Author | Title | Citation | Summary | Year |
Jon L. Mills |
Election Law |
29 Florida Journal of International Law 283-S (2017) |
I. Desde las Plantaciones del Sur Hasta Plessy v. Ferguson. 284-S II. Separados pero Iguales. 285-S III. Through the Looking Glass of Marbury v. Madison. 287-S IV. Brown v. Board of Education - Los Tribunales, el Estado de Derecho y la Realidad. 287-S V. A Change is Gonna Come (El Cambio Vendrá). 293-S VI. Haciendo el Cambio--Burning Crosses; Search Snippet: ...Florida EL SIGNIFICADO DE IGUALDAD: LA EVOLUCIÓN DE LA IGUALDAD RACIAL EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Jon L. Mills [FNa1] Copyright © 2017... |
2017 |
Elective Race: Recognizing Race Discrimination in the Era of Racial Self-identification |
130 Harvard Law Review 1752 (April, 2017) |
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA)--a major triumph of the Civil Rights Movement--was enacted to protect black Americans and other persons of color from state-sanctioned disenfranchisement. To guard against discriminatory voting procedures, section 5 of the VRA established a system of preclearance review, whereby designated jurisdictions were... |
2017 |
Kevin Brown |
End Racial Profiling Speech by U.s. Senator Jon Corzine: Introducing S. 989, the "End Racial Profiling Act" |
22 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 139 (Spring, 2017) |
Twenty years ago, I wrote an essay about the end of the career of a fictional African-American law professor at the University of Texas School of Law, Professor Marshall DuBois Douglass. At that time, I had been a law professor for almost a decade. I set the discussion at the end of his legal career in 2036, forty years into the future. The Fifth... |
2017 |
Joshua V. Berliner |
Environmental Justice |
35 Pace Environmental Law Review 108 (Fall, 2017) |
L1-2TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction 109 II. Summary of Alleged Facts from the Complaint 112 III. The Case Law on Bodily Integrity Claims 115 A. 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and Bodily Integrity Generally 115 B. Bodily Integrity Claims in the Environmental Justice Context 116 IV. The Flint Residents' Bodily Integrity Claim 118 V. Applying the Case Law to; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Pace Environmental Law Review Fall, 2017 Note ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE/ RACISM IN FLINT, MICHIGAN: AN ANALYSIS OF THE BODILY INTEGRITY CLAIM... |
2017 |
Carmen G. Gonzalez |
Environmental Racism, Site Cleanup and Inner-city Jobs: Indiana's Urban In-fill Incentives |
26 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 281 (Summer, 2017) |
I. International Law in U.S. Courts Before World War II. 285 II. Cold War Human Rights. 288 A. International Human Rights at the United Nations: The U.N. Human Rights Petitions. 290 B. International Human Rights Law in the United States. 294 III. The Mossville Case Study. 298 A. U.S. Environmental and Antidiscrimination Law. 301 B. The Mossville; Search Snippet: ...Environmental Justice, and the Global South Article and Comment ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM, AND COLD WAR HUMAN RIGHTS Carmen G. Gonzalez... |
2017 |
Kaila C. Randolph |
Ex-offenders, Criminal Background Checks, and Racial Consequences in the Labor Market |
47 Stetson Law Review Rev. 1 (Fall, 2017) |
For over three years, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, a married national of Iraq with three children, dreamed of the day he would enter the United States. Prior to the Iraq war, Mr. Darweesh was employed as an electrical engineer. He later was contracted by the U.S. government to serve as an interpreter for the U.S. Army beginning in 2003 until 2013. Like; Search Snippet: ...Article EXECUTIVE ORDER 13769 AND AMERICA'S LONGSTANDING PRACTICE OF INSTITUTIONALIZED RACIAL DISCRIMINATION TOWARDS REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS Kaila C. Randolph [FNa1... |
2017 |
Fraud by the Supreme Court: Racial Discrimination by a State Institution of Higher Education Upheld on "Diversity" Grounds |
