Author | Title | Citation | Document Type | Case Status | Summary | Year | Relevancy |
Sec. 17155.5 [Reparations for World War Ii Injustices] |
Payroll Management Guide (NO Date) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Gross income does not include any amount received as reparation payments paid by the German Foundation known as Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future, or any other source of humanitarian reparations made for purposes of redressing the injustice done to persons who were required to perform slave or forced labor during World War II. (As added... |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
James Bikales |
Sheila Jackson Lee Presses Congress to Pass Reparations Bill at Dc March |
The Hill (8/28/2020) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) on Friday used her speech at a march in Washington to call on Congress to pass her bill to study paying reparations to Black Americans. |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
Rebecca Klar |
Steyer Endorses Reparations Bill, Commits to Working with Jackson Lee |
The Hill (7/27/2020) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Former Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer on Monday endorsed legislation sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) that would fund a committee to explore whether Black Americans should receive reparations for slavery. |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
Jack Davis |
The Public Use of Reparations: How Land-based Reparations Can Satisfy the Public Use Requirement of the Takings Clause |
104 Minnesota Law Review 2105 (April, 2020) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Emancipation, one of our nation's boldest and most morally profound acts, rested upon the hope that a dramatic reconception of property would take root. Almost four million African Americans gained the rights and remedies of personhood, no longer to be property. This transformation also carried with it one of our nation's most enduring property... |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
Patricia M. Muhammad |
The U.s. Reparations Debate: Where Do We Go from Here? |
44 Harbinger 43 (2/5/2020) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
A few years ago, I watched a news segment in which Representative Conyers discussed HR 40, a bill that proposes to study the vestiges of slavery and the disparate impact that poverty and institutionalized discrimination has on those considered part of the African Diaspora. Since his resignation (tendered in the wake of sexual harassment... |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
Liane Jackson |
Truth and Reparations |
106-MAY ABA Journal 9 (April/May, 2020) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Reparations is having a moment--400 years after the U.S. slave trade began, 157 years following the Emancipation Proclamation and 56 years post-Jim Crow. Although state-sanctioned discrimination is over, those who support reparations say the compounding damage remains from past atrocities never redressed. These days, whispering reparations is no... |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
House, Rep. William Davis |
2019 Il H.b. 5024 (Ns) |
2019 Illinois House Bill No. 5024, Illinois One Hundred First General Assembly - Second Regular Session (2/18/2020) |
Legislation (Proposed & Enacted) |
Amends the Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Establishes the African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission within the Department of Central Management Services. Provides for the appointment of members to the Commission. Provides requirements concerning the operations of the Commission. Provides for the duties of the Commission. Requires the Commission to submit an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly, and to make that report otherwise available to the public. Effective immediately. 101ST GENERAL ASSEMBLY... |
2020 |
Most relevant |
Delegates W. Fisher, Acevero, Anderson, Attar, Atterbeary, D. Barnes, Barron, Bartlett, Boyce, C. Branch, Bridges, Carr, Charkoudian, Charles, Conaway, Crutchfield, D.M. Davis, D.E. Davis, Fennell, Harrison, Henson, Hill, Ivey, M. Jackson, J. Lewis, R. Le |
2020 Md H.b. 1201 (Ns) |
2020 Maryland House Bill No. 1201, Maryland 441st Session of the General Assembly, 2020 (2/7/2020) |
Legislation (Proposed & Enacted) |
State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission - Establishment (Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act) HOUSE BILL 1201 D5, F2, I4 0lr1117 By: Delegates W. Fisher, Acevero, Anderson, Attar, Atterbeary, D. Barnes, Barron, Bartlett, Boyce, C. Branch, Bridges, Carr, Charkoudian, Charles, Conaway, Crutchfield, D.M. Davis, D.E. Davis, Fennell, Harrison, Henson, Hill, Ivey, M. Jackson, J. Lewis, R. Lewis, Lierman, Lopez, Moon, Mosby, Patterson, Pena-Melnyk, Proctor, Queen, Shetty, Smith, Stewart, Turner, Walker, Washington, R. Watson, Wells, Wilkins, Williams, and Wilson Introduced and... |
2020 |
Most relevant |
