Amanda G. Main Racial Profiling in Texas Department of Public Safety Traffic Stops: Race Aware or Race Benign? 39 Brandeis Law Journal 289 (Fall 2000-2001) The past decade has brought to the forefront the issue of racial profiling, the utilization of a suspect profile based solely on race, in several contexts. The most infamous incidents of racial profiling have been pretextual traffic stops, commonly called DWB-driving while black or brown. Racial profiling is also used by law enforcement agencies... 2001
Jack Kearney Racial Profiling: a Persistent Civil Rights Challenge Even in the Twenty-first Century 36-SPG Arkansas Lawyer 20 (Spring, 2001) Picture it. You and your wife are driving your new car home from a dinner party in a nice neighborhood. Suddenly, multiple police units appear, force you to stop your car and train search lights on you. Before an officer approaches your car, you squint to see beyond the glare of the search lights. There, you find a scene which is all too common in; Search Snippet: ...499152 ARKANSAS LAWYER Arkansas Lawyer Spring, 2001 Feature Guest Editorial RACIAL PROFILING: A DISGRACE AT THE INTERSECTION OF RACE AND THE... 2001
Bernard F. Ashe Racial Purges 11-WTR Experience 13 (Winter, 2001) What is Past is Prologue. You will find this inscription on the base of the statute The Future outside the entrance to the National Archives Building. An appropriate inscription for such a place, it is also an appropriate starting place for a discussion of racial progress in the new millennium. It is not possible to put into perspective where we... 2001
Donna E. Young Racial Reparations: Japanese American Redress and African American Claims 34 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 351 (January, 2001) People of color in the United States have a complicated relationship with the world of work. For us, work has signified indentured servitude, slavery, mob violence, exploitation, drudgery, exhaustion, and ill-health. On the job, we have been subjected to long arduous hours, poor working conditions, and demeaning tasks. We have been segregated,; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review January, 2001 Article RACIAL RELEASES, INVOLUNTARY SEPARATIONS, AND EMPLOYMENT AT-WILL Donna E. Young... 2001
Robert K. Vischer Racial Segregation in California Prisons 53 Florida Law Review 193 (April, 2001) In the ever-burgeoning debate over school vouchers, the case made by voucher proponents lies not just in notions of academic achievement, but, to a significant degree, in the perception that the use of vouchers will foster civic ideals and public virtue. The civic ideals usually referred to by proponents relate to freedom and equality of; Search Snippet: ...332717 FLORIDA LAW REVIEW Florida Law Review April, 2001 Articles RACIAL SEGREGATION IN AMERICAN CHURCHES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SCHOOL VOUCHERS... 2001
David B. Mustard, University of Georgia Racial/ethnic and Gender Disparities in Anger Management Therapy as a Probation Condition 44 Journal of Law & Economics 285 (April, 2001) This paper examines 77,236 federal offenders sentenced under the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and concludes the following. First, after controlling for extensive criminological, demographic, and socioeconomic variables, I found that blacks, males, and offenders with low levels of education and income receive substantially longer sentences. Second,... 2001
Cara A. Fauci Racism and Legal Doctrine 21 Boston College Third World Law Journal 35 (Winter, 2001) African Americans have long been subjected to racism within the health care sector of the United States. During earlier eras of American history, including the pre-Civil War, Reconstruction and Jim Crow time periods, blatant racism in the health care sector was prevalent. Following the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, more overt forms; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Boston College Third World Law Journal Winter, 2001 Note RACISM AND HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA: LEGAL RESPONSES TO RACIAL DISPARITIES IN THE ALLOCATION OF KIDNEYS Cara A. Fauci [FNa1... 2001
Paul M. Hendrick Racism in Athletics: Subtle Yet Persistent 2 Florida Coastal Law Journal 395 (Spring, 2001) The American pie of equality of rights, opportunity, and responsibility is cut one slice at a time. But equality will not come without transformation of the one-by-one transactional and decisional patterns ingrained in the power centers that decide which Americans get what, when, where, why, and how much. Often racially significant zero-sum; Search Snippet: ...Coastal Law Journal Spring, 2001 Environmental Summit 2000: Distinguished Speakers RACISM IN AMERICAN LAND USE DECISIONS: THE SLICING OF THE AMERICAN... 2001
