Griffin Edwards , Stephen Rushin POLICE VEHICLE SEARCHES AND RACIAL PROFILING: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY 91 Fordham Law Review 1 (October, 2022) In 1981, the U.S. Supreme Court held in New York v. Belton that police officers could lawfully search virtually anywhere in a vehicle without a warrant after the arrest of any occupant in the vehicle. Then, in 2009, the Court reversed course in Arizona v. Gant, holding that police could only engage in vehicle searches after such arrests in a... 2022
Anthony Gregory POLICING JIM CROW AMERICA: ENFORCERS' AGENCY AND STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS 40 Law and History Review 91 (February, 2022) These districts are not usually protected by police--rather victimized and tyrannized over by them. No one who does not know can realize what tyranny a low-grade white policeman can exercise in a colored neighborhood. W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars widely agree that law enforcers came to serve white supremacy in the post-Civil War United States. More... 2022
Fred O. Smith, Jr. POLICING MASS INCARCERATION: PRESUMED GUILTY: HOW THE SUPREME COURT EMPOWERED THE POLICE AND SUBVERTED CIVIL RIGHTS. BY ERWIN CHEMERINSKY. NEW YORK, N.Y.: LIVERIGHT PUBLISHING CORPORATION. 2021. PP. XIII, 362. $27.95 135 Harvard Law Review 1853 (May, 2022) C1-2CONTENTS Introduction. 1854 I. Mechanisms of Police Empowerment. 1860 A. The Role of Human-Scale Legal Narrative. 1861 B. Doctrinal Choices. 1863 1. Remedies. 1863 2. Constitutional Criminal Procedure. 1866 C. Solutions. 1867 II. Values. 1868 A. Violence. 1870 B. Reliability. 1871 C. Dignitary Interests. 1871 D. Inequality. 1872 III. Mass... 2022
Maya Chaudhuri POLICING THE BODY POLITIC 69 UCLA Law Review 318 (March, 2022) This Comment focuses on the convergence of racialized policing and voter suppression of communities of color. While much attention has been given to the disenfranchisement of people upon felony conviction, there has been little attention paid to the policing and subsequent prosecution of people-- disproportionately Black and Latinx--for voting or... 2022
Eisha Jain POLICING THE POLITY 131 Yale Law Journal 1794 (April, 2022) The era of Chinese Exclusion left a legacy of race-based deportation. Yet it also had an impact that reached well beyond removal. In a seminal decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a law that required people of Chinese descent living in the United States to display a certificate of residence on demand or risk arrest, detention, and possible... 2022
Taylor Comerford PORNOGRAPHY ISN'T THE PROBLEM: A FEMINIST THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE ON THE WAR AGAINST PORNHUB 63 Boston College Law Review 1177 (March, 2022) Abstract: Over the last year, Pornhub and its parent company, MindGeek, ignited public outcry against the prevalence of content users posted to their sites featuring sexual violence, nonconsensual pornography, and sex trafficking. Activists, journalists, and legislators allege that Pornhub and similar pornography sites are apathetic toward the... 2022
Catherine S. Shaffer , Jodi L. Viljoen , Kevin S. Douglas PREDICTIVE VALIDITY OF THE SAVRY, YLS/CMI, AND PCL:YV IS POOR FOR INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE PERPETRATION AMONG ADOLESCENT OFFENDERS 46 Law and Human Behavior 189 (June, 2022) Objective: Despite advances in developing structured risk assessment instruments, there is currently no instrument to assess and manage the risk of intimate partner violence perpetration among adolescents. Given the empirical link between many forms of antisocial behavior, we tested whether structured tools commonly used by professionals to... 2022
Ali Rosenblatt PROPER CAUSE FOR CONCERN: NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION v. BRUEN 17 Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy Sidebar 239 (2/24/2022) Gun rights and gun control advocates alike are watching the Supreme Court, to see what happens in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen. In this pivotal Second Amendment case, the Court finds its first opportunity to substantially extend its 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, and to define the scope of the Second... 2022
