Charles Sullivan Racial Diversity as a Compelling Governmental Interest 5 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 249 (Summer 2002) Cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing. For years, there has been intense concern about racial discrimination in health care--ranging from the infamous Tuskegee study to questions of equal access to medical care. In the process, enormous amounts of data have been generated about the health and treatment of various segments of the American; Search Snippet: ...LAW DePaul Journal of Health Care Law Summer 2002 Article RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN MEDICINE [FNa1] Charles Sullivan [FNaa1] Copyright (c) 2002... 2002
Ken Gormley Racial Minorities and the Quest to Narrow the Digital Divide: Redefining the Concept of "Universal Service" 4 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 735 (May, 2002) The past decade of Supreme Court cases dealing with race and reapportionment, from Shaw v. Reno in 1993 to Easley v. Cromartie in 2001, have created ambiguity and tension. The Court has constructed a seemingly simple test: race cannot constitute the predominant factor in drawing legislative districts. Yet the Court has done little to inform... 2002
Albert W. Alschuler Racial Profiling and the Fourth Amendment: Applying the Minority Victim Perspective to Ensure Equal Protection under the Law 2002 University of Chicago Legal Forum 163 (2002) Until September 11, 2001, almost everyone condemned racial profiling. President Bill Clinton called the practice morally indefensible and deeply corrosive. President George W. Bush pledged, (W)e will end it. A federal court observed, Racial profiling of any kind is anathema to our criminal justice system. 81 percent of the respondents to a... 2002
Alberto B. Lopez Racial Profiling and Wisconsin's Mandatory Data Collection ... Who's the Victim? 90 Kentucky Law Journal 75 (2001-2002) The political kaleidoscope that brought uncommon phrases like hanging chad and presidential pardon into focus also blurred a common message reflected in recent statements made by the individuals with whom those phrases are inextricably linked. President Bush called racial profiling wrong and asked Attorney General John Ashcroft to develop... 2002
Oluseyi Olubadewo Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement 47 Villanova Law Review 1195 (2002) A disturbing reality of the American judicial system is the role race plays in the criminal system, particularly in the use of peremptory challenges. The American legal system has long depended on peremptory challenges, a tool that allows the attorney to remove a juror for no articulated reason, in order to obtain an impartial jury. Problems arise,; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Villanova Law Review 2002 Issues in the Third Circuit RACIAL PROFILING IN JURY SELECTION: THE THIRD CIRCUIT REVISITS THE BATSON... 2002
David A. Harris Racial Profiling Suit Proceeds 17-SUM Criminal Justice 36 (Summer, 2002) We have all heard, many times, that the events of September 11 changed everything. Many political issues that had stood front and center in the national debate before that day abruptly assumed back-burner status; others disappeared altogether. Racial profilingan issue of broad national concern before September 11did not become less important... 2002
Samuel R. Gross , Debra Livingston Racial Profiling, September 11th and the Media: a Critical Race Theory Analysis 102 Columbia Law Review 1413 (June, 2002) The events of September 11, 2001, have sparked a fierce debate over racial profiling. Many who readily condemned the practice a year ago have had second thoughts. In the wake of September 11, the Department of Justice initiated a program of interviewing thousands of men who arrived in this country in the past two years from countries with an al... 2002
Leonard M. Baynes Racial Profiling, Terrorism, and Time 2 Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter 2002) Introduction. 2 I. A Critical Race Theory Approach. 4 II. Racial Profiling Prior to September 11th. 9 III. The Media Coverage of Racial Profiling Prior to September 11th. 13 IV. A Critical Race Analysis of Profiling Prior to September 11th. 14 V. How the September 11th Hijackers Escaped Detection. 17 A. Mohamed al-Amir Awad al-Sayed Atta. 17 B; Search Snippet: ...Sports and Entertainment Law Journal Winter 2002 December 2002 Article RACIAL PROFILING, SEPTEMBER 11TH AND THE MEDIA: A CRITICAL RACE THEORY... 2002
Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons Racism in Our Courts: the Underfunding of Public Defenders and its Disproportionate Impact upon Racial Minorities 14 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy 29 (Fall, 2002) Once I had a mentor at Temple University, Dr. John Raines, who gave a talk titled A Classroom is Aptly Named. In his talk, he explained how class-rooms in universities during the early years of this republic, were reserved for upper-class White American males only. All other groups who have gained entry since then White American women,; Search Snippet: ...Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy Fall, 2002 Article RACISM IN HIGHER EDUCATION Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 by... 2002
Catherine Powell, Jennifer H. Lee Recommending Judicial Reconstruction of Title Vi to Curb Environmental Racism: a Recklessness-based Theory of Discriminatory Intent 34 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 235 (Fall 2002) A major theme embraced at the United Nations Third World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (WCAR) in Durban in 2001 was the principle that human rights are interdependent. The notion that civil and political rights depend on economic, social, and cultural rights (and vice versa) is implied in the; Search Snippet: ...RIGHTS IN THE ANTIDISCRIMINATION CONTEXT THROUGH THE WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM Catherine Powell Jennifer H. Lee [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2002 Columbia... 2002
Michael S. Shin Redskins: the Property Right to Racism 90 California Law Review 2047 (December, 2002) Introduction. 2049 I Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Medical Care. 2052 A. Racial Differences in Health Status. 2053 B. Racial Differences in Medical Treatment. 2054 1. Evidence of Racial Differences in Medical Treatment. 2055 a. Surgery and Medical Procedures. 2056 b. Pain Treatment and Outpatient Care. 2057 2. Possible Socioeconomic and; Search Snippet: ...2002 Comment REDRESSING WOUNDS: FINDING A LEGAL FRAMEWORK TO REMEDY RACIAL DISPARITIES IN MEDICAL CARE Michael S. Shin [FNa1] Copyright ©... 2002
Winston P. Nagan Reflections on the "Inevitability" of Racial Discrimination in Capital Sentencing and the "Impossibility" of its Prevention, Detection, and Correction 14 University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy Pol'y 1 (Fall, 2002) I. Introductory Remarks. 1 II. A Global Perspective. 4 III. A Florida Perspective. 4 IV. My Personal Perspective. 5 V. A United States Perspective. 6 VI. Conclusion. 8; Search Snippet: ...of Law and Public Policy Fall, 2002 Article REFLECTIONS ON RACISM AND WORLD ORDER Winston P. Nagan [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 by... 2002
Jonathan C. Augustine Rethinking the Discourse on Race: a Symposium on How the Lack of Racial Diversity in the Media Affects Social Justice and Policy 29 Southern University Law Review 151 (Spring 2002) In the 2001 special session, the Louisiana State Legislature reapportioned all congressional, state legislative and public service commission voting districts in Louisiana. In doing so, the legislature inherently took partisan politics and race into consideration. Governor Murphy J. Mike Foster refused to include Louisiana Supreme Court; Search Snippet: ...AND LOUISIANA'S RECENT REAPPORTIONMENT: THE ARGUMENT FOR INTERMEDIATE SCRUTINY IN RACIAL GERRYMANDERING ACCORDING TO THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT Jonathan C. Augustine... 2002
Mililani B. Trask Richard Sherman, Rhetoric, and Racial Animus in the Rebirth of the Bogeyman Myth 3 Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal J. 5 (July, 2002) On February 23, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Rice v. Cayetano, striking down a state constitutional voting scheme for the State of Hawaii Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). Elections for OHA Trustees were held as part of the state's election process, but only indigenous Hawaiians were allowed to vote and run for office. The; Search Snippet: ...2002 Rice v. Cayetano Symposium RICE v. CAYETANO: REAFFIRMING THE RACISM OF HAWAII'S COLONIAL PAST Mililani B. Trask [FN1] Copyright © 1999... 2002