131 Harvard Law Review 303 (November, 2017) |
Regardless of one's position on the role that race should play in modern politics, the racial polarization of American voters is undeniable: in 2016, black and Latino voters preferred the Democratic presidential candidate by eighty and thirty-six points respectively, while white voters preferred the Republican presidential candidate by twenty-one; Search Snippet: ...Term Leading Case Constitutional Law FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT--EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE-- RACIAL GERRYMANDERING-- COOPER v. HARRIS Copyright © 2017 by The Harvard Law... |
2017 |
M. Braxton Marcela |
From InterRaciality to Racial Realism |
17 Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal 87 (Winter 2017) |
To separate them from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone . We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of separate but equal has no place. Separate... |
2017 |
Isabella Nascimento |
Hands Up, Don't Shoot: the Use of Deadly Force by Police Against Racial Minorities in the United States |
24 U.C. Davis Journal of International Law and Policy 63 (Fall, 2017) |
Recently, the U.S. has attracted negative attention because of the prevalence of the use of deadly force by police against Black Americans. The public--both national and international--have criticized the U.S.'s culture of police impunity, claiming that it is in violation of various international human rights treaties. This Comment analyzes the; Search Snippet: ...DON'T SHOOT: THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE BY POLICE AGAINST RACIAL MINORITIES IN THE UNITED STATES Isabella Nascimento [FNa1] Copyright © 2018... |
2017 |
Emile Loza de Siles |
Hmda, Housing Segregation, and Racial Disparities in Mortgage Lending |
60-APR Advocate 46 (March/April, 2017) |
History teaches. It allows us to see people and events through the lens of time; compare and contrast them with those of our current world; and, most importantly, think deeply and honestly about what kinds of people we are and should be. Particularly, as attorneys sworn to law and justice, history illuminates for us what kind of society we must; Search Snippet: ...WL 1101658 ADVOCATE Advocate March/April, 2017 HISTORY'S CALLING: TODAY'S RACISM AND THE ELEVATION OF LAWYERS AND LEGAL PRACTICE Emile Loza... |
2017 |
Kevin R. Johnson |
How Racial Profiling and Other Unnecessary Post-9/11 Anti-immigrant Measures Have Exacerbated Long-standing Discrimination Against Latino Citizens and Immigrants |
2017 Wisconsin Law Review 345 (2017) |
This Essay considers the relationship between efforts to increase the racial and gender diversity of the federal judiciary and the contemporary contentiousness of the Senate judicial confirmation process. Part I briefly evaluates the benefits of a diverse federal judiciary and summarizes the relatively successful efforts of President Obama--the... |
2017 |
L. Song Richardson |
Implicit Racial Bias and Students' Fourth Amendment Rights |
15 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 73 (Fall, 2017) |
I. Introduction. 74 II. Implicit Racial Bias and Racial Anxiety. 75 A. Judgments of Suspicion: The Influence of Implicit Racial Bias. 75 1. Increased Scrutiny. 76 2. Biased Evaluations of Ambiguous Behaviors. 76 B. Interactions: The Influence of Racial Anxiety. 78 III. Implications for Policing and the Fourth Amendment. 81 A. Acting on Racial; Search Snippet: ...Symposium Terry at Fifty Guest Editor: Jennifer E. Laurin IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS AND RACIAL ANXIETY: IMPLICATIONS FOR STOPS AND FRISKS L. Song Richardson [FNa1... |
2017 |
Cyra Akila Choudhury |
In the Spirit of Regina Austin's Contextual Analysis: Exploring Racial Context in Legal Method, Writing Assignments and Scholarship |
20 CUNY Law Review 467 (Spring, 2017) |
