AuthorTitleCitationDocument TypeCase StatusSummaryYearRelevancy
Michelle D. Layser The Pro-gentrification Origins of Place-based Investment Tax Incentives and a Path Toward Community Oriented Reform 2019 Wisconsin Law Review 745 (2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Place-based investment tax incentives, which encourage taxpayers to invest in poor areas, constitute a particularly controversial, yet undertheorized, category of tax laws. The central problem presented by current place-based investment tax incentives is a contradiction between rhetoric and reality. They are presented as laws that benefit... 2019  
Alec Karakatsanis The Punishment Bureaucracy: How to Think about "Criminal Justice Reform" 128 Yale Law Journal Forum 848 (3/28/2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   [W]e do not expect people to be deeply moved by what is not unusual. That element of tragedy which lies in the very fact of frequency, has not yet wrought itself into the coarse emotion of mankind; and perhaps our frames could hardly bear much of it. If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass... 2019  
Adam Banks The Push for Corporate Human Trafficking Compliance under the Trends of Global Legislation 7 Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs 577 (2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 579 II. Necessary Definitions. 582 A. Forced Labor. 582 B. Corporate Social Responsibility. 583 III. Human Trafficking in Supply Chains. 584 A. The Global Process of Human Trafficking. 584 B. The Market for Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. 585 C. Corporate Social Responsibility Responses to Human... 2019  
Seth Davis The Thirteenth Amendment and Self-determination 104 Cornell Law Review Online 88 (September, 2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Slavery in the American South was a system of government that denied self-determination to Black communities. The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution promised that [n]either slavery nor involuntary servitude . shall exist within the United States. Today, Black communities and other subordinated communities are demanding... 2019  
Rose Cuison Villazor , Kevin R. Johnson The Trump Administration and the War on Immigration Diversity 54 Wake Forest Law Review 575 (Spring, 2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   As candidate and President, Donald Trump has unabashedly expressed his disdain for immigrants of color and demonstrated an unmistakable commitment to restrict their immigration to the United States. Contemptuous words about immigrants translated into concrete policies designed to restrict the number of immigrants entering and remaining in the... 2019  
Vladyslav Lanovoy, Associate Legal Officer, International Court of Justice Third-party Countermeasures in International Law. By Martin Dawidowicz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Pp. Xxiv, 431. Index 113 American Journal of International Law 200 (January, 2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Martin Dawidowicz's monograph examines the concept of third-party countermeasures in international law, also known as collective, solidarity, or general interest measures. The author, a lecturer in public international law at the University of Oxford, defines a third-party countermeasure as an otherwise unlawful act of a peaceful character taken by... 2019  
Manal Totry-Jubran Transitional Justice in Housing Injustice: the Case of Housing Rights Violations Within Settler Democracies 52 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 795 (October, 2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The right to housing is recognized by international human rights treaties as an integral part of the right to an adequate standard of living. Many states have ratified these treaties and incorporated protection of some aspects of housing rights into their constitutions and domestic legislation. Other states have not enacted any legislation in... 2019  
Brett Samuels Trump Honors 'Indomitable Spirit of African Americans' on Juneteenth The Hill (6/19/2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   President Trump on Wednesday paid tribute to African Americans on Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery. 2019  
Chan Tov McNamarah White Caller Crime: Racialized Police Communication and Existing While Black 24 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 335 (Spring, 2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Over the past year, reports to the police about Black persons engaged in innocuous behaviors have bombarded the American consciousness. What do we make of them? And, equally important, what are the consequences of such reports? This Article is the first to argue that the recent spike in calls to the police against Black persons who are simply... 2019  