Samuel R. Gross , Katherine Y. Barnes Rodrigo and Revisionism: Relearning the Lessons of History 101 Michigan Law Review 651 (December, 2002) I. Introduction. 653 II. Stops, Searches and Hits. 662 A. The Maryland State Police Data. 662 1. Searches and Stops. 662 2. Hits.. 667 B. The Process. 670 1. Pretext Stops and Operation Pipeline. 670 2. Consent and Probable Cause. 672 3. Intelligence. 677 C. Do the Data Describe Reality?. 678 1. Misreporting. 678 2. Preselecting. 682 D. Is This; Search Snippet: ...LAW REVIEW Michigan Law Review December, 2002 Articles ROAD WORK: RACIAL PROFILING AND DRUG INTERDICTION ON THE HIGHWAY Samuel R. Gross... 2002
Lisa Cardyn Shades of Guilt: Combating the Continuing Influence upon Jury Selection of Racial Stereotyping in Post-batson Trials 100 Michigan Law Review 675 (February, 2002) Introduction. 676 I. The Reconstruction-Era Klans. 680 II. Terrorizing Politics. 690 III. Sexualized Violence: Themes and Variations. 699 A. Whipping. 704 B. Rape. 716 C. Genital Torture and Mutilation. 736 D. Lynching. 745 IV. Terror's Objects. 762 A. Sexual Transgressions. 763 B. Social Transgressions. 770 C. Political Transgressions. 774 V; Search Snippet: ...MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW Michigan Law Review February, 2002 Article SEXUALIZED RACISM/GENDERED VIOLENCE: OUTRAGING THE BODY POLITIC IN THE RECONSTRUCTION SOUTH... 2002
Lis Wiehl Sounding Black in the Courtroom: Court-sanctioned Racial Stereotyping 18 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 185 (Spring, 2002) The Kentucky Supreme Court recently upheld the conviction of a black man for selling crack cocaine based on the testimony of a white police officer, who stated that an unknown voice on an audio tape sounded like a black malethe defendant. The officer had never met or seen the defendant before trial. This Article argues that the decision is an... 2002
Liann Ebesugawa State V. Smith: the Presence of Racism in Voir Dire 24 University of Hawaii Law Review 821 (Summer, 2002) [A]n appeal to racial prejudice threatens our multicultural society and constitutional values. We must therefore recognize that our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. In State v. Rogan, the Hawai'i Supreme Court recognized the importance of the judiciary's role in; Search Snippet: ...of Hawaii Law Review Summer, 2002 Casenotes STATE V. ROGAN: RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND LIMITS OF THE COLOR-BLIND APPROACH Liann Ebesugawa... 2002
Todd Stevens Terry V. Ohio: its Failure, Immoral Progeny, and Racial Profiling 27 Law and Social Inquiry 271 (Spring 2002) When Congress ended the immigration of Chinese laborers in 1882, the Chinese population was over 95% male. While there has been much disagreement about why so few women came, the more fruitful question may be to ask how Chinese women were able to immigrate to the United States at all. Central to their immigration were legal arguments for lawful... 2002
Ryan Michael Spitzer The Age of Covert Racism in the Era of the Roberts Court During the Waning of Affirmative Action 35 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1313 (October, 2002) For many people of European descent, slavery is little more than an unpleasant memory of a bygone and distant era, largely remembered more for the glory of empires lost and faded dreams of conquest and exploration. For many Africans and African Americans, however, slavery remains an unhealed wound that is frequently, if not constantly, reopened by; Search Snippet: ...articles used the term African Holocaust. See Eric K. Yamamoto, Racial Reparations: Japanese American Redress and African American Claims, 40 B.C... 2002
Tom Lantos The Echoes of Slavery: Recognizing the Racist Origins of the Agricultural and Domestic Worker Exclusion from the National Labor Relations Act 26-SPG Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 31 (Winter/Spring, 2002) The terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11 have awakened President Bush and his administration to the importance of an engaged multilateral foreign policy. After months of unilateralism, the Bush administration, in response to the great challenge of September 11, quickly and effectively shifted toward a multilateral approach,... 2002
Joshua L. Farrell The Fighting Words Doctrine and Racial Speech on Campus 11-SUM Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 374 (Summer, 2002) Valuation is never an end in itself. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), a wholly owned government corporation, was established under the National Housing Act (NHA) of 1934. Its primary purpose was to create jobs and stabilize the building industry by providing an adequate home financing system through mortgage insurance and by stabilizing... 2002
