AuthorTitleCitationDocument TypeCase StatusSummaryYearRelevancy
Angela A. Allen-Bell TAKING EXCEPTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORMS THAT FAIL TO TRANSFORM: USING TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE TO END THE CARCERAL STATE 11 Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs 1 (2023) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 1 II. About TJ. 4 III. Truth-seeking Pillar: Race, the Carceral State & Human Rights. 7 IV. Memorialization Pillar: Honoring Blacks for International Efforts & Documenting the U.S.' Lack of Fidelity to the UN Process. 24 V. Prosecution Pillar. 35 VI. Reparations Pillar. 38 VII. Legal and Policy Reforms Pillar.... 2023 Most Relevant
Mariya Denisenko THE IMPACT OF GOVERNMENT SPONSORED SEGREGATION ON HEALTH INEQUITIES: ADDRESSING DEATH GAPS THROUGH REPARATIONS 80 Washington and Lee Law Review 1687 (Fall, 2023) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Government sponsored segregation of urban neighborhoods has detrimentally impacted the health of Black Americans. Over the last century, federal, state, and local governments have promulgated racist laws and policies that shaped the racial divide of communities in major metropolitan cities. This divide has contributed to poor health outcomes and... 2023 Most Relevant
Martha M. Ertman THE NEW PRIVATE LAW THIRTY YEARS AFTER 100 Denver Law Review 533 (Spring, 2023) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 533 I. Contract as a Private Way Station. 535 II. Contractual Purgatory and Beyond. 535 III. Reparations for Racial Injustice. 538 Conclusion. 540 2023 Most Relevant
Emily J. Kawahara TRANSFORMATIVE DYNAMICS: REFRAMING THE ROLE OF REPARATIONS IN TRANSFORMING SOCIAL ORDER 60 San Diego Law Review 497 (August-September, 2023) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   C1-2Table of Contents I. Introduction. 497 II. Theory: Creating Transformative Dynamics. 499 III. Transitional Justice Mechanism: Atonement Model Reparations. 504 IV. Complementary Relationship: Reparations, Development Programs, Social Services. 507 V. Defining Expectations and Success. 510 VI. Conclusion. 511 2023 Most Relevant
Natsu Taylor Saito TRUTH, HEALING, EMPOWERMENT: ERIC YAMAMOTO ON REPARATIVE JUSTICE FOR THE PEOPLE OF JEJU 52 Southwestern Law Review 9 (2023) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Reparative justice has been a persistent theme of scholar-activist Eric K. Yamamoto's powerful and deeply insightful human rights work. His latest book, Healing the Persisting Wounds of Historic Injustice: United States, South Korea and the Jeju 4.3 Tragedy, applies the reparations framework he has developed over many years to a particularly... 2023 Most Relevant
Carol Klier UNDERSTANDING DISCURSIVE FRAMINGS OF REPARATIONS FOR SLAVERY AND JIM CROW 60 San Diego Law Review 481 (August-September, 2023) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   C1-2Table of Contents I. Framing Reparations. 482 II. Initial Questions. 483 III. Why are Reparations Owed? Drawing a Line from Past to Present. 484 IV. What is Owed?. 487 V. Conclusion. 495 2023 Most Relevant
  2023 CONG US HR 40 118th CONGRESS, 1st Session (1/9/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes. Ms.Jackson Lee (for herself, Ms.Kelly of Illinois, Ms.Pressley,... 2023 Most Relevant
  2023 CONG US HRES 414 118th CONGRESS, 1st Session (5/17/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   Recognizing that the United States has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people in the United States. Ms. Bush (for herself, Ms. Lee of California, Ms. Tlaib, Ms. Pressley, Mr. Bowman, Mrs. Ramirez, Ms. Lee of Pennsylvania, Ms. Omar, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, and Mr. Green of Texas) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary Recognizing that the United States has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans... 2023 Most Relevant
  2023 CONG US S 40 118th CONGRESS, 1st Session (January 24, 2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   To address the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States and the 13 American colonies between 1619 and 1865 and to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes. Mr. Booker (for himself, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Markey, Mr. Casey, Mr.... 2023 Most Relevant
