Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Anita Christina Butera |
At Fifty, Title Vii Needs a Facelift: Two Reforms That Would Ensure Title Vii Works to Prohibit All Racial Discrimination in Employment |
7 Buffalo Human Rights Law Review Rev. 1 (2001) |
In the spring of 1921, 19 year old Annamaria and her 16 year old brother, Giuseppe, had finally completed their voyage to the United States from the Italian town of Palermo. After disembarking from the cramped and unsanitary quarters of the steamship, they wearily endured the endless lines and official inspections of the Ellis Island immigrant; Search Snippet: ...Review 2001 Article ASSIMILATION, PLURALISM AND MULTICULTURALISM: THE POLICY OF RACIAL/ETHNIC IDENTITY IN AMERICA Anita Christina Butera [FNa1] Copyright ©... |
2001 |
Kim Benita Furumoto , David Theo Goldberg |
Breaking the Camel's Back: a Consideration of Mitigatory Criminal Defenses and Racism-related Mental Illness |
17 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 85 (Spring, 2001) |
If the history of the U.S. Census is anything to go by, whiteness is a founding concept of the Union. The singular constant in the history of census-taking in the United States has been to count whites, and to count them first. One might say that this concern has been multifold: to maintain the artifice of white homogeneity, and to preserve the; Search Snippet: ...2001 Symposium: Border People and Antidiscrimination Law BOUNDARIES OF THE RACIAL STATE: TWO FACES OF RACIST EXCLUSION IN UNITED STATES LAW Kim Benita Furumoto [FNa1] David... |
2001 |
Harvey Gee |
Brian Purnell, Fighting Jim Crow in the County of Kings: the Congress of Racial Equality in Brooklyn, Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2013, Pp. 353. $40 Cloth (Isbn 978-0-8131-4182-4) |
26 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 243 (Spring, 2001) |
The Supreme Court terms of Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. (1956-1996) and Thurgood Marshall (1967-1993) covered one of the most important periods of the modern constitutional era. After President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Justice Brennan in 1956, the Warren Court gained momentum in its focus on protecting civil rights and liberties. As part... |
2001 |
Stephen E. Gottlieb |
Brown V. Board of Education: an Axe in the Frozen Sea of Racism |
34 Suffolk University Law Review 281 (2001) |
Brown was the culmination of decades of legal work, during which black lawyers repeatedly, and often successfully, challenged unequal facilities. In Brown, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Constitution prohibits segregating public schools by race. There has been no time in the history of this country when we have not been; Search Snippet: ...BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE APPLICATION OF AMERICAN TRADITION TO RACIAL DIVISION Stephen E. Gottlieb [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2001 by Suffolk... |
2001 |
Guy-Uriel E. Charles , Luis Fuentes-Rohwer |
Challenging Racial Discrimination in Capital Cases |
58 Washington and Lee Law Review 227 (Winter, 2001) |
L1-5,T5 Introduction 228 I. L2-5,T5The Doctrine 235 A. L3-5,T5Shaw, Miller, and the Race-Based Redistricting Revolution 236 1. L4-5,T5Shaw and the Shape of Districts to Come 236. 2. L4-5,T5Miller and Predominance Factor 241. a. Predominance as Overriding Factor. 241 b. Predominance as Evidence of Race Consciousness. 242 c. Predominance as Naked; Search Snippet: ...Washington and Lee Law Review Winter, 2001 Article CHALLENGES TO RACIAL REDISTRICTING IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM: HUNT V. CROMARTIE AS A... |
2001 |
William H. Buckman, John Lamberth |
Challenging Racial Profiles: Attacking Jim Crow on the Interstate |
10 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 387 (Spring 2001) |
Jim Crow is alive on America's highways, trains and in its airports. Minorities are suspect when they appear in public, especially when they exercise the most basic and fundamental freedom of travel. In an uncanny likeness to the supposedly dead Jim Crow of old, law enforcement finds cause for suspicion in the mere fact of certain minorities in; Search Snippet: ...2001 Symposium: U.S. Drug Laws: The New Jim Crow? CHALLENGING RACIAL PROFILES: ATTACKING JIM CROW ON THE INTERSTATE William H. Buckman... |
2001 |
Michelle E. O'Connor-Ratcliff |
Color-blind: Procedure's Quiet but Crucial Role in Achieving Racial Justice |
29 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 61 (FALL, 2001) |