Carol M. Rose PROPERTY LAW AND INEQUALITY: LESSONS FROM RACIALLY RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 117 Northwestern University Law Review 225 (2022) Abstract--A long-standing justification for the institution of property is that it encourages effort and planning, enabling not only individual wealth creation but, indirectly, wealth creation for an entire society. Equal opportunity is a precondition for this happy outcome, but some have argued that past inequalities of opportunity have distorted... 2022
Marissa Jackson Sow PROTECT AND SERVE 110 California Law Review 743 (June, 2022) There exists a substantial body of literature on racism and brutality in policing, police reform and abolition, the militarization of the police, and the relationship of the police to the State and its citizenry. Many theories abound with respect to the relationship between the police and Black people in the United States, and most of these... 2022
Liam H. McMillin PROVING RACISM: GIBSON BROS. INC. v. OBERLIN COLLEGE AND THE IMPLICATIONS ON DEFAMATION LAW 90 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1021 (2022) Within a day of the election of Donald Trump in 2016, a seemingly innocuous event occurred in the small college town of Oberlin, Ohio: an Oberlin College student visited a local business, Gibson's, and attempted to use a fake ID to buy a bottle of wine, with two more bottles hidden under his shirt. The man at the counter, Allyn D. Gibson Jr.,... 2022
Connor Bishop PROVING THE NEGATIVE: FLORIDA'S STAND YOUR GROUND LAW AND THE BURDEN OF PROOF 27 Barry Law Review 200 (Spring, 2022) Self-defense and Stand Your Ground laws are controversial subjects in today's world. On one side, some argue that these laws protect our Second Amendment right to bear arms, protect ourselves, and our loved ones without fear of criminal prosecution. On the other hand, opponents argue that Stand Your Ground laws encourage evermore violent acts and... 2022
Jillian K. Peterson , James A. Densley , Kyle Knapp , Stasia Higgins , Amanda Jensen PSYCHOSIS AND MASS SHOOTINGS: A SYSTEMATIC EXAMINATION USING PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DATA 28 Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 280 (May, 2022) Mass shootings are often blamed on serious mental illness. This study assesses the role of psychosis in contributing to mass shootings along a continuum. The role of psychosis is compared with other motivations for mass shootings including employment issues, interpersonal conflict, relationship issues, hate, and fame-seeking. Perpetrators motivated... 2022
Jen Jenkins PU'UHONUA NOT PRISONS, A MANIFESTO 46 Harbinger 103 (3/30/2022) Jen Jenkins chronicles how the Prison Industrial Complex, as a capitalist and white supremacist tool, has oppressed Native Hawaiian culture and people throughout its colonial history and into the present. Ultimately, Jenkins calls for prison abolition in Hawai'i, and urges policy makers and community members to center the self-determination of... 2022
Katherine Mims Crocker QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY, AND SYSTEMIC REFORM 71 Duke Law Journal 1701 (May, 2022) Qualified immunity has become a central target of the movement for police reform and racial justice since George Floyd's murder. And rightly so. Qualified immunity, which shields government officials from damages for constitutional violations even in many egregious cases, should have no place in federal law. But in critical respects, qualified... 2022
Joseph Blocher , Reva B. Siegel RACE AND GUNS, COURTS AND DEMOCRACY 135 Harvard Law Review Forum 449 (6/21/2022) Is racism in gun regulation reason to look to the Supreme Court to expand Second Amendment rights? While discussion of race and guns recurs across the briefs in New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass'n v. Bruen, it is especially prominent in the brief of legal aid attorneys and public defenders who employed their Second Amendment arguments to showcase... 2022
Edward A. Purcell, Jr. RACE AND THE LAW: THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE 66 New York Law School Law Review 141 (2021/2022) I am an invisible man. -Ralph Ellison I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because police call me sir. -Stephen Colbert Sometimes the law sees race, and sometimes it does not. Sometimes it recognizes race as legally relevant, in other words, and sometimes it does not. Over the centuries, American law has always... 2022
