Author | Title | Citation | Document Type | Case Status | Summary | Year | Relevancy |
By Jennifer M. Russell |
The Race/class Conundrum and the Pursuit of Individualism in the Making of Social Policy |
46 Hastings Law Journal 1353 (July, 1995) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Now I think there is a very good reason why the Negro in this country has been treated for such a long time in such a cruel way, and some of the reasons are economic and some of them are political. . . . Some of them are social, and these reasons are somewhat more important because they have to do with our social panic, with our fear of losing... |
1995 |
Christo Lassiter |
The Stop and Frisk of Criminal Street Gang Members |
14 National Black Law Journal L.J. 1 (Fall 1995) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction . 1 II. When Common Sense is Uncommonly Sensible . 3 III. Constitutional Background of Reasonable Suspicion . 12 A. The Fourth Amendment Text . 12 B. The Terry Decision . 13 C. The Reasonable Suspicion Standard . 15 D. Constitutional Underpinnings of the Reasonable Suspicion Standard . 16 E. Extensions of Terry . 18 IV. Stop and... |
1995 |
Alexandra Natapoff |
Trouble in Paradise: Equal Protection and the Dilemma of Interminority Group Conflict |
47 Stanford Law Review 1059 (5/1/1995) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In this note, Alexandra Natapoff analyzes several of the Supreme Court's major equal protection decisions in order to challenge the traditional bipolar black-white model that dominates this jurisprudence. Arguing that current antidiscrimination and affirmative action rationales are ill-equipped to protect minority group interests in a racially... |
1995 |
Barbara Stark |
Urban Despair and Nietzsche's "Eternal Return:" from the Municipal Rhetoric of Economic Justice to the International Law of Economic Rights |
28 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 185 (March, 1995) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Urban poverty has had a devastating impact, especially on African Americans in the United States, who have been ill-served by the rhetoric of opportunity. In this Article, the author argues that economic rights must be recognized as rights if the urban poor are even to dream of economic justice. The author uses the writings of German philosopher... |
1995 |
Leon Davis Iii, Appellant, v. Jesse Brown, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency. |
EEOC DOC 01940316 (4/13/1994) |
Administrative Decisions & Guidance |
1994 |
Petition for Writ of Certiorari |
(11/18/1994) |
Briefs |
Hugo Princz petitions the Court that a writ of certiorari issue to review the judgment rendered in this case by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The... |
1994 |
Plaintiff's-appellant's Opening Brief in Support of Plaintiff's Complaint Filed in the U.s. District Court, District of Columbia July 25, 1994, Before John H. Pratt, U.s. District Judge |
(8/25/1994) |
Briefs |
Payback for Slavery! The ideal that black Americans deserve compensation for the suffering of slavery has been around since Reconstruction but its gaining momentum now - 130 years after... |
1994 |
Powell v. U.s. |
Not Reported in F.Supp., United States District Court, N.D. California. (6/20/1994) |
Cases |
As of January 6, 2020 case has not been reversed or overruled. |
Plaintiff Keneth I. Powell, an African American man proceeding pro se, brings this action against the United States seeking reparations for harms that he, his ancestors, and other African Americans have suffered as a consequence of slavery, segregation, and continuing discrimination in the United States. Plaintiff also seeks permission to proceed... |
1994 |
Princz v. Federal Republic of Germany |
26 F.3d 1166, United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. (7/1/1994) |
Cases |
As of January 6, 2020 has some negative history but has not been reversed or overruled. |
American citizen who survived Holocaust sued Federal Republic of Germany, seeking to recover money damages for injuries he suffered and slave labor he performed while prisoner in Nazi concentration camps. United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Stanley Sporkin, J., 813 F.Supp. 22, asserted subject matter jurisdiction over... |
1994 |
Twila L. Perry |
Alimony: Race, Privilege, and Dependency in the Search for Theory |
82 Georgetown Law Journal 2481 (September, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The development of a theory of alimony is an issue that has received considerable attention from both family law and feminist scholars in the past several years. Scholars who address this issue are seeking to answer what has proven to be a most vexing question: What is the theoretical basis for imposing a legal duty on one person to support another... |
1994 |
Pat K. Chew |
Asian Americans: the "Reticent" Minority and Their Paradoxes |
36 William and Mary Law Review Rev. 1 (10/1/1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Distortions and Paradoxes . 8 A. Paradox: Asian Americans Are Not Discriminated Against, but They Are . 8 1. History of Express Discrimination . 9 2. Ongoing Express Discrimination . 18 B. Paradox: Asian Americans Are the Model Minority, but They Are Not . 24 1. Non-Monolithic Asian Americans . 25 2. Model Minority, but Not Model American .... |
1994 |
Teree E. Foster |