All other rights are preserved by the right to vote. Emerson Moser, who was Crayola's senior crayon maker, having molded over 1.4 billion crayons in his 37-year career, revealed upon his retirement that he was blue-green colorblind. Bulls are colorblind and will charge at a matador's waving cape no matter what color it is. All people are; Search Snippet: ...QUARTERLY Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly FALL, 2001 Note COLORBLIND REDISTRICTING: RACIAL PROXIES AS A SOLUTION TO THE COURT'S VOTING RIGHTS ACT... |
2001 |
Deborah Bartolomey , Trenton, New Jersey |
Cross-Racial Identifications: Solutions to the "They All Look Alike" Effect |
7 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 247 (March, 2001) |
This article argues against adopting cross-racial jury instructions and against allowing cross-racial identification experts to testify at criminal trials. Problems of cross-racial identification evidence are not solved by requiring trial judges to tell juries that all cross-racial identifications are suspect, when that is not necessarily the case,... |
2001 |
Ilyana M. Kuziemko , Geoffrey C. Rapp |
Dad Note |
7 Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy 119 (Fall 2001) |
I. Introduction. 121 II. The Theory of Customer Discrimination. 122 A. Becker's Theories. 122 B. Literature on Customer Discrimination in Professional Sports. 124 III. This Article's Goals. 125 A. Gaps. 125 B. Improvements. 126 IV. Empirical Strategy. 127 A. Data. 128 B. Results. 130 1. Team Composition. 130 2. Non-Pitchers' Salaries. 131 3; Search Snippet: ...Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy Fall 2001 Article CUSTOMER RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: IS THERE NO HOPE FOR... |
2001 |
Dean Barclay |
Death by Boarding School: "The Last Acceptable Racism" and the United States' Genocide of Native Americans |
7 Washington and Lee Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal 85 (Spring, 2001) |
Prejudices . . . , like odorous bodies, have a double existence both solid and subtle-solid as pyramids, subtle as the twentieth echo of an echo, or as the memory of hyacinths which once scented the darkness . . . Mr. Casaubon had taken a cruelly effective means of hindering her: even with indignation against him in her heart, any act that seemed; Search Snippet: ...Spring, 2001 Student Articles DEAD HANDS AND STATE ACTORS: THE RACIALLY DISCRIMINATORY CHARITABLE TRUST IN HERMITAGE METHODIST HOMES Dean Barclay [FN1... |
2001 |
William J. Bowers , Benjamin D. Steiner , Marla Sandys |
Death-dealing Imaginations: Racial Profiling, Criminality, and Black Innocence |
3 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 171 (February, 2001) |
I. Introduction. 174 A. Historical Background. 175 B. Empirical Context. 179 C. The Capital Jury Project. 189 II. Statistical Patterns. 190 A. Jury Composition and the Sentencing Decision. 191 B. Jurors' Race and Punishment Decision Making. 197 C. Divisive Punishment Considerations. 203 1. Lingering Doubts About the Defendant's Guilt. 203 a; Search Snippet: ...EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF JURORS' RACE AND JURY RACIAL COMPOSITION William J. Bowers [FNa1] Benjamin D. Steiner [FNaa1] Marla... |
2001 |
Michele Goodwin |
Deconstructing Racism in American Society--the Role Labor Law Might Have Played (But Did Not) in Ending Race Discrimination: a Partial Explanation and Historical Commentary |
6 Virginia Journal of Law & Technology Tech 2 (Spring 2001) |
Each act of giving is unique, secret, spontaneous and inexplicable. There is no accounting for it, as there is no value in counterfeit coin. Transplantation cannot escape the income-based inequities that permeate the larger medical care system. I. Introduction II. Racial Bias In Healthcare: The Unexplored Frontier III. Understanding Legislative (or; Search Snippet: ...Law & Technology Spring 2001 DECONSTRUCTING LEGISLATIVE CONSENT LAW: ORGAN TAKING, RACIAL PROFILING & DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE Michele Goodwin [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Virginia... |
2001 |
James M. Doyle , Carney and Bassil |
Discouraging Racial Preferences in Adoptions |
7 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 253 (March, 2001) |
Research regarding own-race bias (ORB) is examined by focusing on results that indicate that Whites may apply more lenient criteria to the recognition or identification of Blacks, resulting in a higher rate of false-alarm responses. The practical context of the forensic identification task is reviewed to assess whether the more lenient criteria; Search Snippet: ...Law March, 2001 Commentary Article DISCOUNTING THE ERROR COSTS Cross- Racial False Alarms in the Culture of Contemporary Criminal Justice James... |
2001 |
William C. Kidder |
Does Twenty-five Years Make a Difference in "Unequal Treatment"?: the Persistence of Racial Disparities in Health Care Then and Now |
89 California Law Review 1055 (July, 2001) |
