Secretary; Search Snippet: ...Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy Winter, 2002 Article RACIAL DESEGREGATION AND INCOME DECONCENTRATION IN PUBLIC HOUSING Cara Hendrickson [FNa1... 2002
Cheryl L. Wade Racial Discrimination and the Tax Injunction Act: Garrett V. Bamford 63 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 389 (Winter, 2002) Two corporate employers paid settlements of seismic proportions to minority employees alleging race discrimination in recent years. In 1996, Texaco settled a class action alleging race discrimination for $176 million, and in 2000, Coca-Cola settled race discrimination litigation for $192.5 million. The terms of both settlements required the... 2002
Vernellia R. Randall Racial Discrimination in Housing 14 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 45 (Fall, 2002) I. L2-3,T3Introduction 46. II. L2-3,T3International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 47. III. L2-3,T3Racial Disparity in Health Status of the U.S. Population 51. IV. L2-3,T3Institutional Racism and Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Health Care System 53. A. Lack of Economic Access to Health Care. 54 B. Barriers to; Search Snippet: ...Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy Fall, 2002 Article RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN HEALTH CARE IN THE UNITED STATES AS A... 2002
Spencer Overton Racial Disparities in Childhood Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions 49 UCLA Law Review 1553 (June, 2002) Race theorists note that racial discrimination has shaped the existing distribution of economic resources, and use this observation to justify reparations, to defend affirmative action, and to call for other legal changes that would improve the socioeconomic status of people of color. This Article takes the theorists' observation further. Property; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW UCLA Law Review June, 2002 Critical Race Studies RACIAL DISPARITIES AND THE POLITICAL FUNCTION OF PROPERTY Spencer Overton [FNa1... 2002
Andrea Flynn Racial Disparities in the Capital of Capital Punishment 6 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 179 (Fall 2002) On August 9, 2001, President Bush announced that the federal government would fund research on the 64 stem cell lines that meet certain criteria. These stem cells must come from an embryo that was created for reproductive purposes and was no longer needed for that purpose. A stem cell line is a colony of cells that grows from a single embryo; Search Snippet: ...LAW DePaul Journal of Health Care Law Fall 2002 Comment RACIAL DISPARITIES IN THE ALLOCATION OF STEM CELLS Andrea Flynn [FNa1... 2002
Kathryn Roe Eldridge Racial Disparities in the Child Welfare System: Reversing Trends 14 Capital Defense Journal 305 (Spring, 2002) The use of the death penalty is a divisive issue in modern society. Human rights organizations protest frequently that the death penalty itself is a crime against society. Constitutional scholars make arguments that it is cruel and inhuman. Various other groups have criticized the accuracy of the system, which, has of late, prompted action such as... 2002
Laurence A. Benner Racial Disparity in the Criminal Justice System 6 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 183 (Fall 2002) I would like to thank the members of the Journal for organizing this symposium on such an important and timely topic. It is only through shared knowledge and research that we will be able to develop the tools needed to begin the difficult task of understanding the impact of race upon our criminal justice system. As a small step toward that goal, I; Search Snippet: ...JUSTICE Journal of Gender, Race and Justice Fall 2002 Article RACIAL DISPARITY IN NARCOTICS SEARCH WARRANTS Laurence A. Benner [FNa1] Copyright... 2002
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