Beyond Victim Impact Evidence: a Modest Proposal |
45 Hastings Law Journal 1305 (July, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The appalling increase in serious criminal activity is a regrettable fact of modern life. Particularly shocking is the number of murders committed. Two urgent, concentric problems concerning the treatment of murderers and those victimized by their murderous deeds merit the most immediate, grave consideration. First, those killers who are... |
1994 |
John E. Morrison |
Colorblindness, Individuality, and Merit: an Analysis of the Rhetoric Against Affirmative Action |
79 Iowa Law Review 313 (January, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Despite uncertainty over what precisely constitutes a racial quota, there is a fair amount of agreement that such a quota is unconstitutional. Moreover, quota rhetoric is quickly becoming the prevailing manner of shifting the focus of debate on race relations issues. The rhetorical attack on quotas does not exist in a vacuum. It encompasses a... |
1994 |
Janet L. Tongsuthi |
Comfort Women of World War Ii |
4 UCLA Women's Law Journal 413 (Spring 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
If prostitution is the world's oldest profession, then perhaps forced prostitution is the world's oldest crime. When Japan conscripted Korean women into service for use as sexual slaves during World War II, rape became an oppressive weapon that was used against both the female victims and the Korean nation. Japan's crime was not made public until... |
1994 |
Karen Parker , Jennifer F. Chew |
Compensation for Japan's World War Ii War-rape Victims |
17 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 497 (Spring, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. L2-3,T2Introduction. .498 II. L2-3,T2The Jugun Ianfu Scheme. .502 A. S50Overview. .502 B. Facilities. .503 C. Abduction and Fraudulent Recruitment. .505 D. Treatment and Living Conditions. .507 III. L2-3,T2Violations Of Then-Existing Customary International Law. .R4510 A. Customary International Law Prohibiting Rape and Other Forms of Torture.... |
1994 |
Roy L. Brooks |
Critical Race Theory: a Proposed Structure and Application to Federal Pleading |
11 Harvard BlackLetter Law Journal 85 (Spring, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a collection of critical stances against the existing legal order from a race-based point of view. Specifically, it focuses on the various ways in which the received tradition in law adversely affects people of color not as individuals but as a group. Thus, CRT attempts to analyze law and legal traditions through the... |
1994 |
Alex M. Johnson, Jr. |
Defending the Use of Narrative and Giving Content to the Voice of Color: Rejecting the Imposition of Process Theory in Legal Scholarship |
79 Iowa Law Review 803 (May, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
C1-3Table of Contents L1-2Introduction 803 I. The Farber/Sherry Typology. 809 A. Summary of Traditional Articles. 811 B. Summary of Critical Race Theory. 812 C. Summary of Narrative. 812 II. An Explanation of Evaluative Standards. 814 A. Validity. 815 B. Quality Standards. 818 III. A Call for the Use of Neutral Principles in Legal Scholarship. 822... |
1994 |
Brian Porter Zidek |
Discrimination in Lending: Community Adaptions and Government Responses |
1 Georgetown Journal on Fighting Poverty 460 (1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
When credit is unavailable, families cannot buy or improve homes. Businesses cannot start or expand, or they may have to shut down or leave, costing many jobs in the process. Revenues from property taxes and income taxes decline, further threatening already strapped budgets for schools, police, infrastructure, and other public services. As... |
1994 |
Angela P. Harris |
Foreword: the Jurisprudence of Reconstruction |
82 California Law Review 741 (7/1/1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
For me, Critical Race Theory (CRT) began in July of 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory at St. Benedict's Center, Madison, Wisconsin. CRT looked like a promise: a theory that would link the methods of Critical Legal Studies (CLS) with the political commitments of traditional civil rights scholarship in a way that would both... |
1994 |
C. Jeanne Bassett |
House Bill 591: Florida Compensates Rosewood Victims and Their Families for a Seventy-one-year-old Injury |
22 Florida State University Law Review 503 (Fall, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction II. What is a Claim Bill? III. Background on Rosewood IV. The Controversy V. Legislative History A. Failed Bills B. A Study Is Commissioned C. A New Claim Bill Is Filed; A Special Master Hearing Is Conducted D. House Bill 591 Moves Through House and Senate E. Governor Chiles Signs VI. Conclusion On May 4, 1994, Governor Chiles... |
1994 |
Bradley J. Nicholson |
Legal Borrowing and the Origins of Slave Law in the British Colonies |
38 American Journal of Legal History 38 (January, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Many scholars of early American slavery have assumed that the harsh police law measures inflicted on slaves were solely a colonial product. They generally characterize the tough, publicly-oriented slave laws as the original ideas of colonial legislators. Without legal precedents to draw upon, the [English] colonists worked up a law code and a set... |