I. Multicultural Tolerance, Identity Politics, and the Contingency of Progress. 471 II. Coopting Identity and Representation in the Service of the Institutional Status Quo. 476 III. Lessons from the Past: What are We Struggling For and Against?. 478; Search Snippet: ...piece in response to the following quotation: When you say racism, they say: it could have been something else. Sometimes you just know when it is racism. It is as tangible as hitting a wall, that the... |
2017 |
Joseph William Singer |
Indiana Federal District Court Finds No 1st Amendment Protection for College Teacher's Sexist, Racist, Homophobic and Islamophobic Classroom Comments |
10 Albany Government Law Review 1 (2017) |
It has never been contended, that the Indian title amounted to nothing. Their right of possession has never been questioned. The claim of government extends to the complete ultimate title, charged with this right of possession, and to the exclusive power of acquiring that right. Johnson v. M'Intosh (1823) [The Indian] right of occupancy is; Search Snippet: ...Law in the Modern Era Article INDIAN TITLE: UNRAVELING THE RACIAL CONTEXT OF PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR HOW TO STOP ENGAGING IN... |
2017 |
Wendy Hind |
Is it Really a Jury of Your Peers?: a Quantitative Analysis of Racial Composition on Juries in New York State |
60 Howard Law Journal 519 (Winter, 2017) |
Based on tests developed by the Supreme Court to analyze the concept of a jury of one's peers, a three-part analysis was performed on ten of the most populated counties of the State of New York. Significant results indicated a potential Sixth Amendment violation because of the underrepresentation of African Americans on juries in several counties; Search Snippet: ...REALLY A JURY OF YOUR PEERS?: A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF RACIAL COMPOSITION ON JURIES IN NEW YORK STATE Wendy Hind [FNa1... |
2017 |
William Wyatt Allen |
Justice for All? Challenging Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System |
18 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 29 (2017) |
Is a company a faceless race-less construction of the state, an extension of the identity of its members, or something completely different? This is a question the Supreme Court may ultimately have to address in order to determine whether a company has standing to bring a suit alleging racial discrimination. The lower federal courts have adopted; Search Snippet: ...STANDING SHOULD BE UNIVERSALLY ADOPTED FOR CASES INVOLVING COMPANIES ASSERTING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS William Wyatt Allen [FN1] Copyright © 2017 by Rutgers... |
2017 |
Herbert Lovelace |
Knocking on Heaven's Door: Closing the Racial Estate-planning Gap by Ending the Ban on Live Person-to-person Solicitation |
57 American Journal of Legal History 393 (December, 2017) |
How did King become King? This article chronicles Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s canonization by examining the role of Brown in the production of mid-twentieth century race men. It responds to three decades of legal scholarship describing Brown as a failure. The article asserts that if Brown's success is to be measured through linear, causal; Search Snippet: ...KING MAKING: BROWN v. BOARD AND THE RISE OF A RACIAL SAVIOR Herbert Lovelace [FNa1] Copyright © 2017 by Herbert Lovelace ABSTRACT... |
2017 |
Joseph Robinson Jr. |
Living on Strange Fruit |
24 Elder Law Journal 487 (2017) |
Social Security has a disparate impact on minorities. The expected rate of return for a white twenty-year-old male is over twice the rate of return that an African-American twenty-year-old male can expect. Legislative history and the circumstances surrounding the passing of the Social Security Act of 1935 indicate that there was intent to; Search Snippet: ...SOCIAL SECURITY AS AN INSTITUTION CONTINUES TO PERPETUATE THE SOCIAL RACISM OF THE 1930S Joseph Robinson Jr. [FNa1] Copyright © 2017 by... |
2017 |
Alex Dietz |
Mclaurin's Seat: the Need for Racial Inclusion in Legal Education |
12 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy Sidebar 133 (February 28, 2017) |
