Author | Title | Citation | Document Type | Case Status | Summary | Year | Relevancy |
Carla D. Pratt |
Loving Indian Style: Maintaining Racial Caste and Tribal Sovereignty Through Sexual Assimilation |
2007 Wisconsin Law Review 409 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 410 II. Tribal Miscegenation Laws. 414 A. The Genesis of Tribal Laws Regulating Loving. 414 B. The Context of Indian Miscegenation Law. 417 1. Geographical Containment Creates Vulnerability. 417 2. State Sovereignty Versus Tribal Sovereignty. 418 3. Science and Education Influence Tribal Policy. 421 4. The Tribes Seek the... |
2007 |
Martha M. Ertman |
Mapping the New Frontiers of Private Ordering: Afterword |
49 Arizona Law Review 695 (Fall 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Mapping is a definitional process, placing mountains, streams, and byways in relation to this or that meridian. The central dividing line in contract law distinguishes between legally enforceable agreements and everything else. Under traditional understandings of contract, the term itself denotes legally enforceable agreements alone, relegating... |
2007 |
Suzanne H. Jackson |
Marriages of Convenience: International Marriage Brokers, "Mail-order Brides," and Domestic Servitude |
38 University of Toledo Law Review 895 (Spring 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
OVER the last twenty-five years, as international marriage brokers (IMBs), informally known as mail-order bride companies, have become more numerous and visible, they have also become more controversial. When the marriages resulting from their efforts explode into violence and homicide, the tragedies seem depressingly predictable byproducts of... |
2007 |
Alfred L. Brophy |
Mrs. Lincoln's Lawyer's Cat: the Future of Legal Scholarship |
39 CONNtemplations 11 (Spring, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
When Judge John Noonan wrote about law reviews in the Stanford Law Review back in 1995, he likened them to cathedrals. Just as every self-respecting medieval town had one, every self-respecting law school must have one. Schools that aspire to high rankings need more than one, actually. I might use a different analogy, more closely related to... |
2007 |
Benjamin Hensler |
Não Vale a Pena? (Not Worth the Trouble?) Afro-brazilian Workers and Brazilian Anti-discrimination Law |
30 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 267 (Spring 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In September 2005, Brazilian public prosecutors filed a series of lawsuits that would have been nearly unimaginable in the country even a few years before. The suits, brought in Brasilia as civil complaints in the federal labor courts, charged five of the country's leading banks with violating the Brazilian constitution by discriminating against... |
2007 |
Douglas W. Kmiec |
Natural Law Originalism for the Twenty-first Century - a Principle of Judicial Restraint, Not Invention |
40 Suffolk University Law Review 383 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Is law more than a mere assertion of power? This question is often associated with controversial implied right claims such as abortion, assisted suicide, and same-sex marriage, and it has been well-described as law's quandary. We proclaim ourselves to be a rule of law, not of men, but are there just men and women hiding behind law's facade, or... |
2007 |
Angela Mae Kupenda |
Negotiating a Metaphorical Contract Between Blacker and Whiter America |
37 University of Memphis Law Review 707 (Summer, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Differentiating this Contract from Other Contracts on Race. 714 II. Examining the Limited Effectiveness of Other Means of Resolving the Race Problem. 719 III. Envisioning Contract Law as a Vehicle for Radical Racial Change. 724 A. Considering Past Connections of Race and Contract Law. 724 B. Considering Contract Law in Other Intimate Contexts.... |
2007 |
Susan Harris Rimmer |
Orphans or Veterans?: Justice for Children Born of War in East Timor |
42 Texas International Law Journal 323 (Spring 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
All over East Timor, one can find orphans whose parents still live, and wives who have never been married. These labels mask an open secret in Timorese society--hundreds of children were born of rape during the Indonesian occupation from 1974 to 1999. As a result of the United Nations Population Fund's 2004 census, data is finally available on... |
2007 |
Frances P. Solari , Julienne E.M. Balshaw |
Outlawed and Exiled: Zero Tolerance and Second Generation Race Discrimination in Public Schools |
29 North Carolina Central Law Journal 147 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 147 II. Constitutional Claims. 154 A. Equal Protection. 155 B. Due Process. 165 1. Education as Property Interest. 166 2. Reputation as Liberty Interest. 168 3. Outlawed and Exiled. 170 4. Void for Vagueness. 173 III. Potential Defenses. 180 A. Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies. 180 B. Immunity. 187 1. Sovereign Immunity.... |
2007 |
Dexter Samida , David A. Weisbach |
Paretian Intergenerational Discounting |
74 University of Chicago Law Review 145 (Winter 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