An Act Establishing the New Jersey Reparations Task Force" to Conduct Research and Develop Reparatory Proposals And..."2020 Nj A.b. 711 (Ns) |
2020 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 711, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (1/14/2020) |
Legislation (Proposed & Enacted) |
Establishes New Jersey Reparations Task Force." ASSEMBLY |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
An Act Establishing the New Jersey Reparations Task Force" to Conduct Research and Develop Reparatory Proposals And..."2020 Nj S.b. 322 (Ns) |
2020 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 322, New Jersey Two Hundred Nineteenth Legislature - First Annual Session (1/14/2020) |
Legislation (Proposed & Enacted) |
Establishes New Jersey Reparations Task Force." SENATE |
2020 |
Most Relevant |
Patrisse Cullors |
Abolition and Reparations: Histories of Resistance, Transformative Justice, and Accountability |
132 Harvard Law Review 1684 (April, 2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The historical context of abolition is minimally understood, either in today's social movements or in U.S. society more broadly. For our political strategies and struggles against racism, patriarchy, and capitalism to be effective, we must deeply ground ourselves in an abolitionist vision and praxis. The combination of theory and practice takes... |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Zack Budryk |
After Mcconnell Opposes Reparations, Nbc Report Shows His Great-great-grandfathers Owned 14 Slaves |
The Hill (7/8/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Two of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnells (R-Ky.) ancestors owned a total of more than a dozen slaves, according to an investigation by NBC News completed shortly after McConnell spoke in opposition to reparations for the descendants of slaves. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Hannah Noll-Wilensky |
Black-market Adoptions in Tennessee: a Call for Reparations |
30 Hastings Women's Law Journal 287 (Summer, 2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Today, adoption is a widely celebrated, well-established method of creating a family and providing children in need with loving homes. However, in the early twentieth century, adoptable children were considered undesirable and many child welfare professionals advised would-be parents to avoid adoption altogether. One woman, the director of the... |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Zack Budryk |
Booker Blasts 'Ignorance' of Mcconnell Reparations Comments |
The Hill (6/19/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said Wednesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnells (R-Ky.) comments this week in opposition to reparations for descendants of slaves displayed a tremendous amount of ignorance. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Jordain Carney |
Booker Introduces Bill to Form Reparations Study Commission |
The Hill (4/9/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) filed legislation on Tuesday that would form a commission to study the issue of granting reparations to African-Americans. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
John Bowden |
Booker Talks out about Recent New Jersey Shootings at Reparations Hearing |
The Hill (6/19/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said at a congressional hearing on reparations Wednesday that he was heartbroken about the value American society places on young men of color. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Jordain Carney |
Booker to Introduce Bill to Form Study Commission on Reparations |
The Hill (4/8/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said on Monday that he will introduce legislation creating a commission to study the issue of granting reparations to African-Americans. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Alexander Bolton |
Democrats Warm to Idea of Studying Reparations |
The Hill (7/18/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Senate Democrats are warming to the idea of studying reparations for African Americans whose ancestors suffered economically as a result of slavery and decades of repressive Jim Crow-era laws. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Jordan Fabian and Saagar Enjeti |
Exclusive: Trump on Reparations: 'I Don't See it Happening' |
The Hill (6/24/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
President Trump on Monday said he doesn't believe the federal government will pursue reparations for descendants of slaves, an idea that has gained traction among some Democrats. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Zack Budryk |
Gop Senators Dismiss Booker Reparations Proposal |
The Hill (4/11/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
GOP senators, including members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, have little interest in Sen. Cory Bookers (D-N.J.) proposal to study awarding reparations to descendants of slaves, they tell HuffPost in an article published Thursday. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Rebecca Klar |