Introduction. 1057 I. Background: Standardized Testing and the Post-Affirmative Action Landscape. 1059 A. The Current Status of Affirmative Action in Higher Education. 1059 B. The Adverse Impact of Standardized Testing in the Current Admissions Climate. 1062 C. Responses to Criticism of Standardized Testing. 1066 II. Methodology. 1068 A; Search Snippet: ...Review July, 2001 Comments DOES THE LSAT MIRROR OR MAGNIFY RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIFFERENCES IN EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT?: A STUDY OF EQUALLY... |
2001 |
René Bowser |
Eliminating Racial Discrimination in Health Care: a Call for State Health Care Anti-discrimination Law |
30-SUM Brief 25 (Summer, 2001) |
In his radio address on February 21, 1998, President Clinton committed the nation to an ambitious goal by the year 2010: eliminate the racial and ethnic disparities experienced by racial and ethnic populations in six areas of health status. Two years later, President Clinton signed into law the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and; Search Snippet: ...Brief 25 2001 WL 896587 BRIEF Brief Summer, 2001 ELIMINATING RACIAL AND ETHNIC DISPARITIES IN MEDICAL CARE René Bowser [FNa1] Copyright... |
2001 |
Ending Racial Profiling of African-americans in the Selective Enforcement of Laws: in Search of Viable Remedies |
26 Seton Hall Legislative Journal 55 (2001) |
Mr. President, I rise on this historic day to speak about an issue that defines our health as a society - the issue of racial profiling. I first want to recognize two of my colleagues with whom I have been working to address this problem. Senator Russell Feingold has been a tremendous leader on the issue. He held the first Senate hearings on racial; Search Snippet: ...HALL LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL Seton Hall Legislative Journal 2001 Speech END RACIAL PROFILING SPEECH BY U.S. SENATOR JON CORZINE: INTRODUCING S. 989, THE END RACIAL PROFILING ACT Copyright © 2001 Seton Hall University School of Law... |
2001 |
Alma Lowry , Tom Stephens |
Environmental Justice/Racism/equity: Can We Talk? |
80-DEC Michigan Bar Journal 25 (December, 2001) |
Legal strategies in the federal courts have centered on EPA's Title VI regulations. State regulatory efforts to address environmental justice have had little practical impact. The legal landscape for environmental justice claims is changing rapidly. The environmental justice movement stems from the concern that low-income and minority; Search Snippet: ...ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE The Environmental Justice Movement is Working to Prevent Racial and Social Discrimination in an Environmental Context. Alma Lowry [FNa1... |
2001 |
Mark A. Levin |
Ethnic and Racial Diversity and the Forum |
33 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 419 (Winter 2001) |
We Saru River Ainu prided ourselves on being from the land where the god Okikurmikamuy was born. Whenever we greeted Ainu from neighboring hamlets, we first identified ourselves in the following manner: I am So-and-so, living and working in the village to which Okikurmikamuy descended from the heavens and taught us our folk wisdom. [R]ivers are... |
2001 |
Harvey Gee |
Faces at the Bottom of the Well: the Permanence of Racism. Derrick A. Bell, Jr. New York: Basic Books, 1992, Pp. 214. $20.00, Cloth |
35 New England Law Review 835 (Summer 2001) |
There has been a growing body of social science research that reveals the important role in which race plays in assessing the reliability of a witness identification when the witness and the person identified are of the same or of different races. At bottom, researchers conclude that race influences witness identification. Legal observers have... |
2001 |
Jaideep Venkatesan |
Fear of Driving |
6 Texas Forum on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights 173 (Summer 2001) |
In 1995, the Supreme Court declared in Adarand v. Pena that all federal and state racial classifications were subject to strict scrutiny. Along with City of Richmond v. Croson, Adarand settled the debate over the proper judicial scrutiny of benign discrimination, racial preferences intended to help ethnic groups who have suffered past or present; Search Snippet: ...FATAL IN FACT?: FEDERAL COURTS' APPLICATION OF STRICT SCRUTINY TO RACIAL PREFERENCES IN PUBLIC EDUCATION Jaideep Venkatesan [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001... |
2001 |
Jerome H. Skolnick, Abigail Caplovitz |
Gutting the Fourth Amendment: Judicial Complicity in Racial Profiling and the Real-life Implications |
43 Arizona Law Review 413 (Summer 2001) |