Derrick Bell Racism: the Crime in Criminal Justice 34 Indiana Law Review 1261 (2001) Consider this film script: RURAL TOWN GAS STATION-DEEP SOUTH IN THE MID-1960s. It is dusk, the end of a hot summer day. A half-dozen or so working class, white, good ole' boys are grouped around a bench in front of a run-down, two-pump gas station. An outdoor phone is attached to the wall. A faded sign over the station garage reads: Moultree's; Search Snippet: ...WL 1172803 INDIANA LAW REVIEW Indiana Law Review 2001 Article RACISM: A MAJOR SOURCE OF PROPERTY AND WEALTH INEQUALITY IN AMERICA... 2001
  Racist Health Care: Reforming an Unjust Health Care System to Meet the Needs of African-americans 7 CITYLAW 65 (May-June, 2001) Corrections officer's claims go to trial. Reverend Billy M. Jones is an ordained minister for the Church of Our Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, and also since 1990 a corrections officer at Rikers Island. Jones and other African American correction officers were subjected to frequent racial slurs, racist graffiti, and their cars were shot with; Search Snippet: ...June, 2001 Public Employees Race and Religious Discrimination RACIST GRAFFITI Copyright (c) 2001 by the Center for New York... 2001
Brandon Garrett Remixing Riverside: Environmental Racism and Hip Hop as a Mirror of Society 33 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 41 (Fall 2001) I. Rethinking the Racial Profiling Problem. 48 II. Current Approaches and an Emerging Model. 60 A. An Obstacle Course: Private Racial Profiling Suits and Equal Protection. 61 1. Initial Obstacles and Opportunities. 61 2. Fourth Amendment Treatment of Race. 64 3. Equal Protection Approaches. 66 4. Obtaining an Effective Remedy. 74 B. Legislative; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Columbia Human Rights Law Review Fall 2001 Article REMEDYING RACIAL PROFILING Brandon Garrett [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 Columbia Human Rights... 2001
Michael Omi Reverse Deterrence in Racial Profiling: Increased Transgressions by Nonprofiled Whites 8 Asian Law Journal 161 (May, 2001) I am convinced that the category race is so laden with contradictions that it no longer works in the way it used to, at least within the context of radical theories and practices .. That race no longer works as a focus of resistance organizing does not mean that racism has become obsolete and that we should discard it as a concept. Angela Y; Search Snippet: ...Journal May, 2001 Speech RETHINKING THE LANGUAGE OF RACE AND RACISM [FNa1] Michael Omi [FNd1] Copyright (c) 2001 by Asian Law... 2001
Peter Zablotsky, Sa'id Vakili Section 8's Failure to Integrate: the Interaction of Class-based and Racial Discrimination 24-SEP Los Angeles Lawyer 33 (September, 2001) Litigators can find two recent cases to show that police reports are not privileged Our nation is currently undergoing a painful examination of racial profiling by law enforcement. At the same time, racial profiling practiced by private individuals remains largely unaddressed. Too often, businesses make police reports falsely accusing minority; Search Snippet: ...September, 2001 Department Practice Tips SECTION 51 ACTIONS AGAINST PRIVATE RACIAL PROFILING Peter Zablotsky Sa'id Vakili [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 by... 2001
Lisa M. Krzewinski Secure Communities, Racial Profiling, & Suppression Law in Removal Proceedings 21 Boston College Third World Law Journal 315 (Winter, 2001) AS LONG AS THEY DON'T MOVE NEXT DOOR. By Stephen Grant Meyer. Lantham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2000. Pp. 343. In his book, As Long as They Don't Move Next Door, Stephen Grant Meyer examines the history of housing segregation in the United States. He asserts that, while African Americans have made great advancements; Search Snippet: ...8'S FAILURE TO INTEGRATE: THE INTERACTION OF CLASS-BASED AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION Lisa M. Krzewinski [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 by Boston... 2001
Andrea D. Lyon Settlement of Racial Discrimination Claim Excludable. (Dc) 6 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 319 (Spring 2001) INTRODUCTION. 320 I. Usual Standards of Review for Allegations of Prosecutorial Misconduct. 321 A. General Standard. 321 B. The Standard of Review Specifically Governing Racial Bias. 324 C. The Standard of Review Specifically Governing Gender Bias. 326 II. Why The Standards Need to Change: Deplorable Instances of Prosecutorial Appeals to Bias. 327; Search Snippet: ...THE RECORD STRAIGHT: A PROPOSAL FOR HANDLING PROSECUTORIAL APPEALS TO RACIAL, ETHNIC OR GENDER PREJUDICE DURING TRIAL Andrea D. Lyon [FNa1... 2001