This paper argues that discounting costs and benefits of projects for the opportunity costs of capital Pareto dominates decision criteria that do not discount. It considers and rejects several objections to the Pareto dominance argument, including the problem of making compensating transfers for the costs and benefits of projects and whether taking... |
2007 |
Diane J. Klein |
Paying Eliza: Comity, Contracts, and Critical Race Theory--19th Century Choice of Law Doctrine and the Validation of Antebellum Contracts for the Purchase and Sale of Human Beings |
20 National Black Law Journal L.J. 1 (2006-2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Theory: Comity, Foreign Contracts, and the Public Policy Exception. 4 II. Practice: Four Stories of Slavery and Law in 19th Century Illinois. 7 1. Nance v. Howard (1828). 9 2. Hone v. Ammons (1852). 12 3. Rodney v. Illinois Central (1857). 14 4. Roundtree v. Baker (1869). 16 III. Comity and the Laws of Slavery in Antebellum Illinois. 24 IV.... |
2007 |
Kenneth Einar Himma |
Privacy Versus Security: Why Privacy Is Not an Absolute Value or Right |
44 San Diego Law Review 857 (November-December 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 860 II. The Concept and Moral Right of Informational Privacy. 863 III. The Concept of Security and Associated Moral Interests. 866 A. Elements of Security. 866 B. Interests in Personal vs. Collective Security. 870 IV. What Exactly Does Security Trumps Privacy Mean?. 872 V. The Argument from Intuitive Case Judgments. 876 VI.... |
2007 |
George A. Martínez |
Race Discrimination and Human Rights Class Actions: the Virtual Exclusion of Racial Minorities from the Class Action Device |
33 Journal of Legislation 181 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In the era of Jim Crow, racial minorities were segregated and excluded from participating in white society. Minorities were segregated in public schools, excluded from public accommodations, excluded from participation on juries, and excluded from living in certain areas. Harkening back to that earlier time, racial minorities now are often excluded... |
2007 |
William M. Carter, Jr. |
Race, Rights, and the Thirteenth Amendment: Defining the Badges and Incidents of Slavery |
40 U.C. Davis Law Review 1311 (April, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The Supreme Court has held that the Thirteenth Amendment prohibits slavery or involuntary servitude and also empowers Congress to end any lingering badges and incidents of slavery. The Court, however, has failed to provide any guidance as to how courts should define the badges and incidents of slavery absent such congressional action. This has led... |
2007 |
Jennifer Anglim Kreder |
Reconciling Individual and Group Justice with the Need for Repose in Nazi-looted Art Disputes |
73 Brooklyn Law Review 155 (Fall, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Nazi-looted art has been the subject of much recent litigation and many news reports. Given both the vast magnitude of unrestituted Nazi-looted art and the revival of research into newly opened World War II-era governmental archives, the rise in interest in Nazi-looted art is not surprising even though sixty years have passed since the end of the... |
2007 |
Pamela D. Bridgewater |
Reconstructing Rationality: Towards a Critical Economic Theory of Reproduction |
56 Emory Law Journal 1215 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
As the Center for Reproductive Rights prepared to argue the next big reproductive rights case to come before the Supreme Court, it paused to consult with its constituents and supporters--experts, activists, and scholars all interested and invested in the state of the reproductive rights project. I commend their decision to give members from various... |
2007 |
Chaim Saiman |
Restating Restitution: a Case of Contemporary Common Law Conceptualism |
52 Villanova Law Review 487 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The American Law Institute's Restatement (Third) of Restitution provides one of the most interesting expressions of contemporary legal conceptualism. This paper explores the theory and practice of post-realist conceptualism through a review and critique of the Restatement. At the theoretical level, the paper develops a typology of different forms... |
2007 |
Rachel King |
Restorative Justice: How Law Schools Can Help Heal Their Communities |
34 Fordham Urban Law Journal 1285 (May, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
On Saturday night, January 21, 1995, nineteen-year-old Tariq Khamisa was delivering pizzas at DeMille's Italian Restaurant in San Diego, California. His pizza-delivery job helped pay some of his college expenses at San Diego State University. He was getting ready to leave for the evening when his boss asked him to make one last delivery.... |
2007 |
Carrie Menkel-Meadow |
Restorative Justice: What Is it and Does it Work? |
3 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 161 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
