AuthorTitleCitationSummaryYearKey Terms
Justin B. Richland Hopi Tradition as Jurisdiction: on the Potentializing Limits of Hopi Sovereignty 36 Law and Social Inquiry 201 (Winter, 2011) In this article I reconsider Hopi tradition as jurisdiction--reflexive moments of Hopi legal discourse that orient to the limits of Hopi sovereignty, even as they presuppose its power. 1 explore these themes in two significant moments of Hopi political history. First, I consider the uses of tradition in the creation of the contemporary Hopi tribe... 2011  
Soji John Improper Seizures by Sovereigns at Customs: Limiting Ec 1383/2003 Through the Effects Principle 3 George Mason Journal of International Commercial Law 79 (Fall, 2011) On several recent occasions, European Union (EU) (formerly the European Community (EC)) customs officials seized generic pharmaceuticals at Union ports that non-EU manufacturers sought to transship to non-EU markets. In order to secure the release of these drugs, the manufacturers have had to recall the shipments rather than sending them... 2011  
Lucas B. Shaw, Robert D. Morgan Inmate Attitudes Toward Treatment: Mental Health Service Utilization and Treatment Effects 35 Law and Human Behavior 249 (August, 2011) Abstract This study examined inmate attitudes toward treatment, mental health treatment utilization, and treatment effects that maximize treatment effectiveness. Participants consisted of 278 incarcerated male adult offenders from the Kansas Department of Corrections. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that inmate attitudes toward... 2011  
Nathaniel Vargas Gallegos International Agricultural Pragmatics: an Inquiry of the Orthodox Economic Breakdowns and an Evaluation of Solutions with the Food Sovereignty Movement 16 Drake Journal of Agricultural Law 429 (Fall, 2011) I. Introduction. 430 II. History, Treaties, and Organizations. 433 A. The 1948 UDHR Forward. 433 B. The Bretton Woods System. 436 C. World Trade Organization. 439 D. FAO & IFAD. 440 III. Economics and the Issues. 442 A. IFAD's Limitation to Development. 443 B. The FAO's Limitation on Agricultural Reform. 444 C. The U.S. and Food Security's... 2011  
Chad Zadrazil Ireland and the Eu: How Ireland's Evolving Concerns about Sovereignty May Hold the Fate of the European Union 29 Wisconsin International Law Journal 170 (Spring 2011) This comment analyzes the development of the Republic of Ireland's unique and disproportionate significance concerning the European Union's constitutional ambitions. It argues that despite Ireland being one of the smallest member states of the European Union, its evolving concerns about sovereignty and unique legal requirements have given Ireland... 2011  
Marnie E. Rice, Grant T. Harris , Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada Is Androgen Deprivation Therapy Effective in the Treatment of Sex Offenders? 17 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 315 (May, 2011) We review the effects of androgen deprivation on the sexual behavior of human males. Although eunuchs have existed in many cultures over the last 4,000 years, there is scant detailed and specific information in the historical record about castration status and sexual behavior. From the literature on modern-day eunuchs who are not sex offenders, we... 2011  
Rebecca Crootof Judicious Influence: Non-self-executing Treaties and the Charming Betsy Canon 120 Yale Law Journal 1784 (May, 2011) Despite their seeming impotency, non-self-executing treaties play an important role in domestic jurisprudence. When a statute permits more than one construction, judges have a number of interpretive tools at their disposal. One of these is the Charming Betsy canon, which encourages judges to select an interpretation of an ambiguous statute that... 2011  
Dr. Thomas White, J.D., Ph.D. Limitations Imposed on the Dual Sovereignty Doctrine by Federal and State Governments 38 Northern Kentucky Law Review 173 (2011) Because the dual sovereignty doctrine permits multiple prosecutions of an individual by state and federal governments for essentially the same conduct, the increasing federalization of criminal law has marginalized much of the double jeopardy protection afforded by the Constitution. The Supreme Court's admonitions to the federal government to... 2011  