Minorities--people of color--are the main victims of crime in New York and other cities. If murder rates had held steady in 1999 at the 1993 level in New York City, 2229 more African Americans, 64 more Asians, and 1842 more Hispanics (a total of 4205 people of color) would have been murder victims, as compared to 308 whites. And crime has plunged; Search Snippet: ...GUNS, DRUGS, AND PROFILING: WAYS TO TARGET GUNS AND MINIMIZE RACIAL PROFILING Jerome H. Skolnick Abigail Caplovitz [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001... |
2001 |
Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas |
History's Calling: Today's Racism and the Elevation of Lawyers and Legal Practice |
78 Denver University Law Review 921 (2001) |
The period from 1896 to 1900, the period prior to, during, and immediately following the Spanish American War, which became known to Americans as the splendid little war, was a momentous time. An in-depth study of this five-year period--the events leading to the Spanish American War, the War itself and its aftermath--yields a rich and deep... |
2001 |
James D. Wascher |
I Feel the Pain of Racism in My Bones: Richard F. Morrisroe's Story |
15-MAY CBA Record 46 (May, 2001) |
Chicagoan Richard F. Morrisroe's passion for social justice nearly cost him his life 36 years ago this August. Today, Morrisroe is a Senior Attorney in the Tort Section of the Chicago Transit Authority's Law Department. In the summer of 1965, he was a recently ordained Roman Catholic priest who had joined the civil rights movement after being; Search Snippet: ...CBA Record May, 2001 Feature I FEEL THE PAIN OF RACISM IN MY BONES: RICHARD F. MORRISROE'S STORY James D. Wascher... |
2001 |
Terry Carter |
In the Best Interest of the Child: Religious and Racial Matching in Foster Care |
87-JUN ABA Journal 20 (June, 2001) |
Law firms from outside that want a foothold in the Federal City sometimes just absorb a smaller one already here, often with a marquee name or two and an up-and-running practice that can help leverage the bigger firm's expertise. Sometimes they also open Forrest Gump's box of chocolates and discover the unexpected. Philadelphia's venerable Dilworth; Search Snippet: Law Firm Wars and when Christian Coalition Workers Charge Racism Terry Carter [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 by American Bar Association... |
2001 |
Francisco Valdes |
Institutional Racism in the Ncaa and the Racial Implications of the "2.3 or Take a Knee" Legislation |
12 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 137 (2001) |
In practice, Judge Olmos serves as an exemplar of everything, both right and wrong, with this nation, this state, and this institution: history illustrates both how America can provide opportunity through the very institutions that oppress and suffocate America's many Others. His example and legacy show us that we - you - not only can survive this; Search Snippet: ...promoting equality and justice for people of diverse national, economic, racial, and cultural origins. Upon graduation from Boalt in 1971, Judge... |
2001 |
Deborah Kenn |
Instructions on Cross-Racial Identification--a Clarification |
11 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 35 (Fall, 2001) |
About a year ago, a friend and I went in to a diner for breakfast. It wasn't very crowded; maybe four tables were occupied. We sat close to a table where four African Americans were seated. My friend and I are both Caucasian. The waitress, also white, came over and asked if we wanted coffee. On her way back from getting us coffee, a heated exchange; Search Snippet: ...University Public Interest Law Journal Fall, 2001 Article INSTITUTIONALIZED, LEGAL RACISM: HOUSING SEGREGATION AND BEYOND Deborah Kenn [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001... |
2001 |
Shawn D. Bushway, Anne Morrison Piehl |
Judging Leon Higginbotham |
35 Law and Society Review 733 (2001) |
Variation in sentencing outcomes represents the actions of a number of members of the criminal justice system. To isolate the part of the variation that is due to the discretion of the judge (or other sentencing agent, such as a prosecutor), one can model the sentencing guidelines themselves. Such a model captures any non-linearity in the... |
2001 |
David Rudovsky |
Law, Religion, and Racial Justice: a Comment on Derrick Bell's Last Article |
3 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 296 (February, 2001) |
On a summer evening in 1991, four young African-Americans were driving on I-95, returning to Delaware from a church service in Philadelphia. Although the driver had committed no traffic violations, the car was stopped just south of the Philadelphia International Airport by police officers from Tinicum Township. The officers ordered the occupants; Search Snippet: ...and the Constitution Article LAW ENFORCEMENT BY STEREOTYPES AND SERENDIPITY: RACIAL PROFILING AND STOPS AND SEARCHES WITHOUT CAUSE David Rudovsky [FNa1... |
2001 |
Martha Hodes, New York University |