Florence Wagman Roisman The Impact of the War on Drugs on Procedural Fairness and Racial Equality 53 Alabama Law Review 463 (Winter, 2002) If a testator wanted to leave a school or center for the use of one race only and in no way implicated the State . arguendo . no constitutional difficulty would be encountered. Evans v. Newton All citizens of the United States shall have the same right . as is enjoyed by white citizens . to inherit, purchase . [and] hold . real and personal; Search Snippet: ...THE IMPACT OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1866 ON RACIALLY DISCRIMINATORY DONATIVE TRANSFERS Florence Wagman Roisman [FNa1] Copyright © 2002 by... 2002
Tanya K. Hernandez The Nlrb Racial Discrimination Decisions, 1935-1964: the Empiric Process of Administration and the Inner Eye of Racism 23 Women's Rights Law Reporter 227 (Summer/Fall 2002) In order to do my homework in discussing both a tribute to women's lawyering and activism and also discuss emerging issues, I am going to focus on sexual harassment. First, brief remarks about this tribute to women's lawyering and activism. We would not have a sexual harassment cause of action if it were not for women being lawyers and activists; Search Snippet: ...Women's Rights Law THE NEXT CHALLENGE IN SEXUAL HARASSMENT REFORM: RACIAL DISPARITY Tanya K. Hernandez [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2002 Women's Rights... 2002
Celina Romany, Katherine Culliton The Un World Conference Against Racism: a Racist Anti-Racism Conference 9 Human Rights Brief 14 (Winter, 2002) Over 10,000 delegates attended the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Related Forms of Intolerance (WCAR) in Durban, South Africa at an historic moment. Only seven years earlier, the mobilization of worldwide protest condemning racism as a crime against humanity through the UN system played a significant role in the; Search Snippet: ...Rights Brief Winter, 2002 Inside THE UN WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM: A RACE-ETHNIC AND GENDER PERSPECTIVE Celina Romany Katherine Culliton... 2002
Anne Bayefsky The Un-balanced Fourth Amendment: a Cultural Study of the Drug War, Racial Profiling and Arvizu 96 American Society of International Law Proceedings 65 (March 16, 2002) The World Conference Against Racism (Conference) became a forum for racism. Human rights was used as a weapon of political interests antithetical to human rights protection. Durban challenged nongovernmental human rights organizations, permitted to be more closely connected to a world conference than ever before, and states alike, to clarity of... 2002
Frank Rudy Cooper The Unconstitutionality of Campus Bans on "Racist Speech:" the View from Without and Within 47 Villanova Law Review 851 (2002) THE drug war is the United States' attempt to eradicate illegal drug use by means of investigation and punishment of drug users and drug suppliers. In its current form, the drug war emanates from then newly elected President Ronald Reagan's declaration of a war on drugs. This Article seeks to elucidate how law enforcement interests aimed; Search Snippet: ...BALANCED FOURTH AMENDMENT: A CULTURAL STUDY OF THE DRUG WAR, RACIAL PROFILING AND ARVIZU Frank Rudy Cooper [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2002... 2002
Gay McDougall The World Conference Against Racism: What Was Really Achieved 26-FALL Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 135 (Summer/Fall, 2002) The United Nations World Conference against Racism held in Durban, South Africa last September focused on one of the most persistent and threatening problems confronting the world. It did not just retread old ground. For the first time it addressed, in a United Nations governmental forum, the deep historical roots of this problem, confronting... 2002
Jerry V. Leaphart Them That Has, Gets 26-FALL Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 153 (Summer/Fall, 2002) I attended the United Nations' World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance (WCAR), in Durban, South Africa, from August 31 to September 8, 2001. While there, I had the opportunity to engage in a debate with Congressman Tom Lantos and another American delegate to WCAR broadcast on BBC radio. The; Search Snippet: ...2002 The Durban Racism Conference Revisited THE WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM: WHAT WAS REALLY ACHIEVED Jerry V. Leaphart [FNa1] Copyright © 2002... 2002