P.G. McHugh, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge Lisa Ford, Settler Sovereignty: Jurisdiction and Indigenous People in America and Australia, 1788-1836. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010. Pp. 324. $49.95 (Isbn 878-0-674-03565-2) 29 Law and History Review 313 (February, 2011) Lisa Ford has written an important and readable history of the role of law in the transition from an imperial setting to an early national one in which the authority of the Anglo settler polity is consolidating and intensifying its juridical command over its territory and inhabitants. The settings are the state of Georgia and the British colony of... 2011  
Penny M. Venetis Making Human Rights Treaty Law Actionable in the United States: the Case for Universal Implementing Legislation 63 Alabama Law Review 97 (2011) Introduction. 98 I. Human Rights Treaties Ratified by the United States Are Not Enforceable. 99 A. American Exceptionalism. 99 B. U.S. RUDs to Human Rights Treaties Have Attracted Considerable Criticism Globally and Domestically. 103 C. Non-Self-Executing RUDs to Human Rights Treaties Have Attracted the Most Criticism. 106 D. Medellín v. Texas:... 2011  
Katherine Florey Making Sovereigns Indispensable: Pimentel and the Evolution of Rule 19 58 UCLA Law Review 667 (February, 2011) Though Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19 might appear to be one of the more esoteric of the Federal Rules, it is actually an exceptionally powerful device: It permits defendants to obtain dismissal of cases over which the court has valid jurisdiction, even when no other forum exists in which the action can be brought. This Article argues that,... 2011  
Kyle Hatton , Katharina Pistor Maximizing Autonomy in the Shadow of Great Powers: the Political Economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds 50 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law L. 1 (2011) Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) have received a great deal of attention since they appeared as critical investors during the global financial crisis. Reactions have ranged from fears of state intervention and mercantilism to hopes that SWFs will emerge as model long-term investors that will take on risky investments in green technology and... 2011  
Susan E. Hauser More than Abstract Justice: the Defense of Marriage Act and the Equal Treatment of Same-sex Married Couples under Section 302(a) of the Bankruptcy Code 85 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 195 (Summer 2011) [C]ities, states and the Federal Government must exercise their powers so as not to discriminate between their inhabitants except upon some reasonable differentiation fairly related to the object of regulation. This equality is not merely abstract justice. Section 302(a) of the Bankruptcy Code allows an individual debtor and his or her spouse to... 2011  
William L. Saunders Neither by Treaty, Nor by Custom: Through the Doha Declaration, the World Rejects Claimed International Rights to Abortion and Same-sex Marriage, Affirming Traditional Understandings of Human Rights 9 Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 67 (Winter, 2011) Introduction. 68 I. Emerging Trends in Public International Law. 73 A. Treaty and Custom. 73 B. Two Views on Determining What Constitutes Customary International Law: The Classical and the Bold. 77 II. International Law and Life, Marriage, and the Traditional Family. 82 A. The Language of the Foundational Human Rights Documents. 82 B. Opposition:... 2011  
Jenifer Mackby Nonproliferation Verification and the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 34 Fordham International Law Journal 697 (April, 2011) INTRODUCTION. 697 I. PREVIOUS EFFORTS. 701 II. VERIFICATION OF THE CTBT. 707 III. PROPONENTS AND OPPONENTS OF THE TREATY. 716 IV. THE SCOPE OF THE TREATY. 719 V. BRIEF HISTORY OF NUCLEAR TESTING. 723 VI. HOW MUCH VERIFICATION?. 724 VII. ENTRY INTO FORCE. 726 CONCLUSION. 732 2011  
Charles J. Moxley Jr. , John Burroughs , Jonathan Granoff Nuclear Weapons and Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty 34 Fordham International Law Journal 595 (April, 2011) INTRODUCTION. 598 I. INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW . 602 A. Nuclear Weapons Facts Relevant to the Application of International Humanitarian Law. 603 B. Scope of International Humanitarian Law. 606 C. Main Corpus of International Humanitarian Law. 609 D. Applicability of International Humanitarian Law to Nuclear Weapons. 610 E. Summary of the Main... 2011  
Valerie K. Mitchell Protecting Non-us Citizens from Removal Terminating Hiv/aids Treatment 34 Fordham International Law Journal 1620 (June, 2011) INTRODUCTION. 1621 I. REMOVAL OF NON-CITIZENS WITH HIV/AIDS AND INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE. 1626 A. The HIV/AIDS Epidemic. 1627 B. International Documents. 1631 C. D. v. United Kingdom. 1634 D. N. v. United Kingdom. 1637 E. Andrea Mortlock. 1639 II. PROTECTIONS FROM REMOVAL OF NON-US CITIZENS WITH HIV/AIDS. 1644 A. Obstacles to US Citizenship. 1645 B.... 2011  
