Patricia L. Barsalou DEFINING THE LIMITS OF FEDERAL COURT JURISDICTION OVER STATES IN BANKRUPTCY COURT 28 Saint Mary's Law Journal 575 (1997) I. Introduction. 576 II. Historical Background: Sovereign vs. Eleventh Amendment Immunity. 578 A. Common-Law Sovereign Immunity. 579 B. Eleventh Amendment Immunity. 581 III. The Bankruptcy Code and Immunity. 590 IV. The Role of States and State Agencies in Bankruptcy Proceedings. 592 V. Seminole Tribe of Florida v. Florida. 599 VI. The Effect of... 1997
Ruth J. Brackney FEDERAL TAX IMPLICATIONS UNDER INTERNAL REVENUE CODE SECTION 104(a)(2) ON "AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE DAMAGES" AWARDED UNDER MISSOURI'S WRONGFUL DEATH STATUTE 65 UMKC Law Review 515 (Spring, 1997) Missouri's wrongful death statute provides for both compensatory damages and aggravating circumstance damages. Until recently, the law was unclear if aggravating circumstance damages were to be classified as compensatory or punitive damages for federal income tax purposes. However, in Bennett v. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp., the Missouri Supreme... 1997
Lawrence Zelenak FEMINISM AND "SAFE SUBJECTS LIKE THE TAX CODE" 6 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 323 (Spring 1997) At two points in Taxing Women, Edward McCaffery presents himself as a sort of feminist Byronic hero (if such a thing is possible), persevering against [o]pposition . . . from all quarters to expose the gender biases of tax. From the right, he is suspected of currying favor with the politically correct crowd. From the left, he is told he is... 1997
Nancy E. Shurtz GENDER EQUITY AND TAX POLICY: THE THEORY OF "TAXING MEN" 6 Southern California Review of Law and Women's Studies 485 (Spring 1997) Women are one-half the world's people; they do two-thirds of the world's work; they earn one-tenth of the world's income; they own one one-hundredth of the world's property. Women do not necessarily need more money. They do not necessarily need more education. What they need is a market more accepting of their choices, without their having to... 1997
Lori J. Curcio GIVE 'EM A BREAK: REASSESSING THE USE TAX ON INTERSTATE CARRIER PROPERTY 16 Virginia Tax Review 535 (Winter, 1997) I. Introduction 535 A. The Hypothetical Case 536 B. Note Synopsis 536 L1-3 II. Evolution of States' Ability to Tax Interstate Commerce 537 A. Pre-Complete Auto: A Matter of Semantics 537 B. Post-Complete Auto: A Four-Pronged Test 539 L1-3 III. Complete Auto Not Satisfied 540 A. Prongs One, Three, and Four 540 B. Prong Two, Fair Apportionment, Not... 1997
C.R. Bowles, Jr. , Nancy B. Rapoport HAS THE DIP'S ATTORNEY BECOME THE ULTIMATE CREDITORS' LAWYER IN BANKRUPTCY REORGANIZATION CASES? 5 American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review 47 (Spring, 1997) Once upon a time, a hard-working Debtor's lawyer dropped dead from a heart attack on the eighteenth green of his favorite golf course. When he regained his senses, he was sitting at a huge gold desk in a beautiful office. A white-winged being told him that he had died and that his services were needed in the afterlife. The lawyer, somewhat... 1997
Regina Austin NEST EGGS AND STORMY WEATHER: LAW, CULTURE, AND BLACK WOMEN'S LACK OF WEALTH 65 University of Cincinnati Law Review 767 (Spring 1997) Nest' egg', money saved and held in reserve for emergencies, retirement, etc. Wise men say Keep something til a rainy day. Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky, Stormy weather, since my man and I ain't together, keeps rainin' all the time. Nest eggs are supposed to provide protection against a rainy day, but suppose it rains all the time? I... 1997
Stacy Kleiner Humphries , Robert L. R. Munden PAINTING A SELF-PORTRAIT: A LOOK AT THE COMPOSITION AND STYLE OF THE BANKRUPTCY BENCH 14 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 73 (Fall, 1997) Facing languishing cases and ballooning caseloads, many of the nation's bankruptcy judges have found it necessary to take a more active role in case management in recent years. Active case management is not, however, uniformly endorsed by the bankruptcy bench. Ongoing debate within the bench questions whether case management falls within the proper... 1997