Massachusetts Addresses Racial Profiling Head On: the Advocacy of Chapter 228 of the Acts and Resolves of 2000 |
19 Law and History Review 696 (Fall, 2001) |
The place of narrative in the writing of history has been the subject of considerable debate in the postmodern academy. But the ways in which historical actors themselves have constructed narratives in their own lives is perhaps a more interesting question, and it is the one Mary Frances Berry addresses in her new work. Scholars as diverse as... |
2001 |
R. Richard Banks |
Metamorphosis: from Statistics into Cockroaches, a Response to Professor Cohen's a Study of Invidious Racial Discrimination in Admissions at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology: Monty Python and Franz Kafka Meet a Probit Regression |
79 North Carolina Law Review 1029 (May, 2001) |
This Article defends class-based admissions practices against the two criticisms most frequently directed at such policies. The merit critique contends that admissions policies that take account of applicants' socioeconomic status undermine the goals and values of meritocratic admissions. The racial diversity critique asserts that class-based... |
2001 |
April L. Cherry |
Nurturing the Seeds of Food Justice: Unearthing the Impact of Institutionalized Racism on Access to Healthy Food in Urban African-american Communities |
10 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 83 (Spring 2001) |
I. Introduction. 84 II. Motherhood as an Institution. 90 A. Radical Feminist Critiques. 90 B. Black Feminist Critiques of Motherhood. 95 III. The Requirements of Institutionalized Motherhood. 98 A. The Popular Institution of Motherhood: Nineteenth Century Roots. 98 B. Contemporary Rhetoric of True Womanhood. 103 C. Black Mothers Are De Mules Uh De; Search Snippet: ...Spring 2001 Article NURTURING IN THE SERVICE OF WHITE CULTURE: RACIAL SUBORDINATION, GESTATIONAL SURROGACY, AND THE IDEOLOGY OF MOTHERHOOD April L... |
2001 |
Florence Wagman Roisman |
Opioid Pseudoaddiction: a Casualty of the War on Drugs, Racism, Sexism, and Opiophobia |
23 Western New England Law Review 65 (2001) |
[M]ove on in . . . these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. [T]o get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. One of the most serious domestic problems we carry forward into the 21st century is profound geographic racial separation, with growing numbers of white people living in suburbs increasingly distant from; Search Snippet: ...New England Law Review 2001 Symposium OPENING THE SUBURBS TO RACIAL INTEGRATION: LESSONS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Florence Wagman Roisman [FNa1... |
2001 |
David Satcher |
Out of Many, One People; E Pluribus Unum: an Analysis of Self-identity in the Context of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture |
1 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics 1 (Spring 2001) |
Both the life expectancy and the overall health of Americans have improved greatly over the last century, but not all Americans are benefiting equally from advances in health prevention and technology. There is compelling evidence that race and ethnicity correlate with persistent health disparities in the burden of illness and death. For example,; Search Snippet: ...and Ethnic Disparities in Health Commentary OUR COMMITMENT TO ELIMINATE RACIAL AND ETHNIC HEALTH DISPARITIES David Satcher [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001... |
2001 |
Reginald Leamon Robinson |
Power, Possibility and Choice: the Racial Identity of TransRacially Adopted Children |
34 Indiana Law Review 1377 (2001) |
The outcome of any particular experiment no longer seems to depend only upon the laws of the physical world, but also upon the consciousness of the observer. . . . [W]e must replace the term observer with the term participator. We cannot observe the physical world, for as the new physics tell us, there is no one physical world. We participate... |
2001 |
Promoting Racial Equality Through Equal Educational Opportunity: the Case for Progressive School-choice |
9 Journal of Law & Policy 347 (2001) |
Professor Machoney I want to welcome you to this panel. This panel is on Promoting Racial Equality in light of the emerging economic and demographic trends in the twenty-first century. There is the question of defining what racial equality means, and against this background, there is also a question of methodology. We have a distinguished panel; Search Snippet: ...Constitutional Lawyering in the 21st Century March 4, 2000 PROMOTING RACIAL EQUALITY Copyright (c) 2001 Journal of Law and Policy Professor... |
2001 |
Julissa Reynoso |
Race, Culture & Mediation |
39 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 533 (2001) |