Erin Creegan Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Treatment of Terrorist Combatants (Protocol Iv)--a Proposal 41 California Western International Law Journal 345 (Spring 2011) I. Introduction. 346 II. The Law of Armed Conflict and the Geneva Conventions. 349 A. The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Precursors. 350 B. The Additional Protocols. 360 III. Terrorism and the Law of Armed Conflict. 366 A. The Problem of Military Engagement with Terrorists. 366 B. Legal Confusion. 371 IV. A New Law of War for a New Age. 375... 2011  
John Yoo Rational Treaties: Article Ii, Congressional-executive Agreements, and International Bargaining 97 Cornell Law Review Rev. 1 (November, 2011) Introduction. 1 I. The Struggle over Instruments. 4 II. Treaties as the Settlement of International Crises. 11 A. Conflict as Bargaining Failure. 14 B. Incomplete Information and Settlement. 17 C. Conflict as a Commitment Problem. 21 III. International Agreements and the U.S. Constitution. 23 A. Choice of Instruments as Informational Signals. 25 B.... 2011  
Helena Traner Resolving Arctic Sovereignty from a Scandinavian Perspective 44 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 497 (2011) Smaller Scandinavian states are at a distinct disadvantage as a result of the current framework governing the Arctic. In order to better preserve their interests in the environment, the rights of their indigenous groups, and their security interests, these states should lead the push to develop a working group within the Arctic Council with a view... 2011  
Evelyn Ma Scholarly Chinese Legal Works in the Vernacular: a Selective Topical Treatise Finder (Part I) 39 International Journal of Legal Information 295 (Winter 2011) The number of Chinese legal scholarly publications has grown dramatically in the last ten years as the Chinese government legislature churned out an expansive body of law, with an impressive proliferation of print treatises and web-based legal information in the vernacular. This article offers a sampling of legal scholars and their treatises. It is... 2011  
Katherine Mims Crocker Securing Sovereign State Standing 97 Virginia Law Review 2051 (December, 2011) Introduction. 2052 I. Background: Understanding State Standing. 2054 A. Goals of Standing and Doctrinal Sketch. 2054 B. Evolving Interests: The Supreme Court's Shifting State Standing Doctrine. 2055 1. Proprietary Interests. 2056 2. Sovereign Interests. 2056 a. What Are Sovereign Interests?. 2056 b. The Road to Supreme Court Acceptance. 2057 c. The... 2011  
Gregory Bradford Simplifying State Standing: the Role of Sovereign Interests in Future Climate Litigation 52 Boston College Law Review 1065 (May, 2011) Abstract: As Congress has yet to enact a comprehensive legislative framework to address climate change, environmental advocates have increasingly turned to the judiciary to push for the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. Some lawsuits have been brought against the federal government, but others have been brought against private entities under... 2011  
Major Winston G. McMillan Something More than a Three-hour Tour: Rules for Detention and Treatment of Persons at Sea on U.s. Naval Warships 2011-FEB Army Lawyer 31 (February, 2011) Maritime forces will work with others to ensure an adequate level of security and awareness in the maritime domain. In doing so, transnational threats-- terrorists and extremists; proliferators of weapons of mass destruction; pirates; traffickers in persons, drugs, and conventional weapons; and other criminals--will be constrained. United States... 2011  
Leslie R. Masterson , U.S. Bankruptcy Court (E.D. Texas), Plano, Texas, Sovereign Citizens: Fringe in the Courtroom 30-MAR American Bankruptcy Institute Journal J. 1 (March, 2011) Bankruptcy is serious business. With increasing frequency, courtrooms are invaded by desperate individuals who have armed themselves with elaborate petitions, motions and other documents that deny the authority of state and federal governments. This article surveys some of the more common arguments presented in bankruptcy cases involving sovereign... 2011  