Dorothy A. Brown RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER ESSENTIALISM IN TAX LITERATURE: THE JOINT RETURN 54 Washington and Lee Law Review 1469 (Fall 1997) Table of Contents I. Introduction. 1471 II. The Literature's Focus on Married Women as Marginal Wage Earners. 1474 A. Introduction. 1474 B. Employment Experiences of Married Men and Women. 1474 C. The Federal Tax Laws Penalize Married Women Who Are Marginal Wage Earners. 1477 1. The Joint Return Penalizes Married Women in the Paid Labor Force. 1477... 1997
Brent B. Nicholson RECENT DEVELOPMENTS CONCERNING THE TAXATION OF DAMAGES UNDER SECTION 104(A)(2) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE 61 Albany Law Review 215 (1997) From its infancy, the Internal Revenue Code has contained an exclusion from taxable income for damages received on account of personal injuries. For decades, courts have worked at deciphering its meaning, dealing with issues such as what constitutes a personal injury, whether there should be a distinction between physical and non-physical personal... 1997
  RECENT TAX LITERATURE 86 Journal of Taxation 187 (March, 1997) by Graeme S. Cooper, pages 1-124, Akron Tax Journal, Volume 12, 1996. Examines the effect of the personal income tax on tax evasion by publicly held corporations. Concludes that the design of the interaction mechanisms between the corporate tax and personal income tax systems significantly influence the level of evasion that managers and... 1997
Dorothy A. Brown SPLIT PERSONALITIES: TAX LAW AND CRITICAL RACE THEORY 19 Western New England Law Review 89 (1997) The following is a mythical conversation: [Fourth White Colleague]: I don't think that there can be a black legal income tax law or a black economics separate from white economics. Should blacks have additional deductions to take account of racism? Or should there be a longer period for blacks to file their returns because many of their ancestors... 1997
Joseph F. Riga STATE IMMUNITY IN BANKRUPTCY AFTER SEMINOLE TRIBE v. FLORIDA 28 Seton Hall Law Review 29 (1997) I. Introduction. 30 II. A Brief History Of The Supreme Court's State Sovereign Immunity Jurisprudence. 31 A. Article III of the Constitution and Chisholm v. Georgia. 31 B. The Eleventh Amendment and Hans v. Louisiana. 34 C. Adjusting State Sovereign Immunity After Hans: Ex parte Young, Waiver, and Other Limitations. 37 1. The Young Doctrine. 37 2.... 1997
Michael J. Graetz , Michael M. O'Hear THE "ORIGINAL INTENT" OF U.S. INTERNATIONAL TAXATION 46 Duke Law Journal 1021 (March, 1997) C1-3Table of Contents Introduction. 1022 I. Who Was T.S. Adams, Anyway?. 1028 II. The Essential Dilemma of International Taxation. 1033 III. The Original Intent of U.S. Tax Law Governing International Transactions. 1041 A. The Revenue Act of 1918--Enacting the Foreign Tax Credit. 1043 B. The 1921 Act--Limiting the FTC and Enacting Specific Source... 1997
Laura Turner Beyer THE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT: A BOOST TO LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME COMMUNITIES, A SET-BACK FOR MINORITY-OWNED BANKS 1 North Carolina Banking Institute 387 (March, 1997) The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA or Act) requires all banks to meet the credit needs of the communities in which they are chartered. Under the CRA, big banks may no longer overlook low- and moderate-income communities; instead, they must increase their lending in underserved areas. Commentators suggest that the CRA poses significant problems for... 1997
Judge John H. Squires , Susan M. Pistorius THE EVOLUTION OF BANKRUPTCY LAW IN THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS 10 DePaul Business Law Journal 27 (Fall-Winter 1997) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 29 II. The Early Bankruptcy Acts. 30 A.Bankruptcy Act of 1800. 30 B.Bankruptcy Act of 1841. 31 C.Bankruptcy Act of 1867. 32 III. Bankruptcy Act of 1898. 34 A.Jurisdiction of Bankruptcy Courts.. 34 B.Preference Avoidance and Carson, Pirie, Scott v. Chicago Title & Trust Co. 36 C.Executory Contracts. 38... 1997
Larry E. Ribstein THE ILLOGIC AND LIMITS OF PARTNERS' LIABILITY IN BANKRUPTCY 32 Wake Forest Law Review 31 (SPRING 1997) The standard economic explanation for bankruptcy-a way to preserve asset values from dissipation through creditor grab races under state law-does not justify the substantial costs of federalizing partnership bankruptcy law because the partners' assets are available to pay claims against the firm. Accordingly, this article suggests limiting the... 1997