Eric Manch Thurgood Marshall's Forlorn Battle Against Racial Discrimination in the Administration of the Death Penalty: the Mccleskey Cases, 1987, 1991 19 Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law 1025 (Fall, 2002) Until the day she was stopped in March 1997, Gail Atwater never considered herself anti-cop. As a white woman living in the suburbs, she was not the type to complain about police misconduct. Her encounter that day with Officer Turek of the Lago Vista, Texas police department, however, led to one of the most controversial decisions of the Supreme... 2002
Charles Gregory Warren Toxic Communities: Environmental Racism, Industrial Pollution, and Residential Mobility by Dorceta E. Taylor (New York University Press; 281 Pages; 2014) 53 Mercer Law Review 945 (Winter 2002) In Easley v. Cromartie, the United States Supreme Court upheld the construction of North Carolina's Twelfth Congressional District, ruling that the use of race as a factor in Congressional redistricting is permissible under the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause so long as race is not the predominant motivating factor in the; Search Snippet: ...Winter 2002 Casenote TOWARDS PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION?: THE STRANGE BEDFELLOWS OF RACIAL GERRYMANDERING AND EQUAL PROTECTION IN EASLEY V. CROMARTIE Charles Gregory... 2002
Jennifer Swize TransRacial Adoption in the United States: the Reflection and Reinforcement of Racial Hierarchy 88 Virginia Law Review 1079 (September, 2002) I am ever conscious of the miracle that these children who possess me to the core of my being are mine and also not mine. Elizabeth Bartholet, white adoptive parent of two dark-skinned children TWO-YEAR-OLD Brianna Blackmond was shuffled back and forth between foster care and her neglectful biological mother. On December 22, 1999, the judge; Search Snippet: ...Review September, 2002 Note TRANSRACIAL ADOPTION AND THE UNBLINKABLE DIFFERENCE: RACIAL DISSIMILARITY SERVING THE INTERESTS OF ADOPTED CHILDREN Jennifer Swize [FNa1... 2002
Manuel J. Caro U.s. Prisons and Racial Profiling: a Covertly Racist Nation Rides a Vicious Cycle 54 Rutgers Law Review 893 (Summer 2002) El Ejido is a town on the Mediterranean coast of the southeastern corner of Spain. Its population, whose livelihood depends mainly on agriculture, has doubled and its income per capita has climbed to be among the highest in Spain in the last fifteen years. El Ejido's landscape and its adjacent towns look like a gray sea of plastic that, from a; Search Snippet: ...Theory Articles Cluster VI: CLASS, ECONOMICS, AND SOCIAL RIGHTS TYING RACISM IN EL EJIDO TO SPANISH AND EUROPEAN POLITICS Manuel J... 2002
DJ Silton U.s. Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and the Racially Disparate Impacts of Covid-19 20 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 53 (Winter 2002) There are more [B]lack people in prisons and jails than in colleges and universities. The term institutionalized racism is not too harsh a term for this statistic. Although provocative, Judge C. Victor Lander's comment accurately describes one of the United States' worst ills. Winston Churchill opined that one could judge a society by looking... 2002
Huong Vu Using Civil Rights Laws to Challenge Environmental Racism 50 Drake Law Review 661 (2002) '[W]ithin the United States, if a person is racially identified as African American or white, that person is presumed to be legally a U.S. citizen and socially an American . . . [but] these presumptions are not present for Asian Americans, Latinos, Arab Americans, and other non-Black racial minorities. Rather, there is the opposite presumption that; Search Snippet: ...AGAINST THEM: THE PATH TO NATIONAL SECURITY IS PAVED BY RACISM Huong Vu Copyright (c) 2002 Drake University; Huong Vu '[W]ithin... 2002
Bill Ong Hing Vii. Racist Juror Misconduct During Deliberations 7 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 441 (Spring 2002) Ahmad Namrouti is giving up on America. It's just too difficult to be an Arab and live here, said the San Francisco grocer. I'm afraid, said the native of Jordan, who came here seven years ago to follow his dreams. I came here for freedom, to live here . . . for the good life . . . . At 59, Namrouti had just received his U.S. citizenship when; Search Snippet: ...Michigan Journal of Race and Law Spring 2002 Essay VIGILANTE RACISM: THE DE-AMERICANIZATION OF IMMIGRANT AMERICA Bill Ong Hing [FNa1... 2002