Every ten years, states are required to draw new electoral districts. State legislatures across the country draw new district lines based on many competing considerations, including race. The use of race in redistricting is a contentious issue and poses many potential difficulties for would-be map drawers. Redistricting plans must not rely on too; Search Snippet: ...2017 Supreme Court Commentary MCCRORY v. HARRIS: CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITIONS ON RACIAL CLASSIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT IN... |
2017 |
Francis X. Shen |
Minority Recruitment and Retention-how Does a Firm Succeed? A Case Study |
68 Hastings Law Journal 1007 (June, 2017) |
The American criminal justice system relies upon jurors to regularly decode the mental states of criminal defendants. These determinations are often of black and Hispanic defendants, making minority mens rea a centerpiece of the justice process. This Article presents an empirical investigation of how jury eligible subjects decode minority mens; Search Snippet: ...JOURNAL Hastings Law Journal June, 2017 Article MINORITY MENS REA: RACIAL BIAS AND CRIMINAL MENTAL STATES Francis X. Shen [FNa1] Copyright... |
2017 |
Atiba R. Ellis |
North Carolina's Racial Politics: Dred Scott Rules from the Grave |
20 CUNY Law Review 493 (Spring, 2017) |
I. Making the Absurd Commonplace. 493 II. It Isn't Raining. 495 III. The Erasing of Race as a Moral Compass. 499 IV. A New Race Consciousness. 503; Search Snippet: ...piece in response to the following quotation: When you say racism, they say: it could have been something else. Sometimes you just know when it is racism. It is as tangible as hitting a wall, that the... |
2017 |
Irving Joyner |
Not "Strictly" Racial: a Response to "Indians as Peoples" |
12 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy 141 (Spring, 2017) |
The right and ability of African-Americans to vote and participate in the political process in North Carolina is aggressively being attacked. This is not the first time in North Carolina history that similar attacks have occurred. In the past, the attacks have been successful, but African-Americans have battled back to regain and reassert the... |
2017 |
Janine Young Kim |
On Surviving Legal De-education: an Allegory for a Renaissance in Legal Education |
20 CUNY Law Review 505 (Spring, 2017) |
No one can seriously dispute that the elections of the forty-fourth and forty-fifth Presidents of the United States marked dramatic sea changes in the nation's self-image. The 2008 election enabled us to declare ourselves post-racial. Today, we appear to have moved away from a post-racial America to a post-factual (or post-truth) one. Of course,; Search Snippet: ...piece in response to the following quotation: When you say racism, they say: it could have been something else. Sometimes you just know when it is racism. It is as tangible as hitting a wall, that the... |
2017 |
Jonathan Kahn |
Placing S.b. 1070 and Racial Profiling into Context, and What S.b. 1070 Reveals about the Legislative Process in Arizona |
43 American Journal of Law & Medicine 263 (2017) |
In the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust, scientists and social scientists alike worked hard for decades to distance genetic research from its eugenic and racist past. From the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation's (UNESCO) 1950 Statement on Race to President William Clinton's declaration upon the completion; Search Snippet: ...Article PILLS FOR PREJUDICE: IMPLICIT BIAS AND TECHNICAL FIX FOR RACISM Jonathan Kahn [FNd1] Copyright © 2017 by American Society of Law... |
2017 |
Police in America: Ensuring Accountability and Mitigating Racial Bias |
11 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 385 (Fall, 2017) |
KEYNOTE ADDRESS held at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Thorne Auditorium, 375 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, on the 13th day of November, A.D. 2015. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: MR. PAUL BUTLER, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center (Washington, D.C.). PROFESSOR BEDI: Okay. Welcome back, everybody. We are going to get started with; Search Snippet: ...Bias Conference Proceedings POLICE IN AMERICA: ENSURING ACCOUNTABILITY AND MITIGATING RACIAL BIAS Copyright © 2017 by Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law... |