1994 |
Bernard J. Hibbitts |
Making Sense of Metaphors: Visuality, Aurality, and the Reconfiguration of American Legal Discourse |
16 Cardozo Law Review 229 (December, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
L1-2Introduction: An Ear for an Eye 229 I. Metaphors in Life and Law . 233 II. Mirrors of Justice: Visuality and Legal Discourse . 238 A. Seeing Culture . 238 B. Visuality and Power . 264 C. Law and the Phenomenology of Sight . 291 III. Fair Hearings': Aurality and the New Legal Language . 300 A. Hearing Culture . 301 B. Aurality and Diversity... |
1994 |
Garrett Epps |
Of Constitutional Seances and Color-blind Ghosts |
72 North Carolina Law Review 401 (January, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In his book, The Color-Blind Constitution, Professor Andrew Kull asserts that the Constitution mandates color blindness on the part of government actors-- that is, they cannot consider race as a factor in any decision-making process. Those who argue that government-sponsored affirmative action programs are based on unconstitutional race-based... |
1994 |
Wendy Brown-Scott |
Race Consciousness in Higher Education: Does "Sound Educational Policy" Support the Continued Existence of Historically Black Colleges? |
43 Emory Law Journal L.J. 1 (Winter, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction. 3 II. The Need for Historically Black Public Colleges and Universities: Building Trust Through Education. 10 A. The Need for Historically Black Colleges. 10 B. What Went Wrong?. 13 C. Rectifying Pluralistic Ignorance. 20 1. A Short Story. 20 2. A Longer Version. 26 III. Challenging Subordination, Gaining... |
1994 |
Beth Stephens |
The Civil Lawsuit as a Remedy for International Human Rights Violations Against Women |
5 Hastings Women's Law Journal 143 (Summer, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
* In the late 1970s, three young Ethiopian women were brutally tortured by Kelbessa Negewo, an Ethiopian security official. One of them later recognized Negewo working at the hotel where she was employed in Atlanta, Georgia. * In 1989, Sister Dianna Ortiz, a U.S. nun, was kidnapped, raped and otherwise tortured by security forces in Guatemala under... |
1994 |
Andrew Kull |
The Enforceability after Emancipation of Debts Contracted for the Purchase of Slaves |
70 Chicago-Kent Law Review 493 (1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
What should be the effect of the abolition of slavery on outstanding debts for the purchase of slaves? The question, intensely controversial during a brief period of Reconstruction, gave rise to an intricate final chapter in the American law of slavery. Viewing the problem first as a matter of commercial law, courts in every southern state but one... |
1994 |
Earl M. Maltz |
The Legacy of Griggs v. Duke Power Co.: a Case Study in the Impact of a Modernist Statutory Precedent |
1994 Utah Law Review 1353 (1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In recent years, the once-placid field of statutory interpretation has become the focus of intense scholarly debate. The traditional view that courts should attempt to effectuate the intentions of the drafters of a statute has been sharply criticized by two groups. Textualists contend that the plain meaning of statutes should control judicial... |
1994 |
Stephen J. Schnably |
The Santiago Commitment as a Call to Democracy in the United States: Evaluating the Oas Role in Haiti, Peru, and Guatemala |
25 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 393 (Spring/Summer, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 395 II. The Problems of Effectiveness and Perspective. 412 III. Testing the Santiago Commitment. 418 A. Haiti. 418 1. The Coup and the Initial Reaction. 418 2. The First Attempts to Negotiate a Settlement. 422 3. The Governors Island Agreement. 430 4. Settlement Efforts and U.S. Intervention After the Collapse of the Governors... |
1994 |
Robert S. Chang |
Toward an Asian American Legal Scholarship: Critical Race Theory, Post-structuralism, and Narrative Space |
1 Asian Law Journal L.J. 1 (May, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Prelude Introduction: Mapping the Terrain I. The Need for an Asian American Legal Scholarship A. That Was Then, This Is Now: Variations on a Theme 1. Violence Against Asian Americans 2. Nativistic Racism B. The Model Minority Myth C. The Inadequacy of the Current Racial Paradigm 1. Traditional Civil Rights Work 2. Critical Race Scholarships II.... |
1994 |
Johnny Parker |
When Johnny Came Marching Home Again: a Critical Review of Contemporary Equal Protection Interpretation |
37 Howard Law Journal 393 (Spring, 1994) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
To be a negro in America and to be relatively aware is to be in a constant state of rage. Dr. Martin Luther King An important tenet of early western political theory was the idea of equality among men. This idea was not incorporated into the original Constitution; consequently, a large segment of American society was perceived as neither equal in... |
1994 |
Patricia A. Celano |
A Cry for Help to the United States Supreme Court: What Is the Constitutional Status of Affirmative Action in Higher Education? |