The Task Force 2.0 Research Working Group RACE AND WASHINGTON'S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: 2021 REPORT TO THE WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT 45 Seattle University Law Review 969 (Spring, 2022) As Editors-in-Chief of the Washington Law Review, Gonzaga Law Review, and Seattle University Law Review, we represent the flagship legal academic publications of each law school in Washington State. Our publications last joined together to publish the findings of the first Task Force on Race and the Criminal Justice System in 2011/12. A decade... 2022
The Task Force 2.0 Research Working Group RACE AND WASHINGTON'S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: 2021 REPORT TO THE WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT 57 Gonzaga Law Review 119 (2021/2022) C1-2Table of Contents Message from the Task Force Co-Chairs. 121 Participating Organizations and Institutions. 123 Acknowledgments. 125 Definitions. 129 Executive Summary. 134 I. Introduction. 139 II. Capsule Summary of 2011 Findings and Some Key Developments Since Then. 140 A. Capsule Summary of 2011 Findings. 140 B. Some Key Court Developments... 2022
The Task Force 2.0 Research Working Group RACE AND WASHINGTON'S CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: 2021 REPORT TO THE WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT 97 Washington Law Review 1 (March, 2022) As Editors-in-Chief of the Washington Law Review, Gonzaga Law Review, and Seattle University Law Review, we represent the flagship legal academic publications of each law school in Washington State. Our publications last joined together to publish the findings of the first Task Force on Race and the Criminal Justice System in 2011/12. A decade... 2022
Dylan C. Penningroth RACE IN CONTRACT LAW 170 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1199 (May, 2022) Modern contract law is rife with ideas about race and slavery and cases involving African Americans, but that presence is very hard to see. This Article recovers a hidden history of race in contract law, from its formative era in the 1870s, through the Realist critiques of the early 1900s to the diverse intellectual movements of the 1970s and 80s.... 2022
The Task Force 2.0 Juvenile Justice Subcommittee RACE IN WASHINGTON'S JUVENILE LEGAL SYSTEM: 2021 REPORT TO THE WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT 57 Gonzaga Law Review 636 (2021/2022) C1-2Table of Contents Message from the Juvenile Justice Subcommittee. 638 Participating Organizations and Institutions. 640 Acknowledgments and Note on Process. 641 Definitions. 644 Executive Summary. 649 I. Youth-Centered Blueprint for Change. 654 II. The Overrepresentation of Youth of Color in the Juvenile Legal System Persists. 662 III. How Did... 2022
Liane Jackson RACE TO THE BOTTOM 108-MAR ABA Journal 11 (February/March, 2022) Intersection is a column that explores issues of race, gender and law across America's criminal and social justice landscape. Years ago as a TV reporter working with our chief photographer out in the field in Nashville, Tennessee, I was surprised to learn he always carried a gun just in case, he told me, patting his hip. Certainly, the job of a... 2022
Cyra Akila Choudhury RACECRAFT AND IDENTITY IN THE EMERGENCE OF ISLAM AS A RACE 91 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1 (2022) Introduction. 3 I: The Myth of Race and Reality of Fluid Racial Identities. 6 The Myth of Race. 6 Fluid Identities and Multiple Subordinations. 10 Muslim/Islamicized Identities as Cosynthetic Identities. 15 II. A Genealogy of Islam-as-Race. 18 Thread 1: Connecting Black Islam from Slavery to Anti-Islam Immigration Laws and the Civil Rights... 2022
Dan L. Burk RACIAL BIAS IN ALGORITHMIC IP 106 Minnesota Law Review Headnotes 270 (Spring, 2022) Justice? Hawkmoon called after him as he left the room. Is there such a thing? It can be manufactured in small quantities, Fank told him. But we have to work hard, fight well and use great wisdom to produce just a tiny amount. Intellectual property law currently stands at the intersection of two dramatic social trends. Machine learning... 2022