Councilmembers McDuffie, Gray, Parker, Lewis George, Allen, Nadeau, R. White, T. White, Pinto, and Bonds 2023 DC L.B. 152 (NS) 2023 Washington DC Legislative Bill No. 152, Washington DC Council Period Twenty-Five (2/24/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: To amend the Department of Insurance and Securities Regulation Establishment Act of 1996 to require the Commissioner of the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking to establish by a time certain a slavery era database of records relating to slaveholding; to establish the Reparations Foundation Fund to provide funds for reparations that may be distributed to certain District residents, and to establish the Reparations Task Force to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans whose ancestors suffered as a result of the institution of slavery. COUNCIL OF THE... 2023 Most Relevant
House, Rep. Carol Ammons 2023 IL H.R. 292 (NS) 2023 Illinois House Resolution No. 292, Illinois One Hundred Third General Assembly - First Regular Session (5/15/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Declares the State of Illinois should take the lead on issues of Pan-Africanism, citizenship in Africa, and reparatory justice, and the State should champion the Eighth Pan-African Congress Part 1 (8PAC1) and its agenda to develop a continental-wide diaspora citizenship plan, establish the African Diaspora as the 6th Region of the African Union (AU), and determine a permanent headquarters for the 6th Region. Calls upon the State to immediately, through its African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission (ADCRC), provide matrilineal and patrilineal DNA testing through African ancestry... 2023 Most Relevant
House, Rep. Carol Ammons-La Shawn K. Ford-Marcus C. Evans, Jr.-Rita Mayfield-Maurice A. West, II, Mary Beth Canty, Will Guzzardi, Edgar Gonzalez, Jr., Nabeela Syed, Laura Faver Dias, Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, Mary E. Flowers, Barbara Hernandez, Dagmara Av 2023 IL H.R. 292 (NS) 2023 Illinois House Resolution No. 292, Illinois One Hundred Third General Assembly - First Regular Session (5/24/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: Declares the State of Illinois should take the lead on issues of Pan-Africanism, citizenship in Africa, and reparatory justice, and the State should champion the Eighth Pan-African Congress Part 1 (8PAC1) and its agenda to develop a continental-wide diaspora citizenship plan, establish the African Diaspora as the 6th Region of the African Union (AU), and determine a permanent headquarters for the 6th Region. Calls upon the State to immediately, through its African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission (ADCRC), provide matrilineal and patrilineal DNA testing through African ancestry... 2023 Most Relevant
Sen. Liz Miranda 2023 MA S.B. 1050 (NS) 2023 Massachusetts Senate Bill No. 1050, The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1/20/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: An Act creating reparations for the descendants of American slavery and piloting universal basic income Section 1. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts acknowledges and apologizes for its willful participation in the institution of slavery. Slavery was an official policy of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the United States Government from 1619 through 1865 that constituted an immoral and inhumane deprivation of life, liberty, cultural heritage, and the fruits of their labor for nearly 4,000,000 Africans and tens of thousands of Indigenous people with on-going effects for their... 2023 Most Relevant
...ways to educate the Massachusetts public of the commission's findings. (3) Recommend appropriate remedies in consideration of the commission's findings on the matters described in this section. SECTION 1. (a) There is hereby established a commission to 2023 MA S.B. 1053 (NS) 2023 Massachusetts Senate Bill No. 1053, The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1/20/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: An Act establishing a commission to study reparations in Massachusetts DEFINITIONS (1) Whereas, Reparations are a form of transitional justice and reparatory justice 2023 Most Relevant
  2023 NY A.B. 7828 (NS) 2023 New York Assembly Bill No. 7828, New York Two Hundred Forty-Sixth Legislative Session (6/23/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: LUCAS Enacts the New York State American Freedmen Equity Task Force on Reparations Remedies Act"; acknowledges New York state's role in the fundamental injustice and inhumanity of the institution of slavery; establishes the New York State American Freedmen Equity Task Force on Reparations Remedies; examines all aspects of slavery 2023 Most Relevant