House Republican Interrupted in Reparations Hearing by Protester Shouting 'You Lie!' |
The Hill (6/19/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
A protestor yelled you lie" as Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) tried to make the point that Democrats were historically the party that supported slavery during Wednesday's reparations hearing." |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Hoyer Expects Reparations Bill to Get a Floor Vote |
(6/19/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Wednesday that he has every intention of bringing to the floor a proposal providing reparations for the descendants of slaves.It will get a vote if it comes out of the committee; I expect it to come out of the committee |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Mcconnell: Reparations Aren't 'A Good Idea' |
(6/18/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said that he does not support reparations for descendants of slaves, a topic that has become a point of debate in the 2020 election cycle. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Alexander Bolton |
Only Black Gop Senator Tim Scott Calls Reparations a 'Non-starter' |
The Hill (6/19/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the only African American Republican in the Senate, says reparations for slavery are a non-starter. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Tal Axelrod |
Pelosi Says She Supports Bill to Study Issue of Reparations for Slavery |
The Hill (2/27/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday she supports a bill that would establish a commission to study and consider reparations for African Americans regarding slavery. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Juliegrace Brufke |
Reparations Bill Gains Traction in the House |
The Hill (7/3/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lees (D-Texas) bill that would form a commission to study whether black Americans should receive reparations for slavery is gaining traction among top Democrats, with the legislation reaching 90 co-sponsors by the end of June. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Mike Lillis and Scott Wong |
Reparations Bill Wins New Momentum in Congress |
The Hill (4/4/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
House legislation to form a commission to study whether black Americans should receive reparations for slavery is getting a significant boost from Democrats on the presidential campaign trail. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Jordain Carney |
Sanders Backs Bill Creating Reparations Study Commission |
The Hill (4/5/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Friday that if elected president he would sign legislation creating a commission to study the issue of granting reparations to African-Americans. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Alexander Bolton |
Senate Democrats Wish Talk on Reparations Would Go Away |
The Hill (6/26/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Senate Democrats are not fans of legislation on reparations for slavery, which has become a hot topic in the 2020 presidential campaign. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Rachel Frazin |
Ta-nehisi Coates Goes after Mcconnell on Reparations |
The Hill (6/19/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Writer and activist Ta-Nehisi Coates went after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell during a Wednesday House hearing on reparations for slavery after the Kentucky Republican dismissed the idea the day before. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Timothy Webster |
The Price of Settlement: World War Ii Reparations in China, Japan and Korea |
51 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 301 (Winter, 2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
World War II litigation has roiled East Asia for the past quarter century. Asian victims of Japanese military aggression--from Taiwanese comfort women to Korean forced laborers to Chinese subjects of medical experimentation--filed more than one hundred lawsuits against the government of Japan, and dozens of large Japanese corporations. The Japanese... |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Rachel Frazin |
Top House Dem Dismisses Reparations as 2020 Candidates Endorse Idea |
The Hill (3/5/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said that he takes issue with using reparations to lessen racial inequality, as 2020 candidates have come out in favor of the idea, The Post and Courier reported Tuesday. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Michael Burke |
Warren, Harris Back Reparations for Black Americans Affected by Slavery |
The Hill (2/21/2019) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), who are both running for president, have reportedly said they support reparations for black Americans affected by slavery. |
2019 |
Most Relevant |
Susan K. Serrano |
A Reparative Justice Approach to Assessing Ancestral Classifications Aimed at Colonization's Harms |