Tanya Katerí Hernández Sexualized Racism/gendered Violence: Outraging the Body Politic in the Reconstruction South 4 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 183 (Spring 2001) I. Introduction II. Racial Disparity of Sexual Harassment A. The Statistical Data B. Early Explanations for the Statistical Pattern III. Prostitution Paradigm as a Causal Factor A. Historical Backdrop to the Prostitution Paradigm B. The Sex Tourism Comparison: Overt Expression of Racialized Gender Stereotypes 1. Sex Tourism Defined 2. Prevalence of; Search Snippet: ...Gender, Race and Justice Spring 2001 Articles SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND RACIAL DISPARITY: THE MUTUAL CONSTRUCTION OF GENDER AND RACE Tanya Katerí... 2001
Colin M. Black Shooting an Elephant --massachusetts Maintains Reasonable Suspicion: Protecting Individual Privacy During Traffic Stops and Battling Racial Profiling 6 Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy 215 (2001) ...(T)o eliminate any requirement that the officer be able to explain that reasons for his actions signals an abandonment of effective judicial supervision...leaves police discretion utterly without limits. Some citizens will be subjected to this minor indignity while others--perhaps those with more expensive cars, or different bumper stickers, or; Search Snippet: ...REASONABLE SUSPICION: PROTECTING INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY DURING TRAFFIC STOPS AND BATTLING RACIAL PROFILING Colin M. Black Copyright (c) 2001 Suffolk University; Colin... 2001
Walter Block , Roy Whitehead Shouldn't the Constitution Be Color Blind? Metro Broadcasting, Inc. V. Fcc Transmits a Surprising Message on Racial Preferences 22 Northern Illinois University Law Review 53 (Fall 2001) This paper attempts to address the question of whether the government should be allowed to engage in racial, sexual or other acts of discrimination. Part I does so by analyzing extant law to determine whether or not such acts are compatible with the United States Constitution. Using Arkansas as a case study, this paper takes as an initial point of... 2001
Marsha Lillie-Blanton , Rose Marie Martinez , Alina Salganicoff Sixth Amendment--no-impeachment Rule--Racially Biased Statements in Jury Deliberations--peña-rodriguez V. Colorado 1 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics 15 (Spring 2001) Prior to the 1960s, Americans generally obtained health care in racially segregated facilities or from health providers of their own race or ethnicity. Racial, geographic, and economic factors influenced where minority Americans could get their health care. Minority Americans, who were disproportionately low income, relied on a combination of; Search Snippet: ...Ethnic Disparities in Health Article SITE OF MEDICAL CARE: DO RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIFFERENCES PERSIST? Marsha Lillie-Blanton [FNa1] Rose Marie... 2001
Elisabeth R. Calcaterra , Natalie G. Mitchell Success and Failure: How Systemic Racism Trumped the Brown V. Board of Education Decision 6 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 339 (Spring 2001) The federal government's 1998 Buckle Up America campaign, an effort to increase seat belt use, had the potential of preventing needless tragedies. The campaign's goal was to make the failure to wear seatbelts a primary offense nationwide, thereby permitting officers to stop vehicles in which occupants were not buckled up. Minority communities... 2001
Regina Waynes Joseph Testing for Racial Prejudice in the Parole Board Release Process: Theory and Evidence 209-JUN New Jersey Lawyer, the Magazine 44 (June, 2001) (Regina Waynes Joseph testified before the committee in Trenton on April 9, 2001.) Good afternoon Chairman Gormley, Senator Lynch, members of the committee, Mr. Chertoff and counsel. I am Regina Waynes Joseph, an attorney at law of the state of New Jersey, a member of the board of directors of the Garden State Bar Association and; Search Snippet: ...BEFORE THE NEW JERSEY SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SPECIAL INVESTIGATION INTO RACIAL PROFILING Regina Waynes Joseph [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 by Regina... 2001