  2023 NY A.B. 7828 (NS) 2023 New York Assembly Bill No. 7828, New York Two Hundred Forty-Sixth Legislative Session (9/6/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: LUCAS Enacts the New York State American Freedmen Equity Task Force on Reparations Remedies Act"; acknowledges New York state's role in the fundamental injustice and inhumanity of the institution of slavery; establishes the New York State American Freedmen Equity Task Force on Reparations Remedies; examines all aspects of slavery 2023 Most Relevant
  2023 NY A.B. 7828 (NS) 2023 New York Assembly Bill No. 7828, New York Two Hundred Forty-Sixth Legislative Session (9/11/2023) Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   SUMMARY: LUCAS Enacts the New York State American Freedmen Equity Task Force on Reparations Remedies Act"; acknowledges New York state's role in the fundamental injustice and inhumanity of the institution of slavery; establishes the New York State American Freedmen Equity Task Force on Reparations Remedies; examines all aspects of slavery 2023 Most Relevant
PENALTIES § 13A:35.50. Return Preparers-Frivolous Position CASEY § 13A:35.50 Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The Service may seek injunctions against preparers who are advocating frivolous positions. For example, it has obtained injunctions against preparing returns claiming a credit or refund as reparations for slavery. The 2006 Tax Relief and Health Care Act increased the penalty for submitting a frivolous return position from $500 to $5,000. Also,... 2022 Most Relevant
Kerri M. Gefeke AMERICA TO ME--A PUBLIC NUISANCE REPARATIONS FRAMEWORK THROUGH THE LENS OF THE TULSA MASSACRE 55 UIC Law Review 681 (Winter 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   I. Introduction. 682 II. Background. 686 A. What are Reparations?. 686 B. Types of Reparations Provided by the United States in the Past. 687 1. The Rhetoric of Race and Understanding United States History. 687 2. Reparations to the Sioux Nation. 688 3. Reparations to Japanese-Americans Internment Survivors. 689 4. Reparations for the Tuskegee... 2022 Most Relevant
Amber Baylor CRIMINALIZED STUDENTS, REPARATIONS, AND THE LIMITS OF PROSPECTIVE REFORM 99 Washington University Law Review 1229 (2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Introduction. 1230 I. A Reparations Framework: Outlining Injury To Criminalized Students. 1234 A. The History and Harm of Criminalizing Students. 1238 B. Law Enforcement in Schools. 1242 C. School Order Misdemeanors. 1246 D. Students in Criminal Courts. 1249 E. Reforms Reducing the Criminalization of Students. 1254 1. School Discipline Reform. 1255... 2022 Most Relevant
Mickaela J. Fouad DOWN AND DIRTY: REMEDIES AND REPARATIONS FOR INTERSECTED ENVIRONMENTAL AND REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE 87 Brooklyn Law Review 1423 (Summer, 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   In 2016, Flint, Michigan's water crisis captured the nation's attention and prompted widespread conversations concerning environmental racism. In the fall of 2021, claims, including a class action suit, brought by city residents culminated in a historic $626 million award. But today, even after this settlement, many Flint residents still mistrust... 2022 Most Relevant
Charisa Smith FROM EMPATHY GAP TO REPARATIONS: AN ANALYSIS OF CAREGIVING, CRIMINALIZATION, AND FAMILY EMPOWERMENT 90 Fordham Law Review 2621 (May, 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   America's legacy of violent settler colonialism and racial capitalism reveals a misunderstood and neglected civil rights concern: the forced separation of families of color and unwarranted state intrusion upon caregiving through criminalization and surveillance. The War on Drugs, the Opioid Crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic are a few examples... 2022 Most Relevant
Nina Oishi LOVE, MEMORY, AND REPARATIONS: LOOKING TO THE BOTTOM TO UNDERSTAND HAWAI'I'S MAUNA KEA MOVEMENT 29 Asian American Law Journal 126 (2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The activism on Mauna Kea opposing the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope has become a flashpoint in local media and a watershed moment for Hawaiian movements. In this Note, I apply the critical legal theory concept of looking to the bottom to understand the Mauna Kea movement as part of a broader theory of reparations for Native... 2022 Most Relevant
Theodoros Papazekos POWER PLAY GOAL: ANALYZING ZONING LAW AND REPARATIONS AS REMEDIES TO HISTORIC DISPLACEMENT IN PITTSBURGH'S HILL DISTRICT 29 Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy 407 (Spring, 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Pittsburgh's Hill District ranked among the most important historically Black neighborhoods in America until the heart of the neighborhood was razed in 1956. When urban renewal hit Pittsburgh, 1,500 families were displaced from the Lower Hill District, replaced by what would become a hockey arena. The displacement had catastrophic results for the... 2022 Most Relevant