Jonathan B. Potts Stabilizing the Role of Umbrella Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties: Intent, Reliance, and Internationalization 51 Virginia Journal of International Law 1005 (Summer 2011) Introduction. 1006 I. Historical Considerations. 1008 II. The Split Among ICSID Tribunals. 1011 A. Restrictive Interpretations. 1012 1. SGS v. Pakistan. 1012 2. Joy Mining v. Egypt. 1015 3. El Paso v. Argentina. 1016 4. Hamester v. Ghana. 1018 B. Expansive Interpretations. 1019 1. SGS v. Philippines. 1019 2. CMS v. Argentina. 1022 3. Noble Ventures... 2011  
Thomas Moers Mayer State Sovereignty, State Bankruptcy, and a Reconsideration of Chapter 9 85 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 363 (Fall, 2011) In 2006, Carol Anne Bond, a Philadelphia suburbanite, discovered that her husband had impregnated her close friend Myrlinda Haynes. Ms. Bond harassed Ms. Haynes, threatened her life, and finally stole from her employer (a chemical company) the deadly poison 10-chloro10H-phenoxarsine, which Ms. Bond rubbed on various surfaces Ms. Haynes might... 2011  
Court E. Golumbic, Jonathan P. Adams The "Dominant Influence" Test: the Fcpa's "Instrumentality" and "Foreign Official" Requirements and the Investment Activity of Sovereign Wealth Funds 39 American Journal of Criminal Law L. 1 (Fall 2011) I. Introduction. 2 II. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. 5 A. The SEC Investigation and the Enactment of the FCPA. 5 1. The 1988 Amendments. 10 2. The 1997 OECD Convention & 1998 FCPA Amendments. 12 B. Statutory Analysis of the FCPA. 14 1. Anti-Bribery Provisions. 14 2. Accounting Provisions. 17 3. Penalties. 18 C. FCPA Enforcement. 19 1. History... 2011  
Daniel S. Margolies The "Ill-defined Fiction" of Extraterritoriality and Sovereign Exception in Late Nineteenth Century U.s. Foreign Relations 40 Southwestern Law Review 575 (2011) In the last three decades of the nineteenth century, United States foreign policy utilized significantly elastic approaches to issues of extraterritorial jurisdiction as part of a long-term and focused drive toward establishing overseas empire. While assertively consolidating rising economic, military, corporate, and ideological power in service to... 2011  
Kent A. Kiehl , Morris B. Hoffman The Criminal Psychopath: History, Neuroscience, Treatment, and Economics 51 Jurimetrics Journal 355 (Summer, 2011) ABSTRACT: The manuscript surveys the history of psychopathic personality, from its origins in psychiatric folklore to its modern assessment in the forensic arena. Individuals with psychopathic personality, or psychopaths, have a disproportionate impact on the criminal justice system. Psychopaths are twenty to twenty-five times more likely than... 2011  
Steven B. Dow The Eleventh Amendment and Corrections Litigation: the Impact of Sovereign Immunity on the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act 37 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 247 (Summer 2011) If history is at all useful as a guide to the future, a federal law protecting the religious practices of prisoners is here to stay, in one form or another. The initial version, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA), was enacted in response to the Supreme Court's 1990 decision in Employment Division v. Smith, which significantly... 2011  
Laurel Pyke Malson, Katherine Nesbitt, Aryeh Portnoy, Birgit Kurtz, John Murino, Joshua Dermott, Beth Goldman, Arash Jahanian, Marguerite Walter And Howard Yuan The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: 2009 Year in Review 17 Law & Business Review of the Americas 39 (Winter 2011) INTRODUCTION: THE FSIA IN 2009. 40 I. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FSIA. 41 II. THE DEFINITION OF A FOREIGN STATE: POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS, ORGANS, AGENCIES AND INSTRUMENTALITIES. 42 A. What Is a Foreign State?. 42 1. Entities That Qualified as a Foreign State or Agency or Instrumentality of a Foreign State. 43 2. Individual Foreign Officials. 44 B.... 2011  
Crowell & Moring LLP The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: 2010 Year in Review 17 Law & Business Review of the Americas 637 (Fall 2011) INTRODUCTION: THE FSIA IN 2010. 639 I. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FSIA. 640 II. THE DEFINITION OF A FOREIGN STATE: POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS, ORGANS, AGENCIES, AND INSTRUMENTALITIES. 641 A. What Is a Foreign State?. 642 1. Foreign Consulate--Foreign State. 642 2. Former Officials--Not Foreign States. 642 a. After Samantar. 644 b. Proposed Legislation.... 2011  