Censuses historically have served as sites for the politics of race. This Note compares the differing approaches to census-taking of the United States and Brazil. It argues that how census categories are defined, to whom they purportedly apply, and how the numerical data, once produced, are interpreted is immanently a political process. Indeed, an; Search Snippet: ...of Transnational Law 2001 Note RACE, CENSUSES, AND ATTEMPTS AT RACIAL DEMOCRACY Julissa Reynoso [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Columbia Journal of... |
2001 |
Patrick Weil |
Racial (De)profiling: Modeling a Remedy for Racial Profiling after the School Desegregation Cases |
15 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 625 (Summer, 2001) |
Traditionally, scholars who study the history of American immigration policy adhere to one of two paths. The first path distinguishes between restrictionist or racist and liberal periods or ideologies. The other path, a more institutional approach, differentiates between a period without control, beginning with the foundation of the republic... |
2001 |
Preston C. Green, III |
Racial Bias and the Criminal Justice System Deadly Injustice: Trayvon Martin, Race, and the Criminal Justice System Edited by Devon Johnson, Patricia Y. Warren & Amy Farrell Nyu Press 354 Pp., $28 |
2001 Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 65 (2001) |
Critics have claimed that our public educational system has failed to develop innovative ideas, attract exceptional teachers, or hold incompetent teachers and administrators accountable for their students' inability to learn. Thirty-six states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have attempted to address these problems through the creation; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 2001 Article RACIAL BALANCING PROVISIONS AND CHARTER SCHOOLS: ARE CHARTER SCHOOLS OUT ON... |
2001 |
René Bowser |
Racial Bias in Post-arrest and Pretrial Decision Making: the Problem and a Solution |
105 Dickinson Law Review 365 (Spring 2001) |
There is absolutely no doubt that Mr. North [a Black patient] is treated differently than my White, middle-class patients are treated . . . Every time I send him to a new consultant, I call ahead with an introduction. I tell them how smart Mr. North is, how compliant he is with every aspect of his treatment, and how he knows so much about his... |
2001 |
Otto H. MacLin, Roy S. Malpass , University of Texas at El Paso |
Racial Character Evidence in Police Killing Cases |
7 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 98 (March, 2001) |
Accusations of discriminatory treatment of minority persons in the criminal justice system create a need for policy and procedure development to create real and perceived equal treatment. A facial recognition deficit among law enforcement officers and witnesses for persons of another race contributes to unequal treatment of minority group; Search Snippet: ...LAW Psychology, Public Policy, and Law March, 2001 Eyewitness Identification RACIAL CATEGORIZATION OF FACES The Ambiguous Race Face Effect Otto H... |
2001 |
Thomas L. Johnson , Cheryl Widder Heilman |
Racial Disparity under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines |
58-JUN Bench and Bar of Minnesota 29 (May/June, 2001) |
Racial profiling has been a hot issue in Minnesota and across the nation in recent months. While certainly deserving of this attention, racial profiling is only one aspect of a much larger issue: the disproportionate number of African Americans, Latinos, American Indians, and other minorities who are arrested, convicted, and imprisoned by our; Search Snippet: ...Minnesota May/June, 2001 Feature An Embarrassment to All Minnesotans RACIAL DISPARITY IN THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM Evidence suggests that whites... |
2001 |
Randall Kennedy |
Racial Perspectives on Eligibility for Special Education: for Students of Color Who Are Struggling, Is Special Education a Potential Evil or a Potential Good? |
62 Ohio State Law Journal 1145 (2001) |
Passing is a deception that enables a person to adopt certain roles or identities from which he would be barred by prevailing social standards in the absence of his misleading conduct. The classic racial passer in the United States has been the white Negro: the individual whose physical appearance allows him to present himself as white but; Search Snippet: ...State Law Journal 2001 Frank R. Strong Law Forum Lecture RACIAL PASSING Randall Kennedy [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Ohio State University... |
2001 |
Gregory M. Lipper |
Racial Profiling |
38 Harvard Journal on Legislation 551 (Summer, 2001) |