3 Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal 161 (Spring, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. INTRODUCTION. 161 II. THE APPROPRIATE STANDARD OF JUDICIAL REVIEW FOR PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 165 A. Rejecting Rational Review. 165 B. The Application of an Intermediate Level of Review. 168 C. Strict Scrutiny Review of Racially Based Classifications in the Admissions Process. 176 III. THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF AFFIRMATIVE... |
1993 |
John Hasnas |
Affirmative Action and the New Discrimination: a Reply to Duncan Kennedy |
54 Louisiana Law Review 263 (November, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
There is presently a great deal of scholarly debate concerning affirmative action within the legal academy. It is with some trepidation that I attempt to make a contribution to this debate. This is due to an awareness of my own uncertainty regarding the subject. Although I am firmly convinced that affirmative action should be legally permitted, I... |
1993 |
Michael K. Braswell , Gary A. Moore , Stephen L. Poe |
Affirmative Action: an Assessment of its Continuing Role in Employment Discrimination Policy |
57 Albany Law Review 365 (1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Affirmative action continues to be a source of controversy for many Americans. With the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Congress failed once again to address the problems associated with quotas and other forms of affirmative action under Title VII. Meanwhile, the current conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court appears to be on a... |
1993 |
Robert E. Scott |
Chaos Theory and the Justice Paradox |
35 William and Mary Law Review 329 (Fall, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
[T]he laws have mistakes, and you can't go writing up a law for everything that you can imagine. When you reach an equilibrium in biology you're dead. As we approach the Twenty-First Century, the signs of social disarray are everywhere. Social critics observe the breakdown of core structuresthe nuclear family, schools, neighborhoods, and... |
1993 |
Alison D. Johnson |
Crookston v. Fire Insurance Exchange and the Utah Punitive Damage Act: Toward a Sounder Law of Punitive Damages? |
1993 Utah Law Review 513 (1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Punitive damages are a powerful means of controlling antisocial conduct. In both historic and present context, however, courts and commentators have expressed serious concern over the role of punitive damages awards in the civil justice system. In a recent case before the United States Supreme Court, Justice O'Connor stated that [p]unitive damages... |
1993 |
Francisco Valdes |
Diversity and Discrimination in Our Midst: Musings on Constitutional Schizophrenia, Cultural Conflict, and "Interculturalism" at the Threshold of a New Century |
5 Saint Thomas Law Review 293 (Spring, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
C1-3TABLE OF CONTENTS L1-2Introduction 295 I. Sources of (Non)Liberty/(In)Equality. 296 A. The Origins of Liberty/Equality. 297 1. Liberty/Equality in Constitutional Architecture. 298 2. The Constitutional Structure of Liberty/Equality. 299 3. The Constitutional Shoring of Liberty/Equality. 302 B. The Origins of Non-Liberty/Inequality. 304 C. Cross... |
1993 |
Executive Summary |
16 Hamline Law Review 488 (Spring, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The Task Force and Its Charge Institutional or systemic change can be hard to effect even when there is substantial agreement on problems and solutions. It follows then that it is much harder to effect change in a system where there is disagreement on whether or not a problem exists, much less its basic shape and character. In addition to the... |
1993 |
I. Criminal Process |
16 Hamline Law Review 543 (Spring, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Introduction In a secular society, the courts play a major role as interpreters and arbiters of a culture's moral, ethical, and philosophical underpinnings. The courts also are a critical part of the machinery through which government, in the pursuit of defending those underpinnings, is empowered to carry out the most dramatic interventions into... |
1993 |
Victor M. Hwang |
In the Defense of Quotas: Proportional Representation and the Involuntary Minority |
1 Asian American Pacific Islands Law Journal L.J. 1 (February, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The resistance to the civil rights movement has always revolved around a few key terms and definitions. The first major hurdle of the nineteenth century was over the definition of person. Defenders of the racist status quo held firm to the principle of equality among all people, but you women, African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Native... |
1993 |
Derrick Bell |
Learning the Three "I's" of America's Slave Heritage |
68 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1037 (1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The year is 1993. In a first-grade classroom in rural, Chester County, Pennsylvania, a 6-year-old boy and girl, the only black children in a first-grade class, are summoned to the front of the class by their white teacher. To show the children how slavery worked, the teacher holds a mock slave auction. Teacher put us up on a table. Acted like she... |
1993 |
R. Bales |