Pavan S. Krishnamurthy RACIAL BIAS IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES: A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE ERA OF RENEWED GREAT POWER COMPETITION 29 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 31 (Winter, 2022) Introduction. 33 I. The History of International Security Environments. 35 A. The Cold War Era. 35 B. The Post-Cold War Era. 36 C. The Era of Renewed Great Power Competition. 36 II. Racial Bias in the United States Armed Forces. 38 Diagram 1: Racial Bias within Micro and Macro Perspectives. 40 A. Racial Bias in the Cold War Era. 40 B. Racial Bias... 2022
E. Tendayi Achiume RACIAL BORDERS 110 Georgetown Law Journal 445 (March, 2022) This Article explores the treatment of race and racial justice in dominant liberal democratic legal discourse and theory concerned with international borders. It advances two analytical claims. The first is that contemporary national borders of the international order--an order that remains structured by imperial inequity--are inherently racial.... 2022
Tonya L. Brito , Kathryn A. Sabbeth , Jessica K. Steinberg , Lauren Sudeall RACIAL CAPITALISM IN THE CIVIL COURTS 122 Columbia Law Review 1243 (June, 2022) This Essay explores how civil courts function as sites of racial capitalism. The racial capitalism conceptual framework posits that capitalism requires racial inequality and relies on racialized systems of expropriation to produce capital. While often associated with traditional economic systems, racial capitalism applies equally to nonmarket... 2022
Allyson Crane RACIAL DISPARITIES IN MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT: HOW INDIANA MISSES THE MARK IN PROVIDING ACCESSIBLE AND QUALITY TREATMENT AMIDST THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC 19 Indiana Health Law Review 427 (2022) Doctors, organizations, and citizens have expressed the importance of mental health, equating its significance to physical health. Despite the numerous conversations about mental health, treatment continues to fall short. This is especially the case for people of color. People of color are at a significant disadvantage in terms of access to quality... 2022
Yuvraj Joshi RACIAL JUSTICE AND PEACE 110 Georgetown Law Journal 1325 (June, 2022) The United States recently saw the largest racial justice protests in its history. An estimated 15 to 26 million people took to the streets over the police killings of Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, George Floyd, and countless other Black people. This Article explores how these protests and their chants of No Justice! No Peace! should lead us to... 2022
Angela Onwuachi-Willig , Anthony V. Alfieri RACIAL TRAUMA IN CIVIL RIGHTS REPRESENTATION 120 Michigan Law Review 1701 (June, 2022) Narratives of trauma told by clients and communities of color have inspired an increasing number of civil rights and antiracist lawyers and academics to call for more trauma-informed training for law students and lawyers. These advocates have argued not only for greater trauma-sensitive practices and trauma-centered interventions on behalf of... 2022
Sara Hildebrand RACIALIZED IMPLICATIONS OF OFFICER GANG EXPERT TESTIMONY 92 Mississippi Law Journal 155 (2022) Introduction. 156 I. The Rise of Police as Expert Witnesses. 159 II. Anti-Gang Legislation and Officers as Gang Experts. 163 III. Bases for Exclusion of Officer Gang Expert Testimony. 167 A. Excessive Judicial Deference to Police as Gang Experts. 168 1. Uncritical Judicial Assessment of Officer Qualifications. 169 2. Unreliable, Overbroad, and... 2022
Erika K. Wilson RACIALIZED RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SEGREGATION 132 Yale Law Journal Forum 598 (11/17/2022) abstract. Carson v. Makin has several implications for the future of school-choice programs. This Essay explores one possibility: an increase in sectarian schools participating in state-funded school-choice programs, causing new forms of school segregation based on race and religion and impairing the democracy-enhancing functions of public... 2022