Mariana Valverde The Honour of the Crown Is at Stake: Aboriginal Land Claims Litigation and the Epistemology of Sovereignty 1 UC Irvine Law Review 955 (September, 2011) I. Knowledge Formats and the Performativity of Narratives. 957 II. Authentic Aboriginal Peoples and Authoritative Judicial Anthropology. 963 III. Refurbishing the Crown. 965 IV. Conclusion: Multiculturalism, Reconciliation, and the Refurbished Crown. 971 2011  
Patrick McKinley Brennan The Individual Mandate, Sovereignty, and the Ends of Good Government: a Reply to Professor Randy Barnett 159 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1623 (June, 2011) Introduction. 1623 I. Setting the Constitutional Doctrinal Context. 1625 II. Multiplying Sovereigns. 1631 III. Making Some Sense of Sovereignty. 1637 IV. Transforming the Politico-Legal Culture Away from Competing Sovereigns . 1641 V. Questions More Fundamental than Assertions of Sovereignty . 1645 2011  
Daniel Heilmann The International Control of Illegal Drugs and the U.n. Treaty Regime: Preventing or Causing Human Rights Violations? 19 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 237 (Spring 2011) I. Initial Considerations. 238 II. The International Drug Control System. 239 A. International Drug Control Law. 239 1. International Drug Control Efforts before 1960. 240 2. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961) as amended by the Protocol (1972). 244 3. Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971). 246 4. United Nations Convention Against... 2011  
Jennifer R. Donnelly The Need for Ibogaine in Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment 32 Journal of Legal Medicine 93 (January-March, 2011) Clearly, in a world devastated by addictions to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, methadone, and nicotine, with all the accompanying death, disease and crime, in a society where dysfunctional behavior is the rule rather than the exception, in a humanity hungering to reconnect with God, ibogaine has profound implications. Samantha Jones... 2011  
Steven G. Stransky The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and Pakistan: Interpreting Nuclear Security Assistance Prohibitions 23 Florida Journal of International Law L. 1 (April, 2011) I. Introduction. 2 II. Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program. 5 A. Why Pakistan Acquired a Nuclear Weapon. 5 B. How Pakistan Acquired a Nuclear Weapon. 7 C. The Threats Emanating From Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program. 10 III. Nuclear Surety. 12 IV. NPT and Treaty Interpretation. 16 A. Ordinary Meaning. 19 1. Transfer Provision. 20 2. Assistance... 2011  
Ronald J. Bettauer, George Washington University Law School The Role of Domestic Courts in Treaty Enforcement: a Comparative Study. Edited by David Sloss. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. Xxix, 626. Index. $99 105 American Journal of International Law 397 (April, 2011) In 2008, the United States Supreme Court decided in Medellín v. Texas that the obligation to comply with International Court of Justice (ICJ) decisions set out in Article 94 of the United Nations Charter is not a self-executing treaty provision under U.S. domestic law. Consequently, the ICJ's decision in the Avena case, which required the United... 2011  
Diane Riskedahl, University of Toronto The Sovereignty of Kin: Political Discourse in Post-ta'if Lebanon 34 PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 233 (November, 2011) The debate over sovereignty in Lebanon involves a battle among distinct and varying political imaginaries. This struggle is evident in the negotiation of the Syrian presence within Lebanon prior to the withdrawal of the Syrian military in the spring of 2005. I focus here on the early public call for change made by the Maronite Patriarch that... 2011  
Thomas M. Christina The States and the Nlrb: a Study in Comparative Sovereignty 12 Engage: The Journal of the Federalist Society Practice Groups 78 (11/1/2011) Under a system of government that diffuses power and makes institutional [a]mbition . counteract ambition, sudden power grabs by a federal agency are rare. Nevertheless, they do occur, particularly when they can be conducted under the radar. A lawsuit can be a very successful means for launching a power struggle without arousing much public... 2011  
Jason R. Bent The Telltale Sign of Discrimination: Probabilities, Information Asymmetries, and the Systemic Disparate Treatment Theory 44 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 797 (Summer 2011) The systemic disparate treatment theory of employment discrimination is in disarray. Originally formulated in United States v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the systemic disparate treatment theory provides plaintiffs with a method for creating an inference of unlawful discriminatory intent if plaintiffs can first present sufficient... 2011  