Seokwoo Lee, Seryon Lee, Inha University Law School, Korea, Chonbuk National University Law School, Korea Yeo Woon Taek v. New Nippon Steel Corporation. 2013 Da 61381. Compensation for Damages (Others). Supreme Court of Republic of Korea, October 30, 2018 113 American Journal of International Law 592 (July, 2019) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   On October 30, 2018, the South Korean Supreme Court, in an 11-2 decision, upheld the judgment of the lower court, which ordered New Nippon Steel Corporation, a Japanese company, to provide KRW 100 million (approximately USD 84,000) in compensation to each of the four plaintiffs, who were forced to work at Japanese steel mills during World War II.... 2019  
Shavonda..." 2018 Nj A.b. 5968 (Ns) 2018 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 5968, New Jersey Two Hundred Eighteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (11/18/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Establishes New Jersey Reparations Task Force." ASSEMBLY 2019  
Ronald..." 2018 Nj S.b. 4261 (Ns) 2018 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 4261, New Jersey Two Hundred Eighteenth Legislature - Second Annual Session (11/18/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Establishes New Jersey Reparations Task Force." SENATE 2019  
Weber 2019 ca A.c.r. 130 (Ns) 2019 California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130, California 2019-2020 Regular Session (8/19/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Relative to African descendants of slaves in the United States. CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE--2019-20 REGULAR SESSION Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130 Introduced by Assembly Member Weber (Coauthors: Assembly Members Burke, Cooper, Gipson, Holden, Jones-Sawyer, Kamlager-Dove, and McCarty) (Coauthors: Senators Bradford and Mitchell) August 19, 2019 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130--Relative to African descendants of slaves in the United States. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 130, as introduced, Weber. African descendants of slaves in the United States. This measure would... 2019  
Weber 2019 ca A.c.r. 130 (Ns) 2019 California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130, California 2019-2020 Regular Session (9/26/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Relative to African descendants of slaves in the United States. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130 RESOLUTION CHAPTER 176 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130--Relative to African descendants of slaves in the United States. [Filed with Secretary of State September 26, 2019.] LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 130, Weber. African descendants of slaves in the United States. This measure would recognize the need to pursue avenues to implement proposed reparations for the descendants of African slaves in the United States. The measure would further recognize August 2019 as marking 400... 2019  
  2019 ca A.c.r. 130 (Ns) 2019 California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 130, California 2019-2020 Regular Session (9/13/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: African descendants of slaves in the United States Introduced by Assembly Member Weber (Coauthors: Assembly Members Burke, Cooper, Gipson, Holden, Jones-Sawyer, Kamlager-Dove, and McCarty, Aguiar-Curry, Arambula, Bauer-Kahan, Berman, Bloom, Boerner Horvath, Bonta, Calderon, Carrillo, Chau, Chiu, Chu, Cooley, Cunningham, Daly, Diep, Eggman, Frazier, Friedman, Gabriel, Cristina Garcia, Eduardo Garcia, Gloria, Gonzalez, Gray, Grayson, Irwin, Kalra, Lackey, Levine, Low, Maienschein, Medina, Mullin, Muratsuchi, Nazarian, O'Donnell, Petrie-Norris, Quirk, Quirk-Silva, Ramos, Rendon, Reyes,... 2019  
Gonzalez, McCarty, and Weber 2019 ca A.j.r. 21 (Ns) 2019 California Assembly Joint Resolution No. 21, California 2019-2020 Regular Session (6/19/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Relative to reparations for descendants of enslaved persons. CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE--2019-20 REGULAR SESSION Assembly Joint Resolution No. 21 Introduced by Assembly Members Gonzalez, McCarty, and Weber June 19, 2019 Assembly Joint Resolution No. 21--Relative to reparations for descendants of enslaved persons. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AJR 21, as introduced, Gonzalez. Reparations for descendants of enslaved persons. This measure would formally apologize for California's past complicity in enabling and furthering the practice of slavery and would urge the United States Congress and... 2019  