2017 |
Police Racial Violence: Lessons from Social Psychology |
11 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 354 (Fall, 2017) |
UNDERSTANDING AND OVERCOMING IMPLICIT BIAS held at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Thorne Auditorium, 375 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, on the 13 day of November, A.D. 2015. FEATURED SPEAKER: Professor Destiny Peery; Introduction by Professor Locke Bowman. PROFESSOR BOWMAN: Good morning and welcome, everyone. My name is Locke Bowman.... |
2017 |
Elizabeth Danquah-Brobby |
Prison Segregation: Symposium Introduction and Preliminary Data on Racial Disparities |
46 University of Baltimore Law Review 523 (Summer, 2017) |
Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different, they are one and the same. Historically, blacks have been prosecuted and convicted across the United States at significantly higher rates when compared to whites for marijuana-related crimes, despite the fact that studies indicate marijuana use by whites and blacks is relatively; Search Snippet: ...Summer, 2017 Comment PRISON FOR YOU. PROFIT FOR ME. SYSTEMIC RACISM EFFECTIVELY BARS BLACKS FROM PARTICIPATION IN NEWLY-LEGAL MARIJUANA INDUSTRY... |
2017 |
Zsea Bowmani |
Race and Bankruptcy: Explaining Racial Disparities in Consumer Bankruptcy |
18 Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law L. 1 (Spring, 2017) |
Introduction. 2 I. Institutionalized Discrimination in Immigration and Asylum Law. 4 A. Sexual and Racial Exclusions in U.S. Immigration Law. 5 1. Discrimination Against LGBTQ Immigrants. 7 2. Racial Exclusions. 11 B. U.S. and International Asylum Law: Ill-Fit for LGBTQ People. 14 1. The Quintessential Refugee is Not Queer. 15 2. The Process of; Search Snippet: ...the Law Article QUEER REFUGE: THE IMPACTS OF HOMOANTAGONISM AND RACISM IN U.S. ASYLUM LAW [FNd1] Zsea Bowmani [FNa1] Copyright © 2017... |
2017 |
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw |
Race Mattered: Racial Formation and the Politics of Crime in Territorial New Mexico |
130 Harvard Law Review 2298 (October, 2017) |
In the era that followed the formal collapse of white supremacy, efforts to sustain and broaden reformist agendas against the denouement of social justice movements exposed a series of discordant debates on the Left. While many such conflicts surfaced throughout the social order, some of these debates were staged in elite spaces like Harvard Law; Search Snippet: ...2017 Bicentennial Issue Essay RACE LIBERALISM AND THE DERADICALIZATION OF RACIAL REFORM Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw [FNa1] Copyright © 2017 by The Harvard... |
2017 |
Margaret F. Brinig |
Racial and Locational Patterns of Subsidized Housing in the Chicago Suburbs |
35 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 199 (Summer, 2017) |
Academics have studied married and divorcing couples for many years. It is relatively easy to do so, because marriage and divorce records are, for the most part, public and because many separating married couples consult mental health and legal professionals. Intact or separating unmarried couples, a growing segment of the U.S. (and world); Search Snippet: ...Workshop on Coercion, Class, and Paternal Participation | Nov. 17, 2016 RACIAL AND GENDER JUSTICE IN THE CHILD WELFARE AND CHILD SUPPORT... |
2017 |
Addie Rolnick , Kim Pearson |
Racial Anxiety |
2017 Michigan State Law Review 727 (2017) |
C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 727 I. Displaced Children. 733 II. Race in Family Law. 738 III. Whiteness and Ideal Parenthood. 745 Conclusion. 750; Search Snippet: ...MICHIGAN STATE LAW REVIEW Michigan State Law Review 2017 Article RACIAL ANXIETIES IN ADOPTION: REFLECTIONS ON ADOPTIVE COUPLE, WHITE PARENTHOOD, AND... |
2017 |