Suzy J. Park RACIALIZED SELF-DEFENSE: EFFECTS OF RACE SALIENCE ON PERCEPTIONS OF FEAR AND REASONABLENESS 55 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 541 (Summer, 2022) Through a controlled experiment, this Note investigates the hypothesis that implicit references to racial stereotypes, such as subtle racial imagery, trigger mock jurors' implicit biases to a greater degree than explicit invocations of racial stereotypes. Across six conditions, 270 participants read facts resembling those of People v. Goetz, in... 2022
Lili Levi RACIALIZED, JUDAIZED, FEMINIZED: IDENTITY-BASED ATTACKS ON THE PRESS 20 First Amendment Law Review 147 (2022) The press is under a growing and dangerous form of attack through identity-based online harassment of journalists. Armies of online abusers are strategically using a variety of rhetorical tools (including references to lynching, the Holocaust, rape and dismemberment) to intimidate and silence non-white, non-male and non-Christian journalists. Such... 2022
Adam Winkler RACIST GUN LAWS AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT 135 Harvard Law Review Forum 537 (6/21/2022) For a significant portion of American history, gun laws bore the ugly taint of racism. The founding generation that wrote the Second Amendment had racist gun laws, including prohibitions on the possession or carrying of firearms by Black people, whether free or enslaved. A Florida law in 1825 authorized white people to enter into all Negro houses... 2022
Patrick J. Charles RACIST HISTORY AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT: A CRITICAL COMMENTARY 43 Cardozo Law Review 1343 (April, 2022) C1-2Table of Contents I. A Critical Examination of How and Why the Gun Control Is Racist Narrative Came to Be. 1345 II. A Critical Examination of How (and the Elusive Why) the Second Amendment Is Racist Narrative Came to Be. 1368 III. Racist History and the Second Amendment: The History-in-Law Case for a High Evidentiary Burden. 1375 2022
Maneka Sinha RADICALLY REIMAGINING FORENSIC EVIDENCE 73 Alabama Law Review 879 (2022) Introduction. 880 I. Abolition and Forensics in Context. 888 A. The Abolition Framework. 889 B. The Forensic System Today. 892 1. The Carceral Origins of Forensic Methods. 894 2. Carceral Culture in Forensics. 898 II. Forensic Science Reform Efforts. 904 A. Policy Reforms. 904 B. Legal Reforms. 908 1. The Change in Standards Governing Admissibility... 2022
Alice Ristroph READ THYSELF 74 Alabama Law Review 493 (2022) What makes a crime violent? I asked in 2011. What is a violent crime? asks David Sklansky in A Pattern of Violence, a decade later. Over that decade, criminal law scholars, as well as political leaders, advocates, and activists outside the academy, have increasingly scrutinized the concept of violence in criminal law. There are a number of... 2022
Sarah A. Husk REBUFFING THE GAZE: TOWARD THE LEGAL RECOGNITION OF OWNERSHIP AND USE RIGHTS OF NONCONSENSUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SUBJECTS 26 U.C. Davis Social Justice Law Review 187 (Summer, 2022) C1-2Table of Contents Abstract. 189 I. Introduction: Through the Looking Glass. 190 II. Federal Copyright Law and the Protection of Photographic Images in the United States. 195 A. The Copyright Act. 195 1. Copyright Infringement. 197 a. Exceptions, Limitations, and Defenses: Fair Use. 199 b. Alternatives to Copyright Protection: Works in the... 2022
Jennifer Lee Barrow RECIDIVISM REFORMATION: ELIMINATING DRUG PREDICATES 135 Harvard Law Review Forum 418 (5/20/2022) The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) imposes a minimum fifteen-year sentence for violating 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) after three violent felony or serious drug offense convictions. The ACCA disproportionately impacts people of color and imposes significant costs on the federal judiciary and the criminal justice system overall. This Essay contributes... 2022
Lauren Johnson, Cinnamon Pelly, Ebony L. Ruhland, Simone Bess, Jacinda K. Dariotis, Janet Moore RECLAIMING SAFETY: PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH, COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES, AND POSSIBILITIES FOR TRANSFORMATION 18 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 191 (May, 2022) This paper offers the first known interdisciplinary, community-based participatory research study to focus directly on two questions that have drawn increased attention in the wake of global protests over racialized police violence: 1) What is the definition of safety? and 2) How can safety be made equally accessible to all? The study is part of a... 2022