  2019 Cong Us Hr 40 116th CONGRESS, 1st Session (1/3/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes. Ms. Jackson Lee (for herself, Mr. Serrano, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Khanna,... 2019  
  2019 Cong Us Hres 702 116th CONGRESS, 1st Session (11/14/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   Recognizing that the United States has a moral obligation to meet its foundational promise of guaranteed justice for all. Ms. Pressley submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary Recognizing that the United States has a moral obligation to meet its foundational promise of guaranteed justice for all. Whereas the United States has an incarceration crisis that has destabilized millions of Americans, caused intergenerational harm and trauma to families, decimated entire communities, and disproportionately impacted communities of color, particularly... 2019  
  2019 Cong Us S 1083 116th CONGRESS, 1st Session (4/9/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes. Mr. Booker introduced the following bill; which was read twice... 2019  
House, Rep. Carol Ammons 2019 Il H.j.r. 90 (Ns) 2019 Illinois House Joint Resolution No. 90, Illinois One Hundred First General Assembly - First Regular Session (10/29/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Urges recognition of Illinois' vibrant history of African American political struggles for democracy and freedom that have widened the scope and deepened the State's and United States' commitment to democracy and racial justice. Urges adequate appropriations for investigations, research, publication, and a website to represent Illinois' contribution to widening and deepening the State's and the United States' commitment to racial justice in memorializing Illinois Recognition of the 1619 Project:Year of Return. Urges adequate appropriations for the development of a comprehensive... 2019  
House, Rep. Carol Ammons-Jehan Gordon-Booth-LaToya Greenwood-La Shawn K. Ford-Sonya M. Harper, Camille Y. Lilly, Will Guzzardi, Andre Thapedi, Mark L. Walker, Rita Mayfield, William Davis, Marcus C. Evans, Jr., Nicholas K. Smith and Maurice A. West, II 2019 Il H.j.r. 90 (Ns) 2019 Illinois House Joint Resolution No. 90, Illinois One Hundred First General Assembly - First Regular Session (11/12/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Urges recognition of Illinois' vibrant history of African American political struggles for democracy and freedom that have widened the scope and deepened the State's and United States' commitment to democracy and racial justice. Urges adequate appropriations for investigations, research, publication, and a website to represent Illinois' contribution to widening and deepening the State's and the United States' commitment to racial justice in memorializing Illinois Recognition of the 1619 Project:Year of Return. Urges adequate appropriations for the development of a comprehensive... 2019  
House, Rep. Carol Ammons-Jehan Gordon-Booth-LaToya Greenwood-La Shawn K. Ford-Sonya M. Harper, Camille Y. Lilly, Will Guzzardi, Andre Thapedi, Mark L. Walker, Rita Mayfield, William Davis, Marcus C. Evans, Jr., Nicholas K. Smith and Maurice A. West, II 2019 Il H.j.r. 90 (Ns) 2019 Illinois House Joint Resolution No. 90, Illinois One Hundred First General Assembly - First Regular Session (11/13/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Urges recognition of Illinois' vibrant history of African American political struggles for democracy and freedom that have widened the scope and deepened the State's and United States' commitment to democracy and racial justice. Urges adequate appropriations for investigations, research, publication, and a website to represent Illinois' contribution to widening and deepening the State's and the United States' commitment to racial justice in memorializing Illinois Recognition of the 1619 Project:Year of Return. Urges adequate appropriations for the development of a comprehensive... 2019  