Eric K. Yamamoto The Color of Desire: Fulfilling Adoptive Parents' Racial Preferences Through Discriminatory State Action 8 Asian Law Journal 153 (May, 2001) This symposium aims to connect those of us here scholars, lawyers, community workers and law students. It also aims to link us with our Asian American communities, and then beyond, with African Americans, Native Americans and Hawaiians, Latinas/os and white Americans of good will, and then beyond that, with all people struggling against forms... 2001
CHRISTOPHER RAMOS The Effect of Assumptions about Racial Bias on the Analysis of Batson 'S Three Harms and the Peremptory Challenge 4 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 149 (Fall 2001) I. Introduction. 150 II. Historical Background. 152 A. Racially Restrictive Deed Covenants. 152 B. San Antonio's History and Racially Restrictive Covenants. 156 III. The Law of Racially Restrictive Covenants. 158 A. State Courts Side-Step Traditional Doctrines Simply to Prevent Non-White Families from Living in White Neighborhoods. 160 B; Search Snippet: ...on Minority Issues Fall 2001 Comment THE EDUCATIONAL LEGACY OF RACIALLY RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS: THEIR LONG TERM IMPACT ON MEXICAN AMERICANS CHRISTOPHER... 2001
Robert J. Cottrol The Long Shadow of Racial Profiling 76 Tulane Law Review 11 (November, 2001) This is an Article on race relations and comparative legal history. It contrasts the law of race and slavery in three Latin American nations, Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela, with the parallel history in the United States. The Article examines the Afro-Latin experience as a critical issue in its own right and as a way to better inform our... 2001
Musa Keenheel The Neglected Pillar: the "Teaching Tolerance" Provision of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 20 Temple Environmental Law and Technology Journal 105 (Fall 2001) Environmental racism is a term which was coined by the Reverend Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. Chavis heads the United Church of Christ, a religious denomination which promotes human rights. He defined environmental racism as the intentional or unintentional disproportionate burdening of minority communities with environmental hazards. Although there are; Search Snippet: ...NEW LEGISLATION AND LIBERALIZATION OF CURRENT LAWS TO COMBAT ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM Musa Keenheel Copyright (c) 2001 Temple Environmental Law and Technology... 2001
  The next Challenge in Sexual Harassment Reform: Racial Disparity 45 Howard Law Journal 157 (Fall 2001) I am honored to have the opportunity to give this year's Clarence Clyde Ferguson Lecture. A brilliant scholar and devoted activist, Clarence Clyde Ferguson, Jr. was also a demanding dean and teacher who required all of us to be in the pursuit of excellence, as we studied the law. He was fully engaged with, and attentive to, his students. He was my; Search Snippet: ...2001 Clarence Clyde Ferguson Lecture THE NEXT BOLD STEP TOWARD RACIAL HEALING AND RECONCILIATION: DEALING WITH THE LEGACY OF SLAVERY Copyright... 2001
Linda Martin Pybas The Pocahontas Exception: the Exemption of American Indian Ancestry from Racial Purity Law 1 Margins: Maryland's Interdisciplinary Publication on Race, Religion, Gender, and Class 169 (Spring, 2001) Says author Berry, when a black man is lynched or executed it is because the powerful--most usually white males--defined him as an object--the other--whose punishment, whether guilty or not, signs racial subordination through perpetuation of a negative image of black males. Furthermore she says, when an African American woman's rape is ignored,; Search Snippet: ...FARMER'S DAUGHTER AND OTHER TALES OF AMERICAN JUSTICE: EPISODES OF RACISM AND SEXISM IN THE COURTS FROM 1865 TO THE PRESENT... 2001
Harvey Gee The Racial and Ethnic Composition of Pre-kindergarten Classrooms and Children's Language Development 11 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 775 (Summer 2001) During this dawn of a new millennium, Asian American student enrollment at American Universities has continued to increase at unprecedented rates. Currently, Asian Americans account for four percent of this nation's population, but Asian American students represent more than six percent of total college enrollment and a significantly larger; Search Snippet: ...Hall Constitutional Law Journal Summer 2001 Article Book Review THE RACIAL AND CULTURAL PROFILING OF ASIAN AMERICANS: A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY... 2001