Erik M. Zissu What Have We--de Facto Racial Isolation or De Jure Segregation? 63 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 677 (Spring, 2002) In 1778 the English seafarer Captain James Cook, after an arduous journey in the Pacific Ocean, made landfall in Hawaii. Although the islands were hardly the paradise one might imagine prior to Cook's arrival, they had yet to experience the particular brand of discovery practiced by Europeans and, subsequently, by Americans. During the decades; Search Snippet: ...WHAT HATH CAPTAIN COOK WROUGHT?: BLOODLINES, THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT, AND RACIAL DEMOCRACY IN THE PACIFIC Erik M. Zissu Copyright (c) 2002... 2002
Kristin Booth Glen When Blacks Run for Judge: Racial Divisions in the Candidate Preferences of Louisiana Voters 102 Columbia Law Review 1696 (October, 2002) This essay uses several lenses, including professionalism, lawyer competence, and widespread concern about high stakes testing to question why the bar examination should be virtually the only means of admission to the profession. Drawing on two major criticisms of the existing bar exam regime--that it tests only a few of the ten lawyering skills... 2002
Robert F. Kravetz Where Should We Draw the Line?: South Carolina's Battle with Racial Gerrymandering 40 Duquesne Law Review 561 (Spring 2002) North Carolina's serpentine-shaped Twelfth Congressional District meanders down Interstate 85 through six counties, picking up urban and heavily African-American concentrated areas in parts of Charlotte, Winston-Salem and Greensboro. North Carolina residents sued state officials alleging that the legislature violated the Equal Protection Clause of; Search Snippet: ...THAT THE DISTRICT WILL BE HELD TO BE AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL RACIAL GERRYMANDER: EASLEY V. CROMARTIE Robert F. Kravetz Copyright (c) 2001... 2002
D. Marvin Jones White Men's Roads Through Black Men's Homes: Advancing Racial Equity Through Highway Reconstruction 67 Brooklyn Law Review 1071 (Summer 2002) As a black male I have tried to come to grips with why, unless I'm wearing a suit, whites generally will not sit beside me on the train, why when I walk down the street lined with cars I am treated to a symphony of automatic door locks going off, why I cannot catch a cab in New York. I teach Criminal Procedure, a course in which the issue of racial; Search Snippet: ...reasoning. I focus on language to expose the architecture of racial identity. We both conduct our search amidst an equally complex... 2002
Stephanie Lollo World Conference Against Racism: New Avenues for Slavery Reparations? 18 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 481 (Summer 2002) From August 31, 2001 to September 7, 2001, the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance took place in Durban, South Africa. The Conference marks the fourth time representatives from world nations convened to discuss matters of intolerance. The first two conferences were held in Geneva, Switzerland; Search Snippet: ...of Human Rights Summer 2002 Un Reports WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA AND RELATED INTOLERANCE: RESOLUTION AMID CONTROVERSY Stephanie Lollo... 2002
Michelle E. Lyons Wrongful Racial Discrimination in Moral Analysis: Some Recent Accounts, an Alternative Conception, and Attempts to Extend Theoretical Models 35 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1235 (October, 2002) The reparations movement has had a long and tumultuous history, as past attempts to obtain equitable relief have failed through common law, international law, legislation, and constitutional law. However, recent developments in these areas have pushed the reparations movement to the forefront. For example, Farmer-Paellmann v. Fleetboston Financial... 2002
Suzanne A. Kim #Airbnbwhileblack: Repealing the Fair Housing Act's Mrs. Murphy Exemption to Combat Racism on Airbnb 8 Asian Law Journal 89 (May, 2001) In two historical Supreme Court cases from the early part of the twentieth century, when only whites and blacks could be United States citizens, two Asian American immigrants made the startling move of claiming that they were white and, therefore, deserved to be naturalized. The two petitioners - Takao Ozawa and Baghat Singh Thind - claimed they; Search Snippet: ...French-Caribbean psychiatrist wrote about the psycho-social effects of racism on blacks as a result of European colonialism. The damage... 2001