House, Rep. Carol Ammons 2019 Il H.r. 615 (Ns) 2019 Illinois House Resolution No. 615, Illinois One Hundred First General Assembly - First Regular Session (11/13/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Mourns the death of former U.S. Representative John Conyers. HOUSE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of former U.S. Representative John James Conyers Jr.; and WHEREAS, Rep. Conyers was born in Highland Park, Michigan on May 16, 1929 and grew up in Detroit; he attended Wayne State University, where he received both his undergraduate and law degrees; he served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War as part of a unit of African-American combat engineers; and WHEREAS, Rep. Conyers became a civil rights activist and... 2019  
House, Rep. Carol Ammons 2019 Il H.r. 615 (Ns) 2019 Illinois House Resolution No. 615, Illinois One Hundred First General Assembly - First Regular Session (11/14/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Mourns the death of former U.S. Representative John Conyers. HOUSE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of former U.S. Representative John James Conyers Jr.; and WHEREAS, Rep. Conyers was born in Highland Park, Michigan on May 16, 1929 and grew up in Detroit; he attended Wayne State University, where he received both his undergraduate and law degrees; he served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War as part of a unit of African-American combat engineers; and WHEREAS, Rep. Conyers became a civil rights activist and... 2019  
Barron, Charles 2019 Ny A.b. 3080 (Ns) 2019 New York Assembly Bill No. 3080, New York Two Hundred Forty-Second Legislative Session (1/28/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Establishes the New York state community commission on reparations remedies; makes an appropriation of $250,000. STATE OF NEW YORK _ 3080 2019-2020 Regular Sessions IN ASSEMBLY January 28, 2019 _ Introduced by M. of A. BARRON, PRETLOW, WRIGHT, DICKENS, AUBRY, WALKER, BLAKE, WILLIAMS, RICHARDSON, CRESPO, SOLAGES, PICHARDO, ARROYO, RODRI- GUEZ, MOSLEY, PEOPLES-STOKES, COOK, RIVERA, DE LA ROSA, PERRY, VANEL, TITUS, HYNDMAN, CAHILL, GANTT, JEAN-PIERRE, BICHOTTE, TAYLOR -- read once and referred to the... 2019  
Barron, Charles 2019 Ny A.b. 3080 (Ns) 2019 New York Assembly Bill No. 3080, New York Two Hundred Forty-Second Legislative Session (3/26/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: BARRON, PRETLOW, WRIGHT, DICKENS, AUBRY, WALKER, BLAKE, WILLIAMS, RICHARDSON, CRESPO, SOLAGES, PICHARDO, ARROYO, RODRIGUEZ, MOSLEY, PEOPLES-STOKES, COOK, RIVERA, DE LA ROSA, PERRY, VANEL, TITUS, HYNDMAN, CAHILL, GANTT, JEAN-PIERRE, BICHOTTE, TAYLOR, JAFFEE, D'URSO, DILAN Relates to acknowledging the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the city of New York and the state of New York; establishing the commission to study reparations for African-Americans and to recommend remedies to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto... 2019  
Sanders, Jr., James 2019 Ny S.b. 2904 (Ns) 2019 New York Senate Bill No. 2904, New York Two Hundred Forty-Second Legislative Session (1/30/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: SANDERS, PARKER, SEPULVEDA Relates to acknowledging the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the city of New York and the state of New York; establishes the commission to study reparations for African-Americans and to recommend remedies to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, the impact of these forces on living African-Americans and to make recommendations on appropriate remedies; makes an appropriation therefor; and provides for the repeal of such... 2019  
Sanders, Jr., James 2019 Ny S.b. 2904 (Ns) 2019 New York Senate Bill No. 2904, New York Two Hundred Forty-Second Legislative Session (4/17/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: SANDERS, PARKER, SEPULVEDA Relates to acknowledging the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the city of New York and the state of New York; establishes the commission to study reparations for African-Americans and to recommend remedies to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, the impact of these forces on living African-Americans and to make recommendations on appropriate remedies; makes an appropriation therefor; and provides for the repeal of such... 2019  
Reynolds 2019 Tx H.c.r. 150 (Ns) 2019 Texas House Concurrent Resolution No. 150, Texas Eighty-Sixth Legislature (4/5/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Memorializing the 116th Congress to pass H.R. 40 establishing a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans. 86R24010 SME-D By: Reynolds H.C.R. No. 150 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, During a span of nearly 250 years, beginning in 1619 and continuing until 1865, approximately four million Africans and their descendants were enslaved and forced into uncompensated labor in the United States and the 13 American colonies that preceded the founding of this nation; and WHEREAS, The enslavement of Africans and their descendants was constitutionally sanctioned... 2019  
Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Kevin Christie; Rep. Selene Colburn; Rep. Harold Hal" Colston; Rep. Mari Cordes; Rep. Diana Gonzalez;" 2019 Vt H.b. 478 (Ns) 2019 Vermont House Bill No. 478, Vermont 2019-2020 Legislative Session (2/27/2019) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: This bill proposes to establish a task force to: (1) study and consider a State apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery; and (2) make recommendations to the General Assembly on appropriate remedies. H.478 Introduced by Representatives Cina of Burlington, Christie of Hartford, Colburn of Burlington, Colston of Winooski, Cordes of Lincoln, and Gonzalez of Winooski Referred to Committee on Date: Subject: Executive Branch; General Assembly; Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Statement of purpose of bill as introduced:... 2019  
  2019 Vt Reg Text 503570 (Ns) (1/2/2019) Regulations (Proposed & Adopted)   This rulemaking and the five that are being filed contemporaneously amend the Health Benefits Eligibility and Enrollment (HBEE) rules which were last amended effective January 1, 2018. The parts of HBEE that are being amended at this time are as follows: General Provisions and Definitions (Part 1), Eligibility Standards (Part 2), Nonfinancial Eligibility Requirements (Part 3), Special Rules for Medicaid Coverage of Long-Term Care Services and Supports - Eligibility and Post-Eligibility (Part 4), Financial Methodologies (Part 5), and Eligibility and Enrollment Procedures (Part 7). There are no... 2019  
  Award (3/11/2019) Trial Court Documents   1. On 2 November 2007, the Claimants submitted to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID or the Centre) a Request for Arbitration against the Bolivarian... 2019  
  Complaint (10/10/2019) Trial Court Documents   COMES NOW, the plaintiff Ronald Satish Emrit, who is bringing forth this complaint against the three defendants seeking to assess joint and several liability in which the three alleged... 2019  
  Jury Trial Demanded (1/18/2019) Trial Court Documents   NOW COMES Plaintiff, COREY BATCHELOR, by his attorneys, LOEVY & LOEVY and the MANDEL LEGAL AID CLINIC of the University of Chicago Law School, and complaining of Defendants, CITY OF... 2019  
  Second Amended Complaint (11/4/2019) Trial Court Documents   FN* Erica Maricich, Lee Stark, and Aaron Tucek, University of Chicago Law students, provided substantial assistance in the preparation of this document. NOW COMES Plaintiff, COREY... 2019  
  United Kingdom 2017 Human Rights Report (4/1/2018) Administrative Decisions & Guidance     2018  
  Amended Brief for Defendant-appellee M%22av (2/27/2018) Briefs   FN1. This Court also rejected Plaintiffs' numerous other excuses for failing to exhaust, including the statute of limitations - because it was formally extended for Holocaust-related... 2018  
  Brief for Defendant-appellee Mav (2/15/2018) Briefs   (1) The full name of every party that the attorney represents in the case (if the party is a corporation, you must provide the corporate disclosure information required by Fed. R. App. P.... 2018  
  Brief of the Petitioner-appellant with Separately Bound Appendix Parts 1 and 2 (5/16/2018) Briefs   FN1. The very first offer from the state was 10 to 18 years imprisonment. 10/2/17T5. FN2. Attorney O'Brien testified that Judge Alexander, the sentencing judge, had a very low opinion of... 2018  
  Proposed Brief of Amici Curiae the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, the Anti-defamation League, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Naral Pro-choice Massachusetts, and the National Urban (9/24/2018) Briefs   FN1. No counsel for any party has authored this brief in whole or in part; no party or party's counsel has contributed money that was intended to fund preparing or submitting this brief;... 2018  
  Response to Brief for Amicus Curiae the United States (6/15/2018) Briefs   As the United States explains, forum non conveniens can play [a] . critical [] role in a case brought against a foreign state defendant by giving effect to principles of comity and... 2018  
  Belle v. Detroit City Clerk Not Reported in N.W. Rptr., Court of Appeals of Michigan. (8/23/2018) Cases As of January 6, 2020 case has not been reversed or overruled. Plaintiff appeals as of right the trial court's order denying her motion for injunctive relief and dismissing her complaint for declaratory relief in this election fraud action. We affirm. On appeal, plaintiff argues that the trial court erred when it dismissed her complaint without discovery being conducted or a motion for summary disposition... 2018  