Amy C. Christian THE JOINT RETURN RATE STRUCTURE: IDENTIFYING AND ADDRESSING THE GENDERED NATURE OF THE TAX LAW 13 Journal of Law & Politics 241 (Spring 1997) [M]ale bias has paraded as neutrality[.] ... [W]omen's perspectives and experiences have [routinely, some would say systematically,] been left out of [statutory] development and [the] ... application [of the law]. ... We have a responsibility to inform ourselves ... about women's lives and needs, about ways in which women's perspectives have been... 1997
Sharon C. Nantell THE TAX PARADIGM OF CHILD CARE: SHIFTING ATTITUDES TOWARD A PRIVATE/PARENTAL/PUBLIC ALLIANCE 80 Marquette Law Review 879 (Summer 1997) I. Introduction. 883 II. Our Current Child Care System, or Lack Thereof. 888 A. The Demand: The Demographics of Child Care. 888 1. The Statistics. 888 2. Impact of the Recent Welfare Reform Legislation Upon the Demand for Child Care. 890 B. The Supply Side of the Equation: Who's Minding the Kids?. 894 1. Types of Child Care Provided. 897 2. Child... 1997
Victor E. Fleischer "IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK": CORPORATE RESEMBLANCE AND CHECK-THE-BOX ELECTIVE TAX CLASSIFICATION 96 Columbia Law Review 518 (March, 1996) In April 1995, the Treasury Department responded to President Clinton's vow to restore common sense to government regulations by issuing Notice 95 -14, better known as Check-the-Box. If implemented, Check-the-Box will reform the entity tax classification rules by allowing most unincorporated business organizations to elect either corporate or... 1996
R. Richard Banks "NONDISCRIMINATORY" PERPETUATION OF RACIAL SUBORDINATION 76 Boston University Law Review 669 (October, 1996) Colorblindness is currently the fundamental principle of equal protection jurisprudence as it pertains to race. As a constitutional principle, colorblindness mandates that the state not allocate burdens or benefits on the basis of race. I contend that both the legal and political arguments for a colorblind state turn in part on its perceived... 1996
David E. Runck AN ANALYSIS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BANKING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ACT AND THE PROBLEM OF "RATIONAL REDLINING" FACING LOW-INCOME COMMUNITIES 15 Annual Review of Banking Law 517 (1996) The practices of redlining and racial discrimination in the credit market present a difficult problem for America's low-income urban communities. Studies of bank lending patterns frequently demonstrate that the availability of mortgage, business and consumer loans is significantly lower within minority and low-income urban communities than it is... 1996
Craig E. Marcus BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT AND THE FAIR LENDING LAWS: DEVELOPING A MARKET-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR GENERATING LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME LENDING 96 Columbia Law Review 710 (April, 1996) Bank branches and offices are typically located in affluent neighborhoods, while the surrounding low- and moderate-income communities are systematically ignored. In addition, loan applications by applicants who reside within these poorer neighborhoods are rarely approved. This lending practice, known as redlining or community disinvestment,... 1996
Charles Russell ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY: UNDOING ENVIRONMENTAL WRONGS TO LOW INCOME AND MINORITY NEIGHBORHOODS 5-WTR Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 147 (Winter, 1996) Environmental justice is not just about facility siting. It also involves issues and concerns around pesticide exposure, lead poisoning, transboundary toxic waste dumping, shipping risky technologies abroad, unequal protection, differential exposures, and unequal enforcement of environmental, public health, civil rights, and housing laws. A new... 1996
Terence J. Centner , Warren Kriesel , Andrew G. Keeler ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND TOXIC RELEASES: ESTABLISHING EVIDENCE OF DISCRIMINATORY EFFECT BASED ON RACE AND NOT INCOME 3 Wisconsin Environmental Law Journal 119 (Summer, 1996) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 120 II. Environmental Inequities. 126 A. Disproportionate Exposure. 126 B. Discriminatory Siting. 128 III. Relief Through Institutional Responses. 130 A. Equal Protection Clause. 131 B. Title VI. 135 C. Title VI Regulations. 137 IV. Sufficiency of the Evidence. 140 A. Demographic Evidence. 141 B. Market... 1996