Jim Moye A Strategic Legal Challenge to the Unforeseen Anticompetitive and Racially Discriminatory Effects of Baseball's North American Draft 3 Virginia Journal of Sports and the Law 33 (Spring 2001) Why then, when it comes to promoting equal opportunity in college admissions, do many Americans favor only the elimination of government-style affirmative action programs that benefit groups historically denied opportunity? Where is the outrage over the preferential policy that most likely gave me the edge at Columbia? Or that gives athletes... 2001
David A. Harris Addressing Structural Racism in Juvenile Justice Through Experimentalism 3 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 367 (February, 2001) Some have described the Warren Court's far-reaching criminal procedure cases as a revolution. These decisions included everything from the application of the exclusionary rule to the states, to the insistence on a right to counsel any time a state court imprisoned a defendant, to the requirement that police give suspects the warnings contained in; Search Snippet: ...February, 2001 Symposium Race, Crime, and the Constitution Article ADDRESSING RACIAL PROFILING IN THE STATES: A CASE STUDY OF THE NEW... 2001
Walter R. Allen, Ph.D., and Daniel Solorzano, Ph.D. Affirmative Racial Gerrymandering: Rhetoric and Reality 12 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 237 (2001) I. Purpose and Organization of Study. 238 A. Campus Racial Climate. 239 II. Prelude to Law School: Campus Racial Climate and the Undergraduate Experience. 240 A. Focus Group Findings: Undergraduate Feeders to the University of Michigan Law School. 242 1. Research Procedures and Participants. 242 2. Results. 244 B. Undergraduate Survey Findings. 268; Search Snippet: ...Law Journal 2001 Article AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, EDUCATIONAL EQUITY AND CAMPUS RACIAL CLIMATE: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW... 2001
Milton Heumann , Lance Cassak Against the Tide 54 Rutgers Law Review 283 (Fall, 2001) The last edition of the Rutgers Law Review published the Article, Profiles in Justice? Police Discretion, Symbolic Assailants, and Stereotyping in which the Authors discussed various aspects about the practice and current debate over racial profiling. As noted in a postscript, that Article was being prepared for publication just as the monstrous... 2001
Lisa M. Martinson An Analysis of the Court Decisions in Sheff V. O'neill and Possible Remedies for Racial Isolation 16 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 259 (Fall 2001) In Wisconsin, as well as throughout the United States, domestic violence is at the forefront of women's issues. Domestic violence is a great concern for the legal world including law enforcement, the judiciary, and social service providers. Wisconsin began the twenty-first century by making many advancements towards the protection of victims of; Search Snippet: ...Wisconsin Women's Law Journal Fall 2001 Comment AN ANALYSIS OF RACISM AND RESOURCES FOR AFRICAN-AMERICAN FEMALE VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE... 2001
Charles Michael Appendix B: Nvra Litigation and Racial and Language Minority Voters 33 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 887 (Spring 2001) Combating Racial Discrimination: Affirmative Action as a Model for Europe is a collection of fifteen essays arising out of a September 1998 conference of the same title in Innsbruck, Austria. The stated purpose of the book is to ask what Europe can learn from North American experiences with affirmative action, or positive action, as it is called; Search Snippet: ...2001 Book Annotation APPELT, ERNA AND MONIKA JAROSCH, EDS., COMBATING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AS A MODEL FOR EUROPE (BERG PUBLISHERS). COMBATING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AS A MODEL FOR EUROPE. EDITED BY... 2001
Jonathan L. Entin Asian Americans, Racial Profiling, and National Security 33 Urban Lawyer 189 (Winter, 2001) What do you think of when I say civil rights? Birmingham? Selma? Little Rock? Sit-ins? Freedom rides? Martin Luther King? Rosa Parks? Those are all plausible answers, but Stephen Meyer wants you to think of housing discrimination: racial zoning, restrictive covenants, redlining, andwhen those practices failed to keep African Americans out of... 2001
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