  Ceasar v. U.s.a.a. Slip Copy, United States District Court, W.D. Texas, San Antonio Division. (8/20/2018) Cases As of January 6, 2020 case has not been reversed or overruled. On this date the Court considered United States Magistrate Judge Henry J. Bemporad's Report and Recommendation in the above-numbered and styled case, filed August 3, 2018, (Docket no. 5) and Plaintiff R. Ceasar's objections thereto (Docket no. 8). After careful consideration, the Court ACCEPTS Magistrate Judge Bemporad's recommendation and... 2018  
  Martin v. F.e. Moran, Inc. Not Reported in Fed. Supp., United States District Court, N.D. Illinois, Eastern Division. (3/30/2018) Cases As of January 6, 2020 case has not been reversed or overruled. Plaintiffs Kenneth Martin, Aaron Truesdell and Johnny Tejada filed this action against their former employer, F.E. Moran, Inc., Fire Protection of Northern Illinois (FPN) alleging racially discriminatory employment practices. In their First Amended Complaint, Plaintiffs each alleged violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Count I) and of... 2018  
Latiqua Liles A "Legacy Preference" for Descendants of Slaves: Why Georgetown's Approach to Admissions Is Misguided 19 Rutgers Race & the Law Review 25 (2018) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   In recent years, many of the United States' oldest Universities have begun examining their past associations with the institution of slavery. Recently, Georgetown University (Georgetown or the University) and more than a dozen other universities including Harvard, Brown, Colombia, and the University of Virginia, have publicly recognized their... 2018  
Chiraag Bains A Few Bad Apples: How the Narrative of Isolated Misconduct Distorts Civil Rights Doctrine 93 Indiana Law Journal 29 (Winter, 2018) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Viral videos of fatal police force used against unarmed or nondangerous individuals, many of them black men, are driving a conversation about race and policing in America. The names are familiar by now, part of a macabre roll of modern American tragedy. Eric Garner was choked to death in Staten Island, repeating I can't breathe before he died.... 2018  
Thomas E. Simmons A Will for Willa Cather 83 Missouri Law Review 641 (Summer, 2018) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Abstract. 642 I. Introduction. 642 II. Discussion. 647 A. Artistic Sensibilities and the Desire to Preserve and Obscure. 648 B. Origins and a Brief Introduction to Trust Architecture. 665 C. Types of Trusts: A Proposed Taxonomy. 671 1. Charitable Purpose Trusts. 674 2. Noncharitable Purpose Trusts. 679 a. Trusts for Masses, Gravesites, etc. 680 b.... 2018  
Adriana Chira Affective Debts: Manumission by Grace and the Making of Gradual Emancipation Laws in Cuba, 1817-68 36 Law and History Review Rev. 1 (February, 2018) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   On a sweltering August day in 1858, a man by the name of José Alejo Contreras and his legal counsel filed a freedom suit in the musty offices of the First District Court in Santiago de Cuba. At the time, Santiago was the second largest urban area in Cuba, and yet, to the foreign visitor, this underdeveloped Caribbean borderland surrounded by lush... 2018  
Karen Bradshaw Animal Property Rights 89 University of Colorado Law Review 809 (Summer, 2018) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The animal rights movement largely focuses on protecting species whose suffering is most visible to humans, such as pets, livestock, and captive mammals. Yet, we do not observe how unsustainable land development and fishing practices are harming many species of wildlife and sea creatures. Fish and wildlife populations have recently suffered... 2018  
Michael J. Kelly Atrocities by Corporate Actors: a Historical Perspective 50 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 49 (Spring, 2018) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Corporations have been around for centuries. Their entire operating principle is to generate profit. All other purposes are ancillary. However, people within corporations and running corporations make decisions for these entities and sometimes those decisions lead to criminal conduct in pursuit of that profit motive. History provides several... 2018  
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