Peter D. Blumberg FROM "PUBLISH OR PERISH" TO "PROFIT OR PERISH": REVENUES FROM UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND THE S 501(C)(3) TAX EXEMPTION 145 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 89 (November, 1996) In the fall of 1965, the University of Florida football coach enlisted a professor to develop a high-energy drink to replace the nutrients his players were perspiring away on the humid practice field. The University now receives $4.5 million per year in royalty proceeds from the Quaker Oats Corporation as a result of this professor's invention:... 1996
Debra Cohen-Whelan FROM INJURY TO INCOME: THE TAXATION OF PUNITIVE DAMAGES "ON ACCOUNT OF" UNITED STATES v. SCHLEIER 71 Notre Dame Law Review 913 (1996) I. Introduction. 914 II. Purpose Versus Meaning. 917 III. The Legitimization of Section 104(a) (2): Income and Humanitarianism. 918 A. Income Theories. 919 1. Personal Injury Damages as a Return of Capital. 920 2. The in Lieu of What Test. 922 B. Humanitarianism. 923 1. The Plaintiff Has Suffered Enough. 923 2. Roemer v. Commissioner. 923 IV. The... 1996
Beverly Moran FROM URINAL TO MANICURE: CHALLENGES TO THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TAX AND GENDER 11 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 191 (Fall 1996) I wanted to start this essay by telling you the story of how I got invited to contribute to this enterprise. I was at an Association of American Law Schools' committee meeting when I got a sudden urge for a manicure. Moments later I was in a cab and then in a beauty parlor and then sitting next to one of the women who created this project. Of... 1996
John K. Londot HANDLING PRIORITY RULES CONFLICTS IN INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY: ASSESSING THE INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION'S CONCORDAT 13 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 163 (Winter 1996) In In re Hackett, the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York faced a problem often encountered in bankruptcy proceedings which span national borders: a creditor alleged that a foreign country's proceeding would unfairly lower the priority of his secured claim relative to other creditors, thereby lowering his eventual distribution.... 1996
Steven A. Bank ORIGINS OF A FLAT TAX 73 Denver University Law Review 329 (1996) The push toward radical reform of our federal system of graduated income tax rates hit the political scene like a sonic boom during 1995. No less than eight proposals were circulated or formally submitted by members of Congress, including plans by Senators Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) and Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), which were made the centerpieces of their... 1996
Carlos J. Cuevas PUBLIC VALUES AND THE BANKRUPTCY CODE 12 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 645 (1996) Since the enactment of the Bankruptcy Code, the Supreme Court has had numerous opportunities to interpret various Code provisions. The Court has neither espoused any particular bankruptcy theory, nor has it been pro debtor or pro creditor. Rather, the determinative issue in the Court's opinions has been the method of statutory interpretation... 1996
Robert H. Gleason REEVALUATING THE CALIFORNIA SALES TAX: EXEMPTIONS, EQUITY, EFFECTIVENESS, AND THE NEED FOR A BROADER BASE 33 San Diego Law Review 1681 (Fall 1996) C1-3Table of Contents I. Introduction. 1682 II. The Rise of California's Sales Tax. 1691 III. The Sales Tax System in California Today. 1699 A. Revenue, Rate, and Expenses. 1699 B. Rulemaking and Compliance. 1700 C. Exemptions and Exclusions. 1702 IV. An Analysis of the Current System Against Its Original Goals. 1708 A. Revenue Generation. 1708 B.... 1996
Leonard Bierman , Donald R. Fraser , Javier Gimeno , Lucio Fuentelsaz REGULATORY CHANGE AND THE AVAILABILITY OF BANKING FACILITIES IN LOW-INCOME AREAS: A TEXAS EMPIRICAL STUDY 49 SMU Law Review 1421 (July-August, 1996) Abstract: The issue of how financial institutions serve low-income communities has recently been at the center of public debate. Enforcement under the Community Reinvestment Act has been increased so as to better promote such service, and the Riegle-Neal Act permitting interstate branch banking was enacted only after the bill's proponents pledged... 1996