27 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 501 (December, 2018) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Introduction. 501 I. Davis V. Guam in Legal-Political Context. 506 A. The Dismantling of Justice. 507 B. Rice v. Cayetano: Ancestry as Proxy for Race. 510 C. Davis v. Guam: Ancestry as Invidious Racial Purpose. 514 II. A Reparative Justice Approach to Remedying the Harms of Colonization. 518 A. Ancestry and Race as Key to Colonization. 519 B.... |
2018 |
Most Relevant |
Brian G. Gilmore , Hannah D. Adams |
The Case for a Reparations Clinic: a Proposal for Investigation, Documentation, and Remediation of Historic Housing Discrimination Through the Law School Clinic Model |
2018 Michigan State Law Review 1309 (2018) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
This Article will provide a blueprint for the creation of a law school based, or associated, clinic dedicated to addressing wealth and inequality issues created by the nation's racial caste system. Much of the focus shall be on reparations for discriminatory conduct in the housing market, but the Article shall also focus upon reparations in general... |
2018 |
Most Relevant |
Teri A. McMurtry-Chubb |
The Rhetoric of Race, Redemption, and Will Contests: Inheritance as Reparations in John Grisham's Sycamore Row |
48 University of Memphis Law Review 889 (Spring, 2018) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 890 II. Reparations as Racial Rhetoric: Racializing Nomos, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. 893 A. The Racialized Universe of Reparations Discourse. 893 B. Logos, Ideographs, and Analytical Frameworks in Reparations Litigation. 910 1. Johnson v. McAdoo. 915 2. Cato v. United States. 917 3. Pigford v. Glickman. 922 4. Obadele v. United... |
2018 |
Most Relevant |
Makiba Gaines |
This Means War: a Case for Just Reparations under the Doctrine of Inalienability |
30 Regent University Law Review 433 (2017-2018) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
A close examination of America's post-emancipation timeline reveals incessant cycles of racial discord marked by turbulent junctures of conflict between Blacks and American governments. Sustained antagonism is evinced by at least one major declaration of mass dissent every twenty to thirty years since ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. Most... |
2018 |
Most Relevant |
Andrew S. Baer |
Dignity Restoration and the Chicago Police Torture Reparations Ordinance |
92 Chicago-Kent Law Review 769 (2017) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Focusing on a high-profile police torture scandal from 1970s and 1980s Chicago, this essay expands on Bernadette Atuahene's theory of dignity takings and dignity restoration by foregrounding the agency of dignity takers and dignity restorers. Section II summarizes Atuahene's model and reviews how scholars have borrowed, applied, and extended her... |
2017 |
Most Relevant |
Kenneth L. Lewis, Jr. |
The Naimbian Holocaust: Genocide Ignored, History Repeated, Yet Reparations Denied |
29 Florida Journal of International Law 133 (April, 2017) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 134 II. The Namibian Holocaust. 136 III. The Annihilation of the Indigenous Namibian People Was Unlawful Under International Law, Treaties, and Conventions. 138 A. Germany Violated Customary International Law. 138 B. Germany Violated the 1899 Hague Convention. 139 IV. Germany's Reasons for not Compensating the Namibian People Are,... |
2017 |
Most Relevant |
Catherine Millas Kaiman |
Environmental Justice and Community-based Reparations |
39 Seattle University Law Review 1327 (Summer, 2016) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
C1-2Contents Introduction. 1328 I. Environmental Justice Case Study: Old Smokey. 1331 II. The Environmental Justice Movement. 1334 A. The Early Days of Environmental Justice. 1336 B. Environmental Justice Progress. 1338 III. Tools and Barriers. 1339 A. Environmental Laws. 1340 1. National Environmental Protection Act. 1342 2. Executive Order... |
2016 |
Most Relevant |
David L. Attanasio |
Extraordinary Reparations, Legitimacy, and the Inter-american Court |
37 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 813 (Spring 2016) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
1. Introduction. 815 2. Inter-American Reparations and the Problem of Legitimacy. 823 2.1. The Reparations Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court. 823 2.2. Traditional Corrective Justice and Requirements for Genuine Reparations. 832 2.3. Requirements for Genuine Reparations and the Problem of Legitimacy. 837 3. Cessation of Human Rights... |
2016 |
Most Relevant |
Stephen Oliwa |
Is it Too Late Now to Say Sorry: German Reparations to Homosexuals |
18 Rutgers Journal of Law & Religion 95 (Fall, 2016) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Thousands of gay Germans were convicted--some even put to death--under a 1871 law that was on the books in Germany through the Holocaust until 1994. Germany's Green Party representatives Katja Keul and Volker Beck have demanded reparations on behalf of the thousands of men whose lives were ruined after being convicted under the provision. This... |