Rachel D. Godsil , L. Song Richardson |
Racial Auditors and the Fourth Amendment: Data with the Power to Inspire Political Action |
102 Iowa Law Review 2235 (July, 2017) |
Many have embraced evidence from the mind sciences that our behaviors are often influenced by our implicit biases rather than our conscious beliefs. This is one reason why implicit bias has become a staple in trainings for judges, lawyers, police officers, teachers, and health care providers. While understanding that implicit bias is; Search Snippet: ...WL 3704203 IOWA LAW REVIEW Iowa Law Review July, 2017 RACIAL ANXIETY Rachel D. Godsil [FNa1] L. Song Richardson [FNaa1] Copyright... |
2017 |
Elaine Luthens |
Racial Discrimination--the Burden-shifting Analysis in a Motion for Summary Judgment--the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Changes the Supreme Court's Burden of Production on a Defendant's Offer of Non-discrimination: Simmons V. American Airlines |
20 Journal of Gender, Race and Justice 381 (Spring, 2017) |
I. Introduction. 381 II. Background. 382 A. Employment Discrimination Statutes. 382 1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 383 2. The Equal Pay Act. 383 3. The Americans with Disabilities Act. 384 4. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act. 384 5. State Statutes. 385 B. The McDonnell Douglas Burden-Shifting Scheme. 385 C. The Business; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Gender, Race and Justice Spring, 2017 Student Note RACIAL DISCRIMINATION OR VALID BUSINESS JUDGMENTS?: EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION AND THE BUSINESS... |
2017 |
Maurice R. Dyson |
Racial Gerrymandering |
13 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 967 (February, 2005) |
With the recent revelation of who actually benefits from affirmative action, the genie is finally out of the bottle and a deep fissure in the bulwark of race relations among West Indians, Africans, African Americans, and biracial persons has emerged. A short time ago, a brow-raising article in the New York Times revealed that the descendants of... |
2017 |
Katherine E. Leung |
Racial Identity, Electoral Structures, and the First Amendment Right of Association |
24 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 57 (Winter, 2017) |
Introduction. 58 I. Framing Racial Identity Performance Protection. 59 A. Critical Framework. 59 B. The Development of Modern Disparate Impact Theory. 61 II. History of Identity Performance Protections Under Title VII. 63 A. The Evolution of Sex Discrimination Under Title VII. 63 B. Protecting Religious Identity Performance. 66 Before and After; Search Snippet: ...Journal of Social Policy and the Law Winter, 2017 Note RACIAL IDENTITY PERFORMANCE AND EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW Katherine E. Leung [FNa1... |
2017 |
Steven L. Nelson, J.D., Ph.D. |
Racial Suffering as Human Suffering: an Existentially-grounded Humanity Consciousness as a Guide to a Fourteenth Amendment Reborn |
9 Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives Persp. 1 (Spring, 2017) |
The state takeover of locally governed schools in predominately black communities has not disrupted the racial subjugation of black people in the United States. Using proportional analyses and the cities of Detroit, Memphis, and New Orleans as sites, the researcher finds that state takeover districts have not consistently disrupted the... |
2017 |
Zahava Moerdler |
Racially Based Jury Nullification: Black Power in the Criminal Justice System |
40 Fordham International Law Journal 1281 (June, 2017) |
2017 |
Andrea Freeman |
Racism in the Criminal Justice System: Problems and Suggestions |
95 North Carolina Law Review 1071 (May, 2017) |
In a social and financial climate characterized by deep racial and socioeconomic divide, racism against credit card applicants and consumers is a core piece of the systemic inequality that perpetuates dramatic disparities in wealth, employment, health, and education. Over several decades, credit cards have evolved into an essential tool for lower-; Search Snippet: ...CAROLINA LAW REVIEW North Carolina Law Review May, 2017 Article RACISM IN THE CREDIT CARD INDUSTRY [FNa1] Andrea Freeman [FNaa1] Copyright... |