Nicholas Serafin REDEFINING THE BADGES OF SLAVERY 56 University of Richmond Law Review 1291 (Spring, 2022) Section 2 of the Thirteenth Amendment grants Congress the authority to eliminate the badges and incidents of slavery. What constitutes an incident of slavery is clear: the incidents of slavery are the legal restrictions, such as submission to a master and a ban on the ownership of productive property, that were inherent in the institution of... 2022
Tessa Ptucha RE-DIRECTING THE 50-YEAR-LONG WAR ON DRUGS IN THE UNITED STATES: SAFE INJECTION SITES AS THE NECESSARY WEAPONS 50 Hofstra Law Review 929 (Summer, 2022) Just north of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, locals from the town of Kensington watched their quaint community transform into the epicenter of the opioid crisis in less than forty years. Since 2007, more people report using the non-prescription opioid, heroin, each year in the United States--with an all-time high of 948,000 (reported) opioid users... 2022
Harvey Gee REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE WITH SHOTSPOTTER GUNSHOT DETECTION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNITY-BASED PLANS: WHAT WORKS? 100 Oregon Law Review 461 (2022) Urban violence is better understood as a grievous injury, a gushing wound that demands immediate attention in order to preserve life and limb. [T]he panoptic powers of modern surveillance . imperil our democracy in a way that we've never before seen . It is our responsibility to speak up for ourselves, our civil liberties, and the sort of world... 2022
Kele M. Stewart RE-ENVISIONING CHILD WELL-BEING: DISMANTLING THE INEQUITABLE INTERSECTIONS AMONG CHILD WELFARE, JUVENILE JUSTICE, AND EDUCATION 12 Columbia Journal of Race and Law 1 (June, 2022) I. Racialized Outcomes, Poverty and America's Hierarchy. 4 A. Racialized Youth Outcomes. 4 B. The Role of Poverty. 6 C. Hierarchies. 7 II. The Child Welfare, Education, and Juvenile Justice Systems. 8 A. The Family Regulation System. 9 B. The Juvenile Justice System. 14 C. The Education System. 16 III. The Compounding Effect of Interaction Between... 2022
Vanessa Zboreak REGULATORY REPARATIONS 14 Elon Law Review 215 (2022) I. Introduction. 215 II. Reparations frameworks. 219 A. Theories of Reparations Compensation. 219 B. Tort Theory & Limits of Reparations Litigation. 223 C. Reparations as Legislative Repair. 228 III. Regulatory Reparations Groundwork. 235 A. Reparative Regulatory Review. 236 B. Citizen Petitions for Reparations Review. 242 C. Complementarity with... 2022
Zamir Ben-Dan REIMAGINING JUSTICE: PEOPLE v. CHARLES AND THE MYTH OF JUSTICE WITHOUT POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY IN NEW YORK CITY 45 New York University Review of Law and Social Change 509 (2022) Police play an integral role in the criminal judicial system; they start the process through searches and seizures and are often involved in other parts of the process, including evidentiary hearings and trials. Thus, it is imperative that police officers do their jobs ethically and responsibly. This Article examines how police officers in New York... 2022
Brandon Hasbrouck REIMAGINING PUBLIC SAFETY 117 Northwestern University Law Review 685 Abstract--In the aftermath of George Floyd's murder, abolitionists were repeatedly asked to explain what they meant by abolish the police--the idea so seemingly foreign that its literal meaning evaded interviewers. The narrative rapidly turned to the abolitionists' secondary proposals, as interviewers quickly jettisoned the idea of literally... 2022
Aneri Shah REINVIGORATING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S ROLE IN CIVIL RIGHTS ENFORCEMENT UNDER 18 U.S.C. § 242: THE GEORGE FLOYD JUSTICE IN POLICING ACT'S NOT SO RECKLESS PROPOSAL 52 Seton Hall Law Review 1601 (2022) The deaths of George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and many others ignited intense protests throughout the country in 2020 and a fierce debate in Congress concerning police reform. The widespread protests following the death of George Floyd, in particular, catalyzed a new... 2022
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