2016 |
Most Relevant |
Erika C. Weaver |
Reparations for Descendants of American Slaves: the Recurring Clarion Call That Emerges from Race-based, Social, and Political Movements |
21 Public Interest Law Reporter 167 (Spring, 2016) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
The demand for reparations isn't new. It began with Callie House after enslavement ended. She knew that soldiers were given pension and sought a pension for freed slaves who were too old to work. In 2014, Ta-Nehisi Coates reminded societies of the moral and ethical premise of reparations when he quoted Deuteronomy 15:12-15. Coates' piece detailed... |
2016 |
Most Relevant |
Ethan Hee-Seok Shin |
The "Comfort Women" Reparation Movement: Between Universal Women's Human Right and Particular Anti-colonial Nationalism |
28 Florida Journal of International Law 87 (April, 2016) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
I. Introduction. 88 II. Imperial Japan and Its Aftermath. 91 A. Imperial Japan up to 1945. 91 B. The Politico-Legal Settlement after World War II. 94 C. Reparation Movement since the 1990s: From the Political to the Legal. 99 III. Main Legal Issues of the Japanese Reparation. 103 A. (Il)legality of Imperial Japan's Colonial Rule over Korea. 103 B.... |
2016 |
Most Relevant |
G. Flint Taylor |
The Long Path to Reparations for the Survivors of Chicago Police Torture |
11 Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy 330 (Spring, 2016) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In the early 1970s, a Chicago police detective named Jon Burge began a nearly twenty-year reign of police terror that was visited upon more than 120 almost exclusively African-American men who were interrogated at police stations on the South and West sides of Chicago. Burge, working with a unit of white detectives who came to be known as the... |
2016 |
Most Relevant |
Nancy Amoury Combs |
From Prosecutorial to Reparatory: a Valuable Post-conflict Change of Focus |
36 Michigan Journal of International Law 219 (Winter 2015) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Introduction. 219 I. International Criminal Prosecutions: Three Key Challenges. 226 A. Obtaining Custody Over Defendants. 227 B. Finding Accurate Facts. 234 C. Selectivity. 238 D. Summary. 239 II. Reparations as a Viable Alternative. 239 A. Obtaining Funds for Reparations. 243 B. Finding Accurate Facts. 257 III. The Normative Case for Shifting... |
2015 |
Most Relevant |
Reginald C. Wisenbaker, Jr. |
Muslim Community Reparations |
2 Savannah Law Review 391 (2015) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Muslim Americans are often targets of ill-founded discrimination, hate, and suspicion. Through popular cultural portrayals, salacious media reporting, and targeted governmental policies, Muslim Americans suffer from discrimination because mainstream Islam has become improperly conflated with terrorism in the United States. Compounding the harm,... |
2015 |
Most Relevant |
Nickolas Kaplan |
Reparations Now!: Municipal Reparations, International Tribunals, and the Chicago Torture Justice Memorials Campaign |
20 Public Interest Law Reporter 116 (Spring, 2015) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
Chicago is an epicenter of systemic anti-black state violence. The murder of Fred Hampton, the torture ring of Chicago Police Department Commander Jon Burge, and the domestic equivalent of CIA black site at Homan Square are just the tip of the iceberg. Almost 500 people have been killed by U.S. law enforcement in 2015 as of June 1, with the... |
2015 |
Most Relevant |
Cameron Bell |
Repatriate . . . Then Compensate: Why the United States Owes Reparation Payments to Former Guantánamo Detainees |
48 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 867 (Spring 2015) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
In late 2001, U.S. government officials chose Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, as the site to house the war on terror detainees. Since then, 779 individuals have been detained at Guantánamo. Many of the detainees have endured years of detention, cruel and degrading treatment, and for some, torture--conduct that violates well-established prohibitions against... |
2015 |
Most Relevant |
Ayesha Bell Hardaway |
The Breach of the Common Law Trust Relationship Between the United States and African Americans: a Substantive Right to Reparations |
39 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 525 (2015) |
Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources |
You don't simply say I'm sorry to the man you've robbed. You return what you stole or your apology takes on a hollow ring. Introduction. 526 I. An Overview of African American Reparations Claims. 529 A. Waivers of Sovereign Immunity. 531 1. The Federal Tort Claims Act. 533 2. The Tucker Act. 533 B. Notable African American Reparations Claims.... |
2015 |
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