Aris Folley Racial justice groups press Biden to form reparations commission 2022 The Hill 1436822 (5/6/2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Racial justice groups and other organizations are pressing President Biden to use his executive authority to form a federal commission to study and develop reparations proposals for African Americans, as legislation calling for similar action has stalled in Congress for more than a year. 2022 Most Relevant
Vanessa Zboreak REGULATORY REPARATIONS 14 Elon Law Review 215 (2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   I. Introduction. 215 II. Reparations frameworks. 219 A. Theories of Reparations Compensation. 219 B. Tort Theory & Limits of Reparations Litigation. 223 C. Reparations as Legislative Repair. 228 III. Regulatory Reparations Groundwork. 235 A. Reparative Regulatory Review. 236 B. Citizen Petitions for Reparations Review. 242 C. Complementarity with... 2022 Most Relevant
Kendall Lawrenz REMEDYING THE HEALTH IMPLICATIONS OF STRUCTURAL RACISM THROUGH REPARATIONS 90 George Washington Law Review 1018 (August, 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   From the early introduction of slavery to the United States, not only did the economic prosperity of slavery depend on extracting reproductive labor from Black birthing people, but so did the field of medicine. Enslaved Black people were experimented on and forced to undergo inhumane procedures in the name of science, yet as the medical profession... 2022 Most Relevant
Adam Coretz REPARATIONS FOR A PUBLIC NUISANCE? THE EFFORT TO COMPENSATE SURVIVORS, VICTIMS, AND DESCENDANTS OF THE TULSA RACE MASSACRE ONE HUNDRED YEARS LATER 43 Cardozo Law Review 1641 (April, 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   C1-2Table of Contents Introduction. 1642 I. Background. 1645 A. History of the Greenwood District and the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. 1645 B. History and Evolution of Public Nuisance as a Tort. 1649 C. Defining Public Nuisance at Common Law Today. 1651 D. Public Nuisance in Oklahoma. 1652 E. Tulsa Race Massacre Lawsuit. 1654 F. Race Reparations for... 2022 Most Relevant
Martha M. Ertman REPARATIONS FOR RACIAL WEALTH DISPARITIES AS REMEDY FOR SOCIAL CONTRACT BREACH 85 Law and Contemporary Problems 231 (2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Acute crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2008 financial meltdown exposed and exacerbated chronic racial wealth disparities. Those disparities accumulated over time as government and private actions--often involving contracts--systemically benefitted White Americans and institutions at the expense of African-Americans. This Article focuses... 2022 Most Relevant
Joyce Hope Scott REPARATIONS, RESTITUTION, AND TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE: AMERICAN CHATTEL SLAVERY & ITS AFTERMATH, A MORAL DEBATE WHOSE TIME HAS COME 39 Wisconsin International Law Journal 269 (Spring, 2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The Atlantic trafficking and subsequent enslavement of captive African men, women, and children represents the greatest crime of all time, the theft of humanity and personhood which resulted in a permanent state of dispossession, exile, and homelessness. This tragedy, nevertheless, provided the engine that enabled the rise of the economic empire of... 2022 Most Relevant
Gabriel J. Chin *, Anna Ratner ** THE END OF CALIFORNIA'S ANTI-ASIAN ALIEN LAND LAW: A CASE STUDY IN REPARATIONS AND TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE 29 Asian American Law Journal 17 (2022) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   For nearly a century, California law embodied a rabid anti-Asian policy, which included school segregation, discriminatory law enforcement, a prohibition on marriage with Whites, denial of voting rights, and imposition of many other hardships. The Alien Land Law was a California innovation, copied in over a dozen other states. The Alien Land Law,... 2022 Most Relevant