Beverly Horsburgh SCHRDEGREESODINGER'S CAT, EUGENICS, AND THE COMPULSORY STERILIZATION OF WELFARE MOTHERS: DECONSTRUCTING AN OLD/NEW RHETORIC AND CONSTRUCTING THE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHT TO NATALITY FOR LOW-INCOME WOMEN OF COLOR 17 Cardozo Law Review 531 (January, 1996) According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, objects in the microscopic universe exist in potentia. An observer compels an electron to become real and to be located in space by introducing an apparatus that detects its presence. The relationship between the microscopic world and the measuring device is measured, not the underlying... 1996
Calvin R. Massey TAKINGS AND PROGRESSIVE RATE TAXATION 20 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 85 (Fall, 1996) I. Epstein's Theory. 88 II. Constitutional Decisions on Progressive Taxation. 94 III. The Boundary Between Taxation and Taking. 102 IV. Current Regulatory Takings Doctrine and Progressive Taxation. 111 A. Permanent Dispossession. 112 B. No Economically Viable Use. 117 C. The Balancing Test. 120 V. State Constitutional Law. 123 VI. Conclusion. 124 1996
Lars G. Gustafsson THE DEFINITION OF "CHARITABLE" FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX PURPOSES: DEFROCKING THE OLD AND SUGGESTING SOME NEW FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS 33 Houston Law Review 587 (Fall 1996) I. Introduction. 589 II. A Comparison of the Purposes and Effects of Charitable Trust Law and Income Tax Exemption and Deductibility of Contributions. 593 A. Charitable Trust Law. 593 B. Tax Exemption. 595 III. The Evolution of the Definition of Charitable. 602 A. Charitable Trust Law in England. 603 1. Pre-Statute of Charitable Uses of 1601. 603... 1996
Beverly I. Moran , Daniel M. Schneider THE ELEPHANT AND THE FOUR BLIND MEN: THE BURGER COURT AND ITS FEDERAL TAX DECISIONS 39 Howard Law Journal 841 (Spring 1996) Four blind men went to see the elephant. The first felt the elephant's trunk and said: The elephant is a snake. The second felt the elephant's body and said: The elephant is a wall. The third felt the elephant's tail and said: The elephant is a rope. The fourth felt the elephant's leg and said: The elephant is a tree. I. Introduction. 845... 1996
By Katie Thein Kimlinger, Esq. , William P. Wassweiler, Esq. THE GOOD FAITH FABLE OF 11 U.S.C. S 707(A): HOW BANKRUPTCY COURTS HAVE INVENTED A GOOD FAITH FILING REQUIREMENT FOR CHAPTER 7 DEBTORS 13 Bankruptcy Developments Journal 61 (Winter 1996) While the Bankruptcy Code explicitly imposes a good faith requirement in the proposal of chapter 11, 12 and 13 plans, no such mandate is specified under chapter 7. Nevertheless, when courts encounter chapter 7 debtors who refuse to alter their lifestyles in order to pay their creditors, or who are perceived as having cruel and selfish motives for... 1996
Richard M. Cieri , Jeffrey B. Ellman UNDERSTANDING RECLAMATION CLAIMS IN BANKRUPTCY: HIDDEN COMPLEXITY IN A SIMPLE STATUTE 5 Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice 531 (September/October, 1996) When a debtor files a petition for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, 11 USC §§ 101-1330 (the Bankruptcy Code), it can expect to receive from certain of its vendors demands to reclaim goods shipped to the debtor in the days and weeks leading up to its bankruptcy filing. Although reclamation demands are made in almost every caseoften involving... 1996
Erika L. Orr USE TAX COLLECTION: JURISDICTION OVER OUT-OF-STATE RETAILERS PURSUANT TO THE USE TAX ACT 84 Illinois Bar Journal 534 (October, 1996) If an out-of-state furniture retailer has a sufficient nexus or connection with Illinois, that retailer is required to collect the Illinois use tax on items purchased and delivered from the store pursuant to the Use Tax Act. Brown's Furniture, Inc v Wagner, 171 Ill 2d 410, 665 NE2d 795 (1996). In Brown's Furniture, Inc. v Wagner, the Illinois... 1996
Ronald J. Mann BANKRUPTCY AND THE ENTITLEMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT: WHOSE MONEY IS IT ANYWAY? 70 New York University Law Review 993 (November, 1995) A debate between two groups of scholars has dominated bankruptcy scholarship for the past decade. The first group, often referred to as the creditors' bargain theorists, argues that creditors' agreements with debtors create entitlements to payment; the proper role of the bankruptcy system, therefore, should be to benefit creditors by enforcing... 1995
Christopher W. Frost BANKRUPTCY REDISTRIBUTIVE POLICIES AND THE LIMITS OF THE JUDICIAL PROCESS 74 North Carolina Law Review 75 (11/1/1995) Business failure negatively affects a broad range of interests, yet the bankruptcy process directly protects only a small segment of interest-holders: the creditors. Some commentators argue for expansion of that protection to encompass redistributive norms and provide for the interests of non-investors in the failed business. The Bankruptcy Reform... 1995