2017 |
Norman L. Reimer , NACDL, Washington, DC, 202-465-7623, Website, Twitter @NACDL, E-mail |
Racism Is Here to Stay: Now What? |
41-AUG Champion Champion 9 (August, 2017) |
I wish this column were unnecessary. I wish that the promise of my youth had long ago been fulfilled. I wish that the dream of a post-racial society had come true. I wish that we had arrived at the place where all persons are treated with equal respect and fairness, where, as Dr. Martin Luther King so famously and eloquently expressed it more than; Search Snippet: ...2017 WL 4769608 CHAMPION Champion August, 2017 Column Inside NACDL RACISM IN THE U.S. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: AN UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH FOR... |
2017 |
Sherri Lee Keene |
Rape as a Legal Symbol: an Essay on Sexual Violence and Racism |
32-SUM Criminal Justice 35 (Summer, 2017) |
in the criminal courtroom, race can often feel like the elephant in the room. While racial bias can play a role in decision making at many points in the criminal process, discussions on this topic can be stifled. Yet, for a criminal defense attorney, the inability to discuss how race may have impacted a defendant's case can result in missed; Search Snippet: ...2017 Feature RAISING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THE POTENTIAL INFLUENCE OF IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS IN POLICE STOPS Sherri Lee Keene [FNa1] Copyright © 2017... |
2017 |
Joel L. Hamner |
Red Card Racism: Using the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas) to Prevent and Punish Racist Conduct Perpetrated by Fans Attending European Soccer Games |
94 Denver Law Review Online 426 (2017) |
On May 22, 2017, the United States Supreme Court found that the North Carolina state legislature improperly gerrymandered two congressional districts by considering race as the predominant factor when redrawing district lines in 2011. Applying a clearly erroneous standard of review, the Court unanimously upheld the district court's decision to; Search Snippet: ...WHITE, BLACK AND BLUE: AN EXAMINATION OF THE SUPREME COURT'S RACIAL GERRYMANDERING JURISPRUDENCE FOLLOWING COOPER v. HARRIS Joel L. Hamner Copyright... |
2017 |
Kaitlin Bigger, J.D. Candidate, 2018, American University Washington College of Law, B.A. Political Science, 2013, Appalachian State University |
Reducing Racial Disparities in Child Welfare: One County's Approach |
10 Modern American 66 (Spring, 2017) |
On May 23, 2016, the Supreme Court addressed an area of capital trials continuously prone to racial discrimination in its Foster v. Chatman decision. During voir dire, both parties are given peremptory challenges and challenges for cause. Challenging a juror for cause requires a specific reason for removing the juror, while peremptory challenges do; Search Snippet: ...WL 5900928 MODERN AMERICAN Modern American Spring, 2017 Blog REDUCING RACIAL BIAS IN CAPITAL JURY SELECTION BY ELIMINATING PEREMPTORY CHALLENGES Kaitlin... |
2017 |
George I. Lovell |
Reflections on Fisher V. University of Texas Ii and Campus Protests over Racial Inequality |
42 Law and Social Inquiry 571 (Spring, 2017) |
Bell, Jeannine. 2013. Hate Thy Neighbor: Move In Violence and the Persistence of Racial Segregation in American Housing. New York: NYU Press. Pp. 259. Jeannine Bell's Hate Thy Neighbor: Move In Violence and the Persistence of Racial Segregation in American Housing provides an account of racist violence as a tool for maintaining housing segregation; Search Snippet: ...Racial Segregation in American Housing REFLECTIONS ON A FUNHOUSE MIRROR-- RACIST VIOLENCE, THE PROTECTION OF PRIVILEGE, AND THE LIMITS OF TOLERANCE... |
2017 |
Alan C. Weinstein |
Reforming Capital Punishment in the South: a Glimpse at the North Carolina Racial Justice Act Movement |
45 Capital University Law Review 59 (Winter, 2017) |