reconciliation, reintegration, community, victims, offenders, criminal law, crime and punishment, human rights, reparations, international law To its conceptual and practical founders (John Braithwaite, Howard Zehr, and Mark Umbreit, among others), the field of restorative justice is an effort to transform the way we think of punishment for... |
2007 |
James R. Ralph, Jr. |
Review: Michael Meltsner, the Making of a Civil Rights Lawyer |
31 Vermont Law Review 907 (Summer, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In the middle of The Making of a Civil Rights Lawyer, Michael Meltsner recalls the first time he met William Kunstler. It was in late 1961, shortly after Meltsner had joined the NAACP Legal and Education Defense Fund (LDF). Kunstler had not yet, Meltsner remembers, been overtaken by fame. A meeting on representing civil rights workers was about... |
2007 |
Steven G. Stransky |
Sanchez-llamas v. Oregon: a Missed Opportunity in Treaty Interpretation |
20 Saint Thomas Law Review 25 (Fall 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 25 II. Background. 28 A. The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. 28 B. The Supreme Court and Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. 30 1. The United States Supreme Court. 31 C. The ICJ and Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. 35 1. The LaGrand Case.. 35 2. Case Concerning Avena and... |
2007 |
Louis E. Wolcher |
Senseless Kindness: the Politics of Cost-benefit Analysis |
25 Law & Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 147 (Winter 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
This essay dwells on a social phenomenon that the Russian-Jewish novelist and war correspondent Vasily Grossman calls senseless kindness. Emerging without prior warning from certain face-to-face encounters between human beings, the striking reversal of preferences that characterizes this phenomenon can be used to cast a critical light on the... |
2007 |
Dov Fox |
Silver Spoons and Golden Genes: Genetic Engineering and the Egalitarian Ethos |
33 American Journal of Law & Medicine 567 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
What mother or father does not want to give his or her child the best chance of leading a happy and successful life? Infertile couples today enlist assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to handpick from among available gamete donors or embryo arrays to implant for... |
2007 |
Leslie Friedman Goldstein |
Slavery and the Marshall Court: Preventing "Oppressions of the Minor Party"? |
67 Maryland Law Review 166 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
When Alexander Hamilton was defending the life tenure of the federal judiciary on the grounds that it would secure judicial independence under the new Constitution, he argued that such independence from electoral pressures was needed for the judges to fulfill successfully their appointed task of guarding against legislative attacks on the... |
2007 |
Dru Stevenson |
Special Solicitude for State Standing: Massachusetts v. Epa |
112 Penn State Law Review Rev. 1 (Summer, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction: Massachusetts v. EPA. 2 II. Background on Special Solicitude for States . 19 A. Case-Based Etymology. 20 B. Commentary-Based Etymology. 27 C. Oral Arguments and Briefs. 29 D. The Chevron Man. 36 III. Special Solicitude for Attorneys General. 37 A. The Evolving Role of the Attorneys General. 38 B. From Multistate Enforcement to a... |
2007 |
Vincent R. Johnson |
Standardized Tests, Erroneous Scores, and Tort Liability |
38 Rutgers Law Journal 655 (Spring, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. When Scores are Wrong. 656 A. High Stakes. 656 B. Common Ground in Controversial Territory. 658 C. Vast Expansion of Standardized Testing. 660 D. Spectacular Mis-scoring. 662 E. Litigation Follows Innovation. 668 F. Viability of Tort Remedies. 673 II. Preliminary Considerations. 674 A. Damages in Erroneous Scoring Cases. 674 B. Truth-in-Testing... |
2007 |
Carrie Menkel-Meadow |
Taking Law and _ Really Seriously: Before, During and after "The Law" |
60 Vanderbilt Law Review 555 (March, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction: Three Thought Experiments About Law and Legal Education. 556 A. What Is Law as a Field?. 556 B. What Ideas Has Law Generated as a Field?. 558 C. What Is the Purpose of Legal Education in Relation to the Above?. 559 II. A Brief History of Some Big Bang Moments in Legal Education. 560 A. Langdell's Canons of Legal Education.... |
2007 |
Kevin R. Johnson |
Taking the "Garbage" out in Tulia, Texas: the Taboo on Black-white Romance and Racial Profiling in the "War on Drugs" |
2007 Wisconsin Law Review 283 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 284 II. The Tulia Sting, or Round Up the Usual Suspects . 286 A. The Sting. 288 B. Vindication of the Accused. 291 III. The Continuing Evil of Race-Mixing: Tulia as a Case Study. 294 A. The Legal and Social Prohibition of Black-White Relationships. 295 1. The Persistence of Social Separation. 297 2. The Lingering Stigma of... |
2007 |
Angela Onwuachi-Willig |
The Admission of Legacy Blacks |