Libertarianism, Environmentalism, and Utilitarianism: an Examination of Theoretical Frameworks for Enforcing Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act |
1993 Detroit College of Law Review 1163 (Fall, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Introduction. 1165 I. Origin and Overview of the ADA. 1167 A. Title VII. 1167 B. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. 1168 C. Status of Disabled Americans. 1171 D. Response of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 1172 1. Who is Protected. 1172 2. Scope of Coverage. 1173 3. Employment. 1174 II. Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship. 1175 A.... |
1993 |
Christopher J. Arias-Piranio |
Malcolm X: Speeches at Harvard. Archie Epps. New York: Paragon House, 1991. Pp. 191. $10.95, Paper |
28 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 252 (Winter, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Nearly three decades since his passing, the symbol of Malcolm X and his words continue to terrify America's privileged, to spark controversy and to engender misunderstanding. The political philosphy of Malcolm X was in constant evolution prior to his assassination and is one reason why he is simultaneously misperceived by many and proclaimed a hero... |
1993 |
Danise Aydelott |
Mass Rape During War: Prosecuting Bosnian Rapists under International Law |
7 Emory International Law Review 585 (Fall, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Throughout history, rape during war has been commonplace, even encouraged. Homer's Iliad opens with an argument between the Greek warriors Agamemnon and Achilles over possession of women seized during the Trojan War. In Biblical times, warriors also considered women spoils of war; they treated women as livestock, children, and other property in a... |
1993 |
Wendy R. Brown |
School Desegregation Litigation: Crossroads or Dead End? |
37 Saint Louis University Law Journal 923 (Summer, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
THE process of school desegregation is in crisis. Public schools have apparently achieved the maximum amount of desegregation that we can expect to see in our lifetime. Unlike during the Civil Rights era, there are virtually no institutional forces driving the desegregation process. As Professor Bell explains: The 1980s marked a significant turning... |
1993 |
Monica J. Evans |
Stealing Away: Black Women, Outlaw Culture and the Rhetoric of Rights |
28 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 263 (Summer, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus; Steal away, steal away home, I ain't got long to stay here. My Lord calls me; He calls me by the thunder, The trumpet sounds within-a my soul, I ain't got long to stay here. The African-American spiritual Steal Away is located within the tradition of escape songs, a series of codes embedded in music and... |
1993 |
Derrick Bell , Erin Edmonds |
Students as Teachers, Teachers as Learners |
91 Michigan Law Review 2025 (August, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry [men and women] pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other. . . Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are... |
1993 |
Robin West |
The Aspirational Constitution |
88 Northwestern University Law Review 241 (Fall, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
What would be the consequences for modern progressive politics of the rule of administration proposed by Thayer a hundred years ago in his famous essay? In The Origin and Scope of the American Doctrine of Constitutional Law, it will be recalled, Thayer proposed that the Supreme Court should only rule an act of Congress unconstitutional if the act... |
1993 |
John O. Calmore |
The Case of the Speluncean Explorers: Contemporary Proceedings |
61 George Washington Law Review 1764 (August, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Calmore, J. In this case we are faced with difficult issues that transcend the matter at hand. Petitioners appeal an earlier decision of our judicial predecessors who, in an evenly divided vote, affirmed petitioners' convictions for murder and their death sentences. As explained below, I would set aside their death sentences. The record reveals... |
1993 |
Lawrence M. Friedman |
The United States-china Act of 1991 and Customary International Law |
13 Boston College Third World Law Journal 257 (Summer, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In June 1989, the world watched as the government of the People's Republic of China brought a violent end to pro-democracy student protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The images of a lone figure facing a column of tanks and the students' makeshift Statue of Liberty have become symbolic expressions of The Beijing Spring. The events of that... |
1993 |
Robert S. Chang |
Toward an Asian American Legal Scholarship: Critical Race Theory, Post-structuralism, and Narrative Space |
81 California Law Review 1241 (October, 1993) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Prelude. 1243 Introduction: Mapping the Terrain. 1247 I. The Need for an Asian American Legal Scholarship. 1251 A. That Was Then, This Is Now: Variations on a Theme. 1251 1. Violence Against Asian Americans. 1252 2. Nativistic Racism. 1255 B. The Model Minority Myth. 1258 C. The Inadequacy of the Current Racial Paradigm. 1265 1. Traditional Civil... |
1993 |