Jones-Sawyer (A) 2021 CA A.B. 2296 (NS) 2021 California Assembly Bill No. 2296, California 2021-2022 Regular Session Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   An act to amend Section Sections 8301.1, 8301.2, and 8301.7 of the Government Code, relating to state government. AMENDED IN SENATE AUGUST 11, 2022 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE--2021-22 REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLY BILL No. 2296 Introduced by Assembly Member Jones-Sawyer February 16, 2022 An act to amend Section Sections 8301.1, 8301.2, and 8301.7 of the Government Code, relating to state government. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 2296, as amended, Jones-Sawyer. Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans. Existing law establishes the Task Force to Study and... 2022 Most Relevant
Solages, Michaelle C. 2021 NY A.B. 9435 (NS) 2021 New York Assembly Bill No. 9435, New York Two Hundred Forty-Fourth Legislative Session Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   BRISPORT SOLAGES, AUBRY, DICKENS, PRETLOW, WILLIAMS, WALKER, PEOPLES-STOKES, COOK, VANEL, HYNDMAN, CAHILL, JEAN-PIERRE, BICHOTTE HERMELYN, TAYLOR, DILAN, DARLING, JOYNER, BENEDETTO, EPSTEIN, FRONTUS, REYES, NOLAN, O'DONNELL, CRUZ, ZINERMAN, JACKSON, BURGOS, FORREST, ANDERSON, GONZALEZ-ROJAS, J. RIVERA Relates to acknowledging the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the city of New York and the state of New York; establishes the New York state community commission on reparations remedies to examine the institution of slavery, subsequently de jure and... 2022 Most Relevant
Assemblymen Spearman 2022 NJ A.B. 938 (NS) 2022 New Jersey Assembly Bill No. 938, New Jersey Two Hundred Twentieth Legislature - First Annual Session Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   Establishes New Jersey Reparations Task Force." ASSEMBLY 2022 Most Relevant
2022 Primary Sponsor(s): Rice 2022 NJ S.B. 386 (NS) 2022 New Jersey Senate Bill No. 386, New Jersey Two Hundred Twentieth Legislature - First Annual Session Legislation (Proposed & Enacted)   Establishes New Jersey Reparations Task Force." SENATE 2022 Most Relevant
  Civil Action to Enforce Court-ordered Support Obligations Pursuant to the Social Security Act Sec. 460 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 660) Complaint for Declaratory Relief, Injunctive Relief and Damages Applied Severally and Jointly to Defendants Sued Individually Deman 2022 WL 2757431 Trial Court Documents   I, Cheryl D. Uzamere, am the petitioner and the plaintiff in the above-entitled action. 2) The Kings County Family Court case for which I filed a petition for spousal support is Cheryl... 2022 Most Relevant
  Jarvis v. United States 154 Fed.Cl. 712, Docket Number: 21-1148C [United States Court of Federal Claims] (8/19/2021) Cases As of January 2, 2022, The case has been appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals or the U.S. Supreme Court (excluding appeals originating from agencies). NATIVE AMERICANS Jurisdiction. Court of Federal Claims lacked subject matter jurisdiction under Tucker Act to hear reparation claim based on historic treatment of Native Americans. 2021 Most Relevant
  Lewis v. United States Slip Copy, Docket Number: 5:21-CV-156-TJC-PRL [United States District Court, M.D. Florida, Ocala Division] (4/13/2021) Cases   Plaintiff, who is proceeding pro se, is suing the United States for failing to pay him reparations for the enslavement of his ancestors. Plaintiff requests injunctive relief and damages. Plaintiff has filed a motion to proceed in forma pauperis. (Doc. 2). For the reasons discussed below, the motion is due to be denied and the complaint dismissed.... 2021 Most Relevant
PENALTIES § 13A:35.50. Return Preparers-Frivolous Position CASEY § 13A:35.50 (2021) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The Service may seek injunctions against preparers who are advocating frivolous positions. For example, it has obtained injunctions against preparing returns claiming a credit or refund as reparations for slavery. The 2006 Tax Relief and Health Care Act increased the penalty for submitting a frivolous return position from $500 to $5,000. Also,... 2021 Most Relevant
Arthur H. Boelter § 4:125. Injunction against future preparer activities IRS-TXPINT § 4:125 (2021) [Tax Penalties and Interest] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   The issuance of an injunction against future return preparation activities is within the discretion of the court. Even where a court finds that a preparer has continually or repeatedly disregarded rules and regulations related to the Code, a court may decline to issue a blanket injunction. A blanket injunction is warranted where the government can... 2021 Most Relevant