On April 15, 1999, Representative John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, introduced House Bill 1443, the Traffic Stops Statistics Study Act (the Act), a bill designed to initiate the gathering of comprehensive data about the racial distribution of police traffic stops. This bill, along with its identical; Search Snippet: ...ON LEGISLATION Harvard Journal on Legislation Summer, 2001 Recent Development RACIAL PROFILING Gregory M. Lipper Copyright (c) 2001 by President and... |
2001 |
Kent A. Gernander |
Racial Profiling after September 11: the Department of Justice's 2003 Guidelines |
58-MAR Bench and Bar of Minnesota Minn. 5 (March, 2001) |
Thurgood Marshall was born in 1908 in Baltimore, a segregated city. The son of a Pullman car waiter and a schoolteacher, he attended schools for colored children in Baltimore before graduating with honors from Lincoln College and the Howard University School of Law. After graduation, he practiced law in Baltimore, and began his long association... |
2001 |
Maria V. Morris |
Racial Profiling and Other Factors in the Spread of Aids among People Who Inject Drugs |
15 Emory International Law Review 207 (Spring 2001) |
I obtained my driver's license in 1972 and I've been stopped by police every year since then. . . . As many as five times in one year and typically once or twice a year. States Parties condemn racial discrimination and undertake to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms; Search Snippet: ...INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW Emory International Law Review Spring 2001 Comments RACIAL PROFILING AND INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW: ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION IN THE... |
2001 |
Dawn Day |
Racial Profiling and Selective Enforcement: the New Jim Crow |
10 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 359 (Spring 2001) |
There are 20,000 new HIV infections each year among people who inject drugs, with the burden of the HIV/AIDS epidemic falling much more heavily on African Americans than on whites. This analysis will consider several possible reasons for this differential impact, including: racial differences in injecting drug use, racial differences in genetic... |
2001 |
Ira Glasser |
Racial Profiling and Terrorism |
30-SUM Brief 31 (Summer, 2001) |
In 1942, more than 120,000 Americans were stripped of their businesses and their homes and incarcerated for the duration of World War II. They committed no offense. They were convicted of no crime. Their property was confiscated and they were suspected, arrested, and imprisoned because of the color of their skin and their national origin or the; Search Snippet: ...SUM Brief 31 2001 WL 896592 BRIEF Brief Summer, 2001 RACIAL PROFILING AND SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT: THE NEW JIM CROW Ira Glasser... |
2001 |
Peter A. Lyle |
Racial Profiling and the Implications of Jena Six in Undermining the Civil Rights of Blacks in America |
21 Boston College Third World Law Journal 243 (Winter, 2001) |
Racial profiling was once thought the figment of an overactive minority imagination. Yet, recent media coverage has thrust the reality of racial bias in law enforcement into the national spotlight. Despite its newfound popularity, the real battle for equal protection and justice under the law has been quietly raging across American; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Boston College Third World Law Journal Winter, 2001 Note RACIAL PROFILING AND THE FOURTH AMENDMENT: APPLYING THE MINORITY VICTIM PERSPECTIVE... |
2001 |
René Bowser |
Racial Profiling in Immigration Enforcement: State and Local Agreements to Enforce Federal Immigration Law |
7 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 79 (Fall 2001) |
INTRODUCTION. 80 I. Seeking Treatment While Black: Empirical Evidence of Racial Discrimination. 83 A. The Schulman Study. 84 B. The Provision of Medicare Services. 85 C. Managed Care. 87 D. Acute Care Settings. 89 II. Poverty of Existing Explanations of Racial Disparity. 91 A. Cultural Preferences. 92 B. Overuse by Whites. 95 C. Unconscious Racism; Search Snippet: ...LAW Michigan Journal of Race and Law Fall 2001 Article RACIAL PROFILING IN HEALTH CARE: AN INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL TREATMENT... |
2001 |
Elizabeth A. Knight, William Kurnik |
Racial Profiling in Places of Public Accommodation: Theories of Recovery and Relief |
30-SUM Brief 16 (Summer, 2001) |
A claim of discriminatory law enforcement practices challenges the integrity of the law enforcement agency and its officers. The accusation of biased and prejudicial conduct by a police officer is easily charged, not readily proven, and difficult to defend. Because the issue of racial profiling only recently became one of significant controversy; Search Snippet: ...SUM Brief 16 2001 WL 896584 BRIEF Brief Summer, 2001 RACIAL PROFILING IN LAW ENFORCEMENT The Defense Perspective on Civil Rights... |
2001 |