James R. Devine The Racial Roots of Human Trafficking 11 Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law 1 (2001) I. Introduction. 1 II. The Minor Leagues and the Draft. 5 III. The Minor Leagues and Option Agreements. 11 IV. Commissioner Landis and Minor League Ownership. 18 V. Branch Rickey's Minor Leagues. 27 VI. Rickey and Landis Tangle over the Minors. 31 VII. Branch Rickey and the Racial Reintegration of Major League Baseball. 39 VIII. Business v; Search Snippet: ...LAW Seton Hall Journal of Sport Law 2001 Article THE RACIAL RE-INTEGRATION OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: A BUSINESS RATHER THAN... 2001
David E. Bernstein The Rise (And Fall?) Of Race-conscious Remedies and "Benign" Racial Discrimination in Public Education 9 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 619 (April, 2001) The reaction to Boy Scouts of Americav. Dale has divided along ideological lines. Conservatives generally support Dale because in their eyes it prevents the government from taking sides in the culture wars. Progressives, including many liberals who otherwise have strong civil libertarian instincts, oppose Dale because it inhibits the enforcement... 2001
Martin D. Carcieri The Special Measures Mandate of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: Lessons from the United States and South Africa 13 Saint Thomas Law Review 577 (Winter, 2001) Those to Whom Evil Is Done Do Evil in Return W. H. Auden, September 1, 1939 One Must Not Do Wrong Even When One Is Wronged Socrates, Crito The struggle over affirmative action continues. Affirmative action was an issue in the recent presidential campaign, the subject of recent federal court challenges, and the focus of reform at the state... 2001
Annie Wu The World Conference Against Racism: Through a Wider Lens 17 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 917 (Summer 2001) Bigotry, hatred, prejudice--these are the ugly symptoms of a sickness humanity has always and everywhere suffered. Racism can, will and must be defeated. -- United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2001 as the International Year of Mobilization against Racism, Racial Discrimination,; Search Snippet: ...Human Rights Summer 2001 Un Report THE WORLD CONFERENCE AGAINST RACISM, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA AND RELATED INTOLERANCE: DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA Annie Wu... 2001
John P. Rutledge Thinking Outside the Bars: Using Hawaiian Traditions and Culturally-based Healing to Eliminate Racial Disparities Within Hawai'i's Criminal Justice System 28 American Journal of Criminal Law 207 (Spring 2001) I. Introduction. 207 II. Why are Cross-Racial Eyewitness IDs Especially Unreliable?. 211 III. Traditional Tools: Cross-Examination & Closing Argument. 214 IV. Expert Testimony. 216 V. Special Jury Instruction. 224 VI. Conclusion. 227 Have sight and hearing truth in them? Are they not, as the poets are always telling us, inaccurate witnesses?; Search Snippet: ...2001 Article THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE: THE INACCURACY OF CROSS- RACIAL IDENTIFICATIONS John P. Rutledge [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 University of... 2001
Farah Brelvi Unconscious Racism 48-DEC Federal Lawyer 68 (November/December, 2001) I am writing this feeling so depressed and frustrated. I am sure you all know that I am Egyptian and of Muslim faith. I was also born and raised in America. Since September 11, my family and friends of the same background have been dealing with the feelings of fear and sadness like everyone else. But we've also been dealing with more . you all know; Search Snippet: ...FEDERAL LAWYER Federal Lawyer November/December, 2001 UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES Racial Profiling and the Backlash after Sept. 11 Farah Brelvi [FNa1... 2001
Jeffrey D. Grossett Us Against Them: the Path to National Security Is Paved by Racism 52 Case Western Reserve Law Review 339 (Fall 2001) The recognition that diversity plays an essential role in the development and education of a child is not a novel idea. While years of Supreme Court jurisprudence firmly entrenched segregation in education, educators fought for diversity in the classroom. In fact, studies showing the adverse effects of segregation on the education of... 2001
Julie H. Hurwitz , E. Quita Sullivan Using International Human Rights Law to Combat Racial Discrimination in the U. S. Criminal Justice System 2 Journal of Law in Society Society 5 (Winter, 2001) Those who suffer most from environmental dangers are those least equipped to protect themselves people in low-income communities and communities of color. Attempts to respond to the severity of this problem have taken a number of forms from community activism to legal battles. In the legal arena, a relatively new strategy for remedying... 2001