Christopher Burton 3/5THS TO 1/10TH, HOW TO MAKE BLACK AMERICA WHOLE: EXPLORING CONGRESSIONAL ACT H.R.40--COMMISSION TO STUDY AND DEVELOP REPARATION PROPOSALS FOR AFRICAN-AMERICANS ACT 54 UIC J. Marshall L. Rev. 530 (Summer, 2021) [UIC John Marshall Law Review] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   I. Introduction. 530 II. Background. 535 A. What Is H.R. 40?. 535 B. Historic Economic Disparities Among Black and White Americans. 537 1. The New Deal and Jim Crow. 538 2. The Racist Execution of the G.I. Bill. 541 C. History of Past Proposed Reparation Acts in the United States.. 544 1. Reparations to Japanese Americans Interned During World War... 2021 Most Relevant
Susan S. Kuo , Benjamin Means A CORPORATE LAW RATIONALE FOR REPARATIONS 62 B.C. L. Rev. 799 (March, 2021) [Boston College Law Review] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Introduction. 800 I. Reparations and Ethical Individualism. 805 A. Arguments for Reparations. 805 B. Ethical Individualism. 807 C. Responses to Ethical Individualism. 811 1. Continuing Wrong. 811 2. Unjust Enrichment. 813 3. Moral Taint. 816 4. Collective Responsibility. 817 II. United States, Inc. 820 A. Consequences of Personhood. 821 B. The U.S.... 2021 Most Relevant
Alexis Hoag ABOLITION AS THE SOLUTION: REDRESS FOR VICTIMS OF EXCESSIVE POLICE FORCE 48 Fordham Urb. L.J. 721 (March, 2021) [Fordham Urban Law Journal] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Introduction. 721 I. An Attempt at Redress: The Civil Rights Act of 1866. 726 II. Reconstruction Redux: 18 U.S.C. § 242. 730 III. Abolitionist Framework. 735 IV. Abolitionist Solutions. 738 A. Reparations. 739 B. Divest and Reinvest. 741 Conclusion. 742 2021 Most Relevant
Joshua Santangelo BANKRUPTING TRIBES: AN EXAMINATION OF TRIBAL SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY AS REPARATION IN THE CONTEXT OF SECTION 106(A) 37 Emory Bankr. Dev. J. 325 (2021) [Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   This Comment concerns section 106(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, which abrogates sovereign immunity of a State, a Commonwealth, a District, a Territory, a municipality, or a foreign state; or other foreign or domestic government. A circuit split exists as to whether this section applies to Native Nations. The Sixth Circuit interpreted this section to... 2021 Most Relevant
Jordan Williams Clyburn: Graham 'ought to be ashamed of himself' for calling aid to Black farmers 'reparations' (3/10/2021) [The Hill] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) says that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) ought to be ashamed of himself" for calling aid to Black farmers "reparations.'" 2021 Most Relevant
  Democrats debate timing and wisdom of reparations vote 2021 WL 1511472 (4/17/2021) Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Reparations advocates notched a historic victory this week when a House committee approved, for the first time, legislation to study whether Black Americans should receive restitution for slavery. 2021 Most Relevant
Jordan Brewington DISMANTLING THE MASTER'S HOUSE: REPARATIONS ON THE AMERICAN PLANTATION 130 Yale L.J. 2160 (June, 2021) [Yale Law Journal] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   In southeastern Louisiana, many plantations still stand along River Road, a stretch of the route lining the Mississippi River that connects the former slave ports and present-day cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Black communities along River Road have long experienced these plantations as sites of racialized harm. This Note constructs a... 2021 Most Relevant
John Bowden Graham on COVID-19 aid to Black farmers: 'That's reparations' (3/10/2021) [The Hill] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday sharply criticized a planned $5 billion fund for debt repayment targeting disadvantaged farmers in the COVID-19 stimulus package set to be passed by the House this week, calling it reparations."" 2021 Most Relevant
Marty Johnson House panel approves bill to set up commission on reparations (4/14/2021) [The Hill] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   Legislation that would create a federal exploratory commission on reparations for Black Americans was approved Wednesday by a House committee for the first time, setting up a vote by the full Congress if Democratic leaders choose to bring it to the House floor. 2021 Most Relevant
Marty Johnson House subpanel to hold hearing on reparations for Black Americans (2/16/2021) [The Hill] Law Review Articles and Other Secondary Sources   A House Judiciary subcommittee will host a hearing Wednesday to discuss the creation of a commission that would explore reparations for Black Americans, an idea long floated in Congress that has gained traction over the past year. 2021 Most Relevant
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