60 Vanderbilt Law Review 1141 (May, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Introduction. 1142 I. Race, Culture, Class, and a Model Black Minority?. 1160 A. Understanding the Meaning of Social Justice in Affirmative Action. 1161 B. The Model Black Minority?. 1165 II. Unpacking the Myths of the Model Black Minority. 1180 A. Enhancing Diversity. 1181 B. Reaching Social Justice. 1185 C. Models of Affirmative Action. 1204 III.... |
2007 |
Vaughn E. James |
The African-american Church, Political Activity, and Tax Exemption |
37 Seton Hall Law Review 371 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Ever since its inception during slavery, the African-American Church has served as an advocate for the socio-economic improvement of this nation's African-Americans. Accordingly, for many years, the Church has been politically active, serving as the nurturing ground for several African-American politicians. Indeed, many of the country's early... |
2007 |
Brent Tarter, Wythe Holt |
The Apparent Political Selection of Federal Grand Juries in Virginia, 1789-1809 |
49 American Journal of Legal History 257 (July, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The political situation in the United States in the quarter century following independence from Britain was highly charged, and there was deep suspicion and enmity between the Federalists and the Republicans, or Jeffersonians, the two political parties which emerged in the mid-1790s. One of the institutions that served to focus the suspicion was... |
2007 |
Alfred L. Brophy |
The Emerging Importance of Law Review Rankings for Law School Rankings, 2003-2007 |
78 University of Colorado Law Review 35 (Winter 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The release of the 2007 U.S. News rankings of law schools has set off another round of speculation on the meanings of the rankings and what, if anything, schools can do to improve the quality of the education they provide, as well as their rankings. Drawing upon earlier evidence that there is a close connection between the citation rankings of law... |
2007 |
Aya Gruber |
The Feminist War on Crime |
92 Iowa Law Review 741 (March, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Prologue. 742 Introduction. 747 I. The Original Ideology of Feminist Criminal Law Reform. 752 II. The Victims' Rights Movement. 763 A. Origins of the Victims' Rights Movement. 763 B. Essentialism and Object/Agent Characterizations in the Victims' Rights Movement. 747 III. Women's Historical Objectification. 783 IV. Feminists Get Tough on Crime. 791... |
2007 |
Carol M. Rose |
The Moral Subject of Property |
48 William and Mary Law Review 1897 (April, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I ain't the woman in red, I ain't the girl next door But if somewhere in the middle's what you're lookin' for I'm that kind of girl .... Matraca Berg/Ronnie Samoset, I'm That Kind of Girl, sung by Patty Loveless on On Down the Line (MCA Records 1990). Utopians do not like private property. In one of the most notorious incidents of the Reformation... |
2007 |
Monica Bell |
The Obligation Thesis: Understanding the Persistent "Black Voice" in Modern Legal Scholarship |
68 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 643 (Spring, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
This Article revisits the debate over minority voice scholarship, particularly African-American scholarship, that raged in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the advent of critical race theory (CRT). Many critical race theorists elevated the voices of minority scholars, arguing that scholarship in the minority voice should be accorded greater... |
2007 |
Lea VanderVelde |
The Thirteenth Amendment of Our Aspirations |
38 University of Toledo Law Review 855 (Spring 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
IN 1824, when two preachers from Southern Illinois squared off against each other to run for a Senate seat, both agreed that some forms of slavery were bad. The debaters agreed that unmerited, involuntary, perpetual, absolute, hereditary slavery [was] contrary to, and a violation of the principles of nature, reason, justice, policy, and... |
2007 |
Dwight G. Newman |
Theorizing Collective Indigenous Rights |
31 American Indian Law Review 273 (2006-2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
This article seeks to apply, in at least a preliminary way, my larger project on theorizing collective rights to the ongoing controversy around the recognition of indigenous rights as collective rights. This controversy is evident in a number of states' ongoing, articulated concerns about the concept of collective rights. These concerns often stem... |
2007 |
Martha T. McCluskey |
Thinking with Wolves: Left Legal Theory after the Right's Rise |
54 Buffalo Law Review 1191 (January, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Left Legalism/Left Critique. Edited by Wendy Brown & Janet Halley. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. Pp. viii, 447. $22.95 (paper). Introduction. 1193 I. More (Left) Theory. 1197 A. Theory for Left Politics. 1197 1. Affirming Theory in Politics. 1197 2. Affirming Politics in Theory. 1199 3. Affirming Theory for Tough Politics. 1200 B. Theory for... |
2007 |
Katherine E. Germino |
This Land Is Your Land, this Land Is My Land: Cayuga Indian Nation of New York v. Pataki |