David A. Harris When the Medium Becomes the Message: a Proposal for Principal Media Liability for the Publication of Racially Exclusionary Real Estate Advertisements 6 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 237 (Spring 2001) I. The Numbers So Far: What Current Statistics onRacial Profiling Show. 243 A. New Jersey. 244 B. Maryland. 246 C. Ohio. 247 II. The Coming Backlash: Criticism of the Current Statistics. 252 A. The Data Do Not Include All Stops Police Make. 252 B. The Data Do Not Include Violator Rates. 253 C. The Data Do Not Account for Different Levels of; Search Snippet: ...2000 & Beyond WHEN SUCCESS BREEDS ATTACK: THE COMING BACKLASH AGAINST RACIAL PROFILING STUDIES David A. Harris [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 David... 2001
Benjamin D. Steiner , Victor Argothy White Liberal Looks at Racist Speech 10 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 443 (Spring 2001) [O]pposing whiteness is not the same as opposing white people. White supremacy is an equal opportunity employer; nonwhite people can become active agents of white supremacy as well as passive participants in its hierarchies and rewards. Some of these kids come from beautiful homes, says W.J. Hunt, chairman of the Los Angeles County Narcotics and; Search Snippet: ...Symposium: U.S. Drug Laws: The New Jim Crow? WHITE ADDICTION: RACIAL INEQUALITY, RACIAL IDEOLOGY, AND THE WAR ON DRUGS Benjamin D. Steiner [FNa1... 2001
Enid Trucios-Haynes Why Did Racial/ethnic Sentencing Differences in Federal District Courts Grow Larger under the Guidelines? 12 La Raza Law Journal 1 (2001) Latinas/os are a force to be reckoned with, and we now require our own room in the Master's House. Yet, we must not forget it is the Master's House, and we are constrained by the basic home rule that is White supremacy. Latinas/os are not exempt from the oppression of White supremacy, yet, as a group or individually, we often are seduced into; Search Snippet: ...2001 Article WHY RACE MATTERS: LATCRIT THEORY AND LATINA/O RACIAL IDENTITY Enid Trucios-Haynes [FNa1] Copyright (c) 2001 by La... 2001
Jamie L. Wacks A Proposed Standard of Equal Protection Review for Classifications Within the Criminal Justice System That Have a Racially Disparate Impact: a Case Study of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines' Classification Between Crack and Powder Cocaine 7 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 195 (Winter 2000) We need to address what it is that maintains racial attitudes. One of the issues we have to face is the fact that there still are great barriers in our society . . . attitudinal barriers. Even as we pride ourselves for being a rainbow nation, beneath the surface lurks racist sentiments against those who were historically oppressed, poor and... 2000
Tanya K. Hernandez An Individual Preference Approach to Suburban Racial Desegregation 33 U.C. Davis Law Review 1135 (Summer, 2000) What guarantee do Negroes have that socialism means racial equality any more than does capitalist democracy? Would socialism mean the assimilation of the Negro into the dominant racial group .. In other words, the failure of American capitalist abundance to help solve the crying problems of the Negro's existence cannot be fobbed off on some future... 2000
David L. Hudson, Jr. Arab Americans, Affirmative Action, and a Quest for Racial Identity 1999-00 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases 305 (March 8, 2000) In Wisconsin v. Mitchell, the U.S. Supreme Court addressed the constitutionality of a hate crime law under which a defendant who commits a crime based on a biased purpose can receive an increased sentence. The Court rejected the defendant's First Amendment challenge that the law punished offensive thought. Now, the Court faces a different; Search Snippet: ...Must the State Prove That an Alleged Hate Crime Was Racially Motivated Beyond a Reasonable Doubt? By David L. Hudson, Jr. a... 2000
John G. Moore Beautifully Powerful: a Latcrit Reflection on Coming to an Epistemological Consciousness and the Power of Testimonio 51 South Carolina Law Review 823 (Summer 2000) Since its enactment, South Carolina's Charter Schools Act of 1996 has frequently been criticized for its racial balancing requirement. The balancing requirement dictates that under no circumstances may a charter school enrollment differ from the racial composition of the school district by more than ten percent. In Beaufort County Board of; Search Snippet: ...BEAUFORT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION V. LIGHTHOUSE CHARTER SCHOOL COMMITTEE: RACIAL BALANCING PROVISION IN SOUTH CAROLINA CHARTER SCHOOLS ACT FLUNKS THE... 2000