Tiffany Cartwright To Care for Him Who Shall Have Borne the Battle: the Recent Development of Veterans Treatment Courts in America 22 Stanford Law and Policy Review 295 (2011) When Owen Flaherty returned home from war, his family and coworkers described him as detached and angry, his mind would trick him into seeing enemies firing upon him with guns, and his violent episodes resulted in the police being called to his home on numerous occasions. When Nic Gray returned home, he felt numb and disconnected, was haunted by... 2011  
Peter Halewood Trade Liberalization and Obstacles to Food Security: Toward a Sustainable Food Sovereignty 43 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 115 (Fall 2011) Rising global food prices during 2010 and 2011 are thought to be partly responsible for the recent political uprisings and regime changes in the Middle East. The 2008 global spikes in food prices and the consequent food riots around the world lent additional urgency to analysis of underlying structural problems in the global system of producing,... 2011  
Ryan Abbott Treating the Health Care Crisis: Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Ppaca 14 DePaul Journal of Health Care Law 35 (Fall 2011) The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) intends to take American health care in a new direction by focusing on preventive medicine and wellness-based treatment. But, in doing so, it does not adequately take into account the potential contribution of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is already used by a large and... 2011  
Mary G. Powell Treatment of Large Hydropower as a Renewable Resource 32 Energy Law Journal 553 (2011) Synopsis: The decision to treat large hydropower as renewable energy by the State of Vermont is likely to be a matter that will be discussed and debated by other states as they consider the content of renewable portfolio standards (RPS). The lessons learned and decision-making in Vermont will be helpful as other states consider changes to existing... 2011  
Michael F. Caldwell Treatment-related Changes in Behavioral Outcomes of Psychopathy Facets in Adolescent Offenders 35 Law and Human Behavior 275 (August, 2011) Abstract This study examines the association between the facets of psychopathy embedded in the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV; Forth et al., Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version, 2003), and changes in institutional behavior and post-treatment violent and general offending in a sample of juvenile delinquent males treated in the Mendota... 2011  
Todd Brower Twelve Angry--and Sometimes Alienated--men: the Experiences and Treatment of Lesbians and Gay Men During Jury Service 59 Drake Law Review 669 (Spring 2011) I. Introduction. 669 II. The Experiences and Treatment of Sexual Minorities During Jury Service. 672 A. General Court Experiences and Perceptions. 674 B. Disclosure of Sexual Orientation--Visibility and Choice. 679 C. Additional Voir Dire and Jury Service Experiences and Treatment. 689 III. Conclusion: Consequences of Sexual Minority Jurors'... 2011  
Leonardo F.M. Castro U.s. Policy Against Treaty Shopping--from Aiken Industries to Anti-conduit Regs: Critical View of Current Double-step Approach in Light of Tax Treaties' Objectives and Purposes 31 Virginia Tax Review 297 (Fall 2011) The scope of this article is to analyze the evolution of the mechanisms to fight treaty shopping in the U.S. Model Treaty and the role and efficiency regarding the application of domestic anti-conduit rules by the United States on its double tax treaties, in light of international tax principles and purposes. For that, this article will address the... 2011  
Tammy Asher Unprecedented Antitrust Investigation into the Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines Development Process 46 Gonzaga Law Review 117 (2010-2011) I. Introduction. 118 II. Lyme Disease--A Brief History. 119 III. Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines. 122 IV. Applying Antitrust Principles to the IDSA's Guideline-Development Process. 126 A. The Chronic Lyme Disease Controversy. 126 B. Is the Development of Medical Guidelines Analogous to Commercial Standard-Setting?. 130 C. The... 2011  
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