Scott Everett DEBTORS' DELIGHT? BANKRUPTCY REFORM ACT OF 1994: HOW REVISIONS TO 11 U.S.C. § 522(F) AFFECT DEBTORS' ABILITY TO AVOID LIENS WHICH IMPAIR TEXAS PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS 26 Texas Tech Law Review 1331 (1995) The balance of power between Texas debtors with liens encumbering their exempt personal property and creditors secured thereby shifted decidedly in 1991 in favor of debtors. The Texas Legislature amended Chapter 42 of the Texas Property Code, doubling the dollar amount of personal property available for exemption to $60,000 for a family ($30,000... 1995
F. Philip Manns, Jr. DOWN AND OUT: RIFED EMPLOYEES, TAXES, AND EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION CLAIMS AFTER BURKE AND SCHLEIER 44 University of Kansas Law Review 103 (November, 1995) The downsizing of corporate America continues apace. In 1993 and 1994, employers fired over one million workers. Nearly all fired employees are paid a termination package consisting of cash, outplacement service, short-term continuation of employer-provided health insurance, or a combination of the three. For that consideration, employees quit... 1995
Peter A. Talieri EVIDENCE 29 Suffolk University Law Review 357 (Spring 1995) Federal and Massachusetts state courts have historically admitted novel scientific evidence so long as the relevant scientific community has generally accepted the technique in issue. Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States replaced the general acceptance test with the relevancy and reliability requirement inherent in Rule 702 of the... 1995
Nina J. Crimm EVOLUTIONARY FORCES: CHANGES IN FOR-PROFIT AND NOT-FOR-PROFIT HEALTH CARE DELIVERY STRUCTURES; A REGENERATION OF TAX EXEMPTION STANDARDS 37 Boston College Law Review 1 (December, 1995) Introduction. 3 I. Background. 6 II. Historical Roots of Health Care Organizations. 9 A. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 9 B. The Twentieth Century. 11 1. Freestanding Hospitals. 11 2. Medicaid/Medicare and Private Insurer Reimbursement Systems. 16 3. Managed Health Care and Cost Containment. 22 4. Summary. 27 III. Historical Roots of Tax... 1995
Valerie J. Phillips HAVE LOW INCOME, MINORITIES BEEN LEFT OUT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP? 38-OCT Advocate 16 (October, 1995) For decades, people of color and low-income communities have become increasingly aware that they bear a disproportionate share of the burden of this nation's environmental hazards. In 1982, their growing outrage came to a head when the State of North Carolina decided to build a toxic waste landfill in Warren County for PCB-contaminated soil taken... 1995
Nicole Marie Mosesian HOW TO AVOID UNFAVORABLE TAX CONSEQUENCES FOR YOUR PERSONAL INJURY CLIENT'S SETTLEMENT OR JUDGMENT 30 Gonzaga Law Review 343 (1994-1995) I. Introduction . 343 II. The Problem . 345 III. The History of I.R.C. s 104 . 345 A. Physical v. Nonphysical Injury . 346 B. Compensatory v. Punitive Damages . 348 C. Personal v. Professional Reputation . 349 IV. Allocation of Compensatory Damages to Personal Injury . 351 A. The Character of the Claim . 351 1. Bent and Metzger: Payor's Intent and... 1995
Amy L. Woodhall INTEGRATED DELIVERY SYSTEMS: REFORMING THE CONFLICTS AMONG FEDERAL REFERRAL, TAX EXEMPTION, AND ANTITRUST LAWS 5 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 181 (WINTER 1995) I. Background. 183 II. Federal Restrictions on the Transition toward Integration. 187 A.Anti-kickback and Self-referral Laws. 188 B.Federal Tax Exemption. 196 C.Federal Antitrust Law. 205 III. Inconsistencies in Application. 212 A.Hospitals and Physicians. 213 1.Referrals. 213 2.Tax Exemption. 213 3.Antitrust. 214 B.Health Plans. 215 1.Referrals.... 1995
Raul Barrios PERU OVERHAULS TAX SYSTEM TO INCLUDE INCOME, CONSUMPTION, AND VALUE-ADDED TAXES 6 Journal of International Taxation 204 (May, 1995) Under Peru's income tax law, special presumptions for income tax on non-domiciled persons establish a percentage of gross income that is taxable. The Peruvian tax system was totally restructured on December 31, 1993, by Legislative Decree 771, which took effect in 1994. Taxes in Peru are paid to the central and local governments, and contributions... 1995
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