Keith E. Sealing Blue Lives & the Permanence of Racism 5 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 559 (Spring 2000) INTRODUCTION. 560 I. The Paradigm. 565 A. The Conceptual Framework. 565 B. The Legal Argument. 569 C. Because The Bible Tells Me So. 571 D. The Concept of Race . 574 II. Pre-Darwinian Theories of Racial Inferiority. 576 A. The Monogenists. 577 B. The Polygenists. 578 III. Darwin Changes the Playing Field. 583 IV. The Modern Era: IQ Testing. 585; Search Snippet: ...Race and Law Spring 2000 Article BLOOD WILL TELL: SCIENTIFIC RACISM AND THE LEGAL PROHIBITIONS AGAINST MISCEGENATION Keith E. Sealing [FNa1... 2000
Richard Delgado ; Jean Stefancic California's Sca 5 and Racial Preferences in Education 47 UCLA Law Review 1521 (August, 2000) Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic examine the history of racial mistreatment of citizens of color in California. Beginning with incidents of racial brutality during the early Spanish colonial period and proceeding into the present, Delgado and Stefancic reveal that California has not been the egalitarian paradise many suppose. The authors write; Search Snippet: ...the Law at the Law Turn of the Century CALIFORNIA'S RACIAL HISTORY AND CONSTITUTIONAL RATIONALES FOR RACE-CONSCIOUS DECISION MAKING IN... 2000
Timothy McAllister Can We Talk? How Triggers for Unconscious Racism Strengthen the Importance of Dialogue 73-MAY Wisconsin Lawyer 48 (May, 2000) One of the most volatile dilemmas facing our nation is explored in this book. This well-organized text begins with a discussion of terminology issues and a brief historic overview of the constitutional and citizenship aspects of the major racial and ethnic minorities the book covers: Blacks, Latinos, American Indians, and Asians. Using an abundance; Search Snippet: ...May, 2000 Department Book Review CAN WE ALL GET ALONG?: RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES IN AMERICAN POLITICS (SECOND EDITION) By Paula... 2000
Geoffrey Graber Choosing Your Child's Race 73 Southern California Law Review 437 (January, 2000) Israel is a nation that resists definition. Not by accident, it is both a Jewish state, existing of, by and for the Jewish people, and a liberal-democracy, guaranteeing to all citizens freedom and equality under the law, regardless of race or religion. These two conceptions of the state are not opposites, nor are they synonyms. Instead, they relate; Search Snippet: ...Review January, 2000 Notes CHOOSING THE CHOSEN: THE VALIDITY OF RACIAL RESTRICTIONS ON THE ALIENATION OF PROPERTY IN ISRAEL AND THE... 2000
Neil Gotanda Compensatory Damages for Sex or Racial Discrimination Are Generally Excludable. (Rev. Rul) 47 UCLA Law Review 1689 (August, 2000) This Article uses the case of Wen Ho Lee, the Chinese American nuclear physicist accused of espionage, as an example of the racial treatment of Asian Americans as different from African Americans. Starting with a brief comparative analysis of how racial profiling has been used in the Wen Ho Lee case as well as in the cases of Amadou Diallo and John... 2000
John McLaren, University of Victoria, British Columbia Constitutional Cash: Are Banks Guilty of Racial Profiling in Implementing the United States Patriot Act? 44 American Journal of Legal History 443 (October, 2000) Fortunately in the contemporary blooming of scholarship on Canadian legal history, increasing attention has been paid in recent years to the treatment of race and ethnicity in Canadian law. Following quickly on the heels of James Walker's seminal study of the handling of race issues by the Supreme Court of Canada between 1914 and 1955, comes Connie; Search Snippet: ...Book Review CONSTANCE BACKHOUSE, COLOUR-CODED: A LEGAL HISTORY OF RACISM IN CANADA, 1900-1950. TORONTO: UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS, 1999... 2000
Reviewed by Sylvia R. Lazos Vargas Critical Race Theory and Proposition 187: the Racial Politics of Immigration Law 18 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 419 (Summer 2000) In recent years, the university presses have increasingly welcomed personal narratives that interweave race topics. Patricia J. Williams's The Alchemy of Race and Rights is among the most successful of such crossover books. Like Williams's book, the three works reviewed herein can be viewed as forming part of the burgeoning corpus of critical; Search Snippet: ...AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY: CAN A POPULAR HYBRID GENRE REACH ACROSS THE RACIAL DIVIDE? Notes of a Racial Caste Baby, Colorblindness and the End of Affirmative Action by... 2000
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59