My reflection on Professor Roberts' Sullivan Lecture poses two questions. First, how far have we come as a nation from the hyper-segregated housing patterns of the 1930s through 1960s that Professor Roberts described in her lecture? Regrettably, the answer appears to be not far at all. Further, we are today faced with a second form of; Search Snippet: ...Winter, 2017 Sullivan Lecture Reflection REFLECTIONS ON THE PERSISTENCE OF RACIAL SEGREGATION IN HOUSING Alan C. Weinstein [FNa1] Copyright © 2016 by... |
2017 |
Zachary Norris |
Reparing the past |
94 Denver Law Review 515 (Spring, 2017) |
Structural racism and racial injustice result in deep, long-standing, and widespread harm to communities, particularly to people of color and low-income people. To address and remedy these harms, countries and institutions have attempted to create processes for intervention and accountability; however, these efforts have often been limited or; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW Denver Law Review Spring, 2017 Article REPAIRING HARM FROM RACIAL INJUSTICE: AN ANALYSIS OF THE JUSTICE REINVESTMENT INITIATIVE AND THE... |
2017 |
Scott Holmes |
Re-solidifying Racial Bloc Voting: Empirics and Legal Doctrine in the Melting Pot |
85 UMKC Law Review 625 (Spring, 2017) |
Maybe all she had left when her words ran out was this smack of action. Maybe her heart is a charred city, charmed city Her son, her last ember. We take her footage into our eyes and mouths, add our own soundtrack and lean political. John Hill is a poor black man, his body covered in burn scars. He was riding his bicycle down Alston Avenue in; Search Snippet: ...REVIEW UMKC Law Review Spring, 2017 Article RESISTING ARREST AND RACISM - THE CRIME OF DISRESPECT Professor Scott Holmes [FNa1] Copyright © 2016... |
2017 |
Jonathan Kahn, JD, PhD |
Ricci V. Destafano: Extinguishing Racism in America |
67 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1153 (Summer, 2017) |
In 2006, I published an article examining the rising use of racial categories in biomedical patents in the aftermath of the successful completion of the Human Genome Project and the production of the first draft of a complete human genome. Ten years on, it now seems time to revisit the issue and consider it in light of the current era of Precision; Search Snippet: ...Law from Rosa Parks to the Twenty-First Century REVISITING RACIAL PATENTS IN AN ERA OF PRECISION MEDICINE Jonathan Kahn JD... |
2017 |
Caitlin Toto |
Sharing Space: Why Racial Goodwill Isn't Enough |
58 Boston College Law Review 1355 (September, 2017) |
In recent years, the sharing economy has pervaded the life of the consumer, challenging the regulatory and business status quo. Despite the pluralistic messages of many sharing economy companies, racial discrimination is a growing problem on peer-to-peer networks such as Uber and Airbnb. Victims of discrimination, however, have; Search Snippet: ...ACTION WAIVERS IN THE SHARING ECONOMY PRESENTS A THREAT TO RACIAL DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS Caitlin Toto Copyright © 2017 by Boston College Law... |
2017 |
Sixty Years after the Internment: Civil Rights, Identity Politics, and Racial Profiling |
131 Harvard Law Review 273 (November, 2017) |
The jury is a semi-sacred institution in the American legal system. The Sixth Amendment guarantees criminal defendants the right to trial, by an impartial jury, and Rule 606(b) of the Federal Rules of Evidence forecloses certain inquiries into the validity of jury verdicts by forbidding jurors from testifying about any statement made or incident... |
2017 |
Carrie Leonetti |
Smoking out Racism in the Fdny: the Dwindling Use of Race-conscious Hiring Remedies |
101 Marquette Law Review 205 (Fall, 2017) |
The systematic foreclosure of federal-court review of even the most meritorious federal constitutional challenges of state criminal convictions has made review on the merits of an inmate's claim that a state court violated the U.S. Constitution in adjudicating a criminal case exceedingly rare. Nonetheless, over the past two terms, the Supreme Court... |
2017 |