52 Villanova Law Review 607 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Adorned in headdresses and bonnets, each year elementary schoolchildren throughout the United States reenact the story of the First Thanksgiving. Woven into this tale of teepees, turkey and thankfulness are stories of cultural exchange and respect between the Pilgrims and Indians. Often missing in this depiction of camaraderie are the years of... |
2007 |
Louis S. Rulli |
Too Long Neglected: Expanding Curricular Support for Public Interest Lawyering |
55 Cleveland State Law Review 547 (2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. L2-4,T4Introduction 547 II. L2-4,T4Lawyering in the Public Interest: The Course 551 A. L3-4,T4The Course Begins 552. 1. Broad-Based Public Interest Advocacy. 554 2. A Practice Problem: Placing Students in Nonprofit Governance Roles While Exploring Competing Obligations. 555 B. L3-4,T4Universal Themes Confronting Public Interest Lawyers 559. 1.... |
2007 |
Sara Sanchez |
Voter Photo Identification and Section 5 Reauthorization: an Exposition of Two Carter-baker Commission Proposals and Their Current Status |
10 NYU Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 261 (2006-2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
American voters currently find themselves in an era in which close, contested elections are an expected routine. This era was, of course, ushered in by the 2000 presidential election, in which the decision as to who would become the forty-third president of the United States was not finalized for nearly two months after election day: Congress did... |
2007 |
Mark D. Rosen |
Was Shelley v. Kraemer Incorrectly Decided? Some New Answers |
95 California Law Review 451 (April, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Introduction. 453 I Shelley's Analytical Shortcomings and its Narrowing in the Case Law. 457 A. The Case: Shelley v. Kraemer. 457 B. Post- Shelley Case Law. 458 1. Limiting Shelley. 458 2. Applying Shelley. 461 a. Supreme Court Decisions. 462 i. The Charitable Trust Cases. 462 ii. The Sit-In Cases. 464 b. Lower Court Decisions. 466 3. Summary of... |
2007 |
Adam M. Samaha |
What Good Is the Social Model of Disability? |
74 University of Chicago Law Review 1251 (Fall, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
A social model of disability relates a person's disadvantage to the combination of personal traits and social setting. The model appears to have had a profound impact on academics, politics, and law since the 1970s. Scholars have debated the model's force but its limitations are more severe than have been recognized. This Article claims that the... |
2007 |
Richard Delgado , Jean Stefancic |
Why Do We Ask the Same Questions? The Triple Helix Dilemma Revisited |
99 Law Library Journal 307 (Spring, 2007) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In revisiting their Stanford Law Review article, Why Do We Tell the Same Stories: Law Reform, Critical Librarianship, and the Triple Helix Dilemma, Professors Delgado and Stefancic contend that computer-assisted legal research has not proven to be a boon to the cause of law reform. At the time of the first article, the computer revolution, which... |
2007 |
Defendant's 2nd Set of Motions in Limine to Limit And/or Exclude Evidence%n1%n |
(7/17/2007) |
Trial Court Documents |
FN1. The motions were due on July 16, 2007, but due to technical difficulties with the City's computers, Counsel left a message for Plaintiff and also contacted the Court for a one-day... |
2007 |
Defendants' Reply Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Further Support of Their Partial Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint |
(1/22/2007) |
Trial Court Documents |
Action Filed: January 12, 2006 Amended Complaint: Oct. 16, 2006 Hearing Date: February 12, 2007 Deutsche Bank AG and Dresdner Bank AG (collectively, the Banks) demonstrated in their... |
2007 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment or Alternatively Partial Summary Judgment |
(6/29/2007) |
Trial Court Documents |
Frederick Greene and Terri Greene, (hereinafter plaintiffs), filed a complaint asking the Bankruptcy Court to determine that their student loans are dischargeable. Reference to the... |
2007 |
Memorandum in Support of United States' Motion for Summary Judgment |
(1/10/2007) |
Trial Court Documents |
FN1. See Declaration of Alan Myers ¶ 3. FN2. See Myers Decl. ¶ 4; see also a copy of the indictment in Harris's criminal case, attached as Exhibit A to Myers Decl. FN3. Id. FN4. Id. FN5.... |
2007 |
Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Third Amended Complaint |
(9/26/2007) |
Trial Court Documents |
Defendants Bank of America Corporation, New York Life Insurance Company, Aetna Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, and Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation respectfully submit this... |
2007 |
Memorandum of Law in Support of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Third Amended Complaint |
(9/26/2007) |
Trial Court Documents |
Defendants Bank of America Corporation, New York Life Insurance Company, Aetna Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, and Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation respectfully submit this... |
2007 |